Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 850: The Giant Curtain Is Slowly Opening

Falling into a vacuum, from reciting poems to roaring, to raising the gun, such a long time is enough for the little-footed old lady to rush from Russia to Iowa City, and naturally enough for the members of the Human Cannon Squad to bully Lu Gang.

As soon as Lu Gang raised the gun, a small hand pinched his wrist, squeezed hard, shook, the revolver fell to the ground, and then the small hand twisted Lu Gang's arm forcefully, click, piercing bone There was a cracking sound, and a section of humerus with a few drops of red pierced through the skin and was exposed.

The owner of the small hand is Altaxia. Although she is a female team member, she is not small in strength, and she shot with anger, how could Lu Gang end up well.

Lu Gang looked down blankly at his bones exposed outside, and watched the blood dripping down to the ground, "I'm dreaming, right? Why doesn't it hurt?"

There is a delay in the transmission of pain nerves to the brain. Lu Gang has seen it in books, but he has never experienced this phenomenon because he was spoiled since he was a child.

Nan Ruofing took her hands out of her bag, covered her ears, looked at Lu Gang, and waited for his pig cry.


Not disappointing Nan Ruoying, Lu Gang let out a miserable cry in half a minute.

"It's really loud, 87 decibels."

With a mutter, Nan Ruobing grabbed her bag, walked outside the conference room, dialed Nan Yi's phone, and explained the whole process of the matter.

Nan Yi was overjoyed after hearing Nan Ruobing's words, "Little girl, you have Wang Xiu's physique, so you are always the first to feel it when something happens, right?"

"That's not true, Dad, I'm so unlucky to encounter this kind of thing." Nan Ruofing pouted and said coquettishly: "Dad, I was scared and needed comfort."

"Come on, hurry up and ask the lawyer to settle the matter. Also, take care of the follow-up, and beware of lawyers making a big fuss about this matter."

"Dad, I'm not stupid, I know how to do it."

"It's good to know."

After finishing the call, Nanyi thought about Lu Gang. He had heard of this name before. It is an outstanding student, and he can hear it more or less in school. It's just that what Nan Ruofing just mentioned, he always feels familiar, but he can't remember where he heard or saw it.

Since I can't think of something that doesn't matter, Nan Yi didn't think hard, went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water, added two cubes of ice, took the glass to the window, opened the window, and looked up at the goose feathers floating down from the sky Heavy snow, this is the first snow in Moscow this year, it came very quickly and violently.

The next day, Nanyi got up in the morning, and the snow had stopped. He put on his down jacket and went to the yard to check the film greenhouse.

I scraped through the snow and took a look at a vegetable seedling. Although it was crushed, it didn't wither and had a great chance of surviving.

Fill in the snow hole and complete the morning exercise that you have been insisting on.

The relationship between Ukraine, the Soviet revisionists, and Russia has always been very delicate. When Ukraine was still an independent country, it was shivering between the two expanding powers of Germany and Russia. Due to the needs of major powers to build military buffer zones, Ukraine’s territory was always seven Russia, Germany, Poland and even the Austro-Hungarian Empire will come up to take a bite at any time. Ukrainians have never felt safe.

Although they formally joined the Soviet Union in 1922 and became one of the first four republics of the Soviet Union, the Ukrainian elite still wanted to get rid of the control of the big powers and achieve true independence. Therefore, after the establishment of the Soviet revisionists, a vigorous nationalist movement broke out in Ukraine.

In order to strengthen its rule, the Kremlin carried out a large-scale purge of Ukraine through the "agricultural collectivization" movement, and forced grain collection, which led to a severe famine in Ukraine in 1932 and the loss of more than three million people.

Such behavior undoubtedly aggravated the distrust of the Ukrainians towards the Soviet revisionists, which also led to the emergence of two leading parties in Ukraine during the Great Patriotic War—the Nightingale Battalion and the Roland Battalion.

A man surnamed Su held a gun in his hand, pressed it against the temple of a woman surnamed Wu, and asked her affectionately, "Do you love me or not?"

But any woman who cherishes her life and thinks that it is better to die than to live should say "love", and will sing praises to the man surnamed Su, no matter what, live first, as long as you live, there is hope.

