Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 634 Willingness and Trust

"When did Meng Tejiao come in?"

"In the second half of last year, a Xiangxiu man opened a store at the Friendship Store, and one piece sold for a thousand and a few hundred. I bought one, and I would change it when I went to see customers."

"Oh." Nan Yi thoughtfully put down the T-shirt in his hand, "Has anyone recognized this brand?"

A businessman needs to rely on clothes to support the scene. Of course, he has to wear a brand that most people know is expensive. Wearing a top-level custom-made piece, even if it is a few million pieces, is still useful.

Others can't understand, isn't it winking at the blind?

If you don’t have money, you can buy Mercedes-Benz and BMW in installments. If you have money, you can go to Rolls-Royce. If you drive an F1 car, is there still a sign on the front cover of the car that reads——The research and development cost of this car was 16 million US dollars?

"Many people who do business here in Yangcheng recognize it," Lin Guangwei said.

Nanyi grabbed the T-shirt just now and shook it, and said, "Then buy one. The genuine product is made of polyester, which has poor air permeability. This one is mixed with cotton, so it is more comfortable to wear."

Lin Guangwei stepped forward to touch the clothes, "The fabric is not good, it really feels like real silk, crisp and drapable, this one is loose and loose, and people will laugh at it when it is worn out."

"Fuck, you know such a professional vocabulary as drape, have you changed to weaving?" Nanyi laughed.

"Pujie, let you laugh at me."

Lin Guangwei stepped on Nan Yibai's bright white sneakers, leaving a crooked footprint in an instant.

Nan Yi looked down at the unsightly footprints, and said without hesitation, "Apologize, half a bar of soap, a ton of water, a piece of white sneaker powder, and a pack of toilet paper."

"Are you Nan Wencai or Nan Paipi, half a bar of soap is needed to wash a pair of sneakers?"

"Nonsense, the last time I washed my shoes was Phoenix soap, do you understand the famous brand?" Nan Yi lifted his foot and patted the floating dust on the upper of the shoe with his hand, so that the shoe prints lightened a little.

"Come on, the famous brand is the famous brand. Go to the front and have a look. I'll buy a new pair and return it to you."

"Stop talking, I introduced a country bumpkin to your metropolis, and I have to go to your big night market. A piece of clothing you introduced cost me a month's salary. As expected of a metropolis, you are rich. Yes, you certainly don't have poor peasants here, only big capitalists."

"There's a latrine in front, I'll take you there first to clean it?"

"Southern barbarians."




Nan Yi and the two exchanged a few words, and they returned to normal in a blink of an eye.

Walking along the stalls, Nanyi became the most hated person among the stall owners, only asking the price but not buying.

After visiting the night market, Lin Guangwei took Nanyi to a "very interesting" place.

After going there, Nanyi knew that he had been fooled. What a fun place, it was just a music teahouse, but this music teahouse had the title of "No. 1" on its head.

In 1980, many foreign businessmen who came to participate in the Canton Fair complained that there was no place to play in Yangcheng at night, so they could only sit in a daze in the hotel. So in 1981, in order to serve foreign businessmen well, after investigation and trade-offs, Dongfang Hotel opened the first domestic hotel. Home music cafe, playing some English country songs, cover Hong Kong and Taiwan pop music.

At the beginning, foreign businessmen were only allowed to enter through foreign exchange certificates, and even compatriots from Taiwan and Austria refused to enter. If you want to go in, you can buy a ticket, 7 yuan for a foreign exchange certificate, and you have to show your passport to buy it.

Because the music cafe was born on the basis of the Canton Fair, it opens at the same time as the Canton Fair, twice a year in spring and autumn, once a month, where people drink tea and drinks, knead melon seeds, and quietly listen to the singing of singers on the stage .

As soon as this novel and fashionable music teahouse appeared, it attracted the curiosity of countless people, and the whole city of Yangzhou was shocked by it. In order to experience a music teahouse similar to the current Qing Bar, many people asked for connections and looked for ways to set up one. Tickets.

Of course, this happened in 1981. By 1982, there were several music teahouses in Yangcheng. Dongfang Hotel was no longer so attractive. By 1985, there were already dozens of music teahouses in Yangcheng.

