Nan Yi looked at the woman and asked uncertainly, "We know each other?"

The woman looked at the surprised Nan Yi, stood up and walked to him, "Well, brother must have saved a lot of people, it's normal if you don't remember me, the one who fell into the water in the Summer Palace, remember me?"

As soon as the woman opened her mouth, she couldn't hide her strong local accent, and she knew it was from Tianlong as soon as she heard it.

"You are the one from the Summer Palace named..."

Nan Yi draws a long voice, he doesn't know what the woman's name is at all. Back then, the woman left a name for the tiger cub, but Nan Yi never cared about it, and never asked the tiger cub.

Listening to Nanyi's long voice, the tiger cub reached into his pocket, touched a button, and pressed it rhythmically.

Feeling the shaking frequency from the outer thigh, Nanyi quickly converted it into letters in his mind, "W, E, N, W, A, N."

After stroking in his mind, after guessing which two words it was, Nanyi dropped the long tone, and said with an apologetic face: "Comrade Wen Wan, I'm sorry, it's been too long, and my memory is a bit fuzzy."

"Nanyi, what a coincidence, so you saved Wen Wan from drowning?" Lai Biao, who was sitting on the sofa, said in surprise.

"That's right, it was this brother who saved me." Wen Wan responded to Lai Biao, and then said to Nan Yi: "Let me introduce formally, Wen Wan, a native of Tianlong."

"Nanyi, a native of the capital."

After the introduction, Nan Yi sat down on the empty seat next to Chen Feng, grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the coffee table, picked up one and threw it into his mouth, "Biaozi, what are you eating tonight?"

Lai Biao didn't answer, and Wen Wan took over the conversation, "Bazhen tofu, Lao Bao San, jar meat, fried fish fillets, and fried cabbage in sauce."

"you do?"

"I'll do it, you guys wait." Wen Wan said, and walked towards the kitchen.

As soon as the gentle figure disappeared, Nanyi looked at Lai Biao and asked, "Biaozi, what's the matter?"

"You're so smart, can't you see it?" Lai Biao asked back.

"Arranged at home?"

"Yes." Lai Biao nodded, his face slightly depressed.

"When will it be done?"

"It hasn't been decided yet. We will get engaged first this year, and we will choose a date for the official wedding next year."


Seeing Lai Biao's appearance, Nan Yi didn't show much reluctance or excitement, so he didn't rashly say congratulations.

Chen Feng grabbed two melon seeds from Nanyi, pressed them with his fingers, threw the melon seed shells on the coffee table, and threw the melon seeds into his mouth, "Nanyi, we were just discussing a Drive Travel, the destination is Tubo, you want Don't want to be together?"

"Take the Sichuan-Tibet line?"

"Where else can I go if I don't take this road?" Chen Feng spat.

Nan Yi said sarcastically: "Then you are really the real warriors described by Lu Xun. Since the completion of the Sichuan-Tibet line, how many auto soldiers have died in the transportation every year? Why, do you think your driving skills can be compared with them?"

"Come on, they are driving a fully loaded Dafang. It is much safer for us to drive a small car."

"Even if the driving is safe, how can you guarantee the safety on the road? I know this road very well. The reclamation group originally wanted to sell Tibetan sheep and goats. They took two trips to test the water and went to a total of six vehicles. There were only four cars that came back in full. One fell off the cliff and jumped out of the car just in time. One met a robber, who saw that the car was out of stock, so they robbed the car.

This is still explained before departure, if you encounter a robbery, don’t resist, just run away, you don’t know, the two drivers who ran into the ravine, when they found them, they were almost starved and their minds were not very clear. ;

According to them, in the ravine, they saw several bones, and there were pieces of cloth and paper beside them, and the date 1987 could be found on them. "

Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise, "Is that an exaggeration?"

"Most areas along the way are deserted, and the road is steep. The Sichuan-Tibet line is a golden road for robbery. Even if it is an ambush robber, it is very difficult to trap. As long as they escape, the two divisions will not want to turn people over. come out."

