Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 835 Bad seed, full of bad water

At the entrance of a bar in Papua New Guinea, the people from Unit262 completed the task very easily.

It had to be easy. Claudie Taylor led people to guard outside the bar for two hours, and the guard was Ranovoy who was already drunk. As soon as he walked out of the bar door, Ranovoy fell to the ground with a thud. Asleep.

Everyone in Unit262 looked at each other in dismay, and Claude randomly clicked on a hapless ghost, stepped forward and broke Ranovoi's neck.

The task was so simple that Claudia suddenly had the illusion that the reward was hot, but anyway, the task was completed, and Unit262 could also hand over the task.

Ivankov is considered to have some strength, but for Smolensky, it is not enough at all.

Vasily asked Smolensky to meet Ivankov. It was impossible for Smolensky to visit him in person. He just asked his secretary to call Ivankov and made an appointment at the outskirts of Moscow. hunting base.

In the Moscow region, wild boar, rabbit, moose, sambar and fox can be hunted in the forest almost all year round. Those who like fur can happily target squirrel, mink and even mink. Of course, there is a chance to encounter more successful hunting. beaver and weasel.

There are many hunting bases here, with hunter huts, well-trained hounds and special hunting towers. Under the guidance of the guide, even beginners will quickly harvest their first trophies. For experienced hunters , on the outskirts of Moscow there is no less game than in Karelia.

In the forest on the outskirts, Smolensky has a hunting lodge. The property rights belong to a certain unit of the Moscow financial system, and the right to use it is in the hands of Smolensky.

Strictly speaking, so far, Soviet revisionists have no concept of private housing. In addition to state-owned housing and public housing, there are also houses built by housing construction cooperatives.

In theory, a residential building cooperative is a voluntary organization of citizens self-financed with the help of state loans to build, use and manage dwellings that belong to the collective of the cooperative and who are part of the collective.

Boom, Smolenski pulled the trigger twice with his Toz-34 double-barreled shotgun, and a sambar that was wading across a creek not far away fell into the water. The bodyguard on the side let go of the dog leash in his hand, and several wolfhounds (Bosol dogs) ran towards the sambar, hissing.

Breaking open the barrel, Smolensky poured out the cartridges in the barrel, reloaded two bullets, and was about to aim at a moose that was not scared away by the gunshots. The roar of the car sounded, and the two cars After driving to a stop more than ten meters away, Ivankov got out of the car with two people and went straight to Smolensky.

"Mr. Smolensky."

Walking closer, Ivankov called out in a respectful tone.

Smolensky threw the gun in his hand to his bodyguard chief Makarov, stepped forward and hugged Ivankov warmly, "Can you hunt?"


Smolensky beckoned, Makarov came forward with two guns, Smolensky took it and handed one of them to Ivankov.

"Makarov, whistle."

Hearing this, Makarov took out a whistle and blew it. The wolfhound surrounded by the sambar biting in the creek heard the whistle, raised their ears and looked up at Makarov.

Makarov pointed to the moose that had been running away just now. The wolfhounds ran after the moose. The crowd runs this way.

"Come on, Ivankov," Smolensky said when the moose was driven within range.

Ivankov did not give in, raised his gun, took aim, and fired two seconds later.

A deer bullet, a single-ended bullet, suffered such a combination of bullets, and the moose couldn't bear it and fell to the ground.

"Good marksmanship."

Smolensky gave a thumbs up, then barked at the wolfhound running towards the moose, "Kony."

A wolfhound heard the barking, turned around and ran to Smolensky's feet, surrounded him, sticking out his tongue, with a begging look on his face.

Smolensky knelt down and stroked Coney's head, stroked it for a while and then patted it, and said dotingly, "Connie, you're doing well."

After teasing the dog for a while, Smolensky stood up, "Ivankov, this is my beloved dog Kony, he is my son, I will prepare the best food for him every meal, never Treat it badly, do you know why?"

"Smolensky is particularly fond of dogs?" Ivankov said after a moment of thought.

