The two majors and the two minors come and go, and the two minors put forward their own opinions. Nanyi is responsible for "translation" and supplementation. Soon, the preliminary plan for the interior of the aircraft is finalized.

The interior of the aircraft will be divided into upper and lower layers, and four sets of balancers will be installed, so as to keep the aircraft in flight, change direction and minimize fluctuations due to airflow.

The upper floor is two small private spaces, a large bedroom, a study room, a game room, a nanny room, a small swimming pool, and a tossing room. It is actually a gym. It is impossible to expect them to exercise well, that is tossing. There is also a small meeting room and a satellite phone system.

Nanyi may occasionally ask his son to borrow it, and he must stuff some arrangements he needs into it.

The lower level is designed with twelve bedrooms for bodyguards to rest, a large conference room that can be used as a dining room, a kitchen, a formal fitness space, a safety cabin, and space to load a car at the back of the plane .

The safety cabin is used just in case. It is equipped with parachutes, two inflatable assault boats, a small seawater desalination system, a power generation system, a satellite communication system, military dry food for 20 people for three days, and Mineral water for 3 people to drink freely.

Once an accident occurs on the plane, personnel can enter the safe room, and then the safety system on the plane will send the safe capsule out of the cabin, and then the parachute will open, and the safe capsule will slowly land, with sufficient time to make all preparations before landing on the ground.

Moreover, the safety cabin is made of special materials, which can float on the water surface and have strong cushioning properties, but the material is very strong and can withstand two or three rocket attacks. When a choice is needed, three people can hide in the safety cabin Here, other people are responsible for guarding the safety cabin until all sacrifices.

It can be said that the construction of this safety cabin is costly. The total cost of the two planes will not be less than 360 million US dollars. Nanyi is willing to go all out this time. He does not know where to get the 180 million US dollars for the time being.

Now Nan Youqiong is not only the son of Nan Yi, but also the second generation of the Nan family. Naturally, the Nan family will be responsible for the expenses, but Nan Wuwei will not be able to do so. Nan Yi will still be responsible for his expenses.

After the communication, the creases on Hadid's face were folded upon folds, layer upon layer, and even mild trysophobia patients would have to stand up their capillaries when they saw it.

The first standard Boeing 747-400 has not yet rolled off the assembly line, and the order here is automatically delivered to the door, and this new customer is still a major customer of Gulfstream. Big order, if you are not happy, there will be ghosts.

"Mr. Adam, Boeing will definitely make the renderings for you as soon as possible. At the same time, I also sincerely invite you to visit Boeing's workshop. There happens to be a 747-400 being manufactured in the workshop."

"I'm definitely going to visit, but I've been very busy recently, and I'll take a day off next month." Nan Yi said, and said suddenly: "Hadid, I still have two daughters."

Hearing Nanyi's words, Hadid's face became even more wrinkled.

"There are two daughters, that is, there are still two orders for planes. The usual trick of businessmen is that the chips will not be placed at the same time. They will place two planes first, and keep two to lure me. Let's see what chips I can throw. Back to the company To strive for the greatest discount and provide the best service, all four planes must be acquired.”

Nan Yi glanced at Hadid, thinking silently, "A bowl of water is flat, and there is another 180 million US dollars waiting for me, alas, throw all the yen mortgage and money to Europe, and see How much can you pay off by being short.”

It is a very painful thing to be a wallet for Nanyi, and you will often be in a state of not being full. Nanyi should really give it three sticks of incense.

At noon, Nanyi invited Hadid to have a meal. Although he knew that it was difficult to keep it secret, he still did not forget to tell Hadid that the matter of the plane ended with Scarlett, and he could not go any further. who.

As for the deposit for the plane, it is of course impossible for Nanyi to pay before seeing the renderings, not to mention one of them, Nanyi also plans to pay in installments, and pay as late as possible.

After lunch, Nan Yi went to the appointment of Harley Davidson. The two big men spent a day and a night together in the mountains on the other side of Cold Spring, and experienced a romance between men-fishing, wine, barbecue, guns, and relaxation. joke.

