Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 706 Liquidation, by the Ganges

"Faraque, how did you come up with the idea of ​​doing this?"

"Boss, Ming and I had a very good relationship when we were working together at the headquarters. He knew that the weather in India was relatively hot, so he sent me this cooling oil. After I used it, I found that this thing is really good for us Indians. So useful."

"Do you know its ingredients?"

"Menthol, peppermint oil, camphor, camphor oil, eucalyptus oil, clove oil, cinnamon oil."

Nan Yi stroked his chin and said: "The main growing areas of mint are Anhui Province and Jiangsu Province, and they are concentrated in a few counties; the distribution of camphor wood is quite wide, and it can be seen in many areas in Huaguo. Only a few sporadic trees can be seen, and only Taiyuan is really large;

Eucalyptus oil is extracted from Eucalyptus eucalyptus, which is mainly distributed in Australia, and also in Huaguo, but in a small amount; clove oil is obtained by distilling lilac flower buds by steam distillation. Faraque, there are many cloves in India, right? "

"Yes, there are a lot of cloves in India, but the main place of origin is Indonesia."

"Oh, cinnamon, there are many in Huaguo and Indonesia, and there are also in Nannan. The sources of raw materials are quite rich, and it is not easy for people to get stuck in the throat."

Nan Yi stroked his chin again, falling into painful memories.

In the 1990s, when the menthol market was just right, Nanyi had the experience of growing mint.

Planting mint is a very hard work. It is much more delicate than tending common crops. Moreover, harvesting mint should be carried out from the flower bud stage to the full bloom stage. This time happens to be July, when the sun is very poisonous; after harvesting, the mint must be distilled Oil.

During the dog days, the temperature is in the 30s and 30s, and the heat is unbearable. To fight at night with lamps on, you need to endure the burning of the fire when the oil is boiled and the fumigation of the steam when it is out of the pan. This crime is not something ordinary people can bear.

When peppermint oil was sold for two hundred and fifty-six per catty, it was a living crime for the sake of money, but this high price only persisted for a season. Oil suddenly went from being in short supply to oversupply, and it happened to be manipulated by capital at will, and the price dropped seven times.

At the end of the memory, Nan Yi opened the notebook on the table, wrote the words "Hua Guo Shen You" on it, and drew a parenthesis behind it, wrote the words "Chinese patent medicine" inside, and started a new line, Write down the English translation of seven words.

He tore off the paper and handed it to Faraque, "The cooling oil has no patent, and the production process is not complicated. You can start work after buying some production equipment. I have three requirements: 1. Establish a joint venture with Shengchen Pharmaceutical in Huaguo Capital, independent of Glory Peacock. Establish joint venture factories outside;

2. Import raw materials from China as much as possible. At the same time, find farmers in India to cooperate in planting mint, and establish a stable source of raw materials;

3. Our products use this name, and the packaging design is mainly red.

Where is the potential market for this product, I believe you don’t need to say more, you should have a decision in your mind; since you came up with this idea, in addition to the management shares, you can subscribe for 15% of the shares, and the new factory will be regarded as It is a tripartite cooperation. "

Mint was planted in a rush by the Chinese Congress, and it would also be given up in a rush. It took only a few years from the largest mint country to almost disappearing. Nan Yi remembered that India was later the mint powerhouse, contracting more than 90% of the world's production.

Also, growing mint is too bitter, and Indian farmers with average cost and hard-working spirit are suitable for planting it year after year. It is not cost-effective to plant it in another place.

"Thank you BOSS." Faraque said excitedly.

"You're welcome, Huaguo Shenyou cannot be sold at a high price, and the profit is very limited. I will give you a month to complete more than 90% of the preliminary work, and then take back your energy to focus on Sun Pharmaceutical and Lan Bercy Laboratories' shareholding matters."

As Nanyi said, he pulled out his notebook and wrote down several contact information on it, "Shengsheng Pharmaceutical is a state-owned enterprise, and I am the nominal person in charge, so the idea of ​​producing Huaguo Shenyou must be my idea. A joint venture is also my idea;

In addition, in the negotiation of the joint venture, we, and more of you personally, need to sacrifice a little interest to let Shengchen Pharmaceutical get more benefits. Are you okay? "

"No problem, I will obey the boss' orders."

"Well." Nan Yi nodded, "You can make this call in the afternoon and contact a lady named Miss Leng, who is actually the person in charge of Shengchen Pharmaceutical. You can discuss the specific matters with her, and I will wait. I will call her first, and I will explain what needs to be explained in advance."


