The existence of a thing cannot be said to be reasonable, but there must be a reason for its existence.

For example, a jellyfish broker like Zhou Gong, since it appeared, it means that there is soil for its existence, and there must be a place for it to play a role.

Wang Rongsen and Lao Zhu set off, and brought Xiuzhen who was a "local snake" with them. At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Xiuzhen came back alone and quietly called Ah Xin away.

Wu Xiaowei didn't know what they were going to do. It wasn't until the next morning that only the disgraced Ah Xin and Xiu Zhen came back, and only one truck came back. Wu Xiaowei heard what happened yesterday from Ah Xin.

It turns out that Wang Rongsen and Lao Zhu received more than 400 barrels of jellyfish very smoothly, which is about 10 tons. Wang Rongsen calculated that this trip saved more than 4,000 yuan in labor costs from Zhou Gong, and he wanted to quickly make up for the previous one. Out of courage, he decided to take a secret route passed on by drivers to escape the checkpoint.

The transaction of jellyfish needs to pay tax, which is about 30 cents per catty. Needless to say, this tax must be collected from the buyer. The job of the checkpoint is to check whether the jellyfish has paid the tax. If the tax is not paid, the checkpoint will detain the jellyfish. The jellyfish can only be taken away after paying the tax and fine.

Secret routes are often steep routes. Since they are steep, accidents are easy to happen. If there are no accidents, accidents still happen. Two trucks overturned on the road, and Wang Rongsen and Lao Zhu stayed on the road to rescue another truck. He Xiuzhen came back with a load of goods, and brought the goods back to the hotel. Wang Rongsen's tax evasion route died prematurely, and he suffered another loss of tens of thousands of yuan.

The matter is not over here, and Ah Xin has not finished telling the story, a three-wheeler from the industrial and commercial inspection team came to the hotel, and an inspector got off the car and walked around the truck, and spoke harshly at several people Ask: "Whose goods is this?"

All three shook their heads.

Seeing that the three of them refused to admit it, the inspector sneered, "Is there no owner? Well, I'll ask someone to take them away immediately."

Seeing this, Ah Xin panicked, and quickly said: "It's our boss's product, he's not here now."

"Have you paid your taxes yet?"

Ah Xin shook her head, expressing that she did not know.

When the inspector saw this, he said, "I'll make a tax bill first, and you give it to your boss. When he comes back, ask him to come to the inspection team. Remember, come to me."

On the word "look for me", the inspector's wording was particularly heavy.

If Nanyi was present, he would understand the truth and what to do next, but he never bothered to evade taxes, so it was unlikely that he would encounter such a thing.

The inspector quickly issued a tax payment form to Ah Xin. It was not an official document, but a handwritten form. The above content roughly meant that "five tons of tax-evading jellyfish were inspected, and 8,500 yuan in taxes must be paid. , and await handling opinions”.

From the perspective of handling procedures, this tax payment form is completely unreasonable. As long as the jellyfish is not shipped out of Qingsongling, you can pay the tax at any time.

Thinking about this matter, why did the inspectors go straight to Xiuzhen Hotel and come so accurately? Why did the inspector dare to open more than 5,000 more?

"I expected that Wang Rongsen would have a guilty conscience, and the level of tax evasion would have to be stripped of his skin."

In a restaurant, Duke Zhou and Nan Ruoqiong sat opposite each other, eating pork stewed vermicelli and chatting.

Nan Ruoqiong laughed, "Grandpa Zhou, you should teach those who don't understand the rules. What kind of place is this? Qingsong Ridge, also known as Zhougong Village. In front of you, the dragon must be coiled for me, and the tiger must be given to me." Lie down, a poor man from other places, and let him break the rules."

"You little girl, I'm making fun of you, Grandpa Zhou." Duke Zhou smiled, and then his face changed, "It's the forbidden period, and there is a shortage of jellyfish in the market. As long as you ship them out, you can earn a good price difference. This Wang Rongsen, two He is not willing to give me a dime, and the ban has not passed, so he can't even think about shipping out a jellyfish or two."

