Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 798 Create an Oligarch

The next day, at five o'clock in the afternoon, Nanyi sat in the living room of Fang's Manor and waited. After waiting for two hours, Pubi Pong, who had diverted from Nay Pyi Taw, arrived.

"How is it going?"

"Everyone has been settled."

Nan Yi pointed to the news on TV, "It's progressing very quickly. Bangkok is not too riotous. It seems that things will subside soon."

“The people of Bangkok are used to a military coup every few years since Thailand became a constitutional monarchy in 1932,” Bhipippon said.

"I hope that things will pass soon and our work can return to normal as soon as possible. This time I call you here to report on the work mainly to talk about the arrangements for the Queen Mother Fruit Industry in the next few years. Houji Agriculture will establish a cotton planting area and a vegetable planting area in Uzbekistan. Wangmu Fruit Industry should also expand to the nut area, just in time, you can contact Nicholas Fuller, Wangmu Fruit Industry and Houji Agriculture will cooperate, and everyone will enter Uzbekistan together.”

"BOSS, there are a lot of fruits and nuts in Uzbekistan, which category should we start with?"

"Pistachio [the scientific name of pistachio, the name of pistachio is only commonly used in China] was first produced in Uzbekistan, and we started with it. However, pistachio has been in full fruit for too long. If we If you plant it yourself, you will not be able to make back your money for more than ten years.

Start with the acquisition of pistachio finished dried fruit, establish a good partnership with the dried fruit merchants in Tashkent, and then expand the business to other nuts and dried fruits. Zi Laoshu, when the situation in the Soviet Union becomes clearer, a large-scale nut and fruit plantation park will be established in Uzbekistan. "

Pubi Peng pondered for a while and said: "Our fresh fruit and dried fruit have independent brands. It is best to use a separate brand for nuts. In case something bad happens, the independent brand will not affect the overall situation."

"I have one brand name, Seven Camels. The big countries that grow pistachio are Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Iraq, and the United States, and the planting areas are all relatively dry places. It is easy to think of camels;

There are seven major producing countries, seven camels are just right, and other nuts are mainly planted in relatively dry areas. It is also appropriate to use camels as representatives. "

"Boss, is there any other meaning besides this?" Pubi Peng asked.

Nan Yi shook his head, "No, I'm not good at naming. The name Seven Camels is just for your reference. You can list it as an option or pass it directly. Don't worry about me."


"Okay, you are exhausted from the journey, go to rest first, and make a development plan for nuts during this period. After this year, I will allocate more time to Shennong Nanliang. Next year or the year after, I will allocate all of our All the planting bases have been inspected."

"Boss, goodbye."

"Goodbye, have a good rest."

After Pubi Peng left, Nanyi began to study the materials on the Soviet revision side on the computer.

According to the current data, the disintegration of the Soviet revisionists is about to become an established reality. The only thing that is uncertain is the specific time. Once upon a time, Nanyi thought about asking someone to show off his views on the Soviet revisionism, and even thought about creating a shock and making a Soviet revisionist. The title of problem expert now seems to be pure nonsense.

Tossing this topic before the middle of last year can still attract people's attention. In 1991, using this topic to attract people's attention is purely self-defeating.

After reading the information, Nanyi sent a secret email, asking the members of the ghost team to send a letter to Pavlyuchenko to confirm the white gloves list of Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Before the end of March, The Nan family needs to appoint a main supporter.

Nanyi is not very optimistic about the development of Nanshi in Russia. I always feel that the people in that place are too ugly to eat, and they will flip the table at every turn. It is not suitable for long-term operation. Nanshi’s current plan there is no long-term plan, and it can make more money. One sum counts for one sum, and if there is no money, pack up and leave at any time.

Kazakhstan has two main oil-producing areas, the Matga area of ​​Atyrau State and the new oil area of ​​Mangeshlak Peninsula, where Nanshi will deploy long-term oil investment projects;

Uzbekistan has high-quality fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, fruit cakes, chukhara, halva, and jams. It is a good choice to deploy high-end fruit and vegetable products there;

Needless to say, Ukraine is a piece of black soil that feeds Europe. The banks of the Dnieper River are a proper European granary. There will be great prospects for the deployment of staple food planting bases there. The only thing that needs to be noted is that the land should preferably be in the Ussi area, not near Russia. of Udon.


Vasily Babanov, the president of the Vasily Group, was relatively active and busy during this time. He often met with all the cooperative members.

In 1986, the Soviet revisionists launched a rectification campaign against "non-salary income". The original intention of this campaign was to punish corruption, but in fact the Soviet revisionist Politburo did not define "non-salary income".

The movement is fierce, and the progress is quickly out of control. Renting out the idle house at home counts as non-salary income, and taking a family car to go out and rent it out counts as non-salary income. All the so-called "non-salary income" to be cracked down on are legal.

Subsequently, Lao Ge took two significant and far-reaching measures to slow down the pace of socialist experiments. To alleviate economic shortages and in response to the runaway "non-wage income" movement, a law was passed in 1986 allowing Soviet revisionist citizens to engage in "self-employed labor".