Now, hope has come, dawn has come.

The careerists in Ukraine are ready to move, and everyone's eyes are on "independence" and "restructuring the national system" and other political fields that cannot be announced at present. To put it bluntly, they are fighting for power.

With regard to economic reform and small privatization, there is a power vacuum period. Everyone is busy and has no time to care about this matter. Just follow in Moscow's footsteps.

When doing reading comprehension in the exam, there is only one standard answer. Even if the author comes, he has to follow the standard answer. It doesn't matter at all.

Exams are like this, and policy interpretation is different. Just like a thousand viewers see a thousand Hamlets, and a thousand people interpret policies, they will naturally interpret a thousand appearances.

There are reliable and unreliable, radical and conservative, and different circumstances. Naturally, they have different perceptions of the world and different interpretations of policies.

The interpretation of small privatization reforms in the Luhansk region is more radical. First of all, in terms of time, it will not wait until next year. In terms of evaluation, I have grasped the essence of being flexible and not rigid.

The Lugansk Cigarette Factory has 237 employees and more than 3 million rubles in fixed assets. Originally, neither of the two items met the standards for small privatization reform. 38 employees were lost, and the number of employees remained at 199, which was 1 person short of the upper limit of the number of employees.

Don't underestimate this person. Although the number is small, it can represent a living life. One more or one less can sometimes make a world of difference.

It’s like a mine disaster, when 10 people were crushed under the mine pit, when the rescue was organized, the third corpse could not be dug. Although the difference between 3 and 4 was only 1, but in a certain respect, it was a world of difference. Enough is enough, no more, let the remaining 7 disappear.

The number of employees meets the regulations, and the fixed assets are easy to talk about. Take out 3 million rubles and evaluate the fixed assets to 990,000. As for the specific fixed assets, the future boss doesn’t care. The business license will be kept, and the others will be moved away. It is also possible to go around the door and sell it back to the factory. As long as the procedures are solid, everything is reasonable and legal.

In this way, Huang Hexiang bought the Luhansk Cigarette Factory at a cost of more than 4 million rubles, and immediately used the name of the cigarette factory to apply for the establishment of a sub-factory in a small town near Luhansk. This sub-factory In the future, I will be responsible for the last "package" link, and this small town happens to be in Russia.

After getting the factory, Huang Hexiang immediately asked his employees to organize trial production. The Soviet-Revised Tobacco Monopoly Law did not stipulate that "private enterprises" could not produce cigarettes.

The brand of cigarettes and the taste have not yet been determined. Before these two problems are resolved, Yunxiao Tobacco Group is not in a hurry to carry out large-scale production.

These two questions have come to Nanyi, who is sitting at the desk thinking about it.

For Yunxiao Tobacco Group, the main markets it will target in the future are the current Soviet revision area, parts of the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia.

Among them, the current territory of Suxiu is the main market in the future. Although Suxiu has a wide variety of cigarette brands, including CCCP, TU-134, NAMNP, ACTPA, POCTOB, etc. There are hundreds of brands, but these brands all have a common Features - Difficult to draw, especially difficult to draw.

During the Great Patriotic War, many Soviet revisionist soldiers who smoked Mahe cigarettes died on the way to touch the corpses. There is no way, the taste of Mahe cigarettes is not much better than that of leaves. German cigarettes are called a fragrance.

When faced with the situation of being besieged and having no way of escape, the equally heroic German army would often gather cigarettes together, pour gasoline on them and burn them, vowing not to leave the first-level strategic equipment to the enemy.

Although decades have passed, Mahe cigarettes can only be seen in remote areas, but Suxiu cigarettes have not changed the fact that they are difficult to smoke. In a horizontal comparison, Albanian cigarettes are the only ones that are more difficult to smoke.

Nan Yi, who has smoked two Albanian brands of Shkodra and Sports, believes that smoking this kind of cigarette is better than smoking mosquito coils. A 40-year-old smoker who feels sick when he smells smoke, strives to be a smoking cessation ambassador.

Nanyi pondered for a while, and wrote "Entropy" and "Aztecs" on the paper. One is entropy, and the other is Aztecs. Entropy can barely be related to combustion. Aztecs have history. Looking at the earliest smoking groups, the brands used as cigarettes are all full-fledged.

