the next day.

Nanyi went to Nine Pharmaceutical Factory and asked Leng Yan to post the completed asset accounting sheet and the notice that Nine Pharmaceutical Factory will be renamed Shengchen Pharmaceutical on the bulletin board, and also ordered Du Shishi to broadcast it on the radio, at noon When eating, let all the employees go and have a look.

Tomorrow, Nanyi will hold a staff meeting, at which it will be announced that the shareholding system reform will be implemented.

Although the workshop does not need to start work now, Leng Yan did not let the workers idle. First, let everyone watch the video of foreign pharmaceutical factories for a day and learn their advanced hygienic production mode. Workers follow standard rules over and over again.

The medicines produced by Shengchen Pharmaceutical in the future may not be very effective, but the hygienic conditions will definitely be the best, and no unclean pills will be allowed to flow out.

After finishing the notification, Nanyi called Xu Zhengyan outside the factory building.

"Cashier Xu, you will retire in three years. Have you ever thought about retiring early?"

"Director Nan, do you want me to go?" Xu Zhengyan asked.

"Yes, I will not only make up your salary for three years, but also find you a new job with a high salary. You can retire early, but there is one thing, don't talk about this matter, you are retiring early normally."

Early retirement is very common in this era. Lao Tzu retires to free up a position for his son to take over. This is a workaround for many workers to solve their children's employment. After all, the factory's roster has a limit on the number of people, and one has to leave to add one.

This is a last resort. Often the son’s young worker’s salary plus Lao Tzu’s pension is not as good as Lao Tzu’s original income, because the length of service and bonuses are gone, and the pension is already less than the official salary.

"Director Nan, I agree to retire early." Xu Zhengyan said without thinking.

With such a good condition, she would be a fool if she didn't agree.

"Okay, I will take you to meet your new boss at noon. From now on, you will work for a private person. The job is not so leisurely, but the salary is high. As for how high, you will know in the afternoon."

"Director Nan, that's the top job..."

"We'll talk about it later, you go back and count the car maintenance reimbursement and fuel bills for the past year."

Nanyi sent Xu Zhengyan away, and wandered along the road in the factory area, looking here and there, and went to the cafeteria after wandering around.

The Nine Pharmaceutical Factory is a rather strange existence. There is neither a supply and marketing department, nor a logistics department or a general affairs department. There is a director in the cafeteria. This establishment is relatively rare, but it is often heard when joking.

However, there are also advantages in having fewer departments. It can save the work of the Nanyi streamlining factory. Except for the radio station, there is no need or dare to simplify the others.

After a few glances at the cafeteria, Nan Yi left.

Although there are many problems in the cafeteria, they are irrelevant in the final analysis. The most important thing now is to resume production and let the workers feel at ease.

Back in the supply and marketing department, Xu Zhengyan handed over the reimbursement form and fuel ticket form to Nanyi.

After receiving the form, Nanyi glanced at the statistics, and he immediately knew that there was a lot of tricks in it. The annual car repair cost was 14,000 yuan, and the problem of fuel tickets was also very big, at least it was normal consumption. 4 times.

After receiving the list, Nanyi asked Jiang Ziqi to call Qiao Weiping over.

"Director Qiao, there are two cars in the factory, right?"

"Director Nan, yes, a 212 Jeep and a Shanghai car." Qiao Weiping replied.

"Which car did Director Shen take before?"

"Originally I took Shanghai, but the car broke down frequently, so I took 212 instead."

"Oh." Nan Yi nodded and said, "I saw 212, where is the Shanghai Shanghai?"

Qiao Weiping struggled for a while, and then said: "I was driven away by Shen Erpao from the original trolley class, and I haven't returned yet."

"Shen Erpao, I see." Nan Yi knocked on the table and said, "How long has it been since he came to work?"

"Two...more than two months."

"Accurate to the sky."

Qiao Weiping thought for a while and said, "It should be 78 days."

"78 days, Director Qiao, why are you not vigilant at all? How can an employee, an employee of our Ninth Pharmaceutical Factory, be absent from work for 78 days? I don't believe that our Ninth Pharmaceutical Factory has such a person, I don't believe our Ninth Pharmaceutical Factory The consciousness of the workers will be so low.”

Nan Yi patted the table, and said eagerly: "What are you still doing, go to the police station to report the crime, 78 days, if you encounter a car robbery, Comrade Shen Erpao may have sacrificed heroically to protect the public property. But no matter what, we have the obligation to take care of the employees of Nine Pharmaceutical Factory if we live or die.

Go quickly, tell the police station that Shen Erpao has been missing for 78 days, and there is also a Shanghai brand car missing with him. explain. "

Nanyi's words made Qiao Weiping break out in a cold sweat, "Is this going to punish Shen Erpao to death? A dead fellow Taoist is not a poor daoist, just go."

The other three people in the finance department also looked at each other in blank dismay. They first read the reimbursement receipts before saying that they wanted to report the crime. Nanyi's intention to punish him had been fully revealed. How could they not understand it? It's just that they didn't expect that if Nanyi didn't take action, it would be too late. , so ruthless at the first shot.

Qiao Weiping stood there tangled for a long time, then stomped his feet cruelly, turned around and went back to his office, and called the local police station.

In addition to regular taxis outside, you can occasionally see busses used privately for black jobs. Nan Yi thought that Shen Erpao would drive the car away for black jobs, either for a lot of people, or for anyone who needs to install it. Forced to drive a special car.