"Yes, take care of him well." Nan Ruoqiong greeted her, and said, "Grandpa Zhou, Wu Xiaowei should give him the jellyfish. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment."

"Hahaha, you girl..." Duke Zhou laughed loudly.

Soon Duke Zhou helped Wu Xiaowei to collect more than 1 ton of sandwich jellyfish at the price of 7 yuan.

After the jellyfish got on the train, Wu Xiaowei went to Ah Xin seriously, and asked her to send a telegram to Han Xin who hadn't returned yet, asking Han Xin for help.

Ah Xin agreed, and the telegram was sent.

But when Wu Xiaowei came to Shanghai and asked Han Xin to help introduce customers, he was dumbfounded when he inspected the goods.

Wu Xiaowei, who found out that he had been cheated, was furious and regretful. In the end, Han Xin couldn't stand it, so he found a client for him, and accepted Wu Xiaowei's jellyfish at a low price. He lost more than 10,000 yuan inside and out.

Being cheated, of course he had to find someone to settle the score. Wu Xiaowei came back with Han Xin who was about to go back to Qingsongling to buy again.

As soon as he set foot on the land of Qingsongling, Wu Xiaowei hurriedly searched for Zhou Gong all over the world, and finally met at the office.

Nan Yi, who was listening to the story, chuckled, "I don't need to say anything about it, I know the details, Ruoqiong, you saw it just now, I asked her to press your man, and I ordered the beating you received." Yes, take a beating to make you sober.

After suffering a loss, if you think calmly, you can understand that you shouldn't go back to Qingsong Ridge, because going back will not be good for you.

Your luck and ability are good, and you can touch the right place and the right direction the first time, but you are still a little too hasty in doing things. If I were you, I would first find a temporary job of pickling jellyfish at the seaport. It’s fine if you don’t get paid, or you can give me money. I’ll spend a few days to figure out how to pickle jellyfish before I start the jellyfish business. doorway.

My ancestors said that every industry is like a mountain, and that no profit is made between industries. When entering a new industry in the future, it is necessary to do a long-term pre-investigation, and then consider whether to enter after a thorough understanding of the operating mode.

Of course, if you have a capital of 100 million, and you only need to invest 100,000 to enter a new industry, then you can investigate and test the waters. You can’t discover some problems without experiencing them yourself, and you can’t find them just by looking at the information.

Just like drowning, without personal experience, you will never get the most accurate experience just relying on the description of experienced people. "

Nan Yi reached out and patted Wu Xiaowei's shoulder, "Okay, after getting rid of the 20,000 capital I gave you, you still have 140,000. Tomorrow I will go to Russia for a walk, and then you fly back, and I will give it to you again." In one month, you double the 140,000.

This time, I don't ask you what to do, you rely on your own eyes to find business opportunities, remember clearly, the business you want to do must be reasonable, legal and compliant, the more you earn, the more I will treat you differently , the more opportunities you will get in the future. "

After listening to Nanyi, Wu Xiaowei had mixed feelings in his heart. Now he understands why he was beaten, and why after the beating, Zhou Gong will help him credit 10 tons of jellyfish, so that he can grab the tail at the end of the ban and make a lot of money One stroke, it turns out that I have been "protected" by Uncle Nan all along.

Ask yourself, if Zhou Gong doesn't dig a hole for him, is it because he has a small business and is a newcomer, and he still can't give himself a good jellyfish; or, will he end up in a dismal end like Wang Rongsen?

A group of members of the jellyfish purchase team, Wang Rongsen was stunned, and went further and further on the wrong road. He dared to break into some notorious villages to receive goods. She was detained, and finally Xiuzhen's brother came forward and gave some money to settle the matter.

After going around and going around, I finally exchanged all the remaining money for jellyfish. The jellyfish I received were worse than Wu Xiaowei's batch. In a bucket, only the surface layer was good, and the bottom layer was not pickled properly. The rotten goods, and some buckets were even stuffed with stones.

