Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 845 The First Shot in Moscow

The school belle brought a metal detector and scanned the entire yard. There was no response from other places, but the location of the ridge dug by Nanyi had a lot of response.

The trenches were dug out, and a bunch of shell casings were dug out. Some of them were particularly large. They should be 14.5mm AP shells. Most of them were bullet shells from PTRD-41 anti-tank rifles. Several empty shell shells were also dug out. There was nothing dangerous, and nothing of value was found.

After disposing of the shell casings and re-burying the trenches, Nanyi made three ridges of land, two ridges were reserved for greenhouses, and the remaining one ridge of land, Nanyi plans to grow wheat. Next year, when the wheat matures, a few cages will be raised in the consulate. Pigeon.

Near six o'clock, Aksinya came back, her face was not small, and she brought back not only verbal information, but also a report card, which recorded the previous Chinese test scores of senior students.

After reading the report card, Nanyi asked Aksinya, "Did you ask about the difficulty of the test?"

"Yes, I asked Chen, and he told me that the school's test is equivalent to the level of the fifth grade of Huaguo Primary School." Aksinya looked at Nanyi who was barefoot and his trousers were rolled up to his knees in surprise, and replied mechanically.

"The Chinese teacher is from China?"

Nan Yi raised his bare feet and rubbed it back and forth on the hoe. He wiped off all the floating mud on the surface of the brain, and then rubbed some leaves to wipe the corners of the brain, and the hoe became shiny in an instant.

"There are four Chinese teachers in Middle School No. 14, and three of them are Chinese."

Nan Yi nodded: "Okay, I see, you wait for me for half an hour, I'll go wash up, and go somewhere with me at night."

After taking a shower and just about to leave, Nanyi's phone rang, and it was from Chen Yuxiu.

"Why are you calling me at this hour?"

Nanyi looked at his watch, and it was already midnight at Shenzheng.

"I'm in trouble, and Erdong Electronics has been sued." Chen Yuxiu said depressingly.


"Yes, that is the cube game Tetris (Tetris). It was implanted into the Little Superman computer in July, and it was sold to Xiangxi and Li Jiapo in August. I don't know who bought it and brought it to Japan. Today, the defendant was accused. Li Jiapo's office took over Two letters from lawyers."

"Why are there two?"

"At the beginning of this year, I was going to buy the copyright of the Cube game. It was only when I learned about it that the copyright issue was very complicated. There was a Cube game invented by Pajitnov in Moscow. It was originally developed on a computer in Suxiu. It ran on the computer, and was later transplanted to the PC by a man named Gerasimov;

In 1986, it was transplanted to Apple II and Commodore 64 by a group of people in Budapest. Later, the manager of a British company called Andromeda bought the copyright, and soon sold it to another British company called Mirrorsoft (not Microsoft). Company, there is also an American company, the word is too long and I forgot;

In 1987, somehow, the copyright was transferred to a Moscow company called ELORG..."

"Stop, I'm confused by your ramblings. First, is it authorized or sold off the copyright? If it was sold out, how could it be sold to two companies at the same time? Second, ELORG is not a company, and the translation into Chinese is the All-Union Electronic Equipment Association. Yes, it belongs to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and is a state agency.”

Chen Yuxiu: "I don't care if it is a company or an institution, anyway, the copyright is in its hands, and the copyright I mentioned is a buyout, buying out the copyright of one or several computer platforms."

Nan Yi frowned and said, "Pujie, then please explain clearly, there are many computer platforms, and Little Superman is also a computer platform, so just tell me which two companies are suing us."

Chen Yuxiu: "This is the troublesome place. Superman can be regarded as a computer platform, and it can also be regarded as NES (FC). Now the lawyers are sending out the letter from Nintendo and BPS, which hold the copyright of NES, and Tengen, which has fought against Nintendo. The lawsuit, Cube Game lost the lawsuit, and other lawsuits are still going on. If this company wants to sue us, it can sue us.

