"Pavlyuchenko contacted a person from the Ministry of Foreign Trade in Moscow, named Potanin, who was engaged in the import and export of raw materials. Through him, Pavlyuchenko opened up Magang [Magnitogorsk Steel], Ku Steel [Kuznetsk Iron and Steel Plant], Zhagang [Zaporozhye Iron and Steel Plant], Gorky Automobile Plant relationship;

The next step is to open up the relationship between Minsk Tractor Factory, Stalingrad Tractor Factory, Kharkov Tractor Factory, Irbit Motorcycle Factory and Ural Factory.

Nansheng, whether it is a steel plant or a tractor factory, there are many backlogs of waste products. We don’t need to pay any special price to get these waste products. We just need to export them directly according to the price set by Moscow, and the price is very cheap. "

"Is it a lot?"

"The figure in the catalog provided by Potanin is 47 million tons. Pavlyuchenko said that this figure is very watery, and the actual amount of waste products is at least double this figure."

Nan Yi waved his hand, "Doubling or not is a matter for the future, or we should first find a way to eat the 47 million tons. You said the price is very cheap, how cheap is it?"

"Thirty mosquitoes."



"It's so cheap, isn't it waste?"

Liang Huiwen didn't answer, and took out a piece of something wrapped in butter paper from the side, and put it next to Nanyi.

As soon as Nanyi opened the butter paper, a piece of scrap steel with three sections and rusty spots on the surface was exposed inside. He picked it up and looked at the section carefully... nothing was found.

"Forget it, don't pretend." Nanyi muttered, put down the scrap steel, and said directly to Liang Huiwen: "How much is the difference?"

"According to the most conservative estimate, $1.7 billion."

"Hiss..." Nanyi took a deep breath, stood up, and walked back and forth in the meeting room a few steps, "Have you forgotten all the costs that should be calculated?"

"Except for political costs." Liang Huiwen said.

Political costs, everyone wants to keep Su Xiu from getting better, and sending money to Su Xiu is a very dangerous thing.

Nanyi stood up and continued to pace.

Ten minutes later, regardless of the time difference or not, he called Scarlett directly, and the two discussed back and forth for over an hour.

When the phone was hung up, Nan Yi continued to pace.

After a long time, he said: "Add more layers of shells, trade in secret, first pull the scrap steel to the Zhdanov port for storage, the ants will move, and they will be emptied within five years; call Johnny and ask Sergey to lead a team When people returned to Moscow, there were many soldiers returning from Ah Khan, so he was asked to recruit 200 people, and he was told to ensure the safety of scrap steel.”

Liang Huiwen reminded: "Nan Sheng, facing a national-level intelligence agency, it doesn't make sense to add more shells."

"Of course it makes sense. Our allies need a passable excuse to shut some people's mouths." Nan Yi flashed his eyes and said, "The shell must be from Eastern Europe."


"Huiwen, prepare another 20 million U.S. dollars to buy all kinds of luxury goods, food and clothing, cars, yachts, beauties, horses and dogs, no matter what, as long as there is demand, we must prepare; ah, yes, in addition, from the farm Pull some peanuts and walnuts over, maybe some people don’t like gold or sex, they just like to eat some dried fruit.”

When Nan Yi was talking, an image of a middle-aged man with a big head, glasses, and a tunic suit suddenly appeared in his mind, grabbing peanuts and walnuts and smashing people.

Liang Huiwen knew that her boss would go crazy occasionally, so she automatically filtered out the second half of Nanyi's sentence and said "yes".

"What about Kang Xiuming's situation?"

"The Begonia processing plant is already under construction, and it will start work at the end of September without any accidents. We produce vegetables, fruits, and canned juices that cannot be found in the mainland market." Liang Huiwen replied.

"Let Kang Xiuming and Ge Cuizhu connect. If there are vegetables in the mainland, we will find them from the mainland, and if we don't have them, we will transfer them from our own farms. Do we grow red oysters?"