"Go and do your work first. You can call for less important things in the future, and you don't have to come here."

"Yes, boss, I'll leave first."

After Faraque left, the temperature immediately increased several degrees. Nanyi couldn't sit still outside anymore. He entered the study, closed the door, half opened the window, and turned on the air conditioner.

Faraque mentioned cooling oil, which made Nanyi's thinking diverge.

Not only cooling oil has a market in India, but ice cubes and water cooling fans also have a broad market prospect in India.

The profit of ice cubes is not very high, it can be said to be a small profit, but it can be linked with the Dabawala plan and the Dharavi plan to feed more workers and get more votes.

As for the water cooling fan, is this product already on the market?

Whether it is available or not, this thing does not have much technical content, and a few physics enthusiasts who are high school students can figure it out. The key is to form the thinking of the product.

What's more, Minke has invented a "straw air conditioner" in India. In fact, its principle is the same as that of a water-cooled fan. A unique energy-saving air conditioner unique to India can make its debut.

I just don't know if India eats patriotic marketing or not.

"Adam, Adam."

"it's here."

Bang, the door of the study was pushed open, and a sweaty Sophie Marceau broke in from the outside.

"Great, you have air conditioning here."

Sophie Marceau walked under the air conditioner excitedly, stretched out her hand to test the wind direction, and found that the wind was blowing upwards, so she picked up the remote control from the desk and pressed it, turned the air outlet downwards, and took off her T-shirt Just stand under the vent and blow the cold wind.

"Very comfortable."

"Why don't you wear underwear?" Looking at Sophie Marceau, Nan Yi frowned.

"I don't want to be tied down."

Such a powerful reason, Nanyi was speechless.

"Blow it for a while, it's not good to blow it for a long time." Reminding, Nanyi turned on the computer, waited for a while, waited for the windows2.1 desktop to open, took a floppy disk into the case, put his hand on the There was a crackle on the keyboard.

"Adam, what are you doing?" Sophie Marceau glanced at the computer screen and said.

"Write a simple calculation program for batch execution."

"Can you still write programs?"

"Quick Basic, general instruction code for beginners, as long as you know English and are not imbecile, you can learn it in a maximum of two days.

IF, THEN, ELSE, ELSEIF, ENDIF, SELECT, CASE, WHILE, WHEN, FOR, NEXT, LOOP, there are not many words in total, and junior high school...

No, it should be said that it is similar to the simple math formulas in your French high school. Just remember a few formulas and apply them continuously. It is not as difficult as you say about numbers. "

"Is it easy?"

"It's very simple. Of course, it also requires hard work."

"Ah." Sophie Marceau was no longer interested in continuing to ask, "Shall we go out to play in the afternoon?"

"Mary isn't up yet?"

"It's okay, just wake her up later."

"Well, it's rather stuffy at noon, we'll go out at two o'clock in the afternoon." Nan Yi replied without raising his head, pressed the TAB key, moved the cursor down two spaces, and pressed the Enter key.

The printer made a clicking sound, and then started to print.

After printing out a sheet, Nanyi filled in a few numbers in the blank space that had been reserved in advance, and then took out a private seal and stamped it in the lower right corner.

"Flat shoes, come and help."

Sophie Marceau walked to the desk and said, "How can I help?"

Nan Yi pointed at a place on the paper, "This is the salary slip. Today we will pay the servants in the villa. This number is the salary number. You fold the paper along the dotted line into the shape of an envelope, and then stuff it into it." Match the number plus Rs 20 in cash."

"Why add 20 rupees?"

"Unconventional high temperature subsidies are not reflected in the payroll."

Sophie Marceau took the printing paper, folded it, and asked, "Why don't you leave this job to someone else?"

"I have my intentions, and I put it here." Nanyi took out a stack of rupees from the drawer and put it in front of Sophie Marceau, "Be careful, don't make a mistake about the amount."


Nanyi and Sophie Marceau cooperated with each other, and it took half an hour to finish the salary envelope.

"Put on your clothes and go pay your wages with me."

Bringing Sophie Marceau, Nanyi found Diwaman, muttered with him for a while, and asked him to call the workers to collect their wages in batches.

In the hall, according to Diwaman's prompt, Nanyi presented the corresponding envelope to each servant, and said to the servant tirelessly, "Come to him at any time if there is an error in the salary number", and encouraged everyone, saying " You have worked hard", and at the same time repeatedly told the servants that there is a "20 rupees high temperature subsidy".

