Nanyi's staring at the pigeons is not just for curiosity, he had thought of earning a hard fee before.

Arranging snipers is nonsense, but there are still ways to slow down a certain pigeon's flight speed, such as stopping it and forcibly hanging the national flag of the pigeon country around its neck.

Whether it's pigeons or rubber, they are all fantasy. One has something to do with gambling, and Nan Yi won't touch it, and the other can't clean up the tail without using Nan's strength.

Another day later, Lin Guangwei came again and brought 1 million yuan. After Ou Li's business was over, Zhong Jilong asked for 20,000 yuan, and Lin Guangwei put the money first.

After getting Lin Guangwei's 1 million yuan, Nanyi did not use it to pay the final payment of Shengchen Pharmaceutical. He saw that the second payment was about to be paid. He had no way of earning more than 10 million yuan. Yang Kaiyan made a phone call, and after some negotiation, Nanyi asked her to borrow 36 million for half a year, and repay 40 million with interest.

In the next two days, Ruan Zhiping sent a member of the Marine Corps who was engaged in sea rescue, and took Nan Yi and Nan Wuwei to the Golden Beach for two days to learn about self-rescue in distress at sea. Leaving Zhoutouzui Wharf and boarding the Yulan Ferry bound for Yecheng.

There are only three floors above the main deck, the first and second floors are the first to third-class guest rooms, and the third floor is the top deck; there are two floors below the main deck of the hull. There are four and five class cabins.

The fourth-class cabin has a small window to see the sea, and the fifth-class cabin has no window.

Despite being in service for many years, the hull of the Magnolia is well maintained and does not look too old.

For the sake of safety, and Nanyi wanted to experience the feeling of a sea trespasser, the group bought a fifth-class ticket, the full price for adults was 16.20 yuan, and the half-child [half-ticket for children] was 8.10 yuan.

The fifth-class cabin is equipped with two layers of iron canopy beds. Except for a few on the bulkhead, the others are put together in two. There is a luggage rack layer more than 30 centimeters high under the bed board, and luggage can be placed on it. above.

Since the 1960s, the Magnolia has been the main passenger ship for transporting passengers from Yangcheng to Yecheng, traveling to and from both sides of the Qiongzhou Strait. Qiongxing is looking for dreams.

After last year's 100,000 sea trespassers, there are still a steady stream of sea trespassers who continue to go to Qiong Province. Moreover, there are more and more people with a high level of education. It is not long after the distribution season, and many people just go to the distribution The unit turned around, and then boarded the Magnolia.

Nanyi was standing on the bed of the lower bunk and was clearing away the straw mats on the upper bunk. The girl next to him who was also packing accidentally dropped some bits and pieces from her bag, including graduation certificates, honorary certificates and the like.

Taking a glance, Nanyi continued to do his own thing, put away the straw mat and replaced it with the straw mat he brought, put a new pillowcase on the pillow, took away the thin quilt, and put a blanket on it.

The girl next door put the dropped things back into her bag, and then looked at Nanyi's actions in surprise, thinking that the man opposite was too hypocritical.

"Hello, excuse me."

After Nanyi packed up her things, she greeted the girl next door.

"Is something wrong?" the girl asked.

Nan Yi smiled slightly, "That's right, my son will sleep with me at night, it may disturb you, if you mind, you can change to the lower berth, the lower two berths are also with me, or I will help you You can find someone else to replace it."

"It's okay, I don't mind."

The girl didn't mind at all, she was still thinking about sleeping next to a big man and it was awkward, but now it's all right, with a child sleeping in between, she feels more at ease.


Nan Yi thanked, jumped to the ground, and put the luggage of several people on the luggage rack.

After packing up, the whistle of the Magnolia had already sounded, and Nan Yi took Nan Wuwei to the deck to get some air. The space in the fifth-class cabin was relatively sealed, and there were more people. It was inevitable that there would be one or two people with body odor and foot odor. , the air is a little cloudy.

