Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 800 Snow Mountain Trust

Nested in Fang's manor and read high-tech materials for two days. On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Nan Yi was planning to go to the kitchen to help Mrs. Chen rub glutinous rice balls, when a reminder of a new email came from the computer.

When I opened the email, I found that it was a report on the development of the Nanshi in the Soviet Union sent by Masami Uedo from Moscow.

After reading the beginning, Nan Yi put down the mail first and went to the kitchen.



"Hey, it's been hard work."

Nan Yi responded to the maid who greeted him, and walked to Mrs. Chen, "Ms. Chen, is the tribute ready?"

"It's ready, I'll bring it."

"Okay, let's serve it."

The 15th day of the first lunar month is another day for the Stove Lord. You have to be grateful for something if you can eat and drink well. Nan Yi thought it would be better to be grateful to the Stove Lord. You only need to offer some sweet and sweet rituals. You can also continue to eat. This kind of gratitude is more affordable, and it is no more difficult to fill than other desires.

After the food was served, Nanyi helped Mrs. Chen make a few salty glutinous rice balls, and waited for Fang Mengyin to come back before eating.

After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Nanyi spent a day and a half reading Su Xiu's report, and then connected Ma Shimin and Liu Zhen for a conference call.

"Liu Zhen, I have already told you during the Chinese New Year that you take out the houses in your hand and inject them into the Snow Mountain Trust."

Two operations of oil futures, the first time I got 120 million US dollars, the second time I got 155 million US dollars, and I got a total of 275 million US dollars. After that, Nanyi injected 50 million US dollars into Rachel’s space travel laboratory, his personal There are 225 million U.S. dollars left in funds, and a total of 14 million yuan in various currencies in Yiwan International's account.

Personal assets include 50% shares of Jingxi Tesco, 15% dry shares of Huang Saner Training Course, 0.5% shares of Nanchen Liquor Industry, and the land in Xiaoya Bay; the debt part includes Yang Kaiyan's payable principal plus profit of 100 million yuan , deducting 20% ​​commission, a total of negative 90 million yuan.

"I'm fine, what about you, how much to inject?"

"I have 200 million US dollars, the shares of Beijing West Tesco, the shares of Nanchen Liquor Industry, and Huang San'er and Yu Dongfang are about to merge to form a new English training institution. I also have shares in it. In addition, Xiaoyawan also has There are 9,200 acres of land, most of which belong to me personally.

I will keep half of the final proceeds from the Xiaoya Bay land, except for this, I will inject all the rest into the Snow Mountain Trust, are you satisfied? "

"Where is Billion International?"

"I said Liu Zhen, don't be too cruel, I don't want to keep some family money to make money."

"Okay, let's do it like this, talk about the beneficiary."

"The specific amount of each month is to be determined. Let me talk about the division of the amount, 50% for me, 10% for you, and 40% for nothing."

Liu Zhen was silent for a while, and said: "I have no objection to my quota, why is your quota so high, just tell me, someone will benefit from your 50%."

"I still have a daughter in London. In addition, there should be another daughter in a few years. I have to prepare for them. There are also relative adopted children such as Ruofeng, Hongdou, and New Year's Day. Something to say, and..."

"Okay, even if hundreds of adopted children are not as good as your three biological daughters, don't make up the number of those you have."

Nan Yi has always emphasized in front of others that Nan Ruofing is his own, and he has always treated Nan Ruofing as his own, but if he is not a relative, he is not a relative. If Fing has no cultivation value, it doesn't matter what happens later.

"Don't talk about making up the numbers. I'm hoping to repay Li, but if Li offers it, I don't mind returning watermelon. Adopted children are also children, and there is nothing less that should be given."

"I see. I agree with the distribution plan you mentioned. Tell me, will you inject more funds in the future? I still have more than 20 million Hong Kong dollars in my hand, and there are more than 70 million Hong Kong dollars in Zigong Fund's account." , do you want to inject these?"

