Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 718 Have You Asked Him?

the next day.

In the courtyard of an old bungalow, a familiar recipe, a familiar taste, and an unfamiliar Rocky goat.

"Old Nan, it's not in vain that I relied on my relationship all the way to get this sheep back. It tastes so authentic." After eating half a leg of lamb, Chen Feng praised it sincerely.

"Nonsense, it doesn't matter where the Rocky goats live. In order to get food and go over the walls, they have to withstand the low temperature of minus 50 degrees all year round. How much I paid and how much energy I spent to raise goats in the Rocky Mountains, you I thought you could catch wild ones at will, do you know how much this sheep sells outside?"

"How much?" Lai Biao asked.

"How much do you get a month now?"

"Less than five hundred."

"How much?"

"Three hundred and seven."

"The salary of less than three years is enough to buy a leading sheep. I have never received such a high salary." Nan Yi said with envy and hatred.

"Who are you a capitalist making fun of, lunatic, do you think Nanyi is becoming more and more shameless?"

"When is Lao Nan going to have a face?" Chen Feng said, eating the last bit of dried lettuce on the plate into his stomach, "Lao Nan, go fry another plate, put less bacon and more dried lettuce .”

"It's gone, that's all the leftovers from last year. I caught some moss in Shichahai in the morning. Do you want to make it for you?"

"Eat moss?" Chen Feng asked in surprise.

"Why can't I eat it? It's just causing trouble. I have to get some rice and water first. Forget it, let's eat it at night. You dig two stones from behind, and I'll give you the whole plate of vinegar, and you will dip it in it." Have a drink."

"Why don't you pull out a nail from the wall for me?" Chen Feng said angrily.

"Damn, don't spend money on nails." Nan Yi spat and looked at his watch, "Tiger Cub, salted peanuts are ready, go and bring them out."

"Tomorrow there will be a performance by the Transcendent band from Xiangcheng, rock and roll, do you two want to watch it?"

"I can't. Tomorrow, Nanyi and I will go to a classmate's house for dinner."

"Then I'll go alone, and listen to the taste of Hong Kong rock and roll." Chen Feng picked up the cigarette case and gave Lai Biao a cigarette, lit it for himself, and said: "I like Joan Jeter, singing The appearance is very strong, especially the new song "I Hate Myself For Loving You" released this year, which sounds very strong."

"Foreigners, right? To listen to rock, you have to listen to bands that haven't caught on yet. When you say it's awesome, how many people in the capital can understand what you say goes beyond the band and sings Cantonese rock?

Let's see, more than half of the people will be able to leave tomorrow before the end, and the remaining half is the distressed ticket money. After spending money, you have to eat enough shit to eat before leaving.

Tomorrow you will be like this, rushing to the stage to lay flowers, and then grab the microphone and force a few words that surpass will become the greatest band or something. Of course, it would be even better if you could kneel and kowtow.

Now others will definitely treat you as an idiot, but after another five or six years, the rock fans who eat candy-hearted shit everywhere look back, hey, that old rock candy back then had a lot of taste, and found a good shit. "

"Fuck, old Nan, your grandson, you can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth, and feces and urine fly everywhere when you open your mouth. Damn, you must be in need of brushing your teeth. I'll buy a cart of toothbrushes and send them to your house tomorrow."

"Don't just buy a toothbrush, you can also buy a carload of toothpaste." Nanyi said disdainfully.

"You two are shoveling at home, rushing to the street, and eating." Lai Biao complained, and then said to Nanyi: "I had dinner with a person from the oil system a few days ago, and I heard him say that domestic cars have changed. If there are too many, the construction of gas stations must keep up;

Moreover, they are still discussing whether to open up the refined oil market in order to speed up the laying of gas stations and allow private people to participate in the business of gas stations. "

"I also heard some rumors, but I don't think it will be so fast even if we want to let go. There is no rush, how can the speed of discussion be so fast, and it will take at least a few years to make a decision." Chen Feng said.

"Are you thinking about the sale of the gas station?" Nanyi looked at Lai Biao and said.

Lai Biao waved his hand and said, "Why am I thinking about that, I just want to share the news with you. Didn't you just go to the police station yesterday, did you find out if the grandson was caught by the way?"

