Nanyi looked away from the computer screen and leaned back, "Have you understood the price of the freighter?"

"I have learned that the price of a new ship is about US$113/ton, and the price of a second-hand ship is about US$85/ton. I tend to buy a second-hand ship. There is no ready-made new ship, so I have to wait."

Nan Yi thought for a while and said: "Make a plan for me in two years, how much sea freight can be recovered in two years, and what price can be sold if the ship is sold after two years."

"Nansheng, are you not optimistic about the shipping business?"

"Jiang Shang Fishery."

Zhao Jinshui was slightly annoyed, "Why did I forget Jiang Shang Fishery, it already has a shipping business."

"Nansheng, I understand. I will hand over the plan to you as soon as possible."

"Okay, let's go."

"Black sesame paste... When I was young, whenever I heard the cry of sesame paste, I couldn't sit still anymore, black sesame paste..."

The afternoon passed by, and Nan Yi, who was sitting at the table having dinner, heard the voice from the TV, his eyes were fogged instantly, and a flood of memories flooded his heart.

Southern black sesame paste is a food that he couldn't think of in his previous life. He doesn't know if it tastes good, because he has never eaten it. The memories given to him by the advertisement are very beautiful, so beautiful that it makes me sad.

"School flower, buy two bags of black sesame paste tomorrow and send it to Shanghai, Nanfang brand."


As the weather is getting hotter, the atmosphere in many places is also warming up.

On the Soviet revision side, the Supreme Soviet passed the "Law on the Principles of Denationalization and Privatization of Enterprises", that is, the Privatization Law.

At the end of the first phase (1992), 40% to 50% of the fixed production funds belonging to the enterprises owned by the Union will be removed from the scope of direct state management; by the end of the second phase (1995), this proportion will rise to 60% to 70%.

According to the privatization law, state-owned enterprises can be transformed into leasing enterprises or collective enterprises, or can be transformed into joint-stock companies. They will be sold through bidding or auctioned. They will mainly be purchased by the employees of the enterprises, and other Soviet revisionist citizens or foreign citizens and legal persons are also entitled to purchase.

As soon as this bill came out, the long-delayed Vasily Bank plan had legal support, and when it was finally time to establish it, the Nanguo banking system dispatched several people to Moscow to fill in the Vasily Bank Preparatory Committee.

Chang Guoqing came back from Zhucheng and reported to Nanyi about the hot real estate market there. Zhucheng, a small city with only 100,000 people, has more than 700 real estate companies with more than 200,000 employees. A month ago, the value of the land was less than 70,000 yuan per mu, but now it has risen to almost 90,000 yuan. This is still the first-hand price, and it has not been resold.

After listening to Chang Guoqing's report on the basic situation, Nanyi asked him to take out the Zhucheng map he had brought back and spread it on the table. While listening to Chang Guoqing's narration, he thought about it in his mind.

"This is the Beibu Gulf Square, where the International Pearl Festival will be held in October; here is the Overseas Chinese Hotel, and there is more than 100 mu of open land beside it, and the land price is more expensive, more than 300,000 per mu; here is the eighth There is also an open space next to the primary school; this is Qiaogang Town, and a cable TV network will be established this year; this is Changqing Park..."

Chang Guoqing first settled in a corner, and told Nanyi about the land situation of Zhucheng bit by bit.

"This is Wuzai Village, also called Company Village. Almost every residential building is the office of a company; further on, this area is quite chaotic and noisy, and a group of people who do sales gather there... "

"National Day, you go back and make an 18 million Zhucheng development plan. It must be combined with local characteristics. The plan must look attractive. The data can be safely and boldly used literary modification techniques. The figures for capital investment must be reasonable and affordable. scrutiny.

When the plan is ready, you will have to work harder..." Nanyi took a pencil and drew a few circles on the map, "Here, here and this, this, this, buy a little bit of each piece of land, don't Buy it as a whole until you spend 18 million, and you can come back. "

"Mr. Nan, should the proposal revolve around the plot?"

"No, the geographical orientation in the plan doesn't need to be too strong. You can use words such as adjacent, near, and along the line. You can find a hypothetical plot of land to design. I will give you two days to work overtime and work hard. Someone will come the day after tomorrow. The company talks about cooperation, and it will be used when the time comes."

