After watching the news, Zhao Shixian went to prepare breakfast for the two of them, and when they were sitting at the dining table, Zhao Shixian asked, "Do you think the United Nations will send troops?"

Nan Yi broke the white of the fried egg, picked up the plate and sucked the runny yolk into his mouth, licked his lips with his tongue, and said, "Is it necessary to ask such an obvious question?"

"Then there will be another wave of operable market soon, with a short-term surge before the start of the war, and then a sharp decline after the start of the war." Zhao Shixian said after thinking for a while.

"Oh, why do you think so?" Nan Yi smiled slightly.

"Why did you go long before, but now you turn short again? Although the document sent by Scarlett Fund is unclear, I can also think that the United States must release the strategic oil reserve. The group of think tanks sitting in the White House are not idiots , How could they have never imagined that as long as they send troops, the price of oil will rise again. In order to curb the price of oil, the United States will definitely release the strategic oil reserve again.

The timing of the second wave of the market is very important. You and the people at Scarlett Fund should tell me not to send me ambiguous messages. I want the exact timing. "

Nan Yi nodded, "I know, don't build the second wave of warehouses too big, it's someone else's feast, we can only drink some soup."

"Elephant Party?"


All kinds of economics, except for the basic logic and practicality, the remaining hundreds of thousands of theories are useless. Economics is an extension of politics. A person who aspires to become the richest man should not study complicated and useless economic theories , Instead, you should study psychology and politics, or learn eloquence.

Flipping through an economic masterpiece, it is full of all kinds of awkward terms. It looks mysterious and mysterious, and there is a feeling of ignorance. In fact, it is just some economists pretending to be ignorant with their limited literary talent. Forced, most economists and fortunes are completely different, and their good life comes from their pen fees and lecture fees.

They may not know how to apply the economic theories they summed up, but it does not prevent them from teaching excellent entrepreneurs. Sherman Chauvre can't swim at all, but as a coach, he can train many world swimmers. As a master, words and actions have always been irrelevant.

[Just like any knowledge points that may be involved in my article, if it inspires you, please consider carefully and use it carefully. I can’t guarantee whether it will be useful to you. For me, I can only deceive a few To provide food and clothing for the manuscript fee.

If you are going to write an urban article, I didn’t say it, and the bad writing is skipped, and the information can be absorbed. I spent money to buy a lot of information. It comes from various economic and policy research institutes. The reliability of time and figures is relatively high. Others Please be skeptical. ]

Just like the masters of success who teach people to be successful, the only success story they can share is that they can fool people into paying for their lectures. Other than that-understand, applause!

The financial market is also closely related to politics. Scarlett Fund can accurately do long on oil futures because of intelligence. Many prior investments and preparations have created information gaps. It has little to do with Nanyi's memory. In his memory, Iraq fought Kuwait in 1991. I can't remember the exact date. Obviously his memory is vague and wrong.

For the entire Gulf War, Nanyi has only three words in his deepest memory-the third military power, scud, and patriot, and the others can only sit at the wine table in a daze and listen to others bragging.

The reason to go long comes from intelligence, while the reason to go short still comes from intelligence, the intelligence in the circle.

"If Iraq invaded Kuwait, how would the United States respond?"

Regarding this issue, the Pentagon has been discussing it for a long time. Scarlett can receive timely information on economic strategies. As long as money is involved, all actions in the United States are inseparable from the Jews. From the Federal Reserve to Wall Street, which one Sessions are filled with Jewish, well, Jewish rich people.

Ask yourself, for the growth of the Nan clan, half of the military medals will be awarded to Scarlett, 30% will be awarded to Nan Yi, and the remaining 20% ​​will belong to all Nan clan members.

Without Scarlett as a close friend, without her as a bond, Nanyi, a person who wants too much, life will become more colorful. Today's business war, tomorrow's gun battle, and the day after tomorrow, hiding missiles in the hole, that's called a Stimulate.

"What are you going to do today?"

"Go to Huang Daxian to offer incense, pray for the Kuwaiti people, and call on the brave and kind Kuwaiti people in Xiangsong to put down their belongings and go back to face the national calamity."

