Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 723 Angelica, Lord Yepan

"Nan Yi is not only good at doing business, it is just a coincidence that your negotiation with Ms. Taylor from the United States on the transfer of Husky's shares has not been smooth, so I asked someone to investigate her past.

Ms. Taylor used to work for NBC and was assigned to the capital. After returning to the United States, she started doing business, starting with oriental art, and then entered the field of gold mines, and then blossomed in all directions.

During the time she was working in Beijing, Nan Yi happened to be studying at Peking University, and the two should have had contact in private. "

"Daddy, is this just speculation?"

"Do you still remember the Wu family in England?" Li Tongban asked.

"Remember, when Daddy was going to buy Husky's shares from their family, didn't the Wu family collapse after a civil strife?"

"Yes, there is no way to find out the details of the civil turmoil in the Wu family, but you have to pay attention to one thing. The shares of the Husky in the Wu family were in the hands of Ms. Taylor, and on the eve of the civil turmoil in the Wu family, Nanyi was in London , and made good friends with Wu Zaisheng from the Wu family."

Li Tongpan looked at Li Xiaochao and asked, "Do you know what banner Nanyi played in London?"

There was no need for Li Xiaochao to ask, Li Tongban said directly: "The former president of the Asia-Pacific region of Pan American Investment Holdings, he just resigned and wants to buy a property in London."

People left their names, and geese left their voices. If someone really wanted to conduct a targeted investigation of Nanyi's files, his footprints could not be hidden from anyone.

"Daddy, this identity is just a casual talk, or is it?"

"Really, at least Pan American Holdings recognizes Nanyi's identity. Do you understand the meaning of this?"

"If Nan Yi was indeed the Asia-Pacific president of Pan American Holdings, that's fine. If he doesn't have this experience, but Pan American Holdings is willing to endorse him, then the relationship between him and Pan American Holdings and Ms. Taylor The relationship between them is very unusual. Dad, do you want to find someone to go to New York to check in detail?"

"New York is the headquarters of the Scarlett Consortium. Ms. Taylor is inextricably linked to the Donkey Party. She is the core figure of the Donkey Party in New York. Go to other people's headquarters to investigate her. If she finds out, our Li family has no intention An enemy has been created in it.

There is no conflict of interest between us and the Scarlett Consortium. We are not enemies, and we cannot take too drastic measures. Whether there is any connection between Nanyi and Ms. Taylor actually doesn't matter much to us.

It's just that Fang's Group is one step ahead of us in other aspects except real estate, which coincides with my thoughts, so I will make an analysis.

In fact, whether it is Fang Mengyin's idea or Nanyi's idea, to the Li family, there is no difference. However, there is a big difference for you. You can find opportunities to make friends with Nanyi.

Don't talk about other things, just say low-key, you should learn from others, how many people in Xiangtang know that Fang Mengyin has a grandson named Nanyi? "

"Daddy, I see."

Li Tongban is a relatively traditional person. Family inheritance emphasizes the order of seniority and order. He has long made up his mind that the family property of the Li family will be handed over to Li Xiaochao, the eldest son. As for Li Xiaokai's youngest son, Li Tongban will give He has a lot of cash.

Li Tongban's own network will be handed over to Li Xiaochao in the future, and Li Tongban will also help Li Xiaochao build his own network.


After Nanyi and Nan Ruofing had supper, they took a car to Yangwu Village in the New Territories.

When buying real estate for Ruan Mei, Ruan Mei bought a large flat for her mother in Yangming Villa on Jardine's Mountain, but she herself chose a village house.

Nanyi bought three small rights for her, and built a small country house in Yangwu Village, with a small third floor and a small garden. On the right side of the small garden is the farmland. Nanyi rented two acres. Planted flowers.

The car parked in an open space in the village, and Nan Yi walked to the villa.

Although the villa has a parking space, it can only park two cars. There are too many cars in Nanyi and his party, and there is no room for parking in the villa.

Opening the courtyard door, the piano sound of "Canon" immediately entered Nanyi's ears.

In the garden, under the colorful lights, Ruan Mei was sitting in front of the piano, dancing with her ten fingers on the keyboard.

Nan Yi tiptoed to Ruan Mei's back, stopped, and listened to the piano music quietly.

The music is gentle, no climax, slowly, lightly, and at the right time, it stops abruptly.

Ruan Mei flipped the keyboard cover over and closed it, and said to the air, "You are late, your relatives already came yesterday."

"No, it's not too late. Apart from that kind of thing, we still have a lot to do. On the way here just now, I also saw Quyiyingying. We can go out and have a look."

"The weather this year is a bit abnormal. The Qu-winged firefly disappeared in mid-September last year." Ruan Mei stood up, facing Nan Yi, with her hands on Nan Yi's shoulders, "I miss you so much."

Nan Yi stretched out his hands and put his arms around Ruan Mei's waist, "I miss you too."

"Baby, can you stop being so busy and spend more time with me?"

"Heh, you missed one thing. You are not with me for money, but because of you." Nan Yi said with a laugh.

