The school belle soon brought Liu Xin to Nan Yi. Nan Yi unscrupulously looked from Liu Xin's hair to the instep that was not wrapped in high heels, and estimated the size of her feet.

Liu Xin was not at all annoyed by Nan Yi's unscrupulous sizing up. Instead, she responded with the same provocative gaze of a woman, as tolerant as water, and as electric as a hook. She has a pair of natural electric eyes.

Nan Yi flirtatiously reached out and touched Liu Xin's right cheek, then patted it lightly to test the texture, then naturally slid down and hooked her chin, "Miss Fang's name?"

"Liu Xin."

Liu Xin's voice was not pleasant, but it was very turbulent, turbulent and turbulent.

"Very good." Nanyi's hand left Liu Xin's chin, and the frivolity on his face was replaced by a serious smile, "I wonder if Ms. Liu is willing to give in to the position of manager of the company's public relations department? We start with a monthly salary of 1,000 yuan. besides……"

Nan Yi pointed to the Crown car parked by the tiger cub, "Since you took office, this has been your allotment car."

"My car?"

Liu Xin looked at the car, her eyes were filled with surprise and obsession, "A car? How can I get a car?"

"Like it?"

Liu Xin replied subconsciously: "I like it."

"Go up and test your ride."

Nan Yi put his arms around Liu Xin's waist, hugged her and walked to the side of the car, opened the rear door for her, let Liu Xin sit in first, and then sat in himself.

Like most people who ride in a luxury car for the first time, Liu Xin first pads her buttocks, and then looks around at the decorations inside the car. When her eyes are satisfied, she leans on the backrest and stretches her body towards Nanyi, silky and silky. The neckline of the shirt hangs open naturally.

"Boss, what do you need me to do?" Liu Xin's voice was full of charm.

Nan Yi took out the money from his pocket, counted out two thousand yuan, pinched Liu Xin's wrist, and put the money gently in her palm, "This is your clothing fee, the clothes on the first floor of Wanghai Building That's right, buy yourself a decent outfit from head to toe, and meet me in Room 608, Wanghai Tower, at eight o'clock tomorrow morning.

Use a little thought to dress up, and also use a little thought to think about what I need from you. The outfit you show me tomorrow will affect my evaluation of you, and naturally, it will also affect your treatment in the future.

Now, let me get out of the car first, and you and your car will be alone for a while. "

After Nan Yi finished speaking, he opened the door and got out of the car, leaving Liu Xin alone in the car. When he closed the door and walked away, he heard a slight cheer.

With a knowing smile, Nanyi walked towards the shade.

All sentient beings are betting on their youth and body for tomorrow. The difference is nothing more than a different focus. In the summer of 1989, Liu Xin's bet had a great chance to win back countless times of chips. What Nanyi had to do It is to guide her to place bets in areas with larger multiples.

The recruitment continued until the closing of the stall in the evening. Su Meng only sent three people, and Nanyi only left a man named Zhao Jun, and the other two did not catch his attention.

"Do you know Ruziniu?"

When eating noodles at the stall next to Wanghai Tower, Nan Yi asked Su Meng who was sitting next to him.

"Hengmei coldly pointed at thousands of men, bowed his head and was willing to be a ox." Su Meng replied.

"A few years ago, when the sculptor Pan He went to Shenzheng, he saw tractors and bulldozers everywhere, and the dust was billowing. The tractors pulled away bricks and tree heads again and again. The visual impact immediately gave him the creative inspiration of Ruziniu. Moreover, he believes that the Ruziniu that reclaims the barren land should be directly called the pioneering cow. This is the creation process of his work "Reclaiming the Wasteland".

Now, you are the land reclamation cow of Yiwan International, whether you want to be a buffalo or a scalper, in short, starting from today, you will not only be the business general manager of the company's French business area, but also my secretary,

When I go to work, you must go to work, and when I go to get off work, you must go to get off work.

