Michigan, Detroit.

It’s another day of the Windfall draw, and it’s another day when no one wins the first prize. Today’s day is a bit special, because the windfall’s first prize has accumulated to 5 million US dollars. According to the rules, the first prize will be rolled down and distributed to other lower-level recipients.

That is to say, people who only guess 5, 4 or even 3 or 2 numbers correctly will get different levels of bonuses.

A small town half an hour's drive away from downtown Detroit is also Birmingham, a wealthy and safe area that is rare in Detroit. In a villa, a few old men and women were scanning the lottery tickets in their hands with scanning guns. The nine-year-old child is tossing a football in his hand, staring at the TV screen, watching the live football game.

There are children and old men and women. They are a team, a team that specializes in buying lottery tickets for profit. They also have a code name called "Lotto Thief". The child is the leader of the team. His name is Adler, also known as Nan Youqiong. .

Lotto thieves have been profiting from lottery tickets for some time. They have slowly developed from a single person to a team, from unfamiliarity to proficiency. After a long period of running-in, the team has been able to cooperate closely and rarely make small mistakes.

Suddenly, an old man held a calculator, looked at the numbers on the calculator and said: "Adler, it has been calculated, we can get 1,515,096 this time, and this time the profit is good, 726,192. "

"Nice going!" Nan Youqiong put down the football, stood up and came to the old man's side, "Cranston, give me $100."

Cranston didn't know what Nan Youqiong wanted to do, but he did as he did, taking out $100 from his wallet and handing it to Nan Youqiong.

Nan Youqiong took the dollar, spread it out, and straightened it with both hands, "Cranston, you bought the team of lottery thieves with 100 dollars, this time the bonus belongs to me, please share it with each member .”

"Why?" Cranston couldn't understand that Nan Youqiong gave up the lottery thief. You must know that the lottery thief has an average monthly profit of more than 300,000 US dollars.

Nan Youqiong shrugged, "I'm going to practice with the Knicks in the future. I'll be very busy and I don't have time to fly to Detroit. Cranston, you already have the capital. Without me, you can still continue the current model." Go ahead."

"Adler, thank you. You are an angel sent by God to save us." Cranston bent down and kissed Nan Youqiong on both cheeks, expressing his gratitude to him.

Before joining the lottery thief, Cranston and other members worked in the auto industry. Unfortunately, Detroit's auto industry has been in recession since the 1960s. In the 1980s, many auto workers in Detroit lost their jobs. , Cranston and the others were among the lucky ones, and they were unemployed until the late 1980s.

Just when their lives were in trouble, Nan Youqiong came to Detroit and met Cranston at a convenience store that sold lottery tickets.

As a graduate of the Department of Mathematics at Western Michigan University, Cranston has always had a strong interest in mathematics. Like Nan Youqiong, he also discovered the loopholes in Windfall. However, he does not have much capital and cannot play at all. Turn this game.

With common interests, Cranston is another available person. Naturally, Nan Youqiong came together with him, and then expanded the team based on Cranston.

"Cranston, you are my Santa Claus." Nan Youqiong replied, "I have prepared a lot of meat, and we can have a barbecue party today."

Cranston smiled, "Yeah, happy hour, but you're too young to drink."

"I can drink." Nan Youqiong smiled back.

Nan Youqiong had a happy time with the lottery thief team. Early the next morning, he bid farewell to Cranston who came to see him off, rushed to the airport, and boarded his own plane.

On the plane, he changed into his school uniform. After more than an hour's flight, he appeared at the gate of Public School No. 41 in Greenwich Village, Manhattan, and joined the team of students who had just got off the school bus.

"Hi, Adler."

As soon as he got into the team, a girl in front of him immediately turned around and greeted him.

"Hey Scarlett, did you pass the audition?"

"I didn't pass again, I hate commercials." The girl named Scarlet curled her lips and said angrily: "I don't want to be a model, I want to sing, I want to act in a stage play."

"Hmm, come on."

The United States is a country with serious stratification. Communities are naturally differentiated by housing prices, rich areas and slums are naturally separated, and they are divided into the mass class and the elite class. The mass class advocates happy education, but the education method adopted by the elite class is very cruel.