As the saying goes, the Prophet of Plumbing Ducks in the Spring River has been soaking in the water. Most people with certain sources of information have already seen that something is wrong with the stock market. The funds in the stock market in various places are decreasing every day. One by one, the big players are withdrawing, and some even Also backhand short.

People from the "87 Carnival Preparatory Committee" began to borrow securities in the world's major stock markets except Japan in early September. It has been almost a month now, and they have only raised a total value of more than 30 billion US dollars. To be exact It's $31.6 billion in stocks.

Even if all the stocks fell by more than 50%, after deducting various expenses, Nan's profit would not reach 15 billion US dollars. What's more, it is unrealistic for all stocks to fall by half. It is not bad to reach an average of 30%. It is predicted that Nan's profit upper limit Around $9 billion.

As for the VAM, there are bank guarantees, and it is really hard to find high-rollers who are willing to get money after the end. The "87 Carnival Organizing Committee" signed hundreds of VAM agreements with others, but the total The funds add up to only 13.2 billion U.S. dollars, and there is nothing more to think about.

Most of the main funds are bearish, and there seems to be a lot of bullish ones, but there are not many reliable ones. There are arrogant people who are willing to find someone to sign a 100 billion gambling agreement. If you win the bet, you will be the winner in life. Want money, sorry, no.

If you only look at the book profits, even if you want to sign a trillion-dollar gambling agreement, you can find someone. Once the stock market crash comes, trillions of profits will be realized immediately on the books, but how much money can you really get back?

5 billion or 2 billion?

On October 10th, the people from the "87 Carnival Preparatory Committee" completed all the preparatory work, leaving a few people to watch the stock market, and the others were on vacation. There was no need to hide in any secret room and watch the computer screen at any time. Ready to trade.

There is a lot of money to play. When the market comes, I don’t know how fast it is. You can make a lot of money by fast in, fast out and short-term.

What swords and swords, looking at each other from across the sky, analyzing the opponent's psychology to engage in psychological warfare, every step of the way, flesh and blood flying, nervous suffocation, bloody pulse, all these will only happen to retail investors who are fighting for their lives, high rollers have already done it Get ready and wait for the market to come.

This is the foreshadowing that has been planted decades ago. Bit by bit, step by step, it has accumulated to the current total outbreak. It is not a market caused by a few garbage dealers. The stock market crash can be said to be the self-cleaning of the stock market, draining the bubbles, Get the stock market back to where it should be.

There are tens of trillions of dollars, and they are willing to fight to lose all their money. Probably, it may be possible to turn the tide and hold up the decline of the global stock market. "Tokyo Miracle".

wall street.

Big capital is lending securities, and small capital wants to take a chance. In a short street, many people who usually pass by on the street sit in a meeting room, sign each other, and then shake hands in a friendly way. By the way, I greeted you kindly in my heart, "I'm waiting downstairs to see you on the roof".

"Going to the roof" is the most sincere blessing and the highest etiquette that Wall Street elites give to each other.

Buffett, who has not yet worn the crown of the stock god, just took a heavy position in Salomon Brothers, a company that is a full-time arbitrage company on Wall Street and was established by the three Salomon brothers.

In 1981, the National Congress of the United States passed a bill, and the asset securitization that appeared in the 1970s, especially real estate asset securities, has been greatly stimulated and developed. China has experienced a climax of asset securitization, and the scale of the real estate securities market has expanded rapidly. It surpassed the stock market of China and became the largest securities market in the world.

Most companies on Wall Street were not fully prepared for this sudden change, but Salomon under the leadership of Gufran established a complete and standardized asset securitization department as early as 1978 with its sensitive sense of the market.

While other Wall Street companies are still hesitating and lingering, Salomon has earned hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue and has become a leader in the real estate securities market.

The general manager of the real estate securitization department, Lewis Lenneri, a bond trader who started his career by sending and receiving emails, has become a legend of Salomon Company.

The arbitrage investment department led by John Meriwether proved to the world the great charm of derivatives and financial engineering.

The main investment strategy of Meriwether and others is that the prices of homogeneous products in the market will eventually converge. Due to the fluctuation of market prices, the prices of homogeneous financial products may temporarily deviate. At this time, as long as the products with overvalued prices Go short, go long on an underpriced product, and you will always end up with an arbitrage profit.