Of course, Diwaman also translated sentence after sentence, over and over again.

For a few servants with better performance, Nanyi will also greet their families.

Of course, Nanyi would not memorize the family information of the servants in normal times. These are all he asked from Diwaman just now, just to show that he is close to the people now.

Obviously, the servants liked it very much, and Nanyi's hard work was not in vain.


After spending two days in Mumbai with Sophie Marceau and Marion, Nanyi and his party went to Varanasi.

After staying in India for a month, Nanyi did not have a good time. It can be said that I did not go to any of the tourist attractions in India. This time, I made up for it by entertaining guests.

In the eyes of Hinduism and Buddhism in India, the Ganges is not only a mother river, but also a sacred waterway leading to heaven.

It is a blessing in life to come to Varanasi once in a lifetime, drink a sip of Ganges water, and bathe in the Ganges. When many old people perceive their destiny, they will slowly walk to Varanasi. Those who have no money put up tents or sleep in the open air on the banks of the Ganges, hoping that after their lives are over, their ashes will be scattered in the Ganges.

Although the train has first-class first-class tickets, the environment will be completely different from the Indian trains that ordinary people know, but no matter how good the environment is, the speed should be slow or slow. The journey from Mumbai to Varanasi is more than 1,500 kilometers, and the journey of more than one day is not so easy. of.

So, Nanyi dissuaded the two girls who wanted to take the train to Varanasi, and took them to take the plane.

After leaving the airport in Varanasi, the good mood of the two girls eager to try suddenly disappeared. The ancient streets, mottled walls, incomplete stone gates, pedestrians, tuk-tuks, horse-drawn carts, donkey carts, camel carts, cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs Animals, monkeys, and street vendors are clustered in the streets, dilapidated houses, cow dung, and garbage everywhere. The scene is no better than the Dharavi slums.

After entering the city from the airport, Nanyi and his group changed from taking a taxi to walking, and they were all immersed in Varanasi.

Turning from the main street into a not-so-narrow alley, the smell of urine mixed with the smell of ammonia invaded everyone's noses. Someone urinated against the wall on the side of the road, and the urine scale on the wall was thicker than honey.

Marion raised her camera excitedly, and wanted to take a picture of someone who was peeing. Nan Yi waved her hand and stopped her, "You should stand over there to take a picture, and put the fruit stand and groceries next door If all the stalls are photographed, the effect will be even more shocking.”

Marion glanced at several stalls nearby, nodded in agreement, and held up the camera to change the viewing angle.

Click, click, Marion took several pictures in a row. Just as she was about to put the camera away, a monkey jumped up to her side, snatched the camera, and ran a few steps on three limbs, then stood still and looked at it with a sneer. with Marion.

"My camera." Marion yelled in the direction of the monkey, and then said to Nanyi: "Adam, what should I do?"

"It's easy to handle. This monkey is obviously kidnapping the ticket. Just take a few bananas as ransom and get it back."

As Nanyi said, he looked around, walked to a vendor selling bananas, exchanged a few words, and bought a few bananas.

Varanasi is a tourist-oriented city. Businessmen who need to deal with tourists can speak simple English, and the communication to complete the transaction is absolutely no problem. Besides, Nanyi has only seen businessmen who can only understand "How much" in English. Still able to do foreign trade business.

The buyer holds a sample and asks "How much", the seller asks "How much", the buyer presses a number on the calculator, the seller glances at it, and presses a number on the calculator, the buyer nods if he agrees, and disagrees Just wave your hand, press a number on the calculator again, and the two parties will come and go until the number on the calculator is acceptable to both parties.

Nanyi took the banana and walked towards the monkey. He shook the banana in the middle of the walk. Seeing that the monkey hadn't moved, he continued to walk forward until he stood one meter away from the monkey.

Nan Yi pointed to the camera in the monkey's hand, and then pointed to the banana in his own hand. Seeing the monkey's gaze fixed on the banana, he stretched out his hand holding the banana.

The monkey didn't even respond to the temptation. It stretched out its paw to grab the banana, and then stretched out the paw holding the camera. Before Nanyi caught the camera, it let go of its hand and ran away with three limbs. some distance.

Fortunately, Nan Yi had practiced, before the camera fell to the ground, his hand caught the camera.

"Damn monkey, monkey spirit monkey spirit."

To complain, Nanyi took the camera and walked back to Marion, and handed the camera back to her, "Be careful, don't be snatched by monkeys again, the next trip may not necessarily be kidnapping."

