The three women returned to Nanyi together, and the woman who was walking last stood up and introduced herself, "Hello, my name is Changge."

"Hello, I'm Nan Yi."

"Hi, I'm Guoli." Another woman also introduced herself.

"Guo Li, you belong to Huan Shui, right?" Nan Yi said after hearing the other party's introduction.

Guo Li was surprised: "How do you know?"

"When I was in middle school, I went to the countryside to help farmers. I went to the production team of Fangguojia. Most of the people in the team were surnamed Guo. This surname is rare. I guessed that you belonged to Fangshui."

Guoli's eyes widened, "I am from Guojia Village, when did you go to our village?"

"In 1974, your house was the second household at the entrance of the village. Your father should be called Guo Fengchan, right?" Nan Yi said with a smile.

"No, my father's name is Guo Fengshou, and Guo Fengshou is my uncle." Guo Li said happily. Of course she was happy to meet someone with a relationship in a foreign country.

"I don't remember, but it's okay, your father, I remember wrongly, you, I will not remember wrongly, little girl, return my Iraqi dates, it's pitiful for you little girl with a clear nose, I gave you a A date palm, I didn’t expect, you little girl ate all my dates while I was going to the field, I only have five dates in total, you didn’t give me one left.”

At the end of the 1960s or the beginning of the 1970s, China began to import dates from the Middle East. They were cheap and high in sugar, which could just make up for the lack of sucrose. Dates are not expensive, but most people can’t buy them. If you can't get out of the non-staple food store, the internal staff will get a point, and those that can be put on the shelves are very rare, and anyone who sees them will grab them.

Children whose parents are not sharp-headed and not aggressive, probably have never heard of dates.

Guo Li giggled, "I don't remember that happening."

"Whether you remember or not, next time you buy five catties of dates, pay me back." Nanyi pointed to Guoli and said.

"Okay, isn't it just five catties of dates, I'll buy it." Guoli replied heartily.

At this time, a small noodle car called by the school belle came over, and Nan Yi yelled for the three women to get their goods into the car, and when the goods were put away, he told the driver to go to Modan Barracks, and Nan Yi returned to his car .

"Guo Li, the fate in life is really amazing, to meet this little girl."

Nanyi actually knew that the "father" of Guoli was Guo Fengshou, not Guo Fengshou, because the name Guo Fengshou was too impressive to him or the former Nanyi, and there was a little allusion.

There is a kind of Mopan persimmon in Guojia Village. There are persimmon trees on the top of two small hills. There is a thatched shed in the depression, which is probably the place where people who watch persimmons live.

On the day of helping the farmers, Qian Nanyi and two male classmates slipped away and ran to the top of the mountain to play. When they passed by the grass shed, they saw Guoli playing alone on the side of the mountain road wearing crotch pants. Qian Nanyi and the others teased Guoli for a while. Qian Nanyi also gave Guoli a date palm, and then walked up the mountain.

When passing the thatched hut, the three of them heard a charming voice. They were at the age full of fantasies about the opposite sex. The three of them looked at each other, tiptoed close to the hut, looked in through the gap, and found that the man was Guo Fengyi, the woman does not know, but it is definitely not Guo Fengyi's wife.

Nanyi and his team were brought back to Guojia Village by Guo Fengchan and another villager. On the way, they heard the news from their conversation that Guo Fengchan's wife was working as a teller at the supply and marketing cooperative in the town, and she should be at work at that time. , Moreover, the two couples don't have to sneak into the hut.

After watching for a while, the three tiptoed away again before being discovered.

There has been a very exciting harvest, the mountain has lost its attraction to the three of them, and after a circle, the three of them went back to the field.

Not long after, a pretty woman, that is, the woman in the thatched shed, came to the field with a fruit in her arms. The three of them listened and asked people, and soon found out that the woman was the wife of Guo Fengshou. The fruitful sister-in-law.

Sister-in-law and brother-in-law...

At that time, the worldview of the former Nanyi trio was greatly impacted.

When leaving Guojia Village, Qian Nanyi also gave the four leftover dates to the little girl Guoli.

Thinking back on the past today, I really can't tell whose daughter Guo Li is, and it's not easy to give Guo Fengchan and Guo Li's mother a bad label.

What happened in those years is not clear, there are too many confused accounts.

Nanyi showed kindness to Guoli not only because of her fate back then, but also because she was a "victim".

