After Luo Zhaohui left school, he had no backing, no background, and no direction or resources. Under the helpless and powerless gaze of his parents, Luo Zhaohui stepped into the society stubbornly and helplessly.

And from then on, in the society, I began to gradually understand life.

In order to make a living, Luo Zhaohui finally found a subsistence job after several rounds and rounds of inquiries. He found a job as a security guard at Chungking Mansions on Nathan Road Street, with a monthly salary of 900 yuan.

Chungking Mansions, formerly known as CQ Market, was built in 1920 and covers an area of ​​about 50,000 square feet. It was originally a mansion with more than 30 shops selling foreign goods, mainly serving tourists and foreign sailors.

Later, the war broke out, and a few years later Xiangtang fell, and Chungking Mansions was forced to close down.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the businessmen who originally opened shops in Chungking Mansions returned one after another, but the entire building of Chungking Mansions has been severely damaged by the war, leaving only a broken skeleton.

In 1958, an overseas Chinese named Hu Jian took a fancy to the land of CQ Market, and applied to the supervisor at the time to purchase it; in 1962, the entire building of CQ Market was rebuilt.

The whole building has a total of 17 floors, with a 180-degree sea view design. The 1st to 3rd floors are shopping malls, and the rest of the floors are designed as independent residences. Because each unit of the residence has an independent balcony design, and the space is small, the location is superior, and it is very convenient for renting out.

Later, this newly built building became a mixed building where all kinds of low-level migrant workers gathered. In order to facilitate management, the competent department named this place as Chongqing Mansion.

In 1978, when Luo Zhaohui was working as a security guard in the building, Chongqing Mansions had already been reduced to a kaleidoscope of mixed fish and dragons in Hong Kong society.

Luo Zhaohui, who was only 14 years old at the time, did not know these truths. The only thing he knew was that as long as he obediently sat in the building and watched the door, he would be able to receive his salary at the end of the month.

Even as humble as this, the job didn't last long.

Because paper cannot contain fire, even if the building's notoriety has not been heard, Luo Zhaohui can feel it once he is in it.

As the old saying goes, living with evil people is like entering an abalone house. If you don't smell the smell for a long time, you will also melt with it. The young Luo Zhaohui didn't want to smell himself, so he took the initiative to resign and leave.

Later, in order to make ends meet, Luo Zhaohui worked as a salesman, porter, hotel part time, sold newspapers, worked as a waiter, even worked as a shoe shiner in Temple Street, and as a groom for Yifeng on the first floor.

Years of wandering between the three religions and nine streams, shuttling between yellow, white, brown and black skins, the part-time job did not bring him a lot of rewards, but taught him several valuable skills - observing words and demeanor, eloquent tongue, sweet tongue, forbearance deposition.

In 1981, the Hong Kong real estate market rose in due course, and the house buying craze was in full swing.

Luo Zhaohui, who was seventeen years old at the time, found a job as a real estate agent in the real estate store of Mantong Real Estate in the International Building in Central by virtue of his excellent eloquence.

Because of his outstanding eloquence, good at observing words and expressions, coupled with his good brain and hard-working legs, Luo Zhaohui stood out in this store by virtue of his outstanding performance far surpassing others in just one year.

Soon, he got a promotion and salary increase, won Bai Damei every night, reached the pinnacle of his life, was promoted from a clerk to a store manager, and his income also increased.

When he was young and successful, the astute Luo Zhaohui quickly discovered a secret in the store's business.

Mantong Real Estate, which Luo Zhaohui serves, is a company that specializes in cultivating old building resources. Their main business is like collecting and selling high-end semi-waste products, finding old properties for sale, buying them at a low price, looking for customers, and selling them at a high price. Once in and out, the buyers and sellers you come into contact with are often either rich or expensive.

After Luo Zhaohui was promoted to the store manager, he soon entered the company's executive level. Not long after, Luo Zhaohui received a task from the company, which was responsible for dealing with wealthy nobles, businessmen and celebrities who owned a large number of old buildings.

If you don't analyze it, you don't know, but after thinking about it carefully, Luo Zhaohui is secretly delighted, "If you capture a target, then your sales income will be dozens or even hundreds of times that of when you were a shop assistant.

Not only that, but the target person that I have won will also become a network resource for my future prosperity. Perhaps, there are more benefits that I haven't thought of yet. "

This discovery was like a big cake, and it was also like a bloody mouth, which hit and bit Luo Zhaohui's great ambition that had been hidden in his heart for a long time.

In 1985, the 21-year-old Luo Zhaohui was promoted to a senior store manager in the Mantong Real Estate store. Because of his quick mind and slick skills, he gradually got acquainted with many wealthy businessmen in the celebrity circle through the store's professional business.

At that time, Guan Erfu, who started from a family business and had already made a lot of money in the business world, and who was famous outside, became Luo Zhaohui's new main target.

In order to capture him as he wished, Luo Zhaohui tried his best to inquire extensively and focus on casting the net. He learned from a wealthy businessman who knew Guan Erfu well that Guan Erfu had another obsessive hobby besides collecting butterflies and collecting honey - antique collection.

Antique collection has always been exclusive to the rich in Xiangtang. Although Luo Zhaohui has earned some money, he is still powerless to buy antiques.

Not to mention, Luo Zhaohui was very open-minded, he withdrew all the frugal savings in his account, bought an antique watch at a special counter, and then entrusted someone to give it to Guan Erfu.

