"Boss, if you keep looking around, I'll dig out your eyeballs."

Nanyi laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, if you feel that you are at a disadvantage, you can look back."

Dewin gave Nan Yi a supercilious look.

Nanyi returned Dewen with a smiling face, followed the buzzing sound, and looked up at the sky.

In mid-air, two large "Oriole" drones flew together, and when they arrived at the artificial lake in the test park, the altitude dropped and flew close to the lake. fell into the lake.

"How's the accuracy?"

"Not yet, the speed of the jet is too fast, it is difficult to control at low altitude and low speed, and the feasibility of high-precision operation is not high. We need to change the route of quadrotor or V22 Osprey." Dewin replied.

Nan Yi: "Forget about V22, it's too difficult, and it's completely unnecessary for us. Do you think airships or hot air balloons have a future?"

Dewin: "The airship is interesting, I'll go back and let the engineer demonstrate it."

"Well." Nan Yi said after a moment of deliberation: "Dewen, when you go back, organize the technical reserves of meerkat technology, and divide sensitive technical projects and technical personnel into voyeuristic interest groups. Technology becomes an ordinary technology research and development company.”

Dewin: "Too much investment, you can't hold it anymore, sir?"

"That's right, I can't hold it anymore. The current cost is high, and the cost will be even greater in the future. The meerkat technology and the voyeuristic interest group and the self-explosion interest group have similarities in technology, and some research and development can be done by the meerkat technology. .”

Dewin: "Using other people's money for your own business?"

Nan Yi chuckled, "It's not that bad, it's just a trick, let's go and have a look."

The two of Nanyi walked to another piece of land and watched a farm vehicle galloping all the way in the middle of the land, with sparks and lightning all the way. When the car drove away, Nanyi put on a pair of insulating gloves, walked into the land, and pulled the ground with his hands. Observe the plants and weeds on the ground.

Walking and observing all the way, I saw that many plants had been burned by high-voltage electricity. Nanyi looked up at Dewen and said, "Did you see it? The lens technology and visual recognition algorithm are still too rudimentary, and there is still a long way to go." Way to go, high voltage electricity is just a transition, I hope laser weeding can be realized in the future.”

"Boss, your words are worth at least billions of dollars."

"Don't talk about billions, even tens of billions have to be spent." Nanyi stood up and clapped his hands, "I'm still too poor, otherwise I can close my eyes and throw money, and I don't need to rush to absorb investment from outside. You On one side is the gold-absorbing beast, and on the New York Dynamics side is Pixiu, more than 100 million has been used, and no practical technology has been spit out, so how can we not find a few shareholders to share it."

"The mechanical war dog jointly developed by the New York Power and Self-Explosion Interest Group is ready for use."

Nan Yi waved his hand, "I've already watched the video, this one doesn't count. For us, the mechanical war dog can only be a big toy, the cost is too high, and the combat effectiveness is not enough. Losing one is enough to hire several mercenaries from outside. The squad is gone."

"Boss, we're still on our way."

"Yeah, the road ahead is long, the road is long and obstructed, and there are twists and turns, and there will be rewards in the end."

With a sigh of emotion, Nanyi went to other places in the experimental park and saw the high-pressure steam weeding and pest control machine; the three-in-one weeding machine for loosening soil, weeding, and fertilizing; the three-in-one machine for solar power supply, satellite navigation, seeding, loosening soil, and weeding Unmanned planters; intelligent leek cutting machines; high-temperature foam weeding technology, etc., all technologies and machinery are still in the experimental stage, and none of them can be commercialized yet.

At the end of the 19th century, as steamships began to be widely used in international trade, food from North America and Russia continued to flow into Europe, causing food prices in many European countries to plummet, and the market was severely impacted. In response to this agricultural crisis, Britain, France, Germany, Denmark and other countries have introduced corresponding policies to protect their own agriculture.

In the face of the crisis, the Netherlands not only did not adopt a simple protectionist policy, but continued to adhere to the free trade route and imported a large amount of cheap food; Dutch farmers seized the opportunity of cheap food and vigorously developed animal husbandry, which soon replaced The traditional planting industry has become the leading industry of the country.

By exporting livestock to the industrial areas of surrounding countries such as Germany, France, and Belgium, they earned a large amount of foreign exchange, which further stimulated the development of the Dutch horticultural industry and animal husbandry product processing industry.

