Brazil, Manaus.

Aboriginal brother farm, tobacco leaf growing area.

Planting tobacco leaves does a lot of damage to the soil. The tobacco leaf planting area is arranged at the outermost edge of the farm near the Amazon jungle, and only 800,000 mu of it is planted.

Because the maturity time of the upper, middle and lower areas of the tobacco leaves is different, the tobacco leaves used to make flue-cured tobacco are not suitable for mechanized mining. They can only be harvested manually one by one. Immature will affect the color quality after roasting.

Chu Dexian, a farmer in Shaozhou who has planted tobacco leaves for many years and is very proficient in curing tobacco leaves, is 45 years old this year, which is the prime of life for farmers.

Last year, he was invited by the indigenous brother farm to serve as the deputy head and chief technical engineer of the tobacco planting area. His monthly basic salary is equivalent to 5,000 catties of pork, not counting the year-end bonus and a series of subsidies.

Standing beside the endless tobacco leaf field, Chu Dexian took out a cut newspaper from his pocket, took out a tobacco leaf tube, poured some tobacco leaves on the newspaper, rolled the newspaper into a trumpet shape and held it in his mouth, from his waist He took out a bamboo torch, opened the lid, took two breaths, lit the newspaper, and took a deep breath.

Immediately, he exhaled a mouthful of blackish-white smoke, took down the cigarette in his mouth, held his nose with the thumb of his left hand, and blew his nose. After blowing, he wiped his fingers on the clothes on his chest and rubbed his feet on the ground again. Rubbing, sniffing, and putting the cigarette in his mouth.

Walking two steps forward, he took off a tobacco leaf and held it in his hand for a while, then Chu Dexian sighed: "The land is good and the sun is good, this tobacco leaf is not bad."

Holding the tobacco leaf in his hand, Chu Dexian walked to his office.

There is a microphone in Chu Dexian’s office, which is directly connected to the broadcasting station. When he entered the office, Chu Dexian picked up the microphone, gave two hiccups, tested it, and then shouted: “It’s picking up!”

As soon as his voice fell, people from Wuyang Wuyang came out of the three dormitory areas in the planting area and rushed to the tobacco leaf field.

The sources of workers in the tobacco planting area are relatively diverse. There are also tobacco farmers recruited from China, as well as trainees from Southeast Asia, and most importantly, people from South America. There are people from any country.

Chu Dexian yelled in Chinese, few of them could understand, but it didn’t matter, the workers knew it well, as long as the radio sounded in the morning and they couldn’t understand it, it meant that they had to work, and if it sounded again in the evening, it was time to call it a day.

You don’t need to shout for lunch, the cafeteria will drive the car to deliver the lunch to the field. In the tobacco leaf field, there are scattered thatched huts where you can take a nap at noon. There are public toilets and showers next to the huts. If it’s too hot, you can take a shower. cold.

Over the tobacco leaf field, a helicopter was flying at a low speed. In the cabin, Chen Jingyang, the vice president of Yunxiao Tobacco Group, was poking his head out to inspect the tobacco leaves below.

Yunxiao Tobacco Group is a joint venture established by the tertiary production company of the indigenous brother farm and Nan Ruofing, an unregistered investment company that has not even thought of a name. It is regarded as the fifth-level subsidiary of Shennong Nanliang.

Chen Jingyang and Hu Jianren, former deputy production directors of a small cigarette factory in Huaguo, were proficient in all aspects of cigarette production, and were recruited to serve as vice presidents of the group, responsible for the group's technical management.

The helicopter patrolled the tobacco leaf field and then flew to the farm's pier.

On the pier, a small cargo ship is docked there, and the farm workers are happily moving all kinds of frozen seafood from the ship to the pier.

Every month, the supply ship of Jiangshang Fishery’s South American branch will deliver seafood to the farm of the indigenous brothers. Similarly, they will also take some fresh fruits and vegetables from the farm.

Some fishing boats will stay in the first half of the year or even a year once they go to sea. In order to allow the crew to eat fresh vegetables and meat, Jiang Shang Fishery has established its own logistics supply fleet, which is scattered in various places. Field barter.

This model is very popular with various farms and pastures. It is a very enjoyable thing to eat enough vegetables grown by oneself, beef, mutton and pork raised by oneself, and seafood from time to time.

Türkiye, Eastern Manisa Province.

Huang Hexiang, president of Yunxiao Tobacco Group, is inspecting the quality of tobacco leaves in the tobacco leaf field. Although Turkish tobacco leaves also adopt a monopoly system, tobacco farmers cannot directly sell tobacco leaves to buyers. They are all purchased by the Tobacco and Alcohol Bureau, but they do not go around the fields. , it is impossible to evaluate the product and quality in advance.

After meeting Nanyi, Masami Uedo sent Irina to Noginsk, Luhansk, and Novosibirsk from far to near. Her trip was to find an address for the Yunxiao Tobacco Group to establish a cigarette factory.