"Okay, I'll do it now." Chang Guoqing agreed.

"Wait a minute." Nanyi called Chang Guoqing to stop, and handed him a piece of paper, "This is the salary plan for the company's employees that I designed. Take it and have a look. You can raise any disagreements."

Chang Guoqing took it and took a look. There was a form on the paper, and Nanyi's name was written on the first row. He glanced to the right and saw "600.00" in the basic salary column. Continue to the right, and in a box Various subsidy items and figures are densely written, and roughly added, the total exceeds 3,000 yuan. In the last two columns, there are post bonuses and project bonuses, and the figures are 1% and 2% respectively.

After reading it, Chang Guoqing's heart trembled, and he immediately looked at the following line, which was his own salary.

The basic salary is "540.00", and there are more subsidy items than Nanyi, mainly travel subsidies and housing subsidies. After a rough calculation, it will be more than 700 yuan more than Nanyi per month, and the last two items are consistent with Nanyi.

"Mr. Nan, is this salary standard too high?"

"Where is this place, Qiongdao, the place where the army was dispatched in the past. You, including me, come to work in such a difficult place, and the subsidy will naturally be higher. You don't have to worry about the specific number. I want you to see that it is a balance." Questions, have you wronged a certain comrade, and so on. Well, you take it and take a look."


Chang Guoqing held the paper and left Nanyi's office thoughtfully.

Hongtu Real Estate is just a one-shot deal for Nanyi. He doesn't want to spend too much energy in intrigue with the people here. He did not emphasize the financial system that he has always paid close attention to in Hongtu Real Estate. He is sending a signal to everyone in Hongtu Real Estate—you can spend as you like, and everyone will be good to me. Everyone will share in the benefits.

Of course, you can spend money, no matter what the name is, as long as you use invoices and receipts to offset the account, it is not acceptable to roll the money, and it is not acceptable to blatantly harm the public and private interests.

Two pages of the calendar were torn off, and Chang Guoqing submitted the Pearl City development plan. Nanyi went over it briefly, and found no obvious problems, so he put it aside.

Near ten o'clock, when Su Meng came, Nanyi called Chang Guoqing to the conference room to discuss.

"Chang Guoqing, President Chang, the vice president of our company." As soon as he entered the meeting room, Nan Yi first introduced Chang Guoqing to Su Meng, and then introduced Su Meng, "Su Meng, President Su of Nanhai Dream Company, Nanhai Dream is a professional Enterprises that serve real estate companies. On National Day, Mr. Su turned out to be an employee under me with lofty aspirations. He didn’t want to stay in my small pond and jumped out to start his own business.”

For some considerations, the legal person of Nanhaimeng is Su Meng, and Nanhaimeng is not a joint-stock company. Naturally, there is no shareholder issue. If there is only one shareholder, Su Meng, with 100% shares.

Even, Nan Yi and Su Meng did not sign any private agreement, and the 180,000 funds were handed over to her without any receipt. From a legal point of view, Nan Hai Meng and Nan Yi have nothing to do with each other. Easy to kick out.

"Mr. Chang, hello, I'm Su Meng." After Nanyi's introduction, Su Meng took the initiative to extend his right hand to Chang Guoqing.

"Hello, Mr. Su, I'm Chang Guoqing."

Facing Su Meng, Chang Guoqing was cautious. There was something in Nanyi's words just now, and he almost told Su Meng that he belonged to him. As for whether to add the word "female" in front of the person, he had to observe and observe.

"Sit, all sit." Nan Yi pressed his hand, waited for the other two to sit down and continued: "Last month, I went around in Coconut City. The stock subscription point set up here is very popular, and the stocks are not worried about selling.

This gave me an inspiration. Our Hongtu Real Estate can also sell some internal employee shares. It doesn’t need to be too much. We can position Hongtu Real Estate to have a total of 50 million shares. For sale, the face price is 1 yuan, but the selling price is 1 yuan 4, which is sold at a premium. "

As soon as Nanyi's voice fell, Su Meng immediately said: "Mr. Nan, the market for internal employee stocks outside is very hot now, but Hongtu Real Estate is a newly established company with little reputation and no performance. They want to pay a premium Selling shares should be very difficult."

