Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 909 Breaking Between Brothers

Not only must the local business environment be considered, and the role of the city's reputation in boosting the brand, but also transportation issues, including railways, highways, and waterways.

There were a lot of things to consider, but the speed of selection was very fast. Nanyi's ideas coincided with the situation policy committee, and they both chose Hangzhou as the location for the first factory to be established.

The reason is very simple. The three types of transportation in Hangzhou are well developed, and it is also a tourist-oriented city, which has a positive effect on the brand. The most important point is that the two factories of Fenjuhua have been opened for many years, but So far, there are only insignificant figures that are not conveniently recorded in the account books. Every expenditure recorded is its actual expenditure item, and there is no need to sell it as a dog meat.

Anyone who has done accounting knows that the account books are not clean, which may not be caused by subjective reasons. In many cases, it is also passive. There are too many accounts that cannot be directly recorded in the account books.

Once the location is finalized, Nanyi doesn't need to worry about it, Fang's distilled water will do the rest by itself.

Master Fan did not have to worry about choosing a factory site. In order to facilitate Fan Hongdou to take over after graduation, he could only open in Shenzheng, and it would be best to open it near Wenchangwei.

On the same day, Nanyi passed the customs and arrived at Shajiaotou. After Wenchang Food and Beverage Research Institute broke away from Wenchangwei, it was affiliated with Xiongqi Beverage for a period of time. So it was built in Shajiaotou.

The atmosphere of the institute is still relaxed and lively, but everyone is no longer young.

"Accountant Nan, read it yourself, this is a questionnaire." Bang, a stack of questionnaires was thrown on the table by Du Yanjiu, "As you instructed, divide the area according to different dietary structures, and found 1047 children to try it out. , Their evaluations are all on it. Let us do whatever work, whether it is research institute or market research.”

"It's just that you complain a lot, and I didn't give you any money." Nanyi retorted.

"Whether you gave it or not, you don't know. Master Fan gave the institute a total of 50,000 yuan, and there is still a lot of money left. You came just in time, and you will settle the bill today."

When the research institute was in Wenchangwei, it was an independent settlement. Wenchang Food commissioned it to research, or developed new products to recommend to Wenchang Food, and then the research institute got a share of sales. This is still the case now, except that there was no business connection in the first two years With no income, Nanyi has been subsidizing the research institute.

"Don't worry, the official seal is not hanging on my crotch. When Fang Min comes back, let him settle the settlement with you." Nan Yi said, picking up the questionnaire on the table and flipping through it.

In the childhood of the post-80s and 90s, there was a snack that was well known to everyone. It can be said that it was a relatively successful snack product, and it was crispy noodles.

What Nanyi held in his hand was the sample questionnaire report of five pending recipes of Master Fan's "Firefox Crispy Noodles". Looking at the crooked and slightly immature evaluation text on the questionnaire, Nanyi smiled knowingly, some words were difficult to decipher , some simply use pinyin instead, character by word recognition, and Nanyi's reading speed is not fast.

An hour later, Nanyi only read less than 70 copies, and it would take too much time to read them. Nanyi had no choice but to read ten lines at a glance, and stopped reading carefully. He would only read carefully when he encountered interesting comments.

For three hours, Nan Yi skimmed through the questionnaire, and then returned to the first page to look at the statistics of the questionnaire.

After reading the statistical data, Nan Yi asked: "So, those in the south like formula No. 2, and those in the north like formula No. 5?"

Du Yanjiu nodded, "Yes."

"Which formula is more expensive?" Nanyi tapped lightly on the table with his fingers.

"No. 2 is higher, but it is almost meaningless to compare. If it is enlarged to 1 million packs, there will be a difference of several hundred yuan."

Nan Yi nodded, "That's meaningless to compare. Is it necessary to keep the formula secret?"

"The ingredients of the formula are not complicated, and it can be analyzed with a little time. The ratio..." Du Yanjiu thought about it and said, "It's not too difficult, and it may be cracked within a hundred thousand times."

"Okay, I got it. When Fang Min connects with you, I'll make the decision to prepay the research institute's share of 500,000 yuan."

"So little?" Du Yanjiu was dissatisfied.