What also contributed to the rapid development of Salomon was a major merger and acquisition event in the early 1980s.

In 1981, Gufran secretly reached a merger agreement with Philip Brothers. Philip Brothers acquired the shares of all partners of Salomon Brothers for US$554 million, and transformed Salomon from a private partnership to a public listed company.

Philip Brothers was the largest commodity futures trader in the world at that time, trading more than 160 commodity varieties in 45 countries.

Although the merger with Philip Brothers made Salomon abandon the 70-year partnership system, it enabled Salomon to obtain a large amount of financial support. According to Gufran, Salomon "leapfrogged for 20 years".

As a partner at Salomon, Gufran received $30 million in compensation and served as co-CEO of the new firm.

In 1983, the commodity trading market was in turmoil, and important products such as gold and oil all fell sharply. Philip Brothers was hit hard, only realizing a revenue of 307 million U.S. dollars, while Salomon Corporation achieved a revenue of 463 million U.S. dollars. Demand greater rights.

So on the board of directors of the new company, there was a power struggle between Gufran and Tan Dele, the former chairman of Philip Brothers. In the end, Gufran won a big victory, Tan Dele resigned, and Gufran became the sole chief executive officer. —Solomon changed back to Salomon Corporation.

After this capital operation, regardless of its right or wrong, the strength of Salomon Company has been greatly enriched.

In 1985, Salomon's pre-tax profit reached 760 million US dollars. By this year, Salomon's capital reached 3.4 billion US dollars, with 6,000 employees and branches in major financial centers around the world.

Solomon is the current Wall Street giant and financial empire, and it is understandable that Buffett is optimistic about this company.

This guy is a long-term player. His assets are counted every five years to be more accurate. It is pure nonsense to say how much he has lost when the stock market falls.

Soros, who is worshiped by new Wall Street newcomers, published an article in the "Financial Times" intentionally or unintentionally. In the article, he predicted that the Japanese stock market was about to collapse. Nan Yi estimated that his grandson was not so kind as to remind others to withdraw their investment in Japan. Mostly he was looking for the power to fool him for him to coerce and drive.

Quantum Fund is too dazzling, and its every move can rarely be hidden from others.

It holds 5,000 S\u0026P 500 futures contracts worth US$1 billion. This is something that many people know, and someone will definitely take advantage of the general trend to give it a hard time.

Clearly not weak, but the reputation is not so dazzling Bridgewater hedge fund, his founder Dalio is thinking about researching and upgrading a unique decision-making system.

When Dalio first started trading, he used to record the criteria used to make decisions every time, so that he could review after the transaction. After accumulating a lot of standards, he thought that if these standards were converted into formulas, historical data could be used to test the formulas, and then improve unreasonable places.

In this way, he can get universal standards to guide his investment decisions, which is how Bridgewater's original interest rate, stock, foreign exchange and precious metal systems came about.

Later, Dalio integrated these systems together to form a decision-making system.

With the development of technology, Dalio constantly corrects the system through quantitative analysis and transaction backtesting. Dalio finds that decision-making is more useful than prediction.

This investment decision-making system is already working. Leo has caught the signal that the stock market is about to collapse. According to the decision-making system, he decides to short stocks.

Dalio's investment decision-making system can be said to be the selling point of Bridgewater Fund and a magic weapon for attracting customers. Therefore, it is not a secret on Wall Street.

Including the decisions of the major capitals on Wall Street, they are not secrets among each other. Whether it is securities lending or gambling, it is inevitable to contact the outside world, and it is impossible to quietly enter the village.

Low-key and confidentiality are only for retail investors. At a certain level, they are mixed with each other, not to mention that the news is leaking everywhere like a sieve, at least everyone knows which direction the other party's butt is pointing.

In terms of secrecy, a few years later, after the remote ordering by computer is mature, there may still be a certain degree of secrecy. There is no secret at all among the current institutions. If it is a secret, the funder behind it is a secret, which is really difficult to find out.

For example, this time, the funds of the "87 Carnival Preparatory Committee" went out through the channels of Jardine Bank and Scarlett Fund. Fund entrustment is the main business.