Two people were recruited today, and your reward is 40 yuan. If two people are not recruited, your fine is 20 yuan. Here you are, this is your remaining 20 yuan. "

As Nanyi said, he took out 20 yuan and handed it to Su Meng.

Su Meng looked at the money and asked in surprise, "Isn't it paid together with the salary?"

"No, there is no need to recruit all year round, and there is no need to form a system of rewards and punishments." Nan Yi waved his hand and said, "Hurry up and eat, we will go to see the office space later."

When Su Meng heard what Nanyi said, she immediately speeded up her meal.

There are not only job advertisements and self-recommendation letters on the wall of Chuanghai, but also rental information posted by local people. Nanyi has copied the addresses of several houses before.

As a special zone, many regulations here in Yecheng are relatively loose. For example, the procedures for registering a company are relatively simple, and the requirements for the registered address are not strict. The company can be registered even if the office address is in a private house.

After eating the noodles, Nanyi took Su Meng to see the house from near to far.

It was relatively smooth. When I came to the second house in Longkunxia Village, Nanyi took a fancy to three connected rooms with one bedroom and one living room. After some bargaining, Nanyi reduced the price from 50 yuan per room per month to half a year. 800 yuan.

After some more arguing, Nanyi promised that he would pay the tax and give another 10 yuan for the carriage and horse fare, and then persuaded the landlord to go to the housing management office to sign a lease.

Nanyi has experienced both the warmth of a good landlord and the difficulty of a bad landlord. He follows the rules. If the landlord is not upright, he can deal with it without any psychological burden, such as finding a few tuberculosis ghosts Living in it is like the kind used to put coffins and lay corpses inside.

The office space was settled, but Nanyi still didn't let Su Meng get off work, but brought him back to Wanghai Tower.

Taking a can of coconut juice from the refrigerator to Su Meng, Nan Yi chatted with her, "Where do you live now?"

"Longhua Guest House."

"Longhua." Nan Yi searched his memory, "I've seen it before, not too far away."

"Yes, it only takes ten minutes to walk there."

Su Meng nodded.

"How many people per room?"

"There are five beds, but now there are only three people including me."

"Oh, let's settle down first. When the office is finished, I will move out from Wanghai Building and rent a room. By the way, I will also rent one for you. It is a benefit from the company."


The greetings came to an abrupt end, and Nan Yi picked up the European Yellow Pages and a notebook and handed them to Su Meng, "The ones with the circle on them and the letter 'RF' on the side are companies that operate silk business in France. Write down your contact information and information, they will be your potential customers.

It’s halfway through September, and it’s less than a month before the Autumn Fair of this year’s Canton Fair. Before the Autumn Fair, you have to win at least two or three potential customers. It’s best to invite people to Yecheng or Yangcheng Accompaniment to the exhibition is also possible. "

"Okay, I'll start now."

Su Meng responded and immediately entered the working state.

Nanyi watched Su Meng work for a while, and his mind turned again.

Silk has always been the highlight of the Canton Fair. In the early decades, foreigners came to the Canton Fair either for soybeans or for silk, and dismissed domestic industrial products at first.

Because silk is an important product for earning foreign exchange and a cash cow for the country to earn foreign exchange, it has always been paid more attention to. In 1966, the national purchase price for purchases from silk reeling factories was also formulated, which is also called 66 copies in the industry.

At the beginning, the purchase price was reasonable, but after entering the 1980s, after many inflations, 66 became out of date. Naturally, the nest silk factory complained a lot.

An article in the "Economic News" in 1985 said that the silk industry is "a bitter cauliflower under the cash cow". Historically, with more than 1,600 employees, the profit in 1984 was only about 300,000 yuan.

The silk industry has disjointed wages, poor benefits, low bonus levels, and high labor intensity. Most of them are female workers. They stand for a long time at work, have high frequency of movements, keep moving their eyes, hands, and legs, and are highly concentrated in their thoughts.

