Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 904 Selfishness is everywhere

"A woman named Lin Nan was brought out of Li Zhengping's villa that day. She didn't have any valid documents to prove her identity. It was a bit troublesome." After throwing the hook out, Yepisov said.

"People are still locked up?"

"In the 71st Precinct."

The villa where Li Zhengping lived was not within the jurisdiction of the 71st branch. Since he was locked up in the 71st branch, Nanyi certainly understood what Yepisov was planning to do.

"Is she worth anything?"

Yepisov: "There is not much cash found in Li Zhengping's villa. I don't know where the other money is hidden, but she probably doesn't know."

Nan Yi nodded and said, "Since it's worthless, I'll send her back to China."

The troublesome but not hot potato was taken over by Nanyi, and Yepisov talked about other topics, "Adam, the White House is already issuing a privatization bond with a face value of 10,000 rubles to every citizen. It seems that there are foreign banks The idea of ​​playing securities."

"I heard that I'm only interested in the shares of a few companies. It's not the time to sell them yet. However, I am very interested in the backlog of products and machines in the company. Maybe I will buy some."

Episov: "In the name of the October Company?"

"It's okay, but the profit cycle may be relatively long, and the money will not be seen immediately."

Episov: "How long?"

"The shortest period is half a year, and the longest period is one or two years."

Yepisov thought for a moment and said, "I'm fine."

"Then today's dividends will not be divided for the time being. We need to prepare a little more capital."

Episov: "You need to ask other people's opinions."

"Will do."

As Nanyi said, he lifted the fishing rod, and the fishing line was straightened in an instant.

"Trout, not too big." Yepisov said happily.

"Haha, if there is one, there are two, Yepisov, you know where I live." Nan Yi teased.

Yepisov: "The game has just started, and it is uncertain who will win. "The Collection of Esopus Stories" tells us not to be too impatient."

"Aha, rabbits as heavy as mine are only found in Australia." Nanyi smiled and said, "Speaking of rabbits, Yepisov, I just remembered that I want to get a clearer copy of "Rabbit Wait and See" for my child." "Video."

"Leave this matter to me, and I should give your child a gift."


After fishing by the river for half a day, on the way back, Nanyi turned to a musical instrument store and bought an accordion made by the Moscow Experimental Musical Instrument Manufacturing Factory. He was not so busy, and he planned to take time to learn the accordion recently.

The musical instruments are interlinked. As long as the sense of music is cultivated, people who can play the erhu can also get started with the violin by groping on their own. Teach, it won't be too difficult to learn the accordion.

Russians can play the accordion everywhere, and it just so happens that Aksinya does.

On the same day, Nanyi asked Tianxian to release Lin Nan on bail from the 71st branch. It can be seen that Lin Nan didn't suffer any physical pain in the bureau. It might just be that he didn't eat much. In the south building, when she saw the food, she turned into a For a hungry tiger, the shadow of chopsticks is flying.

While Lin Nan was eating, Nan Yi sat on the side and watched.

Eating too fast, after a while, Lin Nan choked and hiccupped continuously.

Nanyi poured a cup of tea and put it in front of Lin Nan. Lin Nan picked up the teacup, gulped down half of it, waited for a while, grabbed the chopsticks, and continued to eat.

"After dinner, get a good night's sleep. If you have nothing else to do in Moscow, I will help you find a car tomorrow. If you return to China by land, I can guarantee that you will arrive at Suifenhe safely. You will have to walk the rest of the way by yourself." Nan Yi He picked up the teapot and refilled Lin Nan's teacup.

Lin Nan was taken aback by Nanyi's words, and after concentrating, he continued to eat without saying anything.

"The police did not find much cash in Li Zhengping's villa, nor did they find any bank deposit certificates or bank cards. I don't know much about Li Zhengping's information. If you know some secret information, don't Tell me you just need to take care of yourself."

Said, Nanyi took out an envelope and put it on the table, "I mean it literally, don't over-interpret it, no one here will put you under house arrest, you can leave whenever you want. We meet by chance, I can only give you so much, eat slowly."

After speaking, Nan Yi stood up and walked out of the South Building.

As soon as he reached the gate, Tianxian immediately went to Nan Yi's side and said, "Nan Sheng, stand guard 100 meters away from the gate."

"Well, if she goes out, don't let her in again."