Guan Erfu, who likes seven-inch precision hits, received an antique watch and understood Luo Zhaohui's nomination letter. Soon, he met Luo Zhaohui through a middleman.

Not to mention, after the shrewd Guan Erfu inquired about Luo Zhaohui's efforts to get to know him from the side, he secretly admired Luo Zhaohui's courage, and at the same time, he also admired his intermittent ambition.

Cannibals are soft-mouthed, but short-handed.

Afterwards, Guan Erfu, who accepted the heavy gift, reciprocated intentionally or unintentionally through his circle of friends, and introduced a lot of store business to Luo Zhaohui. Like a rocket, he quickly transformed into a horse boy in the rich circle, and learned the magic technique of getting rich by borrowing chickens and laying eggs.

In June 1988, Luo Zhaohui was twenty-four years old. In order to retain the contacts in the wealthy circle that he had worked so hard to build, Luo Zhaohui, who had already figured out the inside story of the real estate industry, resigned from Mantong Real Estate and left alone. Complete the recruitment at the same speed, establish your own real estate company Huangjue, set up a separate business, and start working alone.

At first, Luo Zhaohui’s company business was just a continuation of Mantong Real Estate, which was dedicated to speculating and selling old real estate for rich people, and operating glass curtain walls and aluminum business. Later, with the growth of ability and wealth, he gradually got Guan Erfu In-depth support and guidance.

In addition to real estate speculation, Luo Zhaohui began to gradually get involved in construction projects, and even planned to copy part of the business model of his old owner, Mantong Real Estate.

Soon, Guan Erfu took Luo Zhaohui to make a deal to buy shops. He bought 10 shops together, and then sold them separately after decoration. This transaction made Luo Zhaohui more than 7 million yuan. This can be said to be the meaning of Luo Zhaohui’s life Really first barrel.

Afterwards, Luo Zhaohui made several similar transactions, and his net worth became more and more lucrative, already faintly approaching the 100 million yuan mark.

Although Luo Zhaohui has become a "billionaire", he still does not forget his original intention, and respects Guan Erfu as always, not to mention just saying hello to Mommy, even Li Chiliang can order him to do things, and he not only often Run errands for Li Chiliang, and also pay tribute to Li Chiliang from time to time.

Because his ambition is not only to become a billionaire, he also wants to climb the top rich circle in Hong Kong. Although he has not studied for more than ten years, now he has picked up his studies again, not from books, but from Guan Guan. Golf.

After getting acquainted with Guan Erfu, he is good at observing words and deeds, and gradually discovers Guan Erfu's means of making a fortune. But due to his wealth and background, he, who had just become rich before, did not dare to learn everything.

It doesn't matter if you haven't read much, and you don't know how to analyze stock market data. Since Ma Zai started, he is very good at following.

He appeared in the nightclub today because he felt that he already had enough money, and he should ask Guan Erfu for tips on stock trading, so that his wealth could increase rapidly again.

He said he was asking for advice, but in fact he wanted to follow.

After all, the secret of creating wealth is like a cat teaching a tiger. It is impossible to teach people through their belly. Luo Zhaohui has been in the rich circle for many years, and of course he is well versed in it. Follow along, that is, the eldest brother will make a fortune.


On the way to Nathan Road, Nan Yi asked Xiaohua to stop by a newsstand, and he got off the car and bought a few copies of "Weekly Magazine", including current issues and past issues.

I took the magazine and flipped through it quickly, skipping the related articles of "Ban TV Awards", glanced at the celebrity gossip, and put together the selected ones about Li Chiliang, and read it again.

Not to mention, the paparazzi of "Pan Weekly" is good, and the writer's writing style is also very good. Not only did they explain the affairs of Guan Erfu and Li Chiliang clearly, but also the plot is full of ups and downs, which is fascinating.

Among them, a lot of pen and ink fell on Luo Zhaohui, saying that Luo Zhaohui often bought brand-name bags and jewelry for Li Chiliang, there are pictures and the truth.

Nan Yi pouted, always feeling that Luo Zhaohui was not just trying to please "Sister-in-law", but probably also wanted to do it.

"Hey, it's interesting. First Qiu Zhen, followed by Li Tongban's gossip, and then Guan Erfu's truth. Is the next one Luo Zhaohui? Big brother, younger brother, Ma Zi, one after another, big and small uncles, really fucking know Playing, do you want to get together and be a brother-in-law?"

Nan Yi pondered for a while, put the magazines together and put them aside, Li Chiliang was not his favorite, his voice was ugly and his character was not good, let’s have fun, character is not important, mouth is also You can only maintain the function of eating, mainly because this woman is too expensive, which does not conform to his principles of hard work, simplicity, and thrifty housekeeping in terms of women.

Picking up a girl, giving money and giving him a building, still never returning, the cost is too high, and it is not affordable at all.

After a while, the car arrived at Jinhan Building on Nathan Road. Under the guard of Xiaohua and Tiger Cub, Nanyi walked towards the elevator shaft.

The old buildings here in Xiangfang, no matter how big the scenes inside, the entrances are all the same cramped. The Oriental Nightclub is one of the few gold-selling caves in Xiangfang. Not up to grade.

After waiting in the elevator shaft for a while, it was my turn to monopolize the elevator.

After going up to the 3rd floor and stepping into the gate of the Oriental Nightclub, Nan Yi noticed the appearance of a golden cave.

Before standing still, a mommy walked towards Nanyi twisting her waist, and said to Nanyi in a very business-like tone rather than a nightclub: "Sir, is this your first time here?"

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