Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 930: Cultural Imperialism

The data collection work does not require too many people, but all the members of Arctic Fox are in Mexico. In addition to looking for black money hiding places, they must always be ready to support the team that protects Nanyi.

The guns sounded for more than half an hour, and finally the support of the Sinaloa drug cartel arrived. The Tijuana group left a dozen corpses, and the others retreated while fighting, and dropped a few more corpses during the retreat. , a battle is over.

Before the end of the battle, the two of Nanyi had their turn, Eddis Gonzalez was in charge of ordering, a plate of lightly fried and slightly spicy local yellow peppers, deep-fried tofu stuffed with shrimp meat, boneless Stuffed chicken skin with minced chicken and then grilled.

Edith Gonzalez also ordered a fish maw soup. The pike fish maw is supplemented with shredded cabbage, quail eggs, and slightly chewy fish offal. I have to say that the chefs at Dragon House Restaurant are still very skilled of.

Nan Yi asked for a bowl of rice, and Eddie Gonzalez ordered a tortilla. The two filled their stomachs and went to a big bar that mainly catered to American tourists.

Originally, Nanyi wanted to go to a small bar with a stronger Mexican style, but Eddie Gonzalez told him that there are usually people with guns entrenched in such small bars, not necessarily drug dealers or gangsters, but most of them Everyone carries a gun.

The name of the bar, revelry, translates directly into Chinese as carnival, but after Nan Yi immersed himself in it for two or three minutes, he felt that the translation into "revelry" was more appropriate.

Wild, there is no dance floor in the bar, and there are dance floors everywhere. Because of the heat, girls of various styles get rid of the shackles of their clothes and twist their bodies everywhere. The time is chaotic. It was half past eleven, and some were half past eleven.

Indulgence, the bar is very big, most of it is open-air, and it is not clear at a glance. There are many ornaments and green plants that block the line of sight. In the hazy place of sight, there are always two or more turbulent souls intertwined. lingering.

Lawless, drugs are blatantly placed on the table, either alone, or forgotten in pairs, or in groups, ranging from mild to serious.

Nanyi sprinkled some crystal clear and slightly whitish particles on the tiger's mouth, picked up the lemon slice on the wine glass and sandwiched it between the ring finger and middle finger, picked up the wine glass and touched Eddie Gonzales, his tongue was about to Licking at the tiger's mouth, Edith Gonzales said to Nan Yi: "Exchange."


The two got close, Nanyi licked Eddie Gonzalez's tiger's mouth, Eddis Gonzales licked Nanyi's tiger's mouth, and then the two drank the wine in the glass together, Then they took another bite of the lemon slice held between each other's fingers.

After drinking a glass of tequila, Nan Yi and the two looked at each other and smiled, a sense of joy arose spontaneously.

Putting down the empty glasses, the two of them came to the edge of the swimming pool with beers and sat on the floor. Eddie Gonzalez was only wearing a white T-shirt with orange borders on his upper body, denim shorts on his lower body, and a pair of shoes on his feet. With a pair of sandals, I soaked my feet in the water casually, fiddled with the water.

Nanyi was wearing special combat boots and tactical jeans. He couldn't do the same thing, but could only sit cross-legged as if in meditation.

On the left side of Nanyi and the others sat another pair of men and women, with their lips pressed together, making a beautiful drawing sound from time to time. With Lan's blessing, the secretion of hormones has accelerated a lot.

When the dance song "Chihuahua" of the face-to-face dance sounded in the bar, Nan Yi and Dies Gonzalez naturally blended into it, dancing to the music.

Face-to-face dancing is very popular in Mexico. Nanyi has seen many videos on short video platforms, and the Mexican women in the videos are basically fat or fat, and very few are slim.

In the words of the video shooter or transporter, Mexico is a country where fat is considered beautiful, but as far as Nanyi understands, this is not the case. Mexico can only say that it does not discriminate against obesity, but it does not regard obesity as beauty.

"Edis, do Mexicans like your figure the most?" Shaking his body, Nan Yi was about to solve the doubts in his heart.