"It's a good idea. If you don't have money, the devil will be with you. I've had enough of the poor life in the wooden house area. Before, Mommy worked several jobs every day. I just wanted to move out of there early. Sometimes I would have nightmares. When I woke up, I found myself lying on a bed in the cabin area, it was scary."

"Silly girl, no, the days will only get better and better." Nan Yi stroked Ruan Mei's head and kissed her forehead, "You can make money yourself now, and the salary of "The Great Times" is as high as How much is it?"

As soon as Ruan Mei heard Nanyi asked about the salary, she immediately said sarcastically, "That's a lot, three thousand mosquitoes."

"Haha, that's quite a lot. Who in Xiangcheng doesn't know that TVB's salary is notoriously low, and they are willing to give you 3,000 yuan, probably because you are an outsider."

"Yes, Sean is the leading actor. He doesn't get any salary, only a fixed salary."

"Has any film company invited you to make a film?"

"Yes, Sister Zhou said that she has received several invitations." Ruan Mei said, becoming unhappy, "But she pushed them away, she said those films are not suitable for me."

"Sister Zhou must have a reason for not accepting. Now that the Xiangxi movie circle is in chaos, you can't accept the movie casually."

As Nanyi said, he let go of Ruan Mei's waist, put his arms around her shoulders instead, and walked out of the garden with her in his arms. As soon as he walked out of the garden, the tiger cub stepped forward and handed Nanyi a tactical flashlight.

There are not many street lights in Yangwu Village, except for a few corners, other places are pitch black.

"At night, I dare not go out alone. The night here is too quiet. I can only hear the calls of frogs, crows, owls, and sometimes cats. The cry is like a child crying. ,very scary."

Walking on the small road in the country, Ruan Mei said quietly to Nan Yi: "If I were alone, I would not dare to live here. I thought it was too good."

"It's normal in the countryside, and I get used to it after staying for a long time. When I was young, my friends and I would deliberately go to the graves in the countryside at night, just to see the will-o'-the-wisps. Unfortunately, we never encountered them once. "

"The will-o'-the-wisps don't necessarily appear at night. A few years ago, my classmates and I went camping on Lantau Island. In the evening, we saw the will-o'-the-wisps, and several bunches sprayed out together."

"Then you are very lucky to be able to see several beams at the same time."

"What kind of luck is there? Everyone said that if you see a will-o'-the-wisp, you will encounter a ghost. I was so scared that I couldn't sleep for several nights."

"Hehe, only human beings are scary in this world. There is nothing to be afraid of ghosts." Nan Yi said, pointing to the light in front of him, "It seems that the store in the village is still open. Would you like to go and have a cold drink?"


Nan Yi and Ruan Mei went to Shiduo store, bought two bottles of water and sat on the chairs in front of Shiduo shop.

"When I passed by the entrance of the village just now, I saw that there was a construction site under construction. Why is this point still being worked on, and no one has any comments?"

"Who dares to have an opinion on the renovation of the ancestral hall in the village."

"In such a hurry, it's almost the anniversary of the ancestor's death?"

"It seems so. I haven't had contact with the villagers, so I don't know too well."

"It doesn't matter if you don't touch, you, a woman, can easily cause trouble."

Fengshui theory is prevalent here in Xiangtang. A person with a foreign surname is still a woman, and it is too easy to provoke the rejection of the stubborn old people in the village. Although Nanyi gave the village chief here a little favor when he bought the right of Ding, there are some things that the village chief It's not even right.

"It's okay, maybe because many houses here are rented out, and there are many outsiders living in the village, so the villagers are quite easy to talk to." Ruan Mei pouted, "Look, the big belly woman also lives in the village .”

Nanyi glanced ahead, and saw a man with white spots on his body walking towards a pregnant woman.

Nan Yi looked away and said to Ruan Mei: "Do you work in the village?"

"It should be... I seem to know you, walking towards us."

"Brother Nan Yi."

As soon as Ruan Mei finished speaking, the pregnant woman came to Nanyi and shouted.

Nan Yi raised his head, looked at the pregnant woman's face, and after carefully identifying her for a while, he recognized who she was, "Xiuyu, why are you in Xiangxi?"

Xian Xiuyu, a native of Wenchangwei Village, was of the same generation as Xian Hailan and Xian Xiuyun, and was one of the few families that recruited a son-in-law.

Xian Xiuyu pointed to her stomach, but said nothing.

A few years ago, Wenchangwei had set up a route to go abroad to give birth, but not many people could choose to go abroad to give birth. Although the village has subsidies, individuals still have to pay part of it, and the cost is not low; most people choose to go to relatives Hidden at home, or ran to the four major "escape bases" in the inland - Qiongdao, Tubo, Songshan, Beidaihe.

People in Wenchangwei often choose to go to Qiongdao, where the climate is closer and they are more comfortable staying there.

"How many babies are you having?"

"Fourth child."

Nan Yi frowned, "You got married only a year earlier than me, right?"

"Yes." Xian Xiuyu replied softly.

"Actually, girls are pretty good, so you don't have to work so hard to have a son." Nan Yi said, turning his face to Xian Xiuyu's husband Zheng Guangqi, "Do you want to build a site here?"

"Renovate the ancestral hall."


"Fortunately, three hundred days."