Nan Yi and Scarlet both dismissed the elite education of the so-called elite class, and did not want Nan Youqiong to enter aristocratic school too early. In primary school, they hoped that Nan Youqiong could sink down and get in touch with the common people's world.

The process of capital accumulation itself is a process of continuous plundering from civilians. This kind of plundering is relatively hidden, not so bloody, and there will be no scary knife on the neck. Moreover, the process of plundering is also empowered and empowered by law. cover.

From a narrow perspective, entrepreneurs establish enterprises to increase jobs and tax revenues, and to a certain extent promote the economy of a region or a country. However, as long as the perspective of the problem is large enough, the law of conservation of energy can actually be applied to the economic head. superior.

Just like Nanyi looked at the world from the height of the Milky Way and the universe, he never thought that the money as an energy existence belonged to him, he was just an intermediate storage and transportation station, and the money was only stored with him for a short time.

Maybe an awning boat keeps sailing in one direction, as long as the voyage reaches the distance traveled by light in a year, the money will be transformed into another form of energy and transferred to another intermediate storage and transportation station.

It is precisely because of this understanding that he learned to give from an early age, and Nanyi, who has always regarded himself as a savior, will stand up for his position with dignity, complete the work of energy transfer meticulously, and never go off to play yachts or become celebrities , who has practiced martial arts and practiced special warfare for more than ten years, and never thought of being a leading actor in a movie.

The next generation, his own son, was also allowed to contact the upper part of the assembly line since he was a child, so as to cultivate a tacit understanding, so that he can be better in his class in the future, and be a glorious, happy, and silently carrying warehouse keeper .

At noon, after leaving Zhao Shixian's villa, Nanyi's phone rang.

"Old Nan."

"Ha, brat, your brother didn't call me Adam, you already called me Lao Nan." Nan Yi smiled heartily into the microphone: "Comrade Xiao Nan, what can I do with Lao Nan?"

"Old Nan, I have been on summer vacation for several days."

"I know, but it's not convenient for you to follow me this summer, do you want to go to New York?"

"I don't want to go, my brother won't be on vacation until the end of the month."

"I'll be home in three hours at most, and we'll talk slowly when we get home."


"Sister, you sit on the bow of the boat, and brother walks on the shore, swinging the rope affectionately..."

As soon as he entered the garden of the Fang Mansion, Nan Yi saw Nan Wuwei stepping on a skateboard, humming "Tracker's Love". For fun, when the female voice part was reached, Nan Yi picked it up, "Little sister, I will ride on the bow of the boat." , Brother, you are walking on the shore, our love, our love, swinging on the rope, oh~ swinging..."

"Nan Fenglan, you sing really well."

"Nan Tianpei, you're not bad, brat, come here."

Nan Yi shouted at Nan Wuwei, and Nan Wuwei came to him on a skateboard, "Your grandpa is here, what's your business?"

"You are Monkey King, and I am Tathagata Buddha." Nan Yi grabbed Nan Wuwei's ear and said, "Stinky boy, don't you want to be skinny, be careful that I will spank your ass."

"Dad, you said you wouldn't hit me."

"Haha, if I don't hit you, it doesn't mean that others can't hit you."

Nan Wuwei began to change his skin, and the change was a bit sudden. Nan Yi was a little uncomfortable all of a sudden, but he didn't feel displeased. Nan Wuwei should be Pi's age, and if he doesn't have skin, he won't be beautiful.

"Hmph, tell me, how long can you stay at home?" Nan Wuwei asked in a resentful tone.

"Damn boy, stop learning from the TV, and continue to play with you. The day after tomorrow, I will go to the capital with me to see your grandparents, and then go to see Nuan Nuan."


Nan Wuwei stepped on the ground and slid away.

Nan Yi watched Nan Wuwei play for a while, then went to the kitchen, and started cooking delicious food for his wife and son early.

When it was almost time for dinner, not far from the Fang Mansion, Xinya Cantonese Restaurant, in a box, was full of guests, including Tang Delong from the Western Regions, whose ancestral home was from the same place as Munand, and Guan Wanguo from Jinsheng Securities, showing their fangs for the first time The famous stock market crocodile Zhao Tianyang, the super tycoon Wang Wanwan.

