When we arrived, the butts of the two children still haven't blossomed. Nan Yi has no habit of beating children, and he thinks that it is not a bad thing for boys to be skinny.

When the bees disperse, Nanyi returns the honey taken by Erxiao to the beehive. Winter is approaching, and bees rely on honey to survive the winter. This season is not a good time to harvest honey.

Accompanying the two kids for a whole morning, after lunch, Nan Yi changed the two kids into small suits and bow ties, dressed them up as little adults, and took them to Chelsea.

Chelsea is an area of ​​Manhattan, New York, located on the west side of the island of Manhattan, south of 36th Street, between Fifth Avenue and the Hudson River.

Because she didn't know the exact address, Xiaohua drove halfway around Chelsea before seeing the signboard of Pioneer Gallery.

There is no opening flower basket, no red carpet, no welcome, no security. After entering the gallery, you can see waiters walking through the crowd with trays.

There are quite a few guests, but Nanyi is surprised that the proportion of people of yellow race is too high, and 80% of the gallery is yellow people.

There were several guests standing beside Henry Monet. They were discussing something, and they turned their heads inadvertently. When Henry Monet saw Nanyi, he walked over.

"Mr. Adam."

"Henry, Scarlett's itinerary has changed, and I will come here on her behalf."

Henry Monet smiled and said: "Madam, you are too polite. The Pioneer Gallery is just my first attempt. For Dabifan, it is not too important now."

"Tell me what kind of attempt it is."

"Mr. Adam, in addition to being a city with a strong commercial atmosphere, New York is also a city with strong artistic qualities. The Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s established the literary classics of African-Americans;

In the 1940s, it was the center of jazz; in the 1950s, it was the center of abstract expressionism art; in the 1970s, it was the birthplace of hip-hop culture, and punk and hardcore culture also developed at the same time.

New York is a gathering place where various cultures collide and spark. There are more than 500 art galleries and museums of different sizes in the city, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, one of the four major museums in the world.

Now in the 1980s, this place will become the center of painting art again. Mr. Adam, there are many unknown painters coming to New York from all over the world. I believe that there will definitely be masters among them, and there will be someone who can look up to Monet. "

"So, these people who came here today are actually painters?" Nan Yi looked around and asked.

"Yes, they are all painters from various countries. Among them, Mr. Adam has the most compatriots." Henry Monet said.

"New York is very suitable for painters to survive?"

"No, the life of most painters is very tight, and food and clothing are a problem for many people."

Nanyi smelled again: "Sell paintings for a living?"

"Yes, New York itself already has a very large group of artists. On the streets of Manhattan, there is one artist out of ten. The competition is very fierce. Even for Chinese artists with local advantages, it is not easy to get ahead. Yes. It is even more difficult for outsiders.

In addition, the local art market in New York has established a relatively complete and relatively closed system. Most foreign artists have no communication with the mainstream art world and cannot integrate into this system at all.

Regarding the inability to blend in, it is particularly prominent in the painters from Huaguo.

I have communicated with many Chinese painters. Most of them have high painting talent, but their English is very poor. Most of them can’t even speak a complete sentence of English. If I don’t understand Chinese, I can’t communicate with them at all. Do communicate.

If you don’t know English, you won’t be able to communicate with the mainstream art world, let alone enter the world of ‘us’.

However, I admire the courage of Huaguo painters. Dabifan Art Exhibition Hall often encounters Huaguo painters who rush in and recommend their works. "

"Is self-recommendation useful?"

Henry Monet shook his head, "It's useless at all. As I said, there is already a well-formed and rigorous system here in New York. The artist stands out. The level of work is only one of the factors, and a not too important factor."

"So, how on earth do they sell paintings for a living?"

"In Times Square, the Central Garden, and the entrance of the Metropolitan Museum, there are painters who set up booths every day to paint portraits for tourists. In the past, there were very few painters from Huaguo. In the past two years, this industry has tended to be monopolized by Huaguo painters.

Besides, Mr. Adam, what I say next may be..."

"It's okay, you can just say it if it doesn't sound good." Nanyi waved his hand and said.

“The casinos near New York will give out two chips worth $5 to each passenger on the casino bus in order to attract passengers. Many Chinese painters make a living by doing this. The round trip of the casino bus takes nearly four hours, at most You can take four rides and earn more than a thousand dollars a month."