As Nanyi asked, he took stock of Shennong Nanliang's current farms and pastures. It seemed that he didn't have the impression of planting red spinach in his memory, but it was hard to say, unless it was an experimental field, he would not I won't remember it.

"There are hundreds of acres of plantations in Faguo."

"That's negligible. Farmers in the Northeast have relatively rich land, and we can cooperate with them. We provide seeds, they plant them for us, and we buy them all when they mature."

"Not through the reclamation group?"

"Of course it must be passed. A procurement contract should be signed between the Haitang processing plant and the reclamation group." Nanyi said, suddenly shaking his head and muttering: "Heh, Haitang said it is an export to earn foreign exchange, but after another two years, the country may not be willing to take it again." Oh ruble."

After discussing the details of the Moscow strategy with Liang Huiwen for another two hours, Nan Yi returned to Deep Water Bay after four o'clock in the afternoon.

In the manor, Nan Wuwei, who has fallen in love with water, is playing in the swimming pool.

Nan Yi took a stack of newspapers, sat on the deck chair by the swimming pool, and read the news in the newspaper during this period.

In the newspapers, there is a lot of news about Li Fuyi, the first chairman of the Stock Exchange and nicknamed "Principal".

Recently, the stock market in Hong Kong has been booming. All stockholders are united in anticipation that the Hang Seng Index will break through 4,000 points. When illiterate garbage women are digging through the garbage dumps, they will discuss with their peers which stock has a better prospect.

Not only trash women, but also young and Dangerous youngsters. Recently, they have been very calm. They don’t kill people or talk about numbers. They read financial reports every day, smoking cigarettes, hugging girls, drinking wine, and talking about the dollar economy and oil prices.

Hong Kong Electric, Kowloon Bus, Hong Kong Gas, Cheung Kong, Hutchison Whampoa, United Overseas, and Chinese Land have successively announced stock approvals to raise funds. Big players such as Fang Mengyin, Li Tongban, and Guan Erfu are taking advantage of the opportunity to seek expansion. .

Among them, the four companies under Li Tongban raised a total of 10.3 billion, which can be called the largest in history. It is just a bit strange that there is a force majeure clause in his stock approval fundraising agreement, and the rights issue cannot be withdrawn.

Not only is the stock market thriving, but so is the film and television industry and real estate.

In the 1950s and 1960s, hundreds of thousands of people came to settle in Xiangtang through various channels. After a period of hard work, they were able to stand firm and have more or less a family business, although this family business may be just a wooden house. Liao, but no matter what, he still has a house, right?

Now that you have a house, you have to think about marrying a wife and having children. Therefore, in the 1950s and 1960s, Xiangtang ushered in a peak period of marriage registration, followed by the peak period of childbirth. Post-zero and post-60s.

These post-50s and 60s who have grown up are different from their parents. They have not experienced life precarity, nor have they experienced ups and downs. Although most of them grew up in wooden houses and resettlement buildings, food and housing may not be very good, but they have The basis for the pursuit of spiritual enjoyment - stability.

This batch of post-50s and 60s, the older ones are in their early thirties, and the younger ones have grown from teenagers to young adults. While they have become the main force in the box office, they have also become the main force in the housing supply.

In the 1960s, there were also constant sports meetings here in Hong Kong. Citizens in Xiangtang became athletes voluntarily or involuntarily. Perhaps it was because they were too tired to watch their parents engage in sports since they were young. When they grew up in the 1950s and 1960s, they were disgusted with sports. My hobbies have shifted to movies and TV, and to making money, especially making quick money.

In order to "buy a house" just needed, the post-50s and 60s were forced to enter the stock market to make quick money. If they don't make quick money, they can't do it. Most of the young people in Hong Kong just work honestly and have no other money. They may not be able to make it in twenty years. Get enough down payment.

Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, and everyone has the right to live in a luxury house. My fate is up to me, and the homeowner in the middle of the mountain would rather have a kind? Why do I have to live in public housing? Why should I squeeze the bus?