"President Su's words are not unreasonable, so Hongtu Real Estate has prepared two development plans, please take a look at them."

Nanyi handed two folders to Su Meng, one was the plan made by Chang Guoqing, and the other was the Jindiyu Jiuding plan that Lai sorted out. Nanyi just changed the name and some small details.

"Mr. Nan, can I take the two-point plan back to read? I need to study it carefully to see if there is any possibility of selling your company's shares at a premium."

"Of course, I just hope that Mr. Su can hurry up. We are in a hurry to raise funds. I also hope that Mr. Su can earn your service fee as soon as possible."

"Okay, I will give Mr. Nan and Mr. Chang an answer as soon as possible."

Nanyi just needs Su Meng to show his face, sell internal employee shares and hand over this job to Su Meng. This is all planned in Nanyi's heart long ago. Even the solution that Su Meng has not yet proposed, he has already prepared it early in the morning. account for it.

The local company, with a bank poking behind it, is immersed in the hottest real estate field. In addition, if it has not been listed for two years, it can be sold back to the company for 2 yuan a share. Nanyi is not worried about the stock being sold. go out.

He didn't have much selfishness in selling internal employee shares. He was more involved in this matter with a curious idea, and he wanted to help a bunch of lucky people.

Ninety-nine out of ten internal employee shares will become waste paper, and those who buy the shares will not want to get their money back. In the end, they can only secretly say that they are unlucky. The interest rate is much higher than the bank's two-year deposit interest rate.

Day by day, Yecheng's multi-line work is moving forward.

Coconut Tree Building started construction, Lai approved 30 acres of land in a prime location, the Jindiyu Jiuding project started, Su Meng came up with the "Nanyi" plan, Hongtu Real Estate started selling internal employee shares, and did not set up any sales outlets outside. Just set the point at the entrance of the company, and those who come to buy stocks can also visit the company by the way.

By the sea, near the mouth of the Wanquan River.

Nanyi was holding a fishing rod in his hand, and a little beauty was sitting on the left and the right. Behind him were dozens of security team personnel scattered, three from Nanyi, Nan Ruofing's Human Cannon Squad, Sloppy King Squad, and Fan Hongdou's South Country Squad, Acacia Squad.

The red bean and the fox are also cruising on the sea, carrying the barbecue team and the hamburger team respectively.

Picking up the fishing rod, he took a bream from the hook, and measured its size with his hands. Not satisfied, Nanyi threw the fish back into the sea, threw the hook again, and said slowly, "You guys Are you going to live at home or buy a house yourself?"

"Boston is too far from New York, I plan to live by myself." Nan Ruofing said.

"Red bean, what about you?"

"I want to live in the South Loft."

"I can't live anymore. The north and south lofts of the Columbus apartment have been used as the company's office space."

"What about the godmother's (Liu Zhen) apartment in Manhattan?"

"It's rented out, Scarlett's original house is still vacant, you can live there."

Fan Hongdou thought about it, "Forget it, it's too far away from the school, I'll buy a house in the upper city."

Nan Yi turned his head to look at Nan Ruofing, and said teasingly, "Yankee, don't be stingy, as a landlord, give me a set of red beans."

Nan Ruofing curled her lips and said, "Father, the house in Chenbian Heights is very expensive, but... Hongdou, who called us sisters, I'll give it to you."

"It's so reluctant, let's forget it."

Fan Hongdou's tone was flat, but not lacking in aggressiveness.

"Father, you heard me, she said forget it." Nan Ruofing didn't fall for it at all.

"You two don't play tricks in front of me."


Nan Ruofing and Fan Hongdou looked at each other and smiled.

After fishing for more than two hours, the father and daughter followed the invited fishermen to dig mud crab holes on a muddy beach.

The blue crab resources here in Yecheng are not rich, not to mention that Nanyi and the others are rushing to the tiger fish that occupy the dove's nest. Under the guidance of experienced fishermen, the three of them came to a blue crab nest, and with a shovel Shoveling and shoveling down, when the hole was dug to a depth of more than 40 centimeters, Nanyi dug down with bare hands until the depth of the stagnant water. The fisherman handed Nanyi a steel bar with a hook.