In 1964, Tang Delong was born in a branch family in Dihua, Western Region, and was the youngest of the family.

Although Tang Delong has a baby face, he has a cheerful personality since he was a child, and he has his own opinions in doing things, and he is quite appealing among his peers.

When he was a teenager, Tang Delong studied hard, especially liked physics, and once determined to be a physicist.

In 1981, 17-year-old Tang Delong was admitted to the Department of Industrial Economics of Donghua Petroleum Institute, but in his sophomore year he chose to drop out of school and return to Dihua to repeat his studies because he could no longer bear courses that had nothing to do with physics.

After retaking the exam, Tang Delong's score reached the score line for physics of Hudan University.

But what Tang Delong didn't expect was that according to the regulations, the college students taking the college entrance examination can only be accepted by the original school, but he didn't want to go back to Donghua Petroleum Institute, so he had to be transferred to Xiyu Petroleum Institute, and his dream of becoming a physicist once again shattered.

In 1985, Tang Delong, who entered the Western Region Petroleum Institute, completely gave up his idea of ​​becoming a scientist, chose to drop out of school again, and jumped into the business world without hesitation, quite a kind of "my destiny is my decision" spirit.

In the 1980s, Tang Delong was able to go to college consecutively and even reached the score line of Hudan University, which fully proved Tang Delong's outstanding ability.

When he was studying at Xiyu Petroleum Institute, he took the initiative to contract a school-run farm with chaotic management. But because of inexperience, it became more and more chaotic after taking over, and it ended in failure.

After entering the society, Tang Delong struggled to find business opportunities and started from a small photo printing shop.

In December 1986, 22-year-old Tang Delong was instructed by a friend to raise 400 yuan to open a "friend" color printing shop in Dihua City. The main business was to develop photos.

This is the first wave of tourism boom after the reform and opening up, and the slightly famous scenic spots are crowded with people, and taking pictures as souvenirs has become an important ceremony in tourism.

For Tang Delong, going out depends on friends, and making money also depends on friends.

At that time, Dihua did not have a color printing business, and Tang Delong, who had traveled abroad, saw this opportunity.

The shop is open, but he has no money to buy equipment, so he declares that all prints will be delivered in a week. After collecting a batch of orders, he would send the negatives to his friends in Yangcheng by mail, or ask an acquaintance to print them, and then send the printed photos and negatives back to Dihua.

During this period, Tang Delong also acted as a human express, going back and forth to Yangcheng again and again. The hot economic situation in the south made him excited and broadened his horizons.

This method has very low technical content, but the business is booming, and he quickly made hundreds of thousands of dollars.

When he finally got the money to buy a second-hand expansion equipment from Guangdong Province, he immediately sold the price at half the price compared with his peers, quickly seized more than 80% of the expansion market in Dihua, and made huge profits.

There was a lot of business, and Tang Delong felt that there was not enough manpower, so he posted a recruitment notice to find someone.

Looking for someone is fake, but looking for money is real.

No one would have guessed that such a trivial matter showed his excellent capital operation method.

Tang Delong's store is located in the city center, and the booming business has naturally attracted countless applicants. But he actually required applicants to pay a deposit in order to hire him. Although this trick is a little tricky, it can't stand the high salary, and some people are still willing to accept the job.

Holding a sum of deposits, Tang Delong rented new stores, recruited them in the same way, and collected deposits. According to this model, he opened more than 20 stores one after another and made his first pot of gold.

Before most people in the country knew what capital was, Tang Delong had cleverly used the leverage of capital to quickly realize the accumulation of personal wealth.

The success of the start-up made Tang Delong a little flustered. He felt that his ability was more than that, and he started to get involved in multiple industries to make more money. In order to study the industry dynamics, Tang Delong hired many "economic experts" with a monthly consulting fee of tens of yuan, so as to ask for advice on the entry point of the industry.

I don't know if it's because of the level of the experts, or because Tang Delong acted too hastily, and all the projects he handled ended in failure.

