Xiaohua found a place to call, and Nanyi called Luo Qianqian.

"Captain Luo, what are you doing?"

Luo Qianqian: "It's you, what else can you do, investigate the case."

"Oh, thank you for your hard work. When you are free, come out and get together."


There was a brief silence on Luo Qianqian's side.

"I have time for dinner the day after tomorrow."

"I can't do it the day after tomorrow, change another day."

"Then at noon on the 19th."

"Okay, that's it."

When Nanyi was on the phone, three people were meeting in a park called Longyuan in the northeastern border city of Huichun.

"Su Ceke, Shennong Nanliang Group, Kang Xiuming."

"Scarlett Food Group R Team, Pavlyuchenko."

"Bad people group toward the special team, Park Jung-hwan."




With the shouts of comrades, three fiery right hands held together.

"Comrade, where are you two going?" Kang Xiuming asked.



"I'm luckier than you guys. My destination has already arrived. Brother Park, the place you're going to is the most dangerous. Please take care and have a good journey."

"Yes, Davasili, next time we meet, I'll treat you to the best vodka."

Nan's Vault No. 109, Mecap Island.

Scarlett and Liang Huiwen looked at each other, and Scarlett shouted the countdown, "Three, Two, One, Now!"

As Scarlett's voice fell, the two twisted the keys in their hands at the same time.

As the key was turned, the door of the vault was energized. It stabbed a few times, and then clicked again.

"Open the door."

With a wave of Johnny's hand, several Peace Dove team members stepped forward and pushed the door open.

As soon as the door was pushed open, Liang Huiwen took Scarlett into the vault, "Ma'am, there are a total of 520 tons of gold here. In Chinese, 520 means 'I Love You'. Nan Sheng asked me to tell you, these The gold was deposited on May 20, 1982, and it wasn't."

"Ha, what a crappy way to be courteous." Scarlett said with a chuckle, "Liang, you sold Adam just like that?"

"No, Nan Sheng told me that Madam won't accept such a thing." Liang Huiwen said.

"Assuming he is wise, here is all the gold of the Intelligence Policy Committee?"

"Madam, I don't know. Nansheng told me about the existence of this batch of gold a month ago." Liang Huiwen handed a folder to Scarlett, "Madam, please sign the document after counting."

"Hmm." Scarlett nodded and said, "Liang, why is the bank called Vasily Bank?"

"Nansheng means Caucasus Bank."

"No, I think Vasily is better, yes, it's called Vasily Bank."

"Since Madam thinks the name Vasily is good, then use this. I believe Nan Sheng will agree."

"Aha, Adam doesn't even know how to take names."

Nan Yi pressed the pager, looked at the calling number, picked up the phone and called.


"Leave it at home. This is the public phone at the entrance of the alley. I forgot to pay the phone bill for my home phone."

"Got it, wait."

After hanging up the phone and posting the account, Nanyi went to Man San'er's house.

When he arrived at Men San'er's house, Nan Yi only saw Men San'er leaning against the wall with his back against the wall, his buttocks stuck to the low bench, without his little Japanese lover beside him.

"Where's your candied fruit?"

"Tired, give her freedom and let her fly." Men San'er said lazily.

"You're awesome." Nan Yi gave a thumbs up, took a bench and sat next to Men San'er, "I still have a round tonight, let's talk about business first, and talk about nonsense another day."

"Success, you say."

"In 1985, the Klimtham Palace issued a ban on alcohol. As soon as the anti-alcohol movement started, the white sugar on the market began to disappear, and the white sugar was hidden by people who had the means.

First white sugar, then hard candy, and then as long as it is sugar, do you know why the Soviet revisionists snatch sugar? "

"It's not easy, let's brew wine secretly at home." Men San'er said casually.

"Yes, for wine making, Suxiu is short of sugar, and even less of wine. But it's too late to start these two businesses, and the prohibition on alcohol has already shown signs of loosening."

Scarlett Food Group has already done the white sugar business, and the international bulk trade channel has entered, and the profit is not too high.

Nanchen Village has already done the wine business.

Nanchen Village bought a large amount of low-end liquor and blended it into a vodka flavor, and sold it to the Soviet revisionists who ran border trade on the border. The profit was not bad, but most of the profits fell into the hands of the Soviet revisionists.

"Since it's late, let's talk about a hammer."

"Oh, it seems that you haven't made much progress in the past few years, and you can't draw inferences from one example at all. You didn't think about it, why did the prohibition order appear?" Nan Yi said with a chuckle.