Lai Biao asked, "Nanyi, is it really so dangerous?"

"It's so dangerous. If you really want to go, you have to find a veteran car soldier who took this line to be the driver, and you have to find a squad of soldiers to escort you. But if you want to do this, is there still energy? Why don't you fly directly to Gongga Airport Come on, it's easier that way."

Hearing what Nanyi said, Lai Biao and Chen Feng looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

Nanyi really does not support their self-driving tour on the Sichuan-Tibet line. Now this road is really steep. It is not a two-handed knife driver who will panic when he hits a stone on Kaiping Road in the city.

"Biaozi, what do you say?"

After looking at each other for a while, Chen Feng first broke the silence.

"I'll try." Lai Biao responded to Chen Feng, looked at Nanyi again, and said with firm eyes: "Old Nan, I want to go."

"Beating, you can go if you want, rest assured, as far as our relationship is concerned, I will definitely get your bones back."

"Don't pretend, you know what I mean, help me get some equipment."

What Lai Biao means, of course Nan Yi understands that Lai Biao has a great future and is more cautious in doing things. He will not do things that do not conform to his identity, or cover them up very cleverly.

The house in Langfang Toutiao, the money Lai Biao used to buy the house at the beginning belonged to his legal labor income, that is, the salary that can be said on the scene, even if someone finds him in the future when the house is worth tens of millions or hundreds of millions Don't worry about the trouble, after all, it can be explained clearly when traced back to the source.

Since Lai Biao insists on taking the self-driving tour on the Sichuan-Tibet line, the equipment must keep up. Many things cannot be bought in China and must be bought from abroad. What Lai Biao wants is to borrow the name and channels of Nanyi.

"Don't think about it again?"

Lai Biao shook his head and said: "Don't think about it, I will go there no matter how dangerous it is, I want my heart to wander."

"Okay, I'll help you buy the equipment you need, even if it's a wedding gift."

Nanyi thinks about it, but Lai Biao is still not ready to accept the reality of being married, so he will take a trip to relax himself, or he is still vaguely expecting to encounter some danger.


"Thank you, whoever we are with."

"If you are in trouble, I will make it up for you." Chen Feng said amusedly.

"Fuck off, the Manhattan policeman you teased had a relapse of mental illness and was sent to the Second People's Hospital of New York for medical treatment. The deputy director of the Fifth Avenue police station is I, Tie Ci, and he told me that they are about to summon you , let you go to the countryside to hide first."

"I'm not afraid. My second uncle is at the Cannon Bureau in Manhattan. I know everyone there. Just say hello."

"Hey, I didn't see it, the relationship between the buddies is very strong."

"Haha, old Nan, you are too poor." Chen Feng laughed loudly.

"Ratchet of the same feather, you are the grasshopper, and I am the cricket."

Chen Feng and Nan Yi looked at each other, and laughed out loud in no particular order, and Lai Biao joined in midway, and the three of them smirked like this for half a minute, melting their joy and sorrow into their laughter.

After laughing, the three of them took out their cards and chatted while playing cards.

"Old Nan, have you heard about Mounand's change of plane?" Chen Feng threw a three-four-five-three straight, and drew three more cards from the deck.

Nanyi played with five six seven, and also drew three cards from the deck.

The three-player game is called grabbing five cards. One player holds five cards in his hand, and when he loses a few cards, he grabs a few cards. He must keep five cards in his hand until the cards in the pile are drawn. In the end, whoever is the first to play Whoever wins at the end wins, the way of playing cards is similar to that of running fast, that is, the straight starts with three cards, and if there are cards in the hand that can overwhelm others, they must be played, and they cannot be passed.

Looking at the cards in his hand, there are four 10s and a big cat. Nan Yi Yile is a little depressed. If he draws this card in the last hand, he can basically win it.