The unlocking factory was closed because there was no production license; the technicians were poached for research and development of satellite receivers, and died without a cure;

As for noodle factories, small chemical factories, clothing stores, advertising agencies, computer software development, etc., all of them ended in failure due to poor management.

In 1988, the 24-year-old Tang Delong tossed around, not only managed to lose all the hundreds of thousands he earned, but also incurred a debt of 1.8 million. Most people either choose to escape when they are at the end of their means, or cry desperately for poverty, begging their creditors to let them go.

But Tang Delong was not. He called all the creditors together and told everyone earnestly: "If you trust me, give me a chance; if you don't trust me, send me to prison."

It should be said that this is actually a rogue tone, but the creditors choose to believe in Tang Delong. When he makes money to pay off the debt, there is nothing wrong with not believing it. If you send someone to prison, who will get the money?

It's better to let him try again because of his daring to dare to do it.

Tang Delong kept his word, he didn't hide or hide, and he didn't shy away from meeting acquaintances, he jumped at the opportunity, and he really seized an opportunity.

Last year, Tang Delong got connected and sold the Sitong printer he had just represented to the major oil fields in the Western Regions, earning a lot of money. After making money, the first thing he did was to go to the gate to pay off the previous debts with principal and interest, and he became a legend overnight.

It is also because I travel to the south frequently, and I am familiar with everything in the south, including stocks and qigong masters.

Not long ago, Tang Delong was introduced to Wugong Mountain in Jiangxi Province, where he saw Wang Bian who had been wandering for many years and returned to the place of cultivation with some enlightenment.

I have been selling Dali pills outside for many years, and finally walked on the right path of pretending to be a master. I just started pretending, and someone slapped tens of thousands of dollars in front of me. He messed up, so he used what he had learned all his life to borrow a maxim from God.

Wang Zhu told Tang Delong that he would have a career that no one can match, but everything would stop abruptly at the age of 40, and advised him to wash his hands before the age of 40 and live in seclusion in the countryside.

Tang Delong believed Wang Biao's words, and not only thanked him verbally, but also offered 10,000 yuan before leaving. Wang Biao reciprocated, and sent Tang Delong eight words: "Red is good, green is bad, meet Nanhualong!"

After getting advice, Tang Delong, who is very savvy, understood the first four words in a short period of time. Doesn't "red auspicious and green auspicious" refer to the stock market, so he went to Shenzheng and stayed for a few days. Then he transferred to Shanghai and Shanghai, and after some selection among three securities companies, he chose Jinsheng Securities.

After sitting in the big family room for a while, Tang Delong became acquainted with everyone, and selected people who were worth making friends with. In order to integrate into the circle faster, Tang Delong often invited people to the restaurant. Today's meal is just one of them ordinary meal.

"Have you heard that the ticket price from Yangcheng to Shenzhen has been sold by scalpers to more than 200 tickets. It's only mid-July, and there is still nearly a month before the sale date. Depending on the situation, the price of the ticket will increase." A cup After eating Huang Tang, Wang Wanwan broke the conversation.

More than a month ago, that is, at the end of May, the news that the Shenzhen Stock Exchange is about to sell new shares has been obtained by many people. In various places, especially in rural areas, there are already professional speculators buying a large number of ID cards.

If Shanghai and Shanghai’s subscription certificates are self-entertainment for Shanghai people behind closed doors, the lottery list to be issued by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange is a carnival for the people of the whole country. Be more active, who wants to miss it.

Guan Wanguo put down his chopsticks and said, "It's not surprising. My deep friend told me that more than 600,000 people have arrived in Shenfeng. The hotels, hotels, and guest houses are all full. Many people sleep on the streets. People are queuing up to go to Shenzhen, and it is possible to double the train ticket.

Some people use minivans to pull people outside the bus station. The price is 600 or 700, and the price is called casually. There are still many people sitting at this price. "

Guan Wanguo has a wide range of information channels, and he has a better understanding of the real situation in Shenfeng.

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is interested. Although Wanguo and Wang Wanwan didn't think about going to the deep stove, Tang Delong has already been tempted. He is fully capable of organizing a group of people in Dihua to queue up for the deep stove. The people in Dihua are tough, Definitely get a good seat.

