Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 712 The Hurricane Strikes

After dinner.

Nanyi and Sophie Marceau were sitting by the Peacock Lake enjoying the cool and watching TV, and the school girl appeared behind Nanyi with a phone in her hands.

"Madam's call."

Nanyi answered the phone and walked away for a while.

"Scarlett, how's the situation?"

"Adam, I'm not very optimistic. The CCI [American Cotton Council International] meeting concluded that this year's cotton export price will be based on 74 cents per pound, and the fluctuations will not be too large."

Nan Yi sighed and said: "74 cents, the price is really not as good as every year. The cotton fields in Texas and Kansas will start three-stage rotation cultivation next year. This price has fallen below our psychological line. In the next few years, it is estimated that it will continue to show a downward trend, and the subsidies from Washington will not be enough to make up for our losses."

The loss is not a real loss, but just falling below the psychological line means that Scarlett Food Group has started to make hard money.

"I think so too, will this year's cotton still be sold?"

"Sell, of course sell, and cooperate with the work of NCC [National Cotton Council of America, of which CCI is a subsidiary organization] is not bad for us. If you earn less, you will earn less."

"Adam, cotton can be stored for a long time and the cost is not high. Shall we make some cotton reserves?"

"Of course we need reserves, but it's not for speculation, but for the consideration of low-cost reserves of production materials. No matter how we reserve, we can't compare with the national reserves of big countries. 74 cents is a very low price for us, but Duohua Compared with India, this price is not low.

Last year, Huaguo's cotton production decreased, and the domestic cotton supply in Huaguo was in short supply. This year's cotton procurement strategy will be adjusted..."

Scarlett interrupted Nanyi and said, "Adam, how do you think it will be adjusted? Will it break the unified purchase and marketing, and the purchase of cotton is no longer... ah, the exclusive transaction of the supply and marketing cooperative?"

"Heh, Scarlett, regarding the agricultural part, please be more serious in the future. It costs so much money to ship newspapers from all over the world to New York every year. You can't just read what you are interested in."

"Ha, I remember, you continue."

"Then let me tell you a complete story. In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of cotton farmers to sell their products, Huaguo has rewarded cotton farmers with chemical fertilizers, raw grain indicators and cloth tickets according to certain standards since the new cotton came into the market in 1961.

In 1979, Huaguo implemented the method of base purchase and over-receipt rewards for cotton. The base must remain unchanged for three years.

From 1979 to 1983, 5,716.5 tons were purchased over the base in the country, accounting for 53.8% of the purchase volume in the same period; in 1984, it was changed to a proportional price purchase, and the "positive four-six" ratio was implemented, that is, 40% was purchased according to the national price plus 30%, and 60% Purchasing at national price.

In 1985, the unified purchase system was abolished for cotton purchases, and contract purchases were implemented. The price of cotton ordered by contract was still increased according to the prescribed ratio, and chemical fertilizers were sold as incentives; after the number of orders was completed, farmers were allowed to sell on the market. There is no price increase on purchases, and no incentives to sell fertilizers.

Last year, due to the reduction in cotton production and the shortage of supply, the Huaguo Cotton Purchase Work Conference stipulated that the purchase of cotton in 1988 should still be managed by the supply and marketing cooperatives, and other units and individuals were not allowed to intervene in the purchase and sale of cotton.

It also stipulates that the production, supply and marketing of cotton shall be subject to a unified plan and price; the purchase, supply, allocation and inventory of cotton shall all be managed under mandatory plans.

In terms of the purchase price, it was changed to a ratio of "inverted seven to three", that is, 30% was purchased at the national price, and 70% was purchased at a 30% increase on the basis of the national price.

Although the purchase price increase this time is relatively large, the price of roller cotton per 50 kilograms should not exceed 177 yuan, that is, the price per pound should not exceed 43 cents. This is the price calculated according to the official exchange rate. If If the exchange rate is drained, the cost of purchasing cotton in Huaguo will be lower.

