Nan Yi didn't stay in Hollywood for long, and introduced Gong Xue to Barry Diller the next day, and he left Hollywood very quickly, feeling like he was running away in a hurry.

This is all because of Schwarzenegger's wife, Maria Shriver, a reporter who works at NBC. She has both the label of the Kennedy family and Scarlett's not too close girlfriend. The three identities are one. It means trouble.

Nan Yi continues to stay in Hollywood. It is only natural to meet the director and lead actors. What can he say when he sees Schwarzenegger? Could it be that your wife is best friends with my unnamed girlfriend? Also close?

Nanyi has both political and emotional scruples, Xiaonan running quickly is his best choice.

When the plane landed in New York, it was almost eleven o'clock in the evening. The car was driving on the road. Nan Yi was flipping through the information in his hand. When he was driving to the Manhattan Square section, Nan Yi's upper body suddenly rushed forward. Safety The straps are strung tightly into the meat.

Pulling back and sitting firmly, Nanyi asked the tiger cub, "What's going on?"

The tiger cub turned his head to the back and said to Nanyi, "Suddenly a woman rushed towards the front of the car."

"I didn't hear anything, did I hit it?"

"No, it's stopped."

The tiger cub replied, turned around, and looked at the front of the car through the windshield. Several bodyguards in the car in front had already got out of the car, holding guns in their hands. Refers to a woman pointing or sitting or lying on the ground.

Strongbread seemed to say something to the woman. After a while, the woman on the ground, to be precise, should be a girl stood up, grabbed the gun in Strongbough's hand, pulled it, raised it, and the end of the gun pierced herself On his forehead, he said something aggressively and crisply in his mouth.

The angle is not enough, Nanyi can only see the profile of the two of them, and he is not given the chance to read the words from the lips.

The girl's long hair is so reflective that the hair color can't be seen clearly. Through the sparse hanging hair, you can see a plump face with thick lips and a round and blunt outline. She wears a pair of spikes on her upper body. leather jacket, typical punk style.

Nan Yi looked at the part where the girl could be seen in his sight, and came to a conclusion: the girl was very similar to a certain female star in Hollywood who didn't know if she had made her debut.

Seeing the changes outside the window, the tiger cub had already contacted the outside through the communicator to inquire about the situation, and Nanyi could hear the answer from the outside—the girl wanted to commit suicide, and was trying to provoke King Crisp to shoot her.

"What kind of shit is this?" Nan Yi muttered, and said to the tiger cub, "Take him to the side of the road and leave."

Nanyi's order was quickly conveyed to the outside through the tiger cub. Jin Crispy Fort quickly put away the gun, then grabbed the woman's waist and lifted it up, so that she was on his shoulder.

The girl was imprisoned, her body struggled violently, and her head was swung from side to side. The moment she swung to the left, Nan Yi saw the whole face of the girl.

"Huh? The slightly fat version of Angelina Jolie?" Nan Yi was surprised and realized, "What kind of fat is it? It's obviously baby fat. This is Angelina Jolie."

After confirming the safety, Nanyi opened the car door and walked to the edge of Jincrisp Fort. Seeing someone approaching, Angelina Jolie's struggle suddenly increased, and at the same time, she swears at Nan Yi.

Through the opening and closing of thick lips, Nan Yi keenly saw the nails on the other party's tongue, and also smelled a very bad smell.


With a loud voice, Nan Yi stepped forward, raised his left hand and slapped away the hands that Angelina Jolie wanted to block, pinched the opponent's chin, opened his mouth with force, and glanced at his teeth. There were signs of acid corrosion, he let out a sharp breath, and a chemical smell similar to metal penetrated into Nanyi's nose.

"Unlucky." Nan Yi spat, let go of his hand, rubbed his jeans a few times, and sniffed it up to his nose, but he didn't smell anything, so he said to the crispy castle: "Put me down, don't worry about it." her."

Angelina Jolie regained her freedom of mouth, and immediately sprayed a string of words starting with F, C, and S on Nanyi's face.

Nanyi ignored her, and went straight back to the car and got into the car.

After the car drove out, Angelina Jolie could still be seen standing in place and continuing to spout obscene words through the rearview mirror. Perhaps she had sensed Nan Yi's gaze, and the other party raised a big middle finger.

"Nansheng, do you want to teach me a lesson?"