Zhao Tianyang also has an idea. In addition to the more than 3 million invested in the stock market, he still has more than 6 million in his hand. If he can go to Shenzhen to complete a primitive accumulation, he will have more bullets in his hand.

I have to say that the current stock market is really crazy. Zhao Tianyang has already made a profit of more than 2 million in just a few dozen days.

The two people who were equally motivated joined together the next day. Tang Delong contributed a small amount of funds and personnel, and Zhao Tianyang contributed most of the funds.

Nanyi's side is relatively ordinary. Early in the morning, he accompanied his son to go fishing in the suburbs.

Originally I wanted to hunt birds, but after looking through the animal protection catalog, among the common birds, except for swallows, they were at least three protected animals, so I changed it to fishing.

Nan Wuwei rode a variable-speed bicycle next to the river. When he saw a fish, he released his hands from the handlebars, held the special slingshot, clamped the special projectile with leather, pulled the rubber band, aimed quickly, and boom , the projectile flew out, and the fish in the water turned over in an instant.

Nanyi, who was also following behind on a bicycle, was also driving non-stop. When he picked up the net, the fish in the water were picked up, and when he put the net in his arms, he shook it, and the fish fell into the fish basket. .

Nan Wuwei kept pulling the slingshot to fire, and Nan Yi followed behind and kept fishing. In less than an hour, the fish basket tied around Nan Yi's waist had fallen to the top.

"Xiao Nan, stop beating, you can't hold it anymore." Nan Yi yelled, calling Nan Wuwei to stop.

Nan Wuwei turned the handlebar in a circle, rode to the side of Nanyi, glanced into the fish basket, and said stinkingly: "The fish is too easy to fight, there is no challenge, I really want to challenge the handsome man."

"See if you can, and beat the handsome man. Be careful that the sixth master will lay two big bird eggs on you and smash you to death."

[J-8 is nicknamed the handsome man in the air, and H-6 is honored as the sixth master. ]

"I'm not afraid, the sky will fall and there will be a tall one to support it." Nan Wuwei took his foot off the ground and put it on the pedal, "Dad, let's catch the cicada monkey."

"How can no one catch anything?"

"I have a sugar bag and lead wire."

"Oh, I've made preparations, let's go and put the fish away first."

When they came to the parking place, Nan Yi put away the fish basket, and Nan Wuwei took the sugar bag and a piece of lead wire. The two returned to the river and found a clump of bamboo.

Nan Yi asked for a dagger from Xiaohua, and handed it to Nan Wuwei, "Cut it off."


Nan Wuwei took the dagger, waded into the river, groped in the water for a while, picked up a pebble, walked back to the edge of the bamboo bush, picked out a suitable one, held the dagger in his left hand against the root of the bamboo, With his right hand he swung the cobblestone and knocked it down, just one click, and the bamboo should be knocked down.

Then, Nan Wuwei cut off the branches on the bamboo, cut off the thin part of the bamboo tip, and drilled two holes in the bamboo; he took out the lead wire to form a circle, and the long end left to go through the hole, and then put the lead wire Wrapped tightly around the bamboo.

He pinched the circle and shook it, feeling that it was firm enough, Nan Wuwei took out a sugar bag and put it on the circle, "Dad, give me the lighter."

Nan Yi took out a Zippo lighter from his pocket and handed it over. Nan Wuwei took it, lit the lighter, put the dagger on the fire and burned it for a while, and when the dagger became hot, he pressed the dagger on the part where the sugar bag and the smoke ring connected Below, repeated several times, the sugar bag is firmly stuck to the circle.

"Okay, this guy is sure to work." After doing everything, Nan Wuwei was very satisfied with the fruits of his labor. Handing the lighter back to Nanyi, he raised the bamboo, waved it back and forth in the air a few times, and then ran towards a tree, "Catch the monkey."

Nan Yi followed Nan Wuwei, picked up steps, came under the tree, looked up and watched the white sugar bag controlled by Nan Wuwei slowly approaching a cricket cricket that was sticking to the tree and singing, waiting to be within reach of the cricket cricket At a distance of five centimeters, Nan Wuwei quickly covered the bag, and the cricket was frightened, spreading its wings and bumping into the bag.

