"Nansheng, the report from the Sharma family has arrived."

Nan Yi was looking at the swimming fish in the Peacock Lake, when Xiao Hua came to him quietly.

"It's a bit slow."

"The few Indians recruited by Bat from Xiangfang are either low caste or untouchables, and they have been in Xiangfang for many years, and they have no relationship network in India at all, so it is very difficult to carry out work."

"I know, understandable, we talked as we walked."

As Nanyi said, he picked up the Lee Enfield Type 4 rifle leaning on the back of the chair, and walked towards Peacock Mountain with the school flower.

"The Sharma family rose up in Gujarat in the 16th century. Their ancestors once followed Akbar to conquer the world. After the establishment of the Mughal Empire, the Sharma family received a lot of rewards from the dragon, including three temples, Sri Padmanabaswami Temple, Tamil Na..."

Nan Yi waved his hand and interrupted Xiao Hua's words, "I am not interested in the temple, although there is a great possibility that there is a lot of gold stored in the temple, but it is not easy to get their ideas, skip their family history , directly from the present moment.”

After Nan Yi finished speaking, he waved his hand towards the foot of Peacock Mountain. After waiting for two seconds, a glass bottle painted with camouflage colors spun from the ground to the sky.

Pulling the bolt quickly, Nan Yi raised the gun and shot subconsciously.

First there was a bang, and then another bang, and the bottle 120 meters away burst in response.

"Nansheng, your marksmanship has improved again."

Nan Yi pulled the bolt, caught the thrown shells and put them in his pocket, pushed the bolt, put the safety back, and put the gun on his back. After finishing all this, he said to the school belle: "It's not worthy of praise, Ten years, more than 100,000 rounds of ammunition, even a pig should become a precision shooter, let’s get down to business.”

"Entering the 19th century, the Sharma family has changed from a large family model in the past to a sprawling alliance model. Different branches develop in different fields. Whether it is Hinduism, politics, military, or business, there are Sharma families. A member of the Erma family."

"What about the relationship between the branches?"

"The Sharma family has a patriarch, which is only symbolic and does not have much authority. It is more of a link between branches. Every year, the Sharma family holds three sacrifices, and all members of the family must go to , other than that, there won't be much connection between them."

"The branches only jointly maintain the brand of the Sharma family, which is the same as the relationship between the bosses of various sites in the society?" Nanyi asked.

"Very similar."

"Well, what about Priyanka's family?" Nan Yi nodded thoughtfully.

"Priyanka's grandparents have passed away. Her father, Sonu Sharma, is the vice chairman of SESAGOA, and her mother, Seira Sharma, is a senior executive of VSNL."

"What about Seira's maiden name?"


"Birla of the Birla Consortium?"

"Yes, her father was relatively marginalized in the Birla Consortium."


Nan Yi frowned, looked at the fresh cow dung on the side of the road ahead, looked up and swept around, and waved to the servant not far away.


The servant walked up to Nanyi, lowered his head and yelled.

Nan Yi pointed to the ground, and when the servant saw the cow dung on the ground, he immediately said in a panic, "Sorry, Sir, Sorry, Sorry."

Without saying anything, Nanyi and Xiaohua continued to walk forward.

"His English is much more standard than a week ago. He is too motivated. Talk to Pulan and pay more attention to him."

When Nanyi asked Faraque to find a servant, he specifically asked all the servants except the housekeeper not to speak English, preferably not even Hindi, but the servant just now, in spoken English The smell of curry is almost gone.

Nanyi doesn't need servants to understand him, nor does he want them to understand.

When he came to a tree, Nanyi leaned against the tree, took the gun, raised the gun upwards, released the safety, and fired the gun in one go. When the trigger was pulled, there was a rustle on the tree, and a plaid snake fell down. Falling, the plaid snake fell to the ground and twisted a bit, and got into the grass with a whistling sound.

"In ancient times, the poor scholar wrote a lot of love stories about the elopement between the young lady and the poor scholar. I have always looked down on the poor scholar, but I have always had a good impression of the young lady in the story. It is commendable for her courage to give up everything for love. .

Priyanka is the same as the eldest lady in the story, I like it very much, I really want to write a piece of "Mumbai Love Story" with her, the problem now is how to appease Sayuri. "

"Nansheng, the Sharma family is not monolithic, and Priyanka is still expelled from the family." The school flower reminded.

