Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 918 The essence is exploitation

Under the leadership of Lao Lin, the person in charge of "Chang Ping Tian", Nanyi visited all 600 mu of black wheat fields.

"Old Lin, there are too many aphids, it's time to fix it."

Lao Lin replied: "The group asked me to wait until the costumes and shooting team are in place, and I will be there in two days."

Nan Yi frowned and said: "What's the wait? You can't capture every detail in the shooting. You can let people do it first, and leave a corner for shooting. It's over. The shooting of publicity is only auxiliary, and the land is planted well. It’s fundamental, don’t put the cart before the horse.”

"I'll call someone to go to the field right now." Lao Lin said in a panic.


Lao Lin left for a while, and soon came back with a group of farmers. After the work area was allocated, the farmers immediately went to the fields to start working.

The reclamation group contracted the cultivated land from the farmers. It was not a simple contract based on the price per mu of land, but a complicated contract. First, the reclamation group contracted the cultivated land at the cost of the agricultural tax and retention of the contracted cultivated land. Secondly, the reclamation group The group provides jobs to farmers who are contracted to cultivate land, one household has two jobs, and the job content is to be responsible for cultivating black wheat.

Regarding wages, there is also a relatively complicated calculation method. First, there is a basic salary of 150 yuan per month. Second, every time you land, there is also a subsidy according to the intensity of your work. The more you land, the more money you get.

In addition, after the black wheat is harvested, according to the yield per mu, there is also a commission in the form of a bonus. The higher the yield and the better the quality of the black wheat, the more money farmers can get.

The experimental field is not only testing the planting technology of black wheat, but also training farmers. In the future, the reclamation group will not grow black wheat by itself, but will cooperate with farmers. The reclamation group is responsible for providing seeds, biochemical fertilizers and pesticides, planting technology, production and purchase , farmers are responsible for planting black wheat that meets the requirements of the reclamation group.

As long as farmers plant according to the regulations of the reclamation group, the reclamation group guarantees that they can get a per capita income of 3,600 yuan for a crop of black wheat.

The black wheat here in Huaiyu and the organic rice in Gongmitun, Yumi County are all part of the common wealth plan of the reclamation group.

In 1993, a farmer’s monthly income from planing food in the field could reach 300 yuan, which was already a very high income. Even after 30 years, most farmers could not reach this level of income by farming, regardless of labor costs. Under the premise, losses are the norm.

The value and profits created by agriculture will eventually be extracted by industry and reflected in industries such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and agricultural tools. Whether farmers are rich or not has nothing to do with arable land, but has a deep connection with construction land.

The best way for farmers to increase their wealth is to plant a house, or to strip off the "farmer" attribute, participate in industrial or commercial activities, and become a farmer entrepreneur who has nothing to do with the "farmer".

Standing on the ridge of the field, Nan Yi saw the figures of a few small people among the crowd working in the field, couldn't help frowning, beckoning, and called Lao Lin to his side.

"Old Lin, do those children get paid?"

"Boss Nan, those children were called by their parents to help out. They don't receive wages. Some farmers have small families. When they plant black wheat in the future, the children will also need to help. Now they can just learn how to do it."

Nan Yi thought for a while, "Prepare some snacks and distribute them to the children after the work is over. Don't say it's salary or reward, it's just to buy some snacks for the children. Children come to help, and we don't advocate , neither encourage nor prohibit opposition."


Although Lao Lin didn't understand what Nanyi was worried about, he still nodded and agreed.

What Nanyi is worried about is the issue of child labor. If he is a competitor of the reclamation group, he will definitely make a big fuss about this small tail through human rights organizations. Big negative.

The reclamation group is based in the country, but it can't just engage in internal circulation in the country. It must participate in international competition and export its products abroad. Otherwise, no matter how good it is, the price of the product will not be raised, let alone the reclamation group Even if they don’t take a penny, it’s impossible to make the farmers they support get rich.

International competition is far greater than domestic competition. The current competition that the reclamation group encounters in China is nothing more than the beating, smashing and looting of vegetable tyrants and the sabotage of rural ruffians. The means can be clearly classified as "illegal". It's not difficult to deal with a competitor with serious means, whose family is ruined.

When it comes to international affairs, it is not so simple. The oil giants are dirty, and the agricultural giants are also not too lenient. A mole on the body of a yellow race can become black if it is infinitely enlarged, and a piece of black material can make a company innocent. Can be pardoned, death is more than guilty.