"No, it's because Kony is very loyal and smart to me. It will carry out my orders unconditionally. A distinguished gentleman once told me that loyalty is very precious, and we must give the most to those who give us loyalty. s return."

Smolensky pointed to Kony, then pointed to himself, "Kony gave me my loyalty, I gave my loyalty to that honorable gentleman, and that gentleman gave his loyalty to another, ah , I still don’t know whether it’s Mr. or Ms., it doesn’t matter, the important thing is that he or she asked me to talk to you through that gentleman.”

Smolensky's words were a bit too informative, and Ivankov was a little confused. In his eyes, he was already a very remarkable person. He turned out to be just the younger brother of someone else's younger brother. He could understand being a younger brother. He had to do something in Moscow. , There has to be someone behind him, but he can't understand the little brother's little brother.

"Ivankov, don't guess who the gentleman behind me is. Maybe you will have a chance to meet him in the future. I invited you here today because I want to tell you about Copenhagen, your subordinate Zadov.

While working in Copenhagen, he accidentally pointed his gun at the wrong person, and because of that, he was shot. At that time, there were more than a dozen bodyguards with guns on the sidelines, but they took the risk and did not interfere with your people's work. Whose fault is it that he died? "

"Mr. Smolensky, but Chardoff is dead, and he is to me your Kony."

"Kony..." Smolenski suddenly realized, "Then we need to talk about the compensation conditions. I... wait a minute, I'll answer the phone."

Smolensky saw Makarov holding the satellite phone in his hand, so he walked over, took the phone from Makarov, and stepped aside to answer it.


Beijing, at the gate of Mizuki University.

Huang San'er was leaning on an orange-red Harley Survivor, with a camel in his mouth and a soldier dog tag around his neck. He was wearing a black T-shirt with a white skull printed on his chest, and a black shirt on his lower body. Jeans, distressed, with slits on both knees and tassels.

After two cigarettes, Huang San'er saw a woman coming out of the school, put her finger into her mouth and whistled, "Little girl, go to the side...what to say later, fuck, forget it , or in human language, beauty, where are you going, do you want to ride my motorcycle?"

Long Huiqing heard the whistle, glanced at Huang San'er, muttered "little sister", ignored her, and continued walking.

"Hey, Jian Guoer, don't ignore people, let my sister sniff one." Seeing Long Huiqing ignoring her, Huang San'er immediately ran to Long Huiqing to stop her.

"BB boy, step aside, you want to play with your sister, you are still a little tender."

"Hey, it's quite arrogant, do you know what's going on here? You're a Hong Kong coward and I'm pretending to be a big guy. I... Forget it, I won't play with you anymore." Huang San'er's waist pager rang, making her lose her ability to continue. To arouse Long Huiqing's interest, he took out a letter from his pocket and patted it on Long Huiqing's chest, "Master Nan asked me to give it to you. It has my number on it. My name is Huang San'er. If you encounter trouble in the capital Find me."

After finishing speaking, Huang San'er waved at Long Huiqing, walked back to the side of the motorcycle, stepped on the motorcycle, turned the key, turned on the ignition, squeezed the clutch, made a big turn, and shot it out.

Long Huiqing watched the motorcycle leave before she put her eyes on the envelope in her hand. In the center of the envelope, there were four characters written in pen from top to bottom, "Acknowledged by Long Jie".

With Nan Ye and Long Jie, Long Huiqing understood that Nan Yi gave her the letter.

"It's very considerate, and I wrote it in traditional Chinese characters."

[People in Xiangcheng and Taiyuan call the traditional characters the orthodox characters, and the simplified characters the lazy characters. ]

Opening the envelope, she pulled out the letter paper from the inside. When she saw that the words on the paper were typed, she curled her mouth and looked at the contents of the letter—registered a Longqing Jewelry Company as a Hong Kong businessman, specializing in diamonds, Jade and crystal (go to Hailing County, Jiangsu Province to hoard crystals vigorously, only look at the purity and not others, try to keep the price as low as possible), do not rush to open stores, and do the crystal business first.