If there is anything to do with money, there will be trouble. In the envelope, Nanyi only put 200 US dollars. The money is enough for Lin Nan's food expenses on the road. If An An calmly waits until tomorrow to get in the car and leave, nothing will happen. , she will definitely be able to return home safely; if she wants to go out, she will be deemed to know something, and what awaits her is torture, and all the secrets will be questioned.

Back at the consulate, Gao Wangzhong conducted a routine basic inspection of Nanyi every three days.

After the examination, Gao Wangzhong said to Nan Yi: "Sir, I've been a little anxious recently because I didn't release the hormones in time. Holding it for too long is also harmful to the body."

"okay, I get it."

Nanyi responded with a little embarrassment, turned on the computer, pretended to be busy, and concealed his embarrassment.

When Gao Wangzhong packed up his things and left, Nanyi found that he had neglected the physical and health problems of the security guards around him during this period, so he called the tiger cub to him and ordered: "Call a team from outside, let everyone Start rotating vacations, those with wives go home, those without wives can go anywhere, as long as they don’t stay in Russia.”

"We have talked before, and most of them want to go to Pattaya."

"Then hold a team building in Pattaya. You can go to everyone to discuss it, see how you want to arrange it, and make a budget for me."


After the episode, Nanyi took out another computer, waited for Windows 3.1 to be loaded, clicked on Minesweeper, and dialed the phone number of Fang Mansion. Nanyi and Nan Wuwei were talking and playing at the same time.

"Dad, what level are you on?"

Nan Yi looked at the number "7" displayed on the game window, thick-skinned, and said, "Level 327."

"Bragging, I've only reached level 206."

"Little bastard, my father is better than my son, it's only right and proper."

"Mom is in the kitchen making Nan's bragging soup."

Nanyi became angry from embarrassment, "I'll ask her to add another dish of fried pork with bamboo shoots."

Nan Wuwei said quietly: "Mom always uses a feather duster. I just ate it yesterday."

"What's the matter?"

"I didn't cause any trouble, I was just playing sepak takraw, Dad, is Mom going through menopause?"

"Little bastard, you work hard, you don't play if it's not dangerous, right?" Nan Yi was a little panicked when he heard it, and Nan Wuwei became more and more evil as he played. The most classic movement of takraw ball is to hang the golden hook upside down, needless to say Now that Nan Wuwei is playing sepak takraw, he will definitely do this action often.

"Dad, it's all right, there's a cushion."

"Take it easy for me, I'm going to scare your mother to death, be careful that I really accept..."

Before Nan Yi finished speaking, the microphone exploded, "Nan, get out of here as soon as possible, I'll treat this son as never before, throw him away, and give birth to a new one, do you hear me, hurry up Come back to me..."

Hold the microphone farther away, and when Liu Zhen vented, Nan Yi picked up the microphone in a calm manner, and said displeasedly, "Go to your son's room, why didn't you knock on the door?"

"This is my home, Nan Wuwei is my son, I have to knock on the door when I enter his room,*\u0026 @%¥%¥~!"

Liu Zhen was probably really angry, and the ugly words continued one after another.

Five minutes later, Nanyi saw that Liu Zhen hadn't stopped talking, so he said to the microphone: "It's almost done, I will go back soon."

"pay close attention."


Before hanging up the phone, Nan Yi also heard the sound of running and chasing from the microphone. It is estimated that Nan Wuwei will eat a feather duster again.

The next day, Nan Yi went to the Modan barracks early, and he took care of the things at hand first, and after Aksinya went to work, he called her and Bao Huantou to the office, and the three spent October together company affairs.

Nanyi: "Huotou, has the merchant's commission been settled?"

Bao Huantou: "It's almost done. All the unsettled orders have been settled, and there is still one in progress. It seems that we have encountered a little trouble."

Nanyi: "Which one?"

Bao Huantou: "Zhang Zhugan... His name is Zhang Xiankang."

Nan Yi: "Follow me, take the initiative to provide help, and try not to let the list go bad."

Bao Huantou: "I'm already following."

Nan Yi: "Okay, what's the matter with Vietnam Lou and the Queen of Spades?"

Bao Huantou pondered and said: "Vietnam Building is okay. Some merchants at the Queen of Spades lied about them, saying that they were raised by stepmothers, and they paid a lot of money, but they didn't take advantage of any good things. Mr. Nan, it's normal for merchants to have opinions. , the company has indeed never paid much attention to the Queen of Spades, shall we also plan some activities for that side?"