For example, a silk reeling worker keeps his eyes on the thread and his hands from the cocoon, and has to do 130 movements per minute; the silk weaving worker has a high frequency of work per shift, and the technology is complicated, making the operation difficult; the noise of the silk workshop is generally 90-101 decibels, exceeding the national level. The specified 85 decibels; dim lighting, high relative humidity, prone to occupational diseases.

Therefore, there are three difficulties in the silk industry. First, it is difficult to recruit new workers. Every time a job is recruited, there are a lot of applicants from other industries, but the silk industry is deserted. Many factory managers worry that the silk industry will have no successors; It is difficult for in-service employees to be stable, the centrifugal force is strong, and the demand is outflowed; the third is that the profit is small, and there are many retired workers.

Also in 1985, another report was published in the "Economic News" - it is really worrying that real silk has become.

It is said that the silk production in Hangzhou has a history of more than 2,000 years, has a good foundation and advantages, and is famous both at home and abroad for being comparable to the beautiful scenery of the West Lake. Therefore, the silk industry in Hangzhou has become a major pillar of the Hangzhou economy. play a pivotal role.

In 1984, there were 15 categories of silk and satin produced in Hangzhou, more than 200 varieties and nearly 2,000 designs and colors. The total output of silk and satin accounted for 46% of the province's total, and printed silk accounted for 45.5% of the province's total.

In the past 20 years, the tax paid by the silk industry to the state was equivalent to 6.9 times the original value of the fixed assets of the whole industry in 1984, and the foreign exchange earned was more than 1.5 billion US dollars. The world-famous Silk House has become "the pain of silk".

In recent years, most of the means of production have been negotiated and supplied, and the production cost has increased significantly. However, silk products are still shipped in 66 copies, and the price seriously deviates from the value, which affects the development of production.

For example, the production cost of fresh cocoons per load increased by more than 50% in 1984 compared to 1979, while the purchase price has remained unchanged for many years, and the actual income of silkworm farmers has declined.

According to a typical survey of several major crops in Yuhang in 1981, the net income per mu was 35% less for sericulture than that of hemp, 29% less than cotton, and 26% less than freshwater fish. This unreasonable price comparison situation is even more serious. become obvious.

Sericulture farmers complained one after another: "Silkiculture can only make you poor, not rich."

Therefore, the area of ​​mulberry fields and cocoon production in the county decreased year by year. In 1984, the area of ​​mulberry fields decreased by 25% compared with 1979, and the output of silkworm cocoons decreased by 38%. The few remaining silk factories are still half-starved and half-full, and some silk reeling machines were forced to stop and change production.

The obsolete production equipment cannot be updated in time, and the gap with the advanced level at home and abroad is widening.

At present, 3/4 of the machines in Hangzhou Silk Reeling Factory are still vertical reeling machines. What is more prominent is that there are more than 800 old-style ironwood looms and more than 30,000 square meters of dilapidated houses that have yet to be renovated. The country's largest Hangzhou Silk Printing and Dyeing Joint Factory still uses the old equipment from the 1930s and 1940s. In terms of technological transformation, the factory is trapped in the predicament of having neither money nor rights.

The enterprise retains very little profit, and the income of employees is very low, which affects the enthusiasm.

Taking 1984 as an example, the profits realized by the silk industry within the municipal budget included income tax, adjustment tax, and loan repayment, and 15% of the remaining part of the enterprise was paid to the energy construction fund. The net retained profit was less than 9.82 million yuan.

In such a small retained profit, it should be used not only for the production development fund, new product development fund and reserve fund of the 22 manufacturing enterprises owned by the whole people in the system, but also for the bonus and welfare funds of more than 25,000 employees. Enterprises are simply unable to carry out technological transformation.

The living welfare of employees has not been improved as it should be, and the wage level is not only lower than that of some emerging industries, but also lower than that of the 1950s.

As a result, there has been a situation where "old workers cannot be stabilized and new workers cannot be recruited", and the outflow of technical personnel continues to worsen. The situation in Jiangsu Province is similar to that in Zhejiang Province, which shows that this is not a temporary problem, and its nature cannot be underestimated.