"Hoarding crystals? This thing will skyrocket? Also, what about the money? Ask who will take the money?" With doubts, Long Huiqing turned the letter paper over and saw no other words, "No Will you let me pay? Or go to that Huang San?"

Squeezing the envelope from flat to round, Long Huiqing shook it off, and glanced into the envelope again, "Hey, there are words."

After tearing open the envelope, Long Huiqing saw six characters written on the inside of the envelope—Yecheng Yiwan International.


Stuffing the envelope and letter paper into her bag, Long Huiqing continued to walk towards the hotel.

"Adam, Pan Am Holdings successfully invested in Unimin, but just received a call from DARPA, warning us not to meddle in the business details of Unimin."

On Wilm Island, Nanyi is on a video call with Rachel, the president of Pan American Holdings.

DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is an agency under the Defense Research and Engineering Agency, generally under the Department of Defense. This department has two functions: to maintain the leading position of the United States in technology and to prevent potential opponents from unexpected beyond.

In the early years, Unimin was just a small company that produced glass and dipped in quartz mines and other minerals to make glass. In the past few years, when high-purity quartz mines were linked to semiconductors and chips, this company was in trouble. , the Spruce Pine mine in his hand is not only easy to mine, but also the purity of the mined quartz sand can be easily increased to 5 nines behind the decimal point.

Unimin has a super good quartz mine, and it doesn’t just rely on resources to make money. Instead, it’s like Wakanda in Marvel. It relies on a mine to produce the world’s top technology tree. It has a very unique The technology of pulling silicon ingots and silicon rods.

Cut silicon rods into slices, and the cut outs are called silicon wafers, or wafers. Chop up the wafers again, and the cutouts are called monocrystalline silicon, which is the production of CPUs. Raw material for chips.

No matter how awesome your chip design and chip manufacturing are, whether you have 100,000 or 8,000 top-level lithography machines in your hand, and no monocrystalline silicon, you have to kneel down and call grandpa.

Pushing it backwards, quartz sand, to be precise, the purified quartz sand of Unimin has already been regarded as a strategic resource linked to high technology, which happens to be linked to DARPA's functions.

"Rachel, next time you talk to me, you can be more direct. Don't worry. I don't have any unreasonable thoughts about Unimin. I just make some preparations for our own semiconductor business. Well, I have a phone, Let's stop here first."

"See you, bye."

Rachel spoke and cut off the connection.

"Ruopin, what's the news?"

"Someone at the front desk of the hotel is inquiring about car rentals. Strong Crisp Fort said that the leader is Andre, and the fertilizer granule team has already followed him. Dad, do you want to do it?"

"Wait, hang up first, you connect me to the video."


Nan Yi first established a video connection with Nan Ruofing, then picked up the satellite phone and called Vasily.

"Vassily, may I speak directly to Smolensky now?"

Vasily fell silent. Nanyi's question was difficult to answer. What Nanyi asked was not that it was inconvenient for Smolensky to talk on the phone, but whether he could treat Smolensky as his own , if he answers "yes", it means that he has become a guarantor in a certain sense.

After a long time, Vasily said: "Sir, I think so."


Nanyi hung up the call with Vasily and called Smolensky directly.

"Hello, Smolensky, you can call me Adam."

"Mr. Adam, hello." Smolensky turned his head and glanced at Ivankov, then walked a few steps forward again, and came behind a big tree.

"Meet Ivankov?"

"Just met twenty minutes ago, talking about Chardoff."

"Then I want to say sorry, now it's not just about Chardov alone, but also Andre and his five subordinates, a total of seven people."

"Mr. Adam, Ivankov is not very talkative, and it will be easier to solve than to communicate."

"Solution is not a good way, Smolensky, you are wearing a suit, and what you do must match the temperament of the suit on your body, and the things that do not match it should be handed over to people wearing other clothes.

The clothes on Ivankov are good, seven or two people, Andrei can’t go back, if the request is not too much, agree to him, by the way, you can introduce him to a good foreign goods channel, a hot spot in the Moscow market The goods are available. "

If Ivankov chooses two instead of seven, he will have fun in the future.

