At the end of October, Nanyi received another telegram, this time with more words.

"Zhen Zhizhi, extremely. Excellent, Zheng! Sun, Shun!"

Translated into easy-to-understand meaning:

Liu Zhen has already taken an IQ test, and the result is very satisfactory. Her IQ is very high; she studied very hard in Yiguo, and her grades are also very good; her thinking has not changed, she is still the same as before.

Everything went well with Nan Ruofing's training, without any accidents.

After reading the telegram, Nanyi felt a little bit of joy in his heart, and then took out the letter paper and hero pen and started writing the letter.

My sister:

You have been abroad for more than a year, knowing that you are busy with your studies, I didn't write too many letters to bother you.

Hearing that everything is going well with you, my brother is very happy.

However, the national treasury is not rich, and I will spare no effort to send you to study abroad. I hope that the talented students will return after their studies and serve the motherland.

That is to say, the corruption of the Qing Dynasty is like hell, but young children also come back after learning. You should follow the example of your ancestors.

Although I haven't seen the extravagance of the US emperor, I have heard of it, so I hope you won't miss it.


Looking forward to returning!

Brother Nan Yi, wrote in the afternoon of November 2, 1979.

Fold the letter paper, stuff it into the envelope, and seal the seal well, so you don’t need to post stamps, just take it to the post office for stamping.

Otherwise, the postage for an international letter ranges from 60 cents to more than 1 yuan, and the stamp of 8 cents a piece has to fill the envelope.

As soon as he stuffed the letter into his inner pocket, Nan Yi was patted on the shoulder.

"What are you doing, Nanyi?"

"I am thinking of the high-flying Nanyan, Comrade Xu Qian, thank you, thank you for coming back to build the motherland, I represent... Forget it, I can only represent myself, I salute you, and pay tribute to thousands of returnees. Salute to overseas Chinese."

"Okay, Nan Yi, I have watched "Overseas Children" by myself secretly, is it good?"

"I haven't seen it, but I just heard these few words from others. I knew this movie was a tribute to people like you, tsk tsk, it's amazing, you were all sung in the movie. Sigh, I don't know when There are movies that sing the praises of us mud legs."

"Stop being a good boy. There are still few movies praising farmers." Xu Qian glanced at Nanyi and said, "The movie theater is playing "Look at This Family", when will you invite me to watch it?"

"Comrade, you are young, and it is a good time to do revolutionary work. Your bourgeois corrupt ideas are unacceptable. You must be vigilant and don't make revisionist mistakes."

"You just say whether to go or not, and don't give me an outline."

"Hahaha." Nan Yi laughed loudly and said, "I can invite you, but you have to invite me to dinner."

"Okay, what do you want to eat?"

"Quanjude, a roast duck starts at 8 yuan, and I have been reluctant to eat it. How about it, take me to see it."

"Nanyi, you are so kind, you invited me to be fried noodles, and it's my turn to be the expensive roast duck?" Xu Qian said with a smile.

"Forget it, I won't tease you, Quanjude is expensive, let's go to Bianyifang, the taste is similar, and the price is much cheaper."

"Hmph, it's all roast duck, how cheap can it be?"

Hmph, hmph, Xu Qian is still grand, Nan Yi took Xu Qian to the Capital Cinema to watch a half-price "Look at This Family", and she immediately took Nan Yi to Quanjude.

In Nanyi, I asked the waiter if I could get a half-price with my student ID, and after getting people’s eyes, Xu Qian aggressively ordered a large table, such as roast duck, mushu meat, soft fried prawns, mushroom slices, three cents a tael The rice came six taels.

For one table, one young worker works for nothing for a month.

"The wine and meat of the rich family stinks, and the road is frozen to death. Miss Xu, I will be very disturbed after this meal."

"What do you want?"

"Allow me to pack two roast ducks and take them home to calm my shock."

"Hey, you really know how to climb up the pole." Xu Qian complained a bit, and then said: "Have you read "Caravan"?"

"No, have you read it?"

Nanyi turned around in his mind, and then asked a question.

The reason why he had to think about it was because the content of the film "Caravan" was very simple. The core was that a rich girl should not marry a well-matched rich man, but fall in love with a poor boy instead.

It is about a rich girl and a poor boy, a very cliche love story.

Nanyi was worried that Xu Qian meant something!

"Look, it's very exciting, and you should watch it some other day." Xu Qian stared at Nan Yi's face with burning eyes, and there was a hint of ambiguity in her tone of voice.

In this situation, if it is an Indian movie, it should be a dancing scene at this time. After the dancing is over, the plot will take a qualitative leap, and the hero and heroine should also meet each other.

"Oh, let's talk."

Nanyi's response made Xu Qian a little disappointed, but she didn't know what she was disappointed about.

Maybe it's because of Nan Yi's indifferent attitude.

It is impossible for a meal to completely change the relationship between a man and a woman. Afterwards, Nan Yi and Xu Qian continued to maintain a pure ambiguity.

Nanyi's mind has been thinking about his layout. It is not difficult for Far East Trading to develop its business.

The country is worrying about foreign exchange, and companies that can bring foreign exchange will definitely be popular. Not to mention fiddling with handicrafts, the antiques in the state-owned cultural relics stores are open for sale.

"What do you work for?"

"I use US dollars to buy antiques and work."

"Ah, sir, please come inside."

Although this dialogue is a bit playful, it can be regarded as a very intuitive explanation of the current domestic desire for foreign exchange.

Let's put it this way, at this time, some small places are trying to figure out who has overseas ties. If your family has overseas ties, someone will come to your door to condolences, persuade you in a friendly voice, and ask overseas relatives to send you money.

Don't worry, money, no one is greedy for you.

It's just that what you get in your hands will definitely not be foreign exchange.

Also for the purpose of earning foreign exchange, many products will be sold abroad at a loss. The loss is RMB and the gain is foreign exchange.

No way, it is too short of foreign exchange.

In order to speed up the pace of reform, many factories have to improve their production techniques and introduce more advanced equipment, all of which require foreign exchange.

For Panasonic, it is not very difficult to obtain the agency right, but it is very difficult to obtain the import approval.

Even if the Huo family built a hotel in Yangcheng, if they wanted to import anything, they had to go to a dozen departments to get a bunch of red stamps.

If it wasn't for being ruthless, the opening date would be set directly, and the invitations would be sent out to the Aotai people first, and some of the procedures would be missed.

Nanyi wants to import color TVs, so let's stop. Even if you don't need foreign exchange, you can't pay in RMB.


Nanyi will definitely not do it, although it will make a mistake of billions.

But this kind of hot money, let alone 100 million, even if it is 10 billion, should be missed, or must be resolutely missed.

In mid-November, a Hong Kong counselor came to Beijing to find Nanyi.

They met in Fang Mengyin's courtyard.

"Ms. Fang, hello, welcome to invest in the Mainland. I welcome you on behalf of myself."

"I entrusted the courtyard to you, have you never been here?"

"How is it possible, I come here often."

"Nonsense, why are the chicken feet on the tree still there, and you didn't take them off?"

"My grandma, jujubes are not tasty, and no one will buy them if they are sold, so I am too lazy to pick them."

"Chicken feet."

"Okay, chicken feet are chicken feet, you can call them whatever you like."

"Chicken's feet is a good thing. It is diuretic and can cure alcohol poisoning. It is also very effective in hangover." Fang Mengyin looked up at the crown of chicken's feet, full of nostalgia.

This tree was planted by herself when she was a child, and it can be regarded as a memory of her childhood.

After a long time, she asked Nanyi, "Cai TV, what are you going to do?"

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