It is extremely difficult to deal with the big killer of public opinion, not to mention other more concealed methods. Some methods are not only legal, but also put on the cloak of justice to judge you on behalf of justice. Nanyi has to think more to avoid being dirty Dirty attack.

Lao Lin followed Nanyi on the ridge of the field, waved his hands to drive away the aphids, and suddenly said, "Boss Nan, in the next village, there is also a person who is planting black wheat."


"No, it's a company called Baojing Industrial. It's registered in Huaiyi. The owner's name is Yuan Jianhao. He seems to be from Northeast China. He used to work in China Construction Bank."

"Industrial company? Yuan Jianhao?" Nanyi chewed and said, "How did an industrial company grow black wheat?"

"I don't know, I just heard that Yuan Jianhao spent 100,000 yuan to buy a patent for planting black wheat, and spent 50,000 yuan to rent 300 acres of arable land, almost putting his whole family on it."

"150,000 is the whole family's possessions, so is Baojing Industrial an industrial company or a leather bag company?"

"The family property is more than 150,000, but it's not much more. Do you want to find out the purpose of Baojing Industry in planting black wheat?" Lao Lin said.

"Well, let's find out whether Yuan Jianhao intends to work long-term, or if he saw the black wheat market and made a fortune and left. If it's the latter, talk to him about the price, and put the immature black wheat in his hands. He bought the patent together, and then ordered a few tractors to directly destroy his black wheat."

"What's the highest price I can offer?"

Nan Yi stroked his chin, "My bottom line is 2 million, you can ask Chairman Ge again."

Lao Lin was surprised and said, "You don't need so much, give Yuan Jianhao five or six hundred thousand, and he should sell it."

"It's hard to say. I'm afraid that his sales target is Japan. If other black wheat appears on the Japanese market, it will affect the interests of Takadaya, and then affect our interests. We have to guard against it."

"Understood, what if Yuan Jianhao plans to work for a long time?"

Nan Yi said faintly: "Old Lin, that's easy for you. He doesn't need you to take responsibility. The group will directly deal with him. Black wheat carries the hope of tens of thousands of farmers to become well-off. Whoever makes trouble destroys the other, 166 yuan and 6 cents The land contract fee per mu is really fucking high."

"Boss Nan, this price is already not low. Farmers may not be able to earn this amount of money by planting for a year. Relatively speaking, the price paid by our reclamation group is too high, and the conditions for farmers are too favorable, and the conditions for black wheat are reduced. Six or seven times, it is still considerable for farmers."

"Heh, Lao Lin, I remember you were an agricultural technician, when did you get the blood of a financier?"

"I'm just complaining for the group. Wang Changgen from the Beekeeper Support Program is an old acquaintance of mine. We were in the same batch to study, were assigned to work in the agricultural technology station, and joined the group at the same time.

He told me that his work is getting more and more difficult. In the past, there was no need to check the honey collected. The beekeepers handed over all the good honey.

At the end of last year, the European partner returned several tons of honey, and the chairman lost his temper.

Loans, technology, and purchases are provided. Beekeepers only need to keep their bees well to ensure their income. Over the years, beekeepers have made money, built houses and bought motorcycles, all brought to them by the group. Why do they still have money? Want to bite us back? "

As Lao Lin spoke, his whole body became filled with anger.

Nan Yi patted Lao Lin's arm, "Old Lin, I know about the honey issue, but it's not as serious as you said, only a few beekeepers are shoddy, and most beekeepers are still good.

First of all, there are good people and bad people. We cannot guarantee that every farmer who cooperates with the group is a good person. It is normal to encounter some situations. This is something the group must face.

Secondly, there is no need to beautify the group too much. The reclamation group is an enterprise, and its original intention is to make profits. However, the business we are doing can benefit a group of people, but it cannot change the essence of the reclamation group as a commercial entity. No benefit, we simply will not do it.

Don't take your own work too sacredly. The group pays you wages to let you do what the job function requires. You and other farmers are serving the group and also paying for the salary... Frankly speaking To put it bluntly, you are serving the RMB, but your position is related to the interests of the farmers who cooperate with the group. If you do your job well, it will benefit them.

On the surface, it seems that you are serving them wholeheartedly, but in reality?

This kind of service is not free. Your most fundamental original intention is to make money to support your family. If the group does not pay you wages, are you still willing to continue to work hard?

I think the answer is no.

Let me give you a big example, let’s talk about Bao Zheng, who was called Bao Qingtian, but the official chair he sat in and the imperial salary he received required him to do that. Just do it well, why should you praise him?

