"I already understand the matter. As long as Ji Changlin withdraws the lawsuit, Li Hai will come out soon. Guangwei is going to find out about Ji Changlin. Let's wait for news."


Ou Jing couldn't believe it.

"Okay, take this opportunity to ease the relationship between you." Nan Yi patted Ou Jing's arm, "Don't worry too much, the guests are coming, and treat them with some chrysanthemum."

"Anyone else coming?"

"Huh? I'm not counted as a guest?"

Ou Jing smiled sweetly, "Forget it, of course it does. There is no chrysanthemum at home, how about silver cents?"


After drinking three cups of tea at Ou Jing's house, seeing that her mood was still stable, Nan Yi bid farewell and left. While waiting for the news, Nan Yi went to Chen Ji's flagship store and headquarters on Huanshi East Road.

Chen Ji's Women's Army is no longer what it used to be. After a long period of practice, their skills in making Western-style dim sum and cakes have become proficient.

On a dark and windy night, when the Detachment of Women sat together, Cai Shufen took out a cake made in the shape of a map of Huaguo, put it on the table, and divided it piece by piece along the dividing line between provinces. The Detachment of Women thought Wherever you go to develop, you can eat any piece of cake, and you can eat a few more pieces if you have a big appetite.

I heard that that night, the women's army sang "Red Detachment of Women" for half a night, and registered Half the Sky Catering International Development Co., Ltd. the next day. I won’t come back if I’m fine,” and rushed to the target I wanted to attack.

Now, the fire of Chen Ji has been ignited in various provinces, and it continues to absorb the vitality from Nanchen Village. A village, down to eighteen, up to forty-eight, all the women in the village are not let go, one counts as one, and they are all fooled. gone.

Sitting in Cai Shufen's office, looking at the "Women Hold Up Half the Sky" posted on the wall behind the executive chair, Nan Yi couldn't help feeling a little regretful. If he went to Nanchen Village, it would be easy for his legs to be discounted by dissatisfied villagers. .

Cai Shufen took a cup of Chen Ji's breakfast milk and put it in front of Nanyi, "Nanyi, give me some advice, the village can't get it anymore, Chen Ji's expansion has reached its limit, what should I do next?"

Nan Yi picked up the breakfast milk and looked at it, then put it back on the table, "Has Chen Ji encountered any competition?"

"Yes, there is a Daodu Gang in Jiangxi Province. Just like us, they also open bakeries and cake shops all over the country. The Daodu Gang also brought out a Fuxi Gang, which is also expanding rapidly across the country. One is a city and the other is a county. , There are more people than us, one takes one, and the expansion speed is faster than us.”

"Auntie, they have a lot of people, and we have a lot of money in Nanchen. Some things don't need to be done step by step. We can do them in advance and exchange funds for time."

"How to do it?"

"Go back, go to the county, give up some of Chen Ji's shares, and jointly run a Chen Ji West Point Vocational School with the county, not only to train students in the vocational skills of making pastry, but also to guide each student's whereabouts after graduation.

For example, if a student is going to Shenzhen after graduation, she will be instilled with information about the Shenzhen market, which location is suitable for opening a bakery or cake shop, how much it will cost, and what competitors will she encounter? What are the advantages, disadvantages, etc., all the knowledge and information needed to open a store must be taught to the students to help them start their business.

Auntie, we need to change our way of thinking. It cannot be the traditional way of franchising, charging a franchise fee, earning some decoration fees, and making a deposit. This model is not suitable for Chen Ji.

We should position ourselves as franchise service providers, technology providers, strategy providers, as well as raw material suppliers and capital suppliers.

Theoretically, students study in our school without spending any money, but they have to pay the tuition fee, but after the students open the shop in the future, the tuition fee will be returned in the form of raw materials. In this way, some students who give up halfway or leave after finishing their studies can avoid wasting our capital investment.

It doesn’t matter if the students have graduated from school and have no money to open a store. We can advance them first, and they only need to pick out a piece of profit and return it to us slowly. We only charge a little extra interest appropriately, not too high. "

After hearing this, Cai Shufen frowned and said, "How much money will we have to advance in the early stage? Wouldn't it be worthwhile?"

"Advance capital is definitely indispensable, but there is no need for long-term advance capital. When Chen Ji develops a scale, there will naturally be franchisees who do not lack funds to join. At that time, Chen Ji's funds can be returned.