"Do you believe that I killed you? There have been music cafes in the north for more than two years, and there are nightclubs in Shenzeng. Why don't you take me to see this strange thing?"

Listening to the singer on stage singing "Story of a Small Town" with arrogance, Nan Yi wished he could strangle Lin Guangwei to death.

Lin Guangwei said nonchalantly: "What's the hurry, my wife will be on stage soon, I just want to bring you over today to have a look."

"Serious horse?" Nan Yi asked in surprise.

"I'll talk about whether it's serious or not, anyway, it's my wife now."

"what is it call?"

"Qui Li."

Upon hearing the name, Nan Yi frowned and said, "Do you have an enmity with the Ou family?"

"Come on, I know what you're worried about. It doesn't matter if I'm looking for Ou Li or Ou Jing. Ou Li is from Bagui, but it just happens to have the same surname as Ou Jing." Lin Guangwei explained.

It was hard for Nanyi to believe Lin Guangwei's explanation, but he didn't bother with it.

"You came here to see your horse, what did you drag me here for? If you want to meet people, there will be opportunities in the future. Why do you have to come here and delay their work?"

"Boss, it must be a good thing to call you here." Lin Guangwei leaned closer to Nanyi, "Qu Li also has a fellow villager named Wei Shan. There is a saying in vernacular called Jing, do you know?"

"You can exaggerate a little more, return the mirror, why don't you say that she looks like Chang'e?" Nan Yi said disdainfully.

"I'm not talking big, she's really pretty."

"Come on, since this Wei Shan is so pretty, why did you choose Ou Li?"

"It's because you're so pretty, I know I can't handle it, I don't dare to move my mind, you are different..."

Nan Yi said playfully: "Do you think Liu Zhen is easy to talk to, or do you think she can't deal with you? If she hates you, you won't be able to get a loan in the future."

"Miscalculation, I forgot this. Come on, pretend I didn't say it." Lin Guangwei waved his hand and said.

Nan Yi took a sip from his teacup, then turned to look at the stage.

On the stage, the valiant one just sang the last line, turned around and walked off the stage. Before she stepped off the stage, another white figure had already crossed her body.

"This is Wei Shan." Lin Guangwei's voice sounded.

Hearing the sound, Nan Yi stared intently at the white shadow, stayed on Wei Shan's face and stroked it for a while. She looked pretty good, with a pretty face and a good figure, and her height was not bad. She looked 174 cm tall in high heels, but Nan Yi Yi felt that this Wei Shan was impatient, one eye was stunning, two eyes were vulgar, and the third eye was boring.

After looking at it five, six, seven, eight times, Nan Yi didn't look back until he was very tired.

As Nan Yi looked away, the band on the stage played a familiar accompaniment. At first, Nan Yi couldn't tell which song it was, but when Wei Shan opened his mouth, he knew it was Don Williams's "To Be Your Man".

Wei Shan's singing voice is the same as her appearance, for Nanyi, they are too boring, with more skills and less emotion.

"Wei Shan is very popular here. The table on the right in front is Cantonese [provincial and Hong Kong flag soldiers]. They are all here to support Wei Shan."

"I said Guangwei, how much do you want me to die? The rich, the powerful, the provincial and Hong Kong flag soldiers are all gathered together, and you still want me to pick her up?"

"Can't you handle it?"

"So what? Don't say I don't like this Wei Shan, even if I like it a little bit, what woman deserves to be offended by me all over?"

"What if Liu Zhen is replaced?"

"For your fart..."

Before Nanyi finished speaking, at the three tables introduced by Lin Guangwei just now, the provincial and Hong Kong flag soldiers had already stood up and approached the table who didn’t know whether it was power or money. One of the provincial and Hong Kong flag soldiers was still holding a Coke bottle in his hand , When he got close to a person, he raised the bottle and threw it on the head.

"Pujie, Nanyi, we should dodge. The boy who was smashed belongs to the joint defense team." Lin Guangwei stood up in a panic and said: "When the reinforcements arrive in a while, we will also be unlucky."

"Oh, let's go."

Nanyi and Lin Guangwei left Dongfang Hotel and went to the Pearl River for supper.