"Well, I know that SESAGOA is India's largest joint-stock iron ore export company. It has several rich iron ore mines in Goa, Karnataka, and Odisha. Find out who owns its shares. In the hands of shareholders, pay special attention to whether there are Japan International Cooperation Agency and Mitsui \u0026 Co. in the list of shareholders;

Of course, special attention should be paid to the name of the Sharma family. In addition, the more detailed the better, the more detailed the better. "


Nan Yi came to India to attack agriculture, telecommunications, mining, and finance. Unexpectedly, a single Priyanka would involve two lines of mining and telecommunications.

"Father works in the largest iron ore export company, and mother works in one of the two state-run telecommunications giants. You actually eloped with a Dalit, Priyanka, you are so naughty, you really did a good job."

Nanyi muttered in his heart, raising the gun in his hand from time to time, and he shot out the remaining eight bullets in the magazine.

After putting away the bullet casings, Nan Yi took out another handful of bullets from his pocket, pressed them into the magazine one by one, and suddenly stopped on a bullet, rubbed the bullet casing with his thumb tip, and then stroked the bullet head.

Nanyi raised his hand, checked the connection between the bullet and the shell, then put it to his ear and shook it to hear the sound, "Damn it, it's made locally."

With a mutter, Nan Yi stuffed the bullet into an empty pocket.

Nanyi didn't dare to use India's own bullets, the ghost knows which year the product was made, and besides, India's industrial standards are a joke, he is really afraid of exploding his chamber.

Going up the mountain, Nanyi inspected the entire Peacock Mountain, and when he saw the plaid snakes climbing up the tree to dig out the eggs, he shot, not aiming at them, but just scaring them.

The plaid snake is non-venomous, but it hurts a little bit. Nanyi let them live here with him, and didn't think about driving them away.


Mumbai, Colaba district.

If you have watched the movie "Hotel Mumbai", you should still remember a scene: two handsome guys got out of a taxi and threw a green grenade into a restaurant.

At that time, the foreigner backpacker in the restaurant was arguing with the waiter whether to order pork, who knew that he was scared when he saw the grenade.

The place where the grenade was thrown is called LeoPold, Leopold. It is a bar and a restaurant in Clappa, and it is also a place where Western backpackers like to go.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that Mumbai is an international metropolis, but if it is said to be an international crime capital and second to Gotham City, I believe no one will object.

Leopold, the rectangular storefront facing the street on the first floor is as wide as the other four restaurants. It is entered and exited by two metal doors. The busiest street in Ba district;

The second floor is very inconspicuous, but the air-conditioned small bar is supported by several thick columns. Arranged with columns.

There are small mirrors cleverly attached to the columns and walls, allowing diners and drinkers to pretend to casually look at or peep at other people, or to wink at their favorite objects.

For unrestrained Westerners, their reflections in several mirrors at the same time are something worth enjoying.

Seeing people, being watched by others, and seeing myself being watched by others seems to be very interesting.

Of course, this is for others. For Nanyi who has persecution delusions, he feels uncomfortable sitting in it, and the burning heat of being stared at by others will come from his cheeks, chest, arms, and back from time to time. Definitely not an illusion.

It's normal to be stared at. Anyone who is not blind can tell that the circle of tables around Nanyi and Priyanka is full of people who guard them.

Nan Yi stared at it if he wanted to. He tried his best to ignore the scorching heat on his body. He looked up at the ceiling fan that was spinning feebly while humming, and at the white pendulum-shaped pendulum that was forced to resonate. Glass chandelier.

Turning his head and looking left and right, the walls, doors, windows, and mirrors are all inlaid with mahogany trim, and there are various fruits displayed on one wall, including bubbles that taste like mango, papaya, and banana. Pickled fruit, some people call it Babo fruit, and there are several kinds of fruits such as grapes, watermelons, and oranges.

Then I turned around and saw a corner of the busy kitchen. The work clothes of the staff in the kitchen were clean, and the skin was not so dark. The kitchen counters were also cleaned up. The food here can be imported.

After observing the environment, Nan Yi shamelessly pricked up his ears, wanting to hear what the guests at other tables were talking about.

Leopold seems to be a habitat established by foreigners in Bombay. Everything is Indian, except for the customers in the store. Some customers have obvious national characteristics, and some are not too obvious.