Before coming to Varanasi, Nanyi had already prepared a strategy, knowing that this is a city where people and animals coexist friendly, although the coexistence environment is a bit boring.

Marion thanked her, and immediately picked up the camera to take some close-ups of the kidnappers.

"Adam, it's very interesting here, look there." Sophie Marceau said, pointing to a stall.

Nanyi followed the sound and saw that two monkeys were cooperating to steal bananas from the stall, but they were discovered by a vigilant vendor, who drove the two monkeys away with a stick.

Taking advantage of the street vendor's attention on the monkey, the stray dog ​​waiting for the opportunity seized the opportunity and ran away with a piece of the vendor's flying cake in its mouth.

The vendor who chased away the monkey saw that his lunch was gone, stomped his feet angrily, and swung his stick to the fat pig approaching with its nose up. Direction to arch the nose.

Slap, a piece of dried pig manure from the pig fell in the middle of the road.

Since we had to visit the "Morning Bath of the Ganges River" early the next morning, and the weather was too hot, several people from Nanyi walked on the street for a while, and then went straight to the Brigirama Palace Hotel.

Brijrama Palace Hotel was built in the eighteenth century and is considered one of the oldest buildings in Varanasi. The hotel is situated on a private ghat overlooking the Ganges. Just a few steps away from the popular Dasaswamedh Ghat, also known as the night festival, it is no exaggeration to say that this is the best hotel on the Ganges.

There are quite a lot of tricks in this hotel. There is also a boat ride ceremony when you check in. You can take a boat tour from an embankment of the Ganges to the hotel's private ghat, and give each guest a string of Buddhist beads as a souvenir.

The environment of the hotel is not bad, like a low-profile version of the palace, there are deck chairs on the open-air balcony, you can see the sunrise and the scenery on the Ganges River, the waiters are fluent in English, and I introduced to Nanyi that the hotel has a regular schedule every day Afternoon tea, Indian traditional song and dance performances, and a free night cruise on the Ganges River to watch the night festival in the evening.

Not to mention, Nanyi thinks the hotel here is better than the Taj Mahal, as long as the annoying points of the Ganges can be ignored.

As soon as they entered the hotel, the two women took a shower and put on the sari-like dresses provided by the hotel for a fee, and went to the hotel terrace to chat with a few other Westerners; When you meet the Ganges, just make a phone call.

After half an hour, the phone in the room rang, Nan Yi answered it, and then went out with the school belle and the others.

Outside the hotel, a car was parked on the side of the gate. Xiaohua led another bodyguard to check the inside and outside of the car carefully, and then nodded to Nanyi.

Nanyi stepped forward and got into the back seat of the car. In the car, Varun Shatish, the president of Shiva Chemical Group, respectfully called Nanyi "BOSS".

"Information." Nan Yi nodded and said.

Upon hearing the order, Shatish handed Nanyi a folder.

Nanyi opened the folder, browsed through it quickly, and then said to Shatish: "DV."

Shatish took out a Sony CCD-V90, turned it on and pointed the observation mirror at Nanyi.

From the camera, Nanyi saw a man with a rope tied around his neck, his hands were tied behind his back, his feet could move, and there was a big piece of ice under the sole of his foot, but the man's feet were a little away from the ice, and the pads I can touch my feet, but I can't put the whole sole of my feet on the ice.

After watching it for a while, Nanyi handed the DV back to Shatish, "Don't leave any obvious scars, we still need him for the time being."

"Boss, definitely not, it's just that Dawan Rahja has hired a few helpers..."

"I know."

Nan Yi interrupted Shatish to continue talking, then turned his head and nodded to the school girl outside the car.

Xiaohua received Nanyi's hint, twisted her neckline, leaned to her lips and said, "Action."

a few kilometers away.

Pullan, who was outside a building that looked like a factory, received the order, raised his left hand, and waved it forward.

Seeing Pulan's movements, a Dalat female soldier standing in front of the window smashed the glass on the window with a gun butt, and another female soldier threw two shock bombs into the building through the gap in the window. .

With two bangs, the wooden door of the building was kicked open, and then three female soldiers entered the building in an attacking formation.

Puff puff!

The AK-74U equipped with a silencer in the hands of the female soldier called the targets in the building one by one.



"Owl, did you disturb the jungle?" Pu Lan asked through the intercom.

At a high place two hundred meters away from the building, a female soldier in charge of the watch replied into the intercom: "The wind is calm, Over."