Using the car in the factory, using the oil in the factory, going out to make a lot of money for himself, and also blackmailing a large amount of maintenance fees, Shen Qinglian died, and the backstage was down. This Shen Erpao still doesn't know how to restrain himself. Easy to provoke.

What's more...

"Cashier Xu, come and take a look." As soon as Qiao Weiping left, Nan Yi pointed to a reimbursement form on the table and said.

Xu Zhengyan walked up to Nanyi, glanced at the reimbursement form on the table, and asked, "Director Nan, is there any problem with this reimbursement form?"

Nan Yi looked at Xu Zhengyan's face and said, "Compared with Director Shen's signature, I think the signature on this one is a bit wrong."

After being reminded by Nanyi, Xu Zhengyan took a closer look at the signature again, and she still felt that it was okay. Although the signature on this one was a little different from the others, it was still okay.

The last tick of the word "Shen" in the other pictures is obvious, but this one has no tick, but it is all the more right because there is no tick.

Shen Qinglian had several sets of signatures, and different signatures represented different subtexts. If there was no tick, it meant that there was no need for review, and it meant giving money directly.

This kind of routine is not uncommon, and it can be seen in many units.

Of course, Nan Yi could see that the signatures on several reimbursement forms were written by the same person, but he just pretended not to understand.

Xu Zhengyan looked at the words, and then looked at Nanyi's half-smiling face. After so many years of hard work in the finance department of the factory, even a pig can be trained to be an old fried dough stick, let alone Xu Zhengyan, who is not stupid at all.

Xu Zhengyan stroked her train of thought and said, "Director Nan, the signature on this one is a bit different, but it seems to me that it is the signature of Director Shen."

"Oh, you can't tell it's normal, and I can't see it too well. I heard that all the handwriting identification experts have been dispatched. If something happens to Comrade Shen Erpao, we can also hand over these documents to comrades in the police. Can be the key clue to solve the case.

Alright, Cashier Xu, take these back and put them away first, get ready and go out with me, let's do some errands together. "

"Okay, Director Nan."

Taking Xu Zhengyan out, Nan Yi first abducted to the bookstore and bought a copy of Mo Yan's "Crazy Lady", which is "Only Mother is Good in the World".

Nanyi has only read the first draft and the adapted script, but he has never seen the revised version.

As the meal approached, the two of Nan Yi went to Jingxi Tesco in Xinjiekou.

There were no customers in the store, but Chang Tianxiao still insisted on staying at his post, standing at the gate of the store, yelling at passers-by from time to time.

"Boss Nan."

"Tian Xiao, is Boss Sun in?"

"Eat upstairs, I'll take you up."

"No, you are busy with your work, I can go up by myself."

After Nanyi finished speaking, he took Xu Zhengyan upstairs.

On the second floor, the six sons who were pulling the lunch box put down their chopsticks when they saw Nan Yi.

"Master Nan."

"Is there a phone in the food place?"

"Yes, the boss is very smart. He gave a little money to the public phone nearby, and anyone who calls for food will call him." Liu Zi said.

"That's four meals."


After the six sons made the phone call, Nan Yi pointed to the six sons and said to Xu Zhengyan: "This is Boss Sun, you will work with him in the future, and you should still be a cashier;

Six sons, this is Xu Zhengyan, the cashier of the Nine Pharmaceutical Factory, who is about to retire, and you have to be more formal here. The accountant and the cashier have their own duties, and one person cannot hold multiple jobs. Give me the information of Mange, you and Teller Xu talk about salary. "

After receiving the information from the six sons, Nanyi went downstairs, leaving room for the two of them to talk.

Downstairs, Nanyi flipped through the information, there was not much useful information, and he finished it in two minutes. Nanyi's gain was knowing where Mange's factory was and who Mange's boss was.

After closing the file, Nan Yi silently posted it for a while, watching the boxed lunch being delivered upstairs, and Liu Zi appearing on the stairs.

"Master Nan, we're done talking."

"Okay, let's eat."

Nan Yi nodded, walked upstairs, and saw the unconcealable joy on Xu Zhengyan's face at a glance.

"Six, take two boxes down."


After the six sons went downstairs with the lunch box, Nanyi said to Xu Zhengyan, "Is the treatment satisfactory?"

"Very satisfied, Director Nan, thank you."

"You're welcome. Let's have dinner first. You can leave first after dinner. Don't go back to the factory in the afternoon. You can go home or go shopping if you want to."


Xu Zhengyan agreed with her mouth, but she was thinking in her mind, "That signature should not be signed by Shen Qinglian."

After the meal was over, Xu Zhengyan said goodbye and left, and Nan Yi picked up the phone on the table and made a call.

"Side position?"

"Do you know Liu Ruirong?"

"Nanyi, Liu Ruirong, your name sounds familiar."


"Bad guy, I know him, what do you ask him to do?"

"Bad bet?"

"That's right, do you know about the fruit bar in Fangcun?"

"Come on, don't play quiz games with me."

"Well, you're a big boss. There are many underground gambling stalls at the fruit bar in Fangcun. Anyone who likes to gamble here in Yangcheng will go there. The Liu Ruirong you mentioned is also a frequent visitor there. He is an old gambler and has a little reputation outside. "

"How's your luck?"

"Of course it's bad. You thought he was Tu Yixiao [the hero of "A Thousand Kings and Heroes\

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