Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 795: The leader of the domestic stock market

On January 20th, both Nanyi and Nan’s operations on WTI oil futures came to an end, but Nan’s people were not idle. Ikeda Karikyo first flew to the Ikeda Trainee Dispatch Branch in Dubai , Concerned about the business in the Middle East, and then flew to Saudi Arabia to meet the Kuwaiti royal family, and registered there first to leave a good impression.

Once the war is over, Kuwait will be rebuilt. The Ikeda Club does not care about building oil refineries or building buildings. The only thing they care about is labor export.

After flying to Saudi Arabia, Ikeda Karikyo flew to Southeast Asia again, and went to several recruiting sites to arrange work.

With the rise of Huake’s economy and trade, the export of labor services by the state has become more and more prosperous. According to the analysis of Cao’s labor employment theory, Ikeda’s trainees dispatched to export labor are too generous, which is not conducive to the healthy development of partners in the same industry. Therefore, Ikeda’s employment in China Huaguo's business line has begun to shrink, and the timetable for withdrawing from Huaguo will be decided depending on the actual situation.

This is good news for Ikeda Karikyo, which means that the dispatch of Ikeda trainees has lost the hypocritical aura of support, and can fully reveal the profit desire suppressed in the dark depths.

The dispatch mode in Dubai has been tested before—skilled workers score 37 or 46 depending on their technical level, ordinary workers score 6^4, and identity problems. Ikeda spent a lot of money to solve the 82 and 73 points ; Now Ikeda Karikyo is going to fully implement the Dubai model in sending Ikeda trainees, fine-tune the business model, and replace a group of competitors at the same time.

In the future, the competitors Ikeda trainees will dispatch should be those smugglers who help people smuggle people into black households, and then work as ultra-cheap labor for a period of time. It’s just that Ikeda can open the door to do business openly, but those smugglers can’t.

Under the Ikeda Trainee Dispatch, a Colorful Black Trainee Management Co., Ltd. will be established. Its positioning is to provide trainee management services for the Ikeda Trainee Dispatch, and its internal code is "Tui Nu".

The club will also set up two teams to push slaves, one is called "Acting in accordance with the law", which is composed of lawyers, and is responsible for resolving disputes between and exporting laborers through legal channels; The contract will engage missing laborers and educate them on the spirit of the contract.

At the end of January, the dispatch of Ikeda trainees received a large order of dispatching 1,500 laborers in the UAE, and the recruitment work has been carried out in full swing in many parts of Southeast Asia.

Wu Zhihao, one of the early laborers sent by Ikeda trainees, because when he was dispatched before, he was with a group of Southeast Asians and had a lot of contact with them. He learned a little bit of Southeast Asian language consciously or unconsciously, but it was very complicated. The languages ​​of various countries are intertwined. It is definitely not enough to be a translator, but it is no problem to communicate with Southeast Asians.

Because of his language skills, he changed from a dispatched worker to a full-time employee of the club, and was sent to Southeast Asia to be responsible for recruiting workers.

Province of Magway.

Wu Zhihao is communicating with an applicant.

"Mao Xianglin, are you literate?"

"I can understand a little bit."

As soon as he heard that Maung Xianglin could read, Wu Zhihao picked up two pieces of paper and handed them to Maung Xianglin, "You are applying for outdoor work at heights. On these two pieces of paper, one of them is a salary statement, which states the salary of the position, The handling fee of our club, the taxes and fees you have to pay, etc., the red bold words on the bottom line are the salary you can get every month;

The other one is the compensation standard. There are different compensation standards for death, serious injury, and minor injury. If you want to join the job, you need to designate a beneficiary. In case of an accident, we will hand over the compensation to you. in the hands of the beneficiary. "

Maung Xianglin took the two pieces of paper, first looked at the salary description, and frowned at first, there were a lot of deduction items, a little deduction here, a little deduction there, and the handling fee was ridiculously high, but when he saw the bottom line One line, his tangled brows opened again, he was very satisfied with the numbers he could get.

As soon as the final figure was connected with the deductions, he couldn't help muttering, "Just tell me how much money I can get in a month. Why should I list the deductions? It's ruining my mood."

After reading the salary description, Maung Xianglin looked at the compensation standard again. He expressed his satisfaction, but he didn't expect his life to be quite valuable. Putting the two pieces of paper together, he said to Wu Zhihao, "Sir, I want to join the job."