It seems that they are all through Nan's own channels, but both channels have attracted external funds. If someone is interested in the source of funds, they can directly say "customer privacy, no comment", even if the CIA, FBI, and MI6 ask , Don't even want to know the list of customers.

Rachel has been very busy recently, frequently contacting some big capitals, cashing out some of the shares of Wal-Mart and Apple held by Pan Am Holdings, and withdrawing 500 million US dollars of funds.

During this time, Scarlett frequently participated in banquets organized by shareholders of Citibank and Wells Fargo [not the same as the later Wells Fargo] shareholders, and they were close to each other.

Nanyi was sitting in front of the pier of Scarlett Manor, looking at the two children who were fishing, and flipping through the materials of the small banks in China. Take this opportunity to grow.


Monday, October 19.

The sky was blue and the sun was very bright. The weather looked good. Scarlett stayed at home and did not go to work. She was preparing lunch in the kitchen early in the morning. Nanyi was overhauling a tandem double tricycle in the garden.

The tricycle has two pairs of front and rear pedals, which can be used by two people together, and there is a seat similar to a rickshaw at the end, so that two children will not feel crowded when sitting.

At eight o'clock, under the warm sunshine, Nanyi and Scarlett, who were fully armed, got into the car. They stepped on the pedals together and rode the tricycle out of Scarlett Manor.

This is a journey without a destination. I don't care where I'm going, I only care about the scenery along the way.

On the way, when you see a good scenery, the tricycle will stop, wander for a while, simply appreciate it, or use insanity to imprison the portrait on the film.

After passing the Manhattan Bridge, the sound of Dangdang bells reached the ears of several people, and the weather immediately changed.

Where the Nanyi people went, the sun was still shining brightly, but other places were suddenly overcast. The foreheads of the passers-by on the road were reddened by the sun just now, but now they have become extremely dark.

Maybe the people in Nanyi have forgotten the time, or maybe they have been out in the sun for a long time.

As soon as she got off the Manhattan Bridge, Scarlett felt thirsty, and asked Nan Yi to hold the faucet and park the tricycle to the side of the road.

He took out three bottles of water from his backpack, handed the two small bottles to the two young ones, and kept the large bottle in his hand. Scarlett took a sip and twisted the cap back.

"Adam, at our pace, we'll be in Central Park just in time for lunch."

"No, I plan to ride along the beach towards East River Park, and when I get there, continue along the beach towards Hudson River Park." Nan Yi shook his head and said.

"It's too far away. I'd better go in the direction of the metropolis and ride slowly. I can also visit a clothing store on the way." Scarlett retorted.

"No, it's not your biggest today. Youqian and Wuwei don't like to go shopping with you in clothing stores."

When the two of them in Nanyi were arguing about the route, when the New York Stock Exchange opened, an ominous atmosphere permeated the noisy trading floor, covering everyone's heart.

As soon as the Dow Jones Industrial Average opened, it dropped 67 points. This was an unprecedented event. Many people began to panic. Not long after, panicked people began to sell, one, two, a few minutes , Selling orders converge from a trickle into a big river.

Under the pressure of the swarming crowd, a red stage was set up in the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange, and a singer walked onto the stage with his waist twisted, humming the song "Summer passed quietly...".

As soon as he got started, he was smashed down with leather shoes by the people in the trading floor, talking about topics related to red in the trading floor. Isn't this a lantern in the toilet?

This is a green world, everyone wants to wear a green hat, but unfortunately, the eyes of those who like green are glowing red, this red color comes from the monstrous pink waves on the screen.

Panicked, chaotic, everything is chaotic, the New York Stock Exchange is in chaos, and the futures market is not immune to it, it is also chaotic.

From 9:30 in the morning to 11:00 noon, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has been falling. No one knows how to stop the situation from deteriorating. People don't dare to agree.

The New York Stock Exchange has scruples about Wall Street's role as a "weather vane" in the global stock market, so it can only desperately persist and resist.

"Daddy, the beef is cold, I can't chew it."

Scarlett's lunch box for everyone is a sandwich with eggs, ham, and a large steak for each person.

"Chew slowly and in small bites."