"That grandson's methods are so cruel, if he doesn't kill him, it won't be enough to anger the common people. If he is really caught, the police will definitely announce the news." Chen Feng said angrily.

The "grandson" mentioned by Lai Biao and Chen Feng is an "unknown murderer" in a serial murder case. There are two cases known to the outside world, and the methods are very cruel. At the same age as a flower, it withers like this, and it is very painful to go.

"I heard that the two female victims have nothing in common except that they are both college students. They don't overlap, and they don't have the same hobbies. Then the murderer chooses a wide range of targets. Women, women who are beautiful and easy to attack will become his target.

It is difficult to narrow the scope of investigation because of the random nature of the crime. The only way to catch him is when the police have more clues and narrow the scope of investigation after he commits another crime. "

Nanyi knew nothing about this case in his previous life, and he had no chance of pointing out the suspect if he wanted to be a prophet.

"Old Nan, you said it lightly, one crime is one life, and how many lives must be taken to catch it?" Chen Feng's tone was still resentful.

"Then what can be done? It's not so easy to solve the case. Don't complain. If you can't help, give the police uncle more understanding. If you have the ability, go and arrest it."

"Nonsense, I don't have that ability."

"So, take care of yourself, and don't make trouble for the police uncle, even if you are a big help."

"Fuck, you still have the nerve to talk about me, didn't I go to the police station last night because of your business?" Chen Feng said calmly.

"I'm doing harm for the people, and I want to cut off other people's hands and feet. Jiang Zi'er's name has been around for more than ten years, and gossip is flying all over the sky. There is always truth in the fake. Those things he has done, Finding out one by one, it will definitely not be unfair to sentence him to life."

"Isn't this going to be indefinite, and the time will not be short. You are really ruthless enough to dig such a big hole for him to jump in. Three big brothers, more than 6,000 yuan, tsk tsk."

"Nonsense, what do you call me digging a hole? I was thinking that one thing more is worse than one thing less. If five hundred yuan can avoid trouble, I will admit it. Who knows that grandson would open his mouth like a lion, and he would pay fifty thousand yuan for the first time." , who the hell gave him the courage?"

"I believe what Nanyi said. When he first met me, he threatened to kill me. That means I have a good temper. Otherwise, in 1977, I would send troops to drown him in Shenfeng Bay." Lai Biao teased. .

"Hahaha, come on, I'm just bluffing." Nan Yi smiled, put his arm around Lai Biao's shoulder and said: "You don't know, for more than a month after that, I slept with my eyes open, but if there was any trouble , I immediately swam to Xiangtang, and then ran to Africa through Southeast Asia, looking for a primitive tribe where a woman was the chief, and recommended myself to someone to head there in person.

Damn, I was reckless back then, the ghost knows that your roots are so deep, if I had known earlier, give us more courage, I would not dare to threaten our boss Lai. "

"Come on, I've known you for almost 12 years, and I've figured out your temper. You're slick and friendly, and you won't offend people easily. But if someone dares to violate your interests, you will turn into a wolverine. Absolutely never die with others."

"I think Lao Nan has a very good temper. If he violates his own interests, he is an enemy, and he should be as ruthless as severe winter when he treats the enemy." Chen Feng said.

"Drinking, drinking, it's not a democratic life meeting, so don't criticize and self-criticize here." Nanyi said, holding up his glass.

"You can just drink your own, and the beer wants to clink glasses with me for nothing."

Chen Feng picked up his cup and touched Lai Biao, and the two took a sip respectively, excluding Nanyi directly.

"Damn it, what's the matter with the beer, okay?" Nanyi drained the wine in the glass to the end, and refilled himself another glass, "The beer is also wine, and the village accountant is also a cadre, don't be so damn underestimating people. "

"Come on, if you can drink white, I won't say anything, but you can obviously drink, and you can drink better than me. It's just that Biaozi and I don't have enough face. If my grandfather sits here and lets you drink, you I can blow eight bottles of Moutai in a row.”

"Fuck, what are you talking about? You're a shareholder of Nanchen Liquor Industry. You're bragging about Moutai."

"All right, all right, I made a slip of the tongue." Chen Feng patted himself on the mouth, "You can blow sixteen bottles of Nanchen wine in a row, is that okay?"

