Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 925: The Sword Points at Mexico

"I know you're a smart girl, so I don't need to worry about it. Some relationships can be ignored, but they must be. Modern business, no matter what line of business is related to finance, you don't need to be in finance, but you have to understand it.

What's more, you girl has also set up Advising You to invest. There is a saying I still say in front of you. When you return to China, don't get caught in the stock market. It's best to keep your distance. "

"En." Fan Hongdou nodded.

"I'm going to Hollywood the day after tomorrow, who of you wants to go with me?" Nanyi changed from point-to-point to point-to-point.

Nan Ruofing: "Father, what are you going to do?"

"Find a suitable video for Master Fan to talk about advertising placement."

Nan Ruobing curled her lips, "It's boring, I won't go."

"Godfather, I'll go with you." Since it was Master Fan's business, Fan Hongdou naturally did his part.


After lunch with a few children, Nan Yi went to the South Loft of Columbus Apartment in Central Park in the afternoon.

Nantianmen has been split into three companies - Galaxy, a core company focusing on artificial intelligence and big data, Nantianmen, which focuses on programming language and database development, and Real Online, which focuses on news portals and search engines.

Today, only Nantianmen is still working in the South Loft. Galaxy has moved to Cold Spring Town. Out of respect for the "garage culture" of Internet companies, the registered address of the real online company is the garage in Chinatown. Of course, the office address is also there.

As soon as Nanyi arrived at Nantianmen, Ke Linhan, the president of Nantianmen, led Nanyi to a computer and showed him the latest development results of Nantianmen, "Boss, according to your request, the company is already developing South Server Pages, SouthSQL, SouthScript, and, in order to beautify and modify Html more conveniently, we also plan to develop a cascading style sheet (Cascading Style Sheets), such as this..."

Collinghan opened an editor, entered ".south {font-size:12px;color: # 99000;}" in the editing area, then clicked the preview, pointed to the screen and said: "Boss, look, as long as In this way, the color and character size of the text can be changed, px represents pixels, and the color is followed by RGB hexadecimal color information."


Nanyi didn't know what to say, but he didn't expect CSS to appear ahead of schedule because of his butterfly effect. The code looked really kind.

"Nice style sheet, develop it as soon as possible, and then contact Tim Berners-Lee. Last time he wrote to me, he said that he was planning to establish an Internet standards organization, and Nantianmen participated in it. Let SouthScript and CSS became the standard for scripting languages ​​and Html beautifying style sheets."

Ke Linghan hesitated for a moment and said, "Boss, none of Nantianmen's current projects have any profit prospects, so how can Nantianmen rely on profit?"

Nan Yi smiled lightly and said, "What's your idea?"

"We can do a lot, develop a commercial relational database to compete with Oracle; and what we are doing now is to make the webpage popular earlier. After the webpage is popularized, there will be a demand for webpage hosting. We also Can be a server provider;

There is also a domain name, I believe it will be commercialized in the near future, and we can also be a domain name registrar; there are other emails, and we can provide both free and paid emails to the outside world. "

"It's a good idea. I'm waiting for your report. Next, you should continue to show me the results of this period of time."

Nanyi smiled knowingly, and muttered to himself that the Internet really didn't have many new things, such as big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, metaverse, etc., these conceptual things already existed at this time, not to mention the application level, all kinds of Unconstrained ideas have already appeared, but the technology is not enough. As long as the technology is achieved, the ideas will be implemented one by one.

Nanyi can now say something bluntly—the future leaders of the Internet unicorns did not create the Internet era, but the times and capital created them lucky ones.

Robert Taylor, Leonard Kleinrock, and Tim Berners-Lee are the real pioneers and promoters of the Internet. Nanyi is fortunate to be one of the promoters of the Internet. Rong Yan.

Ke Linghan then showed Nanyi the results of the other three projects. After a few words of encouragement, Nanyi left Nantianmen and went to the garage in Chinatown.

Compared with Nantianmen, which has two apartments as offices, Real Online is much poorer. A garage, two computers, two people, a server, a microwave oven, and a coffee machine are all the belongings. In addition, Nanyi Generously injected $100,000 into the company.