On the deck, Nan Yi saw a few young people playing Katyusha with musical instruments, and a middle-aged man in his fifties was humming in Russian, his pronunciation was very standard, middle-aged People are probably the older generation of intellectuals who stayed in the Soviet Union in the 1950s.

Not all the intellectuals who returned from the Soviet Union had a good fortune. In fact, many of them spent most of their lives. Nan Huaiqiu had one of them. He burned the boiler for more than ten years, and it was not until the 1980s that he picked it up again. Starting a major, it is a pity that I have already passed the best age for achieving results, and it is difficult to make achievements.

"I said, have you ever been to Qiongdao?"

"I've never been to Qiongdao, but I know about it. I watched it on TV, right?"

"Never been."

"Yes or no?"

"If you haven't been to Qiongdao, how do you know what Qiongdao is like?"

"Let me tell you, the sky in Qiongdao is very blue and transparent, the water in Qiongdao is very green, the sand in Qiongdao is fine and white, and the coconut trees in Qiongdao are everywhere."

Several young people who should be strangers gather together to look forward to Qiongdao, their faces are full of longing, as if they can do a great job when they arrive in Qiongdao.

In fact, for most sea trespassers, Qiongdao is meaningless. They are cannon fodder and a demographic dividend. Go, business opportunities and winners will naturally be born.

Chuanghai is a game where outsiders come to Qiongdao to earn money from outsiders. Qiongdao is just a prop, and those who are not stubbornly rooted can't appreciate its meaning at all.

Nanyi stood on the deck for a few minutes, and a crooked idea popped up in his mind, to start a few companies, recruit a large number of people, anyone can join the job, the salary is high, cooperate with the hospital to get kickbacks for the entry medical examination, Cooperate with a garment factory to get kickbacks for work clothes, and you have to pay a deposit of 500 yuan after entering the job, and then sign a labor contract.

A combination of punches down, millions of hands.

Then instead of closing the door and running away, they took the new recruits to the countryside to cut sugar cane, plant land, and move bricks to brick kilns. If you want to eat in the countryside, you have to spend your own money to buy it, and you can make a lot of money from the food.

After that, it's easy to say, if you can't bear it, you can carry the bucket and run around. If you can carry it, you will become a regular and become a white-collar worker who really sits in the office and blows the fan.

Every step is strictly arranged, the contract is formal, and there are a group of people who have become high-paying white-collar workers, and those who run away with buckets are not afraid of being scammed.

"Who said it was a scam? I made it clear to you before joining the job. You are going to take the entry test, where you are going, and what you are going to do. You have already been told in advance. X lawyer also explained the terms of the labor contract to you in detail. You can't handle it yourself. Bitter, don’t say that the company is defrauding, if you talk nonsense, I will sue you for defamation.”

The routine conceived by Nanyi basically works. He guesses that someone in Yecheng has already done it, but the routine is not too strict.

Not to mention, this routine will never go out of style.

Even after decades, many people will be fooled by the high-salary recruitment information on "38 Different Cities" such as the high-salary recruitment and the driver. No education is required, the work is not heavy, and the salary is several thousand a month, including Eating and sheltering, the capitalists changed their careers to become Bodhisattvas.

After graduating from junior high school and working in Internet cafes for a few years, I felt that I could no longer be so decadent. As soon as I cheered up, I found that God helped the self-help, and God immediately sent a good job. After a while, I went to the big city next door to apply for a job .

After the song "Katyusha" ended, Nan Wuwei said to Nan Yi: "Dad, I want to hear you play the trumpet."

"Dad only brought a harmonica, how about playing the harmonica for you?"

"No, I want to listen to the trumpet."


Nan Yi replied helplessly, and walked over to the person holding the trumpet in the crowd.

The other party was very talkative, and Nanyi lent it to him as soon as he asked, which made Nanyi a little embarrassed. If he was not good at talking, he would "rent" it with money, so that his identity would become a customer, and he could use the mouthpiece freely. Take it off and wipe it.