Edith Gonzalez raised his head on Nanyi's shoulder and said: "Mexican men don't like women who are too thin or too fat. They like where they should be thin and where they should be fleshy." There must be meat."

"Are more skinny or fatter Mexican women?"

"When you are young, you will have a good figure. After the age of thirty-five, many women start to gain weight."

"Race or diet?"

Edith Gonzalez thought for a while and said: "It should be due to the race. The traditional diet of Mexicans mainly includes crude fiber foods such as tortillas, tamales, corn broth, beans, potatoes, and cactus. I like sugar very much, but due to limited conditions, only a small number of people can eat sugar at any time."


Edith Gonzalez mentioned "sugar", which gave Nanyi a little association and inspiration.

In August last year, on August 12, the United States, Canada and Mexico signed a comprehensive trade agreement among the three countries, namely the North American Free Trade Agreement.

After the agreement took effect, the quantity of fresh fruits and vegetables exported from Mexico to the United States has increased significantly, while processed foods with high calorie content and high sugar content have continuously flowed into Mexico from the United States. Scarlett Food Group exported more than 1,700 tons to Mexico in the second half of last year of various primary sugars.

Also last year, Cooper Galanz, the president of Wonderful, proposed that Wonderful wants to enter the Mexican market, saying that he is optimistic about the prospects of the Western-style fast food industry in Mexico. , Accelerated urbanization will lead to changes in the dietary structure of Mexicans.

Because the Mexican government subsidizes farmers too low, small-scale agricultural planting does not bring good living conditions. More and more Mexican farmers do not want to face the loess for the rest of their lives. They will be more inclined to work in cities, which eventually leads to There are fewer and fewer people in Mexico farming, and food shortages will gradually occur, and the need to rely on imports will emerge.

As for the Mexican farmers who go to work in cities, because they do more physical work and their income level is not too high, they will choose fast food and beverages with relatively low prices in their diet.

According to the analysis of Mexico's current agricultural pattern, as long as a small number of staple crops will raise prices to a limited extent, other crops will be stimulated by good export channels, and prices will rise sharply in a short period of time.

Of course, the soaring price is not only due to the relationship between supply and demand. In fact, the good news in certain fields of Mexican agriculture will promote the growth of the ambitions of chemical fertilizer, pesticide, and seed companies.

Fertilizers, pesticides, seeds, planting, and sales are grasshoppers strung together on a rope. Life in other links is difficult, and planting is not easy. Life in planting is easy, but life in other links must be better; on the contrary, The life of planting is not easy, but the life of other links is still easy.

The rope is vertical, and the planting hangs at the bottom. Once there is a problem with the big agricultural market, everyone will vote to cut the rope on the planting head. In short, when the smile appears on the farmer’s face, the other links must be at least sunny Sun mold money, cigarettes with dollar bills.

Nanyi deduced from the known fat as beauty and the considerable sales of Mexican Coke, and concluded that the Mexican diet revolution should have been quite successful in his previous life.

"Sorry, leave for a while."

Nan Yi let go of the hands holding Eddie Gonzalez, exited the spontaneously formed dance floor, walked to a quiet and remote corner, his mind turned, and he began to think a little messy.

After a while, Nanyi started calling again.

"Cooper, I want to know the Mexican strategic trends of all fast food companies in the United States."

"Shatish, send me a list of the latest developments of companies in the field of global fertilizers and pesticides, mainly for the South American market, yes, Mexico is the focus."

"Rachel, let our Coca-Cola board representative ask about Coca-Cola's latest development strategy, yes, about Mexico."

After the phone call, Nanyi continued to think.

Herbert Schüller, an emeritus professor at the University of California, San Diego, first mentioned and interpreted "cultural imperialism" in his book "Communication and Cultural Domination" in 1976.

In the decades after World War II, nearly 100 emerging nation-states were established in regions that had escaped from Western colonial rule, but most of these countries were still heavily dependent on a small number of advanced capitalist countries economically and culturally.