The reason why Nanyi came to Leopold to eat was because the bats reported that this place is a magical existence, a place that wanders between black and gray.

Here, people who wander in the gray area or are directly immersed in the black area will come from all corners of Mumbai to negotiate business, which cannot be discussed openly in the sun.

This is the Peace Hotel in the black world. You can only negotiate, but you can’t complete the transaction here. Black business such as counterfeit money, passports, gold that is very popular in India, women, etc., promotion, contracts, opportunities, etc. Gray business that can only be obtained through bribery You can also negotiate here.

The irony is that across the street is the police station of Clarabar. Whether it is dark under the lights or selective blindness, only God knows.

Two pairs of men and women came in one after another at the door. The first came in was a Western man and an Indian woman wearing a jasmine garland, wrapped in a red sari dotted with beads, and the fat around her exposed waist trembled. Go straight upstairs.

An Arab man and a European woman came in after them. They wore a sleeveless T-shirt and a skirt covering the hips. They glanced around and sat down on an empty seat on the first floor.

Then several pairs of similar combinations came in. Indian women went upstairs, while Western women were on the first floor. Nan Yi thought that this should not be a coincidence, but an unspoken rule. Local chickens can only go to the second floor, and foreign goods are on the first floor building.

Nanyi has been paying attention to the table where he heard several key words "300 grams", "purity" and "delivery time". Two guests stood up at the same time, then walked out of the range of the table and came to the aisle They shook hands, looked at each other and smiled, and then went their separate ways.

This is not the first time Nanyi has seen such a move. Just now, guests at other tables also made similar moves. This may also be an unspoken rule. Shaking hands in the aisle means a deal has been reached.

"Does it look good?"

Nan Yi, who had already faintly felt the surface of the operation here, withdrew his gaze from looking around, and turned his attention to Priyanka who was observing him through the mirror on the opposite side.

Priyanka shook her head, shivered, and said with a confident smile: "It's very beautiful."

"Ha, you seem to have forgotten your current identity, maybe I should give you two pockets, so that you can have a better understanding of the reality." Nan Yi said with a half-smile.

Priyanka's face darkened, she was concentrating, and then returned to her normal expression, she smiled and asked, "What is a bider?"

With a slender figure, black hair reaching shoulders, fair complexion, square shoulders, a straight figure, a leisurely and resolute demeanor, the pride of plump lips, exuding confidence through the high bridge of the nose.

Nanyi didn't know whether Priyanka in front of him had confidence, or was he just a fool who didn't realize his current situation.

"Handling, this is very common in India. I have seen it countless times on the street in the past few days. I even heard that you have a fighting competition here. I can go and see it someday."

Slapping is a slap in the face, and slapping scenes can be seen everywhere in India. In addition to the mess and chaos these days, Nanyi has also seen many people slapping others in the street. From his point of view, slapping in India is not insulting. Not that strong.

"I still don't understand what bider is." Priyanka said blankly.

"You don't need to know what a bag is for the time being. Go order a glass of soda. You have to check the glass and watch the waiter pour the water."

"We in India can order drinks from our seats." Priyanka said with a bit of sarcasm.

"Ah, thanks for reminding me, Maid Priyanka."

Priyanka's face darkened again, and she stood up softly, "Yes, I'm a maid, I'll go right away."

"You must be polite, and remember to add 'Yes, Master', 'Understood, Master', and 'I was wrong, Master' when you talk to me in the future." Nan Yi said playfully with a straight face.

Priyanka bit her lip and said unwillingly, "Yes, sir."

When Priyanka walked towards the kitchen, Nanyi leaned back in the chair, pouted his neck and said, "Find a chance to reward her with two big pockets."

"I also don't understand what a coercion is."

"It's just a slap in the face, the food is still the same, let her work from tomorrow." Nan Yi thought for a while and said: "Let her make cow dung cakes, and slap her if she can't do it well. Get rid of your arrogance first."

"I play black face?"

"Yes." Nan Yi nodded lightly, and said, "Don't worry, there will be no bitter tricks behind."

Smiling, Nanyi raised his ears to eavesdrop on another table, where an Indian and a Westerner were complaining about corruption in Mumbai.

Indians complain that there is legitimate bribery here in Mumbai, saying that other countries are sneaky, but here in Mumbai they are open and frank, and they don't hide it at all.

