Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 79 The innocent should be killed

Fang Mengyin and Nan Ruobing stayed in Wenchangwei until the tenth day of the lunar new year, and returned to Xiangtang on the morning of the eleventh day.

Nanyi was not in a hurry to return to the capital, and was still staying in Wenchangwei.

On the day of the Lantern Festival, the gate of the South Residence was slapped.

Nan Yi opened the courtyard door, and saw Man San'er, who was busy in the world, standing outside the door.

"Master Nan, there are four thousand editions in total, and they are all here." Man San'er patted a pack of oil paper bags that were not too big or too tall and said.

"Thank you, how did you get here?"

"Taking the train, this journey has exhausted me a lot, and I'm not at all at ease. When I get to a big station or stop, I have to go to the freight car."

"Haha, the freight car is not easy to be stolen, you, look for it yourself."

"Hey, no way, I thought this package might be worth tens of millions in the future, how could I be careless. Master Nan, tell me, where to put it, I will carry it with you." Men San'er took another picture The oil paper bag said.

"You don't need to lift it, just put it here. I guess you will arrive around this time, and you have already made an agreement with Xiangyu, and a car will arrive in two hours."

"Why, don't put it here, put it in the incense box?"

"Well, I'm thinking that there are only a few days of people here throughout the year, so it's better to send it to Hong Kong for insurance. Put this thing in the vault of HSBC. If it is lost, they will have to pay us."

"Do you want to pay the custody fee?"

"You don't need to ask about this, if you don't need a few dollars, I can just pay here."

"Okay, then I won't ask."

Men San'er thought about it, Nan Ye said that he only let himself pay for this business, that is to say, Nan Ye must have spent money on places that he couldn't see, and he would not take advantage of him.

"Today is the Lantern Festival, let's make some Lantern Festival to eat, let's forget about the small Lantern Festival, but we still have to dry it out, we don't have time to do it, let's make some big Lantern Festival to eat."

"Well, it's the Lantern Festival, I haven't heard of it."

"Simply put, it's glutinous rice balls, glutinous rice balls stuffed with sesame seeds."

"Hey, if you say it's glutinous rice balls, it's fine."


He said he asked Men San'er to help, but he didn't know anything, the only thing he could help was chatting with Nanyi.

While rubbing the glutinous rice balls, Nanyi asked, "Let you find someone who understands antiques, but it's been a year and a half, and you don't have any clues?"

"Master Nan, it's not that I don't care, it's really hard to find. You have to have good eyesight, and you have to take care of your family. I have found such a person, but he is not willing to do it with us."

"Okay, let's continue to explore. I will do the antique business with you and Weimin. I am fifty, he is twenty, and you are thirty. Just in time, when we return to the capital, take me and his seven Take one hundred thousand together."

"It means I'll pay 300,000 yuan?"

"For the time being, I don't know how long it will last for a million dollars. It's similar to postage stamps. It's also a long-term sale, but the profit will be bigger."

"Sure, then I'll take out 300,000."

"Don't say whether you can take it or not, the money will be put in your place first. When will you find the palm eye, when will this business start? If you can't find it, then the bitch will strike-stop."

"You don't need to provoke me. I will definitely look for it quickly. If I can't find it in the first half of this year, I will go and tie one back for you."

"You don't need to say anything stupid, hurry up."

"Hey." Men San'er nodded and said, "Master Nan, do we want to discuss the business of the restaurant?"

"Open one, or open several?"

"Start with one family first, and go back and forth."

"Your brain is much more active than before, and you have also thought about the business of restaurants. It is indeed a good idea to open a restaurant now. People in the capital want to have a meal now, and it is more difficult than going to heaven.

The state-run restaurant is full of land and water, the dishes are single, the waiters are sad, and they don't answer the customers, the price is also expensive, and a table costs twenty thirty.

At this time, if you run a civilian restaurant, the business will definitely not be bad. "

"That's right, I just thought it was a good deal." Man San'er said in a whisper.

"What's the hurry, wait for me to finish my sentence." Nan Yi glared at Men San'er, and continued: "You can't hire workers, you know how to cook? You know how to be a waiter?"

"Master Nan, since you said it's a good deal, you must have a way around it."

"There is a way, but if you just open a shop, how much water can you have if you are busy all day long? Four tables, and the meals can be turned over one after another. It will cost two to three hundred dollars a day.

The profit is 60%, three to six hundred and eighty, once the salary is set, it is four to five thousand a month, which is a lot for others, but a little less for us.

If you only pay for it and don't need to take care of it, then this business is still interesting.

But no matter, can this business go on?

Let’s talk about the issue of employing workers, you can indeed get around it, and get a license for individual industrial and commercial households for each of the chefs and waiters, saying that your store is actually not one, but several.

The chef sells Jiuzhuan large intestine and shredded pork with Beijing sauce, and the waiter sells noodles with fried sauce. Isn't this because everyone rented the store together because they didn't have enough money?

Just hire a few people and get a few licenses. As long as no one is watching you to check, the problem of hiring workers can be prevaricated for the time being.

But among the people you hire, as long as there is a rebellious person, you will be in trouble, and if one is not good, the store will take it away from you. "

"Master Nan, what do you mean?" Men San'er asked.

"Wait, wait for the country to let go of the employment issue. Once this business is started, how can it be done on its own? This is an unavoidable problem of hiring people.

Go back and find a copy of "Das Kapital" and read Chapter 9 "Rate of Surplus Value and Quantity of Surplus Value" in Volume 1, Part 3, and you will understand after reading it. "

Man San'er clapped his hands and said, "Well, I can't get into this kind of tome. I'd better wait for the wind. Master Nan, when you say you can do it, I'll do it again."

"Well, I'll tell you when the time comes. But let me tell you first, I don't get involved in the business of restaurants."

"Master Nan, are you not optimistic about this deal?"

"No, I'm optimistic. It's just that there are too many shits, and I don't think it's troublesome. There was a saying in the past that if you are innocent, you should be killed."

"I've heard of this, we are not ancient times, we are doing serious business."

"What I mean is that a restaurant is a place of right and wrong. Those who come here to claim their status, those who eat bedbugs in their dishes, those who use your restaurant as a ring, those who directly evade orders, and those who get paid by the public will all be troublesome."

With a choice, Nanyi didn't want to get involved in the catering industry at all, because there were too many shits.

"I'm not afraid of trouble, as long as I can make money."

"Then wait for my notice, don't open one, just open a few more, and occupy all the good land for opening restaurants in the capital first. When you return to the capital, you can start to explore the house; and the chef, too. Looking for it, such a good chef is not easy to find."

"Sure, I'll move when I get back."

"Find a few reliable people to help you. We have a lot to do, and we can't just find someone temporarily. Find some smart people who don't cause trouble outside, and bring them to make money together."

Men San'er said: "There are suitable people. In the past, they were calculated according to the return. Once they help, I will give them the money. I will talk to them when I go back. I will calculate with them on an annual basis, and then calculate some dividends." .”


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