In April 1986, the "Economic News" published an article-the mystery of the backlog of 10,000 tons of factory silk.

It is said that in January of the same year, the inaugural meeting of the Silk Association was held. The good news at the meeting was that since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the silk industry had earned 10 billion US dollars for the country, paid 10 billion yuan in profits and taxes, and 10 billion yuan in farmers' income.

At the same time, the authoritative judgment of the high-level decision-makers came out: "Since the growth rate of cocoon silk in recent years has exceeded the needs of domestic and foreign trade, it has caused a backlog of more than 10,000 tons of silk in the factory. Therefore, the development speed is currently under proper control."

At the same time, the leaders at the meeting announced that the administration had decided on three serious policy measures:

1. In the spring of 1986, the price of cocoons was reduced by 20%, and limited purchases were implemented;

2. Purchase summer cocoons and early autumn cocoons as raw materials for silk spinning;

3. The state will not accept any silk produced outside the plan of the silk reeling factory.

Thus, the meeting ended with a sigh of worry and the silkworm baby was about to suffer.

In mid-April, the Silk Corporation and the State Price Bureau jointly issued a document to implement the three measures to more than 40 units across the country. People said that "one more cocoon will not be accepted, and one catty of factory silk will not be accepted."

Some provinces disagreed with the implementation of this regulation. At the Silkworm Variety Appraisal Conference held in Funan and the National Silkworm Cocoon Standard Formulation Conference held in Wuchuan, the plan to reduce the purchase of silkworm cocoons by 1 million tons this year aroused strong repercussions.

The representatives at the meeting thought that these three measures would not work, and that even if they could be implemented forcefully, it would be a disaster or a blessing, and there were many discussions. However, most of them did not believe that the inventory backlog of 10,000 tons of white factory silk was a mystery, and they said that the silkworm baby would suffer. relatively consistent.

When the time entered 1987, an unprecedented cocoon war broke out in silk producing areas.

"When will the cocoon melee in the rural areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang cease?" This was the headline of the first report by a reporter from "Economic News" on July 16, 1987, about the unprecedented catastrophe that occurred in the main silkworm town a month ago.

"The scuffle was both expected and unexpected," the reporter said.

The reporter pointed out in the report that this is the inevitable result of continuous mistakes in the silk industry policy for a long time, but the suddenness, wide spread, and intensity are unexpected.

Then the major daily newspapers in Shanghai and Shanghai issued a lot of news one after another. The main sign of the large-scale increase in the purchase price of cocoons occurred in many counties and cities in Zhejiang Province and its adjacent areas, and then spread to Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Anhui, Central Plains, and Huzhou. Many follow-up reports were made on the cocoon war in Hubei and other provinces, which shocked the international silk market.

At that time, apart from briefly describing the relevant facts, the newspapers focused on warning that autumn cocoons, which accounted for 40% of the annual cocoon production, were about to go on the market around the National Day, calling on relevant parties to take effective measures as soon as possible. But time goes faster, and two and a half months later, the more intense autumn cocoon battle is coming.

On September 30, 1987, the leather capital of Zhejiang Province, because the autumn cocoons were earlier than other counties, the quality was better, and the output was larger. The state stipulated that the price of fresh cocoons was 210-220 yuan per city. , The Autumn Cocoon War broke out.

First, when it was just dawn, Deqing drove a "bumper boat", and Lan Bao drove a large truck. People from the two places threatened to pay a high price of 290 yuan per market.

The peasants didn't believe it, and someone went to sell a few loads to prove it, and they spread it to ten, ten to hundreds, and the village boiled up, and a large number of cocoons immediately flowed out.

At that time, there were more than 5,000 bicycles pouring out from all directions, each with three bags of fresh cocoons, one bag on the left and right sides of the square, and one bag on the top, about 100 catties in total. It shook the sky, forming a mighty logistics army, rushing to the highway, blocking the traffic for more than 2 hours.