The car stopped at the gate of the Modan Barracks. Lin Jing and Guo Li of the Three Girls looked at it curiously, but Chang Ge seemed to have been here before. She was not too curious about the barracks in front of her, but she often sneaked glances at Nanyi.

Nanyi stepped forward to help the three girls take the cart out of the noodle, and then took the three girls to Huibin Building.

Although there is a staff dormitory in the barracks and there are vacant beds, Nanyi does not plan to take the three of them to live in the dormitory, not to mention that the paging station staff need to work in shifts, and there are people sleeping in the dormitory day and night, which will easily disturb the rest of the personnel on duty at night.

In addition, three strangers enter a relatively independent and closed space, which will cause other people's psychological rejection and worry about their own finances; The three daughters are determined, and Nanyi is likely to be hated by the employees.

Push open a door and enter the utility room where the chairs are stored. There is not much dust in the air.

"The three of you will live here. Someone will help you carry the camp beds and quilts later. Don't look at the heat now, it will be a little cold at night." Nan Yi pushed Lin Jing's trolley to the corner, facing the three women Said: "Go out of the toilet and turn right, walk along the aisle to the end, the house number is pink is the women's toilet; if you want to take a shower, there is a bathroom outside; if you want to buy something, you can go to the convenience store..."

Nanyi gave a very detailed introduction to the consumption places in the barracks, for fear that the three women would miss the opportunity to consume here if they didn't know about it.

"Brother Nan, can I make international calls?" Lin Jing asked.

"You can call anywhere." Nanyi replied, and then said: "You go at your own pace. I will come to you at 5:30 and invite you to dinner."

After Nanyi left, the three daughters immediately took out the chairs and sat down. Taking the train was quite tiring. After staying on the train for a whole week, the three daughters were exhausted.

Chang Ge tapped her tingling thigh, then twisted her waist again, "Lin Jing, thanks to you this time, you have never stayed in Moscow before, I don't know how difficult it is to stay here, don't think it's just a mess here It’s much more comfortable than living in China.”

"Sister Chang, is Zhonghua Hotel really that bad?" Lin Jing asked.

"The living conditions are decent, mainly because of other things. It's too messy. I can't tell you a little girl. You will know when you have a chance next time." Chang Ge said in the tone of someone who has been there.

Compared with Lin Jing, who walked K3 for the first time, Guoli, who has only gone twice, Chang Ge has been working for more than seven months. He is considered an old man. The situation has almost been figured out, and he has experienced it twice on the train. Fortunately, she only lost a little money in the robbery, but she knew that if she walked too much at night, she would encounter ghosts. She didn't want to just run back and forth on the train. This time, she came to Moscow to test the waters. She planned to become the fourth type of loser.

As soon as Nanyi appeared today, she paid attention to it. She was shocked at first, but when she came to Modan Barracks, she had a little guess about Nanyi's identity.

The Modan Barracks is well-known. Even a poor man who ran to Russia knows that there is such a place. The merchants here, regardless of whether they know about Nanyi or not, all gave him the nickname "Death Wants Money", referring to the barracks here. No matter what you do, you have to pay. When eating and drinking, you will take out Nanyi and scold a few words as an appetizer. No one speaks good things about Nanyi.

But if someone said that since the Modan Barracks is so desperate for money, why not move away and stay here, the merchants would stop talking, the water is comfortable, how could they not understand after soaking in the water.

The current situation is that even if it is not good, they will not leave.

As long as you are a merchant in the Modan Barracks, it represents strength and integrity. You can’t stay here without any strength. The rent plus miscellaneous expenses and the usual expenses in the barracks cost at least 3,500-4,000 US dollars a month; Anyone who does not abide by the rules in business will be cleared immediately.

Chang Ge is very aware of this situation. During this period of time, she has also saved more than 30,000 US dollars. It will be no problem to pay the rent, and the purchase price can be credited first. If she can gain a foothold in the Modan Barracks, her business will rise to several levels. , but the problem is that there are no vacant rooms here.

"Manager Bao, I haven't seen anything about trade fairs in your work plan. The season for leather jackets is coming, so you don't have any ideas?"

"Master Nan..." Bao Huantou said with shame.

"Call me Mr. Nan during working hours."

"Uh, Mr. Nan, the merchants in the Modan Barracks and the Vietnam Building are doing well. Is there any need for a trade fair?"

"The treatment I gave you is not bad, so there is no need to raise your treatment in the future?"