There is also the company Andromeda. In 1987, they signed another copyright contract with ELORG. The terms are a bit vague, and they can sue us if they want. "

"Then what kind of plane are you doing? Knowing that copyright is so troublesome, why do you want to implant the cube game?" Nan Yi rubbed his temples and said: "Let the lawyers study and study, if there is any lawsuit, if not, declare bankruptcy immediately .”

Regarding the issue of copyright, Nanyi left a message a long time ago. The export is in the name of another shell company, not in the name of Erdong Electronics. Erdong Electronics can completely shirk the responsibility.

Chen Yuxiu: "Boss, our export market is very good now, and I am reluctant to go bankrupt. I want to see if I can give some money every year to get the authorization."

"It's hard, Nintendo won't train an opponent for a small amount of money. You should find a lawyer to study it carefully, and I'll send someone to ELORG to find out what's going on with the copyright."

Chen Yuxiu: "Then I'll wait for your news."

"Okay, hang up."

Just as he hung up Chen Yuxiu's phone, the phone rang again, and when he answered it, it was Ren Youwei whom he hadn't contacted for a long time.

It is said that Huayao moved from two dilapidated houses in Shenzhen Bay to the fifth floor of a dilapidated seven-storey building in Shenyou Industrial Zone. He acted as an agent for the switches of Hongnian Company for a period of time. After earning some money, the company moved As for another warehouse-type building in the Shenyou Industrial Zone, Huayao occupies more than ten warehouses.

Ever since he moved, Ren Youwei was dissatisfied that Hua Yao only acted as an agent, he wanted to assemble the parts.

Ren Youwei's ambition has been recognized by his colleagues, who are full of pride and ready to fight hard. On the other side of the warehouse, a wall of bricks was built to separate the single rooms where the employees lived.

There are few windows in the warehouse, and there is no sunlight in these separated single rooms. The partition wall is only one person high.

The warehouse is full of switch parts and assembled machines from Hongnian Company. The employees develop SKD boards for accessories in a corner of the warehouse, and then assemble the purchased parts into complete machines.

After earning some money in assembly, Ren Youwei became restless again. He thought that Hua Yao should make his own products.

Making products is easy to say, but it is even more difficult to do. Doing business requires keen vision, flexible mind, quick execution and complex interpersonal network, and of course courage and guts.

However, doing business, especially R\u0026D-oriented high-tech enterprises, is different. From product R\u0026D, production quality control, raw material procurement, finished product sales, after-sales service to related personnel management, organizational design, and process operation, it is full of challenges. , the variables are very large, and it requires continuous seriousness and pragmatism and extraordinary perseverance.

Dare to start a business is a kind of courage, and it takes a kind of courage to dare to risk bankruptcy and prepare to jump off a building to engage in research and development.

It has to be said that Ren Youwei was lucky. He had a group of simple-minded young people who were willing to go through fire and water with him. Most of them were highly educated, full of enthusiasm for making contributions, and hoped to make a name for themselves in Shenzhen.

Relying on his excellent eloquence, Ren Youwei used his passion, agitation, and sharing joys and sorrows to build this group of young people into an iron army with simple goals and passion, and everyone's wisdom and creativity exploded unprecedentedly.

Ren Youwei made everyone believe that what they were engaged in was a promising career. As long as the company can survive, everyone will have a very bright future.

Ren Youwei said something very provocative, asking employees to choose a house with a large balcony and facing south when buying a house, so that there is a place to bask in the money that will be distributed in the future, so as to avoid mold.

Everyone wants to develop independently, but without technology and talents, where do we start?

At this time, several state-owned units under the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications were already producing 34-port and 48-port small switches for units. Huayao’s first product under the Huayao brand was called XH01. Buy products that are assembled from parts.

Hua Yao bought back the parts, put them together and packaged them up, made a copy of his own manual, put Hua Yao's brand on it as his own, and ran across the country to find agents to represent his products.