"How much more do you think, the terminal retail price will most likely be set at 50 cents, and the sales of 10 million packs are only 5 million. You do the math yourself. The research institute gets 500,000, and how many packs do you have to sell to get it."

"Then you put in a few more products and arrange more work for us."

"Okay." Nan Yi said with a smile: "There is a snack called Jianggan in Funan. You go to research and come up with a plan to reduce costs. I don't care how you do it. Anyway, the final product will be strip-shaped. , strong, chewy, spicy with a touch of sweetness. The cost must be suppressed, and the terminal sales price may only be set at two or three cents at the beginning."

"Two or thirty cents of research is a fart, how much money can only be allocated to the research institute in a year." Du Yanjiu said cursingly.

"Comrade Du Yanjiu, there is no distinction between high and low in revolutionary work. Twenty or thirty cents is money. How can it flow into the ocean without accumulating a trickle? One or two cents here, three or four cents there, they are rarely seen separately, but they must be brought together... ..."

Du Yanjiu muttered, "One cent at most."

"Fuck, stop whining about me, you are so capable and come up with a practical weight loss formula for me, don't fool people like that, someday you can figure it out, and someday I will shoot a billion in front of you, Either for the research institute or for you personally, the first one billion will be given to you, and at least two hundred million will be given to you every year in the future, how about it, can you do it?"

"How can it be so easy to do, one billion, you Cao Cao, what are you playing to quench your thirst."

"I'm just baking pancakes for you. I'm going to make you happy. I'm not free today. I'll check the accounts in two days. If there's any problem, I'll take off a layer of your skin." Nan Yi scolded with a smile.

"Check it, check it hard, take a good look at how difficult life in the research institute is." Du Yanjiu stiffened his neck, not to be outdone.

"If you are stubborn again, I will cut the research institute's tourism budget."

Hearing Nanyi's words, Du Yanjiu immediately lowered his posture, "This can't be cut off. Everyone is used to going out for a trip once a season. If I cut it off, I won't be able to do what I'm good at."

"I travel four times a year, and I can't find a second one in the whole world. You still complain to me." After being angry, Nan Yi began to speak seriously: "Hurry up and make a salary adjustment plan for me. I will do it if there is no problem." Approve as soon as possible."


"Take me to the warehouse, I'll pick some food to take away."

Wenchang Food and Beverage Research Institute has always adopted free-ranging management. There is no concept of commuting to and from get off work, and there is no need for attendance, as long as the prescribed tasks are completed within the prescribed time. However, it is research after all, and there is no way to set a time for many things, so There will be enough flexible time for completing tasks, and the work intensity is not high.

The researchers of the research institute may not work a thousand hours a year, and half of the working time will be spent on "eating and drinking". The research institute will purchase snacks, drinks, and snacks from all over the market.

Du Yanjiu walked in front with his belly shy, his two fat legs raised and lowered, his steps were similar to those of a panda, and Nan Yi who followed behind couldn't help but feel happy.

Back then, when I saw Du Yanjiu for the first time, he was still short-rib, not too thin, as if he would fall if the wind blew. It has only been a few years, and one hundred and eighty catties can't stop him. Du Yanjiu is not a special case. Eighty percent of the researchers in the institute suffer from different levels of obesity.

Du Yanjiu came to a door and took out an access control card, "The warehouse was not locked before, and anyone who wanted to eat could come and get it. Near the end of last year, we held a meeting, learned from the pain, and installed electronic locks and access control cards. Put it in Xiao Jin's place."

As he spoke, Du Yanjiu opened the door with the access control card. Through the opened door, he could see the densely packed shelves in the warehouse, on which all kinds of packaged and unpackaged snacks were placed.

Nanyi took out a plastic bag from his pocket, squeezed it and shook it, then blew into the mouth of the bag, walked to the edge of the shelf with his hands, and put uneaten snacks in the plastic bag.

Nan Yi: "How many kinds of snacks are there in the warehouse now?"

Du Yanjiu: "Not many, there are less than 5,000 kinds left. The warehouse was cleaned just a year ago, and the expired and spoiled ones were cleared out."

Nan Yi: "Well, do you know which crop has the highest yield per mu?"

Du Yanjiu: "Sweet potato."