Draw two horizontal lines under "Entropy", Nanyi decided to use this name as the brand of Yunxiao special cigarettes, full of force, and limited sales to the outside world; "Aztecs" as the main brand, developed a brand under this brand series; in addition, plus a "Parasite" brand, used to focus on the African market.

The literal translation of "Parasite" is the meaning of parasitic organisms. It can be extended to explain eating and being lazy. Of course, the brand explanation cannot be said that way. It can be said that "African people living in rich and resource-rich land can easily live an enviable abundance. Life", and a line of text can be added on the cigarette pack - dedicated to the greatest African people.

"It's about making money, flattery is not shabby at all. If necessary, it's okay to say that I am African."

Nanyi muttered, and drew two horizontal lines under "Entropy" with the pen in his hand. For the other two brands, he was just making a reference, and Yunxiao Tobacco Group decided on its own. "Entropy" has nothing to do with marketing. Brands that are not related are settled.

Then, Nanyi sent an email to Brook Khan, the president of Luban Wood, to set aside Luban Wood’s betel nut plantations in Madagascar, India, and Sri Lanka, and set up a betel nut company to cooperate with Yunxiao Tobacco Group for joint marketing .

Pairing betel nut with smoke has boundless magic power. These two products are very suitable for marketing together.

In addition, there is another advantage that can only be said quietly behind closed doors. Selling betel nuts can not only earn profits, but also provide a steady stream of customers to the low-profit dental and Adler clinics, establishing a virtuous circle of profit chains.

"Do you want to set up another charity fund with 80% of the handling fee and 19.5% of the operating cost, dedicated to helping oral cancer patients? Well, forget it, this is someone else's house, and it is easy to cause friction. Besides, the food looks a little ugly. My skin is still too thin to eat this delicious food, what a pity, what a pity, a lucrative business without capital."

Nanyi's brain was running wild when the phone on the table rang.

"Mr. Nan."

"Oh, Meimei, what's wrong?"

On the other side of the phone was Zhen Meimei, Bao Huantou's interpreter. Bao Huantou's Russian was only at the level of "Hala Shao", and his progress was slow. Without an interpreter by his side, he couldn't do anything at all.

"Mr. Bao and I went to visit Ismailov. We waited for more than three hours, but he didn't see us."

"Since we don't see you, let's go back first."

Ismailov was the one who bought the 600-acre vacant land next to the Olympic Village one step ahead of Nanyi. I didn't find out, but before I got rich, I can be sure that the roots were Zheng Miaohong, two generations of poor peasants, and the grandparents had done business, and they were considered a well-off family at that time.

Nan Yi called Aksinya who was sent by him to go through the company registration procedures. Although Su Xiu had developed the ЛК-1 mobile phone in the 1950s, it had not been taken seriously, which led to the slow development of Su Xiu's mobile phone. There is still no mobile phone network.

As a last resort, for the convenience of communication, Nanyi gave Aksinya a satellite phone. Of course, it must have been bought from outside, not from Nanshi's internal satellite network.

Nan Yi told Aksinya not to come directly to the consulate tomorrow, but to visit Ismailov first. If Ismailov also ignored Aksinya, it could be concluded that Ismailov was behind the scenes. If someone has very limited strength and refuses to drink a toast, then he will be given a fine wine.


At noon, after eating something, Nanyi found out the "Summary of Science and Technology" published by the Institute of Science and Technology Information, and found out various fields from the first issue of the magazine. He checked the dictionary and found most of the articles he could not understand. There are too many, Nanyi is half a bucket of Russian, and it is too difficult to understand.

As long as he is a scientific and technological talent, Nanyi will be very concerned. Although it is not clear what field of research Jin Qiushi is engaged in, Nanyi still cares about him. If the things in Jin Qiushi's mind are what the Nan family needs, the sugar-coated cannonball will immediately In the past, nothing to say, cover bombing, even if Jin Qiushi's family dog ​​has a mouse as a pet, it will also be included in the welfare system of the Nan family, killing two cats in front of it every day for fun.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Nanyi appeared on time to translate at Pony, and Jin Qiushi had already arrived. Because of Nanyi's care yesterday, Zheng Daming was very polite to Jin Qiushi, arranged for him to sit at the empty table, and offered him a cup of black tea.