XH01 is just a 24-port private switchboard, which is a low-end machine with a very limited market and can only be used in small hospitals, mines and other units.

Moreover, Huayao can't buy out the spare parts. There are several brands of XH01 on the market. They are the same thing, but the OEM label and manual are different, and everyone competes with each other.

When it comes to marketing investment, Ren Youwei is very stingy and a thief. Anyway, the product function and appearance are the same as those of several other manufacturers. He just wiped the manufacturer address and brand on the XH01 leaflets of other manufacturers and replaced them with Huayao’s own. Then send faxes to customers one by one.

The advantage of controlling spare parts by yourself is that you can control the spare parts of the equipment, which has great advantages in improving the technical response speed and service quality to customers. Owning your own brand, you don’t need to spend money to buy agency rights like being an agent of others, and you have to pay a deposit more than half a year in advance to order an order.

Once your own brand is well established, you can also develop your own agency throughout the country and collect agency fees yourself, which can also ease the tension in cash flow.

However, to order bulk parts, it is necessary to provide a larger number of orders to the manufacturer. The ordering machine can be ordered one by one, and the minimum order for bulk parts is at least dozens of pieces. This also requires the company to have stronger working capital and marketing channel capabilities.

Moreover, since the manufacturers who supply spare parts also sell them themselves, Huayao's supply is often not guaranteed.

Unexpectedly, due to Huayao's good service and low sales price, the supply of Huayao XH01 in the market is in short supply. The service is good, others have nothing to say, the low price can be regarded as an excuse, Huayao lowered the price, what can others do?

As a result, Huayao's spare parts were cut off from the supply, and the customer's money was collected, but there was no goods in hand to send.

At this time, Ren Youwei realized that he must break through independent research and development in the shortest possible time, and realize his own control of production and products. Otherwise, customers would chase after the door and ask for a refund, and the company would face the danger of capital cut-off and even bankruptcy.

In 1990, Huayao began to carry out circuit design and software development with independent intellectual property rights based on the circuit and software of XH01. In order to give customers the illusion of model continuity, the model they released was called XH03, which also started from 24 ports.

From the customer's point of view, XH03 is just a more beautiful case, and other functions are similar, but the design of each circuit board in XH03, the research and development of the attendant console software are all done by Huayao Company .

The research and development of program-controlled switches is a technical task. Compared with the previous development experience, Ren Youwei has more freedom this time and can let go.

The entire floor of Huayao is divided into four sections: veneer, power supply, general measurement, and preparation, plus the warehouse and kitchen. There are more than a dozen single beds lined up next to the wall, and the floor is made of foam cardboard with mattresses. It is the dwelling place of all.

The people of Huayao regard this as their home, they eat and live upstairs, and they often don't even know if it's raining outside.

The research and development work is carried out in an orderly manner. There is no air conditioner in the building, only ceiling fans. Huayao people sweat like rain day and night under the high temperature emitted by the machine, designing and manufacturing circuit boards, operator consoles, soldering circuit boards, writing software, debugging, modifying, and re-debugging .

I smoke when I’m tired, take medicine when I’m sick, and sleep on the table or the floor for a while when I’m really sleepy, then wake up and go on working again.

Sometimes sleep until the middle of the night when goods arrive suddenly, get up immediately after unloading the heavy equipment before going to sleep, there are too many mosquitoes at night, the staff on duty cover themselves from head to toe with the plastic packaging of the cabinet, and then dig a few holes in the face to ensure breathe.

It doesn’t matter if the office conditions are a little bit harder, it’s okay to just endure it, but the company is still facing the problem of a shortage of funds. After the product is developed, it needs special testing equipment for testing. What if there is no money to buy equipment?

This is not a problem for Ren Youwei and his partners. Huayao people give full play to their ingenuity and use some local methods instead.

Technicians use multimeters and oscilloscopes to test the switches, and use magnifying glasses to examine the thousands of solder joints on the circuit board one by one. When encountering a high-traffic test of the switchboard, it is often necessary to call all the people together, and each person picks up two phone microphones at the same time to test the performance of the equipment.