"I'll give you two days. Even if you don't sleep, you have to come up with a trade fair plan for me. It's not only about making money for the merchants, but also about getting benefits for ourselves. I'm talking about cash. Now, go out .”

Upon hearing Nanyi's words, Bao Huotou left Nanyi's office with a sad face, and came up with a plan in two days, which would kill him.

"Bao Huotou's ability is still a bit weak."

Nanyi sighed slightly, opened the drawer, and took out a trade fair plan from it, which he spent half an hour before going to bed one day when he was in Ussuriysk.

Turn on the computer, type out an English version, print it out and hand it to Aksinya, and ask her to translate it into Russian.

Nanyi's Russian level is good enough for listening, speaking, reading, and writing, which makes him a little weak in writing. Aksinya's English-Russian translation is okay, and Chinese-Russian translation is not good.

Knock knock!

"Please come in."


"Sawenna, you look five years younger again." Nanyi said, got up, walked up to the person who came, and kissed him face to face.

Savina, the legal counsel of Huaguolou and the market business, a 51-year-old lady who looks only 49 years old, is very concerned about her age. Nanyi usually says that she looks less than 40 years old. When she was about to leave Moscow last year selected candidates.

Hearing Nan Yi's words, Savinna was very proud. When she smiled, the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes became very obvious in an instant, "Adam, you are still so handsome, and you still speak so nicely."

"Aha, you came here today because which merchant is in trouble?"

"No, it's because someone's business has grown and they set their sights on natural gas mines." Savina laughed.

"Hmm, working with locals?"


Nan Yi smiled slightly and said, "Business cooperation is a big deal, so someday will you treat me to a sumptuous dinner?"

"You can do it at any time. If you are free, you can call me at any time. I know you are here. I just came to say hello. I'm going to talk to Evelyn about tax matters."

"OK, you can do what you want."

After Savina left, Nan Yi also left his office, went to the back door of the South Building, and set up a battle with Cai Haochi and a group of cooks from Wuchuan.

On the other side, Zilong, who has already arrived in Moscow with a small team, is trying to find out the details of Li Zhengping through the Korean relationship of the Holy Mother and the joint command and conquer people.

Leerlin provided too little information. The gang of gangsters who attacked the Vietnam Building didn't even know where Li Zhengping lived. They only asked that Li Zhengping was usually cautious, and never revealed himself to outsiders except for his confidantes. Even people who have been there can’t tell where Li Zhengping’s villa is, and they wear hoods when going back and forth, and the pick-up car will circle the road until it makes people faint.

The more sneaky and cautious Li Zhengping was, the better news it would be for Nanyi. It should prove from the side that the people behind him are not too strong.

After bragging at the back door of the south building for a while, Nanyi went to the paging station again, saw Xia Lin's plan, and made some suggestions, so she was told to hurry up and implement it, and then dealt with some small work matters.

For a period of time to come, Nanyi plans to sit in the Modan barracks. Before that, Bao Huotou was responsible for the specific work. Although the business development was pretty good, it was not enough in the management. What was built was a grass-roots team with rules and systems Insufficient, what Nanyi has to do is to establish the operating rules and push forward the progress.

If it can’t be pushed, the shares that should be given will be given, but the position will have to be removed.

At 5:30, Nanyi went to look for the third daughter. After knocking on the door for a while, there was no response. After listening closely, there was a sound of snoring coming from the utility room. He went to the staff cafeteria in the south building to eat, and incidentally ordered Cai Haochi to give the third daughter Prepare a few dishes and wait for them to wake up from hunger to eat.

In the next two days, Aksinya got on the plane to the capital, and Nanyi received a report from the Vietnam Building, saying that the sales speed of the merchants had slowed down, and fewer people came to approve the goods.

Bao Huantou's words about the good business of the merchants still linger in his ears, but bad signs appear.

Asking Vietnam Building to hand over the statistics of the merchant's product categories, Nanyi went to various small markets in Moscow by himself, and combined his own observations with the contents of the statistics, it was easy to find out the crux of the problem—— Homogenization is too serious, leather jackets, Adidas, sneakers, many merchants are still the same.

Nanyi is really worried for those merchants. At the beginning of the year, the third product was sold very well, and it was a hit, but everyone knows this information. Whether it is an old man or a newcomer, eighty to ninety percent of them are old people. Three things, the dividends have been eaten for more than half a year, and the Russians are almost bald, and they don't want to change, and they don't have any awareness of differentiated management.