The Westerners did not refute the Indians' point of view, but only complained that so-and-so took his money but failed to do a good job. As for what it was, Nanyi only heard the word "Book".

This is hard to guess, there are too many things that can be called by books, such as documents, approval documents, passports, as long as they have something to do with paper.

"My lord, your soda."

Priyanka slammed the drink on the table, gnashing her teeth on the word "Master".

"Sit down, and tell me about the person you risk everything to elope with." Nan Yi tapped his finger on the table, "I really want to know what kind of magic power that gentleman has."

"Jain, his name is Jain."

"Nice name."

Nanyi praised, but cursed in his stomach, "Young lady is not a good thing, treat me as a fool, everyone knows about the trouble, and give me a fake name."

"Jain is not only handsome and burly, but also very masculine, just like the legendary hero, but his background is a bit lower, but I can feel that he really loves me, so I eloped with him .”

"what's his job?"

"Students from the University of Mumbai, who would have graduated this year."

"You are handsome and talented, and I still really love you. No wonder you are desperate for him." Nan Yi said, pointing to the two people standing outside the road through the restaurant door, "I have a friend Like them, I used to work as a salesman here, as if to sell passports.

As long as you introduce customers to the seller, after completing the transaction, he can get a lot of commission. He seems to be very suitable for sales work, and his performance is very good. After a few months of doing it, he can save a lot of money .

With a little capital, he wanted to change his social status, ah, I forgot to introduce, he is a Dalit. "

Nanyi brought the soda water on the table to his mouth, and put it back on the table when it was about to touch his lips, "You should know better than me what Dalit means. My friend thought of it at first." When going abroad, as long as he goes abroad, no one will know that he is a Dalit.

But he quickly dismissed this idea. He was not familiar with the place abroad, and his English was not very good. He was very worried that he would not be able to make a living abroad.

The idea of ​​going abroad has been given up, but what should he do if he wants to stay in India?

He thought about it, and for several days in a row, he couldn't think of a suitable way for him to change his class.

Just when he was at a loss and was smoking a cigarette at the window of the small house, a high-caste woman who looked very similar to you happened to pass by in the alley below the window. Caste girls get married. "

Nan Yi calmed down, his eyes were covered with sadness, "It's just a pity, my friend messed up, it's a pity, it's only one step away."

What Nan Yi said, the more Priyanka heard it, the more she felt something was wrong, as if she was talking about her in the dark.

"My friend's name is Rajan, and he was later renamed Dead Man. Five minutes ago, he was renamed again. Jain, a good name."

"You were sent by Lord Shiva to disgust me, right?"

Priyanka cursed inwardly, stood up suddenly from her seat, stretched out her right hand, grabbed the whiskey glass on the table, and made a gesture of splashing.

Nanyi brewed for a few tenths of a second, then wound up his vocal cords, and blurted out a sentence, "Maid Priyanka, you have to think about the consequences of spilling this glass of wine on my face."

Nan Yi had to speak quickly, it would be too late when the wine splashed on his face.

Priyanka was overwhelmed by Nanyi's words, and stood there in a battle between heaven and man. After a long time, she almost became a western scene, so she put down her cup and sat back.

"Very good, Girl, you are no longer the old lady. To be a maid with me, you must be honest and willing to work. As long as you work hard, you will get a promotion and salary and elope with Dalit, everything is not a dream." Nanyi said , took out a 500 rupee note from his pocket, "You are responsible for the checkout, and you can take a taxi back by yourself, tuk tuk, not Taxi."

After leaving Leopold's restaurant, Nan Yi and his party returned to Peacock Villa.

When passing through the hall used to receive guests, Nan Yi happened to meet Diwaman, and he stopped him, "Diwaman, is it the day when the statue of Jagannath will be returned to the temple?"

"Yes, sir."

"Oh, I missed the ten festivals. I didn't go to the Ganges to worship the river goddess, and I didn't go to the holy river to bathe to eliminate the ten sins of body, speech and mind. This is not good, very bad. I can't leave recently. You go to Wa Ranasi, you have done everything for me and set off early tomorrow morning."

Although Diwaman was a little surprised how a foreigner in Nanyi would think of going on a pilgrimage, but after thinking about it, maybe he was doing as the Romans did, and wanted to integrate as soon as possible, so he nodded and said, "Okay, sir."