Moreover, I think this plan should be bigger, let Nanchen Construction participate, and we should buy most of the franchise stores. In this way, we not only have a killer weapon to restrict franchisees, but also wait for the real estate appreciation.

Judging from the current situation, the rent will become more expensive every year. After a few years, the rent for one year may be enough to buy the shop. Therefore, long-term rent is not as good as a buyout. The cost of buying a house is actually Franchisees are responsible for us in installments. "

At present, it is a good time to do this kind of franchise business in China. No matter whether the business can be started or not, as long as the store is bought, it will have the confidence to make a steady profit without losing money. Therefore, as soon as possible, Nanyi has no time to take care of Chen Ji's development, and has doubts about Cai Shufen's business ability, but still supports its vigorous expansion.

Besides, the Detachment of Women Army is skilled in making cakes and breads. They traveled across the oceans to study in Europe and the United States. After returning, they went north to Gusu to learn Suzhou-style dim sum. They merged the strengths of various companies and formed a school of their own. In addition, there is a reclamation group that supplies high-quality ingredients. Apart from the shallow background, there is nothing to say about Chen Ji's dim sum.

"Let me think about it. There is not much money in the company's account. If you ask the village for money, it may not be given, and this matter may not be done." Cai Shufen said, looking directly at Nanyi.

"Auntie, you also know that almost no one in the village committee is in favor of setting up Chen Ji except me. In addition, the village will soon use a lot of money. It is a bit difficult to get funds from the village. A few million is fine, but it is impossible if there is more. You go first For the matter of running the school, I will find a way to get funds from the outside, and I will bring you a few shareholders who only pay money and don't care about the work."


Nan Yi stayed in Cai Shufen's office for a while, and left after looking at Half the Sky's accounts.

Back at his home, Nanyi waited for the news while making two proposals in front of the computer. On the afternoon of the next day, Lin Guangwei came over and brought the news he had investigated.

"Changye Company is just a grass-roots team. Steel bars, cement, aluminum ingots, corn, sugar, clothes, whatever is in demand, do what they want, buy here, sell there, and make a profit.

He also speculated a few pieces of land and made a little money. This time, Li Hai raised the money to buy the vacant land next to the courtyard of the third cotton spinning factory. Ji Changlin disagreed, and he wanted to use all the company's money for health care. product industry. "

Nanyi asked Xiaohua to bring over the map of Yangcheng, "Which land?"

Lin Guangwei searched on the map, pointed to a location and said, "Here, a very good location, Li Hai has a good eye."

Nan Yi glanced at the map and connected the surrounding landmarks that he was familiar with, "It is indeed a good vision. It is no problem to double this land for a few years. But to be honest, from the perspective of profitability alone, doing health care There is a better chance of making huge profits than hoarding land.”

"I think it's pretty much the same. It's not a serious business. It's still the old man's way." Lin Guangwei said disdainfully: "You let me touch Ji Changlin's bottom to pinch him, right?"


"It's simple. Find out all the business that Changye Company has done before. According to their methods, the number of tax evasion and tax evasion will definitely not be small. The number of tax evasion plus fines is even greater. Collect the evidence and throw it in the quarter." In front of Changlin, there must be something to talk about."

Nan Yi shook his head, "It's not a good idea, it's easy to include Li Hai."

"Then what do you say?"

"Just do what you want, Li Hai has already entered, started seven years ago, and he will be accused of tax evasion and tax evasion, and he is neither a legal person nor a shareholder of Changye Company, so he can't be held accountable on the head."

"Nan Yi, you are talking nonsense." Lin Guangwei scolded with a smile.

"It's not nonsense, I just want to complain, if Li Hai is still clean, it's really not a good idea, but now he's already covered with a pile of shit, it's time for another pile, and so on."

Nanyi stood up, walked to the side, took out a black plastic bag from the closet, walked to Lin Guangwei and handed it to him, "500 denominations, 6 packs in total, should be enough for you to dig out all the business that Changye Company has done." come out."

Lin Guangwei blocked the plastic bag back, "I have the money."

"Take it, I'm just covering it for Li Hai first, and I'll ask him to get it back in the future. Let him spend the money on his own shit."