Nanyi took it, and tried a few times into the hole, but there was no feedback from touching any hard objects, and he felt the movement in the hole, so he put away the steel bars, lay down on the mud floor, and poked his hands into the hole vigorously groping.

After a while, he came across a slippery thing, grabbed it hard and pulled out a tiger fish. This was not over yet. Nanyi got down on his knees and continued to grope. According to the fishermen, the tiger fish Usually stay together in pairs.

After a while of groping, another smaller tiger fish was brought up by Nan Yi.

"Daddy, so small."

After Nanyi's hard work in arresting, Nan Ruofing's dislike was ushered in.

"Come to the next hole and see how big you can catch."

"I come and I come."

Nan Ruofing had a hard mouth and hard hands. After the fisherman pointed out another hole, she followed Nan Yi's example, and when the hole was dug deep, she also lay down on the ground and dug in.

Nanyi watched helplessly, and came to a damaged moso bamboo, kicked it with one foot, and with the sound, a crab claw protruded from the mouth of the moso bamboo, and retracted immediately after revealing it.

Seeing that there were goods inside, Nanyi quickly picked up the moso bamboo, poked one end of it on the ground, hitting it again and again, very lightly and carefully, for fear of cracking the moso bamboo.

The moso bamboos on the seashore are often not abandoned by people, but are deliberately placed by fishermen to attract blue crabs or other crabs. It is okay to catch a blue crab, but it is a bit immoral to destroy the moso bamboo.

After a long time, with Nan Ruobing's cheers, a blue crab fell to the ground, and Nan Yi stepped on the blue crab with sharp eyes and quick feet.

"Come and see, what a big fish."

Nan Ruoying held two fish in her hand and yelled at Nanyi.

Nanyi avoids the crab claws, grabs the blue crab, and cups his fists at Nan Ruofing, "I'm willing to bow down."

"Acceptance, acceptance."

The two children stayed in Yecheng for a day, and Nanyi took them to Lizhai in Wuzhi Mountain. It happened that one of the people in the village was sick, and a Nuo sacrifice was going to be held for him in the village.

The Li nationality believes that the reason why people get sick is mostly caused by evil spirits, and only through the power of ghosts to seek help from the gods can the disease be driven away.

For this purpose, the Li people have to hold a certain ceremony, that is, the ghost man will dance around the patient while reciting mantras, until he is sweating profusely and completely enters a state of ecstasy and intoxication. The connection with ghosts relies on the power of ancestor ghosts and gods to drive away evil spirits and demons, and eliminate disasters and diseases.

The dance they danced was the Nuo dance, a dance related to ghosts and gods that originated in the Central Plains. It is unknown when it was introduced here by the Han Wuzhi (women are witches, men are zhi).

The Nuo Sacrifice had become a mere formality in Lizhai, and when Nanyi and the others arrived, they saw a man carrying a medical kit leaving the sick boat-shaped hut.

It is said that the ancestors of the Li nationality in Qiongdao originally lived on the sea and took boats as their homes, but later moved to the land. In memory of the boatmen of their ancestors, they built boat-shaped houses on land. The men in the village wear long hair tied in front of their foreheads, wrap their heads with red or black cloth, and have collarless coats that are open across the chest.

Women have tattooed faces, wear patterned tube skirts, embroidered headscarves, buttonless jackets, and open breasts; they like to wear earrings, collars, bracelets and other decorations.

Lizhai is not closed here, it is relatively open, and already has the awareness of a tourist area. Nanyi and the others even found a tour guide, Bai Hui.

Baihui's surname is not Baihui, Baihui means mother, Baihui means Lin's mother, and Lin is Baihui's eldest daughter, which is the custom of Li nationality to address married women.

Baihui took Nanyi and his party around Lizhai, and then led them into the outskirts of Wuzhishan with a hatchet.

"We Li people have always believed that there is a sacred tree of our Li people in the depths of Wuzhi Mountain. More than 20 years ago, a girl from our Li village found a soldier who was accidentally lost in the jungle. She met the sacred tree. "

Bai Hui was leading the way while talking about allusions. It was obvious that this was not the first time she had entertained tourists.