"The casino won't take care of it?"

"It doesn't matter, the casino needs people to create the illusion of lively business, and many people who make a living by this, finally walked into the casino with chips, and then..." Henry Monet spread his hands.

"Understood, the Pioneer Gallery just wants to scrape a little gold from these painters."

"Yes, Dabifan will select candidates with a high probability of success among them, and then invite them to paint. Dabifan will save a few fine works first, and wait for them to succeed, or help them succeed."

Nan Yi nodded and said in agreement: "It's a good idea. For Chinese painters, you should pay attention to the five words 'export to domestic sales'. Pay more attention to painters who are going to leave New York and return to China to develop. Their probability of success be taller than the others."

"I understand that these years, I have spent several months in Huaguo every year, and I have a deep understanding of Huaguo people, especially those in the art circle."

"Hmm, I believe, if you continue to entertain guests, I will do as I please."

"Okay, then I'll leave first."

Henry Monet apologized, and returned to chatting and laughing among the guests.

Nan Yi took the two children to the wall, and took a sharp look at an oil painting hanging on the wall. This painting should be abstract, because Nan Yi couldn't understand what the painting was at all, in his eyes he could only see A bunch of color blocks piece together an object.

What is this object called, he really can't recognize it.

There is no doubt that Nanyi has no artistic cells in his body.

"Do you understand?" Nanyi lowered his head and asked the two children.

"Daddy, I can't understand. There are too many colors, dazzling." Nan Youqiong shook his head.

Nan Yi turned to Nan Wuwei again, "What about you?"

"Indian seasoning."

Nan Yi looked back at the painting on the wall again, not to mention, this painting really looks like Indian spices sprinkled on the canvas, in the middle are masala, asafoetida, red pepper powder, cumin seeds, and on the side The thin streaks of red are saffron.

"It's true, no matter what other people call this painting, we will call it "Indian Seasoning Assortment". It's a good painting, a good painting, as long as it doesn't exceed 100 US dollars, my father will buy it and give it to Wuwei."

"Sir, it's fine if you don't understand oil painting, but you can't be profane. The threshold here is too low, anyone can come in."

Nan Yi was pretending to be aggressive towards his son, when a noisy voice came from beside him.

Turning around, Nan Yi saw that the noise just now was leaving while shaking his head.

"Master, just leave after pretending to be forceful. You are a grandson who runs fast and dares to hurt me in front of my son. I will make you look good later." Nanyi slandered, and continued to lead the two children See other oil paintings.

The gallery is not big, and there are not many paintings on the walls. There are more than 30 paintings. Nan Yi, who has just been teased by others, no longer pretends to be forceful.

After reading it, Nan Yi came to a conclusion: "Without Scarlett, Da Bifan can only make a small amount of money at most and let him manage it by himself. He has no channels and vision, and he can't know Zhenbao before him. It’s unlikely to make a lot of money.”

Nan Yi was thinking about giving the four little ones a lesson in art appreciation, so he couldn't be as ignorant as he was.

When leaving Pioneer Gallery, Nan Yi asked Xiao Hua if she remembered the person just now, and after receiving Xiao Hua's affirmative reply, Nan Yi secretly thought, "If you meet this grandson again next time, you must pretend to be forced. "


The next day, Masami Ueto flew back to New York with a person.

The person she brought was Han Zhenhe, a Korean-American, who was the last secretary selected by Nan Yi from the three candidates.

"Secretary Han, there are a few things I want to tell you. First, the president doesn't like to listen to flattery, he only likes to listen to the truth. Especially when talking about work, if the president makes any mistakes, you can point them out directly without any scruples." the president's face;

Second, the president has no airs, is approachable, and gets along with others more casually. You can joke with the president, but you must always be soberly aware that you are the secretary and he is the president, and you must take your work seriously;

Three, absolute confidentiality, what you see, hear, and think, unless the president gives clear instructions, otherwise no news is allowed to be leaked to the outside world, anyone, including me, including your family;

Four, you'd better not find a girlfriend within five years. After five years, depending on the president's arrangement, you need to solve your physical problems and use other methods. As for the method, I don't need to say more. This is your man's strength ;

Five, uninterrupted learning, I don’t need to tell you how to learn and what to learn, you will naturally know after staying with the president for a few days, I hope you can keep up with the rhythm of the president;

Sixth, although you are the president's secretary, your salary is paid by Nan's. Your work scope only revolves around Nan's affairs, and the president will calculate your salary separately from you.