They mainly went to Deqing, Dong Township and Wuzhen, where the cocoons were poured into the baskets. The quality of the cocoons was not checked, but the weight was weighed, and the price of the cocoons was raised to more than 300 yuan. The station raises the price by 50 yuan for each load, plus the silk reeling factory rebates to the farmers. Just for the Mid-Autumn Festival and the next day, the three state-run silk factories in the leather capital increased their costs by 3 million yuan.

For this reason, the mayor of the city of leather couldn't sit still, and brought a group of managers and cadres to Deqing. He was not spared either, and all the walkie-talkies and video recorders he had brought with him were confiscated.

September 27 was a Sunday, and the superior department was not on duty, so the dispute was not resolved until the next day.

Afterwards, the relevant silk factories made a special report to their superiors.

On October 6, 1987, "Zhejiang Daily" made a report with the headline news. It was found that the main party was the Leifeng Silk Factory in Leidian Township, Deqing County. deal with.

However, these fresh cocoons have turned into bleeding cocoons and soft cocoons, and the loss of both parties has reached at least 5 million yuan. The factory manager said: "It is really a big lesson in market economy, but this is not the most typical. "

The so-called cocoon dealers, the factory manager said: "Shanghai people are in the post-processing process of the silk industry. There have been more than one cocoon dealers in history. I am afraid that few people know the cocoon dealers today, right?"

So he introduced the following situation. It turns out that most of today's cocoon vendors have regular jobs during the day, and many of them are still working in townships and supply and marketing cooperatives, but they do not work at cocoon stations.

At night, they go door to door and bring cash to collect cocoons from farmers or pre-purchase cocoons, and then sell them to the cocoon station for an extra 100 yuan per load. They can earn more than 1,000 yuan or several thousand yuan a night. In the end, they all belong to the township silk factory.

These factories have bank loans and have been approved by the city and county superiors, so they are very powerful.

At that time, some business service companies run by townships, village trade warehouses, and even cultural activity stations also joined the ranks, stepping in to snap up silkworm cocoons. In addition, there are a group of individual cocoon vendors, including popsicle vendors and idlers who have seen newspapers. There are more than 300 people in Hecheng.

Some of them are jointly entrusted by several farmers to snap up the raw materials needed for self-reeling raw silk, while others buy and sell them on the spot, running errands, earning a price difference, and earning hundreds to thousands of yuan a day. There are not many of them. , the capital is also small.

The ones with the most energy are some high-priced cocoon-buying places. They put up large posters, use tweeters, and have publicity and recruitment personnel. They use walkie-talkies to report the price changes of nearby cocoon stations to the "superior" at any time, and take corresponding actions according to the "superior" instructions. measure.

In the reality of multiple cocoon harvesting, they have overshadowed the cocoon collection stations set up by the state-owned silk factories and the cocoon collection stations set up by the supply and marketing cooperatives.

For example, in the spring of 1988, the three largest national cocoon stations Qianjin, Chengtang, and Jincheng in Qianjin Township, Qixi City had more than 200 cocoon collectors. They harvested a total of 176 catties of silkworm cocoons within five days of opening the scales, and the average cocoon harvested per capita was less than one catty; There are 74 cocoon stations in the suburbs of Qixi, all of which have been attacked by cocoon dealers. Among them, there were fights at the cocoon stations in Furong and Xixi, and all the light bulbs on the cocoon stations were turned off. A cocoon collector said: "Next year we will Put on a steel helmet to close the cocoon."

The mayor of Yiqiao Township said: "There are 500 middle school students in my town who graduate every year, but they don't want to go to the fields. If there are cocoons in the local area, they will open a silk factory. One person can earn 1,500 yuan a year. There are cocoons in hand. There is no problem in starting work, as long as one ton of factory silk can buy 180,000 yuan, the policy is to charge more."