Nan Wuwei took back the bamboo, stretched out his hand to scoop it up in the bag, and the cricket came into his hands, "Dad, it's not the cicada monkey, it's the cricket."

Nan Yi looked it up and said, "Well, it's a cricket."

"Too little meat."

Nan Wuwei let go of his hand, and the cockroach immediately spread its wings and flew away without restraint.

After letting go of a prey, Nan Wuwei pricked up his ears and listened for a while, then walked to another tree. This time, he didn't act in a hurry, and stood under the tree to observe for a while, and he raised the bamboo in his hand after confirming that it was the cicada monkey (Jin Chan).

In the same way, Cicada Monkey was soon in Nan Wuwei's hands. This time, he didn't let it go, but stuffed it into the small hole net pocket hanging on the belt.

After catching one, he went to grab the next one, and wiped out all the cicada monkeys on the hillside. Nan Wuwei led Nanyi to another place with trees, and Nanyi followed behind, looking at Nanyi. Inaction puts all his heart into it.

Fishing and catching cicadas in the morning, followed him to the secret base in the afternoon, a small game hall with two or three arcade machines, and two small superman computers, mainly for elementary school students.

The arcade machine costs one yuan and five coins, and Superman costs three yuan an hour. Only very wealthy elementary school students can play by the hour, and the others only play for half an hour and one yuan.

The owner of the game hall was not very old. When he saw Nan Wuwei appearing, his face immediately became ugly, and he said to Nan Wuwei in a warning tone: "I will play for you for half an hour at most."

Hearing what the little boss said, there was no need to inquire. Nanyi instantly understood what was going on. People who opened game halls didn't like to play arcade machines too hard. One coin occupied a machine for a long time, which especially delayed earning money.

Nan Wuwei laughed at the little boss, walked to an arcade machine, put a coin into the coin slot, tapped the button, and shook the handle a few times, and the game countdown screen immediately appeared.

Every game hall will have one or a few people who are particularly good at playing games. Such people often attract many people to watch. It is estimated that Nan Wuwei is this kind of character. When the game started, there were a few timid elementary school students around Nanyi. Come around.

The primary school students are timid because Nanyi has a name called "adult", which is quite an eyesore to them.

Nan Yi knew what was going on, and watched Nan Wuwei walk out of the game hall after playing for two minutes, taking along with him the low-pressure air.

After staying at the door for less than five minutes, Nanyi saw Zhong Liwen trotting over, looked at Nanyi from a distance, stopped, his eyes dodged for a while, hesitated for a moment, probably analyzed that Nanyi had seen him and did not run away , Bite the bullet and come to Nanyi.

"Uncle Nan."

"Don't be afraid, Wuwei is inside, go in." Nan Yi said softly with a warm smile.


As soon as Zhong Liwen got into the game hall, Nan Yi thought about it, "I hope Zhong Liwen's grades are not bad, otherwise I may be scolded by his parents, and Wuwei will also become the culprit for spoiling 'my' son. "

In the game hall, Zhong Liwen came to Nan Wuwei and said, "Wuwei, why did you get caught by your father? Your father won't tell my father, right? You won't be beaten when you go back, right?"

Zhong Liwen was worried about himself as well as about Nan Wuwei's situation.

Nan Wuwei played the game attentively without turning his head, "Don't be afraid, I was not arrested, I came with my father."

"Ah? Your father won't scold you when you play games?" Zhong Liwen exclaimed in surprise.

"Don't scold."

"Oh, your father is so kind. I secretly asked my father for money at noon today, but my mother caught me. My mother scolded my father and refused to let my father give me money. From now on, I will only give me one yuan for breakfast every day." Zhong Liwen sighed and said: "I really want to grow up, but my mother still holds my lucky money and says she will give it to me when I grow up."

Phew, Nan Wuwei laughed out loud, "Do you really believe that your mother will return the lucky money to you?"

"I don't know." Zhong Liwen shook his head, leaned into Nan Wuwei's ear and said, "There are too many people here, let's find a new base camp, and I learned a way to play games for free."

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