But now, Nan Yi could only take the opportunity of turning around to call Nan Wuwei, using his body to block the view of the trumpet owner, and quickly wiped the part of the trumpet against his lips with a T-shirt.

Holding the trumpet in his hand, what Nan Yi wanted to play most was of course "The Sun Also Rises". Unfortunately, the time was wrong, the place was wrong, and the audience was wrong. After a while, Nan Yi put the mouthpiece of the trumpet on his lips and started playing. "Lambada".

The tune of Nanyi was the same, and a man in a sea soul shirt with an accordion in his hand followed, and then, the violinist woman next to him also followed, and the saxophone and flute soon joined in the fun.

Next to her, a woman wearing glasses, a hollowed-out sleeveless top, and a light green long skirt spun around and joined in. She spoke in a correct accent, in Mandarin-style Portuguese. However, although the pronunciation was not accurate, she sang harmoniously. There is a fight on the tape.

The generation born in the 1960s is a generation of singers. There are many people who have a good singing voice, and there are many people who can play musical instruments. No matter where they are, they can form a band to sing at any time.

After the woman sang a few lines, more people gathered around, and a harmonica was added to the fused music. Those who were confident sang with the woman, and those who were less confident hummed the harmony softly.

You don’t need to know Portuguese, you can learn to sing, read notation for those who don’t know it, learn it sentence by sentence from the tape recorder, and transliterate the lyrics into Chinese, and recite them by heart.

The chorus came, and the dancers would not be absent. On the small deck, everyone let go of their expectations and worries about Qiongdao, let go of their burdens, and let go of their hearts together, humming, singing, and dancing.

At the end of the song "Lambada", I don't know who led it, and the music was seamlessly switched to "Little Girl Under the Street Lamp".

At this time, countless Deng Jieyi appeared on the deck, and a prodigal voice was majesticly flying on the Pearl River.

Finally, everyone hummed "Please Come to the End of the World".

This song is neither majestic nor passionate, but it can resonate with everyone on the deck. Yes, everyone came from the northeast, northwest, southwest to the far ends of the world.

In Mudanjiang, Yalu River, Tumen River, Songhua River, Nenjiang River, and Wusuli River, many brave men in Northeast China, after finishing a bowl of baijiu, threw their bowls on the ground, raised their heads and shouted to the sky: "Go south, plug in the Northeast at the southernmost point." flag and rebuild the four northeastern provinces."

"Friends, we come from all corners of the country, and we all come here with a common belief. On Qiongdao, in this piece of virgin land that has just been reclaimed, we can realize our ambitions. Being able to board the Magnolia together is the fate between us. I propose to have a gala dinner tonight in the ship's great dining room."

A man wearing glasses, who may have been a political cadre, said in an impassioned voice: "No matter what we will face when we disembark tomorrow, let us have a thorough carnival before embarking on the journey. Long live the Magnolia!"

"Long live!"

"Long live the Magnolia!"

The slogan was quickly echoed, and everyone shouted their uneasiness from the bottom of their hearts, hoping to drive it away with their shouts.

When everyone got together to select the members of the organizing committee of the gala, Nan Yi returned the trumpet and took Nan Wuwei back to the side of the boat just now.

The woman in the next bunk was also there, and as soon as Nan Yi approached the woman on the side of the boat, she said: "The trumpet plays very well."


Nan Yi thanked him, and instead of taking the opportunity to chat with the woman, he chatted with his son.

The ferry goes out of the Pearl River, circles Shenzheng, overlooks Xiangtang, and heads towards Qiongdao facing the waves of the South China Sea.

The party in the evening was very lively. Passengers in the cabin flocked to the big restaurant, and even many people who were seasick came to attend.

People came to the middle of the restaurant one after another, some recited lyric poems aloud, some hummed Soviet Xiu's songs, and some bravely talked about their vision for the future of the Qiongdao Special Economic Zone.

Many people complained about their unrecognized talents, expressed their complaints about the original working and living environment, and hoped to have the opportunity to start all over again in Qiong Province.