Nan Yi opened his bloody mouth wide, replied, and took out a tissue from his bag to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He shouldn't have any expectations for Scarlett. A steak ranges from raw to medium rare. I don't know who she learned the skill of frying steak from. A steak can be fried with distinct layers. .

Nan Wuwei said with a bitter face, "Father, I can't even bite."

"Don't eat if you can't bite."

Scarlet put down the steak in her hand, took the steaks from Nan Youqiong and Nan Wuwei, then stuffed them into Nanyi's hand, and took away Nanyi's sandwich to share with the two, "The steak is here PaPa eat, we eat sandwiches."

On the lawn of Central Park, a strange scene suddenly appeared - Earl Dacola reappeared in the world, he likes to eat beef with blood, he likes to watch others eat sandwiches, and enjoy the beef all by himself.

Due to the mutual drive between the stock market and the futures market, the stock index and futures index fell more rapidly, and the trading volume soared. From 11:00 to 11:50, 93 million shares were traded in the stock market. Several major institutions traded in large quantities in the two markets. Disaster reached its peak.

The computer system of the New York Stock Exchange was almost paralyzed on this day. There were 200 microcomputers in the New York Stock Exchange. This system had never handled such a large number of transactions.

When stock trading data flooded into the computer, it immediately caused a blockage, and the fans of the case were spinning in circles quickly. The CPU really hated that their parents gave them a few legs, and they didn’t even have the time to wipe sweat. .

When sell orders flood in, the processing speed of the information system lags far behind.

Less than an hour after the opening of the market, due to the large number of selling orders, the computer was 20 minutes slower than the actual transaction speed, and the designated order conversion system in the computer system at noon was about 75 minutes slower.

Due to insufficient system capacity, 120 million shares of the 396 million shares transferred to the system were not executed.

The computer is incompetent, involving the three armies, and many people have been cut off from the escape route. They either fight or kill themselves. Jiangdong's elders have stepped on their feet again. Call your own lawyer and ask for a divorce agreement to be drafted as soon as possible.

In the afternoon, a more dire news spread to the stock market. David Ludd, the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission who had just taken office, gave a speech. When answering reporters’ questions, he said euphemistically: “A short-term suspension of the market is not ruled out to process orders. Possibility of imbalance."

He probably didn't expect that when the words were transmitted to space and returned to the ground through the Reuters airwaves, the euphemistic words became "blockbusters", and the stock market, which had just emerged a glimmer of life, set off a new round of frantic selling.

Panic, only panic, once the exchanges are closed, traders will not have time to get rid of their stocks, their stocks will be worthless, thousands of dollars will be reduced to ashes.

As a result, they had to "dump stocks" quickly, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged like a demon, like a flood that was unstoppable.

After 1:30, those institutional investors who bought stocks with pension funds, mutual funds, and insurance funds also joined the ranks of selling. Under the bombardment of such a huge number of heavy artillery, the already precarious index fell to 1900 points.

The last line of defense collapsed, and the frenzied stock market exploded like cold water dripping into a frying pan, and the cries of selling were deafening.

What was even more frightening was that the computer automatic quotation system was overwhelmed, and the quotation display was lagging behind the transaction time. No one knew whether the computer designed for the trading volume of 600 million shares could withstand such an impact, and no one knew where the stock price would fall.

In one day, the New York stock market lost 500 billion U.S. dollars, equivalent to a quarter of China's GDP.

After the close, after several hours of statistics, the closing price of the Dow Jones Index fell from 2247.06 points at the opening to 1738.74 points, a drop of 508.32 points, or 22.6%, which became the largest drop in the U.S. stock market since World War I.

The drop far outpaced the 12.8% drop on October 28, 1929.

In this day alone, the entire country lost 500 billion in stock market value, which is equivalent to 1/8 of the GNP value of the whole year of the country or the GNP value of the whole year of the country.

During this day, all historical records of the New York Stock Exchange were rewritten: 800 million shares were traded, more than three times the average daily trading volume in 1987; The average volume is 144,000 times, an average of 7 times per second.

After the market closed that day, Film held a press conference, announcing that the market would continue to open tomorrow, and this stock market crash not only affected China's stock market, but also affected all major indexes in the world.