Coming to Jin Qiushi's side, Nanyi took out the torn pages of the magazine, "Old comrade, that's it, you can translate them into Chinese for three hours, if you have more time, you can also try to translate them into Chinese." A French edition."

Jin Qiushi took the pages of the book, took out the glasses case from his bag, put on his presbyopic glasses, and immediately started translating at his desk.

Three hours is not too long, Nan Yi can't just wait, he ran to the training ground to kill more than an hour, then went into the convenience store, took a paper cup, and picked out Oden from twenty grids.

All the convenience stores of 996 Convenience Company, a subsidiary of One Retail, have the same decoration style no matter which country or region they are in, and the store furnishings are also generally the same. Only the details will be slightly adjusted according to the customs and best-selling products in different regions.

For example, the 20 grids of Kanto cooking has been absorbed from 7-ELEVEn and has been improved to become the standard equipment of the entire 996 store. There is also an electric grill for sausages. These two items are not very eye-catching. But in fact, it can earn the wages of store employees.

In addition, Fenjuhua's "Seven Fen Love" semi-finished dishes, instant box lunch series, and breakfast series are all standard in the store, and the sales are very good. These have also become one of the key products in the competition between 996 and other convenience stores.

After picking out several oden dishes, Nanyi took out a bottle of milk from the pot next to him, took out his wallet, and said to the store manager Rogowski, "How is the business today?"

"It's not bad. The sales of instant box lunches are very good, especially the size 12."

Rogowski is a native of Moscow. Before he was transferred here from Vasily Supermarket, he studied Chinese for a few days. The exchange of payment was fine, but the others were not very effective. There was also another clerk, who also did not speak Chinese well. .

Arranging two Muscovite clerks who cannot speak Chinese is purely intentional. Nanyi doesn't want the clerks to be too familiar with the residents here. He has multiple considerations.

One is that people’s hearts are complicated. If you arrange domestic people as shop assistants, you will get involved in troubles if you have more contact with residents. Not only the personal troubles of the shop assistants, but also convenience stores may be involved, such as credit debts, or storage. The killer stuff is in the store.

The second is to reduce the probability of cultivating friendly businessmen. The management system, supply system, cash register system, and service system of 996 all have their own unique things. Nanyi does not want to see a Chinese copying a Vasily in Russia. Out of the supermarket.

As far as Nanyi knows, those who like to do supermarket business abroad are either from Huqing or from Wenshi. People in these two places have a strong family spirit. If one works well, it will bring out a large area. National supermarket, this may not be a good thing.

Nanyi is not afraid of competition, but worried about being hit by thunder. The retail industry in his country is controlled by people from another country.

Although he is mentally prepared to run away at any time, no one thinks too much money, and the business can be done day by day. Even Nanyi has the extravagant hope of continuing to do it. In short, it is to prepare for the worst and look forward to the best tomorrow.

"Follow me, Beijing sauce shredded pork lunch box."

" lunch." Rogowski stumbled and read it after Nanyi.

"No, it's a Beijing sauce shredded pork lunch box."

Nan Yi corrected Rogowski's pronunciation, and waited until the other party could read decently before he stopped being a teacher. After paying the bill, he took a newspaper from the newspaper rack and sat down in the empty seat prepared for customers in the store.

When the three hours were up, Nan Yi went back to Pony to translate. Jin Qiushi had already finished the translation work, not only the Chinese version, but also the French version.

After reading Nanyi, what should be incomprehensible is still incomprehensible, and it does not make a difference because of the changed words. But Jin Qiushi’s handwriting is good. Chinese uses lower case, which has the taste of (children’s) Xinglu’s lower case. Most of the characters are in traditional characters, and only a few characters are in simplified characters. Around 15 degrees, it looks very beautiful.

Not to mention his characters, at least Nanyi discovered two pieces of information from Jin Qiushi’s characters——Jin Qiushi should have come to the Soviet Union before 1956, and did not catch up with the promotion of simplified characters; Jin Qiushi really dabbled a lot, The pages Nanyi took out involved nuclear physics, semiconductors, and machinery, and he was able to translate them one by one.