"I see."

"Goodbye, we will meet soon."

After hanging up the phone, Smolensky thought for a while and walked back to Ivankov, "Ivankov, things seem to have changed a bit. One of your subordinates named Andrei arrived in Copenhagen with five people. , so we're going to talk about seven or two."

When Ivankov heard Smolensky's words, his face changed instantly. He seemed to have no secrets from the other party. According to the time calculation, Andrei should have just arrived in Copenhagen, but he did not expect to be grasped by the other party so soon. .

"Mr. Smolensky, what do you want to talk about?"

"A channel for foreign goods, not only can provide all the sought-after goods in Moscow, but the supply price is also very cheap."

Ivankov took out a cigar from the inner pocket of his suit, toasted it with a special lighter, lit it, and pretended to think while smoking. The living subordinates cannot be compared with foreign goods channels at all.

But he couldn't agree too quickly, it didn't conform to the general rules of doing business, and it seemed too ungrateful.

"Fourty seven."

"Okay, I'm five or nine."

Nan Ruofing drew a triangle and a circle on the notebook.

"Five... wait, let me think about it."

"Dad, think about it quickly, if you delay for a minute, the satellite will age faster."

"Got it, got it, soon." Nan Yi stroked his chin, looked at Nan Ruobing's book spread out on the table, hesitated for a while, and said, "Six Liu."

"San Wu, Dad, you are out of chess." Nan Ruofeng smiled heartily.

"Forget it, I can't beat you, I'll answer the phone." Nanyi and Nan Ruofing said, and took the satellite phone on the side.

"Mr. Adam, it's settled, seven people."

"OK, there is a hotel called Aerocentre on the Reeper Boulevard in Hamburg, Germany, it is a good place, tell Ivankov to let his men live in it, and say that the target they are looking for will visit the next door every night A hookah bar, I will have someone fax you the target's information."


"Father, why did you deal with them in Hamburg?" Nan Ruofing asked after Nan Yi hung up the phone.

"I just read a piece of news from a newspaper in Hamburg that there was a violent incident against foreigners in Henksee, North Rhine-Westphalia the day before yesterday. Some people miss the art student who failed in Austria. The xenophobia here in Germany has revived. .”

"Understood, it can just be covered up with xenophobic incidents."

"Well, this matter can be finished. After dealing with Caroline's matter, you will return to the United States."

"Got it, I'll let the fertilizer granules go to Hamburg to prepare first."

"Well, on a tangent."

Leaving the basement, Nan Yi found Shakespeare from the Renaissance team, Shakespeare, who happened to be a professional counterpart to play the target.

After finishing the business, Nanyi went to the bedroom. Helena was still sleeping, lying on her side, holding the quilt with her hands, her thighs stretched into a "7".

"Wake up."

Nan Yi walked to the bed and patted Helena's bare shoulder.

Helena shook her body and muttered, "I can't wake up. I'm the Queen's poisoned apple. I'm the long-sleeping Snow White. I need the prince's kiss to wake up."

Nan Yi leaned down to give Helena a shout, grabbed the clothes on the chair in front of the bed and threw them on the bed, "Get up, your vacation is over, I'll send someone to take you back to Copenhagen or you can drive back by yourself."

Helena opened her eyes and said in surprise, "So fast?"

"Yes, get up and wash up, I'll make you something to eat." Nanyi said and stood up.

Helena took his hand and begged, "You send me back."

"I don't have time. After you leave, I will leave immediately." Nan Yi turned around and stroked Helena's face, "I have prepared a gift for you, you will definitely like it, be good, get up."

Nan Yi made some food for Helena briefly, and after she finished eating, he rented a car for her according to her idea. During her farewell, Nan Yi gave her an envelope before leaving.

After the car drove a certain distance, Helena held the steering wheel with one hand, opened the envelope with the other hand, and dumped the contents on the passenger seat, two traveler's checks in denomination of $1,000, and a note paper folded in half.