This is only because the corpses of other officials under the feudal dynasty are vegetarian, and he is particularly noble when compared.

Lao Lin, the world shouldn’t be like this. It’s only natural to do your job well. It’s a kind of exchange of equivalent value to get rewarded for your hard work. You can have a sense of accomplishment when you benefit others, but you can’t have the people you benefit from. The thought of being obliged to be grateful to you.

Those who don’t ask for anything in return and don’t take benefits are called dedication. This kind of person doesn’t exist in this world. Since they don’t ask for anything in return, they naturally don’t have enough to eat. They starved to death eight hundred years ago.

In this world, there is no post that is purely dedicated. For a post to exist, it needs material supplies. Excuse me, who is supplying it? "

Nan Yi raised his finger and pointed to the farmers working in the field, "The group leads them to a well-off life, and they also feed back the group's profits. Using the core of thought in "Das Kapital", we are exploiting them.

All corporate profits are based on exploitation. While the group exploits you, it also pays you wages by exploiting their surplus labor value. In essence, we rely on them to support us, so we can have a sense of accomplishment, but we must Don't have the idea that you should be thankful.

That doesn't sanctify your job, it just makes your face look shameless.

If someone bites back at the group, just kick him out of the group's system. If we don't cooperate with such a person, there is no need to be too indignant and think backwards. Only if we do well enough will we not be kicked out by them. to continue exploiting them. "

Nanyi's words had a great impact on Lao Lin, making his thinking chaotic and confused, and he didn't even react when Nanyi left him.

Nanyi didn't have time to stay here for a long time, he had to rush back to Liu's house for dinner, and it was unreasonable to go back to the capital without visiting his mother-in-law's house.

After Yunyun's incident, the Liu family has been very peaceful, and no major incidents have happened. Liu Qinglong and his wife have been running the Pearl Banquet, focusing on money, and there is no mess. The relationship between the husband and wife is not bad, only because Hei Muyu borrowed money Things turned red once.

Liu Menghu still sells his motorcycles, but gradually got involved in the car sales business. The business is fairly stable, and he earns a lot of money a year, but he has completely let go of women, and the frequency of changing girlfriends is no slower than changing clothes. , Regarding this point, the old couple of the Liu family complained quite a bit, but Nanyi thought it was nothing, as long as he was willing to fight and suffer, it was nothing to worry about.

Liu Feibao has been quiet for the past two years. He immigrated to Cyprus with his girlfriend who wanted to start over in another place. Now the two of them run a lemon garden there, and earn a lot of income from growing lemons every year. Lived a quiet and luxurious life of a farmer.

Nanyi's mother-in-law, Lu Bifang, still attends the Pearl Banquet every day. She is too old to serve and clean up the table, so she hides in the back kitchen to help out, washing dishes and washing dishes.

Although Lu Bifang is a bit patriarchal as a mother, she also has the characteristics of a traditional woman who is hardworking and willing to work. It is impossible to persuade her to quit, and she cannot rest.

Nanyi’s father-in-law, Liu Genmu, is more open-minded. He doesn’t do any work and doesn’t care about anything. He goes out with his birdcage every morning, goes to the park, walks around the bird, and goes home early after eating outside. Hang on the tree in the yard and go out again.

Teahouses, taverns, small card games in the streets and alleys, and bathrooms come in turns, spend one day outside, go home at eight or nine in the evening, and enter the cycle again the next day.

As for whether they went to places that shouldn't be, neither the Liu family nor Nanyi knew. Anyway, so far, there has been no incident of going to the police station to lead people.

People in their 60s and heading towards their 70s, what do they like? For Nanyi, Liu Genmu doesn’t stay at home for a day, and it’s fine to spend five, six, seven, or eight hundred, as long as he doesn’t pat his chest outside, and puts a “loan to find my daughter.” "This kind of madness is enough.

Regarding this, the rest of the Liu family knew the seriousness, not only warned Liu Genmu, but also did not cause Liu Zhen any inconvenience at work.

I have to say that money is a good thing, which can solve 99% of the troubles in life. The warehouse knows the etiquette, and the Liu family knows the honor and disgrace when it has enough food and clothing. All the Liu family shows is a positive side.

Liu Zhen not only has 10% of the beneficiary rights of Xueshan Trust, but also Nanyi will give her 2 million US dollars in pocket money every year. She never asks how Liu Zhen will spend it, let alone how much she subsidizes to Liu's family.