The Soviet revisionists implemented monopoly management on tobacco, but now, the tobacco monopoly system has been vaguely cancelled, and the tobacco market has a tendency to be fully opened to the outside world.

After Nan Yi heard the term "shock therapy" during his graduate studies, he has been paying attention to its creator, American economist Jeffrey Sachs.

The stabilization plan implemented by Jeffrey Sachs when he was an adviser to the President of Bolivia helped Bolivia's inflation rate drop from 40,000% per year to 10% per year, and later provided financial reforms for the governments of Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, and Venezuela. suggestion.

Until the past two years, Sachs, as an economic reform consultant for the Polish Solidarity movement, was invited to prepare a radical economic transformation plan; assisted the Slovenian government to introduce a new national currency, and assisted the Mongolian government to carry out macroeconomic reforms and privatizations, etc.

Whether it is "shock therapy" or "privatization", it is a very beautiful term for Nanyi.

Leaving Modan Barracks, Nanyi came to Gorky Park, looked around, found a chair and sat down, holding the previous issues of "Pravda" newspaper collected a few days ago in his hand and started reading.

As early as the late 1980s, radical reform ideas appeared in the Soviet revisionist theoretical circles.

All this stems from the economic difficulties of the Soviet revisionists. It is not that God has not given the Soviet revisionists a chance. As early as the 1970s and 1980s, due to the sharp rise in oil prices, the Soviet revisionists’ foreign exchange income increased greatly. Chances for a dysregulated and malformed economic structure.

It is a pity that the upper echelons of the Soviet revisionists did not seize this opportunity. They used their precious foreign exchange for the arms race and purchased a large amount of consumer goods from abroad to improve the living standards of the people.

As a result, when the price of oil plummeted in the late 1980s, some problems that were originally covered up by the rise in oil prices were exposed one after another. It is not surprising that the reform ideas.

In May last year, the young economist Yavlinsky proposed the "400-day plan." It was only later that these plans were not implemented due to the struggle between the parties.

In Moscow, there is an economist named Yegor Gaidar, who is only 35 years old this year, and his life is like hanging out.

Graduated from Moscow State University in 1980;

From 1980 to 1986, he served as an assistant researcher at the Department of Economics of Moscow State University, a researcher and chief researcher at the All-Soviet Academy of Sciences of the State Science and Technology Commission;

From 1983 to 1985, member of the expert group of the National Economic Reform Commission;

From 1986 to 1987, he was the chief researcher and senior researcher of the Institute of Economics and Science and Technology Development Forecasting of the Academy of Sciences during Lao Ge's reform period;

From 1987 to 1990, served as the editor of the important theoretical publications of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union "CP" magazine and "Pravda", director of the economic department;

It was during this period that Gaidar paid close attention to the ongoing economic reforms in Poland, and published many articles advocating shock therapy in newspapers. Gaidar can be said to be a believer in shock therapy.

After leaving Pravda, Gaidar served as the director of the Institute of Economic Policy of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and the Academy of National Economic Sciences.

Nanyi is familiar with the name Yegor Gaidar. In his previous life, he saw reports about Boris, and he could see this name from time to time. He will be an important member of the Boris government in Russia in the near future.

Economists plus government officials, plus the admiration of shock therapy, it goes without saying that Gaidar must be the main promoter and executor of the shock therapy that Russia is about to implement.

Nan Yi has read the theory of shock therapy in its entirety. In his personal opinion, shock therapy is definitely a good classic. As long as he reads it seriously, it is unlikely that he will go too crooked. If someone walks lamely Well, the scapegoat has to go to the chanter.

Nanyi estimated that the reason why Russia would adopt the shock therapy proposed by Jeffrey Sachs is because Jeffrey Sachs did have two brushes.

When Jeffrey Sachs served as an economic consultant in Bolivia and other Latin American countries in 1985, he proposed a radical anti-crisis program aimed at the hyperinflation in these countries and achieved positive results. The inflation rate increased from 24,000% in 1985 to dropped to 21.5% in 1986.

In addition, Sachs also used shock therapy when he served as an economic consultant in Poland and other countries in Eastern Europe, and achieved good results in these countries, especially Poland. Not only because of historical factors, the Soviet revisionists paid more attention to this country, but also, Poland The situation in Russia is very close to the situation in Russia, and there are many common pain points. It should not be bad to transplant the effective measures in Poland to Russia.

The second should be political reasons. Regarding this, Nanyi has not participated too thoroughly. He needs to have a good understanding of the current situation and factions in the Kremlin.

Nanyi still vaguely remembers the large-scale privatization in Russia's shock therapy. As for the privatization model, it seems to be "securitization". As for the kind of securitization, he can't remember it. When it comes to the content, he has no concept of securities, and he can't be too impressed with things he doesn't understand at all.