Well, regarding the second point, Nanyi has to pass Jin Qiushi's translation to someone who can understand it before he can fully confirm it.

"Old comrade, your handwriting is very beautiful, and your translation is also very good. How about your hourly salary of $7?"

"Seven dollars?"

Jin Qiushi exclaimed, the price shocked him.

"Yes, $7. If you agree with this figure, a task will be given to you tomorrow. It is still a written translation. Divide today's amount by 6 to calculate your one-hour workload."

Jin Qiushi's face brightened, "Okay, when will I come over tomorrow?"

"Don't be so troublesome. I'm going to pass Lenin Street tomorrow. I'll just drop you there, around one o'clock in the afternoon."

"Okay, I live on the 5th floor of Building 3."

Jin Qiushi was not surprised that Nanyi knew where he lived. Every unit here in Moscow has its own employee building/community (Khrushchev Building, which is what I learned in China). Except for the secret unit, knowing the unit means knowing where he lives. Where.

The next day, Nan Yi personally sent the "materials" to be translated to Jin Qiushi, met his wife Zhuo Ya, and observed that she must have just had a serious illness. After staying for a while, Nan Yi said goodbye and left. Quickly call Zhang Yizhen.

"The forehead lines on both sides are symmetrical, the limbs are weak and numb, the speech is not good, and it is easy to cough when drinking water, and it looks a little facial paralysis. Is this caused by a stroke?"

Zhang Yizhen: "Boss, according to your description, it is likely to be a stroke caused by cerebrovascular disease, which is usually called a major stroke, and the official term of Chinese medicine is stroke."

"It's troublesome to adjust, and is it expensive?"

Zhang Yizhen: "It's a little troublesome. I need regular acupuncture. The money is good. There are no expensive medicinal materials in the prescription."

"Understood, let people who are proficient in this disease prepare to fly to Moscow. I will inform you of the specific time."


At the same time, in the United States, Rachel's secretary is signing a share transfer contract with Porter, a gold medal lawyer who is also the owner of the Arnold Porter Law Firm, and the transfer is the shares of the Moscow Bridge Company.

Porter initially invested US$3 million in the bridge company. In less than two years, Rachel bought the shares valued at US$7 million at a price of US$17 million. Portel made a net profit of US$14 million. It was a good deal for him, and it was also a good deal for Pan American Holdings, because the major shareholder of Bridge Company was Gusinski.

Gusinski is of Jewish descent. After graduating from high school, he tried to apply for the Moscow Institute of Physics and Engineering, but was discriminated against. After dropping out, he worked on the black market, importing jeans and tapes.

Afterwards, he served in the army for two years. After being demobilized, he applied for the National Academy of Dramatic Art at the instigation of his friends. As a result, this young man who had never read Stanislavsky and Shakespeare was accidentally admitted.

Studying theatrical performance wasn't a big deal for Gusinski, and in college he made the most of his interpersonal skills.

In the era when materials were scarce, he could always solve problems for teachers and classmates, and he was one of the very few people in the school who owned a car. Therefore, he got acquainted with many upper-level figures, even KGB elites.

The reality is cruel. After studying screenwriting and acting for several years, but could not find an opportunity to act, Gusinski was frustrated and gave up. He was planning to make a small profit by driving a "black car", but accidentally discovered that the transformer copper cable value, so they stole copper wires and found a factory to process them into copper bracelets, which can produce more than 50,000 pieces a day, priced at 5 rubles, and made a fortune.

Later, Gusinsky approached Mikhailovich, who was then a junior civil servant issuing licenses for start-up businesses.

In 1988, Gusinsky opened a cooperative, responsible for providing consulting services for Western investors to do business in the Soviet Union.

One day, he received a group of American businessmen who came to Moscow to look for opportunities. One of them came from one of the top law firms in Washington.

Through the American matchmaking, Gusinski took Mikhailovich to visit the United States, which opened his eyes. They agreed that the renovation of old urban houses could make money.

After returning, the two reached a tacit agreement. Mikhailovich provided the old house for free, and Gusinsky rebuilt it. Half or two-thirds of it will be returned to the city government, and the rest will be sold. Even so, there is still a good profit .