Kill, enter the stock market, create a miracle, cut the leeks of Li Tongban, cut the leeks of Zheng Shagan, cut the leeks of Li Laosi, and cut the leeks of Fang Mengyin... A family shovel, an old witch, also called "Mengyin", I'm still "Menglang".

With all their belongings, and even borrowing usury to invest in the stock market, how can they not be nervous. When the stock market is closed, the "leek slaughterers" need to go to the theater to watch a comedy or go to the newsstand to buy a comic or magazine to relax.

Because of the needs of potential consumer groups, whether it is movies, comics, or magazines, they often do not have too much depth, nor do they discuss human nature, the meaning of life, and suffering. All are for decompression and venting. .

As early as July last year, Nanguo Bank launched a special interest rate loan for the transaction of second-hand housing. The lender's information investigation is very detailed.

Moreover, it also makes it difficult for people who want to get a loan to understand the review criteria. My income is obviously more stable than that and so and so. Why did he pass and I didn't?

The reason why you can’t figure out the rules is because there are too few reference objects. If there are enough reference objects and you can spend a little more time to compare the commonalities of the “passing lenders”, it is easy to find that these people are all masters. , Mr. Master, the stock god, usually spends time in the stock market or in the racecourse, and some will cross the sea every night.

Also in July last year, many high-quality houses appeared in the hands of real estate agents on Xiangtang Street, with good locations and affordable prices, and many houses had never been lived in before. A real estate agent earns a lot of money.

Among the real estate agents, there is another one who has just entered the industry not long ago, but already has a net worth of tens of millions. This person is Luo Zhaohui, who is only 23 years old this year. of great importance.

Now he no longer does ordinary houses, only high-rise mansions and villas, and not only earns sales points, but also hoards houses himself.


in the living room.

Nanyi and Lai Biao sat opposite each other, and Nanyi put a bank card next to Lai Biao.

"There are 100 million Hong Kong dollars in it. I am not polite to you. The commission is deducted according to the listed price. You still have a house worth 90 million yuan. Don't rush to sell those. Let them rent out first, and wait for the price to go up. rise."

Lai Biao picked up the bank card and played with it for a while, then threw it back to Nanyi, "It's useless for me to hold so much money, you give me five million, and deduct the rest from what I owe you 80 million, and there are 15 million you can invest for me."

In 1985, Nanyi injected another sum of money into Nanchen Liquor Industry, 80 million of which was injected in the name of Lai Biao. Lai Biao has become the third largest shareholder of Nanchen Liquor Industry.

"Two choices, one, I will help you invest in the real estate market; two, I will help you find a fund with a relatively stable rate of return to invest in." Nan Yi said after thinking for a while.

Lai Biao waved his hand and said, "I'm too lazy to choose, you help me decide."

"Come on, I'll let people watch and vote for you. I don't have much money. Play some high-risk games. If you make double the profit, you won't have a dime left. If you really lose, you won't feel bad, right?"

"My heart hurts, you helped me earn the money." Lai Biao spat, twisted a few peanuts and threw them into his mouth, chewed and took a sip of beer from the soda can, "Xiang is a bit Tired of staying, I'm trying to find a way to transfer back."

"Turn back, which subsidiary to go to?"

"Same as Liu Zhen, he will work in a bank in the future."

"You're saying that, you're not just trying to figure out a way, but you already have an idea? Just pretend to be a fart with me and tell me, when you go to the Industrial Bank, which opening will you be in charge of?"

"Forex trading." Lai Biao said.

"Okay, it will be easy for me to exchange foreign exchange in the future. We also have a family member in our bank." Nan Yi said teasingly.

Lai Biao glanced at Nanyi and shook the can in his hand.

Nan Yi picked up the can and touched Lai Biao, then turned his head and touched Nan Wuwei's soy milk bottle, "Cheers."


Nan Wuwei touched Nan Yi in a decent manner, took a sip through the straw, and then puffed his mouth, making an "ah".