When the two fell asleep, the two wandering people who rolled across the floor were wrapped in a woolen blanket, leaning against the fireplace, drinking cool red wine, and checking the stock market reports from various places.

The London Financial Times index fell 183.70 points, or 10.1%, which was also the largest drop in a day; the Credit Suisse Bank index fell by 11.3%; the Federal Republic of Germany was 3.7%; Belgium is 10.5%.

In Asia, after the Nikkei fell 620 points, or 2.35%, on the 19th, it fell another 3,800 points, or 14.6%, on the 20th; the Hong Kong Hang Seng Index fell 420.81 points, or 11.12%, on the 19th. It was 12.15%; the Australian All Ordinaries Index fell 80.20 points, or 3.74%, on the 19th, and then fell another 24.9% on the 20th.

The stock markets of Samba and Mexico fell by more than 20% on the 19th.

On October 20, Hong Kong time, an article was published in the supplements of major newspapers in Hong Kong——"Southland Bank Reports to All Customers".

"At a time when the stock market is in turmoil and many citizens are suffering, the senior management of Nanguo Bank has decided after consultation that all customers of our bank who financed the building can go to our business office to apply for loan extension within three days. Customers can choose to defer 1 -3 months, this extension is an extension of the contract period, and no extra costs will be incurred;

In addition, in the next month, our bank will launch a united minds credit card. Anyone who has a stable worker can apply for our bank's united minds credit card. In the next six months, our bank's united minds credit card will not charge a cash withdrawal fee.

People from Nanguo Bank implore all customers and citizens not to give up hope, please believe that the sun always comes after the storm. "

Also on this day, the Fang Group held a press conference.

Fang Mengyin impassionedly announced in front of many reporters: "Fang's Group has raised 6 billion Hong Kong dollars to save the market, and is going to spend 30 million Hong Kong dollars to cooperate with the Social Welfare Department to set up free vegetable pick-up points and Free box lunch collection point."

At the end of the press conference, Fang Mengyin also said: "A little bit of wind and rain is not terrible, please believe that Xiangxi will have a better tomorrow!"

October 20th, 8:8 a.m. New York time.

At the edge of the vegetable garden in Scarlet Manor, Nan Yi looked at his watch and shouted: "The auspicious time is here, let's set up a memorial archway."

As Nanyi's voice fell, Nan Youqiong and Nan Wuwei erected the archway made of solid wood, and saw four unattractive brush characters written on the archway-Brothers Vegetable Garden.

Watching the two brothers erect the archway, Nan Yi stepped forward with a hoe to help bury the pillar in the soil.

As soon as the memorial archway was erected, Nan Yi clapped his hands and said, "From today onwards, this vegetable garden will be handed over to you brothers, hurry up, hurry up, get moving, we have to hurry up and put away the spinach and cabbage, It’s too late to sell.”

Nan Youqiong took root in his feet, and asked unmoved: "Daddy, do my brother and I work for you?"

"No, you are all major shareholders. I get 30% of the money from selling vegetables, and each of you gets 35%."

"Inaction, Let's go."

When Nan Youqiong heard about Nanyi's distribution plan, he smiled and yelled at Nan Wuwei to go to Cailong.

For more than an hour, two special vegetable harvesters, one large and one small, shuttled through the vegetable garden. The big one was working hard, and the two small ones were playing. About the amount of vegetables in the trailers of two pickup trucks were harvested.

Nanyi put the vegetables on the conveyor belt, and the vegetables were sent into the washing machine along with the conveyor belt. After washing for dozens of seconds, the vegetables were spit back by the washing machine to another conveyor belt that went up diagonally.

After sending the two children to the pickup truck to pick up the vegetables, Nanyi went to the utility room next to the vegetable garden to find six or seven large Coke bottles, removed the tray at the bottom of the bottles, and took the bottles to the sink to fill them with water.

Helped the two boys to load the car, asked them to drive the pickup truck, and the team headed for Flushing in a hurry.

