Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 883 Kill that Rouge Street Man

"Come in."

In the office of the chairman of the Shenzhen Reclamation Group, Ge Cuizhu shouted from the door.

The door was pushed open, and Shi Guofeng walked into the office from the outside, "Chairman, Kong Juqi, the bad breeder, is here."

Ge Cuizhu put down his pen, raised his head, and said, "Has Wuwei been sent anywhere?"

"It has been delivered."

"You let Mr. Kong come in."

Shi Guofeng left, and soon a middle-aged man walked into the office.

"Juqi, sit down."

After Kong Juqi thanked him, he sat opposite Ge Cuizhu, took out a document from his briefcase, and immediately began to report.

"Chairman, Boss Cai, a partner in Taiyuan, called me. He said that the price of Tibetan mastiffs in Taiyuan is close to collapse, and there is no need to continue to supply Tibetan mastiffs to him in the future. We are about to lose the Taiyuan market."

"It's okay. From the very beginning, we knew that Taiyuan's business wouldn't last long. In the past few years, we have also made some money from Taiyuan. We have recovered 60 to 70% of the cost invested in the mastiff garden. .”

Ge Cuizhu affirmed Kong Juqi's work.

"Thank you, Chairman, for your compliment."

"You need to be rewarded if you do well. We'll wait until the end of the year, Juqi, you continue." Ge Cuizhu gestured with his hand.

"Okay." Kong Juqi opened the document in his hand, "Lunzhu from the California Mastiff Park sent a fax a few days ago. The price of Tibetan Mastiff in the United States is very stable, neither rising nor falling. The market is still very cold. Sales Numbers are flat, no significant growth."

"Not every American has read "Marco Polo's Travels", nor is every American curious about Tibetan mastiffs. In the United States, we should treat Tibetan mastiffs as a dog breed and sell them as pets. .

Therefore, I am not in a hurry, as long as the United States can achieve a balance of payments for the time being, the market needs to be cultivated slowly. However, we need the news that a few wealthy Americans bought the 'Tiger Mastiff' with a lot of money to match the domestic hype.

Go on. "

"Jiayang from the Mastiff Farm in Kathmandu reported that no one has gone to Nepal and Bhutan to buy Tibetan mastiffs; Lausanne from the Mastiff Farm in Nagqu reported that the third generation of tiger mastiffs has better coat color than the previous two generations, and their momentum is also stronger than before. Two generations strong, chairman, this is a photo."

Kong Juqi took out a photo from the folder page and handed it to Ge Cuizhu.

Ge Cuizhu took a look, and nodded with satisfaction, "It's very good, it looks scary, and it's very imposing."

"In addition, I have already found a person engaged in literary creation among the educated youth who went to Tubo to join the queue. He raised Tibetan mastiffs when he was in the queue, and he knows the habits of Tibetan mastiffs very well.

I have negotiated with him to let him create a literary work about Tibetan mastiffs based on the tiger mastiff. At present, he has written about 30,000 words and decided on the title of the work, "Mastiff Totem". "

Ge Cuizhu nodded and said: "After the work is completed, you can contact the president of Wangbei Media in Beijing, and we will hand over the work of publishing and film and television adaptation to Wangbei Media to follow up."


After Kong Juqi left, Ge Cuizhu met with several subsidiaries such as Jigongdang Breeding Base, Xianglu Vegetable Supply Company, Baiguoyuan, Vegetable Basket Engineering Company, Sunflower Food Ingredients Company, Kent Mountain Company, Chongming Bird, and Eel Farm. principal.

These enterprises have one thing in common. They are all in a profitable state. The Reclamation Group is investing in Iron Fan Dairy and is about to establish a reclamation cold chain company. Especially the reclamation cold chain costs a lot, and the initial investment needs to prepare 700 million yuan. For the Reclamation Group The pressure is very high.