The agricultural crisis at the end of the 19th century was the beginning of modern agriculture in the Netherlands. During this crisis, the Dutch turned the crisis into an opportunity, improved the quality and utilization of agricultural production factors, improved the supply of inputs and the sales of agricultural products, and promoted With the rationalization of production and distribution, the history of the evolution of modern agriculture for a century began.

Before the 20th century, the basic production units of Dutch agriculture were mostly small-scale traditional farms. A farmer’s family not only raised several livestock, but also cultivated a small amount of land.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the agricultural population of the Netherlands totaled 2.8 million, accounting for 54.9% of the total population of 5.1 million; and most of them, due to the poor soil conditions in the Netherlands, could only survive on food and clothing. Hovering up and down the line.

In 1885, Vincent van Gogh had a painting "The Potato Eaters", depicting the situation of a peasant family in the north of the Netherlands at that time.

After entering the 20th century, the Netherlands seized the opportunity in the European agricultural crisis. On the one hand, it introduced cheap food from the international market and vigorously developed its domestic animal husbandry; on the other hand, it optimized the efficiency of the entire production system and improved The status and reputation of Dutch agriculture in the international market.

Through this series of initiatives, the lives of Dutch farmers have been greatly improved.

From the outbreak of the global economic crisis in 1929 to the end of World War II, in order to promote the recovery of the national economy and enhance the purchasing power of the people, the Dutch government imposed strict government controls on the prices of food and other basic goods and kept them at a relatively low level.

In order to ensure income, Dutch farmers can only increase the scale effect of agriculture through land consolidation and other methods, and improve efficiency by introducing chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and agricultural machinery.

After the end of World War II, Dutch agriculture has initially achieved scale. With the signing of the Treaty of Rome in 1957, the establishment of the European Economic Community, and the subsequent introduction of the European Common Agricultural Policy, a unified European agricultural market gradually surfaced.

With a unified European market as the basis, the Netherlands once again seized the opportunity, and the efficiency of agriculture increased sharply in the following two decades, occupying the agricultural product markets of rich countries such as Britain, Germany, and Belgium.

During this process, Dutch agriculture not only continued the previous path of large-scale development, but also greatly improved the degree of intensification. The scale of breeding thousands of pig farms, cattle farms, and chicken farms was unimaginable before. A new form of agricultural production was born.

Before the introduction of the production quota policy in 1984, Dutch agriculture had completely transformed from a labor-intensive small-scale production method to a knowledge-intensive and capital-intensive production method.

Compared with large-scale development, technology has played a more prominent role in the process of agricultural intensification. These emerging technologies have greatly promoted the improvement of production efficiency. Around 1980, the per capita income of Dutch farmers, who were technologically superior, reached its peak, which was 2.5 times the average level of the European Union and achieved enviable achievements.

But at the same time, the other side of the double-edged sword of technology has also aroused more and more concerns from public opinion and government departments, which has led to a shift in the development of European agriculture.

With the rapid improvement of agricultural production efficiency, Europe in the 1980s was faced with a long-term problem of surplus agricultural products, and titles such as red wine lake, milk lake, and butter mountain were heard endlessly.

At that time, the international competitiveness of European agricultural products was not strong, and the prices were much higher than the international market. Therefore, in order to deal with a large number of surplus agricultural products, the government had to spend huge sums of money to subsidize the export of agricultural products, which brought huge financial pressure to the European Community. .

At the same time, the water and soil pollution caused by intensive animal husbandry, the food safety problems caused by large-scale use of pesticides, and the controversy caused by emerging technologies such as genetic modification have gradually entered the public's field of vision, causing more and more widespread concerns in public opinion. All problems are technically skeptical looking for a way out.

Driven by various factors, the European Community took the lead in implementing a milk production quota policy in the dairy industry in 1984 to limit the further increase in milk production and put forward higher requirements on environmental protection and dairy quality. Policy control is also rapidly spreading on other agricultural products.

In response to these policy restrictions and changing consumer demands, many Dutch farmers have begun to try to produce some ecological or organic agricultural products, and develop comprehensive services such as agritourism to increase income.

