"Miss Xia, hello, I don't know what you can do with me?"

"I came to see Mr. Nan, of course I want to discuss business." Xia Mingyu said with a soft smile.

"I don't know what business Miss Xia wants to do with me?"

In Nanyi's eyes, Xia Mingyu was probably a bad customer, who either wanted to take advantage of him, or just wanted to take advantage of him. In short, nothing good happened.

"Mansion, Coco Mansion."

"Oh, that's it. If you want to talk about this business, please go ahead and talk to Manager Ma Yuma. I am not specifically responsible for this matter."

"No, Manager Ma and I can't talk. His asking price is too high, and I can't afford that much money." Xia Mingyu said coquettishly and threateningly.

"Buying and selling is all about asking for a price, and bargaining on the ground. If Ms. Xia really wants to buy it, she can negotiate the price with Manager Ma. The price of Coconut Tree Building is not without room for negotiation."

"Mr. Nan, Manager Ma may not be able to decide the price I want to pay back. I'd better talk to Mr. Nan directly."

"Oh, I don't know what price Miss Xia wants to pay?"

"50 million, and it will take some time before the money can be paid to Mr. Nan." When Xia Mingyu spoke, her eyes stared straight at Nanyi, with a Pixiu hidden in her left eye and a gluttonous glutton hidden in her right eye.

"Oh, this price, no wonder Miss Xia is sure that Manager Ma will not agree." Nan Yi said lightly: "Miss Xia, why do you think I will sell the coconut tree building with an asking price of 400 million to you for 50 million?" Woolen cloth?"

"Hehehe, Mr. Nan is a noble person, and there is such a noble person behind me." Xia Mingyu said generously.

"Oh, so that's the case." Nan Yi nodded, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Miss Xia, sit down for a while, and I'll go out for a while."

"Mr. Nan, please."

Nan Yi nodded, walked out of the office, got the phone from Xiao Hua, walked to a secluded place, made a list in his mind, and then dialed out the phone to find out if anyone knew Xia Mingyu.

After calling around on the phone, no one said they knew Xia Mingyu. Nan Yi knew it, handed the phone back to Xiaohua, and asked Zhang Min to enter his office together.

"Zhang Min, this is Miss Xia Mingyuxia. Her temperament, appearance, and figure are all good, but I think this face is a little smaller. It would be great if it could be bigger." Nan Yi took Zhang Min to her executive chair In front of her, facing Xia Mingyu, she said something for Zhang Min.

Xia Mingyu's face was angry when Nan Yi said it, and when he was about to speak, Nan Yi opened his mouth again.

"Zhang Min, help Miss Xia to make her face look bigger."

"President Nan?"

Zhang Min was at a loss, very inexplicable.

Nanyi's face turned cold, and he said sharply: "I don't understand, then I'll just say it directly, slap my mouth, don't stop until it's swollen."


"Ah what? If you don't, you won't have a chance." Nan Yi said playfully.

Xia Mingyu stood up suddenly, and angrily said: "Nan, what do you want?"

"Zhang Min." Nan Yi said heavily.

Zhang Min bit her lip and said in a staggered manner, "Mr. Nan, I...I don't know how to hit people."

"Oh, lady, it's not hard for you." Nan Yi said lightly, and then shouted out the door: "Sister-in-law, come in."

After Nanyi's voice fell, Tianxian pushed the door open and entered in an instant. While entering, he observed the situation of the office vigilantly, and walked towards Nanyi after finding nothing wrong.

Nan Yi pouted at Xia Mingyu, "I like her face to be a little bigger and gentler."


Tianxian responded, and came to Xia Mingyu with a stride, his right hand twitched back, slap, Xia Mingyu's right cheek sank, retracted like lightning, slap, a forehand slap hit Xia Mingyu's left cheek again.

One hit each on the left and right, Xia Mingyu's cheeks on both sides instantly turned red.

Then, it bulged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Before Xia Mingyu's wailing sounded, Nan Yi asked gently: "Miss Xia, I don't know you, so I'm curious who gave you the courage to buy the Coconut Tree Building at a price of 50 million? Well, you should settle the bill with me after you sell it."