"I'm not in a hurry to come back, I can stay there for a few more days."

Nan Yi added, don't pass Diwaman, and walk quickly to the kitchen.

In Leopold, Nanyi’s dinner was Meixian fried rice, which looked like a Chinese-style rice bowl, not colorful or lumpy, but it still tasted like Indian seasoning in his mouth, which didn’t suit him at all. He didn't eat it after only two or three mouthfuls. He was still hungry at this moment.

After filling his stomach, Nanyi went to the roof, enjoyed the breeze, spent money suddenly, and held a three-hour satellite conference call.

"Are you back?" Nan Yi said to Xiaohua after the meeting and hung up the phone.

"I got home an hour and a half ago."

"Okay, you go to rest first, and I will sit down later."

Mumbai is an evil place, who knows if there will be a low caste who is bold enough to risk his life to taste the taste of a high caste woman. He said that he asked Priyanka to take a taxi back by himself, but in fact someone followed him all the time.

"I'm still not ruthless enough. In fact, wouldn't it be better to lose the willows? If you meet an opponent who has no lower limit, hehe, I will suffer if I do." As soon as the school girl left, Nan Yi looked up at the sky and muttered softly.

At some point, Nanyi felt something on his shoulders, and a coat was draped over him.

"Yongwei-kun, the wind is blowing."

"Why don't you go to bed first?" Nanyi stretched his hand back and held Sayuri Hagiwara's hand.

Sayuri Hagiwara turned around and sat in Nanyi's arms, "I can't sleep alone, are you tired? I'll bring the oil and rub your shoulders for you?"

"Next time, please directly say red oil or essential oil, the divine oil will cause misunderstanding."

"Is there a difference?"

"Of course there is. There is a kind of Indian oil for sale in Xiangtang. It is not a serious thing. If people know that I use oil, they will be laughed at."

"Why not serious?" Sayuri Hagiwara asked curiously.

Nan Yi leaned over to Sayuri Hagiwara and whispered something in Sayuri Hagiwara's ear, and Sayuri Hagiwara blushed after hearing this.

Obviously like a wolf and a tiger, she can absorb soil while sitting on the ground, but her skin is still so tender. This is the cuteness of Sayuri Hagiwara.

"Is the divine oil of Xiangsheng from India?" Sayuri Hagiwara asked excitedly.

Seeing the heartbeat at the corner of Sayuri Hagiwara's mouth, Nan Yi curled her lips, and said unwillingly, "No, the local product of Xiangfang seems to be produced by a company called Huarenhang."

Sayuri Hagiwara asked in surprise: "Since it is produced by Xiangshi, why is it not called Xiangshi Shenyou?"

"People in Xiangtang are more superstitious, and there is a market for things that talk about gods and gods. The religious culture in India is relatively developed, which can be used to make up some specious stories. This routine is not new. There is a similar approach to red wine with a brand of wind." .”

"It's too bad, how can business do this."

"Yeah, it's too bad, let's curse the profiteer's Tokyo lover together."

"Why Tokyo Lover?"

"It's nothing, the Lafeng red wine is mine. I want to see if the curse is effective or not. Come on, let's have a good discussion on what kind of curse is better, whether it should be more vicious, piercing the stomach..."

"Yongwei-kun, you are too bad."

Nanyi hugged Sayuri Hagiwara, who was twitching, turned her over, and slapped her on her back a few times, "I'll make your heart beat, and I'll let you slap me in the face."

"Hee hee hee, ha ha ha..."


The total number of servants and staff in Peacock Villa is more than two hundred. According to the tradition in India, the servants are the servants of the owner, and it is Nanyi's obligation to provide them with three meals a day.

The villa has a dedicated servant kitchen. Nanyi provides ingredients, and the servants arrange their own staff to cook.

Although there is liquefied petroleum gas in the kitchen, the servants still like to burn firewood and cow dung cakes. It just so happens that there are many cows inside and outside the villa, so it is very convenient to pick up cow dung.

Early in the morning, Diwaman set off to catch the train. Nanyi went around Peacock Lake and then went up the mountain along the stream. dynamo.

Mumbai is holding an electrician stealing electricity professional skills competition vigorously. The prize money is very generous, and all winners can use electricity for free for life. Therefore, applicants are like crucian carp in the river.