When Nanyi arrived, Lu Bifang was sitting in the yard choosing vegetables in the courtyard of the Liu family. When Liu Qinglong and Liu Menghu moved away, Liu Zhen came back. The neighbors' houses were bought, and now only the old couple live in the whole courtyard.

"Mom." Nan Yi called out to Lu Bifang.

Lu Bifang looked up and said in surprise, "Nan Yi, why are you here so early? I thought you came here after dinner."

Nanyi walked up to Lu Bifang, put down the two net pockets, took out an envelope from the pockets, and squatted down on the ground, "I went to Huaiyi for a while, and came here as soon as I came back, Mom, take it."

Lu Bifang blocked the envelope back, "Nanyi, take it back, take it back, you just gave it to me during Chinese New Year, and it's been less than two months."

"Mom, just take it. It's not money, it's a savings certificate with prizes. Just treat it as my deposit." Nanyi put the envelope in Lu Bifang's hands, and started to help choose vegetables when he freed his hands.

Lu Bifang was stunned and said, "Well, then I'll save it. I'll call your father and tell him to come back early. This old man doesn't come home all day long."

"Mom, don't worry, call Dad when the meal is ready, I'll talk to Mom first."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Lu Bifang responded, and took out the taro sprouts in the washbasin, "Look at how tender these taro sprouts are, I also bought some distiller's grains, and I will make distiller's grains and taro sprouts later."

Nanyi: "This is good. It's tender and tender. It must be delicious."

Lu Bifang laughed, "I brought it from the store, and they said it was from the south, and it's different from the ones grown in the north."

When Nanyi heard this, he looked at the taro again, "This looks like a white-stalked taro, which is only grown in the Shanghai area. Most of the northern ones are small taro, also called Laiyang taro. They are small, not as good as those in the south. big."

Lu Bifang: "Zhen'er said that you are good at farming. I didn't believe it at first. I counted you as going to the countryside in 1977. It's only been a few years. You haven't stayed in the country all the time. Now it seems that you really know how to farm. Ah, I don't know what kind of taro this is."

Nan Yi: "Mom, it's been a long time. Fifteen years to sixteen years. No matter how stupid I am, I can learn it. Besides, I'm not stupid."

Lu Bifang sighed slightly, "Yeah, it's been more than ten years in the blink of an eye, and I still can't figure it out. You and Zhen'er moved your household registration to the countryside after graduation. Isn't the capital household registration not good? I don't even know what to say to you, now the capital Hukou is so valuable, outsiders want to move the capital and can’t move in, but fortunately, the eldest grandson has a hukou in the capital.”

"Mom, you don't have to worry about this. It's difficult for others to register in Beijing, but it's not difficult for me and Liu Zhen. Their bank has an account quota, and they can get one at any time. As for me, I know a lot of people, and I can apply for it at any unit." Come here. Besides, both Liu Zhen and I pay social insurance in the capital, and we will also receive pension here in the future, so it is guaranteed."

Lu Bifang: "Then you haven't lost your seniority?"

"Liu Zhen didn't lose it. I lost it for a few years since I went to school in 1978. I only counted it for less than 12 years. In the future, I won't have as much pension as her."

Lu Bifang: "It's okay to have more or less pension, the main thing is medical insurance. Can you see a doctor in Beijing?"

"Yes, both of our units are from the capital."

Nanyi’s files and labor relations have always been hung up in Yaqing Company and have not been moved. When he left his job, he actually stayed without pay. Speaking of which, he is still a member of Yaqing Company. After the social security reform, the company also paid for him Social security, strictly speaking, he is not considered a vagrant.

Lu Bifang: "That's good. You are running around now, and you will have to come back when you get old. Seeing a doctor at your own expense is expensive."

Nanyi: "Mom, I've been thinking about these things in my stomach, and they will all be worthwhile."

Lu Bifang: "Hey, I'm just worrying about it. You have a way of doing things. I, an uneducated little old lady, can think of it. How could you not think of it?"

"Mom, don't say that, you have eaten more salt than I have eaten rice, you still have experience in life, and you should mention me more in the future."

Lu Bifang smiled, "You are really good at talking, what can I tell you."

Nanyi didn't speak, but responded directly with laughter.

After choosing the dishes, Nanyi went into the kitchen to help. When the dishes were half done, Lu Bifang asked Nanyi to call Liu Genmu.