Regardless of the bustle and bustle of the reclamation group, the company has opened one after another. In fact, there are only two companies that can bring in profits of more than 100 million yuan each year these years-eel farms and Xiangxi vegetable supply companies. The others are in the growth stage and can contribute The profits that come out are very limited.

Eel farms not only supply eels to Japan, but also beluga caviar and KELP kelp caviar. The annual profit can reach more than 13 billion yen. However, the yen has been bullish in recent years. Most of the profits of eel farms are in Japanese The form of yuan is stranded overseas, and only a small part returns.

On the contrary, Xiangxi Vegetable Supply Company can create a lot of profits in RMB every day. As far as the country is concerned, Xiangxi Vegetable Supply Company is the cash milk of the reclamation group.

The Reclamation Group doesn’t have 700 million in its accounts at all, and it can barely scrape together 400 million. Although the receivables will exceed the payables for a period of time in the future, there is a problem. Most of the payables will be paid out before the receivables. This also means that an emergency fund must be kept in the account, and a reserve fund to deal with the crisis must be prepared. No matter how you calculate it, you can only draw 200 million yuan to invest in the cultivation of the cold chain.

Ge Cuizhu has a very headache. Based on the investment cycle of the cold chain cultivation, it is estimated that 500 million will be collected intermittently in the next year and a half. Where should she collect the money?

It is impossible to draw blood from subsidiaries. It is foreseeable that in the next year and a half, no subsidiary company can create a profit of 500 million yuan.

Loans are unlikely. The most valuable thing of the reclamation group is the technical reserve of intangible assets. The bank does not recognize it at all. What is the breeding technology of Yangtze River saury? With shells and wings, it is also a waste asset that banks do not recognize. There are very few with iron and bricks.

Just when Ge Cuizhu was having a headache, Wang Changgen, the person in charge of the Central China region supported by beekeepers, felt infinitely chilled.

Since he joined the reclamation group and joined the support of beekeepers, Wang Changgen rode a motorcycle between the green mountains and green waters of central China, chasing the footsteps of beekeepers and running around.

He used to work in the agricultural technology station, and he was good at bee breeding and disease control. After becoming an employee supported by beekeepers, he learned the advanced beekeeping knowledge summarized by the company and communicated with other colleagues. He is an out-and-out beekeeping specialist.

He loves his current job very much. Although it is a little hard work and he needs to be exposed to the wind and sun in the wild, what he does is very meaningful, and he also has a high salary and the respect of beekeepers.

When he comes to a beekeeping site, he will always receive the warmest hospitality, and the beekeeper couple will always do their best to cook a delicious meal for him in the simple kitchen in the wild.

Because he will not only provide technical support to beekeepers, but also act as a creditor and the boss of honey acquisition. He has multiple roles, no matter which role is worthy of respect.

At this moment, he looked at the two barrels of honey on the ground, and he was chilled, really chilled, his trust was fed to the dog.

The color of the honey in the bucket was wrong. According to his experience, it was obviously honey fed with white sugar, which was a low-grade honey, but he took it back at a premium price, and it was not a cash purchase, but was used to pay off debts.

"Wang Shunlin, you bastard." Wang Changgen kicked over the two barrels of honey on the ground and roared angrily.

Wang Changgen has always trusted beekeepers. When collecting honey, if the quantity is small, he will take a look at the quality. If the quantity is large, he will only check a bottle or a barrel to determine the level of honey so as to calculate the purchase price. .

These years, he has not overturned his car, but today, he fell over, and fell into the hands of a fellow villager. Because Wang Shunlin is from his same village, the two of them grew up together and know the basics well, so he violated the "support amount" limit of beekeeper support and lent 50,000 yuan to Wang Shunlin as a guarantee, expanding the scale of breeding from the beginning.

Wang Shunlin has been beekeeping for one year, and this is the first time that he sold honey back to the beekeepers for support to pay off debts. This is not normal, which means that Wang Shunlin sold the honey he produced before to outsiders. This is nothing at all. There is no exclusive agreement between the beekeeper and the beekeeper. The beekeeper can sell the honey to anyone, as long as the borrowed money is paid off.