It’s okay to be a small loser with little accumulation, poor anti-risk ability, and dare not bring products that have not passed the market test after traveling from thousands of miles. It doesn't hurt, but Nanyi didn't see a few old men who were the old three before adding new products.

Sitting in the office and meditating for a while, Nan Yi called Luo Huan.

"Hey, mule, I want 2,000 Chafeng Han Xian II, how long will it take for me?"

Chasing Wind Han Display II is a BOSS machine with a relatively large screen, which is specially designed for customers who speculate in stocks and futures, and can display more text information.

Luo Huan asked in surprise, "Moscow still needs the Type 2?"

"I'm useful, give me some time."

Luo Huan found a document, flipped through it, and said, "Our current cooperative factory is not producing enough capacity, and it is busy producing orders for us to supply to Xiangxi. You have to wait for ten days until Xiangxi's order is over. , I will notify the factory to change the production line, and it will be produced in five days."

Chuangfeng Technology is an asset-light enterprise that does not have its own factory. In theory, it only focuses on design, R\u0026D and marketing. In fact, it currently has no R\u0026D capabilities at all, nor does it have half a R\u0026D staff.

"Half a month is fine. My assistant is currently in China. I will let her find you to sign the contract. That's all for now. How is the Siberian Tiger (motorcycle) selling?"

Nanyi's request to Luo Huan was that the Siberian Tiger be on the market before November, but the other party moved the time forward by three full months. I have to say that the job was done beautifully.

Luo Huan said teasingly: "The results are gratifying. So far, the total sales volume in the country is 79 sets, of which 50 sets are bought by others because my surname is Luo. It is estimated that the goods are still under pressure."

"Don't speak eccentrically. As the president of Ganfeng Technology, Comrade Luo Huan, I want to criticize you. How do you do things? The motorcycle market in the country is so hot, you actually only handed in this kind of answer sheet, you are sorry I……"

"Come on, even if you are the boss, I still have to complain. The idea of ​​your product is a failure. The upper limit is low and the lower limit is even lower. When the investment cost is recovered, cut this product and save it for waste. Human and material resources."

"There is nothing that can't be sold in the world, only people who can't sell it. President Luo, you have to strengthen your business ability." Nan Yi said stubbornly.

From the very beginning, Nanyi knew in his heart that the "motorcycle" of Chuangfeng Technology could not deliver a good answer. The market positioning and price positioning have already indicated that it is a failed product.

A set of Siberian Tigers costs 1,500 yuan. If you have the financial resources to buy a motorcycle, you can just buy a real motorcycle. If it is cheaper, you can buy one for more than 3,000 yuan. If you have no financial resources, there will not be many people. Choose the Siberian Tiger and continue to use steamed buns as a power source, why change to a fuel-drinking one.

The reason why Nanyi did this was because of his feelings. In his previous life, he wanted to own a fake motorcycle like the Siberian Tiger, but by the time he could afford it, it had disappeared.

"It's okay, you dismissed me, and someone else came over and continued to sell Siberian tigers."

"Let's not talk nonsense. If you can't sell it in China, try the Southeast Asian market. By the way, don't go to Vietnam. You can also try it in Africa. No matter what, since you have done it, you should try your best to make some achievements. .”

"Vietnam is the only way to go. The motorcycle culture over there has been developed for many years. It would be strange to see Siberian tigers. Would you like me to send you a few sets, so you can try it in Russia?"

Nan Yi put down his frivolity and said seriously: "Forget about Russia, the exchange rate is an issue, and real motorcycles are not that expensive. Well, I still have a few calls to make, so let me just say that."

"Okay, I just want to go back to the capital. There is a new automatic paging station in the capital. It seems to be called 127. There are too few Chinese paging stations. We have to go back to seize the digital market. I will try to bundle Ganfeng with 127. "

"Well, hard work."

After hanging up the phone, Nanyi turned back dozens of pages of the calendar on the table, and wrote on it: "Acquisition of a washing machine production line in Russia."

After finishing writing, she put down the pen, and Nanyi called Yi Jinru again, asking her to purchase a batch of stationery and send it to Moscow before September 1st.

When changing the market, Nanyi found that there was no one selling stationery. Seeing that Russia’s primary and secondary schools were about to start, at this time, a batch of high-quality and cheap Huaguo stationery was put on the market. Wholesale customers with brains would definitely follow. It is not a dream to sell out of stock.