"Forget it, the girl's father is an Oscar winner, so he attracts the attention of reporters."

The tiger cub was not curious to know how Nanyi knew Angelina Jolie, but just imagined that Nanyi had seen photos in newspapers.

Nanyi stayed in the manor for a few days to read information about Mexico, and went to the Beefburger in Mexico to send back the news that "it has been arranged". past.

At the same time, a batch of unregistered weapons was smuggled from Texas to Mexico through truck gangs active on the US-Mexico border, specializing in smuggling and smuggling.

While waiting for the security to prepare, Johnny came to the manor to find Nanyi.

"Boss, CCA is attracting investment, and I want to increase the scope of business for Peace Industrial Group."

"You're not kidding me?" Nanyi confirmed.

CCA, the abbreviation of "Corrections Corporation of America", translates to "American Corrections and Reformation Corporation".

In the early 1980s, drug dealers were prevalent in the United States. At the most exaggerated time, people could be seen selling contraband in the streets and alleys. For the sake of profit, drug dealers began to seize territory. In the United States where guns were rampant, the fight among drug dealers was particularly fierce and cruel. Cases of fighting, stealing, robbery and even intentional murder happen every day.

In order to fight against this evil force, the United States has dispatched a large number of police forces. The most direct response is that there are too many criminals and the prisons are very crowded, but it cannot stop fighting crime because the prisons are crowded. Put more beds in the human world, and it will become a living room of 10 people.

This is all right, the criminals continue to be arrested, but the laws in the United States are too strict, so strict that if you don’t pay attention, you may go in for a few months, and many crimes are heavy sentences, so it didn’t take long for the prisons in the United States to stop. There are no more criminals, what should we do?

Just build it if it can't fit, just build a few new prisons, but what about the money?

Hundreds of millions of dollars is not a small amount, and this money has to be taken out of the pockets of taxpayers, and new contradictions have emerged.

Taxpayers are protesting that our money should be used to improve health care, housing, education, and increase infrastructure. These key areas have not been improved. Why use our money to build prisons for criminals and help them improve their living standards?

American people in many states began to march and protest against the US government using taxpayer money to build new prisons.

On the other hand, the relatives of the criminals also started to demonstrate after they knew the prison was dirty and messy, because the US law stipulates that the basic standard of living of criminals should be guaranteed, but it has not been done now, so the US government is very headache, building new prisons, taxpayers What should I do if I don't agree, don't build a new prison, and will be reprimanded by the relatives of the criminals?

In 1981, Tom Besley, chairman of the Elephant Party in Tennessee, realized that these contradictions might be resolved with "private prisons", so the American Correctional Rehabilitation Corporation was established.

In 1986, Tennessee promulgated the "Private Prison Contract Outsourcing Act". Since then, other states in the United States have also legally allowed private companies to build prisons to undertake government outsourced prison services.

By 1989, under the economic downturn in the United States, the development of private prisons in the United States became more and more rapid, and it became a new business model.

Johnny shook his head, "No, I think private prisons are a good business."

Seeing Johnny's seriousness, and seeing a folder in his hand, Nan Yi said, "Show me the information."

Johnny handed the folder to Nanyi, and Nanyi took it and opened it to read.

The U.S. government has a figure for how much each criminal spends per day, and each state has slightly different figures. In order to make more money, private prisons naturally hope that there are as many criminals in the prison as possible, but in order to prevent too many prisoners and reduce the living conditions of criminals, the US government only subsidizes 90% of the cost of private prisons.

For example, a state stipulates $10 per person per day, but the state government will only give $9. The implication is that private prisons are useless no matter how many people are detained. It is mandatory to maintain a standard of living of $10 for criminals. Private prisons are subsidized 1 dollar, or through other means, the state does not care.

This decision seems very humane, but it still underestimated the determination of private prisons to make money. Since the upper limit of subsidies is only 90%, they should start saving from their own costs.

It is obvious that the number of guards in private prisons is much lower than that of public prisons. In a prison in Lawrenceville, CCA has only 5 guards for 750 criminals. Based on 8-hour shifts, there are only 1.5 people per shift. Labor costs are high, so staff expenses are reduced. Even so, private prisons still have their own management methods.

According to the prison guards who have worked in CCA, the prison guards are ruthless inside, and they need to support a small group to help the prison guards manage criminals, so that it will be much easier, and those who perform well can get better food, such as soda, etc. Wait, so the criminals in it are generally honest.