In the early 1980s, Shennong Nanliang entered the Netherlands, and not only took shares in dairy related companies such as Royal FrieslandCampina Foods and Compaq Niv, but also took shares in many agricultural and fruit companies; at the same time, Shennong Nanliang also directly acquired farms and pastures. , Annexed land, and established a tulip orchard in Westland, a greenhouse agricultural park in The Hague, an automated chicken farm in Utrecht, and a milk pasture in Groningen.

The flower planting industry in the Netherlands is very developed, but Shennong Nanliang does not have its own flower farm. Agricultural finance is actively integrating into the Aalsmeer flower auction market, and is going to take some time to shake up the international flower market, creating a new environment for Houji Agriculture to acquire flower farms. Chance.

Who told Shennong Nanliang that it had never planted flowers before and was not professional, and could only think of uniting professionals.

Leaving the tulip orchard, Nan Yi went to The Hague Greenhouse Agricultural Park.

In the agricultural garden, there are not only glass greenhouses with mature technology, but also photovoltaic greenhouses that are still in the stage of technological exploration. The roof is not fully enclosed glass, but photovoltaic panels, which are used not only to generate electricity, but also to regulate the temperature of crops. Photosynthesis is not technically difficult, but there are problems of large initial investment and high cost.

At present, the way out that Nanyi can see is "light-agricultural complementarity". If agriculture cannot make a profit, it will take the way of selling photovoltaics. After a few years when the technology matures, Shennong Nanliang can invite experts from all walks of life to advocate the prospect of photovoltaics. As long as any country is interested in subsidizing the photovoltaic industry heavily, it will immediately form a virtuous circle in which enterprises eat subsidies and eat the market, and Shennong Nanliang exports technology and raw materials to enterprises.

Not only exporting technology, but also exporting patents and the name of the R\u0026D person. Whenever corporate customers have needs, Shennong Nanliang can package and sell all technology-related products. Customers can use Shennong Nanliang's technology to fabricate themselves. Lost the house, the car, owed a lot of debt, but also insisted on research and development, such inspirational stories.

Shennong Nanliang absolutely abides by the spirit of the contract, keeps its mouth shut, and will not bring unnecessary troubles to customers.

Nanyi walked around the photovoltaic raspberry greenhouse, and then went to the tomato greenhouse not far away. The tomatoes here are different from other traditional ones. The plants can grow to more than three meters high. The vines are thick and look a bit like grapevines. similar.

The growth method of the fruit is also different from the traditional one. It does not grow individually, but in clusters, in clusters, from three to four to dozens of them grow on a branch vine.

The shape is no different from the traditional ones, there are five or six in a handful, and the size is well-proportioned. Nanyi cuts a handful with scissors, keeps one and cuts half for himself, and gives the rest to the tiger cubs.

I stuffed half a tomato into my mouth and took a bite. A stronger taste than traditional tomatoes hit the taste buds, with a hint of sweetness in the middle.

After eating it in two or three bites, Nanyi came to another row. The tomatoes hanging on the vines were quite different from the ones just now. They looked like winter jujubes in shape, a little bigger, orange in color, and seven or eight to ten in a bunch. How many vary.

Cut one open, and you can see that the color of the pulp is slightly lighter than the skin, and tends to be orange-yellow. After a taste, it is sweeter than the one just now. It is suitable for making vegetable salads or eating directly as fruit.

Another line was changed, and another variety was changed. The shape and color of the tomato were not much different from domestic kumquats. When one was cut open, the color was the same on the outside and inside. After a taste, the fruit attributes were more obvious than the "Dongzao" just now. With a nice name, it can be directly sold as a new fruit variety, and the price can be very high.

Then, Nanyi saw tomatoes in the shape of cherry tomatoes and cherries. Each tomato was very rich in juice, with different tastes but all of them were delicious.

After eating a full stomach of tomatoes, Nanyi came to an open area again, where tomato plants were planted in flower pots.

Walking to a flower pot, Nan Yi squatted down and pulled his hands in the "compound nutrient soil". Soon, a few white-skinned potatoes appeared in the soil, big and small, very cute to look at.

There are strings of tomatoes hanging on the vines, and potatoes growing on the rhizomes. It seems that the potatoes have gone off the rails, and it seems that the tomatoes have been remarried with a drag bottle. It looks amazing, but it is not worth mentioning if the technical principle is exposed. .