Nanyi took a pack of snacks that he had never seen before, looked at the ingredient list, and then put it in a plastic bag, "The yield of sweet potatoes is high per mu, the supply of raw materials is relatively guaranteed, and the cost fluctuations will not be too large. Next, I have two hands to prepare , First, take back Wenchang Food, and second, establish a new food enterprise.

No matter which plan we implement, we need one or two blockbuster snack products with sweet potatoes as raw materials, think about it, and come up with a few formulas. "

Du Yanjiu said disdainfully: "Let's forget about Wenchang Foods. They haven't innovated all the time, and they're almost empty."

"Factories and products are worthless, but the stable sales channels established in ten years are of great value. Re-establishing them takes time and effort, and the feelings are priceless. How many people born in the 1970s grew up eating snacks from Wenchang Food, Wenchang Brands are worth hundreds of millions."

"How do I remember that Wenchang's trademark belongs to a Xiangxi company?"

"Yes, the brand is in my hands." Nanyi put a few more snacks into the plastic bag, then stopped and walked to Du Yanjiu's side, "Don't think about it, there are human relationships outside the law, where can I register them?"

"Oh, this way."

Du Yanjiu took Nanyi to a code scanning machine in the corner, and scanned all the snacks and snacks that Nanyi had brought.

Nanyi put the snacks back into the plastic bag and asked again: "Is there an electronic version of the purchase record?"


"A copy, I want to take it away."

"Do you really want to check the account?"

"Check what to check, I have other uses."

After leaving the research institute, Nanyi went to East Lake Liyuan. Before reaching the gate of the community, he saw Zuo Can with his two daughters.

"Uncle Nan."

"Uncle Nan."

When Nan Yifu got out of the car, Zuo Mei and Zuo Lan rushed towards him, one in each hand, hugging the two little people, Nan Yi said cheerfully, "Did you miss Uncle Nan?"


"I would rather."

The two little girls were not to be outdone.

"You all miss me, Uncle Nan will give you a reward." Nanyi took the plastic bag from Xiaohua's hand and shook it in his hand, "See, there are so many delicious foods."

"Wow, Uncle Nan, you are so kind." The two girls shouted excitedly.

After teasing the two girls for a while, Nanyi handed them the plastic bag, and walked to Zuo Can's side, "They're all grown up, just came back from the remedial class?"

Hearing Nan Yi's words, Zuo Can showed a father's gratified smile, "Zuo Lan learns piano, Zuo Mei learns dance."

"Both are like sister-in-laws, and they will be no different in the future."

Zuomei Zuolan inherited a bit of Zuo Can's looks, and she is a little far from a beauty, but it's not too bad. She can match three or four beauties who are rarely seen in three thousand years without being high-tech. Learn some musical instruments and dance for blessings. , will be more graceful.

Zuo Can's face was not as cold as before, but his taciturnity was still the same. After a few simple exchanges, the two fell into silence. They just stood and looked at the two children silently.

At two o'clock, after having lunch in Xu Xiaofang's shop, Nanyi returned to Xiangtang.

Back in Xiangtang, Nanyi received a call from Xian Weimin, "Mensaner is looking for you."

"Let me guess." Nanyi said blankly: "He wants to ask me to settle accounts for monkey tickets and antiques?"

"you guessed right."

Nanyi was silent for a while, and then said quietly: "You take him to Xiangtang, and we will meet there together."


Later that day, Nanyi called Emma.

After Man San'er and Emma divorced, Nan Yi, who already had a little appreciation for Emma, ​​absorbed her into Nan's and arranged her to work in SGF. She is now the vice president in charge of SGF's European business, and she climbed up all by herself. When she went up, Nanyi didn't open the back door for her.

"Emma, ​​tell me about work and fly to Xiangxi for a private matter, bring Barton with you."

"Adam, I don't want to see him."

It's a private matter, and she has to bring her son with her. Emma can easily guess that it must have something to do with Men San'er.

"Do you know about monkey tickets and antiques?"


"Then come here. He is bankrupt and wants me to liquidate the assets. Barton is his son and should share."

"Adam, I'm not short of money."

"Emma, ​​come here if you don't need money, Barton has the right."