The competition committee adheres to the principle of equality for all, and all applicants can participate in the competition. This has resulted in a very intensive competition arrangement, and the contestants are also uneven. The second and third swords burn several transformers every day.

No, there is a major shutdown every three days, and small shutdowns at irregular times every day. In order to prevent the villa’s refrigerators, monitoring, and air conditioners from lying down, the villa has already taken the power supply into consideration when it was still on the drawing.

Various power generation modes such as wind power, water power, solar power, fire power, and animal power can be said to be very well prepared.

After circling around the mountain, Nanyi walked towards the cowshed. No one was seen in the cowpen, and he continued to walk towards the gate of the villa.

On the right side of the gate of the villa, Nanyi saw Xiaohua standing aside and watching Priyanka holding two branches in distaste, turning her head behind her back, performing the stunt of blindly picking up cow dung.

A lump of cow dung was picked up by a tree branch, and fell back to the ground with a thud just three to five centimeters from the ground.

The school girl stood there and said something disgusting. Priyanka stomped her feet, took a branch and continued to try to pick up the cow dung, but unfortunately, it was still paji.


A white lightning came forward, and a big dick was thrown on Priyanka's face.

The school belle quickly returned to her original taste, Priyanka covered her face, dazed for a while, her eyes were full of flames that wanted to eat people, and rushed towards the school belle.


It's another big pussy.

After hearing two sounds, Nanyi turned around quietly and left.

Everyone has a bit of a crazy personality. Only two women and no third person are present. It is easier for Priyanka to step down. If Nanyi is still there, things are likely to develop in an uncontrollable direction.

On that day, Nanyi did not go out, and had been nestling in the study thinking about how to carry out the land merger.

In fact, India has not achieved real unity in ancient times, which has led to the long-term lack of unified dynasty management in the country. Therefore, the issue of land ownership in this country is more complicated than other countries.

Because before the unification, the land ownership system in each place was different, and India had long been a local strong and a central weak, so in order to protect their own interests, big capitalists and big landlords gradually promoted private ownership of land on a large scale.

India began to be transformed by the Eagle State in the 1790s. Originally, many places in India still had public ownership. Under the strong promotion of the Eagle State, the land in the country began to fully transform from public ownership to private ownership. This process lasted until the 1890s. In other words, it took India 100 years to complete and consolidate private ownership.

Later, although India gained independence, the private ownership of land was still preserved, because the private ownership of land that has been consolidated for nearly 200 years has penetrated into the psychology of everyone in India, and it is difficult to change it.

Moreover, there are obstacles from vested interest groups such as big capitalists and high-caste groups, so India has no choice but to continue to maintain private ownership of land. The distribution of land in India continues to be extremely unbalanced. About 30% of farmers in India do not have arable land, while those who have arable land Eighty percent of the farmers own less than one hectare of arable land.

However, less than 20% of the remaining "farmers" control nearly 80% of the country's arable land. These people are basically big capitalists and high caste. Because farmers are weak and short-sighted, and they have very little land, many farmers choose After transferring the land, they went to major cities in India to develop, which made the land more and more concentrated in the hands of big capitalists and high castes.

Perhaps in order to cooperate with the annexation of land, there is also a law in India: Indians are free to move anywhere in India without any documents, and all Indians enjoy the same rights.

At first glance, it seems that farmers have gained unprecedented freedom to live where they like and do what they like, but in fact, it reduces the resistance to land mergers, and they can find ways to survive without land, so it is not easy to go to extremes.

A large number of farmers flocked to the city, which provided the city with abundant and cheap labor. The big capitalists could pick and choose to absorb cheap labor into their own enterprises. There was a very ingenious cooperation between the big landlords and the big capitalists.

Therefore, the targets of Nanyi's annexation are the land kings and landlords of the Indian states, not the real farmers. The remaining farmers must never touch them again. Those are the fig leaf left by the high caste.

The earth kings are very rich, they live the life of the earth emperors in the local area, and they are local snakes. Nan Yi came from a long way, and his foundation in India is shallow. It will not be easy to deal with any of them. You have to figure it out slowly .

For the time being, the landlord is the one who is suitable for Nanyi to worry about.

How to think about it, and which piece of landowners are thinking about it, has to be carefully considered.

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