After the jellyfish was shipped back to Shanghai, there were no wholesalers at all.

Lao Zhu has been hanging Wang Rongsen, and of course he will end up the same as the other party.

Han Xin has a reputation and knows how to be a man. Before the ban ended, he received another 20 tons of jellyfish. He still owed money on credit, but with his credit record, he still managed to make a deal, and helped Ah Xin exchange all the money for jellyfish.

During the jellyfish harvest season, Han Xin made a lot of money, and Ah Xin followed suit.

Soon after Wu Xiaowei left Qingsongling, Nan Ruoqiong also left, went to other cities in the northeast, and then came to Suifenhe to meet Nanyi.

Seeing Wu Xiaowei lost in thought, Nan Yi quietly left and went downstairs to talk to Nan Ruoqiong.

The next day, Nan Yi and his party were escorted by the Holy Mother with a small team to Pogranic in Russia. They stayed for a day and nothing special happened. Then, Nan Ruoqiong went to Kyrgyzstan, and Wu Xiaowei returned the same way Suifenhe, Nanyi embarked on the journey to Ussuriysk.

The road is not very easy to walk, but nothing worth remembering happened. If you have to find one thing, it is that the scenery is really good, the land is sparsely populated, and there are not many human footprints. Everything in nature can be free Grow and reproduce.

After arriving in Ussuriysk, Nanyi and his party checked into the ninth floor of the Ussuriysk Hotel through the contacts left by Ye Ji. The rooms on the right side were all booked up, forming a relatively closed space.

Ussuriysk Hotel is the largest and most luxurious hotel in Ussuriysk.

In 1987, after the opening of the border trade between China and the Soviet Union, a large number of Chinese traitors poured into the city of Ussuriysk and gathered in the Ussuriysk Hotel. As a result, smart Chinese people began to contract the Ussuriysk Hotel, first the first floor, then the second floor, and then the third floor. Gradually, like eating mulberry leaves, the entire Ussuriysk Hotel was annexed.

Naturally, this move by the Hua people caused dissatisfaction among the Russians. There were a few Russians who came to Ussuriysk on business trips, because the Ussuriysk hotels were full of Chinese people, and they had no place to stay. Under the instigation of several local people, they jointly petitioned the city government, asking the city government to intervene and return the Ussuriysk Hotel to the Russians.

The city government also felt that it was not appropriate to contract the entire Ussuriysk Hotel to the Huaguo people, so they took the opportunity to take back the 1st, 3rd, and 5th floors, and the rest were still contracted and managed by the Huaguo people.

In December of last year, the Soviet revisionist disintegration, Russia's private economy was liberalized, and seeing that the hotel industry was profitable, the Russians in Ussuriysk built several buildings one after another, which were specially rented out to the Chinese people who came to do business. Damn.

It is no longer difficult for Chinese people to stay here as in previous years. However, because it is the first hotel where Chinese people stayed, the Ussuriysk Hotel has become more and more important in the eyes of the Hua country.

In order to attract Chinese people, the newly-built small hotel is much cheaper than the Ussuriysk Hotel. Gradually, the poor men moved away, and the Ussuriysk Hotel only left the richer or better business reselling wood, Merchants of food and vegetables.

There are very few high-rise buildings in Ussuriysk. The buildings are generally six or seven floors, and 30 to 40 percent of the residents live in old-fashioned bungalows. The Ussuriysk Hotel is the tallest building in Ussuriysk.

Nan Yi stood sideways in front of the window, overlooking most of Ussuriysk City. At this time, the sun was setting, and the sunlight was shining on the sparse but well-arranged houses in Ussuriysk City. There were white birch trees in the gaps. The whole picture seemed to be Plated with a layer of gold.

In August, Russia can be said to have entered autumn. Occasionally, the autumn wind blows, and the leaves reflect the sunshine, mixed with the unique sweet and fragrant smell of autumn. The forehead, except for the vulgar hemisphere, is covered with golden armor all over the city.