"Things outside the body?" Zhao Shixian turned his head, and said with a smile: "You are a ghoul, and you can still think of copying the bottom of the Kuwait at this time. If the price is attractive, help me buy a few sets."

The Kuwaiti people are very rich. There are many Kuwaiti people living in bungalows and raising foreign dogs in Xiangtang. They live a very happy life. Two days earlier, Nanyi asked the people from Creative Real Estate to get in touch with Kuwaiti people at any time. To provide financial assistance to their Great Patriotic War, in return for the export of kindness, he only needs to take back the cold bricks and cement.

"Okay, get your check book ready." Nan Yi wiped his mouth with a napkin, "If you want to grab a man's heart, you have to grab his stomach. Obviously, you haven't heard this motto."

"Next time you can choose to eat or not." Zhao Shixian said directly.

"It's shameful to waste food. Take your time and enjoy it. I'll take a step first. There will be no traffic jam at this time." Nanyi said, standing up and making a gesture to leave.

"Come again tonight...Come on, I have to watch at the company tonight, you are free to move."

"Thanks for your hard work."

When cooking rice, add more water. If there is too little water, the rice will be hard. If there is more water, the rice will be soft. As a person who has experienced it, Nanyi knows that soft rice is very fragrant and fragrant.

Nanyi has always supported equality between men and women. He knows that countless women want to dominate the workplace. Willing to be a vassal, or face head, little wolf dog.

Nanyi didn't go to Huang Daxian. Someone would naturally do the bottom-hunting, and he didn't need to do it himself. He went back to Fang's Manor, sat in the living room, and watched TV while wondering if he would publish a book "The Story of Men Climb to Heaven" Ladder—Address Book of Top 500 Rich Women", I don't know what the market potential is and whether it will be a hit.


In the morning, Nanyi stayed at home alone. At noon, he went out to have Chinese food with Zhu Youren, the president of Creativity Real Estate.

After ordering off the menu, Nanyi asked Zhu Youren a question.

"What will happen to housing prices this year?"

Zhu Youren blurted out directly, "It should not fall. Affected by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, Hong Kong's housing prices should fall according to common sense. However, the government has just approved the first phase of the civil servants' home purchase plan, and the Bank Association has cut interest rates twice. Offset, housing prices in the next few months should fluctuate in a small range without much fluctuation."

The cost of living in Hong Kong is closely related to oil. When oil rises, the price of Hong Kong will rise accordingly, and the livability index will decrease. This will make the middle class look down on Hong Kong's future, and housing prices will naturally respond.

"Well, is there a sign in the morning?"

"Three sets of villas, 8.20% off one set, 8.5% off one set, and 20% off the last set."

Nanyi nodded in satisfaction, "Very good, you did a good job. If you meet a special discounted price, you will keep two sets. I will use them as a favor."

"Okay, Nan Sheng."

Nanyi and Zhu Youren didn't talk too much, and Creativity Real Estate will not make any big moves recently. The foreshadowing that should be laid has already been laid, and the old buildings can be rebuilt step by step.

In the afternoon, Nanyi spent time at the breeding base of Xijing Company in Huoshizhou.

After several years of exploration, experience has been summed up in the cultivation of high-end high-quality oysters. Whether it is French oysters, Australian oysters or Japanese oysters, they have been tentatively supplied to high-end restaurants. It only takes one or two years to improve and occupy the market , Nanyi should be able to add the title of "high-end oyster king" to his head.

The next day, Nan Yi was lying on the sofa and reading the newspaper, and his eyes still glanced at the computer screen from time to time. Suddenly, a blue lightning struck from outside the door, and it was about to crash into Nan Yi's arms.

"Stop, little girl is growing up so fast. She is only fifteen years old and her figure is the same as twenty years old. You are not young anymore, you must pay attention to the defense of men and women."

"Father, don't you love me?" Nan Ruofeng said with a strange face.