"Aunt Baihui, is there anything magical about the sacred tree of your Li nationality?" Fan Hongdou asked.

"I am not sure as well."

It's inappropriate to inquire about someone else's sacred tree, Nan Yi changed the subject, "Bai Hui, is that girl and the soldier together?"

"They got married, and after the soldier changed his job, he brought the girl back to his hometown." Bai Hui swung the machete and chopped the vines blocking the way, "I can only show you around the periphery, the deep jungle is very dangerous, Not only poisonous snakes, but also..."

Baihui hesitated to speak.

Nan Ruofing: "Aunt Baihui, what else?"

Bai Hui hesitated for a while, then said: "There is also a Li village on the other side of the mountain. In the village, there is a young man named A Rong. He has been a soldier and is a fighting hero. Three years ago, he wore a big red flower and a medal of merit. When he returned from the army, the village held a celebration for him returning home.

There is a beautiful young woman named A Hua in that village. Many young men in the village want to express their love to A Hua on March 3, and A Rong is one of them.

Who knew that on March 3rd, when Arong came to Ahua, she had already exchanged folk songs with Ah Tu from the village next door. Arong and the young men in his own village listened to the folk songs they sang due to each other, and their affection became stronger and stronger. , can't help germination of strong jealousy.

In order to get back the girl in the village, the young men deliberately disrupted their folk song duet. The conflict intensified, and the young men in the village surrounded Ah Tu and the dozen or so young people who accompanied him.

All the young men in the village obeyed Arong, and Arong stood at the front. When they came and went, the young men from the two villages began to scold each other. Arong punched impulsively, and the two villages started fighting.

In the fight, Ah Rong and his village fell into a disadvantage. The impatient Ah Rong took out a military dagger, and wanted to stab the young men in the other village indiscriminately.

Ah Rong's dagger scratched many people one after another, and finally pierced Ah Tu's artery, causing Ah Tu to faint instantly. Seeing this scene, Ah Hua turned pale with fright, and screamed.

Later, the police came and escorted Arong back home. Unexpectedly, he kicked the police and fled into the mountains on the way. "

"Is Ah Tu dead?" Nan Yi asked.

Listening to Bai Hui's narration, Nan Yi gradually realized that the story was a bit familiar.

"Dead." Baihui sighed, "Arong fled into the mountains and hid for half a year, and then went down the mountain and took away a few young men from the village. He specialized in robbing the gold mines in the mountains and committed several serious crimes. It's a pity to become a fugitive."

Nan Yi knew who Ah Rong was, and now the number one criminal in Qiong Province, his wanted information would be published in newspapers from time to time.

"Bai Hui, I think the hillside above has a nice view, let's stop there."

Growing up on the edge of the jungle, he had been a scout and fought in wars, and he had a guy in his hand. If he really wanted to meet him, Nanyi believed that he could win, but it would be hard to say how many lives he would have to pay.

After going up to the hillside and appreciating the scenery vigilantly, Nanyi proposed to go back to the village.

Back to the stockade without any disturbance, when night fell, a bonfire was lit in the stockade, young men and women danced a bamboo dance, Bai Hui brought a clay pot to Nanyi and the others, with a few thin sticks inserted into the mouth of the pot. bamboo tube.

Holding the clay pot, Baihui sent it to Nanyi, and said, "This is the biang wine from Lizhai. It is called Shanlan Rice Wine in Mandarin. Please taste it."


Nan Yi took the pot, invited Bai Hui to sit next to him, and gave the pot to her.

Bai Hui understood, pinched a bamboo tube and took a big sip.

Out of politeness, Nanyi took a small sip, and a wonderful taste spread from the tip of the tongue to the taste buds, "Sweet and slightly spicy, spicy but not dry, good wine."

"Boss, Shanlan rice wine is brewed with our unique Shanlan rice. When it is first brewed, it is milky white, sweet and slightly spicy; after standing for a year, the liquor turns yellowish brown. It looks like agate, and the sweetness weakens. , the aroma becomes stronger; if the time is longer, the liquor will turn red and black, and by this time, the stamina of Shanlan rice wine will become very strong.”

Bai Hui's introduction made Nanyi feel a little different. This is not a tour guide's explanation, but rather a sales promotion, or a business invitation.