"I heard, isn't there a plane already in place?"

"Karma, K, Cha." Lai Biao suppressed Nanyi's cards and grabbed three of them, "It's a big deal, and everyone in my unit is talking about it."

"Four 8s." Chen Feng threw out his card and said, "I heard that there are three planes behind. Lao Nan, do you know how much his plane costs?"

Nanyi threw four 10s out, "I don't know, who knows what Munande is doing with Lao Maozi in private, it is impossible not to give some benefits to Lao Maozi who has handled it. It is likely to be divided backwards, Lao Maozi's military Life is difficult now, everyone’s eyes will glow green when they see money, preferably US dollars, and they will not dislike RMB.”

Lai Biao was stunned for a moment, "Isn't some old man in charge of changing the plane?"

"It doesn't matter who takes the lead, as long as there is a cheap plane to bring back, it doesn't matter whether it is black or white, a cheap plane is a good plane."

"That's right." Lai Biao nodded and threw four Js, "I'm blown up. Lao Nan, tell me about the specific situation at Lao Maozi's side. The information on the internal reference is rather vague."

"What else can I do? Everything is difficult. Looking back, the Soviet revisionist abolished the ticket supply system in 1947, but by the end of the 1970s, the supply tickets for meat, butter and sugar had been partially restored; in 1983, the 'At the request of the working people', a more comprehensive ticket supply system was started again.

Firstly, from the marginalized areas and member countries, by 1989, various types of tickets were widely used in most cities and villages.

Foodstuffs include: vodka, wine, tea, sugar, flour, meat products, mayonnaise, and candy; industrial consumer goods include soap, washing powder, matches, tobacco, Tashkent overshoes, women's underwear, etc.

There are various names of tickets, from the straightforward bread tickets and potato tickets in the past to oblique purchase invitations, wedding booklets, customer business cards, purchase restriction cards, etc., and some time ago there was a "alcohol is the enemy of your health". "

"Haha, Lao Nan, the last one is a vodka ticket, right?" Chen Feng said with a smile.


Chen Feng: "Is it difficult to supply materials?"

"It's not difficult, it's not difficult at all. I'll read to you an excerpt of documentary literature that was circulated underground in the Soviet revisionism in the 1930s." Nan Yi chuckled, and read aloud: "Compared to receiving people's certificates, there is more Potato cakes with sawdust, the dining level of adults is much better.

In Moscow, 74,300 senior cadres ate canteens and 45,000 ate special meals, while in Leningrad there were 12,370 and 10,500 respectively.

When senior cadres travel by train, food and drinks are free in the official compartment; when there is a conference, all attendees can eat and drink as much as they want.

In 1932, one of my neighbors went to Moscow to attend the September Plenum of the United Nations Bubu. The food consumed by cadres at all levels was really astonishing in terms of variety and value.

During the 18 days of the meeting, 500 participants can enjoy 93 kinds of delicacies, 4 tons of meat, 6.9 tons of sausage, rooster, hazel chicken, turkey, goose and various hams, 4 tons of fish, 300 kg of black caviar, Swiss cheese 600 kg, 1.5 tons of butter, anhydrous butter and salted butter, 15,000 eggs, as well as grains, fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms, dairy products, tea, coffee, cocoa drinks, chocolate candies, cigarettes, pipes, etc...

At that time, I was eating sawdust potatoes, and I kept thinking about a question under the dim oil lamp: why would anyone not like to eat my favorite sawdust potatoes?

A few years later, I entered the job of Pravda, which I had always been looking forward to. It was in 1941. When the war just started, in order to ensure the nutritional supply of the soldiers, I devoted myself to researching a kind of high-nutrition bread, which was mixed with brown bread. Add sawdust and shavings.

And popularize a piece of knowledge to everyone in Pravda - bread mixed with wood shavings is the most nutritious and delicious, my article is called "We just want to eat wood bread"..."