For three seconds, Nan Yi didn't hear Xia Mingyu's answer, so he couldn't help frowning.

Seeing this, Tianxian gave Xia Mingyu a hard look.

Stared at by the fairy, Xia Mingyu was about to spit out the wailing, and suddenly suppressed it back into her stomach, raised her hand to stroke her cheek, tears of grievance, unwillingness, and resentment filled her eyes, her elegant and indifferent temperament just now disappeared, and there was nothing wrong with it The little bird is like a man, and I feel pity for it, leaving only bruises and pitifulness on my face.

Xia Mingyu was the first one who dared to come to bully Nanyi with such an open fight. She was bullying too much. She slapped him on the face. Is his face so easy to hit? Is his advantage so easy to take advantage of?

"Miss Xia, your mouth was very dexterous just now. I didn't expect it to be ineffective now. I hope it's only intermittent, not permanent. In the past two years, about two and a half years ago, a new industry appeared in the world. , it is a very lucrative industry, and it can be said that there is no profit at all.”

As Nanyi said, he opened the drawer and rummaged for a while, took out a pair of white leather gloves and put them on, stood up, walked to Xia Mingyu's side, and lifted the other's chin, "That industry is called human organ trading. your heart……"

Nanyi's index finger poked Xia Mingyu's heart.


Fingers follow the voice.



Nan Yi's hand stroked Xia Mingyu's spine all the way down, "Spinal fluid, spine, when you are alive, one by one... one by one."

Opening his hands, Nan Yi imitated the beating of his heart, "Look, this is your heart. It was dug out just now, and it is still beating. Hehe, good luck, Miss Xia has a very healthy heart, and she will definitely be able to sell it for a big price." Price...don't shake your legs, you won't be able to hold back your urine if you shake, Miss Xia, the carpet under your feet is pure wool, it's very expensive."

"Surname... Nan, Mr. Nan, I know I was wrong, please let me go, I... I don't want to die." Xia Mingyu said tremblingly.

Nan Yi put away the scariness on his face, smiled and said: "What the hell, Miss Xia, I'm a businessman, not some kind of gangster, just now I just introduced you to a new industry visually, that's all.

Miss Xia, I would like to ask you a more private question. How many boyfriends have you had this year? As long as we spend the whole night together, it counts. Ah, the kindergarten teacher taught us to be an honest child. I hope Miss Xia has not forgotten the teacher's teaching. "

Nan Yi said as he walked towards the executive chair, "I know you girls are rather shy, so it's a bit embarrassing for you to say, how about this, you take a pen and write it down, try to write it down in detail, such as name, age, whether you are old or not. Marriage, where you work, whether you have a job, what title you have, and so on.

Of course, if Miss Xia is willing to write down the location of the tryst, or if she can issue photos and video tapes, that would be great. "

After finishing speaking, Nanyi picked up the canned bottle on the table, unscrewed the lid, took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, "Secretary Zhang, you don't know how to hit people, you can always do it with a pen and paper? Go to your own office to help Xia Come here with a pen and paper."

"Ah... oh, oh."

Zhang Min was stunned for a long time before he realized and walked out. As soon as Zhang Min left, Nanyi gave Tianxian a wink and told him to go out too.

In an instant, only Nan Yi and Xia Mingyu were left in the office.

Nanyi picked up the half-read document just now, continued to look down, and waited quietly.

Xia Mingyu is still trapped in the anxiety of being frightened by Nanyi. She is afraid, really afraid. She has never encountered such a situation before. The most she meets are people who are attracted by her beauty. She has to deal with often It's a pervert with hands and feet, who would have expected that this bastard surnamed Nan in front of him would not play cards according to common sense.

The office remained silent, and when it was time for dinner, Xia Mingyu still didn't say a word.

At 12:00, Xiaohua came to the office with a stainless steel insulation box, first put down a newspaper under her armpit, then spread an old newspaper on the desk, opened the insulation box, and served three dishes and one soup in Nanyi before.