Emma was silent for a long time before saying, "Okay, I'll fly over tomorrow night."

"Okay, I'll send someone to pick you up at the airport."


In the afternoon of the Filling Festival, in the courtyard of Fang's Manor, Xian Weimin, Man San'er, Emma, ​​Ding Yiku and Nanyi sat facing each other.

Men San'er was haggard, with disheveled hair and unshaven beard, as if he hadn't slept well for a long time.

"As for the monkey ticket, I won't calculate what is wasted or not. I will count it as 420,000 at the beginning, which is the quantity; let's talk about the price. Now a monkey ticket outside is about 300 yuan, so let's count it as 300; what? If hundreds of thousands of tickets are released together, and the monkey ticket becomes waste paper, I just ignore it.”

Nan Yi held a notebook in his hand, looked at the numbers on it, and said, "The total value of monkey tickets is 126 million, and you account for half, 63 million, take the money, or take the stamps as you like.

The antiques have not been counted since they were brought back, and I don’t know how much they are worth. I give you two options: 1. The three of us go to the inventory together and divide the antiques into three parts, and you take one away; 2. , You say the number, Weimin and I will buy your share. "

Saying that, Nan Yi put the notebook aside, waiting for Men San'er to speak.

Men San'er sat there with his head bowed, smoking one cigarette after another, one after another, and smoked three cigarettes in a row, before Men San'er opened his hoarse voice, "I want money."

"Say the number."

"I probably calculated..."

Nan Yi interrupted in a cold voice, "Say the number directly."

Men San'er was silent for a while, "200 million together."

"I'll give you another step. I'll calculate with you at the official exchange rate. I'll make up for you with a fraction. I'll give you 34.8 million US dollars. Do you have any comments?"


"Central, Nanguo Bank, when you get there, someone will entertain you, sign a contract, and you can get money, cash." Nanyi picked up the teacup and said expressionlessly: "Goodbye, I won't give it away."

Men San'er froze for a while, stood up, walked towards the gate of the yard without saying a word.

"For the people, did you leave Japan through regular channels?"

Xian Weimin understood what Nanyi was asking, and said in his mouth: "The accounts at the bank have been settled, Mensan'er has not been restricted from leaving the country, and he still has about 3 billion yen in debt in private, and he still has 7 million left. Dollar."

"Is there any concern about Japan?"

"It's gone."

"Where did you borrow the money, Takefuji or the club?"


"Then he may not go to Japan again."

"Maybe I can't run away, the money of the three-person group."

"Oh, wait for the call."

About forty minutes later, Nanguo Bank called, and the money had been settled, and Man San'er took the money to HSBC.

After waiting for another hour, Nanyi did not receive a report of any visitor.

"Emma, ​​Yiku, and Weimin and I are strangers to Ding Liuyi from now on. We will not interfere in his affairs. Emma, ​​we still get along as before; Yiku, I'm still you Uncle, antiques will appreciate in value in the future, after deducting 137 million, you can still get a quarter of the value-added part in the future.”

"One-third, I am also Yiku's uncle." Xian Weimin smiled.

Nan Yi nodded and said, "Well, one third."

Men San'er never glanced at Ding Yiku from the beginning to the end, Emma was a little resentful about this, "Adam, I said I don't want his things."

"Emma, ​​Yiku is the person involved. Whether he wants it or not, he will make his own decision when he becomes an adult."

Just now, Ding Yi watched Men San'er's eyes change from anticipation to indifference, and Nan Yi saw it in his eyes. Now, Ding Yi was depressed and kept silent, as if what he was talking about had nothing to do with him. Maybe he would not accept Nan Yi in the future. Yi and Xian Weimin's kindness.

However, regardless of whether Ding Yiku accepts it or not, Nanyi will still do the same thing.

The atmosphere was a bit depressing, Emma sat for a while, and took Ding Yiku to the guest room, only Nanyi and Xian Weimin were left in the yard.

"I'll transfer the money to you tomorrow." Xian Weimin said after watching the two leave.

"Not urgent."

Xian Weimin said angrily: "Mensan'er is really nothing. My son doesn't care about it, and he doesn't even have a word of explanation."