Although the Nan clan was founded by the president, in the words of the president, the Nan clan is the Nan clan of all Nan clan members, not the Nan clan of the Nan family, let alone the president's personal Nan clan. "

Finally, Uedo Masami said meaningfully: "You should taste this sentence carefully, and don't get a wrong understanding."

"Thank you, Secretary-General Ueto, for your advice. I will definitely keep it in mind." Han Zhenhe said with a bow.

"By the way, there is no need to bow in front of the president in the future, unless it is a very formal occasion."

Han Zhenhe bowed again and said, "Yes, I understand."

Uedo Masami smiled, and after negotiating with the access control, entered Scarlett Manor.

Fifteen minutes later, the two arrived at the shooting range of the manor.

"Zhen Hyuk, have you served in the military?"

"Yes, President."

"Then play with me, Galil, you should be very comfortable with it."

Nan Yi picked up a Galile assault rifle from the table, pulled the bolt, unloaded the bullet, and then unloaded the magazine, and handed the gun to Han Zhenhe after separating.

Han Zhenhe took the gun, loaded it accurately but unskillfully, aimed at the target and pulled the trigger.

"Bahuan, it's not bad. What you have in your hand is the first-generation Galil. The Israeli National Defense Forces have not been very interested in it. The special forces would rather choose the M16 series aided by the Chinese military or the captured AK series, while the regular troops After being equipped for a period of time, it also switched to the M16 series and eliminated the Galilee rifle.

How do you feel when using it, compared to K2? "

Han Zhenhe put away the rifle, turned off the safety, and said, "President, I feel that K2 is more comfortable to use."

"Normal." Nanyi picked up a gun on the table again, and said: "Although K2 is a hybrid of M16 and Galil, it also borrows some advantages of FNC and FAL; it adopts the air guide system of AK , FNC’s air guide valve and piston-driven M16’s bolt, using STANAG magazines to feed ammunition, the sight is a bit similar to M249 SAW, and the rear support feels a lot like FAL when shooting.”

As Nanyi said, he raised his rifle and pulled the trigger continuously without aiming.

bang bang bang!

Three shots in a row, two shots in the bull's-eye of the humanoid in the distance, and one shot in the forehead, standard Mozambique shooting method.

Unloading, closing the safety, and putting the gun back on the table, Nan Yi beckoned to Han Zhenhe and invited him to sit down at a solid wooden table next to the shooting range.

"Zhenhe, what year did you come from Yiguo?"

"President, 83 years."

"You used to live in Seoul?"

"No, I lived in Busan when I was a child, and my father worked at the dock." Han Zhenhe replied.

"Oh, who did you learn Chinese from?"

"I learned from my grandfather. He is a Taoist priest, and he served as a soldier in the Chinese army for several years in the 1930s."

Nan Yi knew that the Taoist priests Han Zhenhe was talking about were not the ones who lived in the mountains, but Taoist priests who did white things. Chinese is one of the skills that this kind of profession must master, but it is limited to writing and understanding the meaning of words, but the pronunciation is their own. .

"Since you have lived in Busan, have you heard of Park In-geun?"

Han Zhenhe thought for a moment and said, "No."

"Where is the Brothers Home Welfare Institute?"


Nanyi then asked Han Zhenhe a few more questions, all of which were related to his life history. Nanyi's purpose was to confirm whether Han Zhenhe's statement was consistent with the background information.

Humans, it is impossible to show others a thorough analysis of themselves, they will always hide something and don’t want to tell others, so what Han Zhenhe said is reserved and concealed; after that, Nanyi will mark the hidden part of Han Zhenhe, Then send Han Zhenhe's information to the heart control team for a second psychological evaluation.

Although loyalty will change with time and the environment, and the employment mainly depends on the system, this statement does not include the close people who follow.

A person close to him must first be loyal enough, second, keep his mouth shut, and put ability in the third place.