Putting down the documents, Nan Yi picked up the "Sports Weekly" on the table. It was written in the newspaper that the Hongshan Pass meeting was being held in Beijing, saying that this meeting would determine whether Huaguo's football would start to become professional.

The newspaper also mentioned the NBA draft and listed several top candidates for the No. 1 pick, with O'Neal at the top.

While eating, he looked at various slightly delayed news in the newspaper. When the meal was halfway through, Xia Mingyu, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

"Mr. Nan, what exactly do you want?"

Nan Yi put down the newspaper and looked at Xia Mingyu, "Miss Xia, you shouldn't ask me, you should ask yourself what you want to do, one mouth will eat 350 million yuan, I was so scared that I asked around in the capital, lest you It's the eldest lady who doesn't step out of the boudoir in the deep house. Miss Xia, your house is really deep, and I didn't even find out your name."

When Xia Mingyu opened his mouth and wanted to buy the Coconut Tree Building with 50 million, Nan Yi judged that even if Xia Mingyu had a foot, it would not be too deep. Someone is not easy to mess with, Lai is not easy to mess with, Temasek is not easy to mess with, and Kushner \u0026 Co. is not easy to mess with.

Even so, the words "Zhuge is only cautious in his life" still affected Nanyi. He called just now to ask if anyone in the small circle knew Xia Mingyu, and the result of the inquiry was naturally negative.

Xia Mingyu's ignorant way of doing things, the results of inquiries, and Xia Mingyu's reaction during the acting just now, Nan Yi has already determined that this woman is a fake tiger, relying on a sick tiger, or even just A group of hyenas who professionally dig their anus.

"Inquire about yourself in the capital..." Nanyi's words made Xia Mingyu's heart tremble, "I have nothing to do with the capital, how thick is the iron plate I kicked this time?"

Gritting her teeth, Xia Mingyu said, "Mr. Nan, tell me, how much does it cost for us to expose this matter?"

"No, no, no." Nan Yi raised his index finger and swung it left and right, "Miss Xia, there is no conflict between us, as I said just now, I just think that Miss Xia's face would be more charming if it was bigger. Ms. Xia might as well look in the mirror, you are much brighter now than before.

Okay, Ms. Xia, you and I are both busy people, let's get back to the business you came here to achieve today. I decided to sell the coconut tree building to Ms. Xia at a price of 340 million.

Since Ms. Xia has taken a fancy to the Coconut Tree Building, she must have known about the Dream Town project. As long as you buy the Coconut Tree Building at a price of 340 million and hold it in your hand for a year, by this time next year, according to the current Coconut Tree Building Not to mention the hotness of the real estate market in the city, it should not be difficult for the price to rise by 200 million. "

"Mr. Nan, since you think the Coconut Tree Building has such a bright future, why don't you continue to build it?"

Although there were bitter elements in Nanyi's words, the tone was gentle, which led Xia Mingyu back to the atmosphere of business negotiations, giving her the illusion that she was now negotiating friendlyly.

"In December last year, the Soviet revisionist disintegrated, and in February this year, Russia carried out economic reforms. We Green Nuclear Development are very optimistic about Russia's development, and transferred a large part of the funds to Russia.

As for Dream Town, Green Core Development is only the major shareholder, and there are three other shareholders. The Dream Town project exceeds the budget, Green Core Development is unable to continue to increase capital, and other shareholders do not agree with the capital increase. The president of the company can only find ways to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

If Ms. Xia is willing to buy the Coconut Tree Building, I may use part of the money I receive to invest in the land. I have just returned to Coconut City for two days, and the enthusiasm of the market has made me very excited. "

Xia Mingyu summed it up in her mind. If the Coconut Tree Building is mortgaged by the bank, it should be no problem to borrow 300 million. It is not a big problem to raise 20 million by yourself. As long as you keep the building in your hands for a while, it may not be necessary to earn 200 million. It should not be difficult to earn more than 50 million.

"300 million."

"335 million."

"300 million."

"330 million."

"300 million."