Lin Guangwei looked at the plastic bag in his hand, thoughtfully, "Do you want Li Hai to do something for you?"


"Okay, I'll make arrangements, I'm going to entertain clients tonight, I don't care about you."

"I'll take care of you?"

"Haha, the dance hall over Dongshan Mountain is good. If you can't bear the loneliness, you can go to Napu."

"Go away."

After Lin Guangwei left, Nanyi continued to make his proposal.

At meal time, I packed a portion of fried rice noodles when I went out, which could have been taken by the school, but after a few cries of "beautiful boy", Nanyi not only packed the fried rice noodles, but also weighed some thin-shelled rice (Xunshi muscle clam , sea melon seeds), emerald green with a little green onion in the golden yellow, smelling fragrant.

In the small courtyard, under the tree, Nan Yi was eating his own dinner. Nan Wuwei, who was full and full, came back, reached into the plate with a small hand, and took away a handful of thin-hulled rice.

"Yeah, it smells so good."

"After eating at the big hotel, do you want some street fireworks to decorate?"

Nan Wuwei moved a low bench and sat next to Nanyi, "I didn't eat with Grandpa Ruiwu. I went to a small shop where the workers improved their food. The food is delicious, but it's too oily and contains too much MSG."

"Oh, why don't you just follow along and see where the workers go for fun?"

"It's not suitable for children to get paid today."

Nan Yi turned his head to understand what Nan Wuwei meant, and smiled instantly, "It seems that your research has gone deep, and you have observed all this secret."

"What kind of secret is this? The workers are talking about it. Some people have been looking forward to this day for a few days."

Nan Yi chuckled, "I'm done with this, don't show up in your homework if it's not good for harmony, and write more about the positive side of the sun, such as talking with your wife and children in the chat bar, with a clear smile, or buying an expensive one." Carefully put the toys in the snakeskin bag under the bed."

"Dad, it's a bit fake. Most of the workers are good people, but not so pure."

"It should be pure."

"Oh, pure."

Nan Yi took a sip of the wine, put down the bottle and said, "Reporting texts should always highlight the key points, and ignore those that shouldn't appear. It is important to mention that when he was four years old, he picked up money from my wallet and handed it to the police uncle, and was awarded a little red flower."

"Father!" Nan Wuwei said unyieldingly: "The homework assigned by the teacher, I searched for half a block and didn't find a penny."

"Hehe, no need to explain, in short, don't appear in your homework that shouldn't appear."

Nan Wuwei: "Oh, Dad, can't you tell the truth when you grow up?"

"No, it should be said that you have a choice to tell the truth. You have to tell the good truth in a big way, and don't tell the bad truth. Good and bad, each type of person has different standards. Your future The standard is for you to figure out for yourself.

The path you are going to take will definitely not be exactly the same as that of your father. You only need to use your father’s experience as a reference. Don’t take what your father says as the truth. You have to doubt everything, first doubt and then discern.

No matter who said what he said, not every sentence he agrees with deep in his heart, he may be forced to say it, it may be in his best interest, or he may not understand what he is talking about at all. Parrots learn tongues. "

Nan Wuwei: "Don't listen to his words, don't look at his writing, only talk about his traces."

"Well, the summary is good, but some people are full of fakes and are good at disguising. For example, your father and I are very fake people. For people like me, if you want to see clearly, you need long-term observation. Every aspect of me is observed clearly.

Seeing a person helping an old lady cross the road, one cannot immediately judge that he is a good person, it is likely that he just wiped out all the houses in the last minute; similarly, one cannot immediately judge that he is a bad person when seeing someone doing a bad thing , as I said just now, people are not so pure, they all present multi-faceted nature.

The hard-working workers on the construction site will go out to have sex after receiving their wages. If they are unlucky, they will be caught and taken to the police station. Because of this, can they be said to be bad people? "

"No." Nan Wuwei shook his head, "Dad, what you said, I have to digest it properly."

"You can digest it, but you don't need to absorb it all. Remember, doubt everything. These four words are absolutely true and are not within the scope of doubt."

"Hee hee, Dad, your words are inconsistent."

"Don't pick on me, you understand." Nanyi picked up some thin-hulled rice and said, "Do you want to eat some more?"

"Is there any food?"