As far as the field of communication and culture is concerned, several large Western news agencies dominate the circulation and interpretation of global information, and American Hollywood movies have swept the markets of most emerging countries. There is a serious imbalance in international cultural exchanges. The space for cultural development is severely squeezed.

Schürer studied this phenomenon in Mass Communications and American Empire, where he critiqued the control of emerging nation-states by American mass communication policies and structures.

In "Communication and Cultural Domination", Schürer stated at the beginning that his research was based on Immanuel Wallerstein's modern world system theory.

He believes that Wallerstein’s point of view has three main points. The first is that the logic of capitalism’s pursuit of maximizing profits is the primary entry point; the second is that there is a hierarchical structure among countries; the third is that the exploitative relationship of this hierarchical structure is Three levels, namely the center, the semi-periphery and the periphery.

Schürer once said: "I think that today's cultural imperialism can be understood through these points. The cultural 'communication department' of the world system must be connected with the whole system to develop together and promote the goals and objectives of the whole system. .

Thus culture, the presentation of information, is largely, though not exclusively, determined by the same market dynamics that govern the production of goods and services throughout the system. "

Schürer believes that cultural imperialism is a comprehensive and historical phenomenon, covering all aspects of life including media information; the focus of cultural imperialism research is not on the homogenization of information interpretation, nor on general cultural consumption. Rather, it focuses on how the unequal structure of international cultural production and circulation forms, expands and strengthens a new form of transnational domination.

In short, cultural imperialism is the sum of many processes.

Through these processes, a society is absorbed into the modern world-system, and the ruling classes of that society are attracted, coerced, coerced, and sometimes bribed, so that they shape social institutions to suit, and even promote The various values ​​and structures of countries that occupy a central position in the world system and occupy a dominant position.

Cultural imperialism is defined by different scholars as economic or cultural first, and culture is a tool-oriented "cultural imperialism" that assists economic and political domination.

The former defines cultural imperialism in this way: the use of political and economic power to propagate and popularize the values ​​and habits of foreign cultures at the expense of native cultures.

The latter believes that cultural imperialism refers to the cultural infiltration and control of the people by the Western ruling class in order to reshape the oppressed people's values, behavioral social system and identity, and make them subordinate to the interests and goals of the imperialist ruling class .

Some commentators believe that there are three ways of cultural penetration of cultural imperialism:

1. At the theoretical level, promote humanities, philosophy, and social science theories based on Western centralism, and promote Western social systems and values.

2. Spread their culture through various cultural media at the level of mass culture, such as television, books, periodicals, and advertisements, so that the general public can hear and see.

3. Make a big fuss about cultural material products and people's daily necessities such as food, clothing, housing and transportation, and Westernize people's environment and way of life.

Nan Yi has learned about the theory of cultural imperialism, from which he has learned useful parts for him and Nan. Western countries, especially the United States, are using their strong soft power to export Western-style food culture to the world.

American culture, in a nutshell, is mass consumption culture, where consumers focus on convenience in obtaining goods and services.

American culture has permeated this convenience, such as cars, fast food, television, sports programs, and this convenience produces an unhealthy lifestyle. European countries have a more diverse and balanced diet, and they don't place much emphasis on convenience in life, so the health of Europeans is much higher than that of Americans.

The rise of Western-style fast food culture is in the interests of Shennong Nanliang and Wangdefu. The slump in world grain prices forces Shennong Nanliang to aim at the futures market for profit, and the widespread spread of fast food culture allows Shennong Nanliang to process primary agricultural products. Industrialized products can be sold to obtain more profits, which can also expand the market of Wonderful.

At the same time, an unhealthy diet will lead to more and more obese people, and obesity will lead to obesity syndrome, which will benefit the layout of biopharmaceuticals and Nanshi in the medical field.

If the political and economic environment in Mexico allows, Nanyi intends to adjust the investment strategy in Mexico, from fragmentation to systematization, and to carry out industrial layout in line with the changes in Mexico's dietary structure, and no longer regard Mexico as the production backyard of American industries. It is a relatively independent Mexican industrial system.