"Continue monitoring, we need five minutes and thirty seconds."


Putting down the communicator, Pu Lan waved his hand and said, "Clean the battlefield, countdown to three minutes."

When Pulan gave an order, the other female soldiers started to move. Those looking for bullets looked for bullets, and those looking for eggshells looked for eggshells. The positions where the bullets shot were used to destroy the holes with sabers.

After the battlefield was cleaned up, the body was packed into a body bag and carried into a van parked outside. The female soldiers then unloaded their equipment and put on saris, leaving only Pulan and another female soldier in the car. The others scattered.


The female soldier started the car and drove to a relatively secluded place by the Ganges.

By the Ganges River, six piles of firewood for burning corpses have been piled up, and several corpse burners are waiting boredly.

When Pulan's van arrived at the bank of the Ganges, the female soldier with a turban on her head and her face covered her face got out of the van, walked to the side of several corpse burners, and handed a small bag to one of them. people.

The corpse burner opened the small bag and checked it, then nodded to the others.

The burners walked silently to the van without saying a word, lifted the four corpses out of the car, and put them on the pile of firewood. One burner took out a gasoline can and poured them on the pile of firewood. I smoked it once, then lit a cigarette, took a few puffs silently, and flicked the cigarette onto the firewood in a cool manner.

"Uh...why isn't it lit?" Brother Xiao Sa asked in surprise.

Another leader who seemed to be burning corpses walked up to brother Xiaosa and gave him a big bag, "I let you watch Bollywood movies, can gasoline be so easy to ignite?"

The leader lit a cigarette for himself as he spoke, took two puffs and flicked it into the firewood pile, and the firewood pile was ignited with a bang, "See? Learn more culture, gasoline won't ignite if it doesn't evaporate."

Puran watched the farce quietly not far away. She needed to watch the body being burned to ashes with her own eyes, and she also had to throw the ashes into the Ganges River with her own hands.

"VIP, the phoenix on fire."

Xiaohua put down her finger holding her ear, and nodded to Nanyi in the car.

"In the spring of 1982, Dawan Rahja was still a very obedient young man. He was the nominal chairman of Shiva Chemical Group. We guarantee his prosperity and wealth. We have been working together happily all these years. He is very happy. As his puppet, Shatish, tell me, how did his ambition come about?"

"Sorry, Boss, it was my mistake. I didn't pay enough attention to Laheja's movements." Shatish said in fear.

"Oh, I want to know exactly how his ambition was born, and his psychological changes. I want to know everything. I only give you half a month. If you can't give the answer after half a month, I'll move the nest for you, and you start climbing from the bottom."

Shatish vowed: "Boss, I will definitely be able to hand over the answer."

Nan Yi patted Shatish on the shoulder, gave him a comprehension look, opened the door and got off the car without saying anything.

"School beauty, transfer two people from the ghost to cooperate with Shatish. He can manage the company, but he is not good at other things. In addition, looking for a replacement for Dhavan Rahja is not enough. It is delicious. Drinking is for him, and he is still thinking about the assets of the group."

"Nansheng, how about Dawan Rahja selling his assets and settling abroad?"

"The specific plan will be discussed later, and the group will make big moves soon. Dawan Rahja will not be able to move within two or three years."


In the afternoon, the two women spent time in the hotel chatting and drinking with other western tourists. In the evening, the three of Nanyi wandered around the streets of Varanasi. Since they had to get up early the next day, the three slept relatively well. morning.

the next day.

After Nanyi ran back and forth by the Ganges, he went back to the hotel to wake up the two women. After breakfast, the three of them were guided by Pu Lan to the bank of the Ganges. Be a guide.

The hotel is not very far from the port of the Ganges, and a few people walked to the port for a few minutes.

On the pier, the clothes washers scoop water into their mouths and heads, and those who plunge into the water and then wash their teeth with their fingers stand next to each other, with little space between them.

"Pullan, are there too many people today?"

"Boss, there are not many people today. If there are holy days and Buddha's birthdays, all the temples here will be open for free. At that time, there will be overcrowding, and those who can't fit will live directly on the street; there will be many people except for the Tenth Festival. There will be many people lying here on the embankment."

"Pullan, why are there so few houses on the other side, only a few thatched cottages here and there?" asked Marion, who was running around with a camera.

"I can answer this question for you. The sun is very sacred in many religions, both in Hinduism and Buddhism. I think believers will worship in the direction of the rising sun when they bathe. Look at the buildings here. The same, sitting west to east, the whole city only develops in one direction. Pulan, am I right?"