Nan Yi chuckled, turned around and said to Lai Biao, "Will the bank solve your house problem when you go to the capital?"

"Yes, but I don't plan to live in it, and I don't plan to go to the house at home. You can help me look around and find a house. It's fine with a courtyard house. I'm not used to living in it. It's better to be an old bungalow."

"It's hard to find old bungalows now. When I get back to the capital, I'll help you find a house bug and inquire about it."

Lai Biao asked curiously: "What is a house bug, similar to a real estate agency?"

"Almost, the saying passed down in the old capital in the past said that this person has to become a worm if he doesn't become a dragon, so there is a saying that chong'er represents an expert, a master in a certain industry.

What Fang Chonger does is the patchwork business, that is, an intermediary. Before liberation, there were people doing this business, but it is different from now, so there is no need to sneak around. After liberation, many people want to sneak out of their private houses. Some are sold and some are exchanged.

Some homeowners are eager to sell, some have no channels to sell, and some are not convenient to come forward, so they will tell the houseworm that they are going to leave the house;

If Fang Chonger has more information and more customers, the transaction speed will be faster. In a virtuous circle, the information accumulated in their hands will become more and more, and the transaction speed will also become faster. Over time, this will become Made a good business.

Let me tell you, in 1976, I wanted to be a houseworm. I stayed in the territory where they haunted for several days, and finally took the opportunity to get close. They saw that I was embarrassed and swarmed just left..."

"Later, you are not someone who gives up lightly."

Nanyi twirled a few more peanuts, and after chewing, he continued: "I didn't give up, but I continued to guard the next day, but I didn't guard, and I went on the third day, and I didn't see the houseworm. Instead, I saw a few broken reminders holding three-edged scrapers.

I was so scared at the time, I ran as fast as I could. Fortunately, when I was in elementary school, I ran 100 meters in 6.8 seconds, the best in the world. Go to that place again.

The house bug was not accepted, so I went to the countryside in the suburbs, found a pretty widow in the village, bought five catties of sorghum noodles on credit from her, and started my grain business. "

Lai Biao laughed loudly and said, "Why does that pretty widow trust you? Did you give her any mortgage?"

Nan Yi took a sip of wine, pulled his face, shook his head, frowned and said: "Don't mention it, she tied a rope around my neck for three days, she locked me up for three days without rest, okay It is difficult to do business and to be a human being with sorghum noodles that are less than 1 catty and 7 taels a day."

"Hahaha, you bastard, I'm not a pretty girl, so don't brag about you..."

"Shut up, my son is here." Nan Yi scolded Lai Biao and continued, then turned to Nan Wuwei and said, "Are you full?"


"Go play games, the old rules, you are only allowed to play for half an hour."

"Uh oh."

Nan Wuwei pressed down on the chair with his small hands, and his buttocks slid down. As soon as he stepped on the ground, he walked to his room.

"What I told you earlier was half-truth. At that time, I really knew a widow, but there was nothing dirty about it. It was just a business partner. She collected things in the village, and I was in charge of selling them on the black market. We worked together for three months."

"Are you pretty?"

"To say she is a widow is not very strict. Her husband is from there. Did he die on the road, or would it not be easy to say in Taiping? She was married in 1949, and she was 17 years old when she got married. You still want to know Does she look good?"

"I was 17 in 1949. When you met her, she was 44 years old. She happened to be a young lady. Isn't she pretty?"

"It's beautiful. I'm only 55 this year. Let me be a matchmaker for you?" Nan Yi said angrily.

"Forget it, I can still leave a few taels of benefits after being with you. You should continue to tell me about the house bug, and make it a little bit more artistic, but don't exaggerate it too much. Tell it more excitingly."

"Fuck, you think I'm telling you a story." Nanyi spat, and continued: "There's nothing to say, it's just a business, but after all, it can be regarded as a legacy, and their line of business still has its own incision. jargon.