"Old Nan, stop talking nonsense, which Soviet revisionist in those days dared to write such an article?" Chen Feng said incredulously.

"There really are, but they were secretly executed by the State Political Security Bureau, the predecessor of the KGB."

Nan Yi slammed his mouth, and felt that it was better to say less about some things, so he put the topic away, "I don't know much about other cities, let's just talk about Moscow. Ordinary people can only eat enough, and don't even think about it if they eat well." , Vodka is no longer available, and all kinds of strange wine making methods have been invented.

Some people who are addicted to alcohol and can’t make wine go to hospitals and pharmacies to steal medical alcohol. Unscrupulous profiteers will sell industrial alcohol mixed with water, and many people will die after drinking this kind of alcohol.

The general standard of living is comparable to that of our country 12 or 13 years ago, and it is slightly worse in some aspects. "

Chen Feng said with a smile: "From what you said, Su Xiu's life is not easy. This is good news for us. Let's have a good drink later."

Nanyi: "Be careful."

"Madman, you can drink more wine, don't talk nonsense." Lai Biao said: "It's just right, open a bottle of the puree that Wei Zong sent over last time."

Chen Feng pursed his lips and said, "Have you finished your drink yet?"

Lai Biao: "No, I can't drink as fast as you."

Chen Feng: "I didn't drink much myself. I asked my old man to drink it. He said that our wine is not bad, not worse than Moutai. Lao Nan, a few days ago, Wei Zong called to say that you have a new move. What action?"

"It's hard to say now. It's still in the process of public relations, and there is a possibility of failure. When the matter becomes clear, I will report to you two shareholders."

"Master fart." Chen Feng spat.

After the three rounds of cards were over, Wen Wan came out of the kitchen to order dinner, and the three of them went to wash their hands, and when they sat at the dinner table, they turned into chatting while eating, and Wen Wan occasionally interjected.

After dinner, Nanyi and Chen Feng left hand in hand, Chen Feng sat in Nanyi's car, and the tiger cub drove Chen Feng's car.

"Old Nan, I didn't ask just now, what happened to you and Wen Wan in the Summer Palace?" Chen Feng asked after the car started.

"While rowing in the Summer Palace, Wen Wan accidentally fell into the water. I rescued her ashore. It's as simple as that."

Regardless of the story between Wen Wan and the man who fell into the water together, Wen Wan is now Lai Biao's fiancée, and it is inconvenient for Nanyi to mention the past, let alone a third party that has nothing to do with Chen Feng.

"Is there no ups and downs?"

"You should listen to the story of Romance, there are still ups and downs, do you want me to break it down again next time?"

"Xie Cai, if you don't tell me, don't talk about it. My old man asked me to thank you for what happened last time."

"It's just a little thing, I can't bear the old man's thank you."

Nanyi said it was a trivial matter, but he knew very well in his heart that the matter of Shengmin oil and oil futures was not a trivial matter, and it was likely to change his way of doing things in China in the future.

However, as long as Fang Mengyin is still there, some people and things don’t need to be faced by Nan Yi personally, especially if the high-level officials want to talk, it’s only polite to face the “Nan Revolutionary Widow”. It’s not appropriate to find Nan Yi directly. The national flag is actually carried on Fang Mengyin's shoulders.

"Don't be humble, you kid is not simple, and the people under him are not simple. Last time, you can calm down those people from Shengmin Petroleum, and turn your hands into clouds and hands into rain."

"It's just luck. Don't think that the money in the futures market is just lying there waiting to be picked up. You make money faster and lose money faster. If I jump off a building one day, you have to accompany me."

"Down, you can't pretend anymore, your name has already been registered with those old men."

"Hehe, register as long as you register. I will keep my own place and have nothing to worry about."

"Haha, my old man said, you are a slippery person, and you are a loach. When will he want to meet you, a slippery little trickster, in person."

"Okay, as long as the old man calls, I will rush back to pay a visit from the ends of the earth."

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