The paging call was made at 5:00, the meal was ready at 5:30, and Liu Genmu came back at the beginning of 6:00. Seeing that Lu Bifang and Nanyi hadn't moved, and had been waiting for him, Liu Genmu was very happy. He didn't drink less Nanyi wine, and he didn't talk less about his precious bird. He even bragged to Nanyi about the details of today's playing cards.

Liu Genmu loves to talk to Nanyi, because Nanyi can always scratch his itch.

Nan Yi said that he had no choice. This is Mr. Yue Zhang. Not only does he have to flatter him, but he also has to iron and stick it. Let another billionaire come over and try it out, and see if he does it or not.

One shot, the old man is relieved; two shots, the wine is in full swing; three shots, drunk on the bedside, stuffing an envelope in the other party's pocket, Nanyi is done shooting.

Back at the old bungalow, when Nan Yi got out of the car, he saw Liu Zi standing at the gate of the courtyard smoking.

"Why don't you call me?"

Walking to the side of Liu Zi, Nan Yi smelled a stronger smell of alcohol from his body than his own.

"The bureau just broke up, I just came here for a while."


Nanyi opened the courtyard door, took his six sons to the living room and sat down, Tianxian made a cup of tea for each of them.

After drinking a few sips of tea to relieve the thirst caused by alcoholism, Nanyi put the teacup back on the coffee table, tilted his head and said, "I must have something to say when I find this point. I am in trouble, but everything is going well. I want to talk to me about it." About the shares?"

The six sons shook their heads, "It's no trouble, and I don't even talk about shares. It's just that I suddenly lost energy during this period. Thinking about how much money I have, it's a bit boring to live so tired."

"Heh, people are not machines. They can work day and night when they are connected to electricity. It is normal to slack off occasionally. In July 1984, it has been almost ten years now. Anyone will be tired. Liuzi, you are more tired than me. Are you two years older?"

"Yes, mine is 60 years old."

"It's not too young, start a family and start a business, start a business and start a family, no matter what you do, you've reached the time to start a family, man, if you don't start a family, you can never be considered mature, if you don't put on the magic spell, you can't win the fight against the Buddha, and the family is like a bit of a horse , when the mind is too wild, it will steer the direction."

Liu Zimei put one word wide, "I really never thought about getting married, now I feel good alone, no one is in charge, I can do whatever I want, no one will remind me when I go back later, I am free.

To be honest, I thought it would be easy to find a woman, but I just can't bear to sleep in the same bed as someone else. Master Nan, you have never stayed in the courtyard, so you may not know the life in the courtyard.

There are seven people in my family, and the house is less than fifteen square meters. No matter how hard I try, I can only fit two beds. When I sleep at night, several people are squeezed into one bed. If someone wets the bed, there is a big puddle.

It is said that the neighbors in the courtyard are friendly, who knows who lives there, there is no privacy at all, and the whole courtyard will know about something, and everyone can hear the sound of whoever wakes up at night.

Since I was six or seven years old, I have been thinking about being able to sleep alone in a bed and have a separate bedroom. It would be best if I was the only one in the room. Now that I have my own house and can stay alone, I really don’t want to put another person in the house. I never brought a woman back to spend the night in my house. "

Nan Yi nodded, "Although I don't agree with your idea, I can understand it. What I said just now was only considered from my standpoint and perspective, not from your perspective. In my life experience, there is a lack of The warmth of the family, so I was stuck getting married and having children.

I am far fragrant, and you are near smelly. I am fed up with the big family crowding together, so I will not urge you to marry me, but there is one thing I still want to say, in a situation like yours, you have to be careful when you have children Well, the child is not born, and you can raise it by throwing them both money. One day, when you want someone to inherit your big business, ask yourself if you can be a good father. "

After Nanyi finished speaking, he couldn't help asking himself if he was a good father.

"Oh, Master Nan, it seems that I shouldn't come here today, I'm even more annoying now." Six sons said with a sigh.

"Hahaha, as I said, what you did just now is nothing to worry about. If you don't want to do anything, you should rest first. Go back and take a globe and go around in circles. You can play for a few days wherever you go. Sunshine, beach, yacht, sharp fruit, As soon as the yacht sails deep into the sea, you can do whatever you want without any shame, Jian Guoer lays down in your arms, exaggerating the warts on your neck... Hey, the warts on your neck Where is the son?"

"Which year did that happen? Good morning."

Nanyi pouted, "It's a pity, otherwise you can listen to Jian Guoer's praise of warts, come on, don't waste it here, you can get out, if it doesn't get better in a few days, go buy a book from the United States this year." The book just came out, it's called "Chicken Soup for the Soul", if you don't understand it, go to Li Yanjie's "Shaping a Beautiful Mind" to read, it's the same routine, drink a few more bowls of chicken soup, and your illness will be cured."