For example, goods are houses, and buying land is buying a house. This is easy to understand. At a glance, it is to look at the house. Planting crops is for business, and storing food is for people to live in. A few acres of land refers to the quantity or area, which must be understood according to the context of the conversation. Judgment, urine is capital. "

"It's too general for you to say that, just give me a paragraph."

"Okay, I'll simulate a conversation for you, between two people, Liangzi Nan and Lai Pisan." Nan Yi said, wiped his mouth, and it started after a while.

"Hey, Master Nan is auspicious, do you have anything in hand today?"

"Lai Pi San, you are not dead yet, didn't you hear that you were spent two days ago?"

"Hey, Master Nan, you don't know who I am, Lai Pisan. I can bend and stretch. A few people wanted to spend me that day. How could I give them that chance? I knelt down for them and took care of them directly. Call Grandpa..."

"Shooting, if you want to say it, say it well, don't take advantage of me." Lai Biao cursed.

"That's right, let me talk about it." Nanyi waved his hand, and began to give Lai Biao a paragraph in a serious manner.

"Master Nan, do you have something in hand?"

"I have a friend who wants to buy a piece of land."

"Does she want to store food, or grow crops?"


"How many acres of land do you want?"

"The more the better, at least 300, here is 300 square meters." Nan Yi explained while acting.

"Which pit is she looking for?"

"In the city, it's a lively place."

"Your friend, how much urine does she have?"

"Five digits."

"Who asks for help? What asks for help is the guarantor."

"You, Nan Ye." Nanyi stopped abruptly at this point, "It's basically over when the cut is said, both parties know that the other party is a professional and understands the rules, and then we can chat in detail.

Like other patchwork businesses, Fangchong pays 30% and breaks 20%. That is, 5% of the transaction volume must be paid to Fangchong, 20% for sales, and 30% for purchases.

Of course, this is not a fixed number, there is room for bargaining, and sometimes it does not have to be two to three, but three to two, or other numbers are possible, depending on how easy it is to sell the house.

In addition, in addition to buying and selling, there are also house changes.

Most people in the capital still live in state-owned houses. After all, there are very few private houses. Some people live too far away from their work units, so they will think about changing to others for a house that is closer. It is also possible that they can’t afford to live at home and pay some money. Change it to a bigger one.

Like changing a house, the remuneration of the house worm cannot be said to be divided into three parts and two parts out, but needs to be discussed in detail.

In addition, there is also renting a house, I will not go into details, it is similar to selling a house, usually the rent for one or two years is used to make three breaks and two. "

Lai Biao chatted and said with interest: "It's interesting, don't all kinds of intermediaries be called Chong'er?"

"Basically, there are ticket worms. They used to pour all kinds of tickets. Nowadays, those who pour stamps can also be called ticket worms, but most people will call them postal worms. Anyway, if they pour something, they use the name of the item plus worms. Just two words will do."

"Is the house bugs doing a big business now?"

"It's okay, I won't earn less, and there are millionaires among the houseworms."

"Millionaire, it's easy to make money." Lai Biao said with a little disdain.

"Small yin and yang are strange. As a rich man, Comrade Lai Biao, you must know how to be humble. Tell me, how much is your budget? There are many people selling houses and rushing to go abroad. If you are lucky, you can find a good house." Nan Yi He patted Lai Biao's hand on the table, and scratched it by the way.

"Two hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars, this is the upper limit of the amount I should be able to spend."

"It's quite a lot. If you can find a very good house, just use this amount, and I'll let someone buy you some good things."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

That night, Lai Biao didn't leave. Nanyi and him chatted and drank, and when it was almost done, the two sat in front of the TV to watch Serie A.

the next day.

Nan Yi took Nan Wuwei to wander around, and went to tea restaurants, vegetable markets, fruit bars, and fishing boat wharfs with pilgrimage devotion, listening to various stock gods tell their stock stories, and listen to them bragging about who bought which one Stocks, earn as much as you want, date beautiful girls, get married, live in a luxury house.

After turning around in this way, Nanyi's fear of the "butterfly effect" was completely thrown away.

His butterfly changed details, but not hearts.

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