"Stop making trouble, your wings are hardened, and you have learned to lie. Didn't you say that you will return to Xiangxi at the end of the month? Why are you back today?"

Nan Ruobing walked to Nanyi and sat down, took his hand and swayed, "I know Dad will fly back when he is in Xiangtang, Dad, let's go shopping later, shall we?"

"It's hot today, wait for the weather to cool down before going out."

"Alright." Nan Ruofing nodded and said, "Rachel's space travel laboratory has been established, Dad, when will your money arrive?"

Nan Yi frowned and said, "We didn't decide on this name at the beginning, why did you change it?"

"It's a nice name."

"Okay, you can call it what you like, huh..." Nan Yi pouted at the computer screen, "My money is there, and I will call you when the position is closed."

Nan Ruofing glanced at the computer screen, and immediately laughed and said, "Oh, Dad, you don't allow others to build mouse warehouses, but you are doing it yourself. It's true that only state officials are allowed to set fires, and people are not allowed to light lamps."

"Don't talk nonsense, Dad isn't working in a mouse house. I'm thirsty. I have Aiyubing and watermelon at home. Call me. I want a bowl of Aiyubing and a glass of watermelon juice."

"Oh that's fine."

Nan Ruofing leaned forward, sat up from the sofa, picked up the communicator on the coffee table, and muttered.

After a while, Mrs. Chen brought the things over, put down the things, she still stood there holding the tray, as if she had something to say.

"Mrs. Chen, you are not an outsider, so just speak up if you have anything to say."

Mrs. Chen hesitated for a while, then said softly, "Wenqin graduated from university this year and found a job. She is not very happy."

Mrs. Chen was close to her, so Nanyi was naturally concerned about her family's situation. Her daughter Chen Wenqin graduated from Chinese University this year, of course he knew it, but Chen Wenqin was not a great talent, so Nanyi didn't have any arrangements for her.

"If you're not happy with what you're doing, don't do it. Let Wenqin come over for dinner tomorrow, and I'll chat with her."

Grandma Chen was overjoyed when she heard the words, "Thank you, young master."

"You're welcome, we're all our own people."

Mrs. Chen thanked her twice more, and then she took the tray and left.

As soon as she left, Nan Ruobing took a bowl of Aiyubing and handed it to Nanyi, "Father, do you want to arrange work for Chen Wenqin?"


"I've seen that Chen Wenqin several times, she's a bit stupid, she doesn't seem to know how to do things, Dad, didn't you say that the Nan family should put an end to nepotism?"

Nan Yi scooped up a spoonful of Aiyubing, took a sip, and put down the spoon, "In today's situation, I was mentally prepared early in the morning. Even if my children are mediocre, I still have to take care of them.

However, people cannot be arranged within the Nan's system, and a company independent of the Nan's should be set up to arrange for people like Chen Wenqin. You can help Dad think about what kind of business is easier to do without seeking profit. Just want to balance the balance of payments, no need to put money into it. "

"Father, how can there be such a good thing, any business must be done with heart, how can it be done well if you just idle around." Nan Ruoying said with a bitter face.

"It's not necessarily true. Think about it, you can think of it."

Nan Yi stretched out his hand subconsciously to stroke Nan Ruofing's hair, but retreated halfway, Nan Ruofing really grew too fast, and the words "give or accept" were already engraved on her forehead.

"Is there?" Nan Ruofeng tilted his head and asked.


The time of the day is rushing, the prostate patient is ticking in front of the toilet, frowning and stretching it will pass.

In the evening.

After dinner, Nan Yi and Nan Ruo Fing appeared on the streets of Causeway Bay.

"Dad, the stock price of Donglaiwu has reached 5.7 yuan, which is an increase of 4.2 yuan from when it was first listed. Now the valuation exceeds 1 billion Hong Kong dollars." Nan Ruofing held Nanyi's hand and said flickeringly.

"It's almost there. Talk to Wang Lin tomorrow and start preparing for the shipment. You can keep an eye on this matter and accumulate some experience."

"Well, okay." Nan Ruobing replied, "Dad, next year Hongdou will be admitted to university, should I also prepare to go to university?"