On June 19 this year, "Liberation Daily" pointed out in a report on "How to Avoid Cocoon Wars" that today's cocoon farmers are not the same as Mao Dun's old Tongbao. A 20-year-old cocoon farmer in Genglouxiang Village, Miaohang Township Shen Maoxin's good cocoons were sold at a price of 600 yuan, and the reporter asked him, "Are you satisfied?"

He smiled and said, "How should I put it, the price of silk silk is 230,000 yuan, so the cocoons can be sold for 1,000 yuan."

The irony is that this vivid dialogue was the second year in 1988 when the four provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Sichuan, and Anhui agreed to implement three major measures aimed at preventing the recurrence of the silkworm cocoon war.

These three measures are:

1. According to the national ex-factory price of 80,000 yuan [the current price has risen to 150,000 yuan], 100% of the local adjustment fund will be collected.

2. Raise the cocoon price by 30% to 350 yuan [in fact, the cocoon price exceeded 600 yuan in 1987].

3. Strengthen administrative management and export management of silk goods.

However, the appearance of a group of various comprehensive foreign trade companies and the sale of silk export licenses all played a role in fueling the cocoon war.

According to this year’s silkworm cocoon acquisition work conference jointly held by the Ministry of Economy and Trade, the Ministry of Supervision, the State Price Bureau and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, it was pointed out that last year, silk exports amounted to US$1.6 billion. Cocoons are not priced according to quality, and the decline in cocoon quality affects the production of 9,000 tons of factory silk during reeling, with a loss of nearly 1.2 billion yuan.

This is the number of losses in one year as seen in the newspapers. The losses caused by parallel imports and the abnormal competition of various export companies in that year were estimated to be 50 million US dollars by Hong Kong and have not yet been included.


A few days ago, Nanyi recalled the news articles about silk he had read, and quickly circled the word "unplanned" in his mind. Countries that were not planned would not accept it. It is impossible for the nest silk factory to let the silk be thrown in the warehouse to eat Hui, they must find a way to sell it.

In fact, in the first two months of July and August, various domestic ports were striving for unplanned exports, concentrated delivery, and the impact of parallel imports from multiple channels, which made Japanese silk merchants think that the production of raw silk in Huaguo would increase, and the price might fall. The stock was thrown out, causing the price of silk in the Japanese market to plummet.

According to what Nanyi learned from Japan, the price of raw silk in the Yokohama market dropped a lot every half hour, and the silk market also had a chain reaction. Except for Taishan brand silk, which is still in short supply due to its good quality and high reputation, the sales of SPA silk are also in short supply. In addition to being optimistic, the prices of other spun silks are upside down in the Japanese market.

Japan is an important sales place for factory silk and spun silk. The sharp drop in Japanese prices will affect the domestic export price. The unplanned sales of factory silk at the nest silk factory will naturally be affected. .

Therefore, it is a relatively good time to enter the silk export field at this time. It can not only help the nest silk factory, but also obtain relatively cheap factory silk.

What Yiwan International wants to do is the "unplanned" silk factory business. In the short term, it is still profitable. It cannot be said to be a huge profit, but the profit rate will never be low; as for the long-term plan, Nanyi has a few faint blows The country's emerging silk industry should restrain its scale before it grows.

Those who are covered in silkworms are not silkworm farmers.

People who have never raised silkworms will not know the suffering inside. During the critical period of cocooning, people have to endure the whole night. Regardless of the wind and sun, wind, rain or hail, they have to go to the ground every day to pick mulberry leaves. The mulberry leaves have to be washed after they are picked, and the water stains on them have to be wiped dry.

If it happens to cocoon on a hot day, people have to take care of them in the silkworm rearing house. The heat is so sweltering, and there are mosquitoes that they have to suffocate. If you dare to light mosquito coils or sprinkle toilet water on your body, the arrogant silkworm babies will die for you immediately.

Raising silkworms to make money is already very difficult, but they are shamelessly doing it. If they don't give them eye drops, how can they be worthy of the domestic silkworm farmers.