Nanyi also participated in the chat. Through the chat, Nanyi knew that most of them came from Hubei Province, Funan Province, and Jiangxi Province, and some people came from border areas. There were very few people from Southeast and South China.

Nothing special happened while sleeping, no charm, no ambiguity, nothing happened when you opened your eyes and found two people hugging each other.

This kind of thing can't happen to Nanyi. Once it happens, it can only show that he did it on purpose.

The next day, at 11:00, after a 26-hour bumpy journey, the Magnolia was about to dock at Xiuying Port in Yecheng. Standing on the deck, a slender green line appeared in front of my eyes at the transition between the sea and the sky. It is Qiongdao.

When the ferry docked, Nanyi and his party disembarked. Just a few steps away, a can of coconut juice appeared in front of Nanyi.

"Master Nan, welcome to Coconut City."

"Qikai, you're not the local snake here, you're welcome, where's the car?" Nanyi clapped Kailai's hand, and scanned the surrounding crowd with his eyes.

"It's just outside, Crown." Lai pointed in one direction, and said in a shaky voice, "It's new, it's only been a few days since I got it."

"Well, let's go, fill your stomach first, and then take me to the Talent Center and the East Lake Talent Wall."

"Okay, go to Wanghai Tower, the best hotel in Yecheng."

Lai pointed to the road, Xiaohua drove, and the car soon arrived at Haixiu Road, where Wanghai Tower stood.

In 1984, a 12-storey hotel was built on the east side of Daying Mountain, beside Haixiu Road. Standing on the upper floor, you can have a panoramic view of the Qiongzhou Strait in the distance, so it was named Wanghai Tower.

"Wanghai Tower is the most elegant and high-end hotel in Qiong Province. All the really powerful bosses in Yecheng live here, and overseas Chinese who return home also like to stay here."

Listening to Lai's introduction, Nanyi's eyes were also looking around. The lobby of Wanghai Building is spacious, bright, magnificent, with a glass patio, and there is also a bronze large hall inlaid on the background wall of the blue sea, which symbolizes "surplus every year". fish statue.

"There is everything here, but there are too many people, like a vegetable market. There is a shopping mall on the first floor, which sells the most fashionable clothes. There are many entertainment places upstairs, and singers often come to sing in the karaoke hall. Here The rent is very expensive, and if you want to rent a room here as an office, you have to bid.”

"Bidding? Those who start a company here may not have the strength, right?"

"Most of them have no strength at all, and they are engaged in the business of buying and selling. After paying the rent, it may be a problem to eat." Lai said.

"Is there morning tea here?"

"Yes, Yecheng people like to come here to drink morning tea, and also like to come here to hold wedding wine. It is a very beautiful thing for Yecheng people to have wedding wine here."


After having dinner at Wanghai Building, several people from Nanyi went to Building 3, No. 3, Datong Heng Road, Talent Building.

Nanyi mentioned the talent building several times in the newspaper. Unlike the rental house and the hostel where those who come to Qiong Province alone to start a business live temporarily, this talent building on Datong Heng Road is specially allocated for "talented people" to live in. .

Only high-level talents who hold the recruitment index of Yecheng City can live here. Many people who catch the sea are very envious of those who can live here. It is just a board-style dormitory building consisting of 4 units and 6 floors. It attracted many people to come and visit.

Next to the Nanyi people, there were several people with bags on their backs looking at this ordinary building like a pilgrimage.

After seeing the Talent Building, Nanyi and his party went to the Guest House of the Organization Department of the Administrative District. The Talent Center is located on the second floor of the guest house.

There are four offices and a meeting room in the talent center, and the job applicants are crowded in the corridor, waiting for the people in front to come out of the meeting room so that they can squeeze in.

Carrying Nan Wuwei on his back, Nan Yi huddled among the job seekers and observed secretly for more than an hour.

After leaving the talent center, Nanyi and his group walked around the various guest houses in the urban area, and waited to check in at Wanghai Building. It was already 8:30 in the evening when they sat in the room.