"You can decide for yourself next year or the year after. You are one year younger than Hongdou."

Nan Ruofing turned her head and asked, "Father, in the next few years, there will be nothing serious for the Nan family?"

"Probably not. You can go to university earlier, you can graduate earlier, and you can try to get a master's degree in four years."

"Four years, it's not too difficult. Two years to complete the undergraduate credits, two years to graduate, there is plenty of time. I want to see if I can get a doctor's degree in four years." Nan Ruofing said stinky.

"Hehe, I almost forgot that you are a genius, but you don't need to graduate with a Ph.D. in four years. This is not realistic. If you want to break through the reality, you have to go through the back door, or your performance is far beyond ordinary people."

"Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by the forest wind, Dad, you let me hide my clumsiness, then what I said is not impossible."

"If it's impossible, it's impossible. The main reason for you to go to college is to let you enjoy the wonderful life of college. You have lost the experience of junior and senior high schools. You can't miss college. You are different from your father. Dad is in college. Open up, for three years, Dad spent all his time studying."

Nan Yi patted the back of Nan Ruofeng's hand, "You are different, my father helped you grow up, and let you lay the foundation since you were three years old. In the past ten years, you have learned a lot and seen a lot. This world At least ninety-nine percent of the people on the Internet are not as experienced and knowledgeable as you.

Although your competitors are the remaining one percent, you don't have to push yourself too hard. You are already ahead in IQ, and you are also ahead in your efforts. Next, you can take it easy. In your intermission year, it happens to be the most suitable age for you to play. Play whatever you want. You must have a good time and don't let your life leave regrets. "

"Play, what else can I play?" Nan Ruobing said confusedly: "Father, I have been playing when I want to play. I can't think of anything else that I want to play but haven't played, except for the mysteries of the universe."

"Oh, so, no matter how talented you are, you can't break through the shackles of age." Nan Yi pushed open the glass door of a specialty store, and took Nan Ruofing into the store, "Some things you like now, with age You may not like growth, and what you don't like now, you may like in a few years.

Age is always 1+1+1, and it increases year by year, and the accumulation of years also needs to be accumulated little by little. No matter how talented you are, you can't understand yourself when you are thirty or fifty years old.

Well, when you are fifteen years old, you will experience the immaturity of fifteen years old. Don't expect today to pass quickly, and don't expect to grow up quickly.

Who are you?

You are Nan Ruofing, you are my precious daughter of Nanyi, you will always live in the present moment. "

Nan Ruobing thought about it, then laughed and said, "Hee hee, Dad, you're pretending to be a philosopher, you don't look like it horizontally or vertically."

"It doesn't look like it?"

"Not like."

"Oh, Dad will change his name to Nan Philosopher immediately."


"Stop laughing, let's go to see the clothes. Dad is rich and has become a big money." Nanyi raised his finger and pointed at the display rack, "I can buy whatever clothes I like here, and anyone who rides a 28-bar Buy a mink, who are we, we are nouveau riche, how can we wear it twice, buy it, buy it to death."

"Haha, Dad, I'm going to be with you today." Nan Ruoying laughed loudly.

Nan Ruobing went to pick out clothes, Nan Yi went to the rest area, picked up a copy of "Pan Weekly", skipped other content, directly turned to the gossip section, and quickly browsed, there was no gossip content worth reading, Nan Yi casually picked an article to look at it, and after reading a line or two, he raised his head to look for Nan Ruofing's figure.

Sometimes Nan Ruobing would meet Nan Yi's eyes, and would gesture the clothes on the front of her body, and silently ask Nan Yi's opinion, Nan Yi sometimes nodded and sometimes shook his head.

When Nanyi raised his head for the seventh time, there was a man and a woman beside Nan Ruofeng. The woman could be recognized as Li Chiliang at a glance, and the man could be recognized as Guan Erfu after a little identification and deduction. At this time, Li Chiliang She was pointing at the clothes in Nan Ruobing's hand and acting like a spoiled child to Guan Erfu.