In addition to the small number of guards, private prisons will also make a fuss about the food standards of prisoners. In short, they will dig out the missing $1.

In addition, private prisons will also provide differentiated services. American law only stipulates the lower limit of the living standard of criminals, and there is no standard for the upper limit. You can enjoy everything "not too much".

As long as criminals are willing to pay, they can enjoy single rooms, sofas, TVs, private toilets, 24-hour hot water, books and newspapers, coffee, juice and other drinks, and exemption from forced labor.

Seeing this, Nanyi raised his head and said to Johnny: "How do you solve it, girl?"

"In principle, private prisons cannot provide services for women, but special visiting rooms can be set up, and criminals can spend half an hour with their 'family' without being disturbed."


Nanyi nodded and continued to read the information.

Private prisons do not have the right to differentiate between the admission of criminals. Rich criminals have to be admitted, as well as poor criminals. There is no choice.

Wealthy criminals can earn profits by providing personalized services, while poor criminals let them participate in forced labor in the name of "helping criminals learn survival skills, making it easier for them to find a job after serving their sentence, so that they will not easily go on the road of crime again" ( In fact, the criminals in the prison themselves have to work, otherwise there would be no such thing as reform through labor).

Nanyi turned to another page and found the regulations on the labor intensity and time of criminals. After a glance, he pouted, "Tsk, this labor schedule is more humane than Indian factories, except for the low wages, and Utopia's perfect world is about the same."

After quickly reading the rest of the materials, Nanyi put the materials aside, stood up, twisted his waist a few times to relax, and thought about the pros and cons of entering the private prison field by the way.

In terms of interests, Nanyi quickly figured it out. First of all, the US government calculates the daily capital standard of criminals based on the purchase price of a small amount of wholesale. In this regard, Peace Industry Group can make a profit.

In order to ensure the quality of its vegetable products, Akaisa Vegetable Company needs to pick and trim them during packaging. The part that does not meet the marketing standards is sent to the canned vegetable company, and some are destroyed on the spot. The part to be destroyed can be refined Pick and choose supplies to jail.

For criminals' food, the Shennongnan food system can completely use leftovers to supply, and the increased labor and transportation costs are not worth mentioning compared to the procurement costs.

Suppose you want to build a prison that can accommodate 2,000 criminals. The annual food expenses are 2,000 people x 9 dollars x 365 days, and then multiplied by 70% of the profit. The final figure is 4.599 million US dollars, excluding others, about five or six years Recover construction and land costs.

Prison vehicles, medical care, prison uniforms, daily necessities, sporting goods, etc. can be included in the cost of personalized services and forced labor, and entered into another accounting system. Rich criminals are provided with prison-style high-end hotel services, and poor criminals are responsible for processing some Products that require confidentiality, or pay higher wages to let them do heavy and dangerous work.

In this way, the profits of private prisons are still quite considerable, and they have a lot to do.

As for the disadvantages, Nanyi can only think of the pressure of public opinion and criminals who may offend desperadoes. Don’t worry about public opinion. If we really want to build a private prison, Nanyi has no intention of squeezing criminals to death. Maybe his prison will become a model for the whole United States Prison, since this is the case, the probability of offending desperadoes is very low.

Besides, so what if you are offended, this is reality, not a film and television drama, and it is impossible for one person to kill a group of well-trained and armed security guards.

"Johnny, I agree, let's do it, wait for the prison to be built, and take in as many criminals with skills or high IQ as possible, and those in the financial field are also fine. I have always wanted to set up a shadow bank that is different from other common senses. Some financial talents with better control are needed.”

"Understood, I will find a way then."

After Johnny left, Nan Yi carried an Olivetti Quaderno MP3 notebook in his left hand and a notebook inside Nan’s in his right hand. He walked to the pier and lay down on the beach chair. Nan’s notebook opened and received Olivetti opened the email and was about to listen to music, but the secondary screen showed that the battery was about to run out.

Cursed secretly, turned the notebook upside down, opened the cover of the battery compartment, poured out the 6 AA batteries inside, stuffed them into his mouth one by one, and pressed them back into the battery compartment, turned the computer back on, and the secondary screen It shows that the power supply is almost 15%.

Nodding in satisfaction, he chose a Mexican folk song "La bamba" that had been converted and stored in the hard disk. Listening to the music coming from the broken speakers in his notebook, Nanyi clicked on a new email and read the text of the email.