"Let's do it, it's just that I'm too flattered. I can't drink sixteen bottles, and I can't hold two catties." Nanyi curled his lips and said: "Let's get together to drink for fun, there is no need to drink any wine, we must drink As many tasks as you want, just be free.

If I want to drink something white, I drink white. If I want to drink beer, I drink beer. I drink as much as I like, until the critical point of dizziness is good. If I have to rush to get drunk, it will be boring. "

"Nanyi said it well, just drink and have fun." Lai Biao said with emotion: "I'm so tired of going to the dinner party. If I don't drink, people will treat you as a disgrace, saying that I am too proud to mingle with my comrades; drink, every time I have to overdo it, I want to hide from the dinner party now, so I might as well order noodles at home."

"Madman, listen to Lai Biao's accent, it's not as good as noodles, hypocritical, you have never suffered from feelings. When I was young, I couldn't eat noodles if there were no guests at home. Eating an egg is just like Chinese New Year."

Chen Feng said: "Who are you fooling, your family is dual-employee, your father is an engineer, and the benefits of the two industries have always been good. If you say that you can't eat meat twice a month, I believe you, and you can't eat eggs to fool the devil."

"No nonsense, you thought eggs could be bought casually back then. My family could only eat white rice for half a month, and the rest of the month had to be mixed with coarse grains. That means my salary is not low, otherwise white rice It would be nice to be able to eat tooth-beating festivals once a month.

Not to mention meat, I remember a classmate whose father was from a meat joint factory, I fell in love with visiting his house, and I would go there for a meal, ten times, and there would always be one time when the adults of his family would not be ashamed to keep me. When eating, I will never forget the big piece of fat meat I ate at his house, and the three hairs on it are still kept in my stomach. "

Chen Feng and Lai Biao looked at each other, and pressed Nanyi on the table in a tacit understanding.

"Biaozi is right, Lao Nan, you are a fucking bastard, let you make up a story for me, you said Liu Zhen, I still believe it, but you, I don't believe it a hundred times. Biaozi , take a wine bottle, tell him not to drink white, and pour him."

Nanyi, whose head was pressed on the table, was facing the courtyard door, just in time to see the courtyard door being pushed open, and his son came in bouncing from the outside.

"Relax, stop making trouble, my son is back."

"Damn it... you're really back, you're lucky." Chen Feng let go of Nanyi muttering, turned to Nan Wuwei and said, "Wuwei, have you eaten yet?"

"Uncle Chen, Uncle Lai, I've already eaten." Nan Wuwei replied and walked to Nanyi's side, "Dad, Mom has gone to grandma's house, and won't come back for dinner tonight."

Nan Yi picked up Nan Wuwei, put his nose close to Nan Wuwei's neckline and sniffed, "It smells like sweat, go upstairs and take a shower first, your daddy puts your change of clothes in the second compartment of the closet."

"Yeah, Dad, let's go eat Wonderful tonight."

"Okay." Nan Yi put Nan Wuwei on the ground, "Go, start at 5:30, before you move freely."

"Old Nan, you are really good at taking care of children. In the future, I will let you take care of my son." After Nan Wuwei left, Chen Feng said.

"Stop talking nonsense, your husband will come out and talk."

"It's coming soon, the family is going to set a date for me and Xu Li to get married, so don't be too shabby when you make a move."

"It must be generous. I will prepare gold rings, gold earrings, gold necklaces, and clothes for all seasons for Xu Li."

"Fuck, I still need you to prepare these."

Chen Feng complained, and the topic of marriage passed away, and the three of them continued to talk nonsense.

It was about three o'clock before Lai Biao and Chen Feng left together.

Nanyi cleaned up the mess by himself, collected what should be collected, washed what should be washed, and more than an hour passed.

After making himself a cup of tea, Nan Yi just wanted to take a nap in the yard when another guest came.

"Qi Ying, did you come here just for lunch?" Nan Yi joked to Qi Ying, and then greeted Qi Ying's son Qi Minghui, "Minghui, come and sit down."

"I came here counting the time, you have to prepare something delicious for dinner." Qi Ying said with a smile: "Where is Liu Zhen, hasn't arrived yet?"

"Here, I'm going back to my mother's house. I won't eat at home in the evening. I have already promised my son to eat Wangdefu for dinner. If you don't dislike it, let's go together." Nan Yi took the cup brought by the school belle, and poured it for Qi Ying's mother and son. a cup of tea.