"No, I'll give you some fried rice noodles." Nan Yi pushed the lunch box in front of Nan Wuwei, "I haven't touched the right side, go get the chopsticks yourself."


Nan Wuwei ran to the kitchen to get the chopsticks, along with a bottle of soda, and laughed and fought with Nan Yi to eat half of the fried rice noodles.

The next day, early in the morning, Nan Yi took Nan Wuwei to the small building and visited the village near He Xiangu's vegetable base, letting Nan Wuwei see the stories behind the scenes he had seen before.

Nan Wuwei has been exposed to all kinds of farm work and can do most of it, but he doesn't know how much a peasant family with farming as its main income has to pay and how much it can reap.

Walking among the fields, Nanyi started from the seeds, how much it costs to buy them, how much labor is required to sow them, etc., all the way to the harvest, when the grain station comes to harvest, all the links have been explained.


Nan Jiajun took Nan Ruofeng and Nan Youqiong to visit the vegetable factory, and he introduced, "This is hydroponics. The nutrients needed for the growth of vegetables will be added to the water regularly, and the light will be supplemented by lights." Light."

Nan Youqiong looked at the five or six shelves with plates of vegetables, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Jia Jun, are the vegetables here used for salad?"

Nan Jiajun: "Yes, after the vegetables are harvested here, they will be cut, washed, boxed, and processed into semi-finished vegetable salads. End customers can eat them directly after buying them."

Nan Youqiong: "Is the cost high?"

Nan Jiajun: "Very high. Our products will be delivered directly to the high-end shelves of major shopping malls in Seoul. The customers we face are high-income people and high-end restaurants."

Nan Ruofing: "Are you using the technology from the Brazilian Amazon Hydroponic Planting Base?"

"Not only, but also the technology of family smart agriculture in Cebu, Philippines, and the technology of several other branches. The combination of several technologies can establish this vegetable factory."

Nan Jiajun said, picking up a handful of lettuce that looked like broccoli from the shelf, "Its shape and color are the result of directional cultivation, and its nutritional content is higher than that of ordinary lettuce, and No chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used during its growth, and there are no pesticide residues at all. Try it, it tastes very good.”

Nan Jiajun took off a leaf of lettuce and stuffed it into his mouth, then handed the lettuce to Nan Ruofing.

Nan Ruofing nodded after tasting it, but Nan Youqiong thought it was very ordinary. There are experimental products using higher-end technology in the brother's vegetable garden. He has tasted it and it tastes better than this.

Nan Ruofing: "Which type of nutrient solution are you using?"

"There is no model, only a code name, code name holy water."

"Hey, it must have been named by my father. It's full of bad taste." Nan Ruofing laughed and said, "Brother Jia Jun, what is the terminal price of the semi-finished salad produced here?"

Nan Jiajun: "Different vegetable combinations have different prices, the lowest is 12,000 won, and the highest is 27,000 won."

Nan Ruofing: "How much is the annual profit?"

Nan Jiajun: "It is still in the cost recovery period. It is expected to reach a balance of payments in the middle of next year. Based on the current scale, the annual profit will be between 6 billion and 7 billion won."

"8 million US dollars a year is a very good figure. Unfortunately, only Japan and South Korea can easily achieve such a beautiful profit figure." Nan Ruofeng said regretfully.

Nan Jiajun spread his hands, "This is the energy of the Agricultural Association, the result of the Agricultural Association's promotion of the concept of 'body and soil are not two'."

"Thanks to the Virgin Mary, and thanks to the Agricultural Association!" Nan Ruoying made the sign of the cross to praise, and then said to Nan Jiajun: "Brother Jiajun, you and I will arrange the rest of the time by ourselves, so we won't disturb your work."

Nan Jiajun looked at his watch and said, "Okay, call me if you have something to do. I will make flour in Daehan in Nonhyeon-dong this afternoon."


"Aunt Uedo, what are you up to?"

After leaving the vegetable factory, Nan Ruobing and the others came to Itaewon-ro 54th Street.

Seeing the two little guys appearing in front of her, Masami Uedo had a bright smile on her face, "I was reading the information of the Taixiang Group, Ruofeng-chan, I have grown up, the first time I saw you, you were still called Hugged in my arms for a long time, time flies too fast, as if everything happened yesterday."

"Time is slow, Aunt Uedo is as young and beautiful as before."