This is a technique of tomato and potato grafting invented by Nanyi, an unknown grafting expert in the world. Tomato seeds and potato "seeds" are sprinkled together. After a certain period of time, the tomato leaves seedlings without roots, and the potatoes leave roots without seedlings, and they are grafted together. .

This approach has no practicability at all, and the novelty is better. The reason why they are kept in flowerpots is for the convenience of selling to end customers in the future. It can be eaten again.

For Shennong Nanliang, tomatoes and potatoes are an exploration of serial marketing. Soon, Shennong Nanliang will promote the culture of homemade tomato-flavored potato chips and French fries, and connect cooking oil, seasoning, cooking utensils, etc. , by promoting a cooking method, it drives the sales of a series of products.

Self-growing and self-made are not only a kind of fun, but also more reassuring to eat. After all, most children have no resistance to potato chips and French fries. When food health is a problem, Nanyi envisions this series of marketing The program should have a broad market.

Nanyi buried the soil back, covered the potatoes again, and came to the busy beauty not far away, "Du Chen, hello, I'm Adam."

Du Chen let go of the plant in his hand, looked up at Nan Yi, and said in surprise, "Adam Smith?"

Nan Yi smiled lightly, "Yes, welcome to the Klompen (Klompen) Agricultural Group."

From a legal point of view, Shennong Nanliang is only a department of Nanshi, not an independent enterprise. In fact, calling it "Department of Agricultural Business Development" would be more in line with the naming rules of general enterprise departments.

It's just that within the Nanshi, Shennong Nanliang is operated as an independent enterprise, and has set up sub-enterprises such as Houji Agriculture and Wangmu Fruit Industry under its banner to manage sub-enterprises in different fields.

Each research institute, farm, ranch, or orchard is an independent enterprise, and there may be a group company above it according to the country and region, such as the Dutch Croppen Agricultural Group, and Shennong Nanliang’s industry in the Netherlands is all owned For this group, there may also be an offshore company behind it.

To put it simply, a discerning person who has a deep understanding can see which industries belong to the Nan family, but there is no hard evidence to prove this, just like the police determine that a suspect is a murderer, and the suspect is indeed a murderer, but Just can't find evidence to prove it.

No matter what kind of country it is, it will say that the basis of its country's operation is the law, and it will not be evaluated whether it is consistent with the facts. Behavior complies with the provisions of the "law".

No country can prove the existence of relationship between Nanyi and Nanshi through laws without uniting with other countries, nor can it prove the affiliation relationship between Nanyi and its subsidiaries around the world.

With such an arrangement, Nanyi has his own considerations.

"Hello, baasd." Du Chen changed his words.

"You can call me Adam directly, don't you have to go to class today?"

"No, I'll be doing experiments here recently." Du Chen replied, and said apologetically, "Adam, I'm busy."

"Oh, understand, you can continue as if I don't exist."

As Nan Yi said, he took a few steps back, stopped at a distance that would not interfere with Du Chen's work, and quietly watched Du Chen busy.

In fact, except for the high-level staff, Nanyi hardly knew the staff of the Greenhouse Agricultural Park. He just memorized the roster before coming here. He didn't know Du Chen was there until less than three hours ago, and he knew that she was "" A member of the seniority plan".

In the Netherlands, there is a university called Wageningen University, which is very strong in agriculture and has faint signs of becoming the number one in the world. Cloppen not only sponsored the establishment of a research institute at this university, but also implemented the seniority plan.

However, students who study agriculture at Wageningen University can actively sign up or be passively invited to join the seniority plan when they are in their sophomore year. A salary will also be issued to the students every month.

The seniority plan can also be said to be a training plan with relatively broad conditions. Students who join the seniority plan will become the reserve staff of Cloppen employees. During college, as long as they have excellent academic performance, they will have a chance to raise their salary every six months. Theoretically In fact, you can have an absolute high salary without graduating from university.

The seniority plan has very loose restrictions on students. It is also allowed not to join Clopen after graduation, as long as the expenses that Clopen spent on it are refunded and the interest for offsetting inflation is attached. Of course, not everyone can participate in the seniority plan , Not every student will be accepted by Cloppen when they graduate.

The seniority plan is a two-way choice, students may not join the job, and Cloppen may not.

The working age plan has been implemented for eight years. So far, only two students have chosen not to join the job, and there have been several cases of Cloppen not accepting the job. After all, not every student can always maintain excellence and love for agriculture.