Two people, one named Kamal and the other named Chance, when Nantianmen was split, they chose to come to Real Online, because journalists were their second career choices. If they were not programmers, they would be journalists. .

The two of them are very busy. The language and database at Nantianmen haven't been finished yet, and they can't build a platform. Besides, the first version of the real online build won't be too difficult, and the workload won't be too heavy. It can be completed in a month.

Limited by the network bandwidth, it is impossible to carry out too exquisite design in real online, and there will not be too many functions. The general structure is the news list and news details. The simpler the better. The text on a page will be as little as possible, the pagination function will be used well, and the pictures will be more detailed. I didn’t plan to put it in the first edition, and the workload is actually pitifully small.

You don’t have to worry about server configuration. The big data project team has long studied TPS, concurrency, and thread numbers thoroughly. As long as the funds keep up, you can configure server groups that support millions of people online at any time.

At present, the number of Internet users in the United States is only in the early 300,000s, and the number of Internet users in the world is only a few hundred thousand. It will be at least three to five years before we have to worry about servers.

Nan Yi glanced at the garage door and saw that Kamal and Chance were having a good time playing games. He didn't go in, but quietly turned around and returned to the car, found a comfortable lying position, lay down, and fell into deep thought.

He has already written the script for how Real Online will go in the next three years. When it shows signs of taking off, there will be an investment elite on Wall Street who will give up millions of dollars in annual income to join Real Online and receive five hundred dollars. monthly salary in dollars.

Then, listing, further development, stock price soaring, and the market value reaching tens of billions of dollars, Nanyi can see all of these, but after that he is a little fuzzy, how to go from tens of billions to hundreds of billions, he has no clue many.

Therefore, he was very entangled, whether to focus on the development of Real Online, or take a ride with Yahoo to make Real Online more pure, or directly strangle Yahoo in the bud, and make it successful in the Angel round and A round of financing. Round B came directly with a ruthless attack.

It is extremely difficult to create an Internet unicorn, and it is only a little difficult to destroy an infant unicorn. The adjective "very" has no chance to be used at all. As long as the old money is about to burn out and the new money has not arrived, the financing channels will be choked, not to mention the unicorns, and the unicorns will have to be finished.

After weighing it in his heart for a while, Nanyi still felt that changing the future Internet structure too much would do more harm than good to the Nan family. If major changes are not made, there is a high probability that unicorns will develop according to their due trajectory, and even develop even more. Well, you can easily make big profits by taking a ride with the wind to invest.

"If Yahoo is gone, several unicorns related to it may be out of the running track, and I, the prophet, will lose weight in the Internet."

After hesitating for a long time, Nanyi still decided to let Real Online develop on its own, put away all the shady tricks of drawing salary from the bottom of the pot, and only conduct normal business competition, and less interfere with the development of Internet applications.

"School beauty... no, tiger cub, do you know how many children Jin Yan has now?"

Tiger cub: "I know, I won a lottery and gave birth to two babies, the first with two sons, and the second with twins."

"Is her husband's surname Zhang?"

Tiger Cub: "Yes."

"Oh, at Christmas this year, someone will send some Yang-enhancing supplements to Mr. Zhang, hoping that he will stop arrogance and impetuosity, make persistent efforts, and give birth to a football team."

Tiger cub: "Nansheng, according to their speed, 11 is not difficult."

"What 11? A standard football team has 23 people." Nanyi pouted, "Send some supplements to my ex-sister-in-law. Having a baby will hurt your health."

Tiger cub: "Nansheng, how much do you pay for 23?"

"Ghost knows. I just said that number casually. I didn't analyze whether the formula was correct. Anyway, it must be an astronomical number. I will give it to Mr. Zhang if he dares to ask for it. Actually, no We need to worry about this, Jin Yan's body is almost done with one more child, and that Mr. Zhang should be abolished, right?"

Tiger Cub: "Almost, according to the report, he has not been idle since he received the first $30,000, and his body is almost empty."