"Oh, master, carved?"

Although the income of the construction site [dry construction site] in Xiangtang is not low, but three hundred a day is regarded as the ceiling, which is not something that ordinary people can get, and there must be great craftsmanship.

"I know a little bit of everything. More than a dozen generations of my family are carpenters." Zheng Guangqi said honestly.

"It's good. If you have the skills, you won't make less money by building a site in Xiangtang. The three hundred is all yours, right?"

The wages in Xiangtang are very high, but this is for the locals. The wages of the inland runners who go to Xiangtang to work in the land are generally discounted.

"I have acquaintances here, and I spent a thousand Hong Kong dollars to solve the identity problem, and the salary is all my own."

"That's good, you wait."

Nan Yi responded, walked into Shiduo's store, asked the boss for a pen and paper, wrote down a phone number, walked back outside the store, and handed the paper to Xian Xiuyu, "I will leave Xiangtang soon, if something happens matter, make a phone call on the paper."

Xian Xiuyu looked at the number on the paper, put the paper away, and nodded solemnly, "Thank you, Brother Nanyi."

"Well, what are you going to do continue, I'll go back and sit."

Although Nanyi was not familiar with Xian Xiuyu, since they met, they had to make some gestures. Generally speaking, Xian Xiuyu and his wife would not be able to ask Nanyi for anything, eight or nine thousand Hong Kong dollars a month, which was regarded as a lot in Hong Kong. High income.

According to the current housing prices in Xiangtang, there are still quite a few houses with a square meter of 8,000 to 9,000 square meters. After three years of work, you can buy a small-sized house with full payment. Of course, the premise is that the housing price does not skyrocket.

Nan Yi returned to the seat just now and continued talking to Ruan Mei.



"Why do you still come out to build a site with a big belly?" Ruan Mei asked.

"There are some things you don't quite understand. You have to come out just because you have a big belly. Otherwise, you can stay at home. Her father sells fruits outside, and her mother sells rice on the land. With the dividends from the village, the annual income is not low. .”

"Hey, why don't I understand, isn't it just an escape, don't forget that I stayed in Yangcheng for a long time."

"Ha, I forgot, she is pregnant with her fourth child."

"Oh, why bother." Ruan Mei sighed and said, "I heard that childbirth is very painful. Doesn't she have to suffer four times?"

"It's all my own choice, and it's inconvenient for outsiders to evaluate it."

Many of the children born in Wenchangwei in recent years have very connotative nicknames, such as Dongtao, Xitao, Dongzang, Xizang, and Hidden; there are also numerical ones, such as eight hundred, thousand two, Two thousand; there are place names, such as sugar cane, barley, and corn, omitting the word "di"; there are also local names, including county names and town names.

It's not easy to support a child, and it really needs to be suppressed with a cheap name.

Nanyi once prepared a nickname for Nan Wuwei, "Dragon Dude". Fortunately, Nan Wuwei has been free from illness and disaster, and this nickname has never been used.

Nan Yi and Ruan Mei sat in front of Shiduodian until the early hours of the morning before they returned to the small villa.

The next day, early in the morning, before Nanyi's biological clock rang, he heard the cries of magpies and swallows. Outside the small villa, holding a clothes rail, he ran directly to the swallow's nest under the eaves.

"Count to three, get the hell out of here, or I'll stab you to death." Nanyi pointed at the magpie standing in the swallow's nest with the clothes-drying pole.

The magpie panicked when she saw Nanyi coming, and when she heard his howling with anger, she flapped her wings and flew away.

Nanyi moved a chair, stood up and checked the situation of several swallow nests.

Fortunately, Zhiyan is fine.

It's a good thing that Yanzi is willing to come to build a nest at home to save face. If the nest is occupied by magpies, causing Yanzi to leave, then Nanyi will really go crazy and chase down the magpies.

"Is little swallow all right?"

At some point, Ruan Mei, who was wearing pajamas, also came outside the house.

"It's okay, it came in time, the baby swallow was not pushed out of the nest by the magpie, let people keep an eye on it for the past two days, and if any magpie flies over, it will be shot down." Nanyi got off the chair, picked up the broom leaning against the wall, Sweeping the milky white swallow droppings on the floor.

"Swallows are spiritual, they never build nests on the door beam." Ruan Mei stepped forward with a dustpan and placed it beside Nanyi.

"Well, if you have no spirituality, they won't come to you to build a nest. They know you are a good person."

"Hee hee hee."

Ruan Mei knew that what Nanyi said might not be true, but she was still willing to listen to her good words.

Now that she had woken up, Ruan Mei didn't go back to sleep anymore, and went out for a run with Nanyi. After breakfast, the two went to Chaiwan together.

Nan Yi went to the Emotional Policy Committee, and Ruan Mei went to the Artists Care Fund.

One morning, Nanyi spent listening to and reading reports, and before lunch, he rushed to Fang's Group again.


This chapter cannot be freely written, some topics are out of date, and you may not be able to see it after I write it. Those who know should have experienced or heard about it, and those who don’t know don’t know. Knowing some things can’t make life better.

There may be another chapter today, and I will try to update it before everyone gets up.

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