Helena opened the traveler's check, picked up the post-it note, looked through the windshield and then opened it. On the post-it note was written: "The road to supermodel, female management company Claudia."

"Yeah." Helena picked up the note and kissed it, and said excitedly: "Adam, thank you, ha~lelujah, halle~lelujah, hallelujah..."

After Helena left, Wilm Island began to clean up the traps that had been arranged before. The matter was coming to an end, and it would be useless to keep the traps.

Nanyi also participated in the work of cleaning up the traps. If it was just a violent demolition, it would not be difficult to clean up the traps. But if it is a fine-scale demolition, it will be more difficult to restore the previously destroyed micro-environment. Learned.

Nan Yi followed the Renaissance team, and was taught to do it hand in hand. They were all dry goods. After studying for half a day, Nan Yi's understanding of traps improved by two or three realms.

That night, the Renaissance team stayed behind, and Nan Yi and others drove to Amsterdam.

After resting at the Crown Hotel for a day, Nanyi rushed to the Van Gogh Museum after seeing the hotel in the morning. It was not because he liked Van Gogh so much, but because of the 20 collections worth 500 million US dollars in the Van Gogh Museum the day before. Just got stolen.

What's funny is that the thief was arrested within half an hour. The reason for his arrest was not because of the bravery of the police, but because the tire of the transfer vehicle prepared by the thief had a flat tire.

Although it has just been stolen, the Van Gogh Museum is still open normally. Nanyi went in and walked around. In order to pay back the fare, after carefully admiring the paintings that are not sure whether they are authentic or fake, they passed by the Big Windmill Company and took another car. Go to Paris.

When Sophie Marceau rode Nanyi as a horse, Nanyi received a call. The call was very short. The other party said "Job Done", and Nanyi replied "Good Job".

Andre and the five people he took with him died.

Afterwards, Nanyi read the report. The fertilizer granule team and the Renaissance team did not use brute force. They cleverly took advantage of the characteristics of the Aerocent Hotel - there is a young lady in each room, who pays the full amount, but only They could sleep on half a bed, and six young ladies took the money and added some ingredients to Andre's six people's wine. The two teams only needed to carry the six dead pigs away, and then find a place to destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces.

In Paris, Nanyi stayed for two days to attend a seminar of solar energy experts. At the meeting, experts discussed the idea of ​​space solar power plants.

The idea of ​​the space power station is to build the space station at a fixed position in the geosynchronous orbit and supply power to a fixed area of ​​the earth. The principle of power generation is to lay solar cells on the solar collector plate and convert solar energy into electrical energy through photoelectric conversion;

Then the current is converted into microwaves by the microwave converter, and the electrical energy is sent to the ground in the form of microwaves through the antenna, and the ground receiving station restores the microwave energy into electrical energy through the antenna.

Nanyi is very interested in this idea. Regarding the space solar power plant, he has heard the news of a major breakthrough more than once, and even heard the news that Huaguo has mastered this technology. Whether the news is true or not, this It seems to be quite clever.

Nanyi has already made up his mind to find someone to make an evaluation. If the investment cost is not too high and the future prospects are very promising, then invest by himself;


August 8th, the beginning of autumn.

When Nan Yi returned to Yecheng, he first met Bai Hui who had been waiting for him for a long time. After reading Bai Hui's plan and after a deep chat with the other party, Nan Yi decided to invest 450,000 in her own name to occupy the Wuzhishan rice winery. For 45% of the shares, Bai Hui invested 17426.3, which is a whole, plus her technology investment, accounting for 55% of the shares.

The valuation of Baihui's role is a bit too high. With almost half of the funds, Nanyi is purely looking at the face of "30 cents", or he appreciates Baihui's self-confidence in making a desperate bet. Thinking of sending an accountant to Wuzhishan.

Of course, there is also the reason why there is too little funds, and it is not worth raising an accountant to keep an eye on the accounts. With 450,000 bets on character, Nanyi can still afford to gamble.

After dealing with Bai Hui's matter, Nanyi went back and forth between Dream Town, Hongtu Real Estate, Cornucopia Real Estate, and Yiwan International.