Nanyi weighed Xia Mingyu's psychological price in his heart. He estimated it should be around 320 million, because he had other ulterior plans, and Nanyi didn't intend to get entangled in the price, "Miss Xia, 320 million, this is my price. The reserve price cannot be lowered.”

Xia Mingyu thought for a while and said, "I need to mortgage the Coconut Tree Building, otherwise I won't be able to pay that much money."

"If Ms. Xia needs our Dream Town to cooperate to make a time difference, we are very happy to cooperate." Nanyi smiled.

"make a deal."

"Okay, then I'll wait for Miss Xia to come and sign the contract."

Nanyi then called Tianxian in again and asked him to take out a bottle of Wuji Powder and hand it to Xia Mingyu.

"Miss Xia, don't worry about your face. This is a magic medicine. After you go back, mix some 30-degree warm water and apply it on your face. It will recover within two hours. You can apply more on the bags under your eyes." , I think Miss Xia hasn't been sleeping very well recently, and the bags under her eyes are a bit deep."

Xia Mingyu looked at the bottle in his hand, and asked incredulously, "Mr. Nan, are you serious?"

"Of course, you'll know if you try it."

In a friendly and harmonious atmosphere, Nanyi sent Xia Mingyu away, and before parting, Nanyi also asked Zhang Min to put a case of Nanchen wine in Xia Mingyu's trunk.

After Xia Mingyu left, Nan Yi also left his office, asked Xiaohua to drive the car to a tea shop for Dad, ordered tea, ordered a few small dishes at random, asked the boss for a cattail fan, shook the cattail fan, Nanyi Drink tea and enjoy the coolness leisurely.

In the afternoon of June in Coconut City, the temperature can reach more than 30 degrees. There is no wind today, and the sky is not so hot. It is uncomfortable to stay in the air-conditioned room, and Nanyi wants to sweat.

"Nansheng, do you want to touch it?"

"Don't worry, we'll talk about it when the coconut tree building is signed and transferred. I have a little guess about Xia Mingyu's situation. There won't be any great people behind her. At most, there will be a few bosses. It's just that this woman is smart. Play clearly.

I was worried that the buyer who bought the Coconut Tree Building might not be easy to get along with, and it would be troublesome when I bought it back in the future; hehe, I didn’t expect sleepiness to meet a pillow, and such a pretentious owner came.

50 million, and there is still a delay in payment, hehe..."

Spend the hottest time of the day in the teahouse. Later in the afternoon, Nanyi went to the ditch where the water from the Meiya Reservoir came out. He picked up a few times with a rake, and he scooped up enough dried shrimps to make a dish.

Take the shrimp back to Longkunxia Village, rinse the shrimp several times with clean water, and then soak them in clean water.


Gai Ping, Qingsongling.

Gaiping Office of the Reclamation Group.

Nan Ruoqiong stood in front of the scale, fiddled with the weight, and waited for the lever to be level. She glanced at the number on the scale rod, wrote down a number in the notebook, and shouted: "47 catties and 6 taels, you will be deducted 2 catties. 6 taels, 45 catties."

"Little boss, why do you want to deduct it?" The fisherman who brought the jellyfish quit.

"It's polite to only charge you so much, don't pretend that I didn't see you stuffed two rotten ones into it just now." Nan Ruoqiong said, opened the lid of the plastic bucket, reached deep into the bucket to scoop it out, and two pieces of the same quality The bad jellyfish head came into her hand, and she held the jellyfish head without saying a word, and showed it to the fishermen.


Seeing that his trick was punctured, the fishermen showed an embarrassed expression on their faces.

Nan Ruoqiong threw the jellyfish head aside, and shouted at the worker carrying the plastic bucket, "Followers follow."

At the beginning of this year, Nan Ruoqiong's round-the-world tour began. Compared with Nan Ruoqiong who had a private plane to pick him up and bodyguards to escort him, Nan Ruoqiong's journey was a little tight. The starting point orphanage's budget was not high, although it would not Let her be reduced to a backpacker who walks while working, but she can't live too luxuriously.