There is a relatively large open space in front of the No. 2 Chinese Supermarket that Xian Weile is in charge of. It is usually used as an open-air parking lot. Every weekend, this place becomes a job-hopping market, selling all kinds of second-hand goods or idle things. There are also Chinese farmers living in the suburbs who come to sell vegetables.

As soon as the convoy arrived at the parking lot, the other cars dispersed, leaving only two pickup trucks parked in a conspicuous position. Nan Yi opened the door of the pickup truck, picked up the Coke bottle with water on the side, and poked it out with a nail on the cap. After a few holes, turn over the truck body, and spray it on the spinach.

After spraying one bottle, change another bottle, and stop when the spinach on the top layer looks moist and tender.

"Wuwei, shout out, spinach, spinach without fertilizers and pesticides, 10 cents a piece; cabbage, cabbages without fertilizers and pesticides, 20 cents a piece. If you are poor, you are responsible for collecting money, spinach When the water dries up, sprinkle it again."


After Nanyi assigned jobs to his two sons, he walked to a corner and stood there, quietly watching the two practice as vegetable vendors.

Nan Wuwei stood in the car, screaming at the top of his voice. After a while, a middle-aged woman walked up to the pickup and asked, "Little baby, how do you sell Feilongcai?"

"we do not have……"

Before Nan Youqiong finished speaking, Nan Wuwei interrupted, "Auntie, Feilongcai is 10 cents a piece."

Feilongcai is what Chaoshan people call spinach. Nan Wuwei and Nanyi spent some time in Nanchen Village, so they can understand it.

"How much is a handful?" The middle-aged woman said as she picked up a handful of spinach, "Not much, it's too expensive, can it be cheaper?"

"Auntie, we planted this by ourselves. We didn't apply chemical fertilizers or pesticides. My brother and I caught the cabbage worms with our hands." Nan Wuwei said, looking at the middle-aged woman pitifully.

"The little doll is so cute, okay, okay, I'll buy two."

"Thank you, Auntie, I'll help you choose two good ones."

Nursing children can always get a little advantage when they come out to do business, and most people are embarrassed to haggle over with them.

One buyer left, and another buyer came after a while, and one after another, every hour, the two small businesses made five or six orders. Tuesday was not a node for grocery shopping, and this order volume was already good.

Nan Yi was watching from the sidelines. As far as selling vegetables was concerned, Nan Wuwei was better than Nan Youqiong.

This is what it should be. Nan Yi took Nan Wuwei to various wholesale markets for vegetables, aquatic products, and poultry, and also took him to the vegetable market several times.

Nan Youqiong missed this lesson, and Nan Yi wanted to make it up for him as soon as possible.

Nanyi didn't want to train his son to be a vegetable vendor, but considering that the Nan family will mainly revolve around food and vegetables in the future, the two primary schools must be familiar with vegetable buyers, vegetable sellers, vegetable vendors, and second-hand dealers. Level up, the operation mode and thinking mode of practitioners in all links in the middle.

Only in this way can we be targeted when we manage and make development plans in the future.


Xianglu, an unknown alley.

Zhang Shihao slumped against the wall like a puddle of mud, with several wine bottles lying at his feet.

He regrets it, really regrets it.

After finally "investing" in real estate and accumulating hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong papers, he wanted to take advantage of the booming stock market and go in to make a fortune, but who would have thought that he would encounter a stock market crash.

"What should I do, how can I repay the money owed to Gui Ligao?"

Zhang Shihao is very gambler, he can't do long-term business, he just thinks that he can make big money in one go, so he not only invested all his money in stocks, but also borrowed 500,000 yuan from Guiligao.

"Damn it, where did my money go? Who should grab it? Why, why?" Zhang Shihao raised his head and tortured God. Why, why?

Rich people are not good things. If you rob, I will rob, and I will rob you rich people. I will definitely let you obediently hand over your money to me. "

The more Zhang Shihao thought about it, the more extreme he became, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Thinking that he was still waiting for his wife A Fang at home, he didn't know how to explain to A Fang.

"Grab, grab, I must grab!"

Zhang Shihao's eyeballs turned red, and a ball of flames shot out from the pupils and scattered in all directions.

A person who had already left the society and wanted to live a good life changed because of the failure of stock trading. I don't know what this change will look like.

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