Nanyi's first impression of Han Zhenhe was not bad, and his identity as a South Korean also gave him extra points to facilitate the implementation of some plans in the future. Han Zhenhe stayed with Nanyi like this, and the two entered a running-in period.

Another day later, Bounty Town sent several photos, one of which focused on a bunch of red and yellow fruits, which looked a bit like undried goji berries, but there was a picture drawn on the photo. There is a circle, and there is an English label "Cocaine" on the side, which is cocaine.

"Let's just say, how could the descendants of the gangsters grow crops honestly."

After seeing the photos, Nan Yi called the school belle to her side.

"The team first withdrew to Houston to rest and stand by. The ghost took over the investigation to find out the kinship of the Logan family. I want to know who will inherit the inheritance after the people on the Logan farm die. By the way, find out whether the heir is interested in the farm. The first choice is whether to sell."

"Do you want to check the upstream and downstream along the drug line? I am worried that the Logan family will be involved with other drug dealers, which may cause unnecessary trouble." Xiaohua said.

"No rush, let's see what the DEA does first."

Nanyi intends to ask Scarlett to disclose the news of cocaine planting on Logan Farm to her relationship with the Ministry of Justice, so as to give credit to others, and at the same time ask them to provide snacks, use some strength, and firepower when fighting drug dealers Be stronger, to save time for the busy judges, don't think about going to court, just go straight to the end.

After all, the righteous Nanyi has always been at odds with gambling and drugs.

As soon as the school girl left, Han Zhenhe came to Nanyi with a stack of materials.

"President, the information has been found."

"Where did you find it?"

"My neighbor in Flushing turned out to be a professor at Nonghyup University, and I borrowed the materials from him."

"Okay, let me take a look first. You can make a copy later and give it back to others." Nanyi took the information, flipped through it and said, "Zhenhe, what do you know about the Seven Stars?"

"I don't know much, I only know that it is the largest organized violence group in Busan."

"Oh." Nan Yi nodded and asked again: "Do you have many relatives in Busan?"

"When I was studying, there were a few good relatives in school."

"I heard that your college entrance examination competition in South Korea is very fierce, and the proportion of those who can be admitted to university is not too high."

"Yes, in the year before the exam in Seoul, I only slept for four hours a day, and the rest of the time was spent on reviewing, and the same was true for other people, working very hard, and sudden death happened from time to time due to overworked reading. "

Han Zhenhe seemed to recall that difficult time, paused for a while, and then sighed: "But even if you work so hard, there are still not many people who can get into college."

Nan Yi asked: "Should not many of your relatives be admitted to university?"

"Very few, most of them did not take the college entrance examination, but went directly to work."

"What kind of work will they do?"

"Factories, construction sites, docks, and restaurants are not very good jobs."

"Have you participated in organizing violent groups?"


"Oh." Nanyi handed the lower half from the documents to Han Zhenhe, "You take these and copy them first."

"Yes, President."

Han Zhenhe took the information paper and walked to Nanyi's study in a daze.

After reading the information in the garden for a while, Nanyi felt his eyes were a little tired, so he stood up and walked towards the woods.

Walked into the woods, stood under a lonely tree with no other trees around, looked up, then went to get a ladder, climbed up the ladder, picked a few apples from the tree, and picked a few more apples. A "Dazi Zhilou" that looks exactly like a watermelon.

After wiping the apple on his sleeve, Nanyi took a mouthful of it, and then said to himself, "The taste is almost meaningless."

The tree next to Nanyi was named Baiguoshu by him. As the name suggests, it is a tree that can bear many kinds of fruits. Now it has grown 42 different kinds of fruits.

In the spring of this year, Nanyi grafted branches of seven new fruit trees. If the branches can grow vigorously, they should be able to grow 49 kinds of fruits in two or three years, which is one step closer to 100 kinds.

"Daddy, you didn't let us pick the fruit, but you ate it yourself."

Nanyi had just eaten half an apple when Second General Heng Ha appeared in front of him, posing in a posture that looked like a policeman holding down a thief.

"It's not that you are not allowed to eat. I am afraid that you will hurt the fruit tree. Take it and eat it." Nanyi wiped the apple on his sleeve and handed it to the two children.