Not to mention India, the enthusiasm for cotton exports can be adjusted with regulatory subsidies. Clothes are not food, and you can’t eat a meal. New three years, old three years, sewing and mending for three years, don’t think about it. Manipulate the international cotton price, unless you can be both a player and a referee at some point. "

"Adam, there are rules in this world. It is impossible for us to occupy all the good things. Playing games, fairness is the first element. You can create a little advantage for yourself by cheating during the game, but you can't make extremely unfair rules. , this is not allowed, and it is easy to cause public anger."

"So, for the time being, you don't need to think too much about financial operations about cotton. Just focus on the supply and demand of production. Also, if you don't want to read the newspaper, you should also read the report of the agricultural group."

"OK, that's all for now. I'm off to pick up Adler. There's a game at Yankee Stadium."

"With which team?"

"Derby in the same city."

"Oh, what a pity it's not the Red Sox."

"Aha, Adam, you don't have to pretend you don't know anything about baseball."

Scarlett said, singing "The Twist" by Chubby Checker on the other end of the phone.

A long time later, Nanyi watched a talk show and learned that Chubby Checker was the halftime guest of this year's Super Bowl. Used to mock him for not understanding the Super Bowl at all.

Amidst the piercing singing, Nanyi hung up the phone and returned to his seat to continue watching TV.

What is playing on TV is of course a TV series, a TV series of the same name adapted from the epic work "Mahabharata", the Hindi version, Nan Yi and Sophie Marceau just watched the fun, and the servants of the manor really enjoyed it. people.

They sat on the ground one by one, staring at the TV screen intently, even if it was a hailstorm, they couldn't stop their enthusiasm for watching TV dramas.

An article was published in the newspaper, saying that Indians regard watching this TV series as a holiday, burning incense and bathing on the TV set to wait for the TV series to start, and some exaggerated ones even put garlands on the TV set that only "gods" can enjoy.

It is said that there is also a train from Patna to Delhi, which is inexplicably delayed by an hour every Saturday night.

After investigation, it was discovered that no matter the passengers, the guards, or even the driver, they would all go straight to the waiting room after arriving at the station halfway. Everyone tacitly waited to watch the latest episode of "Mahabharata" before boarding. car.

Regarding this statement, Nanyi does not think it is false. The development of Indian TV dramas is similar to that in China, the penetration rate of TVs is not as good as that in China, and the entertainment is almost lacking. Missing an episode of TV dramas will really beat your chest.

Sophie Marceau's attention was not on the TV screen. After returning to her seat from Nanyi, she began to study Nanyi's hands and ten fingers, playing, touching, rubbing, and then took a bite to taste.

When she got tired of playing with her fingers, she said to Nanyi, "Adam, let's go for a walk."

"There are snakes, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid, the snake will bite you first."

"Okay, let's go for a walk."

Nanyi stood up, pulled Sophie Maso up, and the two hugged each other, and walked slowly towards Peacock Mountain.

"What are you going to do tomorrow?"

"See information."

"Not going out to play?"

"Tomorrow I have to read a lot of information, such as the world fertilizer demand data of the International Fertilizer Industry Association in the past few years, etc. I will give you the time after about four o'clock in the afternoon."

"It's late, I want to go out and play early." Sophie Marceau pouted.

Nan Yi tilted his head, looked at Sophie Marceau and said, "Then you go to play alone first, and I will meet you at five o'clock, what do you think?"

"All right."

the next day.

Sophie Marceau went to the south of Mumbai shortly after getting up, and Nanyi, as he himself said, was nestled in the study to read materials.

For several days in a row, Nan Yi stayed in the study during the day and went out with Sophie Marceau at night.

A week later, Nanyi turned into going out with Sophie Marceau during the day, returning to Peacock Villa in the evening, and holding conference calls one after another.

As the meeting progressed, Nan’s has added two new companies to its portfolio—the first is New York-based NPK Corporation, which is a company specializing in investment and trade in the field of chemical fertilizers, not directly engaged in fertilizer production ;

The second company is Al Potassium, headquartered in Saskatchewan, Canada. This company is positioned to focus on the field of potassium chloride. The initial development model is very simple - mergers, continuous expansion in Saskatchewan Merged with small and medium potash mines in New Mexico, and grew into a giant in the field of potassium chloride that can compete with Saskatchewan Potash Corporation, Mosaic Corporation, and Jiayang Corporation in ten years.