Nan Yi rubbed his temples, and thought for a while, "It's time to give some support to that side. The peak season for down jackets is coming soon, sell more, and everyone can have a good year. Wait for you to come over and ask Whether Baiwu can accept the opinions of the merchants, if you can accept it, go on."

"It should be possible. You can see all the market conditions at the fair."

"Well, let's touch it again tomorrow morning. Let's talk about other things first. Is there anything going on in the market?"

Bao Huotou: "There's nothing wrong with the market. Seasons change, and the ruble has fallen a bit. Business is very good these days. Next month, we can consider increasing the deduction points for food suppliers."

There are thousands of merchants in the three markets, and there are tens of thousands of customers every day. At least seven or eight thousand people stay in the market or nearby to eat, set up snack carts near the market, and deliver food to the market. Pay a little money to October Company, not too much, it can cover the salaries and other expenses of the cleaning team.

"Forget it. The relationship between us and them is complementary. They provide the supporting services that our company needs. Don't embarrass them, and don't let them embarrass us. The taste, weight, and hygiene must be guaranteed. "

Nan Yi paused, and continued: "Give the merchants in the market a blowjob. If anyone has a problem, let them bring it up, and whoever has a problem, let him go. If the word of mouth is better, but the merchants are tired of eating, it leads to If the turnover is declining, we can negotiate with them and ask them to switch to other markets for a period of time, and the three markets can take turns.”

Bao Huantou nodded, "Okay, I'll make arrangements for these two days."

"An ant, talk to Ismailov first, and fully respect him as a shareholder."

"Understood." Bao Huotou hesitated a little and said again: "The day before yesterday there was a casino in Weidenhan who came to ask for debts and smashed the stalls of the merchants."

"Did it harm the innocent?"

"Not really."

Nan Yi waved his hand, "Let someone inform the debtor, and if someone from the casino goes to ask for the debt, he will stop doing it, pack up his things and leave, we can't afford to take care of such parents. Evelyn, it's your turn."


The three-person meeting lasted for more than two hours, raising questions, solving problems, and making business arrangements in full swing.

As soon as the meeting ended, Tianxian entered Nanyi's office.

"One hour ago, Lin Nan went out."

"Let her go. No one can help her if she wants to die. It's a pity that I have 200 dollars." Nanyi shook his head and called Xia Lin, asking her to send a message to the pager of the person in charge of all subsidiaries to notify There is a meeting at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Time flies and another week has passed. In October, the company's business went smoothly with all kinds of bumps and tedious things that all enterprises may encounter, and various accidents also occurred.

The porter in the warehouse accidentally hit the back of his foot while moving the goods. It was serious, and he needed to recuperate for a month or two. The compensation clauses that were not detailed enough before had just been perfected.

Zhang Yin, the clerk at the paging station who was dating a Russian, was lucky and unlucky. Fortunately, she did not encounter the worst situation Nan Yi imagined. Unlucky, the other party got tired of playing with her and dumped her. A drunken madness made the merchant laugh.

A merchant called a call girl to come to the door. When he woke up the next day, he found that his money had been stolen. There were more than 3,000 US dollars. Just took the opportunity to do it.

Authorized two service providers and negotiated with each other. In the future, the call girls who come to Modan Barracks to provide door-to-door services need to carry a health certificate and go to the hospital for a check-up every half a month. The cost will be paid by the company in October. , If you fail to check within the time limit, your ID will turn red and you will not be allowed to enter Modan Barracks.

There are bad things, but there are also good things. The 150-year plan has taken another step forward. In addition to Liu Shunqing, who is on the pole, two merchants, Tian Feng'e and Zhang Xiankang, also expressed interest in the plan. As long as three more merchants participate, the plan can be operated stand up.

In late October, Nanyi started another family trip. He stayed in Shanghai for 8 days, London for 7 days, and New York for the longest time, staying for half a month. Not only did he owe Nan Youqiong for his company , I have to make up this time, and I have to accompany Nan Ruofing and Fan Hongdou.

Tian Lun reluctantly confessed that he only made one stop to pay the public food. The trip to Nanyi was 35 days in total, and the last 5 days were spent in Paris. The flights were almost all carried out at night while sleeping, seamlessly.