"Father, this tree is so powerful that it can grow so many fruits." Nan Wuwei said after taking the fruit.

"This is the power of science, but also the power of money. In order to learn how to graft this tree, my father paid others a lot of money."

"Daddy, how much is a lot?"

"Ten times more than your railway company."

"A lot."

"So, you have to protect this tree and don't hurt it."


The two boys nodded at the same time.

"Daddy, shall we build a tree house?"

"Okay, you guys first think about what you want to build, and then we will make a budget and plan together. Be quick, it will snow soon."

"Well, brother, let's go draw a picture."

Nan Youqiong yelled at Nan Wuwei, and the two brothers left Nanyi and ran towards the house.

After the two left, Nanyi walked around in the woods, picked a tree suitable for building a tree house, stood there thinking for a while, and then returned to the garden to continue reading the information.

In the next few days, Nan Yi and his two children were busy building a tree house in the morning, and in the afternoon, they went to Qidian Orphanage to get close to their adoptive children, especially one named Nan Jiajun. At the beginning of next year, Nan Yi planned to arrange He went back to South Korea to study.

Nan Jiajun, he has forgotten his original name, but only remembers his code name "13" in the Brothers Welfare Institute.

In the 1960s and 1970s, there were many homeless children and beggars on the streets of South Korea. The authorities believed that they were detrimental to South Korea. In 1974, the Blue House issued Order No. 410, requiring all localities to "monitor and protect homeless people". clean up".

Against this background, orphanages for the homeless are competing to be established. The more homeless they take in, the higher the state subsidies will be, and the police will be paid accordingly for every person they catch.

Among the many welfare homes, the "Brothers' Home" welfare home received the most homeless people, with a total of more than 3,500.

The boss, Park In-geun, once proudly declared that "we provide accommodation, food, clothing, and education for the homeless, and let them go home after one year", but in fact he is doing shady things.

While looking for families willing to adopt orphans in China, for the safety of the children, the Brothers' House will charge the "families" a high "abuse and second abandonment guarantee deposit".

On the one hand, the so-called education is implemented for the homeless. First, let the homeless forget their names and only remember the numbers given by the brothers' home, and then teach them various skills such as making clothes and fishing nets.

When the homeless mastered the skills, Park Ren-geun listed all the homeless as "spiritual shareholders" and opened factories to earn tens of millions of dollars in profits for the homeless every year.

Nan Yi didn't ask anyone to investigate Brother's House. All he knew came from Nan Jiajun's narration. Nan Jiajun was a lucky person who was selected by the Yi family and was able to escape from Brother's House.

However, he is also unlucky.

Although Nan Jiajun was already an orphan and a homeless person before he entered the Brothers' House, living on the streets, hungry and full, but anyway, he still had freedom, and he didn't need to accept the high death rate. educate.

Born to be raised by nature, but also fell into the devil's den, he was finally favored by the Yi family, but it didn't take long for his adoptive parents to die in a car accident, so he was naturally unlucky.

However, he is also a lucky one. He met Nanyi, a bole, and trained him carefully for several years. He will probably become one of South Korea's chaebols in the future.

As December passed day by day, Nan's various new plans were implemented one by one.

The next few years will be the years when Nan’s will expand in the basic market, and it will also be the few years when it will start to cut off industries that have nothing to do with the basic market. Those industries that have nothing to do with agriculture, high technology, and energy, and have no good auxiliary effects, will be in the future. It will be cut down in the next few years to decades.

The real estate blew the charge. Personnel related to the real estate policy committee were transferred from the financial team to directly set up a real estate team, and established three departments under the real estate team: self-management, investment, and exit.

Self-employment means managing the real estate companies established by yourself, such as Creativity Real Estate, Tota Construction, Chunshen Construction, and Zheng Guo Gaoma; investment means that a certain amount of funds will be allocated to the real estate team, and the funds will be used for share investment, financing, lending, etc. Means to invest in other real estate enterprises.

Exit is easy to understand. For Nanyi, real estate is a huge speculative project involving trillions. He has never had the idea of ​​​​deep cultivation in this industry. "Exit" is responsible for withdrawing Nan's funds at the right time. come out.

This time node must be well controlled. It should be like Japanese real estate investment. You should withdraw two or three years before reaching the highest point.