"Heh, the poor are suddenly rich, with their chests and stomachs puffed up. Money comes too easily. It's normal to spend a lot of time and drink. Did Mr. Zhang take a few sips?"

Tiger Cub: "It seems not."

"It's a pity, this year's money will still be paid. Let's see if Mr. Zhang has the ability to make me feel distressed and force me to act like a fool."

The tiger cub laughed, "Nansheng, Mr. Zhang can't do it, you can find foreign aid."

"It's nothing for him to find foreign aid, just to save some money. Don't talk about this, it's nothing to worry about, my hands are itchy, go back and hug me."

Back at the manor, Nan Yi saw Nan Ruobing and the three of them playing air battles by the sea, three model Apaches flying above the pier, flying bullets in the air, and fighting together, Nan Yi secretly shouted: "Three prodigal things , Thousands of dollars are gone.”

The three model Apaches are customized by Nanyi. Each of them is equipped with two micro-turbine engines, which are easy to break down. Every time they fly, they need to be overhauled. After flying for 20 to 30 hours, the engines need to be replaced. New parts, after 50 hours of flying, the engine is scrapped.

An overhaul costs more than one thousand dollars, three planes cost four thousand five thousand dollars, replacement parts cost at least tens of thousands dollars, and six new engines cost more than sixty thousand dollars. Nanyi wanted to hide himself and play secretly, but he was dug out by three little things.

Shaking his head, Nan Yi went into his arsenal, took out a magically modified rifle that could find the shadow of Winchester M1894 in addition to the lever principle and outline, and went to the shooting range to pour bullets freely.

When Nanyi finished his gun addiction and came to the pier again, the three of Nan Ruofing were already simmering rice husks on the pier—a burner with a chimney was placed in the middle, surrounded by rice husks piled up in small hills, and the inside was lit. , There is no open flame on the surface of the rice husk mountain, only black smoke from the chimney can be seen.

A rice husk mountain with a bottom diameter of less than 1.5 meters can be simmered for a whole day.

The three stuffed sweet potatoes, potatoes, sea fish wrapped in tin foil, sea shrimp, steak and other ingredients into the rice husk pile. Nan Ruofing and Fan Hongdou each held a bottle of beer, and Nan Youqiong held a bottle of beer. Poorly holding a can of Coke.

Seeing Nanyi, Nan Ruobing took out a bottle of beer from the ice bucket and threw it over. Nanyi caught it, pulled off the bottle cap with his hands, took a sip into his mouth, burped comfortably, and carried the Jiu walked to Nan Ruofing, "When did you learn how to drink?"

"Father, I'm an adult." Nan Ruobing said coquettishly.

"I know, I was just asking when you started drinking."

"Not long ago, I seldom drink." Nan Ruobing tried to explain: "Father, everyone in the sisterhood drinks, I..."

"No need to explain, it's okay to drink some wine, just don't drink too much." Nan Yi said, touching Nan Ruofing's with his own bottle, "Cheers, Hongdou, come over and have a drink."

Fan Hongdou stepped forward to touch Nan Yi, and Nan Youqiong saw it, and walked over with a Coke.

"PaPa, cheers."


After clinking glasses, several of them took a sip of the wine in their hands.

Taking a sip of wine indicates that the relationship between Nanyi, Nan Ruofing and Fan Hongdou should be carried out in a more equal way, and the seniority needs to be diluted.

"Hongdou, I haven't been to your house yet, how big is it?"

Fan Hongdou bought an apartment in the Tribeca neighborhood. Nanyi only knew that the approximate location was in Park Plaza, but he didn't know which building it was.

"Based on the square meter, it is less than 320 square meters, and the property fee and land tax are not high." Fan Hongdou replied.

Nan Ruofing said disdainfully: "I don't know what you think, but to buy an apartment, I only cost a little more than you to buy a mountain."

"I'm happy, I want you to take care of it." Fan Hongdou said to Nan Ruofeng, and then said to Nanyi: "Godfather, I think there is a lot of room for appreciation on Tribeca Street, and there is a good chance to become the center of New Money. In the area, I plan to buy a few more apartments and store them for rent to increase in value.”