Nanyi was almost intoxicated, took a deep breath, sighed, and couldn't help but compose a poem, "Ah, gold, there are so many lumps of golden gold! Ah, birch tree, how did you become golden too?" ?”

The life of a serious publishing house has not been easy in the past two years. People are fooling people around to sponsor books, and an autobiography can be published for 100,000 yuan. I heard that there are quite a few arty downcasts who have set up a monument for themselves. Nan Yi wondered if he really went out to publish This collection of poems.

This idea came and went faster, and after a while, Nanyi took back the thoughts that had been let go, and did what he would definitely do in a new place - read the newspaper.


After reading one newspaper and picking up the second one, Nanyi couldn't help throwing out the newspaper in his hand. A half-page call advertisement in a newspaper has no morals, no quality, pictures, addresses, and Telephone.

Picking up a few other newspapers, Nanyi flipped through them. The situation was roughly the same. Except for the first newspaper he read, the others were all advertising content. He spent money to buy newspapers just to read the advertisements.

There was nothing he wanted to read in the newspaper, so Nanyi put all the newspapers aside, picked up the map of Ussuriysk and studied it for a while, then went to the restaurant on the sixth floor for dinner.

The Ussuriysk Hotel is contracted by three groups of Chinese people, the second and fourth groups, the seventh floor group, the sixth, eighth, and ninth floor groups, and each group provides catering services in addition to accommodation, that is, The so-called restaurant, if you live on the ninth floor, you will naturally go to the restaurant on the sixth floor to eat.

The sixth, eighth, and ninth floors are contracted by a pair of brothers. Their people are not often in the hotel. Their parents are in charge of the operation here. When Nan Yi arrived at the restaurant downstairs, the "mother" who is usually in charge of cooking is Sitting in a daze in the restaurant, the kitchen next door is cooking in full swing.

The restaurant here on the sixth floor, although it is called a restaurant, can only be regarded as a snack bar at best, with two rooms vacated, one used as a kitchen and the other as a dining room, that's all.

The "mother" who is in charge of cooking is idle, but someone is busy in the kitchen because of Ye Qian's advice - that so-and-so's mother cooks very badly, so don't try it.

Nan Yi is a person who listens to persuasion. Since Ye Qian said so, of course he will not go to trouble. The one who is busy in the kitchen is Mei Zhengyi. He flew here from Moscow first. A quarter of an hour ago, the Holy Mother's people had taken turns Dining, besides our own people, there is only one outsider who eats in the restaurant.

Although the restaurant is small, it is clean. Nanyi greeted his "mother", sat down at a table near the door but could not be seen directly from the door, and looked at the "outsider" a few times. You are a forty A middle-aged man in the next year, with a burly body, bearded face, messy hair, dirty clothes, and bloodshot eyes, is now wolfing down, as if he was reincarnated from starvation.

Xiaohua and the Holy Mother made eye contact, and after getting a reply that everything was safe, she took Tianxian to the kitchen next door, and quickly brought a few dishes over.

There is no need to expect too much from Mei Zhengyi's cooking skills. After the rice was served, Nanyi asked the school girl to sit down and ate together. They just ate quietly and had no interest in communicating with "mother" or strangers. .

Although Nan Yi left Moscow since last year, he still knows the situation in Russia very well, including the current situation of the group of downtrodden people in Huaguo.

As soon as Russia's economy was opened up, there was an instant surge in the number of poor people coming from the country. The weak compatriot love that could be found in the past has disappeared now. Love to emphasize what theory to reason, what needs to be repeatedly emphasized with the mouth, must have been severely missing.

In fact, it is also true. In Russia, it is very difficult to make friends with strangers in China. Chinese people who appear in small groups on the street are likely to be based on blood relationship, family relationship or neighbor relationship, otherwise they are in the country. We are already friends, and we came to Russia together.

When Chinese people in Russia meet strangers who strike up a conversation with them, their vigilance will be very high. Too many people have been fooled by their own people, and they are scared by word of mouth.