In the next three days, he went shopping in the morning and soaked in Xixiu Beach in the afternoon. Nan Yi fulfilled his promise to Nan Wuwei.

On the fourth day, Lai took the documents to break Nanyi and Nan Wuwei's family happiness.

"Brother Nan, here are the materials you asked for."

Paji, Lai threw a thick yellow leather document bag on the beach chair.

Nan Yi, who was buried in the sand by Nan Wuwei, with only one head exposed, glanced at Lai, "I'll read it myself, focus on the key points, and read it to me."


Lai lit the lighter and lit the cigarette dangling from his mouth.

"Boss, I'm not your secretary."

"It wasn't before, but it is now, hurry up."

"Okay, okay, the secretary is the secretary."

Lai waved his hand, threw away the cigarette in his hand, picked up the document bag, took out the documents inside, unfolded one and began to read: "In 1978, the area of ​​Yecheng District was 18 square kilometers, and the population of the city was 230,631, of which the non-agricultural population 157,085 people, the city's housing construction area is 1,608,000 square meters, and the urban per capita living area is 2.5 square meters.

From 1980 to 1987, the city's housing construction area reached 5,736,634 square meters, the completed housing area was 2,201,819 square meters, and the completed residential area was 670,234 square meters.

From the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China to the establishment of the province, the area of ​​Yecheng District expanded from 1.5 square kilometers to 20 square kilometers, and the urban population increased from 138,900 to 311,733, of which the non-agricultural population increased from 82,155 to 227,918.

The construction area of ​​urban housing has grown from 531,410 square meters to 6 million square meters, of which the urban per capita living area has grown from 1.5 square meters to 5.7 square meters, an increase of 2.8 times.

In 1988, the urban area of ​​Yecheng City was 25 square kilometers, with a population of 334,046, including 247,070 non-agricultural population.

The city's real housing construction area is 6.35 million square meters, of which residential construction area is 3.34 million square meters, and the urban per capita living area is 5.5 square meters.

During the year, the city invested 500.68 million yuan in new housing, with a completed construction area of ​​393,676 square meters, of which residential investment was 123.26 million yuan, with a completed construction area of ​​262,000 square meters..."

"Get to the point."

Nan Yi interrupted Lai's reading.

Lai said aggrievedly: "Boss, how do I know what you want to hear?"

"Tell me the number of households lacking housing, the number of per capita living area below 2 square meters, and the size of dilapidated houses in the city."

"Wait, I'll look for it." Lai searched the documents for a long time before saying: "There are 6,950 households lacking houses, and 2,981 households with a per capita living area of ​​less than 2 square meters. There is no number of dilapidated houses in the city. The figure, 30,000 square meters.

"Wuwei, don't put it on my face." Nan Yi wiped his forehead, wiped off the sand that Nan Wuwei put on it, and said to Lai: "This number is perfunctory enough. The number of people in a family, the age distribution, The age of marriage, the number of people who have just needed a house in the past two years, are these not reflected?"

"Boss, just let it go, I finally got these materials."

"Okay, keep talking."

"This year, Yecheng opened the Binhai Finance and Trade Zone, Jinpan Industrial Zone, Haidian Island Eastern Development Zone, Hong Kong-Macao International Industrial Zone, Xiuying Industrial Zone and Meihe River Development Zone, with a planned development area of ​​50 square kilometers. to 10 square kilometers.

Except for Jinpan Industrial Zone and Hong Kong and Macao Industrial Zone, which are mainly based on processing industry and supplemented by real estate, other development zones are mainly based on real estate industry, which is an area where real estate investment in Yecheng is relatively concentrated.

I went on to talk about the transfer and transfer of land use rights..."

"Wait, let's not talk about the management regulations. I'll just take a look and tell you how much money has been invested in real estate development this year."

Nan Yi interrupted Lai again.

"Less than 200 million, including our 15 million."

"What's the current price?"

"The cheap one is more than 700 but less than 800, and the expensive one is around 1400."

"Well, did you just say that the per capita housing area of ​​5.5 square meters is last year's data?"