"Mao Xianglin, you have to think about it carefully. Outdoor work at heights is very dangerous, especially in the UAE, where the risk is even higher. In summer, the temperature during the day can exceed 40 degrees Celsius. It is easy to suffer from heat stroke and even get a cold if you are exposed to direct sunlight at high altitudes." Heat stroke."

"Sir, I've thought it over clearly, I want to join the job." Maung Xianglin said affirmatively.

"OK, then take a look at the contract template." Wu Zhihao responded, and handed a contract template to Maung Xianglin, "You can take it back and find a more educated person to read it. After reading it, if you still Insist on getting a job, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, please bring your ID card and a guarantor to sign the contract.”

"Who can be a guarantor?" Maung asked Lin.

"For a person with a certain reputation or assets, the guarantor is also a witness, and he also needs to sign the contract."

Maung Xianglin showed embarrassment, "Can't you sign the contract without a guarantor?"

"You can sign, but you can only get half of your salary for six consecutive months after you start the job. The three-month salary will be used as a deposit and will not be released until your contract expires." Wu Zhihao said, and handed Maung Xianglin a copy Contract, "This is the sample contract for the insured, and you also take a copy back."

"Okay, sir, I'll take it back and have someone look at it."

"OK, Next."

Nanyi still adheres to the principle of not cheating its own people, even for exporting laborers. The head fee is earned in the open, as much as it should be, and it will be explained clearly before signing the contract. It is up to the individual to decide whether to sign or not. , Don't force, act according to the contract after signing the contract, whoever treats him as a fool, the slave team will teach him how to behave.

Regardless of the fact that the Ikeda trainees are dispatched with severe deductions, in fact, when negotiating with the outside world, the contract was originally signed at a remuneration price higher than the normal industry standard. For the clients dispatched by the Ikeda trainees, although it requires I paid more money, but the advantage is peace of mind. I only need to pay money, and other trivial matters are dispatched by Ikeda trainees. It can be said that what Ikeda earns is trivial "service fees".

It costs money and manpower to recruit people. A series of things such as going abroad procedures, air tickets, dispatch, settlement, disputes, work-related injuries, etc. all require expenditure costs, and 60% of the average revenue will be consumed. Finally, it can be kept in hand. The profit margin here is actually not high.

The dispatch of Ikeda trainees earns quantitative profits. A staff member can be responsible for 50 workers or 150 workers within the scope of not exceeding their labor intensity. Theoretically speaking, the more workers, the lower the relative cost , the higher the profit rate, the greater the total profit.


The 1991 first medical examination report of the employees of Nan’s company came out. Nanyi looked at the comparison data table of the last three years’ data on the computer. Terrible, 36% of the people have developed "chronic fatigue syndrome", that is, sub-health.

On the basis of not reducing work efficiency and work intensity, improving the physical fitness of employees became a serious problem that Nan's had to solve in 1991.

The decline in the physical fitness of the staff will not only reduce the operating efficiency of Nanshi, but also a very big test for the fund pool of Nanshi's workers committee. This problem must be solved.

Nanyi participated in a seminar attended by the finance and accounting team, the heart control team, the Nan’s staff committee, and medical security related personnel in the situation policy committee. At the meeting, a series of improvement measures were formulated after discussion:

Establish several Nanshi’s own vacation \u0026 recuperation manors in selected areas, and at the same time select enterprises to pilot to implement plans to increase paid holidays and increase convalescent tourism vacations. If the effect is good, it will be promoted throughout Nanshi; from this year In the beginning, the companies under Nan's Group would hold sports competitions regularly, and the events of the competitions were freely decided by each company.

After the meeting, Nanyi hurried back to Coconut City, participated in the end of the three companies of Dream Town, Green Nuclear Development, and Yiwan International, distributed the year-end bonus of Yiwan International, and then rushed to Shanghai.

After the Shanghai Stock Exchange was established and the Shanghai Stock Exchange became a real stock exchange, Liu Zhen's original position as an inspector of a trust and investment company was revoked and replaced by an inspector of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, which is not considered a regular position and has no salary. It's too big of an obligation. Go to the Shanghai Stock Exchange meeting, and occasionally get some benefits such as eggs and pork belly.