Of course, regarding the fact that the Reclamation Group is already deploying sericulture, and that the luxury group that Nanshi is building may need stable silk fabrics, Nanyi simply ignores these two points. Noble people think about noble things. He never dismissed such petty benefits.


Nan Wuwei who was watching TV suddenly came to Nanyi's side.

Nan Yi came back to his senses, hugged Nan Wuwei in his arms, and rubbed his face with the beard of his chin, "Stop watching TV?"

"Hee hee, itchy."

Nan Wuwei covered Nan Yi's nose with his small hand and pushed his mouth out.

The father and son had a good fight for a while, Nan Wuwei waited for his breathing to ease, and said to Nan Yi: "Dad, can I learn to surf?"

"Why do you suddenly want to learn to surf?" Nan Yi asked in surprise.

"Just now the male protagonist on TV can surf, it looks very fun."

Nan Yi nodded, "Oh, if you want to learn, you can learn, but Yecheng is not suitable for surfing, go to Xiangtang, there is a place to play surfing, your sister Ruobing is in Xiangtang during this time, let her help Find a coach to teach you, and when you have learned it, you can teach Dad, okay?"


As soon as Nan Yi agreed, Nan Wuwei nodded fiercely.

In the days to come, Nanyi will be very busy, and he will not have much time to accompany Nan Wuwei at all, and it is just right for him to leave.

Nanyi called Xiangyu and asked them to send a yacht to pick up Nan Wuwei. Xiangyu went back and forth to Yecheng for more than 20 hours. He happened to be with his son tomorrow and left early the morning after tomorrow.

At the same time, Nan Yi called New York again, asking Nan Youqiong to fly to Hong Kong, so that the two brothers could get close to each other.

the next day.

At eight o'clock, Liu Xin came to Nanyi's room on time.

The clothes on Liu Xin have changed styles. Her upper body is a pleated shirt that is biased towards denim. Low-key and luxurious, from the neckline down, there are three buttons that are not buttoned, and the private parts are still half covered with a pipa, hidden and not exposed.

Her lower body was wearing a navy blue long skirt, which hung down to her ankles. The waist was tied very high, making her feet look very long; yesterday's perm had been straightened, and she was combed into a 30-70 hairstyle.

Nan Yi nodded in satisfaction, and invited Liu Xin to sit down on the sofa opposite her, "Fairy but not coquettish, Miss Liu, please sit down."

Liu Xin sat opposite Nanyi as she said, raised her hand to brush her hair, and said, "Boss Nanyi, do you like my outfit?"

"Very well, you found out my name, which shows that you have put your mind into it, and your attire shows that you are very clear about how to highlight the advantages of your appearance, and you also understand a man's heart very well.

Men conquer women by conquering the world, and women conquer the world by conquering men. Miss Liu, let us embark on a journey to conquer this world. "

The bewitchment in Nan Yi's voice directly pierced Liu Xin's skin and sneaked into the depths of her heart.

She has always longed to live a good life, and in order to achieve this goal, she is willing to pay the price and make sacrifices. Moreover, her desire is not only at the level of thinking, but she has already put it into action.

It's just that she failed, and she became a bad woman who was said to destroy other families. In her hometown, she became notorious. As a last resort, she asked the man for a sum of money and set foot on the road to the sea.

But the money she got, a so-called "closing fee", was only a little bit more than the installation fee given by Boss Nan in front of her.

"Boss Nan, what do you need me to do? To sleep with you or with someone else?"

"No, no, no." Nan Yi raised his index finger and shook, "Miss Liu, you are wrong, what I need is not a prop to sleep with others, and you also have misunderstandings about the position of the manager of the public relations department. Your body is Your capital is also your trump card and trick. It is not a last resort. You just need to show its charm to your heart's content, rather than use it lightly.

Men, of course, including me, are all cheap things. The harder it is to get something, the more they will hold it. Only a woman who can't ask for it will make a man never forget it. "

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