However, not only did Wang Shunlin not repay the money before, but now he is using low-quality honey to pretend to be super-grade honey. How can Wang Changgen explain this to the company?

Money is a trivial matter, two barrels of honey are not much money, Wang Changgen can completely pay for it by himself, but his trust has been broken, it can also be said that his belief has been broken, and the beauty in his eyes has been broken.

From then on, he did not dare to give unconditional trust to beekeepers; from then on, when buying honey, he had to inspect the goods carefully.

Also, he wants to recover the 50,000 yuan from Wang Shunlin as soon as possible.

But first, he had to write a report and submit it to his superiors, acknowledging the mistakes he had made.

Northeast, Gongmitun, Yumi County.

A short, middle-aged man was walking in the field. From time to time, he would squat down to check the rice plants.

In the rice field, there are some scarecrows scattered in different shapes, some look very vivid, some look a bit foolish; some half-sized people are holding a bamboo pole or wooden stick in their hands and waving, shuttling in the rice field In between; the adults held a dustpan in one hand, and with the other hand they grabbed something black and lacquered from the dustpan, bent down and placed it at the root of the rice plant.

On a small soil slope not far from the rice field, there is a vertical pole with three loudspeakers on the top, and each vibration is used to stuff Doremi into the ears of everyone in the field.

The song I broadcast is called "Conquest of Paradise", a work by Greek musician Vangelis, which was just released earlier this year.

Such a piece of music seems a bit out of place in the rural areas of Northeast China, just like the way of working in the rice fields, it looks very different from the traditional way of farming.

Beside the paddy fields, there are also iron plates, painted with yellow and gray paint, with words: customer number ×××, start a new line, and coordinates of east longitude and north latitude.

Weird, everything looks weird!

Especially the adults and children working in the fields, each of them has a sweet smile from the bottom of their hearts.

This is Gongmitun, and it is also the place where Baoguo Mihu Club’s Gongmi plan is implemented. Farmers in Gongmitun are all planting land for Baoguo Mihu. Baoguo Rice Hub provides seeds, organic fertilizers, and rice grown by farmers. Baoguo Rice Hub recycles 8 yuan/catties, and farmers can earn 5 yuan/catties.

The land is good, and the quality of the seeds and fertilizers is also very good. The farmers take good care of it. One mu of land can produce over 900 catties of rice, creating an income of 4,500 yuan. With the help of two adults and children, they can take care of four or five mu. The land is still easy, which means that there is an income of almost 20,000 yuan a year.

Rich people always cherish their lives. The information channels of rich people are often much wider than ordinary people. The development of large-scale industries is in full swing. The extensive use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers has continuously improved food products, but the rich people are leaving. On the way back to the original.

The word "organic" is still quite new at the moment, but some rich people have already tasted it.

Since the Gongmi Project is operated by Baoguo Rice Hub, there is no doubt that the rice produced in Gongmitun will be sold in Japan, and the sales targets will be relatively wealthy classes. There is no brand, no gorgeous outer packaging, and after paying the super high tariffs on agricultural products, 8 yuan/catties of rice, in the hands of Japanese customers, becomes 3,500 yen/catties of rice.

The profit margin is very large, but the profit is not very high. The annual sales volume is very limited. A customer needs a lot of rice a year, just like the rice field in Gongmitun, which is divided into two, three, three and four parts. , the output of each block belongs to a different client.

According to the softness and hardness of the rice that customers like to eat, there will be certain nuances in the planting methods, and some customers may even have more peculiar needs and requirements, such as the rice they eat should grow in the bath of music, which is why Gongmi There is no other reason why Tun plays music like "Conquest of Paradise", it is all specified by the client.

Music, some villagers like it, some don't like it. The villagers who like it happen to be responsible for tending the rice fields of the customers who ask for it. They can charge an extra 3 yuan per catty of rice, and they can make more money without extra labor. How can they not like it?