In July this year, Mikhailovich was promoted to deputy mayor of Moscow. Under his operation, the bridge company joined the army of private banks and opened a bridge bank.

In Moscow, it was inconvenient for Nanyi to investigate Mikhailovich, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t save the country with curves. After a little inquiry, he could find out that he had a relationship with Gusinsky, and then follow Gusinsky’s plan. Check the line down, and the clues obtained can be connected in series through brain supplementation.

Eileen Chang has a dirty saying in "Lust, Caution", Nan Yi thinks it makes sense, Aksinya is a time bomb buried beside him, and it will explode one day to create a big surprise for him, to persuade him Or pajamas, there are always two ways to go.

In the afternoon, Nan Yi quietly checked the email from Rachel, and took Aksinya to Huaguo City. Huaguo City is located on the north side of the Red Square. It is a group of buildings with the classical flavor of Huaguo. Together with the Red Square and the Kremlin, it constitutes the core of the ancient Moscow city.

"Aksinya, why is Hua Guocheng built here?"

Aksinya was very surprised by Nanyi's tone. It used to be that Nanyi talked to her in a serious manner, but now it was soft, which made her very uncomfortable.

"The Kremlin used to be called the Kremlin City. It is not only the center of Moscow, but also the forbidden area where the city wall was first built. The reason why there is a Huaguo City here is because of a woman, Yelena, the mother of Russia's first Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Glinskaya.

During her regency, she built the city wall of the urban area, and named the urban area Huaguo City in memory of the small Huaguo City where her ancestral home was. lineage.

This is one of the sayings. Some historians say that Huaguo City actually means Zhongcheng in Mongolian because it is located between the inner city of the Kremlin and the Moskva River.

There is another saying that the Italian architect who commanded the construction of the city at that time called it "Hua Guocheng". "

Nanyi, who was walking, slowly got closer and closer to Aksinya, and the arms would rub against each other if they didn't pay attention.

After another caress, Nanyi turned his head and asked, "Which statement do you think is closer to the truth?"

"I think it's the first type, the other two are more speculation."

Aksinya felt something strange in her arm, but she didn't make any move to stay away, it's just that this level of contact didn't make her feel disgusted.

"Did Catherine II live in the Kremlin back then?"

"if not?"

"That's strange. I know that her first lover was Saltykov. The two of them had an affair in the palace. Because her husband was not good enough, for the inheritance of imperial power, the old emperor Elizaveta acquiesced , the two of them could openly have an affair and gave birth to Paul I;

However, her second lover, Poniatowski, was a subordinate of the British ambassador to Russia. At that time, Catherine II was not in power. I don’t think Poniatowski can come and go easily The Kremlin, where did they cheat? "

"I don't know." Aksinya replied displeased, how could a man want to talk to her about another woman's affair, how could she be happy.

"Okay." Nanyi spread his hands and smiled lightly, "We won't talk about this topic, let's go and go shopping in Gum Mall."

The two came to the Gum Mall, strolled around for a while, and entered a store called "Hua Store". Under Aksinya's introduction, Nan Yi knew that this was a special store for the Soviet revisionists' high-level shopping. It sells some imported goods that are not easy to find in the market. Most people don't even think about buying things, even if they are a face, they don't want to come in. Nanyi can come in thanks to Aksinya's face.

Nanyi looked at the European goods displayed on the counter, which were only of middle-level goods in Europe, which made him doubt whether the word "special supply" here was reliable, but when he thought of the current Soviet revisionist economy, he also I don't think it's strange anymore.

Inadvertently, Nan Yi saw Aksinya's gaze lingering on a string of ruby ​​necklaces for a long time. He kept his face and secretly remembered the style of the necklaces; Next, buy it quietly, and give it to her suddenly one day, the feeling of surprise should be stronger.

"I just hope this little girl is not a swallow."

After staying in the Hua store for a while, the two went to a restaurant NO.57 on the third floor that specializes in lovers' set meals.

The lights in the restaurant are deliberately dimmed, and the pink color will make people feel charming. There are many people, couples, but not noisy. Nanyi and Aksinya are sitting at a relatively remote table, and the school belle People then matched men and women to occupy the three tables on the side.

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