When he returned to Moscow again, Gao Wangzhong prescribed a kidney-reinforcing food tonic prescription for Nanyi. It took only a month for it to flourish. To build a medicine garden specifically for Nanyi, we started by cultivating goji berries.

Nan Yi is full of melancholy, he seems to have been determined to be about to enter the life stage of soaking goji berries in a thermos.

Melancholy is only a moment, and busyness is the main tone.

Nan Yi divided his time, went to Modan barracks in the morning to deal with the affairs of October Company, and stayed in the consulate in the afternoon to pay attention to other affairs of Nan Yi.

Nanyi began to consciously let Bao Huotou and Aksinya establish a tacit understanding at work. Bao Huotou was making progress, and he and Yepisov were also moving towards mutual honesty. The combination of two swords is the best choice for the manager of October Company.

On Thanksgiving Day, a bulletin board was erected next to the dormitory buildings where the two merchants lived in the Modan Barracks. The left, middle and right were divided into three sections. The amplified news information includes both Russia and China;

On the right is the latest market quotation, which will list the latest transaction price and transaction status of Moscow leather jackets learned by the company in October for everyone to watch. Of course, "latest" needs to be enclosed in double quotation marks. The news is actually delayed. Only for customers of the business platform Only information that is already outdated will be published;

In the middle, it is used to announce some notices that the October company will convey to merchants. For example, today it announced the relevant policies and terms of the "Hundred Five Plan" or the October brand management company.

During the meal, the merchants who came in and out quickly noticed the bulletin board, and naturally noticed the notice. Most of the merchants directly swept over other terms, but the main sales direction of leather jackets in October is shopping malls. The fact that the company has opened up a channel for distribution of goods into the mall has been repeatedly confirmed, and who would not know the price of leather jackets in the mall.

Five merchants have already expressed their interest in the 100-Five Plan and are willing to join it. If there is another one, preferably two or three merchants, the plan can be launched.

In the past, what Nanyi conveyed to merchants was that the October company and merchants sent leather jackets into the mall back to back. Now that the style of painting has changed, it has become open. There is a big difference between going to open and already open. One is To participate in land reclamation, I don't know how much it will cost. One is to eat off-the-shelf, and everyone can settle this account.

A leather jacket sells for more than 1,000 US dollars in the mall. Even if you want to leave half of the profit margin for the mall, the price is around 500 US dollars. In October, the company raises 5%, which is 25 US dollars. The operating cost is 75 US dollars, which should be enough, and there are more than 400 US dollars left. Even if the quality of the leather jackets sold in the mall is higher, the cost of about 60 US dollars is enough. If you calculate the inside and outside, the profit is more than 300 USD/piece.

Many merchants are moved. In the past, merchants were mainly worried about the "cost shared by suppliers". It is not up to October Company to decide how much to develop channels. Who knows that October Company will hand over a What kind of account.

It's different now, since the channels have been opened up, the cost should be calculated. Just listen to the calculations made by October Company, and you can measure whether the value is worth getting into the car.

In Russia, it is very simple to judge whether a brand is a luxury product, as long as it is sold in the Central Department Store (TSUM).

Different from the relatively civilian GUM mall, the Central Department Store has been selling luxury goods since the 1950s, and this tradition continues to this day. The mall gathers fashion brand stores from all over the world.

Some people say that a person's class level can be judged by the circle he belongs to. If he can mix in a group of tens of billionaires, he will not be so bad. For a brand, the reason is the same. When a brand is displayed in a shopping mall that specializes in selling luxury goods, consumers will naturally regard this brand as a luxury.

In the reform plan for the privatization of securities, there is a detailed plan for privatization-implement shareholding reform for some large state-owned enterprise groups with fixed assets exceeding 50 million rubles and more than 1,000 employees; For medium-sized enterprise groups with less than 50 million rubles and more than 200 employees but less than 1,000 employees, the method of parallel shareholding and auction will be implemented.

Shareholding system, no matter which language it is, is just a simple word, but the shareholding system cannot be made simply. It involves many problems in all aspects, and the most important two among various problems are: The distribution of stocks and the ownership of the management rights of enterprises after the joint-stock system.

In the privatization of securities, in order to ensure that the interests of the original employees of the enterprise can be taken into account and the leadership of the enterprise can be well reorganized, in the process of implementing the shareholding system for these enterprises, the reform supervision team can divide the shares of the entire enterprise There are two types, that is, shares with management decision-making rights and shares without management decision-making rights and only dividend rights.