Huayao people test during the day and hold meetings at night to discuss key problems. After the equipment was tested, the people present, regardless of workers or managers, and regardless of their education background, college or doctorate, packed the equipment together and nailed corner irons, and carried and loaded the equipment together for delivery.

Although the environment is difficult, Huayao people are full of confidence in the future and have the courage to move forward. One engineer was so tired that his cornea fell off that he had to be hospitalized for surgery.

Not buying test equipment can save a lot of money, but Huayao's cash flow is still very tight, and it is blocked everywhere when it wants to borrow money. Even the contract advance payment that arrives is invested in production and development.

The calls, telegrams, and faxes from customers all over the world continue to rush, and every Huayao employee feels unprecedented pressure.

At present, Huayao’s wages are not high, and there are no subsidies or overtime pay. They have not been able to pay wages for 6 consecutive months. They have to borrow usury loans at an annual interest rate of 24% to develop products and pay wages to employees, including Ren Youwei. Not only do shareholders have no income, but they have to keep emptying their pockets to keep the company running.

Ren Youwei went to the site almost every day to check the progress of production and development, held meetings to study the difficulties faced, and divided labor to coordinate and solve various problems. When it was time to eat, Ren Youwei and the company leaders would have dinner with everyone at the food stall, and the person with the highest position would pay for the meal out of his own pocket.

Ren Youwei not only drove himself to full speed, but also let his employees work at full speed. Relying on everyone's potential and creativity to be brought into full play, the infant Hua Yao was finally able to survive strongly.

But it’s not working now. XH03 has reached the most critical moment. It can pass all the basic function tests with a single kick, and then hand it over to the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications for acceptance and obtain a network access permit.

Although the things haven't been made yet, Ren Youwei has received millions of advance payments from outsiders. After the money is spent and the things are not yet ready, if the goods are not delivered in a hurry, people will come to collect the debts.

While Ren Youwei was speaking, Nanyi translated the other party's language into words he could understand, two simple words - borrow money.

"Old Ren, tell me how much you want."

Ren Youwei: "2 million."


Ren Youwei: "Enough."

"I have a billion-dollar international company in Yecheng. Go and find someone named Zhao Jinshui. I will call him in advance. Mr. Ren, I don't own the company alone."

After lending 15 million to Lin Jialan, Nanyi didn't have much renminbi in his hands. The U.S. dollar is now bullish, and the money is still in Hong Kong. The mainland will soon make a lot of money. He doesn't want to transfer the U.S. dollar to the country at a loss of the exchange rate.

Ren Youwei said: "I understand, the interest is easy to talk about."

"I'm not asking you for interest, just wait for you to recover and pay it back earlier."

Continuing Leng Yan's previous practice, Nanyi has a share of Zhao Jinshui's personal assets. Zhao Jinshui is naturally a shareholder of Hundreds of Millions International. Although Zhao Jinshui's shares were given by Nanyi, as long as they are given, they belong to others. Of course, Zhao Jinshui had to give an explanation.

"I can pay it back in half a year at most, Nanyi, thank you, you saved me again."

"It's serious. If you need money in the future, talk about it. You don't need to find someone with high interest outside. Don't talk about it. You go to bed early. I haven't had dinner yet. I'm in a hurry to go to the restaurant. Help me bring my niece a treat, and ask her if she would like Be my daughter-in-law."

"Nanyi, my daughter is older than your son." Ren Youwei's face turned black.

"Isn't that good? The third year of the female college holds gold bricks, and the twelfth female college student holds the treasury. I... Fuck, put down my phone." Hearing the busy tone on the phone, Nan Yi said angrily.

After making two phone calls, it was nearly eight o'clock. Nanyi, who had nothing to do at all, and just wanted to discuss with Aksinya, suddenly lost his mind, shirked the matter and changed it to tomorrow, and sent the other party away.