Nanyi: "What price can I rent there now?"

Fan Hongdou: "My room can be rented for about 3,000 US dollars, and the surrounding area is about 2,200-4,500 US dollars."

Nan Yi: "The main tenants are people who work on Wall Street and in the entertainment industry?"

Fan Hongdou nodded, "That's right, mainly high-income people on Wall Street, and others can't afford to rent."

"If you want to buy it, buy it. Do more homework before buying, and carefully weigh whether it is worth buying. When you choose your favorite target, godfather will help you pay for it."

As soon as Nanyi finished speaking, Nan Ruobing snorted and said, "Father, I want it too."

"You still have the nerve to ask for it. Now the family counts you as the richest." Nan Yi pointed to Nan Ruofing's nose and said, "You are almost catching up with Mori Taikichiro. Next year, let you take the seat of the world's richest man?"

"Hee hee, whoever likes to sit sits, I don't sit. Dad, Japan's real estate is really strong. Last year, Japan accounted for 7 of the world's top ten richest people, all of whom are real estate tycoons." Nan Ruofing teased.

"You are the one who talks a lot."

Nan Yi nodded to Nan Ruofing, and then whispered to Fan Hongdou.

When the sky was covered with red and colorful, two helicopters landed on the tarmac of the manor in the sunset. Scarlett got off the helicopter, walked straight to Nanyi, grabbed the wine bottle in Nanyi's hand, and put the mouth of the bottle into her mouth stuffed, gulped and drank a couple of sips, then stuffed it back into Nanyi's hand.

"The Nelsons are shit and greedy."

Nan Yi poured a sip of wine into his mouth and asked, "What's wrong?"

Scarlett said nothing, just raised her legs and walked in one direction.

Nan Yi followed, and the two walked to the edge of the brother's vegetable garden. Scarlett picked a chili, took a bite, and said unhappily: "Dlamini called me today, the company that the two parties are about to cooperate with, The Nelson family has to account for 60% of the shares. Not only that, they are also responsible for feeding other black families.

What shit, niggers are shit, 10% is impossible to feed, our interests are not guaranteed at all..."

Scarlet breathed out the fragrance for one minute and forty-seven seconds. After stopping, she grabbed Nanyi's wine bottle and took several sips.

Nanyi waited for Scarlett to calm down before saying, "Do you need to be so angry? Didn't we already infer that the Nelson family would speak like a lion?"

"I know, I feel uncomfortable if I don't vent it."

"Hmm, are you alright now?"

Scarlett breathed out a bad breath, and said: "The schedule has been disrupted. I will fly to Johannesburg the day after tomorrow, and I will stay there for a while. You can go to Mexico, Baja California, Michoacan, Somalia, etc. The public relations work in the three states of Nola has been done, and the rest of the work will be handed over to you."

When it comes to Mexico, it is easy to associate it with drugs. In fact, it is not the case. Apart from drugs, there are still some things worth thinking about in Mexico.

Last year, Mexico amended Article 27 of the Constitution to privatize village land, allowing farmers to transfer land through sales, leases, etc., and encouraging commercial capital, including foreign capital, to invest in agricultural land.

In addition to national nature reserves, ecological environment protection areas, ecological forest areas, military and other controlled areas, it can be sold and leased to foreign businessmen and foreign-funded enterprises under the premise of complying with relevant laws and property rights.

Moreover, according to the Mexican Expropriation Law, although the government has the right to expropriate various types of land, including land owned by foreign-funded enterprises, the purpose of expropriation must be for public purposes, such as the construction of public infrastructure, otherwise it cannot be expropriated. At the same time, the government must compensate the expropriated land according to the market price.

As soon as the news of the constitutional amendment came out, someone from Shennong Nanliang had already entered Mexico to visit and investigate on the spot, and then determined the investment targets in three states.