"First, the Zigong Fund is only entrusted to you to manage, it has never belonged to you personally, it is Nan's assets; second, most of your money is given to you by me personally, and a small part is given to you by Nan's monthly bill , you can keep it for yourself, if you want to continue to buy a house, I have no problem with using it to supplement your family.

From now on, I will give you 2 million US dollars in pocket money every year, and you can spend it as you like, without discussing with me, as long as you are willing, you can make a good face outside. "

"Hey, you're too late, you're bothering, I don't want to, I'll only have you as a man in this life."

Nan Yi smiled, "Well, what you said sounds heart-warming. When I die, the two of us will push them into the stove and burn them together. We will live together in the same quilt every night, and we will die together in the same tomb."

"What if you die before me?"

"I'm dead, you still have the guts to live, you're sure to crash your head against my coffin."

"Go, go, whoever wants to die with you, as long as they can live to 180, I will never die at 179." Liu Zhen spat.

"Okay, you can live well."

"Boss, I've been here all the time." Ma Shimin said, unable to listen any longer.

"OK, you heard what I discussed with Liu Zhen just now, the matter of Xueshan Trust will be entrusted to you, and it will be hung under the name of Adam Bank. Remember, this is my private matter, you can just know it yourself. You don’t need to tell others, and you don’t need to file with the Intelligence Policy Committee.”

"No problem, I will treat Xueshan Trust as a VIP customer of Adam Bank, and the commission that should be charged will not be less."

"Ha, Simon, your Hong Kong taste is getting stronger and stronger."

"You shouldn't."

"Haha, bye." Nan Yi smiled, and after Ma Shimin hung up, he said to Liu Zhen: "Don't forget that you are still the nominal leader of the financial team, don't just take the benefits of Nan's, you should also get some Come out and contribute to the Nan family."

"My lord, I understand, I won't take your money for nothing."

"As long as you have the count, hang up."

A long time ago, Nanyi had the idea of ​​setting up a trust fund, but he didn't know how many beneficiaries there would be before, and the situation had not yet reached the most urgent time. Now the Soviet revisionist harvest period is coming soon, South Africa Raiders It has also started, and then it will plan for the three Asian tigers. Nan's will usher in a transition period from quantitative change to qualitative change.

At this time, the issue of the heir had to be clearly stated on the table, so that Scarlet could rest assured that she would not have to worry about it anymore; let Liu Zhen stop thinking about what she shouldn't have; Catherine and Zhao Shixian should be careful, don't make any fuss.

After thinking about it for a while, Nanyi turned on the computer and wrote an email, which contained a list of beneficiaries of the Snow Mountain Trust: Nan Wuwei 40%, Liu Zhen 10%, Nan Ruofing 15%, Nan Ruojin 15%, Zhao Jiatong 15% , Nanyi 5%.

Zhao Jiatong on the list is the unborn daughter of Nanyi and Zhao Shixian, and she will have another name, Nan Ruoqi. Nanyi really feels tired of raising children. Four is the limit, and the fifth one is too much for him.

Besides, he plans to leave at least tens of billions of dollars in cash, 100 tons of gold, and more than 50 billion dollars worth of virtual assets in stocks to each of his children. This goal is already quite difficult, and he does not want to make it more difficult for himself up.

It took a week for Nanyi to complete the establishment of Xueshan Trust. By the way, he also established a Nanji Industrial Group Company in Andorra, and established Nanji Petrochemical Company registered in Malaysia and Virgin Islands registered company under it. Nanji Holdings invested in two subsidiaries.

After finishing his work, Nan Yi called Ruan Mei to confirm that she was at home, so he went to a shop that specializes in customizing and selling costumes. A few days ago, he ordered two costumes for men and women here, and got them Nan Yi was very satisfied with the costumes, so he rushed to Yangwu Village excitedly.