Hanging up the phone again, Nanyi turned on the computer, and there was a burst of crackling on the keyboard...

In the remaining days of August, Nanyi, Huaguolou and all the shareholders of the market who hold public and dark shares met, coordinated in the middle, and gathered these industries together to form an "October Company". Human resources and management are also connected. Only the shares are not connected. The dividends of Huaguo Building and the market are still settled separately, but the two sides share management and labor costs in proportion.

It is impossible to get through the shares. Most of the dark stock shareholders don't want people other than Nanyi to know the dividends they get, and they don't even want others to know that they are taking dark shares. Therefore, Nanyi can't do it. Shareholders gathered together for a meeting.

At the end of August, Qian Haohui sent a lawyer to get a signature from the dark stock shareholders, and put the offshore companies used to receive dividends under the name of the designated person. Enterprises (Nanyi is Russian, and other shareholders are foreign), enjoy preferential policies for investment promotion from the Russian Federation and the Moscow City Government, mainly tax preferential policies.

In fact, from a more objective point of view, the privatization of securities in Russia is actually a "good scripture". If you read it well, it is not impossible for Russia's economy to take off.

For example, the government of a certain country encourages farmers to grow certain crops and subsidizes them, as much as the subsidy per catty of crops. This is a good thing for farmers. However, during the implementation of this policy, the subsidy funds were distributed, but they did not fall into the hands of farmers, but were tricked away by some powerful people.

A villain wants to kill a pig. Everyone wants to kill a big fat pig. Before killing a pig, the villain prepares to feed the pig to fat and fat, and feeds the pig every day, and there is no limit.

Three months had passed since the pigs were delicious and delicious. One day, the villain felt that the pigs were fat enough, so he ran towards the pigsty with a butcher knife. The good guy got stuck, slipped his foot, snapped, hit the back of his head on the ground and died.

A good man wants to feed a pig well. In order to let the pig eat more, the good man uses the theory in martial arts that the power of punching first and then punching can be more powerful. Let the pig be hungry for a period of time, and the pig will be hungry for two months. The longing for food has reached its peak, even if a mountain of fodder is put in front of its eyes, it can still eat it clean.

The good man saw that it was a good time to feed the concentrate, so he took the concentrate to the pigsty, but he stepped on the rake at the door of the pigsty, and the rod of the rake hit his forehead, and the good man died heroically.

The shock therapy implemented in Russia is divided into steps. Generally speaking, the first step is to completely liberalize prices. In the past eight months, Russia’s inflation and soaring prices have a lot to do with this strategy.

The second step is to uniformly collect value-added tax and levy commodity consumption tax.

A careful interpretation of this article means that the burden of the state during the Soviet revision period and the planned economy era is thrown to the enterprises, and all the risks are passed on to the enterprises. Very enlightened parents, there is no distinction between real sons and godsons. As long as they call it a father and give it a house, they are all its sons, and they can play on its one-third of an acre of land.

It's just a pity that no matter whether it is a biological son or a godson, whether it is in the ICU or the intensive care unit, there are a few who just suffer from a small cold, their own immunity is weak, and some people even throw off the quilt in the middle of the night. Although it is slight, it never gets better, and it repeats and repeats.

Each of the sons was given a wooden horse, and the father didn't say to help the horse or send it off for a while, but just pointed to the north and shouted loudly: "300 miles to the north, there are 30,000 elite bannermen of the Huns, one man and eight horses. You are all my good sons, I believe you will kill them all, let's go, sons, Ulla!"

The sons set off in February, riding a wooden horse, and the grain and grass they brought were painted pancakes (non-cash circulating between enterprises, as mentioned earlier). Dad knew that pancakes would not fill his stomach, but he waited until July Only then did I remember that I should issue an order to kill the enemy (privatization of securities).

Before the order was issued, he repeatedly weighed and found the son's mothers to hold a meeting to discuss how to issue the order.

While the parents are still studying the details, the oligarchs who are interested in becoming godfathers have already begun to arrange the venue for their son recognition ceremony, and even in order to avoid premature conflicts, the oligarchs are still sitting together to discuss the godson they want to adopt List, you Zhang San, I Li Si, he Wang Wu, sitting in a row, sharing fruit and fruit, the atmosphere is quite harmonious.