Nan Yi called Scarlett and told her thoughts. Scarlett proposed to give the Intelligence Committee a few days to re-discuss and adjust the Mexican strategy, and Nan Yi readily agreed.

After Nanyi and Scarlett finished talking, he called Yefim Zelman, the president of Danshui Group, and asked him to instruct the Freshwater Research Institute to conduct a research project on drinking water in Mexico. He wanted to know the drinking water in various parts of Mexico water reality.

Although this kind of data can be easily obtained from Mexican official channels, the Mexican official has long been labeled as "unreliable" by Nanyi. Using the data they have summarized as a reference for formulating strategies is easy to slam a Somersault.

"Hey you bastard!"

With the sound of a woman's angry curse, a burst of messy footsteps followed, followed by the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Looking back at Nan Yi, she was a little out of her mind. At a glance, she knew that Angelina Jolie, who had just had a high, was pinned to the ground by a fairy, unable to move.

"Let go of her, let's go..."

Before Nanyi finished speaking, the tiger cub shouted loudly, "Be alert."

Caracalla, the sound of bullets being loaded, the sound of dense footsteps, the security guards approached Nanyi, before the security formation was set up, two rapid M1911 shots came into Nanyi's ears.

"Retaliate, withdraw and withdraw."

As his body was pushed down, Nanyi looked towards the direction of the gunshots, and saw a dark-skinned Mexican with the characteristics of an Indian yellow race riding on a person, holding an ice pick in his hand and quickly going down Inserting, lifting, and so on, the person being ridden has obviously hung up long ago, and the intention of venting his anger can be seen at a glance.

Nanyi was escorted to the car parked outside the bar. Edith Gonzales was not forgotten by the bodyguards. She was also escorted out. Tianxian also brought a bottle of oil. Li was also brought out.

When the car drove out, Nan Yi teased Eddie Gonzalez again: "Very safe?"

Edith Gonzalez gave Nan Yi a supercilious look, didn't say a word, his mind was wandering, and the dazed Angelina Jolie continued to be dazed, waving her hands erratically, and she didn't know what she was caught in Such an illusion.

The motorcade came to the Colonial Hotel. Nan Yi asked the angel to throw Angelina Jolie into a room, and he himself entered his room, opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water, took a few sips first, and then turned on the air conditioner Open.

The Colonial Hotel is not the best hotel in Mexicali, but its location is very good. There are no other buildings within 100 meters around. It is convenient to evacuate by helicopter or rope drop. In addition, the hotel does not use central air conditioning, but independent, which is very important.

The weather in Mexicali is hot, and it is impossible to stay without the air conditioner. If it is a central air conditioner, it is easy for people to release "harmful" gases. Whether it is the gas that causes coma or directly kills people, as long as they inhale it, they will be slaughtered.

Waiting for the air conditioner to take away the sweat stains on his body, Nanyi took a shower, sat down at the table wearing only a pair of underpants, turned on the computer and read the "Mexican Peso Crisis" and "Mexico Indigenous Revolution" written by the financial team that he had ignored before. crisis" report.

Some Mexicans have fair skin and have the characteristics of white people, while some look very dark, and they are almost close to black people. This is related to the composition of the three main races in Mexico.

The first type is also the most populous race, the mixed descendants of the aborigines and European whites, the product of racial fusion, there are many ways of mixing blood, and there are also many names, such as Mestizo, Castizo, Castizo If the Suo people mix with the Spaniards again, their descendants will restore the identity of the Spaniards.

In order to maintain their rule in Mexico, the Spaniards spent a lot of effort on ethnography and culture.

The second type is the aborigines. No matter what they are called, they are still Indians in general, or they can also be called Mayans.

The third type is white descendants, who have never mixed with aborigines, or a group of people who have fully maintained white characteristics after mixing. The number of such people is the smallest, accounting for less than one-tenth of the population.

There is a state in Mexico called Chiapas, one of the poorest states, and also the priceless treasure of Mexico. Chiapas has the most abundant and clean water resources in Mexico.

