"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, light the fire!"

As the voice fell, a long tail flame gushed out from the bottom of the rocket, carrying the fourth satellite of Nan's communication network into the sky.

In the Qiongzhou Strait, Nanyi looked up at the sky with a telescope. His eyes could not see satellites, but his heart could see them. Twelve years, a full twelve years of satellite communication dreams, finally came true today.

As the satellite enters a specific orbit, in a certain corner of the world, one hand enters "I'm coming" on the computer, one hand leaves the keyboard, holds the mouse on the side, clicks on the "Send" button, and the message appears on the screen. A gradually disappearing ring Loading pattern appears.

After waiting for two or three seconds, the Loading icon disappeared, and a dialog box popped up on the screen, showing "Send successful".

In another corner of the world, when the time for network scanning arrives, the program in a computer will actively connect to the satellite network and scan, and then the speaker connected to the computer will emit a pleasant female voice: "You have new news, please Pay attention to check."

"Success! I'm going to send an email to Dad."

Nan Ruofing cheered excitedly, then opened the email client developed by Nanshi, and typed "Adam1977" in the recipient column. Since the mail system is only used within Nanshi, the email address does not need to be too complicated. The “ @” symbol with special meaning in the email was not introduced, but a simple account form was adopted, usually one’s own English name plus a string of numbers that are meaningful to the individual.

After filling in the recipient, Nan Ruobing smiled slyly, and typed in the subject of the email "My dad is an idiot, what about yours?"

A little later, Nanyi received a new satellite phone and a laptop computer. In his office, Nanyi turned on the computer, and when the system was loaded, he suddenly said, "Hello, Yizi! "

As Nanyi's voice fell, a black cat composed of pixels appeared on the computer screen. This black cat could still speak, "Hello, my master, what are your orders?"

"A little thing that hasn't evolved, what else can I order?" Nan Yi said happily.

Nan Yi said, the black cat did not continue to reply, it could not reply at all, this black cat is the first step in Nantianmen's exploration of artificial intelligence, or a programmer's practice in 1985, in fact, no matter what Nan Yi said , it will simply reply this sentence.

Nantianmen's algorithm research on artificial intelligence has been relatively in-depth, but it is still in the laboratory stage for the time being, and it is far from being transformed into a product. First, it is limited to algorithms, and second, it is limited to storage capacity. The current storage medium is still It is impossible to load a program that contains too many algorithms and is relatively large in size into the computer.

After pondering about artificial intelligence for a while, and waiting for the email scanning and receiving to finish, Nan Yi pressed the TAB key, and started to read the first email in the constituency.

This email is from Fang Mengyin's secretary, Fang Mengyin's secretary. The general content is that Qiong Province contacted Fang's Group and wanted to hand over 3,600 acres of land in Yalong Bay to Fang's Group for tourism development. The fee is only 200 yuan.

After reading the contents of the email, Nan Yi curled his lips. The same formula was thrown to the old Huo family three years ago, but after the old Huo family inspected it, they didn't accept it at all. His family is not optimistic about the development of Panya. In terms of prospects, I don't think Qiong Province can boost the tourism industry.

Nanyi stood up, walked out of his office, and stood in the corridor outside to weigh the pros and cons inside.

Before Qiong Province was established as a province, it was a national defense outpost transitioning from closed to semi-closed, and a relatively backward border town. When the country decided to establish a province and set up a special zone in Qiong Province, it was hoped that it could pass reforms and system innovations quickly. developed.

In fact, as early as 1980 and 1983, the central government discussed twice to speed up the development and construction of Qiongdao, and decided that Qiongzhou Province would implement a series of preferential policies for "a special zone that is not a special zone".

When preparing for the establishment of the province around 1987, the central government hoped that Qiong Province could complete the "three steps" within 20 years: reach the national average development level within three to five years; catch up with the development level of domestic coastal areas within 10 years; within 20 years Comparable to the "Four Tigers" in Asia.

The central government has great determination and has provided great policy support. Before that, zero-tariff imports of automobiles and electrical appliances were released. As a result, the "auto smuggling incident" occurred, and the central government withdrew the preferential policies.

When Qiongdao was established as a province, it received a large number of preferential policies, some of which were even more favorable than Shenzhen. Last year, the top authorities issued documents No. 24 and No. 26, which mentioned that Qiongdao can freely convert currencies, and domestic investors will be 10 years old from the profit-making year. No additional income tax will be paid within the year, and the one-time contract for the transfer of land use rights can last for up to 70 years, compared with 50 years for Shenzheng and other places.

It can be said that before the establishment of Qiong Province, the country hoped to promote Qiong Province to the international market and become one of the most open regions in the country. In fact, people were also optimistic about the development of Qiong Province, and investors poured in in large numbers.

Qiong Province has the idea of ​​becoming a special customs zone similar to Xiangtang. It once submitted an application to the above, but because of some events that happened this year that caused changes in the general environment, the special customs zone was not approved in the end.