"Food?" Men San'er asked tentatively.

"It should be said that there is a lack of food and light industrial products." Nan Yi was too lazy to play tricks on Men San'er, and explained by himself: "Nowadays, the life of ordinary people in the Soviet revisionists is not as easy as it used to be. They can only eat rough food in the morning. Flour porridge, only some instant soup at noon and evening;

Good things like sausage and cheese can only be bought at high prices during the New Year and Christmas.

Su Xiu has always attached importance to heavy industry, but not too much attention to light industry. Originally, Su Xiu has a vast land and abundant resources, and there must be enough food. Even if he does not pay attention to light industry, he still has enough clothes.

But things went wrong because of the words "large land and abundant resources". The Soviet revisionists have built collective farms since the end of the 1920s. Our people's canteens in the past learned their methods. I don't need to say more about whether they work or not.

In the 1950s, the Soviet revisionists realized that collective farms were very problematic, and they gradually converted some collective farms into state-owned farms. By the early 1980s, the number of state-owned farms and collective farms was almost equal.

But is the state-owned enterprise effective? "

Nanyi asked himself, and immediately answered, "It seems to be a good idea. At least in the 1960s and 1970s, Soviet revisionists lived in luxury from top to bottom. Don't be too happy in those days. Many workers can afford cars, and they can Travel across the country, but also to recuperate.

By the way, there should not be too many sanatoriums in Suxiu. Except for the farmers in the collective farms, almost everyone in the country has the opportunity to go out for recuperation.

This recuperation, well, everyone has become lazy, and they can do things as they please. Anyway, if you do more or less, your own life will be just as easy.

With this kind of thinking, Su Xiu started to work on foreign work from top to bottom, especially transportation, which was almost in a state of semi-paralysis.

I have a general understanding of the grain and light industrial output of the Soviet revisionist. If the transportation and allocation are guaranteed, the Soviet revisionist can still achieve sufficient supplies. But in reality, the Soviet revisionist has started to import a large amount of food from outside, and the root of this problem lies in the allocation of materials.

Allocation is a simple word, but in fact it involves all aspects and can reflect many problems. In my opinion, Su Xiu's bones are already rotten. As far as the issue of allocation is concerned, they have no way to solve it in a short period of time. "

"Nan Yi, according to what you say, the Soviet revisionist will be short of food and light industrial products for at least several years?"

Nan Yi nodded, "Yes, as long as there is a way to transport food, clothing and smoke into the Soviet Union, you won't worry about selling them at all, and you can sell them at a high price. You have experience in organizing and deploying manpower, and I want you to organize a A group of people registered hundreds of trading companies and went to factories all over the country to place orders."

"People are easy to manage, but where is the money?" Men San'er asked.

"Take the funds of Shan の の味, and go to the domestic bank to mortgage Japanese yen to loan RMB. I have already talked to Weimin about this, and he agrees."

"That's no problem. The transfer of 178 billion from the club will not affect normal business operations." Men San'er clapped his hands and said.

"That's enough. I can borrow 500 million yuan. With this money, the business can turn around. Tomorrow, I will send someone to send you the product catalog. You have to look carefully. The size of Suxiu's clothing, the outer packaging of food and our There are nuances, so don't make any jokes on me."

"Let me tell you, don't treat me like a country bumpkin, okay? I knew it when I was in the Materials Bureau." Men San'er said calmly.

"Okay, then I won't talk nonsense." Nan Yi waved his hand and said, "Hurry up and do it, this business should make us a lot of money."

"Okay, I see."

After finishing speaking, Nan Yi left Men San'er's house.

Nan Yi felt that Men San'er's temperament was getting bigger and bigger, and there was already a tendency to develop into self-willedness, but the growth of his ability might not be obvious, one would ebb and flow, and if it continued like this, it might lead to bad things.

"Forget it, anyway, this is the last partnership, and we will simply be friends in the future. Apart from the existing ones, there will be no new additions to the common interests." Nan Yi sighed, thinking helplessly.

Time passed quickly, Nanyi just stared in the car for a while, and the pager rang.

Nan Yi rushed to the appointed restaurant, walked into the box, and saw that there were already three people sitting in it, one Zhou Xiaobing, one Li Jin, and one he hadn't seen before.

After watching the people, Nan Yi looked at the table.

On the table, there are 12 bottles of Erguotou in total, exactly 3 bottles for each person.

"Damn it, it really is massive." Nan Yi muttered, and then walked up to Li Jin and sat down.