In 1960, Chiapas had 3% of the country's population and 5% of the country's electricity generation; by 1980, the state had 50% of the country's hydroelectric power generation capacity, equal to 20% of the country's electricity from various sources; Chiapas A variety of rare mineral deposits are dormant underground, and oil reserves are abundant.

At the same time, the extremely rich biological populations there have long been collected by many European and American experts who claim to be biologists and anthropologists (in fact, they are stolen). For thousands of years, corn drink, the oldest drink of Indians, has also become a patented product in the US market.

If it is said that the colonial plunder of the past drove countless aborigines from the flat and rich plateau to the deep mountains and dense forests, then today, the jungle and valleys they barely entered have once again become the field of neo-colonial resource warfare and biological warfare.

The economic and strategic significance of Chiapas goes far beyond that.

As a geographical wonder, the Tehuantepec Isthmus, the flat road between the mountains and the mountains and jungles of Chiapas, has always been the most convenient channel connecting the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean coveted by the North American world for 200 years.

With the lack of capacity of the Panama Canal, opening up the Tehuantepec Isthmus, and at the same time developing the last habitat of the aborigines as a source of raw materials, several large processing bases composed of cheap labor have become a more urgent need for the United States. In 1980 With the cooperation of the Mexican government, which began to pursue neoliberalism in 1999, it has been vigorously promoted.

In order to develop various raw material projects, the Mexican government spared no expense in construction projects.

In 1970, the total length of all roads in Chiapas was about 3,000 kilometers; by 1975, the figure had doubled; in 1973, the road budget in the Altiplano region alone was equal to the needs of about 300,000 families living there all food expenses.

Infrastructure projects were implemented one after another. Landlords expanded the market for raw materials and seized more land from the aborigines to expand production. On the other hand, many aborigines gave up their land and farming during the expansion of development policies, and switched to work as excavators and construction workers, and their livelihoods were deeply affected by fluctuations in the international market.

In August 1982, the Mexican government announced a statement that shocked the financial world: "The country cannot meet its debt repayment obligations on time."

This was the beginning of the debt problems of developing countries in the 1980s, and since then, Mexico has fallen precipitously into debt distress.

Chiapas is basically composed of large ranches, coffee plantations, and small family lands. Land distribution is unequal, and land reform has not really been implemented.

The aborigines are very poor. They live in areas where there is a shortage of arable land, the forested lowlands have poor soil, and the plateau areas are prone to soil erosion.

Over the years, Aboriginal community leaders have spoken out in defiance, only to be brutally murdered.

In 1974, the first Indigenous Congress was held in San Cristóbal de las Casas, with participants from various ethnic groups, 1230 delegates including 587 Zoltals, 330 Zozirs people, 152 Tohorabal and 151 Joel, representing 327 communities and more than 300,000 indigenous Mayans.

This conference can be regarded as a milestone in the solidarity and resistance of the aborigines. One year before the conference, all communities participated in discussions, and at the same time trained interpreters between different dialects, and did not rely on Spanish, the language of the colonists, as the only medium of communication.

In 1974, when Indigenous peoples became more militant, the Mexican government's policy shifted from top-down Indigenism to participatory Indigenism, an effort to incorporate Indigenous leaders and organizations.

While in some cases this effort was successful, in others, such as the government-created Indian National Council, the official organization split to produce self-government branches that still exist today and are active in the self-government movement.

In the late 1980s, Mexico was the first in Latin America to ratify the "International Labor Organization Convention No. 169". It took the lead in recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples and provided better political development opportunities for indigenous organizations.

In 1990, Mexico amended Article 4 of its constitution to recognize Mexico as a multicultural country and grant cultural rights to indigenous peoples. However, several hasty consultations between the Mexican government and indigenous leaders excluded most organizations and communities. outer.

This tactic has led to regional self-government conferences protesting the absence of Indigenous peoples in the legislative process to implement Article IV of the constitution and the lack of a platform to discuss self-government at a national level.