To be honest, even looking at the job introduction, Nanyi couldn't figure out what the inspectors were doing, but Liu Zhen became busier than before, and couldn't find time to go back to the capital for the New Year.

When he arrived in Shanghai, Nan Yi had a good time with his son for two days, and then sat in the yard at noon when the sun was just right, watching "News" and the "Shanghai Stock Exchange Special Issue" that Liu Zhen brought back for him. The issue is just a sample for internal printing, and the layout format has not been finalized. I don't know how long it will take for a trial issue.

At this time, in addition to going to the three exchanges of Jinsheng, Shenyin, and Haitong, if you want to know the information about the Shanghai and Shanghai stock markets, you can only use the "old stereotyped shares" closing market that will be broadcast on time at 6:00 every night on Shanghai Radio Station, or you can just read "News" ", except for this newspaper, there is no news about the Shanghai stock market in other newspapers.

The stock market is still in the pilot stage, and there are fierce debates about whether to open a stock market as a capital or a society. Some people think that the stock market is a product of capitalist society.

Liu Zhen also told Nanyi a very interesting thing, saying that the league branch secretary of a certain factory was dismissed from the factory because he was a stockholder. Thieves are even more wretched.

Also because it is in the "pilot stage" and there are still debates in the society on whether to open a stock market, it is difficult to find even a few words of stock market information in newspapers, radio, television and other media.

In addition, the stock market is still relatively closed. If you want to buy Shanghai stocks, you have to come to Shanghai, and if you want to buy Shenzhen stocks, you have to go to Shenzhen. Now Shanghai and Shanghai are all local investors, including a small number of Zhejiang investors. Phoenix Chemical from Zhejiang Province.

At this time, the Shanghai Stock Exchange has not yet launched stock accounts, and the entrusted buy or sell is settled in cash after the transaction is completed; the entrusted price is divided into market price and limit price, and the market price is easy to understand. When the securities firm executes the entrustment , buy or sell at the current market price, the limit price is the specified price, whether you can trade depends on luck.

The validity period of the entrustment is divided into valid on the same day and valid on the 5th day. When investors fill in the purchase order, most of them will choose the market price and the entrustment content valid on the 5th day, because this entrusted transaction method is convenient and trouble-free, and can also increase the probability of transaction.

For the stock market at this time, the low trading efficiency is not a problem at all. Usually, it is difficult to buy stocks and sell them. It is difficult to buy stocks. You have to re-entrust them again and again. If you don’t increase the price, you can buy them in a month. Stocks are considered lucky; compared to buying, selling is relatively simple, as long as you yell at the securities firm and directly pull the buyer to the trading window to fill out the order together.

After the transaction is completed, the clearing and delivery can only be done on the fourth business day [Monday to Friday]. That is, if you sell on Monday, you can get the money on Thursday. It will be postponed on weekends, and the stock delivery list will be calculated manually by the staff of the sales department. Make the bill, sign and seal it, deduct 5‰ of the commission, and settle the rest of the money to the seller.

After spending two days in the Fang mansion, on Tuesday, February 5, Nan Yi took Nan Wuwei to Jinsheng Securities on Wanhangdu Road.

In Jinsheng Securities, there is a large household room called "Jing'an Fang".

Among the stocks, there are index stocks, or constituent stocks. Among the stockholders, there are also constituent stockholders who can represent the trend of the market. These people are old stockholders from the original Jingan Stock Exchange headed by Yang Wanwan, and they are all familiar with Nanyi. people.

On the first day of the Shanghai Stock Exchange's opening, these people accounted for more than 80% of the exchange's trading volume. Shen Yin saw that these people were uncles, and they had to set up a luxurious private room to pull them over, but How could Shenyin beat Jinsheng Securities? After all, Yang Wanwan and Guan Wanguo were close friends. As soon as he greeted him in the Jing'an group, everyone rushed to Jinsheng Securities.

Because of this, Shenyin has the earliest "big household room" in China, but the real big household room with big households is in Jinsheng Securities.

Nan Yi held Nan Wuwei's hand and pushed open the door of Jing'an's house. As soon as he entered the room, he raised his hand and waved to everyone, "Hello, comrades."

"The color TV model is good."

"Comrades have worked hard."

"Serving stocks."