Agriculture is a popular and high-paying major in the Netherlands. Some students do not choose this major because of their love for agriculture. Like this, if they do not have solid theoretical knowledge and hands-on skills, Kloppen will generally choose to screen them out.

Du Chen is a sophomore student at Wageningen University. In addition to attending classes, he usually goes to the farm and pasture owned by Clopen for internships or research projects. Clopen's review of projects is very loose, as long as the projects are not It's too outrageous. Generally, you can apply for experimental land, venues, capital budgets and other material rations.

Of course, the funding budget will not be too much, usually hundreds or thousands of dong. If you want more, you need to talk about the experimental results. If the research direction is promising, it is also possible to establish a separate research institute and allocate tens of millions of dong.

Nan Yi stared at the busy Du Chen for a while, then went to the carrot planting area, stood in the field and looked at a piece of carrots, hesitating which one to pull out, but he picked one, full of expectations Pull out the carrot.

"Hey, good luck, it's crystal-colored." Looking at the pulled out carrot, Nan Yi said to himself excitedly.

In the common people's impression, carrots must be orange, but this is not the case. Hundreds of years ago, carrots came in various colors, and the most common one was yellow. Today, orange carrots are actually bred from yellow carrots.

Since orange is the representative color of the Dutch royal family, the Dutch bred orange carrots from yellow carrots, and promoted them to all parts of the world through their huge trade network during the period of great voyages. is orange.

Of course, more importantly, the Netherlands had a high level of horticulture at that time, and the carrot varieties cultivated had high yields and good taste, and were of the highest quality, so they were naturally easy to spread.

The orange carrot is the result of targeted breeding, and the carrot in Nanyi's hands is the result of ancestral diversity cultivation. The purpose is to breed a more "advanced" color so that it can be sold at a higher price.

Take the carrot to the faucet in front of the reservoir and wash it. After washing it clean, shake it, Nanyi immediately stuffed it into his mouth and started to bite it.

"The taste is not much different, it's more pure, it lacks the smell of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, bad review." Nanyi muttered while chewing.

Seeing Nanyi eating with gusto, the tiger cub couldn't help asking, "Nansheng, is it delicious?"

"It smells like carrots."

Nanyi kept talking, but his eyes were already looking at the distance of the carrot planting area. A rabbit weighing seven to eighty catties was squatting on the ground, digging out a carrot from the ground, and eating it with relish.

"Du Chen, whose pet is that rabbit?" Nan Yi raised his voice and shouted at Du Chen.


"Only one?"

"There is only one male, and the male characteristics have been processed." Du Chen seemed to know what Nan Yi was worried about, and added directly.

"Oh, it's all right."

Rabbits weighing 70 to 80 kilograms must be foreign species, most likely from Australia, and Dutch rabbits do not grow up at all. If this kind of rabbits floods the Netherlands, the Dutch government will definitely find Cloppen trouble.

After staying in the Netherlands for three days, Nan Yi transferred all the Nan's properties, and then flew back to Nice from Amsterdam.

As soon as he got off the plane, Turkey reported the results of his investigation to him.

"Gu Junhao, the young owner of Isala Group in Vientiane, Laos. His father's name is Gu Zhenghe. He is very famous in Vientiane. The Gu family has a good relationship with the officials of Paris Guanshi Brothers Company, and sent two people to protect Gu Junhao's safety."

After listening to Turkey's report, Nan Yi called Chen Weikuang.

"Does the Isala Group know?"

Chen Weikuang: "I know, it is very famous in Laos."

"Can you afford it?"

Chen Weikuang: "Gu Zhenghe, the boss of Isala Group, knows a lot of high-ranking officials in Laos, and he can't afford to mess with them. Only others can mess with us."

Nan Yi frowned and said, "If you turn against him, can you still stay in Laos?"

Chen Weikuang: "I can't wait any longer, have you become enemies with him?"

"Not yet, it's being measured."

Chen Weikuang: "If you want to do it, kill him directly, or I will be roasted on the fire."

"You're so worried, I don't need you to come forward, sort it out, form it into words, and let me know where Gu Zhenghe is so awesome."

Chen Weikuang: "Okay, where to send it?"

"Old place, old number."

After hanging up Chen Weikuang's phone call, Nan Yi turned on the computer and retrieved relevant information about Laos.