"Bai Hui, please speak up if you have anything to say."

"I want to start a brewery, but I don't have any money." Bai Hui said bluntly.

"Tsk, this is really straightforward." Nan Yi murmured in his heart, knowing that it must be the grand occasion of their party that aroused Bai Hui's reverie.

Bowing his head, Nanyi pinched the bamboo tube and took another sip. Instead of swallowing, he spit it out in his hand and observed the color of the wine. It was milky white with a hint of yellow. The production time should be about eight or nine months.

"It was brewed in mid-October last year." Baihui said.

Nan Yi raised his hand to put the wine into his mouth, turned to look at Bai Hui and said, "You speak Mandarin very well, did you go to high school?"

"Study until freshman year."


Nanyi nodded, took out the paper and pen from the bag on the side, wrote down the address and pager number of Yecheng on the paper, tore off the paper and handed it to Baihui, "I understand what you mean, you want me to invest money , you just make a plan for me, and explain clearly what you plan to do, how much money you want me to invest, when you can pay back, and how much profit you can bring me every year after paying back.

In addition, there is a major premise for me to invest money..."

Nan Yi's words stopped here, and his eyes were fixed on Bai Hui's eyes.

"What premise?"

"In addition to keeping your living needs, you and all your family's belongings must be invested in the winery. It is best to borrow a large sum of money. To put it bluntly, the winery will hang your wealth and life, so that I can Rest assured that you will manage the winery well with your heart.

As a reward, you will be responsible for all the affairs of the brewery in the future. I will only wait for the money to be distributed at the end of the year and will not interfere in anything. You think about it first, and if you can accept this premise, we will move on. "

After Nanyi finished speaking, he turned his eyes to the direction of the bonfire. Beside the bonfire, a ghost man and two assistants in gray robes, black belts around their waists, and black turbans on their heads were already in position.

There are three pheasant tails on Guigong's forehead, a long sharp knife bag on his belt, and a pheasant tail on the foreheads of two assistants. One of them holds a bow and arrow, and the other holds a sharp arrow.

On the opposite side of the three, there are five miasma ghosts, dressed in uniform black robes and wooden masks, representing five kinds of miasma ghosts with pointed heads and big ears, blue faces and fangs, and wide mouths and big noses. It looked a little scary.

Suddenly, musical instruments such as the drum, ding-dong, mouth bow, mouth worship, nose flute, and Zhuoba sounded. Guigong waved the knife in his hand, stabbing left and right, slapping the ground and pointing at the sky, and chanting mantras sharply to attack the miasma ghost. to evict.

After Mr. Gui chopped down the five miasma ghosts, two assistants jumped out, bouncing around, spitting out fireworks from their mouths from time to time.

"Father, you said they were hiding something in their mouths. They vomited seven times, but they didn't see them drink the oil again." Nan Ruofing muttered on the other side of Nanyi.

It's okay to breathe fire out of your mouth, you can see this kind of trick everywhere, but you can't drink oil when Qilian sprays it, it's powerful, the flames are sprayed out for more than one meter, which shows how hard it is. Pursing your mouth and spitting out lightly, the liquid in your mouth can be spit out several times. With such force, you should spit out all the liquid in your mouth in one go.

"Maybe there is a mechanism in the mouth."

"I guess so, I really want to see what the organ looks like."

"You go over there later to show off your cuteness and see if they will tell you." Nanyi laughed.

Nan Ruofing didn't take the bait at all, she pouted and said, "No, I'm afraid they will beat me to find out about other people's ability to eat."

"Little smart ghost."

Nan Yi Chong Ni said, then turned to look at Bai Hui.

Seeing Nanyi looking at her again, Baihui gritted her teeth and said, "Boss, I agree."

"Okay, then let's go on down. When you figure out the points I just mentioned, go to Yecheng to find me. I respect you."

Nan Yifu held up the pot again and handed it to Bai Hui.

It is taboo that Wuzhishan is haunted by Arong's gang, and Nanyi and his party did not stay in Lizhai. They invited people from the village to ride motorcycles to the city to call a few taxis over the night, and stayed in a hotel in the city at night.

After a good night's dream, Nanyi and his party returned to Yecheng.

