One day, Liu Xin came back from the short-term intensive training in Xiangtang. In Nanyi's office, she used what she had learned to try to tease Nanyi. As before, Nanyi asked the school flower to clean her up again.

After the charming atmosphere disappeared, Nanyi said: "I need a person who is proficient in Qiong dialect, Li dialect and military dialect. He should be familiar with the office gates of the leaders of various units, and also have a good understanding of the people here in Yecheng. "

Liu Xin straightened out the wrinkled clothes made by the school girl, combed her messy hair, took out the mirror from her purse and looked around, and after she felt perfect, she put down the mirror and said, "Boss, such a person can only be someone I am not familiar with the office director of the unit, or the follower of any leader, and I am not familiar with Yecheng, so it is so easy to find."

"You are a high-level talent. Of course, the task assigned to you is difficult. In order for you to complete the task as soon as possible, I will give you a relatively large salary flexibility. As long as it does not exceed 200,000 a year, you can make the decision yourself."

"Two hundred thousand, that's a lot."

Liu Xin is a little tasteless, her basic salary is far from reaching this figure, and she needs to complete tasks to make money.

Nan Yi patted Liu Xin on the cheek, "Don't make a bad face, you can only get much more than this, hurry up and find this person as soon as possible."

"Got it, my good boss." Liu Xin leaned over and kissed Nanyi's face, took out the car key from her bag, and twirled it on her finger, "I'll change my driver's license first, and then I'll go find you people who want it."


After Liu Xin left, Nanyi poured some tea into the palm of his hand, rubbed the place where he was kissed just now, and a touch of red appeared on the palm of his hand.

"Damn girl, the lipstick is so thick."

More than an hour later, Nan Yi came to the edge of the Qiongzhou Strait with his trumpet.

Yecheng is very small, and the circle of sea trespassers is even smaller, and there are only a few areas of activity. Half a month ago, Nanyi accidentally discovered that the college student restaurant next to Wanghai Building was gone, so he asked someone casually. Knowing that several bosses have already found jobs, the stall stopped practicing.

However, the person who was asked kindly reminded Nanyi that there was a new restaurant for college students on the edge of East Lake Park, where the Triangle Pond faced across the park, and the idea came from the restaurant for college students.

Nan Yi went to have a meal when he was free, and there he met the person who lent him the trumpet on the Magnolia. After a few chats, he learned that his name was Yu Chuan, and he also knew that he belonged to that restaurant. The boss, at his invitation, joined the "Sea Trespassers Band", a very amateur band, everyone just got together to relieve loneliness and comfort the empty soul.

When Nan Yi arrived, other people had already arrived, lined up, facing several people on the beach.

On the beach, a few small stones pressed a red white paper, boom, as a man knelt down, several other people also knelt down, and the sea breeze gently blew the corner of the white paper, like a white flower. The soul is singing, and in the sky, the invisible dark clouds squeeze down.

Since the activity of crossing the Qiongzhou Strait was launched a few years ago, many warriors will come here to challenge every year, and there are many sea trespassers who swim from the Qianjiang River.

Warriors may not be able to reach the other shore of pursuit, there will always be people who will be stranded in the sea, and depending on the situation, some people will bury their youth in the sea.

Nan Yi came to the side of the band, without discussing, and without anyone starting, everyone cooperated tacitly and played "The Rowan Tree of the Urals", also known as "The Hawthorn Tree".

Under the bath of the music, some people are grieving, some are regretting, some are cursing, some are crying, and some reporters circle the mourning people into the camera through the wall of people.

After the Sea Trespasser band played a song, everyone packed up their things and left. They were strangers to each other. The few people in the memorial service did not look like family members. They should be teammates who crossed together together.

Nanyi didn't leave, he saw an acquaintance among the worshipers.

Chen Ruishi, the blind man she met in Rongcheng, her eyes cannot be said to be so bright at this time, but she is no longer blind.

Nanyi did not greet in advance, and when he saw that there was no car to pick him up, and Chen Ruishi followed several other worshipers to the bus, he stepped up to the front of the bus, did not speak, but looked carefully at Chen Ruishi's eyes, and stretched out his hand Waving in front of both eyes.