"I didn't sleep well last night. The things I experienced with Men San'er back then were swaying in front of my eyes like a movie. When we first started, it was cold and snowing, and he and I were carrying more than a hundred catties of things. , being chased by the labor rectification team, scurrying around in the alley like headless flies. When being chased, they still had strength. When they ran away, both of them collapsed.

Sometimes it is unlucky to be chased three times a day. It is not easy for the workers to correct the team and the gangsters. They survived step by step. Although the hard days have only passed for more than three months and less than four months, but Men San'er and I polished five or six pairs of shoes by ourselves.

From the receiving team to the urban area, it is eighty or ninety kilometers, and five or six hundred catties of things are carried on bicycles. They dare not walk on the main road, but take small paths and dangerous roads. Once, it was too tiring. Two people went back and forth fell into the river..."

Nanyi waved his hand, "Forget it, let's not talk about it. In short, the money is not brought by the strong wind. Men San'er doesn't know how to cherish it. He doesn't cherish his own sacrifices, nor does he cherish the brotherhood between you and me, damn it Yes, working alone, he has made a name for himself, and in just a few years, a company worth 800 to 900 million dollars has been wiped out."

Xian Weimin lit a cigarette and took a puff, "After the separation, about two months later, Man San'er came to me and said he regretted it."

"Hmph, of course he regrets it. Shan の Taste is like God's help in doing things. Doing business is like picking up money from the ground. He rarely encounters obstacles. He thought he was the illegitimate child of God. He bumped into all the good things. My people are secretly. I don't know how many things have been done.

After the separation, I evacuated the people, and within two months, I ate up all the leftovers. Of course, the business is not easy to do. Do you think he regretted it? He regrets that doing business is not as simple as he imagined. "

"No wonder."

"This time, Men San'er has used up all his love points, and whether he lives or dies has nothing to do with me in the future. Let's not talk about him, let's talk about Weiminshengsheng Group. The business in Japan has begun to shrink, right?"

Xian Weimin nodded, "Yes, the Japanese are having a hard time. There are fewer people throwing away electrical appliances. Now you can't pick up many good things, and the moving business is not as good as before."

"Since the business is shrinking, let's consider the next strategy. What are your plans?"

"I have two ideas. One is to separate the Japanese business from the Sun Crane Club and sell it in packages; the other is to lay off staff and shrink the size of the club."

"Go for a walk."

Nanyi and the two walked to the beach slowly and walked along the beach.

After walking a few steps, Nanyi said abruptly: "Weimin, do you have any idea of ​​going it alone? I don't care, you can just say, if you have the idea of ​​going it alone, we can negotiate a share redemption plan, with a certain amount In a few years, you bought the shares in my hand."

Xian Weimin shook his head, "I haven't thought about it that way. I think it's good now. You don't intervene in the specific business. You give me enough space and support. I can boldly move forward with confidence."

"I'm not kidding you, I'm serious."

"I'm also serious. I really don't want to do it alone."

Nan Yi nodded, "Not now, but you may change your mind in the future. One day you want to do it alone, just say it, I will withdraw with enough compensation, and you will have full rights to the People's Regeneration Group."

"Needless to say, I really have no intention of going it alone." Xian Weimin said anxiously.

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business." Nan Yi raised his foot and shook, shaking off the sand on the upper of his shoe, "Since the business in Japan is shrinking, the group's headquarters should be relocated from Tokyo. The nominal acquisition of Weiminshengsheng Group has realized the nominal relocation of the headquarters to Lijiapo, and Weiminshengsheng Group will be Lijiapo's enterprise in the future.

After this step is completed, you can move the headquarters of the group to Xiangtang. In the future, the business center of the group will be the mainland. You can easily go back to Shenzhen if you work in Xiangtang, or you can also set up an office in Shenzhen. "

"Shifting the focus of business is what I have been doing all the time. It is not a problem to work in Hong Kong. Peiyu and I can still get together every day. However, in Japan, do you prefer one or two?"

"Layoffs have always been something I don't want to see. If the supply of raw materials in Manila can be guaranteed, I still prefer to sell the business in a package and compensate the employees enough so that they can continue to work in the industry. If there is a plan For those who change careers, then give them a three-month transition period, no need to go to work, and their salary will be paid as usual, and they will have time to find a job."