On a flat land not too far from the paddy field, there is a rice processing factory, and the rice harvested from the paddy field will be processed into rice in this processing factory.

At this time, the rice shelling machine was working. Rice bran came out from one opening, and dull-colored rice rolled down from the other opening. One hand stretched out out of thin air to catch the rolling rice. Pass the palm and continue to roll down into the container below, leaving only a few in the palm of the hand.

These few grains of rice became the subject of random inspection and were sent to microscopes and test tubes for observation and testing. After passing the random inspection, the dull rice was put into bags for packaging without further drying and polishing. Not so good.

The two bags of rice were packed and immediately moved to the car outside the processing factory, and the driver was ordered to deliver the rice to the Rose Hotel in Fengtian.


"You don't look like you are here to buy things. Go away and don't hinder me from greeting other customers." The beautiful salesperson gave Nan Yi a blank stare, and didn't answer Nan Yi's question directly.

"Oh, big sister, brothers and sisters of the same school as Sun Dasheng, you have also been to the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun, you have piercing eyes." Nan Yi said with a smile on his face: "Since you have seen it, I will not hide it from you Well, actually, I'm not here to buy anything, but to look for you.

I heard people say that the salesperson who sells dried seafood here has a beautiful old nose. When I saw you, I believed it, tsk tsk, look at your looks, Gagajun. "

The salesperson in front of Nanyi is tall and tall, about 1.7 meters tall. Both the face and the exposed neck and arms are very fair, with a well-proportioned figure, long legs and a thin waist. The facial features on the face are very dignified at first glance, a typical Guotai Minan But if you take a closer look, you will find that the eyes are a bit strange, winking like silk, very seductive.

Through the white overalls with the neckline opened wide, Nanyi could see that the salesperson was wearing a jersey with a small yellow flower on the chest. In the past two days, many women in Nanyi wore it on the street. He felt it at the time Strange, I haven't seen Jiaoshan selling women's clothing in other places.

He asked Dagang about it, and the other party said that it was a delicate shirt from South Korea, which was very expensive. It cost more than a thousand in the mall, and hundreds of dollars in the clothing store outside. flower.

At that time, Nanyi thought it was a lie. Although Jiaoshan is an unpopular township brand in France, it has not made a name in the past hundred years. It was sold in the mainland by Xiangxi people, advocating that it is the standard configuration of the French high society. It happened to have a passionate collision with the down-to-earth man who just got rich, but his temperament didn't keep up. These clothes are expensive, more than a thousand, and they are more face-saving when worn on the body, and they are so fucking cool.

In fact, this is not the case at all. Jiaoshan has no other advantages except being expensive. Yes, expensive is its only advantage. As a summer dress, Jiaoshan is very warm, and it can easily cover a prickly heat.

But who made it so expensive? It’s a foreign brand, and it’s upright and pretentious. Anyone who asks can agree, just like the emperor’s new clothes. Jiaoshan broke away from low-level practicality and evolved into a high-level artifact.

Nanyi analyzed from the action of the salesperson in front of her fiddled with her collar from time to time, that her collar was deliberately opened like this, and it was still shifted to the left, deliberately revealing a "flower", one for showing off and the other for cooling.

The salesperson is wearing a pair of "Woman King", a kind of leather-covered sneakers, which are very popular in Fengtian. This is not the first time Nanyi has seen them in pink. He just saw them in the clothing city. Seen, sell 380 a pair.

Although Fengtian's wages are relatively high, a salesperson can't afford more than three hundred oceans. He can only afford to wear clothes that he can afford without eating or drinking for nearly half a year. Let's make a reasonable guess. No matter what, you have to wear a mink worth several thousand yuan in winter, otherwise you will lose face in winter if you pretend to be aggressive in summer.