As soon as she left, Nanyi said to Xiaohua, "Do you smell anything unusual from her?"

"I can't see it yet."

"Well, then be careful, little girl, one day I will come to you on an unusual path." Nanyi muttered and walked into the room, went to the kitchen to find some leftover dinner for the security guards to deal with.

The bodyguards around Nanyi were guilty of following him. There is no chef to cook, and meals can only be cooked in turn or packed from the outside. For the sake of safety, they can't pack blindly.

Eating the messy stewed beef brisket with potatoes, Nanyi thought about the chef's problem to be on the agenda. The bodyguards were getting older, and their stomachs could not withstand the toss when they were young. The chef can only find it from the security personnel, and it will take a few years to find it from the outside, otherwise Nanyi will not be at ease.

Screening candidates who are talented in cooking but tired of gunpowder, sending them to chefs for training, and switching from guns to kitchen knives is also a very good retirement lifestyle.

Nan Yi didn't want the security guards who followed him to really sell their lives for him, to carry guns for Nan's for a few years, and the defense fund of the Nan's Workers' Committee would support them until they were old and let them live a rich retirement life. Fair and reasonable way of dealing.

After eating half a plate of potato and beef brisket, Nan Yi soaked a packet of black sesame paste in a small bowl for himself. Holding the bowl, he went to the living room on the second floor to watch the off-duty bodyguards play Texas Hold'em.

The next day, at seven o'clock, Nanyi took Aksinya to Weedenham first.

Weidenghan (вднх) is the transliteration of the first letter of the National Economic Achievement Exhibition Hall. This place is used to display the achievements of Soviet revisionism in agriculture, industry and technology in the past. There are 68 exhibition halls, of which the actual exhibition venue is There are less than twenty.

Sculptures, fountains, and magnificent buildings are all swept away by Nanyi. He doesn't care whether the Weidenham is beautiful or not, he only cares about the size of the exhibition hall. The bigger the exhibition hall, the more booths can be packed, and the rent can be charged more many.

Yesterday's stadium gave Nanyi inspiration. Since the stadium can change the market, the exhibition hall is also possible.

While Nanyi was measuring with his eyes in the exhibition hall, Fang Min, the actual head of Fan Shifu Holdings and nominally Fan Hongdou's successor in Côte d'Ivoire, a distant Africa, just hung up the phone call of Nicholas Fuller, the president of Houji Agriculture.

Fang Min was very glad that he finally didn’t have to be idle. Nicholas Fuller told him on the phone to finish the work at hand and go to Moscow to prepare for the establishment of Master Fan’s Russian branch.

Fang Min has held the title of Master Fan's president for two or three years, but since the day he took up the title, he has never worked on the main product "instant noodles" of Master Fan, and even Master Fan has never produced a pack of instant noodles. .

A year and a half ago, he was conferred the title of president of another company "Bada Company" and began to work in Indonesia, Malaysia, and African countries that grow oil palms, acquiring oil palm plantations and investing in the palm oil industry. Busy with these things that seem to have nothing to do with instant noodles.

Maybe it's irrelevant, maybe it's related, the cost of a pack of instant noodles is easy to calculate, and its raw materials are nothing more than those few ingredients, flour, vegetables, beef, pork, seasonings, and "palm oil".

Palm oil is the vegetable oil variety with the largest production, consumption and international trade in the world, ranking above soybean oil and rapeseed oil.

A few years ago, when Nanyi learned that the oil used for instant noodles was palm oil, his original intention to seize the opportunity in the instant noodle market became weak, and he was ready to get to the bottom of the pot and draw salary at any time.

All the way down from the flour, Master Fan has stable and cheap supply channels for all raw materials, except for palm oil. If there is a lack of one, he has to make up for it. No, Fang Min was sent to do repair work.

For Nanyi, the competition in the instant noodle market is not in channels or advertising, but in the source of raw materials.