The establishment of the two companies has also affected a series of capital flows of Nan's companies. The major shareholder of Potassium is Scarlett Mining Group, and the funds invested in Potassium come from Scarlett Fund; and Scarlett Fund's The funds came from a newly established fund, and 80% of the funds in the fund were quietly eaten by Weir Bank.

The second largest shareholder is an offshore company controlled by Sun Never Set Capital. A small part of the company's funds come from Sun Never Set Capital, and most of the funds are borrowed from London Jardine Bank.

The shareholder structure and funding sources of NPK Company are relatively simple. In terms of equity positioning, this is a company that implements the AB share model and is preparing to go public in the future. Nan's final shareholding will not exceed 10%, and may even be lower than 10%. at 5%.

NPK is a company that competes for the right to speak in the field of chemical fertilizers, and then to compete for pricing power. It is hard to say whether it will succeed, so it must attract allies as much as possible and share risks as much as possible.

It's best to succeed, and it doesn't matter if you fail. Nan's now has ample capital to try and make mistakes.

When Nan Yi took his attention away from the two companies temporarily, it was already September, and he had just been able to accompany Sophie Marceau wholeheartedly for a day, when he received a weather fax—on the northwest coast of Africa A easterly wave developed across the tropical Atlantic and developed a broad wind center north of the equator.

According to its development speed and direction of travel, it is likely to form a hurricane passing through North and South America, and there is a high probability that it will be a high-level hurricane.

After reading the fax, Nan Yi's mind turned and he laughed wildly, worrying about the impending big loss.

"Flats, your trip to India is over, pack your things now and fly today."

"Adam, what's wrong?"

"I'm going back to New York immediately. There will be a serious natural disaster soon. If I'm lucky, my pocket money will become very rich. If I'm not lucky, the concept of pocket money won't exist in the future."

"Seriously?" Sophie Marceau asked worriedly.

Nan Yi laughed and said, "It's very serious. I'm likely to fly to Paris next month and let you support me."

"Okay, I will support you."

Nanyi and Sophie Marceau had a moment of boredom, and the two went to pack their things separately. On the way to the airport, Nanyi went to downtown Mumbai again, and met with Chanda Ke, the vice president of the labor group, respectively. Heha, Vikram Pandit, the person in charge of Shockwave, met and told them to continue going down as planned.

As Nanyi boarded the plane, the Yingbin Manor, which had not yet been fully constructed, was opened, and the personnel transferred from the financial team and the agricultural team of the Intelligence Policy Committee also boarded the plane to New York; The personnel transferred from the Scarlett Foundation greeted their family members and brought their own guys to the Yingke Manor.

On September 4th, New York time, Nan Yi returned to Scarlett Manor.

On the first day, in the Yingbin Manor next door to the Scarlett Manor, the phone and fax in the temporary hurricane command room kept ringing. Various materials were collected, and disaster response notices and measures were distributed to every branch of Nan’s in North and South America. In a farm and ranch, the crops in the field can’t be helped, and they can’t be harvested until the season, but other materials must be properly secured, and the roof and walls of the building must be reinforced.

The hurricane really rolls on his head, and the loss can be counted as a point.

On the first day and the second day, the hurricane command room was mainly busy with internal disaster response. On the third day, the painting style began to change.

The desks in the command room were arranged in a zigzag structure. Scarlett sat in the center, and Nan Youqiong was arranged on a small stool, sitting next to her; the others formed a square around her, and Nan Yi Sitting in the corner of the command room, holding a newspaper in his hand.

"Chad, talk." Scarlett said to the station of the agricultural team.

Farming, watching the sky and eating, it is very important to grasp the weather information in a timely manner. The agricultural team in charge of agriculture naturally has personnel who are responsible for analyzing weather information, and Chade is an expert in this field.

Chad looked away from the computer screen, looked at Scarlett and said, "The probability of forming a hurricane is 95%, and the probability of forming a high-level hurricane is 79.8%."