In 1992, last year, many Aboriginal organizations participated in the 500 Years of Protest Against Colonialism…

Seeing this, Nan Yi quickly flipped through the information, wanting to see if there were any specific content materials attached to this event. After searching, he couldn't find it, so he had to continue reading from the previous article.

The Mayan remnants have been stubbornly resisting the colonists for a long time. The colonists’ war to conquer Chiapas began in 1524, but the Maya resisted desperately for four years. It was not until 1528 that they were defeated by the troops led by Diego de Mazarigos. Suppress it.

There were many rebellions during the colonial period of Chiapas, and historians have highlighted the "Celtal Revolt of 1712", even referring to it as the "Cancuque Republic" or "Celtal Republic".

The hostile relationship between the aborigines and the colonists entered a new round of crisis in 1711. The resistance of the aborigines appropriated the image of the Catholic Virgin Mary. In the Zozir community of Santa Maria, a wooden carving said to have appeared to two Zozir villagers of an "indigenous Virgin" sparked an uproar in neighboring communities, prompting the Inquisition to seize the carving.

In addition, the government's harsh tax system, as well as the huge commissions charged by the bishops, fueled social discontent, causing thousands of Indians to rebel against the New Spanish authorities.

At this time, the figure of the Virgin appeared again. This time, a villager in the Kankuk community saw the apparition of the Virgin. This was interpreted by the rebel army as new information. The "Holy Maidens" were formed, bringing together 32 Tzeltal, Zozir and Joel communities, with 3,000 militiamen in their ranks.

The Legion of the Holy Maiden recruited supporters through semi-secret religious activities, so that the aborigines insisted on their own organizational structure, and also maintained the characteristics of being relatively independent from the royal family.

Later, under the instigation of the Spaniards, inter-ethnic conflicts, the incorporation of leaders, and the brutal attack by the New Spanish army ended the "Cancuque Republic".

In 1727, the Spaniards arrested the perpetrators of the uprising and their children, so that the seeds of the rebellion would not go unpunished. In order to keep the imprint of failure in the memory of the insurgents, the colonists avenged the killing of the Spaniards and cut off an ear of all the accomplices of the insurgents.

Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, indigenous Mayan resistance was sometimes overt, sometimes covert, but always present. The natives in this area, like the natives of the entire American continent, experienced catastrophe, and most of the population was exterminated, which was the largest genocide in human history.

But Chiapas' indigenous peoples remained active in Mexico's founding, whether by joining the ranks of the Independence Army or by joining the Southern Liberation Army under Zapatista during the revolution.

Indigenous peoples in Latin America, especially those in Chiapas, did not lose their identity during the long colonial war. Social cleansing and genocide policies have strengthened the social cohesion and collective consciousness of the indigenous people.

It is worth mentioning that the wars of conquest, colonialism, and neo-colonialism were largely culturally and ideologically unsuccessful in imposing Western rationality as the only way of thinking, or Catholicism as the only spiritual expression. to Aboriginal people.

After World War II, in order to strengthen the Catholic Church, Pope John XXIII convened the Second Vatican Council, which took place between 1962 and 1965.

At that meeting, old divisions within Catholicism surfaced, notably between "anti-modernism" and "modernism." As part of the meeting, Pope Paul VI called on the Conference of Latin American Bishops to update its vision and practices to be more in line with reality.

In response to this call, the Second Latin American Synod of Bishops was held in Medellín, Colombia, in August and September 1968. The composition of this conference, the issues discussed and the conclusions reached had a global impact on the Catholic Church.

Many of the views expressed during the Medellin conference argued that the Church should condemn the systematic oppression and exploitation of the poor by Third World governments. Participants agreed not only to denounce exploitation and oppression, but to act to help in any way necessary, in an organized way, so that poor people can successfully change their poverty.

The results of the Medellín conference encouraged religious and non-religious people to delve into the role of the Church in Latin America, studying the continent that is characterized by the manifestly exploitative relations created by colonialism and the capitalist structures of material production, also known as "Liberation Theology".