Stir-fry stone snails, order two bottles of beer, and set up a charcoal fire side stove, blowing the soft river breeze, very comfortable.

"I know the defense boy who was beaten up just now. He's from the industrial area of ​​my factory. It's not a good way. He often comes to the factory to cheat." Lin Guangwei took a sip of his wine, paused, and continued: "This It’s nothing, it’s just that these bad guys don’t do anything at all, things in the factory are often lost, and they can’t catch a few thieves.”

"Is it from the nearby village?"


"Be patient if you don't have much money. This is how running a business is. The King of Hades has to be respected, and the little devil has to be coaxed. The country is still good, but you will encounter even more difficult things when you go outside." Nan Yi raised his glass and said: "No Talk about worrying things, drink, finish drinking early and go back to rest early."

"Drink wins."

Lin Guangwei's bitterness, Nanyi made him hold back, this bitterness is not meaningful, and it will be taboo to talk too much.

After drinking a few bottles of wine, Lin Guangwei, who was not drunk and everyone was drunk, was sent back, and Nanyi went to Feiyu overnight.

Stayed at the Panyu Hotel for one night, and the next day, Nanyi went to Yifa Street.

With Chen Guowen, who is in charge of the Yifa Street Wholesale Market in Nanchen Village, following him, Nanyi's investigation of the wholesale prices of best-selling clothing went very smoothly, and a statistical report was produced within half a day.

Then, Nanyi performed three backflips and boarded a plane to Beijing at Kai Tak Airport.

In the rest of August, Nan Yi spent three days with Fang Mengyin back to Wugou Village, and the rest of the time, Nan Yi spent working in Yaqing Company.

On September 2nd, Asia Mall and Qinghe International delivered the goods. There was no time to stop and rest. All the employees of the company mobilized to clean up the Asia Mall inside and out. Then, the restaurants and merchants entered the market, and the goods entered the market. display.

"Fall, fall, fall, fall backward... stop, turn right, go in, go in, stop, fall, fall, fall..."

On the first floor of the Asia Mall, the staff is instructing the driver to park a Cherokee produced by the Beijing Jeep Motor Company at its proper display stand.

I saw a Yangcheng Peugeot 505SW8 parked next to Cherokee's booth.

In March of this year, Yangcheng Peugeot was just established, and the first batch of cars had not yet officially rolled off the assembly line. The car parked here was specially produced by Yangcheng Peugeot and displayed here.

The two booths next door to Yangcheng Peugeot display Tianlong Daifa and Changhe vans respectively.

According to Nanyi's original idea, there should be six exhibition booths, and the other two display the 200 and 230E models of the Mercedes-Benz W123 series.

However, Nanyi’s contact with FAW, which assembled the “domestic” Mercedes-Benz, was not smooth, and the other party’s response was not enthusiastic. Later, he turned a corner to inquire, and neither FAW nor Messerus remained silent about the fact of the cooperation between the two parties. unwilling to mention.

Nanyi has no time to delve into it, and there is no need to delve into it. As long as there are car display booths, four or six, it will not have a big impact on the Asia Mall.

Holding a walkie-talkie in his hand, Nanyi took Yang Kaiyan around in the Asia Mall, and when he saw any problems, he called someone to deal with them.

"At the elevator entrance on the second floor, the trash can is crooked, hurry up and deal with it, it's over."

Nanyi put down the walkie-talkie, turned to Yang Kaiyan and said, "At least one fire drill should be conducted every quarter. The security department must check the fire-fighting facilities every day. The elevator should be maintained regularly, and the strength of the load-bearing columns should be checked regularly. Need to pay attention to children falling..."

Balabala, there are no details, Nanyi explained to Yang Kaiyan all the precautions he could think of.

"Food products must be checked every day. There must be no expired and deteriorated products in Asia. Once expired, they must be destroyed centrally. Discount sales are not allowed. They are not allowed to be distributed to employees as benefits, and they are not allowed to be given to others for free. Welfare and kindness are not allowed. It should be distributed and promoted here. If anyone has a problem, it will be endless trouble.