"The Indian Islands and the coast of Central America will inevitably be affected. Jamaica, Haiti, Dominica, and Honduras have a probability of more than 90%. After passing through Central America, the biggest possibility is to enter the Gulf of Mexico, land in Mexico, and then sweep across the southeastern coast of the United States. .”

"Where will the disaster be the hardest?"

"Mexico is the most likely," Chad replied.


Toby, the person in charge of the next year's and future planting planning in the agricultural team, has a good knowledge of the main crops and yields of all countries in the world.

"Coffee, corn." Toby replied succinctly.

"Caesar, you're in charge of CSCE [New York Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange] C-beans, and Chicago Board of Trade corn; Wendy, you're LCE [London Mercantile Exchange] U-beans, move on , I want to see the market analysis report as soon as possible.”

"Yes, Madam."

"Got it."

Scarlett gave an order, and the staff of the Scarlett Fund and the financial team started to move.

"Adler, pour me a cup of coffee."

"Yes, Mom."

Nan Youqiong saluted Scarlett, and immediately ran to pour her coffee.

For Nanyi, he only needs to care about whether the hurricane will affect his farms and pastures, and whether there will be opportunities to annex land in the future. He doesn't want to care about futures speculation, and he doesn't need to care about it. As far as finance is concerned, He was simply not good enough in front of Scarlett.

Nanyi just handed over his private money to Nian Lufu, and asked Nian Lufu to help him follow the market, and he didn't make mandatory rules on how much he earned.

After reading the newspaper, Nanyi put it away, went to a computer, plugged a network cable into the host, turned on the computer, entered instructions with the keyboard, and connected to the computer room of Scarlet Manor.

In the computer room of Scarlet Manor, Nan Yi spent seven million dollars to build a hard disk matrix with a capacity of "up to" 300GB.

300G can't store many things at all. A rough electronic map of the world and hundreds of scanned satellite maps will take up all the hard disk space.

After calling up the electronic map and pressing the Tab and Enter keys several times, Nanyi called up a more detailed map of the Caribbean Sea.

First moved to Honduras and stayed for a while, then moved to Cuba immediately, thinking about Cuba's complicated political system, Nan Yi pressed the cursor to move the map to Jamaica.

Looking at the small Jamaica island, Nan Yi stroked his chin unconsciously.

"The hurricane favors Jamaica, which is only more than 10,000 square kilometers. As long as the hurricane rolls up, its entire land should not be spared. The Blue Mountain coffee plantation is estimated to be completely destroyed.

In 1969, Jamaica was hit hard by a hurricane. Japan’s Uejima Coffee introduced ecological technology into coffee planting and assisted in the revival of the Jamaican coffee industry. In order to express its gratitude, Jamaica signed a contract with Japan in 1971, agreeing to ship 90% of its annual production to Japan.

Twenty years later, there is another hurricane. According to the Japanese way of doing things, the Japanese trading companies engaged in coffee trading are expected to join hands to provide loans to some of the best coffee plantations in the Blue Mountains area, and take this opportunity to deeply intervene in the Blue Mountains coffee business. In production and sales.

This time, it is estimated that the annual production of Blue Mountain Coffee will all fall into the hands of the Japanese. "

Nan Yi thought about it, picked up the phone and dialed out.

After waiting for a long time, the phone was connected.

"Moshi moshi."

"Yami is me, disturbing your sleep."

"President, is the hurricane already raging?"

"Not yet, after you get up tomorrow, go to report to the Inter Milan hub, appoint a representative to fly to Jamaica immediately, contact the Blue Mountain coffee plantation as soon as you get there, express your goodwill, and promise that if they are affected by a disaster, you can report to the Inter Milan hub Give them loans."

"President, Blue Mountain Coffee is controlled by several trading companies. They are considered to be in the same big industry as Bao Guo Mi Hub. In the past, well water did not interfere with river water. If we took the initiative to provoke a dispute, we would be jointly boycotted by them. "

"Let's take the lead first, then negotiate. I'm not very interested in Blue Mountain Coffee. I just want to take a dip in the muddy water of coffee. It's time for Lu Yu Tea to get involved in the coffee field. This time we don't start from scratch by ourselves. Instead, start directly with mergers.”