"Hey, Li Chiliang is already with Guan Erfu at this time?" Nan Yi was a little surprised, and then laughed jokingly, "Duck voice, the ghost is really lingering, the probability of this encounter is a bit high."

Lowering his head, Nanyi continued to read the magazine, not worried about Nan Ruofing at all, not to mention that this girl is eccentric, but Guan Erfu naturally knows how to measure since he can make a difference.

On the other side of Nan Ruofing, she was staring at Li Chiliang's face playfully, "Do you like this dress? It's easy, you just need to take a blank check and fill it in as you like, and I'll give you the clothes right away." .”

Hearing Nan Ruofing's words, Li Chiliang immediately said coquettishly to Guan Erfu: "Joseph, look, she embarrasses me."

"Michelle, this dress is not a limited edition, you can ask the shopping guide to bring you another one."

Guan Erfu was slightly displeased with Li Chiliang's nonsense, but it was not too strong. This woman is pretty, she can be taken out, and she can let go when it is time to let go. I am very satisfied with her, a little Flaws are okay.

"No, I just like this one in her hand." Li Chiliang gave Nan Ruoying a provocative little look, which disappeared for a moment, and then turned to face Guan Erfu, and she put on another look. With an expression of admiration and a coquettish tone, he said, "Joseph, how are you?"

Worship and acting like a baby made Guan Erfu's reason melt slightly, and he responded helplessly, Guan Erfu looked at Nan Ruofing again and said: "Miss, can you change another one as compensation, I will take yours alone purchase."


Nan Ruofeng smiled and agreed, if there is a bargain, it will not be for nothing.

"No, why pay for her."

Li Chiliang strongly objected. She didn't really like the clothes in Nan Ruofing's hand, but she just wanted to avoid it. As for why she did it, it was because she felt threatened from Nan Ruofing.

Nan Ruofing smiled, turned to look at Guan Erfu, expecting his next move.

However, she should not be able to see it. Nan Yi has already got up and walked this way.

Looking up again, Nan Yi saw that the three people were still entangled, so he put down the magazine and walked quickly to Nan Ruofing, "Have you chosen?"

"Almost, what do you think of me wearing this?"

Nan Ruofing purposely didn't call Nan Yi "Father", and even showed Nan Yi his clothes, which was clearly a provocation to Li Chiliang.

Nan Yi didn't answer as Nan Ruobing expected, but said directly: "The clothes are very good, but they don't suit you. You need to be older to wear this clothes."

Saying that, Nan Yi gestured to Li Chiliang, "Hey, this lady is more suitable to wear it, and wearing it on her will definitely make her ten years younger... It turned out to be Miss Li Chiliang, sorry, I made a mistake, and wearing it on you If I can be six years older, I will look more mature and charming, and I will be a good pair with Mr. Qiu Zhen, a man with a talent and a woman's appearance."

After finishing speaking, Nan Yi pretended to have just seen Guan Erfu's appearance clearly, and quickly apologized again, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, sorry for my blindness, it turned out to be Guan Sheng, you go on, I won't bother you, Ruobing, put your clothes down , this dress is not suitable for your age."

Nanyi didn't give others a chance to react, so he just came to a stand-up comic. If it wasn't for the difficulty in connecting the burdens, he would invite Guan Erfu to play golf or billiards, and directly let the first two or the second two.

Guan Erfu could hear the sarcasm in Nanyi's words, but he didn't get angry. He knew him and dared to come to such a paragraph. The other party was either a young man or something to rely on. won't do.

"you you you……"

Guan Erfu can make decisions and make moves, but Li Chiliang can't help it. She doesn't know what to say for a long time. Nanyi's tone is gentle, and the words are very decent when taken apart, but they make people listen together. I'm very upset, but I have to refute, but it's not easy to refute, every word is right, how can I refute?

"Miss Li, this is the second time we met, because of your...frankness, the two times were not too pleasant, but it's not a big deal, I hope there won't be a next time." Nanyi said to Guan Erfu said: "This is my daughter, she lives at No. 777 Deep Water Bay."

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