It can be said that time is fate, if the special customs area can be approved, Qiongdao will be a special zone in the special zone, and maybe there will be no Pudong and Lujiazui in the future financial center.

The Qiongzhou Strait is 30 kilometers away, and the island has a meager population accustomed to semi-closed management. In addition, it is located in the border area. It is an excellent test field. If the method is good, it will be promoted nationwide. It does not spread internally.

Don’t think about the special customs zone in the short term. The good time has been missed, and the central government’s attention has shifted, and its expectations for Qiongdao have been transferred to Pudong.

Yalong Bay can be taken over, but if it is taken over, the development will be implemented immediately. It is impossible to say that there will be a real estate bubble. If the current development will further expand this bubble and cause unpredictable consequences, wait for a while, and wait three or four years at night. develop.

Take it or don't.

Next, it is really difficult for Nanyi to estimate how far the housing price in Nanya will rise. It may not be more than 20,000. Of course, this is an abnormal housing price, a castle in the air, the higher you climb, the harder you fall.

This is due to the consideration of the real estate bubble. In addition, Nanyi still has some scruples. Facing countless consumers in the tourist area, Fang's Group, which is in charge of development and operation, has become a bright light.

At that time, Fang Mengyin's line will be caught, and foreign reporters will turn into agents to follow the film, and domestic reporters will slap their foreheads fiercely. How can they write specious reports that will not have legal risks and attract people's attention.

"Shocked! The eldest lady of the Nan family actually wants to shit!"

"Shocked! Nanyi actually did this kind of thing to his adopted daughter in broad daylight."

But if you don't answer, then you just ignore me today, and tomorrow I'll go to Mars so fucking that you can't afford it.

Then, the payback period is too long, and it doesn't have much auxiliary effect on the other business segments of the Nan's, but in the long run, as long as the hand that reaches out to pick the peaches is cut off, the return on benefits is quite considerable.

Nanyi couldn't make a decision for a while, so he went back to the computer and drafted an email to Liang Huiwen, asking the Information Policy Committee to inspect the Yalong Bay project, collect tourism-related information, and deduce the project.

After dealing with one email, Nanyi read the next one. He also saw Nan Ruofing's email, but he just smiled knowingly and didn't reply to the little girl.

For one morning, Nanyi spent processing emails. It didn't take much time to read emails. Most of the time was spent thinking. Every decision he made involved countless small goals in the US version. Every issue must be thoroughly considered.

At noon, I still eat the meal made by Su Meng, a long fish in a soft bag, a braised water duck [common in ponds and paddy fields in the 1980s and 1990s, and the body is very thin], and a river fish cake [put small miscellaneous fish in a pan and fry them] A little, and then topped with sweet potato powder, fried into a pancake], a escargot in broth, vegetables are fried watermelon rind.

Wild in this era is not a reason to increase the price, but an excuse for buyers to counter the price. Wild ones have no cost, so the price should not be expensive. Su Meng bought half a basin of small river fish for only fifty cents. It makes the children who sell river fish very happy.

Nowadays, those with the word "wild" means that wild giant pandas are more expensive, and the others are not worth mentioning. Whether it is in the field or going out in the wild, wild children will inevitably be beaten severely.

"Boss, Hainan will come over this afternoon." Su Meng said suddenly while eating.


Nanyi replied blankly, but he was thinking in his heart whether Cheng Hainan was still struggling between self-esteem and compromise, or a person who had no sense of time, but no matter what, Cheng Hainan could get help from him, his observation and Research must continue.

At the beginning of two o'clock in the afternoon, Nan Yi was on the phone in his office when there was a knock on his office door.

"Wait a minute, I'm on the phone."

Nanyi covered the microphone and shouted outside.

After shouting, Nanyi continued to talk. Hu Guanghua was on the other end of the phone, and the two were talking about color TV.

"Yes, I have an acquaintance who wants to start a color TV business and has no capital, so I would like to ask Brother Hu to accommodate you. I will take 30 color TV sets from you. I will pay a deposit of 50,000 yuan first, and I will settle it for you in the remaining week. clear."

Hu Guanghua on the other end of the phone laughed, "What kind of acquaintance, with such a big face, can you Nanyi ask for help?"

Because they are people who can help each other, the relationship between Nanyi and Hu Guanghua quickly drew closer, and the two changed their names in a tacit understanding.

30 color TV sets are not a big deal to Hu Guanghua, it can be insignificant, and he doesn't think it is a difficult task for Nanyi. In his opinion, Nanyi wants to get closer to each other by owing him a small favor distance.

If you owe something, you have to pay it back, and once you pay it back, you can communicate more frequently.

"I can't tell for a while, Brother Hu, if it's convenient for you, please help me."

"It's easy to help, it's just a small thing, if you send someone over, the deposit will be waived, and the money will be delivered in a week, so that I can enter the account."