"President, have you taken a fancy to Rolando?"

Luo Lun Duo is the best coffee chain brand developed in Japan, and Luo Lun Duo Trading Company is also one of the Japanese giants in the field of coffee wholesale.

"Yes, seize the bargaining chip, and then negotiate with Rolando, not for an acquisition, but for a stake."


"How to proceed with the following affairs, you and Mao Feng will discuss, two reminders, the name of the coffee company is Shepherd, pay attention to the movements of the sparrows in China."

"President, you don't want to compete with Bird now, do you?"

"Oh, I'm so overwhelmed?" Nanyi said with a wry smile, "I just want to take advantage of the situation."

"I understand. Chairman, do you want to talk about the operation of Sparrow's support for coffee planting in Yunnan Province?"

"It's good to know that Yunnan Province and Cuba are at the same latitude. In theory, Yunnan Province can grow coffee with the same quality as Cuba."

"Understood, President, is there anything else?"

"No, you continue to sleep."

After hanging up the phone, Nanyi continued to look at the map. While watching, he moved slowly. When the center point of the map became Medellin, Nanyi frowned, closed the map, exited the hard drive matrix, and unplugged the map. The network cable is dropped.

"Adam, call that Bitch in London. Wendy needs help from London." Scarlett yelled at Nanyi as soon as he left the keyboard.

"You call Dun Stone yourself. The business of Bolin Holdings Investment has been fully controlled by him in the near future."

"Ha, it's just that the treatment of the shitty noble ladies is different. You don't have to work when you're pregnant?" Scarlett said with a sarcasm, "When Adler called me mother in my stomach, I was still working."

Scarlett made it clear that she was making use of the topic. Although she was a little incoherent, Nan Yi couldn't correct or find fault. At this time, the most sensible thing for Nan Yi was to keep silent, so he closed his mouth and walked to the corner Li picked up the newspaper and looked at the center advertisement.

The nameless fire came and went faster. When the work arrangement was over and the family of three went back to the manor next door for dinner, Scarlett returned to normal.

While eating the steak, Scarlett said abruptly, "Adam, Adler likes baseball very much."

"You like it very much?" Nan Yi turned to look at Nan Youqiong and asked.

Nan Youqiong nodded affirmatively, "Yes, Daddy, I like baseball."

Nan Yi turned to look at Scarlet again, knowingly asked: "So, what do you think?"

In fact, Nan Yi knew in his heart that Scarlett's unknown fire had been extinguished on the surface, but the flame in his heart had not been extinguished. Scarlett made it clear that he wanted to make use of the problem again, and wanted him to spend his private money to buy Nan Youqiong a baseball team.

After all, it was a series of delayed chain reactions caused by Catherine's pregnancy.

"Buying a football team for Adler will be his birthday present next year." Catherine picked up the red wine glass, took a sip, and said as a matter of course: "You only need to be responsible for the purchase, and I will pay for the follow-up operating funds."

Nan Yi glanced at Nan Youqiong who was staring at him expectantly, and nodded bitterly in his heart, "Son, you can buy any team you want, there must be a difference between what you want in your heart and what you can buy. a balance.

Do your own homework, investigate the background of the team you want, who its shareholders are, how much budget it will take to buy it, what difficulties it will encounter, etc., you have to figure it out yourself. "

"Yeah, Daddy, I will do my homework well." Nan Youqiong nodded vigorously.

It won't be long before he will have a big toy, and Nan Youqi will feel very happy, his appetite will increase, and he will eat steak much faster.

On the contrary, Nanyi's eating speed has slowed down a lot. He is already thinking about how to level a bowl of water. In April next year, he will have three biological children. Three copies; for a girl, four copies.

In Nanyi's view, girls need to be rich, both spiritually and materially. What boys have, girls must have, and they have to be double. What girls have, boys can not.

Whether it is three or four, it is a major test for Nanyi's private money. Now it can be foreseen that next year Nanyi will still be a poor ghost.

Scarlett, who served Nanyi, quickly finished her steak, refilled her glass with some red wine, shook the glass, and said leisurely, "Adam, what do you think of Buffett?"

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