In Jing'an's room, almost half of the people had chatted with Nanyi, and some even had dinner together. When they saw the acquaintances who had disappeared for a long time, they all joined in to respond.

"Color TV model, are you still making color TV?"

After teasing, Nan Yi glanced at Zhao Tianyang in the big family room, walked to Yang Wanwan without saying hello, and the blind man sitting beside him started talking to Nan Yi when he heard the movement.

"Hearing this tone is exaggerated, why, do you want to buy a color TV?"

"My TV at home is only 9 inches, and I plan to change it to another one." Wu Jiming said, rolling his eyes.

"I can find a way to get you cheap color TVs, but the machines are all in Qiongdao. I've stopped making color TVs a long time ago. Now I don't have a channel to bring the goods to Shanghai. If you don't feel tired, go and do it yourself."

"I'm blind."

What Wu Jiming said was to forget it, pretending that he didn't say it.

"Then I have nothing to do." Nanyi patted Wu Jiming on the shoulder, and said to Yang Wanwan: "Is the market big?"

"With a price limit of 0.5%, how big do you think the market can be?"

"Heh, it's not up to you whether the market is good or not. Lao Yang and you are now the giants behind the Shanghai stock market. Whoever wants to go up can go up, and whoever wants to go down can go down." Nan Yi said with a smile.

"Don't be ridiculous, if you want to say that you are the giant crocodile, Xiao Zhao is definitely the one in this room." Yang Wanwan said, giving a thumbs up.

"Low-key, low-key, Lao Yang, you just need to know."

Yang Wanwan said in a low voice, "Don't worry, I didn't spread the word to the outside world. Others don't know that Xiao Zhao is helping you speculate in stocks."

As he said that, his voice returned to normal volume, "It costs 800 yuan a month, and we will drink tea here. I put a little Sheshan green tea here, do you want to drink some? This is your son, what is his name? ?”

At this time, there was no capital threshold for the large family room. You only need to pay a monthly service fee of 800 yuan to enter. However, this fee standard can also be regarded as an "invisible threshold". How many people are willing to spend such a large sum of money just to sit in and drink? Cup of tea, now the monthly salary of 400 yuan is very rare.

"You call him Xiaowei, have a drink."

"Why not?"

"Forget it, I'll just give him a drink or two."

Yang Wanwan took a cup and made a cup of green tea for Nanyi, "I heard that some stock index period will be compiled, and I don't know when it will start to be released."

Nan Yi took the cup, blew a few breaths, and handed it to Nan Wuwei to let him take a sip first, "Is there an index, how should stocks be speculated or how to speculate, I heard that the price limit will soon be changed to 1%."

"I've also heard that although it has doubled, it doesn't mean much. Now the daily trading volume is very small, there are only buying orders and no selling orders. It is convenient to sit here. There is a dedicated phone line. If you want to buy, you can Buy it, throw it away if you want, now a top-ranked order outside has been sold for tens of dollars, it is not easy for retail investors to buy or sell."

Yang Wanwan said, pointing to a table in the corner, "Wenwen, the customer service manager here, we call her the high-speed runway, she places orders quickly and is well-informed."

Following what Yang Wanwan pointed out, Nan Yi looked at a long-haired woman sitting at the table. The woman was dressed very fashionable, and she was wearing a mid-section perm that is very popular among avant-garde people. The face looked okay.

"What's the background?" Nanyi Nunuzui asked.

"No background, just a college student who just graduated last year. The old guard arranged for her to be here because of her ability."


Nanyi nodded, and murmured in his heart: "I believe you ghost, who can be arranged here must at least be a confidant in Guan Wanguo's work, and there is a good chance that he has a close relationship."

"I heard that the food is managed here, and it's free?"

"There will be a guest meal here at noon [fast food box lunch], how can you have a guest meal here when you come here, I invite you at noon, and we will go out for a guest meal [go to the restaurant]."


After talking nonsense for a while in the big family room, when it was almost eleven o'clock, Yang Wanwan yelled, and the few people who hadn't left in the big family room called up, and the group went to the restaurant outside.

"You know the old man, so I won't introduce him. This is Li Shuangcheng. We call him Da Lao Li. This is Yang Weiguo. We call him Ahertou. This is Nanyi, the color TV model. He used to pour color TV, Grandpa. Auntie is Alahu Haining."

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