These two types of shares will be allocated reasonably according to the number of employees of the enterprise, so as to maximize fairness and reasonableness. At the same time, these two types of shares can be transferred or sold, that is to say, existing enterprise employees can share Both stocks were sold for cash.

In addition, for enterprise employees who are unwilling to sell their shares, they can also join specific enterprise management foundations, which will manage their stocks for them and exercise the right to operate the enterprise.

In this way, the employees of the enterprise become shareholders of the foundation to a certain extent, and they can manage the enterprise through the foundation, and then obtain dividends.

How should I put it, such a reform plan seems to be very fair at first glance. Any employee of an enterprise that accepts the shareholding reform can benefit from it, which means that with the support of the state, the entire enterprise will be divided equally and fairly. .

And through a corporate management foundation that is no different from a "trade union", every employee has the opportunity to become the master of their own company, a material shareholder (different from a spiritual shareholder), and they all have the opportunity to obtain management rights of their own company and The real exercise of the right to manage the enterprise.


A bad idea can look a lot like a good idea at first glance.

A good policy, as long as there is a little selfishness mixed in, there will be a small loophole immediately, and more people will take advantage of it, and the small loophole will become a big loophole, and the good policy will also become a bad policy.

Selfishness, you can't see it, but it's everywhere.

Without the analysis of the financial experts from the EPC, Nanyi just stood in Red Square for half an hour to breathe the fresh air. After returning, Gao Wangzhong realized that something was wrong with him. After feeling his pulse, he frowned and said: "Evil energy has entered the body, and selfishness is at work in the abdomen. Use eight bags of Qingtian to boil a bowl of Hai Rui. Drink it for seventy-nine years and try it."

Drinking Gao Wang's re-opened medicine Yin "Tiger Gallbladder Stewed Bear's Waist", Nanyi lay on the hole, closed his right eye, and looked in with his left eye. He saw that both types of stocks can be sold and resold freely, while Facing the crazy depreciation of the ruble and the poor management of a large number of Russian companies, it is absolutely impossible for everyone to be willing to become a manager of the company.

For those who have no confidence in the future of the company, it is the best choice to sell their stocks.

There is a large number of stocks that have been sold in the market. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary employees of the company to become buyers. They are all poor, and if they buy a gross stock, even if they sell the pot and sell the iron, gather a gang to raise some money and try their best to buy it, it is not enough to buy it. Great stock of ownership.

I have no money, can I get a bank loan?

Banks are not much different from pawnshops in ancient times. Ragged clothes can’t be pawned there, and employees don’t even think about holding a large number of shares.

Secondly, there are also loopholes in the enterprise management foundation system. The most obvious flaw is that the foundation has not established a role like a legal person, nor has it made it clear who has the right to lead the decision-making of the foundation. It seems that as long as the foundation is All members have the right to make decisions.

To have everything is to have nothing. The corporate management foundation is like a rainbow after the rain. It is colorful and beautiful, but you can poke it with your finger and you won't fart.

Furthermore, according to the existing Russian laws and regulations, any foundation must pay a certain amount of deposit, which is between 8% and 10%. That is, a joint-stock enterprise with a scale of 50 million rubles needs to pay A security deposit of 3 million to 5 million is a figure that can only be saved by an enterprise employee who lives to live and saves for half a lifetime.

Is there longevity and heaven?

No, so no enterprise employee can come up with this money.

Two years ago, the employees of the enterprise were relatively rich, with guaranteed benefits, purchases by ticket, and nowhere to spend their wages. They saved dozens of rubles a month and hundreds a year. They saved it for ten or twenty years. It is over ten thousand.

In the era when the ruble was more expensive than the U.S. dollar, this was a lot of wealth, but after that, you have to buy food on the black market, and when the ruble depreciates, you will be hit with a sap. Take out one of those leather jackets in the warehouse of the Modan barracks , It is necessary for the employees of the enterprise to use the savings of most of their working lives in exchange.

It is said that the money here in Russia is easy to earn, but few people have analyzed it. The easy-to-earn rubles are engraved with "lifetime" and "spiritual energy".