Chen Ruishi was stunned at first, then sniffled, and immediately put on a smile on her face, scolding: "Rogue."

"Chen Ruishi, what happened to him?"

Behind Chen Ruishi, the man who was the first to kneel down on the beach just now stared at Nanyi as if he were a rival in love.

"Ha, it is said that after the blind man's eyes are healed, the first thing to do is to abandon the crutches. I don't like your willow appearance. Hurry up and come back with me." Nanyi ignored the man and directly Said to Chen Ruishi with a playful smile.

"I agreed with everyone to go to Donghai Garden together." Chen Ruishi said a little embarrassed.

"Then you go with the big team and find me when you are free."

When Chen Ruishi said that, Nanyi didn't say much, but just wrote Chen Ruishi her address and phone number, and asked her to find him when she was free.

On the first day, Nanyi was still thinking about whether Chen Ruishi would come, but he didn't see her for three days in a row, so Nanyi left her behind and was busy with his own affairs.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, Nanyi was sitting in the corridor reading documents, holding a cattail fan in his hand and fanning it from time to time. It wasn't because it was hot, but because he was chasing away mosquitoes.

In the winter in Yecheng, short-sleeved clothes are worn during the day, and when the temperature drops at night, it will feel cool if you don’t wear long-sleeved clothes.

The winter in Coconut City is the autumn in the mainland, the breeze is gentle, and it is very comfortable to sit outside, so despite the mosquitoes, Nanyi still lit mosquito coils and insisted on sitting in the corridor.

"Ah... mouse, mouse."

Suddenly, a shrill cry came from Su Meng's room, piercing the sky.

"It's exaggerated, the school belle will go and have a look."

Nanyi stared at the document without squinting, and just gave instructions.

There are eighteen monsters in Qiongdao. The first three monsters are three mosquitoes, one dish, three mice, one sack, three leeches, one belt. The locals seem to be used to seeing rats run over by cars or poisoned to death, their brains burst, their intestines turned, and their corpses are thrown into the wilderness. Everyone turns a blind eye and takes it calmly.

Speaking of the house, there are two more things to add, termites and geckos, termites are rampant, not only tearing furniture, even the clay between the brick joints, fortunately, both the bridgehead and the residence are built with cement The bricks were not infested by termites. As for the geckos, there was one lying on the guardrail under Nanyi's eyes.

There is nothing to be afraid of geckos. The biggest threat Nanyi has heard about it is that its tail will pierce the eardrum if it falls into the ear. Violent twisting, and can last for a long time.

But as long as you don't provoke the gecko, don't break its tail on purpose, and don't put your ears on it on purpose. The probability of the tail falling into your ears is probably not as high as winning the first prize in the lottery.

Phew, Nan Yi flapped the cattail fan again to drive away the mosquitoes that were eager to stop on his earlobe.

Mosquitoes on the island are a bit good, they have a very pragmatic style, they have always just sucked human blood silently, and they don’t buzz around to justify their own blood sucking, which is determined by the food chain.

Footsteps sounded behind Nanyi's head, and Su Meng had come behind him.

"Have you taken away the food?"

"I was hungry last night, I opened a pack of biscuits, and forgot to put away half of the pack."

Nanyi put the document on the guardrail, turned around and said, "The mouse has a very good nose, and it will touch the door if it has something to eat. Is the screen broken?"

"It doesn't seem to be broken."

"That's more troublesome. Tomorrow, clean out all the furniture and check it thoroughly to see where there are holes."

Just do what you said, early the next morning, several people started to clear out all the things in Su Meng's room, checked the ceiling and corners, and finally found that a corner of a brick on the wall was missing, forming a The hole is not big, but enough for a mouse to get in.

You must know that rats are very capable of burrowing. Not only can they bite wood at will, but they can also knock out a hole in weathered bricks. In addition, they have the ability to shrink bones.

Remove the weathered bricks and replace them with good bricks to build them back. I went to the vegetable market and bought a few cages for catching mice and put them around the house. When the mice are caught, they will whip the corpses. After the whipping, hang them on the tree to dry, at least For ten days and half a month, no mouse dared to come.