At the beginning, when Nanchen Nonferrous Metals Group entered the Jinghong area of ​​Laos, it followed the route of the high-level Laos and the high-level Vietnamese army.

Since the Vietnam War was still going on in the 1960s, North Vietnamese armed forces have been active in Laos. Since the opening of the "Ho Chi Minh Trail", the number of North Vietnamese troops in Laos has increased. There are also secretive, sometimes undercover operations.

However, as Vietnam finally won the Vietnam War in 1975, it had a wrong estimate of its own strength; thus, the dream of the Indochina Federation, which had been shelved for many years, was revived again.

As the two most important steps to realize the dream of the "Indochina Federation", the first was the invasion of Cambodia in 1978, and the second was the formalization and publicization of Vietnam's garrison in Laos.

For this reason, Vietnam also gave this force the title of "Western Theater", which is equivalent in level to the Vietnamese army stationed in Cambodia, although the former is much smaller than the latter in terms of numbers.

However, unlike the Vietnamese army stationed in Cambodia, the Vietnamese army stationed in Laos basically has no combat missions. It mainly monitors the Lao soldiers and civilians to prevent them from anti-Vietnamese tendencies. Especially after entering the 1980s, not only the Lao army was under the command of the Vietnamese army stationed in Laos, but even the Lao militia was controlled by various consultants and experts sent by Vietnam.

Until 1989, major changes took place in the world pattern, and another great figure in Laos used the method of driving Chinese tigers and wolves away. Vietnam had to gradually withdraw its troops from Cambodia, and the Vietnamese troops stationed in Laos also began to withdraw.

But just like the tricks played in Cambodia, a considerable number of Vietnamese soldiers stayed in Laos in the name of being discharged from the army. This is the main arrangement for Vietnam to ensure that it will have sufficient influence in Laos in the future.

However, due to Vietnam's consumption of too much power in the Laoshan and Cambodian battlefields, coupled with the impact of the disappearance of the Sudong Group, Vietnam's original unshakable situation in Laos quickly changed.

At present, Vietnam’s high-level influence in Laos is not very great, but there are still a group of Vietnamese veterans active in the countryside and jungles. Laos’ autonomy is getting stronger and stronger, and the influence of another country is also deepening.

However, no matter how the political situation changes, Laos' current economy is not as good as it was in the 1960s and 1970s when the economy was controlled by the Chinese. It can also be said that Laos is not qualified to talk about the economy at all, and solving food and clothing is their current priority.

The annual GDP of Laos is less than a fraction of Nan’s profit. Although the arable land resources are relatively rich, the country’s ownership and population determine that Shennong Nanliang cannot do much there. The only things worth worrying about are forests and mineral resources. .

"A so-called rich man in a poor country is still an outsider, how much money can he have?" After reading the information, Nan Yi stroked his chin and thought.

Laos has never been within the scope of Nan's development goals. Although the sparrow is small, it has everything.

It is not wise to spread large investments in this kind of place. If you really want to operate it, you need to move in and out quickly. You don’t buy too many local assets that cannot be realized quickly, and you don’t make long-term layouts. Every business needs to be reserved. If there is enough profit margin, it should be treated as the last business.

"There's no oil, why don't we leave it alone? The problem is that I'm willing to settle it. That Gu Junhao may not be willing to settle down. This grandson doesn't seem like a peaceful person, otherwise there wouldn't be such a shit."

Nanyi is a little entangled, action needs to pay a cost, he can't reach Vientiane, and if Gu's family is destroyed, he won't have a share of the proceeds from the house raid; don't act, if Gu Junhao moves first, he will be passive.

After thinking for a while, Nanyi turned on the computer, called up the mail system, and selected "Burn after reading" in the privacy level option. All emails that select this option cannot be saved locally by the recipient, and the email content is only saved on the server, and will be irreparably deleted within the set time.

Nam Yi wrote an email to Jean Bader: John, have some fun with Kwan Brothers, illegal immigration, food safety, or drugs. Just say hello, don't be overly intense.

With only two lines, Nanyi set the text to be deleted within one minute after being opened, and then clicked send.

After the confirmation email was sent out, Nanyi turned off the computer, took a bottle of water from the refrigerator, opened the glass door to the beach, came to the beach, soaked his feet in the sea water, and lay down on the floor.


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