Knocking on Ruan Mei's courtyard door and entering the living room, Nan Yi handed a copy of "Yu Shi Ming Yan" which was in three words and two beats to Ruan Mei, "Look at the first pearl shirt."

Ruan Mei took the book and asked in confusion, "Why did you suddenly let me watch this? Is there a new play?"

"That's right, there's a new play, watch it quickly, and I'll accompany you through it after watching it."

"You?" Ruan Mei looked at Nanyi suspiciously, "Can you act?"

"Don't underestimate people, just wait and see."

Nanyi smiled ambiguously and mysteriously, put down the shopping bag in his left hand, and walked towards Ruan Mei's wine cabinet with the plastic bag in his right hand. He remembered that there seemed to be a vase of flower carvings here.

After Nan Yi left, Ruan Mei opened the book in her hand in a daze, glanced at the table of contents, and then started reading from the first page of the text.

After finding the Huadiao wine, Nanyi put down the plastic bag in his hand, took out a pair of candlesticks, a pair of dragon and phoenix red candles, and a pair of cups, took them to the kitchen to wash, and Nanyi took the things away After entering the bedroom, set up the candlesticks, close the cups, and pour wine into the cups.

After getting ready, Nan Yi returned to Ruan Mei in the living room.

"Have you finished reading?"

Ruan Mei closed the book, "After reading it, who shall I play, Wang or Ping?"

"Play Ping first, then Wang. I will play Chen Shang first, then Jiang De, Jiang Xingge. We will start when Chen Shang sees Wang in the window on the second floor, and then Xue Pozhi in the second part. The two maids of Jiang's family drank with Wang Shi, during which time they kept telling pornographic jokes, and even said they would sleep naked with Wang Shi, Wang Shi was drunk and muddleheadedly agreed..."

Hearing this, Ruan Mei's cheeks turned red, she understood what Nanyi wanted to do, and punched Nanyi's chest with a small fist, "You are a villain, you will bully me."

"Hey, sentimentality, sentimentality." Nanyi smiled cheaply, took out the shopping bag that he had put down just now, and took out two female costumes from it, "These two are yours, you go upstairs to the bedroom to change, I will Change on the first floor, after the change, we will bury our seats."

"Oh Well."

Ruan Mei is only shy on the outside, but passionate on the inside. She is actually very interested in the drama Nanyi is talking about.

"The fifteen minute countdown starts on time."

"No problem."

As soon as Ruan Mei went upstairs, Nan Yi took off her coat, put on the costume, and tied her hair in a bun very reluctantly.

Putting on the costume, Nanyi took another paper fan and looked down. He didn't find anything wrong, so he walked out of the room and walked to the gate of the courtyard, estimating the time, waiting quietly, and recalling in his mind Ximen Qinghe's interpretation of the small businessman in the costume film.

In the book "Yu Shi Ming Yan", the character of Chen Shang is nicknamed Ximen Qing, and because of this, the scene where he and Wang met for the first time on the road to peace is like Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian.

The time was almost up, Nan Yi swung open the paper fan, walked like a dragon and walked like a tiger, shaking his head and walking towards the yard. While walking, he was still reciting poems, "Purple, purple, red and red make a beautiful dust, how many springs can we meet in life. Young man Don't do personal affairs, I'm afraid the spring breeze will laugh at people."

"Hey, officer!"

When Chen Shang walked downstairs, Wang's excited shout came down. Chen Shang looked up, and Wang realized that he had identified the wrong person, and it was not an official who had not returned for a long time since he went out to do business. hand covering his mouth.

When Chen Shang saw Mrs. Wang, he immediately felt that the little lady in front of him was extremely beautiful, and he couldn't help but be amazed.

As soon as Wang met Chen Shang's fiery gaze, she lowered her head shyly, and slowly stepped back and disappeared into the window. After a while, Ruan Mei's head popped out of the window again.

"The first act is over, what about the next act?"

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