Nan Ruoqiong set the starting point of her journey at Xiangtang, then followed Xiangtang to Guangdong Province, and then went all the way north. Half a month ago, she arrived in Gaiping, and when she was about to leave, she received Nanyi She stopped in her tracks and stayed in Gaiping for the time being.

Under the hands-on instruction of the head of the office, Fan Heize, Nan Ruoqiong quickly started the acquisition of jellyfish and stayed in the office to help.

Generally speaking, if you want to buy jellyfish, you need to go to the fisherman's house to collect it. Fishermen will not send jellyfish to the buying point. The reclamation group can turn the office into a buying point. It took three years to build up word of mouth.

Others have to pay for the jellyfish and deliver the goods, but here you can get an IOU, a hard IOU with a very guaranteed reputation.

The IOUs are not because I want to get some cheap interest, but because I am worried about safety issues. Once the acquisition season is over, the office will settle the settlement for all fishermen who deliver goods in the yard of the town police station on the same day. Depositing large sums of cash is not easy to attract villains to worry about.

"2704 catties and 8 taels, 7 yuan and 7 yuan, rounded up for you, the total is 20827 yuan, on the 5th of next month, go to the town police station to get the money."

Guo Hao said that Nan Ruoqiong issued a receipt to the fishermen, sent one fisherman away, and then came the next one. Although there are still a few days before the stipulated fishing season, many fishermen will go out to sea secretly, so this year's new jellyfish has already been listed on the market at this time.

From morning to evening, Nan Ruoqiong has been busy weighing. When dinner was approaching, another fisherman brought a jellyfish. Nan Ruoqiong stepped forward to open a plastic bucket, fished out a jellyfish head from inside, I squeezed it and threw it back into the bucket, "The ratio of alum and salt is wrong, and it didn't dry out after the third dehydration. Pull it back, we won't accept it."

"No, no, no, little boss, look at the other buckets." When the fisherman heard that Nan Ruoqiong said no, he immediately became anxious, and quickly opened another bucket, grabbed a jellyfish head and showed it to Nan Ruoqiong, "Little boss , look, this one is awesome."

Nan Ruoqiong took the head of the jellyfish, squeezed it, put it under her nose and smelled it, "This bucket is fine, uncle, we must be honest in business, even if you fool us today, we will be fooled at most once, next time we will absolutely I won’t accept your jellyfish again. It’s all right, you can do it yourself and pick out the defective ones that are stuffed in.”

Hearing this, the fishermen immediately picked out the several barrels of defective products stuffed in, and honestly moved the few barrels that passed the test to the scale. The fisherman heard that the office was responsible for buying a little girl these days, and he wanted to bring the defective product here to fool him, but who knew that the little girl was so young, but she was very shrewd.

As the meal approached, Nan Ruoqiong finally sent off all the fishermen, and today's purchase came to an end.

Just as she was about to take a rest, an old gentleman with gray hair but looking very energetic walked over with a bag.

"Grandpa Zhou, just came back from the village?" Nan Ruofing greeted the old gentleman politely.

Zhou Gong's surname is Zhang, not Zhou. Zhou Gong is just a respectful name for him. He is the most famous broker in Qingsongling.

Mr. Zhou used to be a factory manager. After retiring, he began to provide services for jellyfish customers from all over the world. He took care of all the work such as purchasing, inspecting goods, hiring small laborers, picking up trucks and consigning goods. Customers only need to follow him to inspect and pay. ;After the consignment is completed in the car, Mr. Zhou will settle the bill with the customer, and the customer needs to pay him a labor fee of 20 cents per catty of jellyfish.

It is said that Zhou Gong’s annual labor fee income is more than 100,000 yuan. This is said to be a bit conservative. Zhou Gong’s customers come from all over the country, and he has to receive several large customers every year. A customer receives at least 30 to 40 tons of goods at a time, and he can intersperse them. Serve several clients at the same time.

The reform and opening up has provided fishermen with opportunities to get rich. The jellyfish that fishermen go out to sea to catch are no longer purchased and sold by the state. access.