"It's not cheap to eat a meal in Wangdefu, I don't dare to dislike it."

"After a while, you will eat some salad and mashed potatoes, and you will have a lot of fish and meat every day, just to scrape off the oil."

"What are you talking about? Where does the Qingshui Yamen come from? I'm alone at home. I don't even bother to cook. I eat in the cafeteria every day."

"Don't be modest. The Machinery Bureau is not Qingshui Yamen, let alone in Fengtian. When Wu Renpin arrives in Fengtian, remember to give him a few pairs of shoes."

"Hehe, I dare not, he is two levels higher than me."

"It doesn't matter how high he is, anyway, he must be begging you, you don't have to beg him."

Qi Ying's trip to the capital was invited by Nanyi, and Nanyi was entrusted by Wu Renpin to celebrate Wu Xiaowei's birthday at Wu Renpin's house tomorrow. This must be an excuse. Wu Renpin just wanted to make friends with Qi Ying. Weaving Fengtian's contacts.

When he was in school, Wu Renpin had to study and help Wu Meifeng run the breakfast stall, but he didn't have much time to meet many classmates. Time to make friends with classmates.

Not to mention Qi Ying who is from a different department, even if they are in the same class, he has only made friends with a few. Of course, when the position assignment was finalized, Wu Renpin was unexpectedly befriended by a group of classmates.

"What can I ask for? I have been classmates for four years and help each other out."

"En." Nanyi nodded, then turned to Qi Minghui and said, "Minghui, are you still used to school?"

"Very good, the students are easy to get along with." Qi Minghui replied.

"You guys have caught up, and you can still go to the army to touch guns. We didn't have anything at that time, so we went straight to class, and the class was so tight."

"My family's Minghui is not uncommon to touch guns. My family has a relative in the security department of the smelter. He has been touching guns since he was a child." Qi Ying looked at Qi Minghui and said kindly.

"Qi Ying, you are in your early years. After Minghui graduates, I will marry you a wife and have a grandson. You can be a grandma in your early forties. You will be envious of others."

"Don't talk nonsense, it's not too late for my Minghui to think about marrying a wife and having children when he's thirty." Qi Yingyan said insincerely.

Nan Yi chuckled, and didn't deepen the topic any further. He couldn't say much about fertility issues. Those like him who are trying to have children are a sign of backward thinking.

Then, Nan Yi and Qi Ying chatted about some innocuous topics, and the time soon came to 5:30, and Nan Wuwei and Wen Yuanyuan appeared in the yard on time.

It doesn't take much time to eat Wangdefu, and it only takes an hour to eat slowly.

A little after seven o'clock, Qi Ying took Qi Minghui to leave first, and Nanyi took the two children to wander outside for more than an hour before returning home.

At half past ten, after finishing a series of chores, Nan Yi and Liu Zhen sat in the living room.

The TV was on and the two were talking.

"Wuwei and that Nuannuan are getting too close?"

"You don't like Nuannuan?"

"That's not true. I just think it's not good for him to get too close to a girl. He should play with boys more."

"Less thinking, less should, Wuwei has several good male classmates in kindergarten, his subjective cognition has not been deviated, don't make him have to do what you think is right.

what is right

It is right to learn more knowledge and improve your understanding of the world.

Although I have planned a path that I think is most suitable for Wuwei to follow, I will not force him to do what I think is right. His father, I strive to win him the right to choose independently. Since he has it, he should be allowed to enjoy this privilege. "

"Bah, what is the right to choose independently? It's better to say that you have deprived him of the right to inherit the Nan family." Liu Zhen said angrily.

"Inheriting the Nan family is not a good job. There are not many rights, but more responsibilities. There will be no shortage of things that money can buy. Ask yourself, I can give more to the inaction than to the poor. Inaction can He grows freely, but he has to be cultivated if he is poor. Do you understand that he has no freedom.

I want to have a father who is as good as me, so I won't be stupid to fight for some family property. Is the house not enough to live in, or are diamonds worthless? "

"Come on, this is your subjective opinion, not an objective fact. How do you know what Wuwei will think when he grows up in the future? Did you ask him for his opinion before making a decision?"

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