Raw materials and the back kitchen of the restaurant need to be inspected irregularly. Once there is a problem with a yellow card warning, twice a direct red card tells them to leave; the staff of the restaurant must undergo a physical examination every quarter. Check once a month.

Regardless of whether it is our self-operated restaurant or the restaurant introduced by investment, the same standards must be implemented. Whoever is unwilling to accept the rules we have formulated can go directly. "


"Requirements for employees, first, the internal three are not allowed, not allowed to work overtime without permission, not to change shifts without permission, and not to substitute shifts without permission, whether it is overtime, shifts, or substitute shifts, it must be arranged by the direct leadership;

2. Do not talk about customers behind their backs, quarrel with customers, push and fight with customers, and do not have improper transactions with customers;

Customers are God. For shopping guides, tellers, cashiers, and billing clerks, customers are always right. All they need to do is to keep smiling at customers. Naturally, other departments will investigate if customers are wrong;


"The business hours of Asia Mall are from 9 am to 9 pm, and the working hours of the front-line workers are from 8:30 am to 9:30 pm, 13 hours a day, three shifts, one day off and two days off, regardless of the size of the month, fixed every month 30 days, 130 hours of normal working hours per month, no more than 30 hours of overtime work per month, overtime wages are three times the normal wages, regardless of holidays;

Inform each employee that the matter of overtime wages is not allowed to be disclosed to the outside world, and that they can secretly enjoy themselves when they get benefits, and don't go out to show off and be hated by others; if the external pressure is too great, the benefits are forced to be cancelled, and let them cry on their own.

There must be a high-level executive on duty here every day. During the duty period, they are not allowed to leave the post without reason. Once there is a situation where they cannot find anyone, the half-year bonus will be deducted once, the two-year bonus will be deducted twice, and get out three times.


From eight o'clock in the morning, Nanyi's mouth never stopped, and Yang Kaiyan's hands never stopped, one said and the other remembered.

When it was lunch time, Nanyi had already explained everything that should be explained about the internal work arrangements.

"Congratulations, from today onwards, you are the general manager of Yaqing Company." Nan Yi stretched out his hand and shook hands with Yang Kaiyan, "The new one is for the old one. You left Yaqing Company completely after the mall opened, and you can give orders to Mr. Yang if you need anything after that.”

After Nanyi finished speaking, he handed over the walkie-talkie to Yang Kaiyan.

"Mr. Nan, can you keep Leng Yan?"

"No, she was originally called by me to help out temporarily, and there are more important things waiting for her. Except for Shen Zhehua, all my people have to leave, and they will cooperate with you to arrange the rhythm of your own people. If you install one, I will call it away. one."

"What about Ma Jiayan?" Yang Kaiyan said.

"She is not yet my person. I plan to keep her in Yaqing to practice, so I have to trouble you to take care of her."

"Definitely." Yang Kaiyan said seriously.

Nan Yi turned around and looked at everything around him, feeling infinitely moved.

Yaqing Company was created by him from scratch, and it is the industry with the highest participation in him. Now that he is about to leave, he is really at a loss.

"Mr. Yang, I have entrusted you with my development plan and development ideas for Yaqing. If you think it is suitable, you can inherit it. If you think it is not suitable, you can follow your own. As long as Yaqing can develop healthily, I don't care about it. Have you left your mark on me?"

"Mr. Nan, I will inherit everything you left behind. I don't have the confidence that another set can be better than what you have made." A person of the same age is better than me, but now it seems that there is a big gap between me and you."

"Hehe, don't underestimate yourself. I said it earlier, you just lack integration, closeness, understanding, tolerance, and seeking common ground while reserving differences. Now you have improved a lot, keep going."

Nan Yi stretched his waist and did a few chest expansion exercises.

"Tomorrow, I will take you to meet those small shareholders and introduce you to them. These people must be well maintained. Whether Yaqing can develop steadily or not, they play a decisive role."

"I understand." Yang Kaiyan nodded.

Yang Kaiyan is very grateful to Nanyi. If it were her own, she would not be able to hand over the solid foundation she had laid down so hard to others, and let others pick the fruits of victory she planted.

At this time, Yang Kaiyan spontaneously had a feeling of dying for a confidant, and in her mind, this might be Nanyi's personality charm - willingness and trust!

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