But today, fishermen have implemented the real "more pay for more work". They summoned people from the city to work as part-time workers, and their daily wages soared to 30 yuan. miniature.

In Qingsongling, fishermen worth from 100,000 to 1 million yuan can be seen everywhere.

With the rise of the jellyfish business, brokers such as Zhou Gong naturally emerged between fishermen and customers from all over the world. He is familiar with the business and has various necessary relationships up and down to solve various problems for customers.

Customers welcome him, fishermen fawn on him, and local government departments look up to him.

It can be said that the prosperity of Qingsongling depends on jellyfish, which has the indispensable achievements of Duke Zhou.

In the past, fishermen caught jellyfish and no one wanted it. Duke Zhou was well-informed and contacted customers. The jellyfish is pickled in the salt-water mixture, but there is no uniform standard for how long it takes to leave the mixture before weighing it, which is the so-called empty water.

Zhou Gong started Shi Huan to control water for 24 hours, which is also the water control time for jellyfish export regulations. Zhou Gong compressed the time again and again, and finally set a "water control" of three to five minutes, which has become a recognized standard for buyers and sellers in today's jellyfish market.

It is said that Zhou Gong was the first creator of plastic jellyfish barrels on train containers across the country. With the increasing production of jellyfish, the only way out is to put on train containers. The station originally disagreed, saying that there had never been such a practice.

Zhou Gong threw a few packs of good cigarettes to the people at the station, saying that they were packing them for viewing, and that was it. The first container loaded with stacked jellyfish barrels departed from Qingsongling, and jellyfish has become the main cargo at Qingsongling Station since then.

Clients all trust a serious broker like Zhou Gong. Whether a jellyfish is good or bad, bad, soft or jerry-built, Zhou Gong can tell at a glance if it is less than three times old.

In short, even if you don't know anything about jellyfish, as long as you find a broker like Zhou Gong, you can successfully complete the jellyfish acquisition. Of course, Duke Zhou needs to be made to think that this is a long-term customer. If it’s just for a shot, he doesn’t mind selling the crap from fishermen to such a owner.

"Ruoqiong, just busy?"

"Yes, Grandpa Zhou, you come here so late, do you have a good source of goods?"

Duke Zhou chuckled, and his sharp eyes swept over Nan Ruoqiong's face, "You little girl, you are smart. Today I found a batch of very good jellyfish, which can be rated as special grade, and the asking price is ten cents more."

"how many?"

"40 tons."

"Grandpa Zhou said it was ten cents more expensive, but it was thirty cents more, eight yuan a catty, you can't let me make this trip for nothing."

"Haha, little girl, I'll take care of things, don't worry."

"Okay, I'll take a look with Grandpa Zhou tomorrow. Grandpa Zhou, have you eaten yet?"

"I didn't eat, you didn't eat either, let's go, your grandpa Zhou invites you." Zhou Gong greeted and took Nan Ruoqiong to the restaurant in the town.

At this time, Wu Xiaowei, who wasted a lot of time on the road, had just arrived at Qingsong Ridge, and when he got off the bus, he subconsciously touched the backpack in his hand.

As soon as he touched it, he fell into the eyes of a man sitting on the side of the road on the body of a red happiness 250.

The man got out of the car, walked towards Wu Xiaowei, and said with a shy smile, "Boss, Nanfang Boss, where are you going? Take my motorcycle, it's very cheap."

"I'm not the boss, I'm here to work, and I can't afford a motorcycle."

Among the Huaguo dialects, the Northeast dialect is the most contagious and easily misleading. For the past two years, during summer and winter vacations, Wu Xiaowei has lived in Fengtian. Classmates, there are more or less Northeast accents in their accents.

That is, his Northeast accent allowed him to escape the first catastrophe.

As soon as the man heard that Wu Xiaowei spoke with a Northeast accent, he immediately let go of this established goal and turned his gaze to others.

Taking advantage of the man's distraction, Wu Xiaowei hugged his backpack tightly and walked towards his classmate's house.

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