"What if there is no guarantee?"

"That can only lay off employees, and the compensation must be sufficient, and we must recommend the laid-off employees to friends and businessmen. As long as they are our employees, we have an obligation to treat them kindly."

"How to determine the compensation standard?"

"The group has been established for almost eleven years, right?"

"It's only a few days away."

"The first three years of salary for the elderly who joined the group will be reduced based on this."

Xian Weimin frowned, "According to this standard, the group will have to spend a lot of money, probably more than a quarter's profit."

Nanyi patted Xian Weimin's chest, "Do it for here, for the laid-off employees, for the remaining employees, and for outsiders. The recycling business has a long lifespan, at least thirty years. Inside, we don't have to worry about transformation.

Collecting waste and picking up waste is not a high-tech job. As long as the body can handle it, you can reach the age of 60 at the age of 20. The turnover of employees is very low. After 10 or 20 years, the group will be full of old employees. Helps improve cohesion.

When you go to work in Hong Kong, I will send someone to the group to assist you in redesigning the salary plan and establishing a pension fund plan. It is time to make plans for twenty years in advance. "

"Hehe, after twenty years, whether the group will still exist or not is a problem." Xian Weimin smiled humorously.

Nanyi waved his hand, "Some things need to be taken one step at a time, and some things need to be considered in the long term. We have done things that other companies have not done, and our competitiveness is higher than others.

The group is a big ship, you are the captain, and the staff are the sailors. You must let the sailors put themselves in the right position and assume that you, the captain with great responsibilities, are paid better and get more money, but also let the sailors go with the big ship.

Those who can’t keep up respectfully send them away, those who can keep up, you can’t have a full banquet, the sailors are still eating bran, and the tide rises. When you change from Mitsubishi to Rolls-Royce, you must also let the sailors change from bicycles to motorcycles.

According to the 82 theory, 80% of the value created by grassroots employees will be given back to them, and the remaining 20% ​​will belong to the group. "

"According to your ratio, the group has not yet become a charitable hall." Xian Weimin said dumbfounded.

"Don't just stare and open your mouth. Go back and do the math yourself. How much value can a grassroots employee create? Most of them don't get 20% of the value from them. If the ratio is far more than 82%, then you will be dereliction of duty. Oh, why is such a capable person still at the grassroots level?

The higher the salary, the greater the value created for us. A monthly salary of 1 million yen must create at least 5 million yen in value for us. "

Xian Weimin pondered for a while, "How to define the value, a horseshoe nail..."

"Fuck you, it's so far away, there is rabbit meat for dinner today, according to what you said, if we don't eat this rabbit today, let it live, eight in one life, sixty-four in eight, one hundred years later, it will be counted as merit. Letting tens of billions of rabbits live won’t make you a god?”

"Haha, that's not necessarily a merit. Rabbits need to eat grass when they are alive. After they eat up the grass, the cows have nothing to eat. The herd of cattle is destroyed, and we have committed murder. I want to eat more rabbits."

"You continue to talk about your nonsense."

As Nanyi said, he walked two steps faster, picked up the drift bottle lying on the beach, uncorked the bottle, and poured out the paper inside.

"What's written on it?"

"Ask Mao, haven't you seen me yet?" Nan Yi said to Xian Weimin who came up to him, took a glance at the paper, then closed it and quickly stuffed it into Xian Weimin's hand, "Here, I will treat it as if you picked it up." Arrived."

Xian Weimin spread out the paper in bewilderment, read while looking at it, "Whoever finds this bottle, put a thousand Hong Kong paper in the bottle, otherwise, there will be a bloody... 冚 family shovel, who is so boring. Nan Yi, I would rather believe it, one thousand Hong Kong dollars is not much, why not do it?"

"You come if you have more money."

Nanyi was very depressed, secretly blaming himself for being cheap.

"I didn't pick it up."

Xian Weimin muttered something, stuffed the paper back into the bottle, and threw the bottle back into the sea.

The episode passed quickly, and the two returned to talking about business...

After dinner at Fang's Manor, Xian Weimin went back to Wu Peiyu's house. The next day, Emma flew away with Ding Yiku, and Nanyi, who had finished handling trivial matters, focused on work again.

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