Now there are three kinds of passports that can be obtained from China to Russia, the passport for business, the passport for private use, and the tourist passport. Passports for business and private use are very difficult to obtain. Not only are the procedures complicated and the fees are quite high, although there are visa deadlines The convenience of going to and from any place between China and Russia at will within the country is not handled by ordinary Chinese losers, but travel passports.

In fact, the so-called tourist passport does not go to tourist attractions, nor does it have a guide to guide and tour. When they arrive at the designated place, the "tourists" will turn into birds and beasts. Most of them come here to do business in the name of tourism.

The longest period of a tourist passport is three months, and you can only move around the places specified in the visa, which is very inconvenient, and there is an even more embarrassing stipulation that you can only stay for a few months when the visa says it is a few months , can not overstay, and can not go back in advance.

In a foreign country, the easiest targets for those who seek the wrong way are compatriots. No matter stealing or cheating, people with the same skin color and speaking the same language are the most likely to become fat sheep.

If he was penniless in Russia, he might starve to death here.

Nan Yi, who was surrounded by a group of people, would easily make his calves tremble if he rashly approached others to strike up a conversation. He was afraid that he would encounter doom. Scaring people is not fun at all, so why let people have a nightmare.

Especially in the city of Ussuriysk, last year, the Far Eastern Military District just made trouble. This year, the market has just returned to normal. Soon, a few waves of domestic green forest heroes came. , to collect a one-page-long tax for the heavenly court. The abbreviation of this tax is three words-protection fee, which can also be called sanitation fee, cleaning fee, and land fee.

This kind of tax does not distinguish between men, women, old and young, rich or poor, everyone is equal, and everyone has to pay. Of course, the Jade Emperor can't control the people of Russia, and the Russians don't have to hand over.

To put it bluntly, the heroes of the green forest still only dare to live in their nests when they go abroad.

After dinner, Nanyi went downstairs to Nekrasova Avenue, the longest, widest, and most prosperous street in Ussuriysk. Before walking far, he walked around the neighborhood as a snack after dinner.

Although it is the busiest street in the city, it is very quiet. There are not many vehicles passing by, and the sound of honking the horn cannot be heard.

Nan Yi enjoyed the tranquility very much. This time he returned to Moscow, not to mention bloody storms, but also swords and swords. It would be difficult to have a chance to enjoy the tranquil moment again. He wanted to enjoy it greedily.

On the side of the road, leaning against the wall, taking a nap with eyes closed, regardless of time and space, regardless of the strange eyes of passers-by, after staying enough, I went upstairs to wash and sleep.

The next day, when they came together, the school belle reported to Nanyi that three strange men came last night and knocked on the two rooms on the left side of the ninth floor. It looked like they were here to collect sanitary fees. There were many people watching, but they didn't dare to come over.

After listening to Nanyi, he exclaimed that the subjective motivation of work is really high, and that the real grandma should be given an outstanding employee award.

After washing, exercising, and eating breakfast, when the time came to nine o'clock, Nanyi went out to the Huaguo Market in Ussuriysk, which is also the largest Huaguo Market in the Far East. It not only has daytime retail The market, as well as the night wholesale market that starts at 1:00 am, are called the white market and night market by men.

The night market in Ussuriysk is very famous. Not only vendors from Ussuriysk want to wholesale all kinds of Chinese goods here, but also vendors from Khabarovsk, Holothuria and other places also come here to wholesale.

Those who came to wholesale Huaguo products were not only Huaguo traders, but also Russian traders and Vietnamese traders. Although merchants from various countries gathered in the entire Far East region, they sold almost the same products, all of which were Huaguo products.

In fact, Ussuriysk is the distribution center for Chinese goods in the Far East.

The Huaguo Grand Market is very large and chaotic. The Holy Mother took Nanyi around in the market, and it took a long time to stop in front of a small stall.

The stall owner was a middle-aged man in his forties who was busy in front of the stall. When he saw someone coming, he raised his head and was about to greet him. When he saw it was the Holy Mother, he hurriedly shouted enthusiastically: "Ah, Yuan, why are you here?" gone?"