The two children took a yacht to Xiangtang to start their university study trip. When Nanyi returned to work, the first thing he did was to send Zhang Min to find a store and apply for a tobacco monopoly license. He designed the cigarette ticket himself with a pencil ruler.

Doing business will inevitably lead to welcome and delivery. Cigarettes are the hard currency of this era, and everyone likes to keep them. Nanyi plans to open a cigarette specialty store to provide convenience for those who don't like cigarettes.

In the future, Dream Town will give away cigarette tickets when it gives gifts outside. Those who like cigarettes can go to the store to exchange cigarettes. If they don’t like cigarettes, they can also sell the cigarette tickets back to the store. paper to be exchanged for goods.

In about twenty minutes, Nanyi designed the draft of the cigarette ticket. The layout is very simple. There is an artistic word "ticket" in the center, and a string of codes, four digits, in the lower right corner. It will be printed with a digital coder in the future. Numbers are not codes, but passwords, corresponding to different words on the codebook, which means different people.

Nanyi took the draft and looked around, and if he saw something awkward, he made a change, changed it from east to west, and changed it to the end. Overturned, redesigned, one draft, two drafts, five or six drafts, Nanyi He picked up the first draft again and looked at it in his hand. The more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became, and he couldn't help but nodded.


Nan Yi clapped the paper in his hand, put it aside, collected the other waste papers and threw them into the trash can, picked up the teacup, came to the window, and leaned over to look at the road below.


The door of the office was pushed open and slammed against the wall.

"Go out, knock on the door and come in again." Nan Yi frowned, and sternly reprimanded with his back turned.

"Nanyi, Cheng..."

"Can't you hear me? Get out, knock on the door and come in again." Nan Yi recognized Su Meng's voice, but his tone didn't soften.

Su Meng bit her lip, closed the door again with an aggrieved expression, and knocked on the door with her hands.

"Come in."

Pushing open the door, Su Meng walked behind Nanyi, and said with a twist: "Cheng Hainan has an accident."

Nanyi took a sip of tea calmly, "What happened?"

"He was taken away by the police."

"Oh, I see."

Listening to Nanyi's unsalty reply, although Su Meng felt aggrieved, she still stammered and said, "Can you...can you..."

"Can't and don't need it. His business is not serious. There is no relevant law in the country for the production of gambling machines, and the degree of involvement in smuggling is not deep. The most is the confiscation of illegal income plus a fine. You can come out after staying in it for ten days and a half months. .”

This kid Cheng Hainan is very lucky. Except for the big loss of money, the things he committed will not have any major problems with his personal freedom.

"You... how do you know?"

Nan Yi turned around, looked at Su Meng and said, "I reported it, how could I not know?"

Su Meng stared at Nanyi dumbfounded, "You, why did you report him?"

"It is the duty of a citizen to report to the public security organs when criminals are found to be engaged in suspected criminal activities. Is there anything wrong with what I did?"


"Forget me, me, you. Although I thought Cheng Hainan was too bad-tempered at first, but he has strong self-esteem and is not a bad person. In addition to your face, I introduced the color TV business to him.

But what?

As soon as they made money, they ran to me to show off their power, five of them and six of them. "Nan Yi waved his hand, "It's nothing, I just thought he was dazzled by wealth for a while, and didn't take it to heart at all.

He should never have ordered someone to call me for kidnapping and extortion..."

Hey, Nanyi slapped the teacup heavily on the teacup, "Family is my enemy, anyone who dares to threaten my family is my enemy, because what Cheng Hainan did not go too far this time, I took things lightly." lay down.

You tell him that I have seen many people who repay kindness and revenge, and if I repeat it again and again, and the next time, I will not be so easy to talk to.

Also, please ask him where he got my satellite phone number. I remember this number was only told to a few people in the company. "

Nanyi's last words were torture for Su Meng, how else would she know, she told her.

Su Meng's legs softened, and her upper body shook. She didn't expect Cheng Hainan to lie to her. When Cheng Hainan asked her for the number, she clearly said that she wanted to find Nanyi for something. So, so...

"How could he do this? How could he do this?" Su Meng babbled, unbelievable and unwilling to believe that Cheng Hainan was such a person.

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