There is a communication mechanism between mice. In a certain area, the mice keep in touch with each other. The news that several of the same kind have been whipped to death will soon reach the ears of each mouse in the nearby area, and then the mice will Come here for investigation, you can't smell food, there's no trick here, you can't see the baby, there's no chance of revenge, plus the access to the room is blocked, so they will naturally go around.

During the lunch break at noon, Nanyi wandered around outside, found a cat seller, picked a cat that was seven or eight months old, and would scratch people if he wanted to touch it, and picked another one that was four or five months old. Will take the initiative to cling to people, cute and cute.

Take the fierce one back with a rope and tie it in the corridor. It’s not good if you don’t tie it up. Cats are not easy to get used to. After a few months of contact, don’t expect them to come back after going out, let alone they were not raised since childhood. , it is not easy to raise.

The cute one was taken to the office by Nanyi, fed some delicious food, and then put it on the ground to let it get used to the environment freely. In front of Yi, she climbed up his trousers, lay down on his lap, closed her eyes and started snoring.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, everyone stopped working in the office on the first floor. Today is the day when everyone agreed to go to the team building. 12 people decided to spend three months of team building fees, a total of 720 yuan, and eat well. A meal, and then go to the dance hall to sit.

"Su Meng, do you want to call the boss?" Pan Wuju said to Su Meng who was next to him while packing up his things.

"I asked at noon, and the boss said that we can't let him go, but he just told me not to let you men go to the video room. He said that if he was caught by the defense team, he would not come forward to protect you, let you Fend for itself."

There are good-looking videos in the video hall. This is a secret that all young men and women know. The difference is that young men will grit their teeth and spend three yuan to watch it, while young women can only use the few words they usually hear. Discuss it in private, secretly yearn for it.

Don't worry about the age of being secreted. Don't expect the midnight topics in the male and female dormitories to discuss how to be patriotic and how to work better. It's hard to say about privacy. What everyone can talk about can only be the topic that everyone can respond to and don't worry about singing a one-man show.

Zhao Jun also came up and said: "I said Secretary Su, don't worry about this, there are compatriots from Xiangxi here, we have to save face."

"I'm just conveying the meaning of the boss. I don't care if you go or not. Why hasn't Xiao Song come back after calling for a car?"

As soon as Su Meng finished speaking, the roar of motorcycles came from outside.

"Here we come." Pan Wuju said.

12 people and 12 three-wheeled motorcycles left in a noisy manner.

At the end of November, Ma Shimin came to Yecheng. He came to meet with the provincial leaders. The establishment of a branch of Nanguo Bank in Yecheng was a foregone conclusion. All that remained was to wait for the central bank to approve the branch to start business. The waiting time Start at least half a year.

Fang Group, after a long period of communication, the theme has changed. It is no longer Fang’s investment in Yalong Bay to develop Yalong Bay, but to develop Yalong Bay itself. development funds.

We are still negotiating, and it is unlikely that we can reach a conclusion this year.

Qionghai Airlines is even more so. Nanyi consciously asked Glenn to slow down the progress of investment negotiations, not only to get better conditions, but also to withdraw from the mechanism. Not to mention memory, just Chen Huozhou, who Glenn told him. With the planned development model of Qionghang, Nanyi is very clear that Qionghang will have poor anti-risk ability in the future. Once a crisis occurs in the aviation industry, Qionghang will bear the brunt.

The investment strategy for Qionghang is to invest in the angel round, and then stop following the investment, and wait for the listing to cash out.

In December, Nanyi lost himself. One month was divided into three parts, one for Shanghai, one for London, and one for New York, to accompany their three children.

In New York, he broke his waist and tried his best to confuse Scarlett's servants. Only then did he borrow a sum of money from her and pay off the debts outside.

The five mysteries and the three ways are just the bullshit that Nanyi brags to maintain a man's self-esteem. In fact, Scarlett is not easy to get along with. The loan period is one year, and Nanyi has 35% interest. Nanyi has a new creditor. Debt is also compound interest, which is getting bigger and bigger.

On January 2, New York time, Nanshi held the "3rd Five-Year Meeting". At the meeting, after discussions among the participants, the main points of Nanshi's third five-year development plan were formulated.

