Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 93 Poetry and Mental Illness

"Next, let's talk about the specific work." Nanyi picked up the cigarette case and asked, "Do you mind?"

"President, please feel free."

Nan Yi lit a cigarette, took a sip, and said, "Your appearance is the assistant of Shinichi Hatoyama, the president of the Yama no Taste Club under the Ikeda Club.

But in fact, Hatoyama Shinichi is just a puppet of Yama no Taste, he is in charge of decorating the facade, and you are the real manager of Yama no Taste.

To Hatoyama Shinichi, you must be careful not to let him do anything out of the ordinary.

The so-called outrageous things are things that will cause damage to the club's funds or reputation. This does not include too much false reimbursement. As long as the total amount is not large, you can turn a blind eye and pretend not to know.

But every false claim, every mistake he makes, you have to document. "


"In terms of personnel, we need to recruit three to four merchandisers to be responsible for tracking the purchase and acceptance of our orders; we need two personnel responsible for customs clearance to communicate with the freight forwarder, and we also need sales personnel to sell our products. go out.

Merchandisers and customs clearance personnel need you to recruit. I will hand over the recruitment of business personnel to the headhunting company, and you will be responsible for coordination and communication.

The financial staff of the club will be in place in the next few days. In Tokyo, for expenses below 1 million yen, you can ask the financial staff to withdraw first, and then ask me to make up the visa formalities afterwards;

If it is more than one million and less than five million, you can send a fax to Xiangtang for Ms. Fang Mengyin's authorization to confirm; if it is more than five million, you must have my authorization to withdraw. "


"There are foreign-related office buildings on South Street, which are specially supplied to foreign-funded companies. They can be bought or rented. You can contact the foreign-related personnel tomorrow and ask them to show you there.

If the price is less than 300 US dollars per level, you can consider buying the next floor. If the price is too high, then make another plan. Come back tomorrow night and tell me about the situation. "


"Go upstairs and change back into your own clothes. I'll take you to call and ask the hotel to send a car to pick you up."

On South Street, just next to the Friendship Hotel, there is a small foreign-related office building, which was specially built for foreign-funded companies. At first, both the price and the rent were on par with New York.

But foreigners are not fools. No one will buy office buildings in the capital at New York prices.

Some time ago, Nanyi asked Fang Mengyin to inquire about it. He heard that the price had been quietly lowered, but he didn't know how much.

If the price is less than 400 US dollars, you can still buy two. Each office is divided according to the area of ​​120 square meters, and two 240 square meters are enough.

If it is within the $300 that he and Masami Ueto said, Nanyi really plans to buy the next floor.

In fact, 300 US dollars is also expensive. Now the exchange rate of RMB to US dollar is less than 1.5, but the internationally recognized reasonable price is between 8 and 9. An office building of 2,700 per square meter is a very high price in this era.

Whether it is a foreign-related place like Friendship Store or Friendship Hotel, there is one principle that you should pay attention to. You foreigners don’t care about our domestic prices. Anyway, we want to match the prices in New York and Tokyo.

Since Nanyi wanted to act as a foreign company, he had to hit this butcher's knife without hesitation.

After sending Masami Uedo away, Nanyi stood under the rain-shielding platform at the gate and meditated again, "For the mountain goods business, there will be no major problems in receiving goods in China for the time being.

On the other hand, there was no one absolutely trustworthy to watch over there, so I was a little worried.

Just controlling the finances, this can only be done so that you will not suffer too much loss.

Although Japanese professionals generally don't have too many crooked thoughts, not everyone has professional ethics.

If someone really wants to eat inside and outside, even if I am thousands of miles away, I can only be beyond my reach.

In this area, you must first be mentally prepared to suffer losses, and include possible losses in sunk costs first.

There are still too few people under him, and the business of trainees and real estate can only be let go first.

"Oh, it's a pity to take one step at a time and step at a faster pace."

Nan Yi sighed heavily.


Chuang Tzu washes his hands in water

There is silence on the palm of the hand after washing

Chuang Tzu washes himself in water

body is a piece of cloth

The cloth is full of sticky

The sound of floating on the water


the moon touches me

as if i was naked

in and out

Mother is like a door gently opened to me...

On the way to the cafeteria, in the small garden, there were many juniors and younger sisters around.

A young man with messy hair and square-rimmed glasses recited poetry among the crowd.

Nan Yi knew this young man, and Nan Yi also knew the man next to him.

Haizi from the law department and Yihe from the Chinese department are both students of Nanyi, class of 1979.

Both of them are well-known campus poets of Peking University. There are quite a few female students who regard them as idols, and there are not a few of them who are in love or secret love.

Poets, especially modern poets, have always been kept at a respectful distance in Nanyi.

Modern poetry is very strange. It seems that if you are not schizophrenic, you cannot write poems that can touch the soul. These two are poets, excellent poets, poets who can be engraved on the soul.

Therefore, Nanyi would not approach them, even if some of their poems moved him.

"What do you think of this poem?"

"I said, classmate Xu Qian, when did you learn ninjutsu? It's like a ghost."

"It's not that I'm absent-minded, it's that you are distracted. You haven't answered me yet. What do you think of this poem?"

"I don't know, I don't understand poetry." Nan Yi shook his head and said.

"Do you not understand, or do you not want to understand?"

"What's the difference? Anyway, I don't understand."

"One is subjective and the other is objective."

"Don't speak so abstrusely, make yourself a philosopher."

"Then let me say something unsophisticated, accompany me to the Friendship Store this weekend, and I want to see what new products are on the shelves."

"Okay, I'll go with you."

"Look at you, you are reluctant to agree." Xu Qian pouted and said.

"It's good to accompany you. Don't pick and choose, and want to ask me how positive my attitude is. It's a man who doesn't like to accompany a woman to go shopping. I'm a man among men."

"Bah, you're out of shape while you're talking." Xu Qian spat, her cheeks flushed slightly.

Looking at her face, Nanyi felt confused, "Why, was that ambiguous sentence before me? This little girl didn't have any dirty dreams, did she?"

Nanyi suddenly remembered a case of "dream rape" that he had seen before. It was said that there was a famous girl in a certain factory. She was beautiful and pungent.

One day, the man had a dream at night that he had a good relationship with the beautiful female worker. He woke up very excited in the morning and boasted to the workers in the factory everywhere, even explaining the details of his dream clearly.

This story spread quickly in the factory, and the female worker was so ashamed and indignant when she heard about it. She was a fierce person, and she hanged herself directly.

When someone was killed, the incident became serious. The man was quickly arrested by the factory security department, and finally sentenced to "dream rape" and sentenced to ten years in prison.

When someone dies, his nature changes. This man has been squatting for ten years; his nature is considered light... Could it be half a year?

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