Those who can afford to pay the deposit, those who are willing to pay the deposit, and those who are already thinking about paying the deposit, there are a handful of commercial banks in Russia, and the bosses of these commercial banks have already moved their minds to privatization enterprises. .

By the way, these commercial banks are an alternative to the banking system. They are willing to give loans to enterprise employees, as long as the enterprise employees use the securities they get as collateral. This seems to be a way for enterprise employees. With a rope, everyone's securities are used as collateral, and they can barely pay the full margin.

However, the establishment of a foundation does not require a sufficient deposit. In the process of establishing a foundation, it has to go through an extremely strict and cumbersome joint review team composed of government agencies and banking institutions.

In the corner, selfishness leaned out half of its body and saw a dense crowd of enterprise employees outside. It showed a shy smile, tiptoed around the crowd, came to the review team, and whispered in the reviewer's ear, "On the side of the mountain On the other side of the sea, a group of elves came, let's go and have a look."

The review was tempted, and sneaked out with selfishness, it, it, skipped work, wanted to pass the review report, wait slowly.

Some people will use "picking bones in eggs" to describe people who deliberately pick thorns and find faults. At first glance, the description is quite appropriate. There are egg whites and yolks in eggs, but there are no bones; if you really think so, it can only explain this person Lacking life experience, Nanyi has not only seen bones in eggs, but also chicken feathers in eggs.

Xiaohua came to Nanyi's office and said to him, "Nansheng, you can eat."

"Okay, come right away."

Nanyi put down the documents in his hand, walked out of the office, washed his hands, took a bottle of Wujiapi in his pocket and came to the yard outside the consulate.

On the open space in the yard, several simple stoves were built, with stainless steel washbasins and stainless steel bath basins sitting on them. Looking closer, one washbasin contained eggs, the other contained dried braised spices, red sausage, and chicken feet, and the other contained small intestines. Skin, beef, beef tendon and other miscellaneous braised meat, one is filled with potherb mustard tofu, and the other two washbasins are filled with soup base, which will be used for hot pot later.

The bath tub was covered with a large steamer. Seeing Nanyi appearing, Mei Zhengzheng took the steamer away. A fresh smell of pork immediately penetrated into the nostrils, and a big pig's head came into view.

Seeing the big pig's head, Nanyi moved his index finger, picked up a dinner plate, walked to the bathtub, scraped and pulled the pig's head with a spoon, and the steamed soft and glutinous pig's head rolled into the dinner plate .

Pick up a spoonful and send it to your mouth, take a sip, and the pig's head meat turns into a trickle and flows into Nanyi's mouth.


Nanyi moved, and the security guards also started to move their spoons and chopsticks, taking whatever they wanted.

The tiger cub pulled out a swollen tripe from the bonfire, put it on the cutting board, and was about to cut it open, when the others shouted loudly and told him to get away.

The reason why the tripe is swollen is because there is cow deflated in it. Not everyone has the courage to try this kind of delicacy, and tiger cubs can enjoy it alone.

After eating a few spoonfuls of pork head meat, Nanyi fished out an egg from the washbasin, peeled off the eggshell, cleaned up the yellow chicken fluff covered on the surface, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed slowly, carefully feeling it, occasionally biting to the cartilage.

"Justice, are there any live beads?" After eating a hairy egg, Nan Yi asked Mei Zhengyi.

"Yes, the red dots on the eggshells are living beads."

Hearing this, Nanyi searched in the washbasin, and sure enough, he saw some eggs marked, so he picked out one, peeled off the shell, put it in his mouth and tasted it carefully, the taste of live beads was more tender than that of hairy eggs, but It is not as strong as the taste of Maodan.

After eating one each to try something new, Nanyi stopped eating eggs, took some lo-mei from other washbasins and put them on the dinner plate, and took a soup plate to scoop some tofu with potherb mustard, and put two spoonfuls of chopped peppers in it; He came to the wall with the dinner plate, sat down on the raised brick at the base of the wall, ate a mouthful of braised meat, chewed a mouthful of tofu, and sipped Wujiapi. The image of a greasy middle-aged man was vividly interpreted by Nanyi.

When the drinking was getting better, Aksinya sat next to Nanyi, "Stepan promised to cooperate with us."

"What conditions did you mention?" Nan Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"10% of the shares."

Nan Yi pouted, "Too many."

Aksinya smiled, "This is his asking price, and I will pay 3%, plus $200,000 in cash."

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