"When I get old, I have to leave a message for my grandson. I don't know which one will come first, tomorrow or time travel. Learn more, memorize more, and be a prepared person."

It took two hours for Nanyi to flip through the newspapers. For the rest of the day, he went to the Central Racecourse to have lunch, and then wandered around the bustling area of ​​Moscow.

In the evening, Nan Yi was having dinner, and Alexei came back to report.

"Boss, after looking at the Modan barracks in the morning, I think it is very suitable to be transformed into a leather city. Afterwards, through the contact of the commander of the seventh company, Vatutin, I met with the commander of the 358th regiment, Mikhail. He I am very interested in my proposal, but I want to ask Maslenki, the commander of the 3rd Guards Division, for instructions."

"Have you seen Maslenki?" Nanyi asked after cutting a piece of beef and stuffing it into his mouth.

"Not yet, I just got on the phone." Alexei glanced at Nanyi hesitantly and said, "What Maslenki means is to ask the people behind me to talk to him."

Nan Yi put down the knife and fork, wiped his mouth with a napkin, put the napkin on the table, and then shook the red wine glass, staring at the red wine in the glass, thinking in his mind.

After thinking for a while, Nanyi put down his glass and said, "Before Maslenki said this to you, did he pause, such as talking to someone."

Alexey recalled the whole process of talking with Maslenki in the afternoon, and then said: "There was a pause in the middle, about fifteen seconds or so."

Nan Yi nodded and said, "Okay, let's do this first, go to bed early, get up early tomorrow, and go out with me for a stroll."


After Alexei left, King Crisp Fort came to Nan Yi, "Boss, I found someone following the car this afternoon. The technique was very professional. I suspected it was someone from the KGB, so I didn't get rid of them. They should have followed them." here."

"Interesting, the KGB came to the door so quickly."

"It's not surprising that the KGB has a military administration," said Hardbrittle.


Less than ten kilometers away from the model worker's apartment, Alton Jan, the chief of staff of the 3rd Guards Division, got out of the car and walked into a villa, which was the residence of Yepisov, the director of the Military Administration.

The Army Administration, also known as the Third Administration, has twelve divisions to monitor the entire Soviet army, including monitoring the activities of the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff and the Red Army Intelligence Bureau.

KGB personnel are involved in the army, navy, air force, and border guards (directly under the KGB). Even the military and internal affairs forces of the Ministry of the Interior have KGB personnel in important positions. Even the missile force, nuclear weapon force, and Moscow Military District also have KGB personnel.

KGB officers are located on every front of the Soviet army. Although they wear military uniforms, they report directly to KGB headquarters, and officers can be exempted if necessary. They have their own spy system in the army to monitor the dynamics of each unit and each person, especially the thoughts of officers, and often investigate and control ideologically to ensure that the army will not rebel against the leaders. .

The KGB always monitors the ideological dynamics of every active soldier from the Ministry of Defense to the company, especially in terms of ideology. As long as there is a slight sign of unhealthy, it will be cleaned to prevent other soldiers from being infected.

Alton Yang walked all the way into the study, and saluted a majestic and slightly obese old man sitting on the sofa, "Director."

"Altonyan, sit down." Yepisov pointed to the sofa next to him.

As soon as Altonyan sat down, he said: "Director, someone contacted Maslenki today and wanted to rent the Modan barracks. I happened to be in Maslenki's office at the time. Just remind Maslenki to ask the person behind the other party to come to an interview."

"Alexey..." Yepisov recalled and said, "The person brought by the Japanese woman Masami Ueto?"

"Yes, I asked Laerlin to follow Alexei. He followed him all the way to Building No. 15 of the Model Worker's Apartment. Laierlin didn't dare to follow the building when he found suspicious people there."

"What suspicious person?"

"It should be a bodyguard."

"Altonyan, tell me your guess." Yepisov was thoughtful.

"Adam is here."

Yepisov heard Alton Yang's words, stood up and came to a safe, opened it and took out a document from it, and opened it. In the upper right corner of the document, there was a photo of Nanyi impressively.

There is no doubt that Yepisov has Nanyi's information in his hand.

Yepisov flipped through the materials he had read many times, thinking about them.

Ever since the KGB failed to participate in the August 19 coup and the chairman was imprisoned, the KGB has become precarious. According to information obtained by Yepisov, Lao Ge has already planned to liquidate the KGB, and what awaits him will not be a good thing.

In Yepisov's heart, he already had the idea of ​​retreating.

Just because he wanted to retire, and wanted to live a decent life after retirement, Yepisov thought of making money.

"Alton Yang, check to see if Adam has come. If so, I want to meet him. Whether we can live a decent life in the future depends on him."

"Yes." Alton stood up and saluted.

I don't know why, during this period of time Alton Yang especially likes to salute, perhaps because he knows that he is about to lose the qualification to salute, and one salute is less than one, which is very precious and especially cherished.

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