Just after reading a few lines of the text, Nan Yi's thigh suddenly became heavier, and Yi Zai was already squatting on his thigh.

"Yi Zai, squat somewhere else."

"I'm here, what's your order?" With a sound of "Yi Zai", Nan Yi woke up the artificial intelligence Yi Zai in his notebook.

The sudden sound and the sudden appearance of the vector cat on the screen startled Yi Zai. It shrank back and accidentally fell to the ground. After fluttering for a while, it returned to Nan Yi's lap, curious and full of vigilance. looking at laptop screen.

"What a coward, watching "Tom and Jerry" is useless." Nan Yi laughed and scolded.

Several TVs are placed in the woods of the manor. Every three days at 4:30 in the afternoon, the TV will be turned on to play half an hour of animal-themed cartoons or BBC animal videos (the original video of Animal World without dubbing). This was Nan Youqiong's idea, maybe he had the idea to select a few animals with higher IQ to accompany him to take the college entrance examination.

Letting "Yi Zai" disappear, and comforting Yi Zai, Nan Yi continued to read his email.


After the security was fully arranged, it was already June. Nanyi found a company that provided tour guides, hired a tour guide and Spanish translator, and embarked on a journey to Mexico.

The tour guide and translator has a beautiful name, Edis Gonzalez, because the person is beautiful, and the name is exactly the same as a certain Mexican TV star.

Edis Gonzalez, a famous female star in Mexico, has starred in TV series such as "Between Father and Daughter" and "Bianca".

"Bianka", "Between Father and Daughter", "Slander", and "Bitter", these four TV dramas were all introduced into China and broadcast in 1985-87. Except for "Bianka", the other three were born in the 1970s The TV series that they hate deeply, smelly and long like foot wraps, they can't understand at all, and it also delays them from watching other good TV series.

"Bianca" is an exception because Edith Gonzalez, who plays the heroine Bianca Vidal, is really beautiful.

Counting from the 1960s onwards, I like to watch "Slander" the most, especially the women. I don't want to miss a single scene. When these four dramas are broadcast, don't compete with them to switch channels. You can't compete.

In addition to the four TV series, there is also a dubbed film called "Yesenia". If you say "Soldier, you don't keep your promise, you won't wait for me?" in a crowded place, more than one person will definitely reply : "I've been waiting for you for three days and three nights."

The gypsy girl Jacqueline Andrea and the beautiful Eddie Gonzalez are well-known Mexican stars. Eddie Gonzalez visited China with the Mexican film and television delegation in 1989 , very popular with the audience.

Edith Gonzalez is very beautiful, full of Mexican style, tall and tall, about the same as Nanyi, with a big frame, looks a bit big, and has nothing to do with being a small bird.

In addition to paying the company to which Edith Gonzalez belongs, Nanyi also paid the other party 50,000 US dollars in private, and made a little extra request-she must stay with Nanyi all the time outside of bedtime , playing the role of escort and translator, when Nanyi doesn't want to understand Spanish, she is responsible for translation.

When it comes to California, most people think of California on the west coast of the United States, but there is also a place called California in Mexico, and before 1846, the entire land of California belonged to Mexico.

In 1846, a war broke out between the United States and Mexico. The war lasted for two years, and Mexico, which was retreating steadily, could only cede territory, including the current states of Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and California, which became the spoils of war of the United States.

Among them, the land of California was divided by the United States and Mexico. The territory acquired by the United States is called Upper California, which is what people think of as California, while the territory retained by Mexico is Baja California.

With an area of ​​71,450 square kilometers, along the US-Mexico border, Mexicali is the capital of Baja California, Mexico. It is far away from California in the United States. Mexicali, which has a hot and dry climate, is also known as Chinatown in Mexico.

In 1901, the U.S. Trade Commissioner announced that the water from the Colorado River would be introduced into the Mexicali Valley. After that, Chinese laborers were hired one after another and came here to dig the canal. After the canal was completed, many Chinese laborers stayed to grow cotton, which also made the original desolate A piece of Mexicali has become the most important cotton base in Mexico.

Struggling under the high temperature of 40 to 50 degrees, life is really hard. By 1915, 85% of the population living in Mexicali City were Chinese immigrants. Investing in bars and restaurants, the extensive and profound Chinese cuisine has also entered the Latin world.