This approach allows everyone to become self-employed, filling an economic gap that is riddled with loopholes and deficits.

A great deal of private practice soon became possible, including crafts and service industries, and teachers could tutor students after school, as many teachers had done before, but new laws were passed to make it legal from the shadowy side , you don’t have to worry any more.

Furthermore, the law does not impose any regulations on prices. In other words, individuals can charge as much as they want. This law has begun to be free from state control, but there are still many strict restrictions.

Start-up entrepreneurs can only employ family members and are limited to areas where the state sector is not doing well, mainly goods that are in short supply, and some industries are still prohibited, such as printing and print media.

Suxiu began cautiously in 1987 to allow new independent businesses to emerge in related fields such as waste recycling, bread baking, shoe repair, laundry services and consumer goods.

Although limited in scale, the cooperative movement brought public attention to the existence of private enterprise in a sea of ​​stagnant and ossified socialism, which was indeed a sight to behold.

Among the many eye-catching businesses that have sprung up — a cooperative has set up paid toilets in central Moscow, and their toilets are clean, music is playing, pink toilet paper and new sanitary ware are provided. Most people have never seen such facilities, and of course they don't have them at home.

Other cooperatives have also used their brains. For example, in order to attract young people to consume and cater to the tastes of rebellious young people, the dance hall compiled the disco song "American Boy"

When the Cooperative Society Act was officially passed in 1988, many cooperatives were on their way to becoming private businesses, and a new era began.

For Nanyi, there is a clause in the "Cooperative Law" that is very beneficial to Nanyi, which allows the formation of financial or credit enterprises in the form of cooperatives, in other words, banks.

Facing many undetermined factors, cooperatives have sprung up one after another, without basic rules at all. Previously, the Soviet revisionist planning committee formulated plans for all economic activities, requiring enterprises to complete various indicators from superiors, but cooperatives were allowed to make independent decisions and retain profits for themselves.

What stands out most about the Co-op Act is its new definition of personal liberty, which says that any activity is allowed as long as it is not expressly prohibited, a complete reversal of decades of strong state intervention.

Generally speaking, cooperatives only disclose the gray economic activities they are engaged in to the public, and the gray economy naturally includes bad guys. The "Cooperative Law" does not clearly define whether bad guys are illegal.

It is okay to say it is legal, and it is not wrong to say it is illegal. Anyway, we are crossing the river by feeling the stones and letting it develop first. If the situation is not right, put it in a pocket crime.

The idea of ​​cooperatives is beautiful, but in the process of development, there are always smart people who think more far-reaching, and their courage is so bold that they are tired of hard work and production. It is better to get subsidized equipment or equipment from state-owned enterprises or the black market. For cheap products, it is a pleasure to quickly flip hands to get the price difference.

Of course, there are also honest people who just do some small businesses such as waste recycling and shoe repair in a regular manner, so that the family can eat Lieba every meal, and some pickled cucumbers, and they will be satisfied. Of course, if they can have another delicious The red soup is even better.

However, no matter for honest or dishonest cooperatives, there is one thing that is very sad, that is, the money of the cooperative must be placed in the bank designated by the organization, and the staff of those banks have mastered a special skill of "passing geese". Hair plucking", of course it is okay to withdraw money from the account, the premise is that it is meaningful, and it can't be trivial, and this meaning can't make yourself feel embarrassed.

Vasily Babanov is sitting in the flagship store of Vanderfususch on Arbat Street, and opposite him is a young man named Smolensky.

Smolensky was a young man with Austrian background and Jewish ancestry. People of this kind of background were destined to be unpopular in Soviet revisionism.

In order to survive, he worked as typesetting in a printing house, as a clerk in a publishing house, and also worked part-time in a bakery. Later, he started to do illegal business - secretly printing the "Bible".

Soviet revisionism believes in atheism. People should believe in science and not engage in superstition. The "Bible" is considered an illegal publication, and they are caught whenever they see it. However, the more it is banned, the more enthusiastic people are. In Soviet revisionism in the 1980s, the "Bible" was scarce It is also very popular, and it is a hard currency in the black market.

It didn't take long for Smolenskey to break the law and get involved.

While serving his sentence, Smolensky worked as a coolie in the construction team. He keenly discovered that the Soviet revisionist central planning system could not meet the construction needs of Moscow. The per capita housing area stipulated by the state was 9 square meters, but Moscow Half of the population of 9.5 million cannot meet this standard.


The state-owned construction company, with its low efficiency and slow progress, could not solve such a huge demand. Therefore, he pulled up a black market construction team, worked as a contractor, and quietly competed with the national construction team for work.

Just when Smolensky was enjoying the work of the contractor, the "Cooperative Law" was promulgated. This is not too good news for him. When it was banned before, he passed the relationship What I do is almost a unique business. Now that the opening is allowed, there will be more competitors.

Seeing that his architectural dream could not go on, Smolensky gritted his teeth and stomped his feet. The dream was gone, and he could no longer delay making money. He simply disbanded the construction team, lowered his status and became a loser , with the business cells carved in his bones, he was able to get along like a duck to water.

"Do you want more fries?"

Vasily pointed to the French fries in Smolensky's bowl.

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