Looking at it this way, the salesperson in front of me has a strong consumption ability, and has a deeper understanding of the word consumption. As a salesperson, she contacts more people every day and knows more information. Nanyi has an idea to learn from her Inquire about Fengtian's information.

Of course, it is undeniable that the reason why Nanyi chose the salesperson in front of her as the object of inquiry is inseparable from her pretty face and graceful figure. Nan Yi never denied that he was a pervert, but he loved the Golden House more than Yan Ruyu.

"You're good at talking, and you're also quacking, you want to chase me?" The salesperson said with a smile and boldly.

"It's capped, it's really sharp eyes, you have discovered my small thoughts, old girl, tell brother, what time do you get off work, I'll come pick you up, it's not bad, I'll take you to eat delicious food. "Nan Yi said, and patted on the trouser pocket.

"Hahaha, Mr. Qian." The salesperson narrowed his eyes and smiled, and said heartily, "Succeed, across from Nanhu Theater, there is a new Haibahuang restaurant in Gexian Hotel. Wait at the door at six o'clock."

"Haibahuang is still in the dining hall. Once you hear it, you know it won't be cheap, and the knife is sharp." Nan Yi muttered in his heart, and said, "Okay, at six o'clock, Haibahuang, see you soon. By the way, I don't know you yet. What is it called?"

"Xu Lu, let's go, there are guests coming." Xu Lu waved her hand, urging Nan Yi to leave.

"My name is Nanyi, bye." Nanyi waved his hand, walked past the eyes of other salespersons, and left the commercial city.

Back in the car, Nanyi asked Dagang about Haibahuang, and learned that it was a restaurant specializing in Cantonese cuisine, with fresh seafood and singing and dancing performances, and the consumption was not cheap.

Hearing that it is not cheap, Nanyi’s confidence in Xu Lu’s appointment has increased a bit, and the possibility of being released has been greatly reduced. In public, Nanyi is also a foreigner. From Xu Lu’s point of view, the danger of going to the appointment The sex is not high, just enough to slaughter him, a rich man, and slip away after eating, without even smelling the fishy smell.

After visiting the commercial city, Nanyi's work trip also came to an end. Before going to the next destination he had planned, he asked Dagang to drive to the color TV tower.

In the past two days, I can see the tallest tower in Asia back and forth, and I can just go up to overlook the whole Fengtian.

When the bus arrived under the color TV tower, Nanyi went to the ticket window to buy a ticket. It costs 50 yuan a ticket, which is not cheaper than the Empire State Building.

After buying the ticket and entering the elevator, Nanyi saw the advertisement picture on the elevator door at a glance. There is a revolving restaurant upstairs, with a minimum consumption of 80 yuan, and the tower climbing fee is waived.

"Fuck, which idiot posted an advertisement, I didn't know it was posted at the ticket window."

Following Nanyi's complaint, the elevator trembled and climbed up. A few minutes later, the elevator door opened, and the four of Nanyi stood on the observation platform. After a glance, they saw a couple standing by the railing. Lennon, Lennon, there is no one else.

After going around, the four of Nanyi first came to the other side of the sightseeing platform and walked to the railing. Nanyi overlooked the buildings and streets of the city, feeling mixed feelings in his heart.

In the past two days, he has seen the prosperity of Fengtian and the spending power of Fengtian people, not to mention the expensive clothes, dazzling array of goods in the mall, and high-end consumer places that can be seen everywhere. The vegetable buyers who arrived had a basket full of meat and vegetables, and they spent more than ten or twenty yuan without blinking an eye, which shows how rich Fengtian's family is.

It's a pity that all this can't last long. When a singer shakes his head on the stage and sings a song with a passionate voice that is very inspirational to those who have nothing to do with himself, and is very annoying to those in purgatory, the current The bustling city will be wiped out.

When Fengtian people, especially the workers in Gangxi District, teased each other that they were "on leave", Nan Yi hoped that he could do something, and at the same time, he wanted to take away some benefits, so there was the "Double Five" he made for Wu Renpin Commitment - 500 million investment, 50,000 jobs.