"Mr. Adam, the first batch of Chinese who came to Mexicali did not come here voluntarily. On May 6, 1882, in the face of a sluggish economy, the U.S. Congress passed the first bill restricting foreign immigration in its history—" The Chinese Exclusion Act strictly prohibited the immigration of Chinese laborers.

Many Chinese were brutally beaten because of racial issues. A group of Chinese who could not stay in the United States crossed the border to Mexico and settled here near the US-Mexico border.

The place where we are now is called Huaguo City, and the locals call it 'La Chinesca'. When the second batch of Chinese immigrated in 1915, in order to avoid the high temperature on the ground, they started to build one after another underground city, and put them connect. "

After Nanyi and Edis Gonzalez flew to Mexicali, they came to visit the famous underground city.

Nanyi stood in front of an entrance of the underground city and looked at the four characters "Khan Han Hanhan" written from right to left above the entrance. It reads "Linking the past and the present, China and the world", and there is a couplet written on the wooden board in the middle that acts as a wooden door. He can only understand a few words in it, and he can't restore the couplet when he reads it in series.

"Fuck, you look educated, don't you? There are oracle bone inscriptions, bronze inscriptions and... damn, what kind of writing is this damn."

Nan Yi cursed inwardly with a bit of shame, followed the entrance down, walked through the dark stepped tunnel leading to the ground, entered a small and dark basement, and stepped into the mysterious dungeon.

"In the past, these basements were connected to each other by passages, extending in all directions, and residents could move freely under the surface. Now, most of the basements are dilapidated and in disrepair."

Edith Gonzalez followed Nanyi, telling the past of the dungeon.

"La Chinesca was full of turmoil. At that time, a large number of Chinese laborers came to Mexico to find work and life opportunities. Compared with natives, the cost of Chinese labor was low, and they were favored by Mexican employers.

Coupled with the anti-Chinese policy of the United States, the number of Chinese people in Mexico increased sharply. Many Chinese immigrants settled in Mexicali, which became the largest Chinese city in Mexico.

Chinese used to use Mexicali as a base for finding job opportunities on the U.S.-Mexico border, such as railway construction, water conservancy development, and agricultural planting. Some people opened shops, cafes, and started small businesses here.

Because Mexicali is located in a desert basin, the climate is extremely hot. In midsummer, there is little precipitation and the temperature can reach 49 degrees Celsius at one point. In order to stay away from the scorching heat, Chinese immigrants opened up an underground space, which is a shelter for Chinese immigrants fleeing racial persecution.

Over time, these places were no longer simple residences. In the 1920s, some Chinese businessmen began to open illegal bars, casinos and brothels in the basement.

It used to attract many Americans to go south to indulge and be sensual, and some smugglers even used the complex underground network to smuggle alcohol and hide drugs.

In the 1930s, there was turmoil in Mexicali, and many violent conflicts occurred. The Chinese were also involved. They rose up to resist and guard their homes. Many people were tortured and massacred during the resistance.

At that time, some Chinese left here and went to other parts of South America, and some insisted on staying here, guarding the property they had accumulated with great difficulty, and survived tenaciously.

In 1970, several major floods broke out in Mexicali, and the underground city was flooded many times. The Chinese residents had to give up living in the underground city, and most of them moved to Chinatown. "

Nanyi doesn't know how to look at this period of history. To be honest, it is a common political trick to transfer internal conflicts through the establishment of external conflicts. They are so rich that they don't have a stick in their hands. They are self-contained and do not merge with others Outsiders are simply the best objects to channel internal conflicts. Thinking in another way, Nanyi will also make such a choice.

In this world, there are few places where outsiders and local aborigines can coexist peacefully. Either the aborigines bully the outsiders, or the outsiders slaughter the aborigines. The strong side regularly harvests the weak side and restricts the development of the weak side. This is the meaning of the title.

After wandering around the underground city for a while, Nanyi became a little tired. He had no similar experience, so he couldn't resonate with him at all, and he couldn't immerse himself in the previous history. In addition, the underground city was not developed for tourism, and the only things he could see were beams, The wall, and the musty smell caused by the dark and closed environment, within an hour, Nan Yi and the two left the dungeon.

Coming from the ground to the ground, Nan Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, adapted to the fierce sunlight, turned his head and said to Eddis Gonzales: "Do you know who is the richest Chinese in Mexicali?"

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