Dream Town is not a big deal, continue to follow the steps, Nanyi only needs to check the progress from time to time.

For Hongtu Real Estate, more than half of the stocks have been sold, and more than 8 million shares have been recovered. In ten days and a half months, the stocks will definitely be sold out. When the money is collected, all the money in the account will be exchanged for land and wait for appreciation.

The management of land transfer in Zhucheng is very loose, and it is not difficult to buy land. The same is true here in Yecheng. It is impossible to get a large piece of cheap land, and it is not difficult to buy a piecemeal market price.

For Cornucopia Real Estate, Lai has already approved the land, and the work of erecting the archway for the first tripod and the first step of the Golden Jade Jiuding has begun.

Billion International, Zhao Jinshui managed very well. He mobilized the company's working capital to purchase two 10,000-ton second-hand cargo ships. Taking advantage of the booming shipping market, the freight income and the funds obtained from reselling the ships in the future should be able to Far more than the funds invested.

In a week, Nanyi straightened out all the work, and then, the affairs of Hongtu Real Estate were left to Zhao Jinshui, and Nanyi got away from it.

One morning, Nanyi received an email from Chen Huixian from Dernan, saying that the identity of Dernan as his honorary consul stationed in Moscow had been confirmed, and the relevant materials and certificates were on their way to Xiangxi.

According to the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, a consul can be a person of a third-party nationality, that is, a person of country C can be a consul of country A sent to country B, as long as country B is willing to recognize his identity.

As for the honorary consul, it is even simpler. You can find someone from the location of the consulate to concurrently handle consular affairs. It is also called electing a consul.

Nanyi's honorary consul status does not require and has no right to perform any consular functions. To put it bluntly, he just wants to enjoy consular privileges and immunities that are narrower than diplomatic privileges and immunities.

The identity of the honorary consul has been settled, and another preparation for Nanyi's trip to Moscow has been completed.

After processing the mail, he sat in his seat and pondered for a while. Nan Yi was about to turn off the computer and go out for a walk, when Zhao Jinshui came to his office.

"Nansheng, I just received the report and all the gifts have been delivered." Zhao Jinshui said as soon as he walked into the office.

Nan Yi asked blankly, "What gift?"

"Today is Qixi Festival." Zhao Jinshui reminded.

"Oh, I didn't even notice." Nanyi suddenly said, "How much did you spend on the gift?"

"A total of $131,700."

"Okay, give me the list of gifts later, in detail, I'll remember it carefully, so as not to go wrong."

Hearing Nanyi's words, Zhao Jinshui's temples turned black, "It should have been worn out. Madam asked the gift giver to bring back a sentence, saying that there is no need to engage in such fancy things in the future, and it will be directly discounted. Ahem, these are Madam's original words."

"Understood, the gift will still be given in the future. The woman's words can't be taken seriously. By the way, you don't need to be responsible for this kind of thing yourself. Go find a life secretary and report to me for review."


After staying in Yecheng for another two days, I went to talk to Li Jin for a long time, and had a relatively pure communication with Su Meng about work issues, Nanyi left again in a hurry.

When he arrived in Shenfeng, Nanyi went to Smith Company to see the list of candidates for the president of Ganfeng Technology that they dared not submit. There were no miracles, and nothing happened.

In the 1990s, there were many business talents in China, but all of them were ready to become their own bosses. It was very difficult to get them to become professional managers. Zhao Rencai almost screened people according to their household registration files, but they couldn't find them.

Nan Yi communicated with Zhao Rencai, and searched again in his mind. In his mind, there was only one Lei Buqun who was a more suitable candidate. Unfortunately, today's Lei Buqun was just a fledgling, still a young bud, and he had no idea. After several years of experience, he has no ability to be the president of Chuangfeng Technology.

After asking Zhao Rencai to continue the search, Nanyi left Shenfeng with a little disappointment. If he couldn't find a suitable person before the end of September, he planned to find another type of talent to be the president of Ganfeng Technology.