The children of workers’ families in Gangxi District are happy. From birth, they can enjoy free medical care and education; after graduating from junior high school, they enter the vocational and technical school set up by the factory; after graduation, they continue to work in the factory instead of their parents; You can also receive a pension and enjoy free medical care.

Everything looks so beautiful, but it is a pity that the flowers do not have a hundred days of red flowers. All the happy days today will become tomorrow's distant memories.

Once, in the previous life, there was a bad girl who talked about her miserable days in front of Nanyi, who couldn’t resonate. She ate cabbage and potatoes, and she ate heartburn. Sometimes she ate eggplant for a month, because eggplant It’s cheap in season, 1 yuan and 4 catties. Go to the morning market and take sacks of slices home. Serve with water and eggplant. It’s very ecstasy to eat.

The girl said that she had never eaten Cheetos, and the first bad thing she did was to steal a classmate’s Cheetos. Later, she turned completely bad, and put a price on love for the sake of beautiful clothes and delicious meals. Labels, broken retail.

When Nanyi was hungry, I bought it.

After becoming mature, the girl will be nestled in Nanyi's arms, telling the history of her suffering vividly. His first understanding and understanding of Fengtian came from that girl.

The girl didn't tell Nanyi her name, but she told the truth about the street where she lived. That street is called Yanzhi Street. In the Qing Dynasty, the villagers who lived there were all the villagers who planted rouge for Prince Zheng's mansion, so it got its name.

That girl also murmured, "Kill that Rouge Street man."

Does Nan Yi have love for that girl?


A transaction is a transaction, there is no need to whitewash the dirty transaction with the word love.

Although there is no love and no commitment, Nanyi is still willing to serve that girl. He came to kill that Rouge Street man and guaranteed his own interests. How many people from Rouge Street can kill him.

First of all, let the Rouge Street people become addicted to the Suoji car, sending stacks of money into his pockets, and then send a group of them to foreign countries through Ikeda trainees to work to death, while creating profits for themselves, Let the people of Rouge Street see how capitalists who are not of my race train people.

Among them, a group of sweatshops that have absorbed an investment of 500 million yuan. The smell of lead powder and brass is poured into their lungs. People on Rouge Street go to the hospital once a year for a blood change. When the north wind blows, the chimneys blow out. Taste, let them smell quack.

A salary of 81,000 a month is paid to anesthetize the nerves of the people in Rouge Street, making them have the illusion of hope for life, alcohol, quack drunk, chicken car, quack gluttony, eating and drinking until the uric acid is high, and then gout, develop tophi , Quacking pain all night long.

In a few years, the bodies of the people in Rouge Street will be like twisted twists, and they can no longer stand the cold weather. At that time, they can send someone to jump out, show a hypocritical smile, and fool them into the city of convalescence. Buy a house to live in and recuperate well.

In this way, the largest customer group of Dream Town has been excavated, and when the Rouge Street people pass by, they can close the door and slaughter slowly, one knife left and one knife right, a bridge is built today, a skull is opened tomorrow, until the last drop of blood is drained.

When he felt a little chilly on the viewing platform, Nan Yi got off the viewing platform and asked Da Gang to drive back to the Rose Hotel. At the entrance of the hotel, he walked to the diagonally opposite side of the hotel and found a Passers-by inquired about it, walked into a house, and entered a company called Milan International Travel.

Nanyi still hopes to find out the 500 million investment fund locally. He came to Milan International now to find the first fund. Last night, Nanyi saw Milan International's advertisement on Fengtiantai, and found that it was possible to cooperate with this company on the "study abroad" project.

Walking into Milan International, Nan Yi glanced at the internal layout, and then went straight to the front desk: "Hello, I would like to ask, can you quickly go through the procedures for going to the CIS?"


If you don't understand the meaning of "Commonwealth of Independent States", you can search it yourself, and I won't use the text of the letter of introduction.

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