When other instant noodle manufacturers are in full swing, the price of palm oil suddenly rises. The cost of raw materials, channel costs, and advertising costs are calculated in this way. Hell, the gross profit is only a little bit left.

As long as the timing of pushing up the price of palm oil is precisely controlled, for example, it happens to be the period of vigorous expansion of friends, or the loan is about to expire, and this will be a good show.

Bada, Sima Bada, Sima Zhongda, Sima Yi, this old man is best at using ingenious strategies, and is the best at living. He beat Cao Mengde to death, and Zhuge Liang to death, and finally survived the world of the Sima family.

The same is true for Master Fan. If he wants to kill his friends one by one, the cost of a pack of instant noodles is only one or two cents cheaper than that of his friends. Let's see who gets boiled first.

Fang Min looked up at the oil palm trees on the left and right sides of the national emblem of Côte d'Ivoire on the wall in front of him, saluted the elephant in the middle, and strode up the steps with his assistant to the new negotiation table.


In a blink of an eye, October 9th arrived, the day for the opening ceremony.

Yesterday, Nanyi had checked all the preparations to make sure that no details were missed.

At eight o'clock, Bao Huotou stood at the gate of the barracks, quietly waiting for the arrival of the guests. Nan Yi entertained Ye Qian and the guests he brought over from Ussuriysk in the south building. The group of them arrived in Moscow yesterday, and they came to the barracks early today.

Everyone gave Lishi, and it would be inappropriate not to accompany Nanyi.

Today is also the day when Nanyi retires. When the military and Mikhailovich come over, he will come out to entertain him, and the others will let Bao Huantou come out.

"Old Nan, you're still a cow. There's been a big commotion when you come here." With a cigarette in his mouth, Ye Ke stood at the gate of the South Building and looked at the two dormitory buildings.

"You're not bad either. It looks like you've got number one in Ussuriysk."

Ye Qi waved his hand, "Don't mention it, thanks to your people's help, chaos, Ussuriysk is too chaotic, at first only people from the Northeast stepped on bags, now there are people everywhere, and several gangs from China have committed crimes , black hands, dare to do anything."

"It's the same everywhere. Moscow is not peaceful. If it is peaceful, there will be no room for me to live here."

Just as Nanyi was talking, the walkie-talkie in his hand rang, "The distinguished guest has arrived."

"Let's go, follow me to the gate, the ceremony is about to begin." With a greeting, he led Ye Qian and the guests he brought to the gate of the barracks. At just the right time, Nanyi bumped into Yepisov and a group of generals from different Get out of the car and gather together and walk to the gate.

Liu Shunqing, known as Boss Liu by Jianghu people, came to Moscow relatively early and his business was quite successful. He was the one that Bao Huotou said two days ago and was robbed of hundreds of thousands of dollars from Yi Hongxuan.

Yi Hongxuan also came with his little brother Ren Qiaoer. In the crowd, he was shocked by a group of generals with stars on their shoulders and medals on their chests together with the downtrodden men invited by Bao Huantou.

Yepisov, Nanyi had greeted him a long time ago, and introduced Bao Huotou to him. When Nanyi was chatting with a group of generals, Bao Huotou blended in very well, although the boy's calves were a little trembling , but fortunately there was no joke.

After receiving the military, Mikhailovich also arrived, and there was another exchange of pleasantries.

All the distinguished guests who should come have come, and before the auspicious time, the opening ceremony will begin immediately. The ceremony was relatively simple and perfunctory. There was no unveiling of the plaque. The Friendship Leather City was not listed at all. After all, it was a barracks. The sign at the gate was not just hung casually; there was no ribbon cutting. Bao Huantou lit the firecrackers, and when the crackling sound ended, Nanyi directly led the guests to the south building.

Today's Moscow has a strong political atmosphere, and there is a lot of control over foreigners and foreign associations. The White House does not want to see foreigners gathering in Moscow to engage in high-profile political activities.