The point of departure for liberation theology is a concrete analysis of reality and the historical processes that brought it about, but always on a theological level. Liberation theology sees poverty as the negation of mutual recognition among subjects, and that a society with poor people is a society without God.

This absence of God exists where someone cries, this absence of God exists in the poor. The poor are the presence of an absent God whose effective presence is provided by non-existence.

For this reason, liberation theologians choose to help the poor, lift them out of poverty, and allow all subjects to be recognized... (paragraph deleted)

In this way, a symbiotic relationship between Marxism and Catholicism emerged in Latin America, where liberation theologians were less interested in being part of the church hierarchy and worked more on social organization, alongside the poor and the proletariat.

As the debate moved beyond discourse and intellectual levels, in practice movements made up of grassroots church groups grew and even developed into political parties in Brazil and Nicaragua.

The grassroots Church communities in Mexico have their origins in the poorest rural and urban areas, in the sociopolitical and economic realities of exploitation, hunger, oppression and suffering. The main actors are indigenous peoples and farmers, workers, the unemployed, who, accompanied by priests, religious figures, are committed to giving priority to the poor and are the seeds of hope for the Mexican Church.

Grassroots church groups and the diocese of San Cristobal de las Casas played an important role in the indigenous community. They participated actively in the first Indigenous Congress in 1974, and the diocese's work strengthened the Indigenous people's internal organization, leading them to network with similar organizations in the state, Mexico and the world.

In the process, the work of the diocese of Chiapas was subverted or influenced by the peculiar cosmology of the indigenous peoples, so much so that a kind of "indigenous church" began to form, consisting of 2608 communities with 400 pre-deacons and 8000 catechumens Those who, in harmony with the structure of the diocese, but also have a certain autonomy.

Combing the social reality of Chiapas from the 1960s to the 1980s and the history of participation by all parties, we will see that the Zapatista National Liberation Movement itself is a complex, a social process that integrates a wide range of social demands and struggle traditions in Mexico and the world. combined with critical thinking.

On 6 August 1969, in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, the FNL was formed. Leading the group are brothers Cesar Herman and Fernando Muñoz Yanez, Alfredo Zarate and Raúl Pérez Vazquez.

The organization's strategy is to build its own power in silence, not to confront state power head-on. In 1972, Cesar Herman Yanez established a camp named "Diamond" in Chiapas, and the "Zapata Partisan Core" began to operate from here.

Five years after its founding, FNL had networks in Tabasco, Puebla, the states of Mexico, Chiapas, Veracruz and Nuevo Leon.

On February 14, 1974, at the "Big House", one of the main safe houses in San Miguel nepantla, Mexico, the National Liberation Forces were attacked by the police and the army. Five guerrillas were killed and 16 people were arrested.

Meanwhile, in Ocozingo, Chiapas, the "Diamond" camp was attacked and several guerrilla core members were killed; some escaped, including César Herman Yanez.

From 1974 to 1983, FNL entered the Lacandon Jungle more frequently. Many students were recruited from universities where Marxism prevailed, such as the Autonomous Municipal University and the Autonomous University of Chapingo, where much of the FNL activity was based in Chiapas.

In November 1983, with the help of politicized indigenous groups with extensive organizational experience, and with the support of new radicals from the university, the first camp of the Zapatista National Liberation Army led by Deputy Commander Marcos et al. Established, named "Lice".

The three main components of the Zapatistas National Liberation Movement are: a political-military group, a group of politicized and very experienced indigenous peoples, and an indigenous movement from the jungle.

The third part became an important part of the organization after 1983, when the Zapatista National Liberation Movement began the second phase of "building its strength in silence"...

From the data, Nanyi can see that a guerrilla group has been active in Chiapas. They have been growing, but they have not carried out any armed operations. So are they insufficient in strength savings, or are they waiting for a good time?

If they are waiting for an opportunity, what kind of opportunity are they waiting for?

Nan Yi kept his doubts in his stomach for the time being, and opened the analysis report on "Mexican Peso Crisis".

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