Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 77: Zero Discord Game

"Uncle Xian, Weimin, I told you years ago that you were going to use your money for a high-risk speculation, and now it's over, and the money has come back.

The profit is about three times, but as we said before, the risk is borne by me alone, and I will share more of the profit. I will double your money for you two, and I will keep the rest for myself. "

Xian Yaodong said: "I have no objection, I told you at the time, it's okay to lose money, but you just said you have to figure it out."

"I have no objection either." Xian Weimin said.

"Well, Uncle Xian, your money will be put into Weimin's account together. From now on, you can manage your own money yourself. If there is a new business to invest in, I will tell you."

"Nanyi, is there any chance of such profitable investment in the future?"

"For the people, listen clearly, it's speculation, not investment. Don't look at doubling your earnings now, but what if you lose?" Nan Yi pointed to Shen Teng Wan and said, "If I lose, I can only jump in and lose money." Drowning himself.

So, don't think about it blindly, or keep your feet on the ground, and you will encounter ghosts after walking at night.

Earning money one by one is solid, and earning multiples often follows the nightmare. You don't know when it will pounce on you and devour you. "

Nanyi was also a little bit embarrassed when he thought of the worry about gains and losses in the previous period. Since crossing, his state of mind has been very peaceful, and there has never been any disturbance.

But this time the gold futures also made his heart beat faster. It seems that my own experience is still not so interesting.

"Nanyi, is this futures riskier than stocks?"

Xian Yaodong bit the cigarette butt hard, biting the cigarette butt flat, with a lot of saliva still sticking to it.

"It's much bigger. Generally speaking, even if stocks lose money, they will leave you with some scum. But once futures lose money, not only the money you invested, but also the money in your pocket will have to be lost.

It will be even worse if you are tricked into making your futures delivery impossible. There is a high probability that you will die, and there are not many ways to think about it.

Let's put it this way, futures and the stock market are a zero-discord game, and there are four groups of people participating.

For example, you and I are playing guessing coins at Weimin's house. You guess odd and I guess even. No matter whether it is odd or even, one of us will always lose to the other.

But if you export 10 cents, I can only get 7 cents; and there are 3 cents, of which one cent must be given to Weimin, because we are playing at his house and he has to draw water.

There are still two cents, one of which is to be given to the owner of the chess piece. The chess piece we guessed was borrowed from others.

If you and I only have a capital of ten cents, then we play this guessing game a few more times, and in the end the money will disappear, and it will be taken away by Weimin and the master of the chess pieces. "

Nan Yi licked his lips, took another puff of the cigarette, threw the cigarette butt away, and then continued: "Uncle Xian, you and I are not stupid, and I also guessed that every time we play, we will be pumped once.

But as we play more, the gambling becomes more serious, and we don't care whether we draw water or not.

Anyway, if we lose, it doesn’t make much sense to us who will take the money; on the contrary, if we win, we won’t care too much about the one or two cents we lost, since the money is free anyway .

The more you play, the deeper you fall, the more you gamble, and sooner or later you will never recover. "

Nanyi's metaphor is actually not very suitable, but he doesn't want to say a more appropriate metaphor.

There are only four groups of people in the stock market and futures.

There are also rats that steal food, crows that lift the table, and hippopotamuses that are stuffy... There is no need for Nanyi to tell the two of these terrifying existences.

"From what you said, these futures are really not fun."

"It's not fun, it's not fun at all. I don't plan to play it in the future. It's my luck to be guessed this time. Otherwise, I have to drop out of school to sell electronic watches."

"Hahaha, Nanyi, what you said is too exaggerated. Even if you lose money, there are still garment factories and tapes to support you, and you will recover in two years." Xian Weimin laughed.


The three of them chatted a few more words by the river, and when it was time to eat, they dispersed and went back to their respective homes.

After crossing the threshold, stepping into the yard, and bypassing the screen wall, she saw Nan Ruofing sitting by the pool, staring at the pool in a daze.

"Ruopin, what are you doing?"

"Dad, I'm watching a catfish eat a dolphin."

"How many do you feed?"


"That's enough, don't feed me anymore today, did grandma cook?"

"No, grandma reheated the leftovers. Grandma said that she is not used to using an earthen stove, so it can't be cooked well."

"Oh, your great-grandmother was born as a young lady. She is proud and expensive. Don't imitate her."

I don't know how to use it, and it will be fine after using it once or twice. Fang Mengyin simply doesn't want to go to the stove. It used to be that she had to cook by herself in the capital because the situation was stronger than others. Now that she has the conditions, it would be difficult for her to cook again.

"Hee hee, Dad, you speak bad things about grandma, I'm going to inform you."


Nan Yi pounced on Nan Ruofeng, hugged her up, then turned her upside down, with her head down, and patted her on two small hillsides, "I'll let you inform me!"

"Heck, let me go, Dad, I'm scared."

"You are afraid that you are a ghost. Next time you want to inform me, I will hang you upside down from a tree."

"Father, I am your daughter, blood is thicker than water."

"Hey, you little girl, it seems that you have watched TV dramas a lot, how did you learn this?"

Nan Yi hadn't watched many Hong Kong dramas in this period, and he really couldn't think of which drama this line was from.

"'The Crane and the Magic Needle', it's from Jiayi TV." Nan Ruofeng said, rolling her eyes.

"Nonsense, Jiayi has closed down, where did you read it?"

"The video tape, Grandma rented it back."


Nanyi always felt that the little girl was fooling him, but he had never watched Jiayi's version of "The Crane and the Needle", and he didn't even know if Jiayi had ever filmed this drama. Besides, it wasn't a big problem, so he just Don't worry anymore.

Turn Nan Ruofing back, put it on the ground, and help her tidy up her clothes.

"Like watching martial arts movies?"

"Yeah, I like the "Chu Liuxiang" I just watched, Dad, Chu Liuxiang is so Handsome."

"How handsome is he? They are all in their forties. How can father be so young?"

"But he looks better than you."

"All right, all right, I'll take you to his house tomorrow, and you go to his house for dinner."

"Hee hee hee, dad is jealous."

"Little girl, do you know what it means to be jealous?"

"Of course I know, Dad, don't worry, I only like you."

Nan Ruofing said it seriously, but Nan Yi was a little embarrassed. Can the word "favorite" be used between father and daughter?

It seems that the little girl has to copy the "Disciple Regulations" a hundred times.

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