"What month's data?"


"Is there any change now?"

"Little change, no increase of more than 0.02 square feet."

"Is this average value a great reference?" Nan Yi asked after pondering.

Lai nodded and said, "It makes sense, the difference in housing area between Yecheng people is not that big."

"Well, tell me, do you often go to nightclubs and karaoke halls?"

"Boss, don't you need to explain my private life?" Lai said awkwardly.

"Who is interested in knowing your private life? I want to know the consumption level of Yecheng City. The consumption level of such a consumption place in a city cannot reflect the income level of ordinary people, but it can reflect how rich the city is to a certain extent. people."

Lai thought for a while and said, "I don't think it's accurate. The consumption here is much higher than that in Shendeng, but how can there be more rich people here than in Shendeng."

"Bosses are different from bosses. How can a real estate developer be the same as a clothing seller? Forget it, I'll go see the nightlife of the rich by myself one night."

"Boss, your words are really bad."

"Hehe." Nan Yi smiled lightly, "I'll go to the company tomorrow, let's have a good talk."

"Okay, boss, then I, the secretary, will go first." Lai Jian said with a smile.

"Go quickly." Nan Yi said angrily.

After Lai Biao left, Nan Yi got up from the sand, dusted off the sand on his body and lay down on the beach chair, quietly watching Nan Wuwei build the castle there, and from time to time he would go to a pile not far away. Take a look at the campfire.

By the campfire, a man was turning a suckling pig.

This man's name is Bianzui, and he is very good at making Lingao suckling pigs. He is a clerk in a nearby restaurant. Nanyi hired someone to cook a hot meal for the father and son on the beach.

As the sun was setting, Bianzui had already cleaned up a table of Qiong Cai. Nan Yi took Nan Wuwei to the restaurant where Bianzui worked to wash up, and was walking back to the beach to enjoy it, when he saw a man and a woman staring at them. The eyes of the father and son were staring at the delicious food in their stomachs, and tears fell from the corners of their mouths.

Nan Yi frowned. He knew both of them. The woman was the one who slept next to him on the ferry. The man had met at the party and had a chat.

"What's the matter with these two people? They have only been on the island for a few days, and they have become such a virtue."

After muttering something, Nanyi walked towards the two of them.

"What a coincidence, why are you two here?"

"It's you? Why are you here?"

Hearing Nanyi's greeting, the woman shifted her gaze from the suckling pig to Nanyi's face with difficulty.

Nan Yi pointed to the guide Wuwei, and said, "Accompany my son to play on the beach, and I haven't introduced myself on the boat. Hello, my name is Nan Yi."

"My name is Su Meng, and his name is Cheng Hainan."

Nanyi and Cheng Hainan greeted each other, and then said to Su Meng: "Haven't you eaten yet, let's have some together?"


"No need, we've already made an appointment at Wanghailou, and we'll be there soon."

Su Meng subconsciously agreed, but Cheng Hainan was full of self-esteem and stubbornly found a high-sounding excuse.

"Oh, Wanghai Tower..." Nanyi dragged his voice and said, "Since the two of you are going to have a big meal, then I won't be too sentimental. It's not easy to take a taxi here. You can go to the intersection to see if there is a tricycle Excuse me, my son and I will go eat first."

After Nanyi finished speaking, he stopped talking to the two of them, and took Nan Wuwei to his dinner. Cheng Hainan was neither his father nor his son, and he, Cheng Hainan, had the noble sentiment of starving to death. Also happy to be fulfilled.

Seeing Nanyi go away from her, Su Meng's stomach became empty, she was hungry, very hungry, she really wanted to go with her to eat roast suckling pig, it must be delicious.

But she can't, she can't lose Cheng Hainan's face, she has to protect Cheng Hainan's self-esteem, if it wasn't for Cheng Hainan the day before yesterday, not only would her money be robbed, she might not even be able to keep her innocence.

"Su Meng, let's go." Just as Su Meng was dreaming, Cheng Hainan patted her arm and said.

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