Baja California (Baja California) covers an area of ​​71,000 square kilometers and is located on the Pacific coast in northern Mexico. The state's main economic activities include real estate services, construction, machinery manufacturing, electricity, transportation services, warehousing, etc., and it is rich in agricultural and fishery resources.

Not only can Shennong Nanliang develop its layout there, but relying on the US market, it can completely develop its export processing industry there.

Michoacan is located in the southwestern part of Mexico, with an area of ​​58,600 square kilometers and its capital, Morelia. Mining is the state's main industry, and important mineral products include gold, silver, iron, coal, and zinc.

The state is a large agricultural state, producing temperate and tropical grains, fruits and vegetables. The export volume of fruits and vegetables ranks first in the country, mainly in North America, Europe, Asia and Latin America. The output of avocado ranks first in the world.

The industry is dominated by the iron and steel industry, and hydropower generation ranks second in the country.

Michoacan is the main strategy area of ​​Shennong Nanliang, where vegetables and fruits will be planted and exported, and a canned food production base will be established there.

Sonora is bordered by the Gulf of California to the west and New Mexico and Arizona to the north, covering an area of ​​179,400 square kilometers. It is the second largest state in Mexico and its capital is Hermosillo.

The state is rich in mineral resources, and its output of copper, gold, molybdenum, graphite and anthracite ranks first in the country. Agriculture, animal husbandry, mining and fishery are the pillars of the traditional economy.

Relying on the geographical advantage of being adjacent to the United States, Sonora is forming a number of new pillar industries such as aviation, automobiles, electronics, agricultural product processing, tourism, and biomedicine.

Sonora is the top priority of Nanshi’s Mexican strategy. Needless to say, agriculture, Shennong Nanliang will never let go of areas with long-term investment possibilities; real estate and industry are combined into one, Nanshi will be in Sono The establishment of an industrial zone in Lazhou will not only be used for its own use, but also attract foreign investment.

In addition, Sonora State also has a channel for illegal immigrants from South American countries to enter the United States. There are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants there every year. Bring some money back, and it won't be a waste of time.

The Third Institute of Biopharmaceuticals is going to take their urgency and think what they think, and set up a drug clinical testing base in Sonora State, and put some drug tests with relatively considerable rewards there.

Different races and different strains have different drug resistances. Some drugs may have good curative effects on white Americans, but not on blacks. This is caused by different races; But it won’t work if you change to another Asian country. This is because of the different bacteria in the body caused by the different living environment.

In order to develop a drug that is suitable for all races and has fewer side effects, it is necessary to test the subjects as diverse as possible during clinical testing, so that most of the existing problems will be exposed during the testing phase.

Of course, the reason why we chose to choose Mexico and Sonora is also inseparable from the rampant drugs in Mexico. The Third Biopharmaceutical Research Institute has started research on drugs for detoxification, and we need to conduct in-depth research on drugs and follow up with addicts. observe.

It may also be necessary to analyze the terminal market data of the drug cartel. Once the drug research is successful, the product can be targeted to the target market.

"Yes, I will take over the work in Mexico. You haven't had a vacation for a long time. In summer, we'll find an island to stay for half a month." Nan Yi hugged Scarlett and said.

Scarlett touched Nanyi's cheek, turned around, and put her back in Nanyi's arms, "Depending on the situation, I may not be able to spare time. When are you going to Mexico?"

Nan Yi fiddled with Scarlett's hair, "After going to Hollywood, I will go there. My itinerary has changed. The remaining industries will be checked after I have dealt with the Russian affairs."

"Hmm, I haven't gone camping for a long time, we'll sleep in a tent tonight." Scarlett's face rubbed Nanyi's.

"In the bedroom?"

"No, in the woods, Adam, shall we build a wooden house in the woods ourselves?"

"What's the point of building in a manor? Let's go to Cold Spring Town and buy another piece of land by the river near the foot of the mountain. Let's build a log cabin by ourselves. It doesn't need to be too big. It can only accommodate a bed, a table and a There is a stove, a hammock at the door, and a swing, so you can watch the stars in summer and enjoy the snow in winter.”

"pretty good idea."

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