Guidelines for the main objectives for 1991-2000:

In 2000, Nan's real assets [distinguished from market value assets, assets that can be realized at any time without discount] exceeded 700 billion U.S. dollars, liquidity exceeded 300 billion U.S. dollars, and gold reserves reached 4,000 tons.

1. Industrial Expansion

Continue to expand hard power in the financial field, and the stock market:

In addition to consolidating the strength in New York, Hong Kong, and Mumbai, we also need to develop markets in Lijiapo, London, Berlin, Milan, and Seoul;

For futures:

Continue to deepen the agricultural products and livestock market, and strive for a certain right to speak in the ore field;


Acquire or become a shareholder of large insurance groups in the UK and South Africa, formally entering the insurance industry;

Bank side:

Nanguo Bank expanded in Asia and established Lijiapo Branch, Seoul Branch and Tokyo Branch;

Weir Bank is expanding in the United States, and will establish its own outlets in several major states. After the expansion in the United States, it will expand to South America, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, etc.;

Jardine Bank expanded in Europe, establishing branches in Germany, France, and Italy.

Continue to expand investment in the high-tech field. In addition to investing, Nanshi also deploys its own high-tech R\u0026D team and establishes research institutes in several major fields.

Main investment fields:

Semiconductors, lithography machines, communications, agriculture, biopharmaceuticals, new energy, brain computers, robots, metamaterials, and industrial software.

The topic of longevity is no longer hidden, and it is directly disclosed within Nanshi, with an investment budget of 3 billion US dollars, and strives to produce certain results before 2000, and then establish a semi-public enterprise, aiming to raise funds from the world's rich, and continue to deepen the project.

Provided support for a retailer, with a capital injection of US$1 billion to accelerate expansion.

In the next ten years, Shennong Nanliang will carry out the layout of the whole industry. As long as it is in the food-related fields, Shennong Nanliang will get involved. own genetically modified seeds.

The idle time of the transportation team is too much. In order to improve the utilization rate of ships, trucks and planes, a logistics enterprise including sea transportation, air transportation and land transportation is established.

Expand investment in the medical field, invest in top medical groups, and start from a staff hospital, and then establish a general hospital focusing on tumors; Xinsheng Plastic Surgery Hospital is based in Seoul and gradually expands to Bangkok, Tokyo, and Coconut City.

At the meeting, it was also formulated that the new fields that Nan's will enter-the Internet and the automobile industry, Nantianmen and Wolagang [Qiangliang] Automobile Group were officially launched.

Nantianmen entered the field of data storage, operating domain name registration, virtual space rental, server rental and hosting services.

Voragon's big acquisitions are underway, acquiring one or two car brands, and vigorously acquiring companies that have made achievements in the engine field, and setting up their own engine research institute; at the same time, launching research and development of hydrogen energy and electric energy vehicles, and deploying oil energy in advance A country that is lacking and whose engine technology is seriously lagging behind will start a corner overtaking tactic.

2. Industry shrinkage

Sell ​​swallowtail butterfly clothing, Dexianlaizao, Longmenzhen restaurant chain;

Except for Gunners and Wangbei Media, Red Sofa Entertainment’s other assets, Donglaiwu, 20th Century Fox, and TV Network, are all waiting for opportunities to cash out at high prices;

Wonderful split up and established two subsidiaries of food and real estate management. After the split, Wonderful Foods started the listing process.

At the meeting, Nanyi also redefined "R\u0026D expenses". Eighty percent of Nan's internal R\u0026D expenses will be included in hospitality expenses, high-level recuperation, dividends, travel funds, seminars and other expenses. The proportion of R\u0026D expenses is too large. If the outside world finds out, they will be targeted by the public, and they will be accused of not being ignorant of the rules by the Nan family.

After the meeting, Nanyi also allocated several funds.

A special tourism fund of 20 million U.S. dollars has been allocated to Qidian Orphanage. Nan Ruofing’s three-year world tour has achieved good results. Qidian will also implement the intermission year plan. When the children are over fifteen years old, there will be a “Let’s Go” before going to school. The travel time is controlled within one year to one and a half years.


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