Also in December, Nanshi also implemented a reserve fund plan. The first phase reserves 1,500 tons of gold and US$50 billion in cash. The reserve fund will not be used for operational investment, but will only be used for value-preservation It is used to resist the crisis that the Nan family may encounter in the future, whether it is a survival crisis or an economic crisis.

In addition, Nanshi also needs to build its own "three-to-seven ratio", increase investment in the basic market, reduce funds in hand, and let Nanshi's asset-cash ratio reach a ratio of seven to three. maintain this ratio.

The last two years of the 1980s will be the two years in which the Nan family will spend a lot of money in land acquisitions, high technology, and energy, and it will also be the two years when they will reach new heights.

Time is like lightning, and life is like turning pages. In a blink of an eye, the time has come to December 24, the day of Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve and Christmas are festivals of Christ and merchants, but they are not Jewish or Chinese festivals.

The Jews and Chinese who came to New York in the 19th century experienced a lot of injustice as ethnic minorities, and there was a period of sympathy for each other. Even Chinatown in Manhattan was next to the Jewish community on the Lower East Side, and the two races once huddled together to keep warm.

It's just that after decades or hundreds of years of development, the tentacles of the Jews have extended to all areas of the country, while the Chinese still hang around restaurants and laundry rooms.

However, there is still a long-standing connection between the two communities, that is, whenever Christians eat turkey at home at Christmas, New York Jews will choose to eat Chinese food in Chinese restaurants.

On 8th Avenue in Brooklyn, in one of the continuous Chinese restaurants, Nanyi's family of four sits in it. The main income of the Chinese restaurants on this street comes from Jews. Naturally, for these big customers, the restaurant owners here will Give certain discounts and conveniences.

For example, today the restaurants here are all Jewish-only. The restaurants have a tacit understanding that they only do Jewish business, and make room for the Jews. After filling their stomachs, they can turn this place into a self-service reception.

We started eating at six or seven o'clock, and everyone ate their own food. At 8:30, when a wine glass was knocked out, the sound of "ding ding ding" meant that the meal time was over, and everyone could talk to each other and move around.

Hearing the sound, Nan Yi picked up the fried spring rolls on the table, and took his two sons to the empty table in the corner that he had already looked at earlier.

Coming here for dinner today, for Nanyi, is almost like going to the mother-in-law's house for the New Year. The son-in-law always shrinks in the corner, unable to blend in with the excitement of other people.

As soon as the three of Nanyi left the original table, three of them walked towards Scarlett, one old and two young.

The three Nanyi knew each other, and they were father and son of Madoff Company—father Bernard Madoff, eldest son Mark Madoff, and second son Andrew Madoff.

In 1960, after Bernard Madoff graduated from Hofstra University Law School in New York, he earned $5,000 by using his summer job as a lifeguard and installing garden sprinklers, and borrowed from his wife Ruth's father. office, founded Bernard Madoff Investment Securities Company, engaged in securities brokerage business.

After years of hard work, Madoff has gradually become a star in the brokerage business on Wall Street by virtue of his ingenuity. Today, Bernard Madoff is a well-known figure in the securities industry, almost as famous as Buffett.

Madoff Corporation is a competitor of the Scarlett Fund. Both parties are trying their best to absorb funds from the Jews in the United States. They have met several times in secret, but they still maintain restraint and only use normal business methods.

"It's also strange that this Madoff didn't go to entertain customers first, but found competitors first." Nanyi muttered, and turned his attention to his son again.

In his previous life, Nan Yi knew about Bernard Madoff, a master at playing Ponzi, and he was able to maintain a scam for twenty years before it finally exploded, which made people have to worship.

Knowing that this person happened to be a competitor, Nanyi would naturally remind Scarlett to find out his details. Therefore, Nanyi knew what Madoff Company was, and Scarlett also knew it.

Of course, the information so far is relatively positive. After all, Bernard Madoff has not yet started to play his "laminated investment" and has not yet started to cheat his fellow Jews.

"Hello, Mr. Adam."

Just as Nanyi, father and son were sharing fried spring rolls, a middle-aged man brought a six or seven-year-old child to their table with a wine glass.

"Hi Mr. Kushner, I didn't expect you to be in New York today."

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