Fen Guoguo has nothing to do with Nanyi for the time being, and it is not his turn to take orders, but he is also a godson who "does" 38,000 miles. Taxation has a direct relationship with him. The establishment of October Company is not only for management Formalization is also for the preferential tax policy, one after another, at least a few "small goals" for a little more surplus every year.

In another two or three years, it may increase to "medium meaning".

During the period of forming the company, Nanyi did not forget to mention some points and make a package. First, he hit a home run on the exhibition planning proposal he submitted, and then used public funds to enroll him in a language school. By the way, I also got a witness certificate from Moscow University.

On the last day of August, Yi Jinru bought stationery worth 3 million RMB and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on shipping to the public warehouse of Modan Barracks. In order to catch up with time, she came by air, both cargo plane and civil aviation.

In the warehouse, Nanyi first checked the woolen sweaters and leather jackets that had been sent before. He didn’t have time and wanted to stock up on the goods and wait for the arrival of the season to sell them at a good price. Nanyi didn’t send any of Jinru Trading’s products. export.

The goods were all in good condition and there was no damage. Nanyi immediately stopped the inspection and began to count the new stationery, pencils, erasers, rulers, stationery boxes, and school bags. It took half a day to count the quantity clearly. When he left the warehouse, he also brought Took a few samples.

In the last two or three days, the exchange rate in the market has changed again. The ruble has reached 620 to 1 against the US dollar. Moscow’s economy continues to go down. The purchase potential of end customers for leather jackets suddenly disappears, leaving only Wholesalers at all levels are still hoarding goods, but they have also seen the current situation clearly - more goods and fewer customers, some stopped hoarding, and some began to buy goods at lower prices.

Whether it is the Zhonghua Hotel or other small merchants in the "Hua Guo Building" and Vietnam Building, they are facing a severe test. As soon as the goods are backlogged, some people immediately lose their temper and compete to reduce prices. To the point of sadness, the goods still can't move.

However, the goods still came to Moscow through various channels, and the old three products accumulated more and more. In two days, it will be the day when K3 arrived in Moscow. I don’t know how many old three products will be brought this trip. Where Chinese people gather, there is restlessness in the air.

Right now, only the situation here in Modan Barracks is relatively strong. Powerful merchants are also cooperating with powerful local wholesalers in Russia. Each of them is still selling goods normally, and the price has not fluctuated. They are waiting for their opponents to kill them.

For them, those small merchants outside and the little rogues are all roles to make trouble for them. If they all die, they will set up a banquet for three days and set off fireworks for three days and three nights.

The smaller the business, the higher the relative cost. Although the three daughters of Lin Jing live in the utility room of Huibin Building for free, they can save a lot of money every day, and other expenses will not be less. The free accommodation gave them confidence, and when others lowered the price, the three of them did not drop a single point.

Every day early in the morning, they took goods to the market, and in the afternoon, they came back disheartened with a lot of goods. It had been almost half a month, and they were also anxious.

When Nanyi was walking from the warehouse to the office with the samples, he happened to meet Liu Shunqing, the biggest necessities of the company in October, at the door of the convenience store. The rent and other miscellaneous service fees, Nanyi can get from Liu Shunqing every month With more than 30,000 US dollars, this is a pure dividend that can be directly put into Nan's pocket.

"Boss Liu, what's the matter?"

"A few customers from St. Petersburg came to buy some drinks." Liu Shunqing said, "Boss Nan, just came out of the warehouse?"

"Yes, my mother has a trading company, and they are doing this recently." Nanyi gestured to the cardboard box he was holding in his hand, "Boss Liu, if anyone you know wants the goods, just introduce them directly." , I'll give you three points... If you think it's too little, I'll send you a price list later."

Upon hearing this, Liu Shunqing approached Nanyi, poked around in the cardboard box for a while, and looked at the samples carefully, "Schools in Moscow will start on September 1, right?"

Nan Yi smiled and said, "It's the whole of Russia."

Liu Shunqing gave a thumbs up and complimented: "Boss Nan, it's no wonder you can make such a big scene. You understand the business. Can you give me the price list immediately?"

As soon as Nan Yi heard it, he knew that Liu Shunqing's customers in St. Petersburg did not only make leather jackets, "Fifteen minutes, on time, you can get it at the door of your room."

Said, Nanyi picked out the best one from each sample and handed it to Liu Shunqing, then hurried back to his office, and started to make a price list according to the purchase list.

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