Therefore, Nanyi did not design the opening ceremony too conspicuously, nor did it make it very Chinese. If it really wants to make it lively, invite two lion dance teams to have a youth picking battle, and the atmosphere will be ignited immediately. Two well-known local and domestic singers sang, and the atmosphere reached a climax in an instant.

It's lively like that, but to be honest, there's no need for it. Friendship Leather City is doing the business of the bad guy, and the bad guy wants to be the business of the wholesaler. It's enough to spread the reputation in a small area, just like the vegetable and fruit wholesale market. Every citizen knows what is going on in their city's wholesale market.

The conversation is divided into two ends, and the soldiers are divided into two groups. Nanyi is responsible for entertaining distinguished guests. Regardless of whether it is appropriate to have an opening reception after 8 o'clock in the morning, the long table at the entrance of the South Building has already been set up, and desserts and fruits are lying on the white cloth. On the silver plate on the long table, the waiter held up the tray and served champagne to the guests.

The slightly awkward reception is Nanyi's last stubbornness towards the auspicious day. In fact, the real opening ceremony has been completed at 6:6 in the morning. No problem, the real auspicious time is at that point.

Now, what Nanyi entertains are live advertisements for poor men.

Bao Huantou took the Daoye who came to support him into the dormitory for a visit, and came to the door of a model room, coordinated everyone's standing, so that everyone could clearly see what he was going to show.

"Everyone, everyone can see how the rooms here are. I won't introduce much, and you can judge for yourself." Bao Huotou said, and pressed the TV remote control in his hand, and the imperial court popped up on the TV screen. The picture on the TV station, "We can receive domestic channels here, one set and two sets. I can receive it. These days I am watching "Anti-drug Operation", a crime-solving film, which is very good."

As Bao Huantou said, he went to the table again, picked up the receiver of the telephone, "Program-controlled telephone, you can call anywhere, just tell the logistics comrades, and within a few minutes, they will come to the room and press the button." .

There is a company in China that wants to set up a paging station in Moscow. We have already contacted them. After a while, there will be a Chinese-display pager for sale in the logistics department. Not only can you see the caller number, but if there is anything, you can directly read it on the pager... "

Bao Huotou introduced the selling points of Friendship Leather City one by one to the poor men, but he didn't say anything about the price. Although Friendship Leather City does not engage in any hidden consumption, the general business process must be followed. Of course, the selling points must be introduced first, and you can’t just tell potential customers that we charge a lot here.

After visiting the dormitory, Bao Huantou took the poor man to visit the translation agency, legal agency, printing agency, study abroad service agency, freight, armed escort and other logistics service departments. These are closely related to the poor man, and they are all services that they need very much .

"Brother, if your relatives do this, can we still have business at Sanba Hotel?" Ren Qiaoer said to Yi Hongxuan in the crowd.

"The impact won't be too great. The living conditions here are poor, and those who will attend March 8 will continue to go." Yi Hongxuan said with a sullen face.

In fact, Yi Hongxuan is not worried about the business of Sanba Hotel at all. He is actually a cooperator of a certain smuggling route. Every few days, a group of smugglers will live in his place. The business on the surface of Sanba Hotel is nothing more than a cover-up.

The reason why Yi Hongxuan's face was gloomy was because he saw that Nanyi was doing too well here, and his jealousy was the cause.

Following Bao Huantou around, Boss Liu was very satisfied with Friendship Leather City. He had already made a secret decision in his heart. As long as the charges here are not outrageous, he will move here immediately without waiting for a quarter of an hour.

"Hey, I said Boss Bao, we watched the excitement, and also visited the tour, give us some real chapters, and tell us how you charge here."

After Boss Liu finished speaking, other wretches immediately agreed, "That's right, tell us about the fees."

Bao Huantou smiled at everyone, and pointed to the entrance of the logistics building, "There is the consultation desk. If you have any questions, you can go there for consultation, whether it is inquiry, consultation service or complaint. We are here for consultation. It is resolved on the spot and the complaint will not be processed for more than a day."

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