"Don't drink, don't drink." Liu Zi shook his head, "When I was practicing stalls, in the past 80s, I went to listen to Li Yanjie's speech, and he couldn't cure my illness."

"Beating sex, send you to a poor mountainous area to starve for a few days, I see you can recover from any illness."

"Hey, this is a way. Go to the countryside to repair the earth for a few days. If I don't get it right, I can really change for the better. I will miss my wife and children when I lie on the kang."

"Go away, go away, I see you are doing well, come here to entertain me at night."

"Don't mind, I've digested all the food in my stomach, so go out for midnight snack?"

"Okay, I'll accompany you for a while."

Nanyi and Xiaoliuzi went to Guijie Street, which is now well-known in the night snacking world, and they entered a shop called Zhao Maxiao. You can tell from the name that this shop specializes in spicy crayfish.

Nan Yi didn't know when in his last life the city of Beijing became popular to eat crayfish, and he didn't know when the word "Ma Xiao" started to be used, but in this life, he knew it very well.

On July 7, 1992, the Reclamation Group brought the first car of crayfish to the capital. While selling crayfish to restaurants, they also gave them spicy crayfish. For some reason, the promotion of crayfish on Guijie Street was particularly successful. Suddenly, several new restaurants specializing in crayfish opened, and Ma Xiao opened it at that time.

Therefore, Nanyi can brazenly say that he is the "father of crayfish in Beijing". Of course, it is absolutely impossible to change the word "Beijing" into Huaguo. In 2010, there were already a group of restaurant owners who made their fortunes from crayfish. Even if they started to make crayfish in the first year of wearing, Nanyi was a little late.

Originally, crayfish can be regarded as a landscape in the food industry. Nan Yi should have brought up crayfish earlier, but who told him not to like crayfish at all.

In my previous life, around 200506, crayfish was completely popular. There were restaurants and stalls that made crayfish all over the place. If you want to be fresh, Nan Yi visited a food stall three times in a row and ate crayfish for three days. It's not the fourth day, I'm tired of eating.

Later, just like signing in, I ate once a year, at most twice, so that I could remember the taste of crayfish.

Once Nan Yi came to the capital, a salesman from a company here wanted to ask Nan Yi to give him a good meal in order to win his order, and he took him to a restaurant specializing in crayfish. Before looking at the menu, Nanyi was still slanderous, eating a crayfish that can't be served at the banquet is also called rubbing it to death?

Who knew that when the menu came up, well, there was a big "15" written on the side of Ma Xiao's picture, there was a slash below it, and the word "only" was written below it.

At that time, the impact on Nanyi was quite big. Before that, the most expensive one he had eaten was 158 three catties. Counting the short catty, he could not run 70 per catty, and 15 crayfish exceeded his recognition. This matter left a particularly deep impression on Nanyi's mind, and it also made him understand that the crayfish has a lot of power in the capital.

In addition to transporting crayfish from the south to the capital, the Reclamation Group also plans to set up an "authentic Beijing flavor" crayfish farm in the vegetable basket base in Fangshui. It is still in the process of experimenting with the breeding technology. You can eat local crayfish.

Just when the crayfish was on the table, Nanyi had a flash of inspiration. Maybe when the authentic Beijing-style crayfish is on the market, we can study a particular method and eating method. After the crayfish is stir-fried, a step of adding water to stew is indispensable. Match happiness water with crayfish to create an emperor's new clothes.

It's like eating fried liver along the side of the bowl, turning it while eating. This kind of eating method will appear. It is obvious that the owner of the restaurant used to cheat and play tricks. He didn't want to give a spoon. The diners had to eat this way to avoid burning their mouths. But it has been passed down that this way of eating has become an authentic way of eating that can taste the true beauty of fried liver.

It doesn't matter whether adding happiness water to Maxiao can make it taste better, as long as someone believes that it will become delicious, and then turn adding happiness water into the unique culture of Maxiao in Beijing is a kind of exquisiteness. In a small area, happiness water can be equated with mineral water.

"Perhaps we can confuse the concept a little bit. Taking advantage of the fact that the common people don't have a clear concept of mineral water, they directly regard happiness water as a high-level existence of mineral water and promote it." Nan Yi stroked his chin, thinking in his heart.

"Master Nan, what are you thinking?"

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