"Wakabi-chan, you are still so honest." Masami Uedo said, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hey hey."

Masami Uedo laughed with Nan Ruofeng for a while, and then greeted Nan Youqiong, not too formally, but in a more intimate way, as if treating a junior.

However, compared to Minami Wakaha, Ueto Masami feels somewhat restrained towards Minami, which has something to do with identity and intimacy.

After exchanging pleasantries, Uedo Masami and Minami Wakabin talked about the topic of "Taixiang Group".

"Aunt Uedo, Dad wants to buy Taixiang Group?"

"The chairman has no plans to acquire or buy shares in Taixiang Group, just because it is engaged in the field of food chemistry. Let's pay attention to it for now. If there is a crisis in Taixiang Group and there is an opportunity to make a big fortune with a small one, we may buy a share."

"Oh, the object of attention."


"Dad's development strategy in South Korea is to walk on two legs?"

"Which two legs, tell me." Uedo Masami smiled.

"One piece of localization, Brother Jia Jun's New Miracle Group targets South Korea's local chaebols and represents the interests of South Korea; one piece of Americanization, taking advantage of the special relationship between the United States and South Korea, waits for opportunities, and harvests as a member of Wall Street South Korea, and then invest in several big chaebols."

"It's not a few major universities. The chairman is only interested in South Korea's agriculture and semiconductors. To be precise, it is the Star Group and the Korean Agricultural Association. The chairman hopes to have a certain say in the Korean Agricultural Association."

Nan Ruobing frowned and thought for a while, "It's very difficult for Han Nongxie to control the right to speak. Brother Jia Jun's identity cannot be concealed from others. As long as the South Korean Intelligence Agency intervenes, Dad will not be able to hide it either."

"The chairman never thought that he could hide in the dark. Ruo Pingjiang, you must clarify a concept. What is a local enterprise? The leader of the enterprise is a South Korean. The main products of the enterprise are sold to South Koreans. The production place of the enterprise is in South Korea. In South Korea, corporate taxes are also paid in South Korea. This is a local South Korean company.

It will be very difficult for us to bring out part of the profits of the New Miracle Group from South Korea. Therefore, what we take away will mainly be South Korean products, not South Korean currency.

Now, do you think it matters that the shareholders of New Miracle Group are not South Koreans? "

"It's not important." Nan Ruofing shook his head and nodded again, "It's also very important. It's easy for the enemy to grasp the handle, and then provoke the public opinion of the South Koreans to attack the New Miracle Group, and the Nan family will fall into a passive position."

"Ruo Bingjiang, your worries are not superfluous. This situation is likely to happen in the future. Therefore, the president's plan is to harvest a wave in South Korea first, and get compensation for possible losses first. In the words of the president ..." Uedo Masami switched to Beijing movies and said: "First take advantage of it, and then love whoever you like, and what you like."

Nan Ruofing laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, this is Dad's style."

"The president is sometimes like a big child, very naive." Uedo Masami also laughed.

"Father, this man is a boy until he dies, forever young, with tears in his eyes forever."

"No, the president has never been young. When I met the president, he was only seventeen years old, but facing him, it was like facing an adult in his forties. He couldn't feel the vigor of a young man. , I can only feel the maturity and stability of middle-aged people."

"Is there? I don't feel it."

"Ruopingjiang, the president is your father, of course you don't feel it."


The two chatted about Nanyi for a while, and then they went downstairs to visit a clothing store. Nan Youqiong's identity changed, and he became a small follower carrying bags.

In a clothing store called "Brenntano", Masami Uedo and Masami were picking out clothes while chatting with each other.

"Wakabin-chan, have you tried Toyo Seika's Orion Chocolate Pie?"

"No, I only saw it in the supermarket."

"You can buy it and try it. It's a delicious snack. Dongyang Seika entered China last year. Orion Chocolate Pie may become popular in China."

Nan Ruofing picked up a piece of clothing and looked at it, then hung it back on the hanger, "Snack food should tell Sister Hongdou that since it is a good product, it can be imitated."

"I tell you, I just want you to tell her that Master Fan should be ready to enrich his product line, and when instant noodles occupy the market, he can launch other products immediately." Ueto Masami picked up a piece of clothing and gestured on her body, " How do I wear this?"

"very nice."

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