"Brother Zhou, I'm sorry I'm late."

"It's okay, it's okay, we just arrived for a while." Zhou Xiaobing waved his hand and said heartily: "Let me introduce you, this is Li Geng, my vice president, who was nicknamed Xiao Zhuge. I forgot to talk to you yesterday. Introduce, in fact, I am the boss of Qianguang Industry under Jinggang."

Nan Yi took a closer look at Li Geng. He should be older than Zhou Xiaobing, with a medium build, dark complexion, and a rough face, but not uneven.

"Vice President Li, hello, I'm Nan Yi."

"Mr. Nan, hello, I was lucky enough to hear your name once, it's like thunder."

After holding hands with Li Geng, Nan Yi felt cracked, calloused and strong. These are hands that have held steel bars for many years. Li Geng should have climbed up from the grassroots of the workshop.

"Vice President Li, you are being polite. I am not a general manager now, but just an idler who takes care of the children at home. It is more appropriate to call me the husband of the director."

"Haha, Nanyi, your words are so funny." Zhou Xiaobing laughed and said, "When everyone is here, let's get started. Don't worry about the white ones. Rinse your mouth with beer first. Waiter, take two boxes of beer." come over."

After a while, two waiters came in with a case of beer each.

"Open all."

Zhou Xiaobing commanded domineeringly.

Boo, boo, boo.

After the waiter opened all the beers, Zhou Xiaobing waved them out, then picked up a bottle of beer and a glass.

The glass is tilted, and the mouth of the bottle is close to the edge of the glass so that the wine slowly flows down the wall of the glass. When the glass is almost full, continue to pour wine while slowly putting the glass upright.

When pouring beer in this way, the glass can be completely filled. Because of the tension, it can't even flow out at all, and there is almost no foam.

It's just a simple pouring technique that anyone with a few drinks will know.

But it was this ordinary skill that couldn't be more ordinary, but Zhou Xiaobing talked about Jiu Ke'er, "Do you know what I said with my hand just now?"

"Brother Zhou's first trick is called crooked, the second trick is called despicable, and the last trick is called correcting evil."

Li should be a professional supporter, as soon as Zhou Xiaobing sang, he immediately joined in.

"Little Zhuge is just little Zhuge, not bad at all." Zhou Xiaobing praised Li Geng, then picked up the bottle, "Nanyi, I'll fill it up for you."

"Brother Zhou, I can do it myself."

Nan Yi held his own cup and put it aside.

"Don't mind, if I say I'll pour it, I'll pour it. Put the cup here." Zhou Xiaobing snarled his neck and said harshly.

"Okay, okay, then I will trouble Brother Zhou."

Nanyi moved the cup to Zhou Xiaobing's side, and Zhou Xiaobing did the three tricks just now.

After pouring good wine for Nanyi, Zhou Xiaobing sat down and said, "Xiao Li, Xiao Zhuge, fill it up yourself, let's rinse your mouth first."

When everyone's glasses were overflowing with beer, Zhou Xiaobing said "drink".

One cup, then another cup, and then one cup after another. When the appetizers came, the four of them had already eaten twelve cups each.

Three cups and one bottle, four bottles per person.

Looking at the thirty-six bottles of undrinked beer on the table, and at the twelve bottles of Erguotou, Nan Yi's scalp tingled a little, "Damn, don't you want to judge the title of bartender, and drink so hard? Sigh, drink two more bottles and let me be under the table."

"Nanyi, eat vegetables."

"Brother Zhou, please go first."

"Okay, I'll come." Zhou Xiaobing responded, moving his chopsticks first.

Nan Yi followed closely behind, casually picked up a piece of food with chopsticks, put it in his mouth and chewed slowly.

He is now 100% sure that Zhou Xiaobing wants something from him, but he still doesn't know exactly what he is asking for, but it is definitely not a small matter for someone who is used to being a big brother to ask for help in a low-key manner.

Nanyi was considering whether to hide from Zhou Xiaobing and not give him a chance to speak.

Zhou Xiaobing ate a few mouthfuls of food, took out a cigarette and gave Li Jin and Li Geng a cigarette, lit the cigarette, and the drunken smoke curled up, Zhou Xiaobing was in vain again.

"I haven't caught up with the good times, and I haven't read any books, but I dare say that few people can match my brain and memory. No matter what the book is, just let me read it once. I can remember it right away.”

"Oh, Brother Zhou still has this supernatural power?" Nan Yi asked in surprise.

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