The Virgin is a Korean from Kazakhstan, surnamed Yuan, and her grandmother is from Yanbian. When she was young, she went to Seoul with her parents to do business, and met Grandpa Virgin who was engaged in intelligence work against Japan in Seoul. The two married in Seoul. On the eve of the end of World War II, they brought their son back Arrived in Kazakhstan.

The mother is from North Korea. She was sent to work in St. Petersburg in the 1960s. She met the mother's father and then married and had children. Therefore, the mother is of mixed race, but all of them are of Korean descent. She is proficient in Yanbian Korean, North Korean and Korean. Chinese, Korean, Kazakhstan Korean, Russian Korean, Russian, and the not-so-authentic Northeast dialect.

The middle-aged man spoke Mandarin, which was a bit blunt, with a strong Northeast accent mixed in. From the accent, it was not difficult to tell that he was from the Northeast, and there was a high probability that he was a Korean.

"I just arrived yesterday." The Virgin replied with a smile, and then asked, "How is the business? Is the business okay?"

"Very good, the Huaguo products you found for me are very popular, and I can make a lot of money every day." The middle-aged man also responded with a smile, "Don't leave at noon, I will treat you to dinner."

Nan Yi listened to the conversation between the two, and looked at the products on the stall. Without exception, they all came from the channel of the Begonia trade. Speaking of which, the middle-aged man in front of him was a distributor of the Begonia trade, and he didn't listen to his accent. Looking at the products, Nanyi can also tell that the middle-aged man is from the Korean ethnic group, because the products on the stall are exclusively for the Korean ethnic group, regardless of nationality.

No matter which country the Koreans are from, they are very domineering in doing business in Russia. Whether they were in the Soviet revisionist period or they belong to different original countries, they are all ethnic minorities, and their lives are generally poorer than those of other ethnic groups. .

Poor people want to change, and other impoverished ethnic groups are thinking about running a legitimate business, but most of the Korean people in Russia have done unscrupulous activities, and they are relatively powerful.

Because they belong to the same ethnic group, speak the same language with slightly different accents, and share common living habits, the Koreans in Huaguo soon got in touch with the Koreans in Russia. If there is any big or small situation, they always ask their Russian counterparts for help .

With a strong backing, the Korean people in Huaguo will naturally feel that they have thicker waists than other people in the country, and they are more arrogant in doing business. Even those green forest heroes dare not trouble them, and will only avoid them.

The Koreans seldom encounter difficulties from others, so they can devote all their energy to their business. As long as they do not bully the market, end customers and lower-level wholesalers are more willing to patronize their stalls, because they are not likely to encounter troubles.

Naturally, Haitang Trading will hand over some products with relatively high profits to them, and both parties will benefit from each other, and both can obtain huge profits.

After the Holy Mother finished chatting with the middle-aged man, she took Nanyi to other stalls.

At a booth, Nan Yi saw the canned fruit of the Haitang brand, but he took a closer look. The label paper was definitely not from the Haitang trade. He bought a can, opened it, and found that the quality of the pulp inside was not good, it was a counterfeit , not the A product from the cannery.

Handing the can to the Holy Mother, Nan Yi said: "Check the source of goods. If it's in China, take the legal route. If it's here, it's simpler and more direct."


After walking around for a while, I suddenly saw a commotion in front of me. When I got closer, I saw that a Chinese stall had been smashed by several Russians. Some of the down jacket sellers were torn, and the down jackets were scattered on the ground, pinch after pinch.

Nan Yi picked up a pinch and rubbed it in his hands, 100% chicken feathers, this business is done, the food is so fucking ugly, he deserves to be beaten to death, smashing a stall is light, Nan Yi just rose The brotherhood of compatriots is instantly extinguished.

There are counterfeit products in the front, and defective products in the back. This is cutting off the livelihood of Chinese businessmen in Russia, and it is also digging the foundation of the crabapple trade. If the reputation of Chinese products is damaged in Russia, future business will be difficult. Men will also face unforeseen dangers.

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