"Boss, what you said is right, that's almost the reason." Pulan replied, pointing to the southeast direction and said: "Boss, two ladies, look at those old people, they are here to wait for the moment of death to come;

The reason why they sleep on the embankment is because they have no money to stay in the hotel, and the second is because according to the custom here, as long as people who die on the embankment of the Ganges can be cremated for free, and the ashes will be scattered into the Ganges .

If they hadn't died on the embankment, their bodies would have been hastily collected by the beaters, and they might have been sent to a storage place, or they might have been randomly thrown into the Ganges.

Therefore, these old people will not leave the embankment for a moment, and they will stay on the shore every day for food and accommodation, just waiting for the moment of death to come. "

After listening to Pu Lan, Sophie Marceau asked curiously: "Eating and lodging will be on the shore, so how do they solve the problem of excretion?"

Eating meat with wolves, shit with dogs, and getting along with Nanyi for a long time, Sophie Marceau's perspective on problems has become more and more crooked.

"Sophie, don't ask such a sharp question, the answer won't make you like it."

"Well, I won't ask."

Sophie Marceau spread her hands.

In the morning, Nanyi had already been there, needless to say, his nose was clear, and he had to be careful on his feet, as he would step on booby traps and serial mines at any time.

Marion took the camera and took pictures of the people at the pier. Nanyi listened to the click sound and sketched the picture she captured in her mind. This one should be the trembling man with shirtless and only a pair of shorts; That young woman in a sari; this one should be the old man worshiping the rising sun.

After listening intently for a while, Nan Yi turned his gaze to the side where the dead old people gathered.

A policeman was playing with an old man lying on the river bank with a wooden stick in his hand. He poked and knocked the old man, but the old man didn't move at all. He was obviously dead, either last night or this morning.

Nanyi looked around, and found that the tourists who paid attention to that side like him were all tourists, and the locals seemed to be used to it.

Soon, the police called over two corpse burners, and the old man's body was dragged by the two to the government burning corpse pit not far away.

"Boss, as long as there is a little money, no one is willing to go to that burning corpse pit." Pu Lan pointed in another direction, "The burning corpse pit over there is the choice of the rich."

Nanyi looked at the burning corpse pit pointed by Pu Lan, and found that the burning corpse pit was close to the river surface, half of which was soaked in water, and a boat of wood was moored there beside the burning corpse pit. The colorful corpses are already lined up there.

It was very regulated, no one jumped up to jump in line, if Lin Zhengying came here, he would probably starve to death.

Boom, a pile of firewood was ignited, and after only a breath of effort, bursts of fragrance came out. The burner added spoonfuls of spiced oil to the pile of firewood, so that the fragrance just now was superimposed with several other scents. kind of fragrance.

The burning corpse pit is like a large projection screen with no dead ends. Everyone can see this scene, and tourists also regard it as a landscape by the Ganges River, watching with burning eyes.

The two women looked at each other, gestured with their hands on their chests, and muttered something.

Nan Yi glanced at them without reminding them that their piety might be a kind of blasphemy to the dead.

After all, beliefs are different!

With an exclamation, Nanyi looked away and looked at the source of the sound. In front of the pier, a dead cow floated to the shore, and several wild dogs barked in the flushing water, and two jumped into it from the middle. In the water, he bit the dead cow and dragged it to the shore desperately.

Wow, under the belly of the cow, two giant catfish ejected from the water into the air, grinned at the dogs, and then fell back into the water.

Nan Yi picked up the binoculars and looked under the cow's belly, and found that the internal organs in the cow's belly had disappeared.

On the river bank, the few remaining wild dogs became more vicious and yelled at the catfish.

The fat and delicious food that can be eaten for several days must be snatched at all costs, and there is absolutely no possibility of giving up.

On the surface of the river, a few more Ganges river turtles showed their heads, glanced at the catfish and wild dogs, and spit foam, as if to say: "You two gangs of idiots, fight hard, I have already eaten enough beef , today I will try catfish stewed wild dog."


Sophie Marceau supported Nanyi and retched.

"Uh, uh..."

There were two more retches, and Sophie Marceau spit out a ball of clear saliva.

Nan Yi turned around, supported Sophie Marceau with one hand, and stroked her back with the other.

"Ouch...Adam, I regret coming here."

"Hehe, I'm used to spitting and spitting." Nan Yi caressed with his hands, and said with a teasing smile.

"Bastard, you still have to laugh at me."

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