Xiangfang stayed for one night, and when Nanyi landed in Shanghai the next day, Masami Ueto's call came after him. Moscow was in chaos, and internal strife broke out in Klimtham Palace.

Nanyi knew that the Soviet Union was about to disintegrate, and he was about to set foot on the land of Moscow.

First ran to the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Huangpu Road, opened a stock account, got a paper account card, did not place an order to buy any stock, took the card, Nan Yi went back to Fang Mansion.

Nan Wuwei is not at home. The little guy has a wide range of interests. He has to learn guqin from his master, and learn antique appraisal and calligraphy from his grandfather Ke Jianzhen. In addition, he has also enrolled in several interest classes, so his time is clearly divided.

Nan Yi reckoned that the little guy should be at Ke Jianzhen's place. Ke Jianzhen and Sun Muxi were very proud of the little guy, and wished he could live with them. As long as the little guy passed by, Sun Muxi would always do his best to serve as a table and host A dish that is not repeated once.

Having nothing to do, Nanyi went to the room to get 7 monkey tickets, and ran to Lugong post market.

The Lugong Stamp Market is located in the Lugong Stadium. On the bare dirt floor in the middle, a cloth stall or a table is considered a stall. Give the tiger cubs a shot, divide them into several stalls, and try to stay as far away as possible.

The tiger cub left with the stamp, and Nanyi ran to a raised highland by himself, holding a telescope that looked like a toy and looked around.

As soon as Men San'er's incident was interrupted, Nanyi's cognition of the postal market was a little out of touch. Besides, from Zuo Can to the six descendants of the Long March, all he knew was the market in the capital, and he was not familiar with the market in Shanghai. The stock market can be said to be ignorant.

The national postal market, Beijing and Shanghai are all weathervanes, and the prices in other places are in line with those of the two places. In the future, if you want to ship goods, you must occupy a place in the market in the two places, and control the rhythm of the two places to receive goods and push up the price. Shipments in counties where information is relatively lagging, one in and one out, pulling out while pulling.

"Hehe, all kinds of things are inseparable from it. Fan Li is already tired of hoarding and returning goods to the side. No matter the stock market, stock market, or future virtual currency is still brilliant, what big market, index, decentralization, and convenience for money laundering? It’s just appearances, after all, it’s been making a fuss around a greedy word, robbing the poor and giving to the rich, nothing more.”

While observing, Nan Yi murmured in his heart: "The fire has happened twice, so we need to change something new. My father died, and my naive son took the full-page stamps that his father hoarded to use in the coal stove. After knowing the value, he almost slapped die yourself.

The old lady was seriously ill and was lying in the hospital waiting for money to save her life. When she returned home, she rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find money. Unexpectedly, she found several versions of monkey tickets left by the dead ghost father.

The girl disliked the young man's poor family, and ran away with the bad guy. Who knows, what is meant by not bullying the young man is poor, the young man is in great pain, and the house leaks when it rains overnight, and the torrential rain knocks down the dilapidated house at home;

When cleaning up the wreckage, I found a stack of full-page monkey tickets that were five centimeters thick. From then on, I stepped on the pinnacle of life. The girl got married and didn't go to the wedding, but the child gave a gift of 880,000 yuan after the full moon. Very happy.

On the last page of "Story Club", you can also publish an advertisement for buying the wrong version of monkey tickets, 8.88 million... No, the price is too high and it is easy to scare people, but 880,000 is more reliable.

There seemed to be a dozen or so sheets with defective printing, and two or three sheets could muddy the water.

Eighteen consecutive wrong monkey tickets, a bank mortgage loan of 1 billion... If it is pulled down, this matter will definitely not be done without pulling most of the branch's people into the water. It is too bad to do it by your own bank, and the gain outweighs the loss. "

Wisps of bad water overflowed from Nanyi's stomach, and just as the stomach was almost full, the tiger cub came back.

"Nansheng, it's sold."

"How much?"

"There are 240 to 290, but if you want to raise the price to 300, you can't."

"Oh, take another six or seven cards tomorrow and see if there will be any changes in the market."

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