"Okay, thank you in advance, Brother Hu, I said something earlier, I only say hello once, and only for this time, what happens after that, you are just talking about business, don't think about me."

What Nanyi meant, Hu Guanghua understood immediately. If the 30 color TVs cannot be received this time, Nanyi will admit it. If there is a next time, then there will be no human feelings, and the business will do as it should.

"I understand what you mean, my family will come over the day after tomorrow, and come to have dinner with me the day after tomorrow?"

"Okay, I just happened to meet my sister-in-law, brother Hu, so let's do this first, someone from my place is already waiting."

"Okay, hang up."

Nanyi hung up the phone, opened the door of the office, and saw Cheng Hainan standing in the living room. He was wearing a yellow T-shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of fashionable sneakers. The retail price is about 120-140 yuan.

"Hainan, come in and talk."

Nan Yi greeted Cheng Hainan and walked into the office.

As soon as Cheng Hainan entered Nanyi's office, he and Nanyi looked at each other. From Cheng Hainan's eyes, Nanyi could see the complex emotions of unwillingness, hostility and dissatisfaction.

Nan Yi stepped forward, took the initiative to shake hands with Cheng Hainan, and said with a smile: "The place is simple, please sit down as you like, and I'll pour you a glass of water."

With that said, Nan Yi let go of his hand, went to the water dispenser in the corner of the office and poured a glass of mineral water.

The water dispenser was purchased at a high price of 200. The water is the mineral water from the Ma'anling Volcano. There are locals in Yecheng who are doing this business. Plastic buckets, and others are no different from the mineral water delivery business that will become popular in a few years.

Nanyi handed the water cup to Cheng Hainan, moved the chair, and sat down beside Cheng Hainan, "I have already contacted Nanhai Development Group for you, and you can go to them to pick up 30 color TV sets at any time without paying the full bill first." You don’t need to pay a deposit, you can pay after you sell it.”

"What do I have to pay?" Cheng Hainan asked with a straight face.

Nanyi smiled slightly, "You don't have to pay anything. No matter how well a color TV is sold, the profit is at most 1,200 yuan, and 30 sets is 36,000 yuan. You can't make this profit, and you can get 800-1,000 yuan at most. A profit of 30,000 yuan, 30,000 yuan is not much, it is not much help, but it is very helpful to change your current situation."

"I'm not related to you, so why do you want to help me?"

"Oh, Aiwujiwu, Su Meng is my good helper, she begged me for help, of course I have to give her face."

Nan Yi's words were very plain, but Cheng Hainan had a different interpretation. He poked his neck, tilted his eyes to the side, and said, "You can be condescending, but I want to tell you a famous saying that is becoming popular, Qiong Dao It is a place where people can change their original status... in the shortest possible time."

"Well said." Nan Yi nodded, and said: "You are a bit like me when I was fifteen years old, sensitive and self-esteem, when things happen, you don't think with reason, but with fragile self-esteem to control, everything is not based on success or failure This is one of the reasons why I am willing to help you."

"Don't you think your current maturity beyond your age is very utilitarian and vulgar?" Cheng Hainan said directly without giving in.

"Everyone has the heart of utilitarianism, but the methods are different. If you say I am a utilitarian person, I will admit it. If you say I am vulgar, you can't be wrong. When others are daring to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky, I am doing it every day. My wife and I have three meals a day, so the suffering of my wife and I stopped at the age of sixteen and never spread after that.

My wife spent sixteen years with green eyes when she saw food, but now she has to control her appetite because she is afraid of gaining weight. "

Nanyi's words are neither yin nor yang, very peaceful, but the meaning in the words is a bit heart-wrenching. He is a layman, but he makes his wife eat and drink spicy food. You Cheng Hainan is not a layman, but you let your girlfriend beg other men to give you money road.


After hearing Nanyi's words, Cheng Hainan stood up, "One day, we will be on an equal footing...to talk."

"Our conversation today is based on equality. If I find you 30 color TVs, Su Meng needs to create a value of 30,000 yuan for the company and me. If you treat yourself and Su Meng as a whole , then there is an equivalent exchange between us, although 30,000 yuan actually means completely different things to you and me."

As Nanyi said, he stood up, "Okay, time is precious, you should hurry up and pick up the goods."

"Okay, but I want to tell you that I will pay back the favors I owe you, don't involve Su Meng, oh, Cheng Hainan is an upright man."

"I wish you success!"

After Cheng Hainan left, Nanyi walked up to Xiaohua, "What do you think?"

"Not like a businessman."

"Now is a good time to do business. The threshold has not yet been raised. Cheng Hainan is right. Qiongdao is a place where miracles can be created. I hope miracles will favor him."

Nanyi is not optimistic about how successful Cheng Hainan will be, but he very much hopes that Cheng Hainan will succeed. Only in this way can Cheng Hainan's observation target have research value and can bring him a little warning.


The state is not good these days, and the amount of updates is a little less. I will try to restart the normal rhythm tomorrow.

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