Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 941 Namo Gatling Bodhisattva

Two days later, Nanyi sent Nan Wuwei to the car bound for Xiangtang, went back to the bathroom in the house, put on a two-jin heavy gold chain that cost twenty yuan a string in front of the mirror, and replaced it with a fifty yuan chain on his left hand. Jin Laolai put on a ten-dollar eight-liang gold bracelet next to his watch.

Except for the two thumbs, the other eight fingers are all wearing gold rings, pinching a string of rosary beads in their hands, combing their back hair in front of the mirror, changing into a delicate shirt and an old man's head, looking in the mirror, it looks like they are at least taking advantage of their big hair After several million net worth, Nanyi took the evidence of tax evasion collected by Changye Company from Lin Guangwei, and went directly to Changye Company to visit Ji Changlin.

With Nan Yi's dress and bearing, he easily entered Ji Changlin's office and sat opposite Ji Changlin. Ignoring Ji Changlin's greetings, Nan Yi directly threw the evidence on the table, retracted his hand and twisted the rosary in his hand.

"What's the meaning?"

Nanyi's move made Ji Changlin puzzled.

"My Buddha is merciful, Jushi Ji, you can read it for yourself, and we will talk after you finish watching." After Nan Yi finished speaking, his eyes were slightly closed, and he recited a sutra that he couldn't even name himself.

Ji Changlin looked at Nanyi, then at the folder on the table, then at Nanyi, hesitated for a while, picked up the folder and opened it.

After more than two minutes, less than three minutes later, Ji Changlin shouted, "What do you mean?"

Nan Yi opened his eyes, looked at Ji Changlin's face, and his face showed compassion, "My Buddha is merciful, the Buddha said that it is better to settle enemies than tie them up, and all the advantages are taken by Ji Changlin, so don't kill them all, withdraw the lawsuit. "

"If you say you will withdraw, you will withdraw. Who are you? With this, you can scare me. Do you think I am Ji Changlin?" Ji Changlin yelled sternly.

"Whether you are from Xiamen University or Yangzhou University, I don't care who Ji Jushi is, and I don't care what you are capable of. Li Hai is my friend, um, the relationship is not too close, but he has an accident. It’s also enough to drive me back from abroad.”

Nan Yi pointed to Ji Changlin, then pointed to himself, "I don't like your character, so I don't want to know you, let alone become friends, you don't know me now, and I don't want to introduce myself I'm just reminding Jushi Ji that although the tea will be cold when you leave, you should remember what the official position was before Li Hai's father died, right? Changye Company has had a good time, right?"

Nanyi stood up, and then said: "My Buddha is merciful, Jushi Ji carefully considers it, I hope we will not see each other again, and it is best to hear the news of the withdrawal of the lawsuit before this point tomorrow. Goodness, goodness, Jushi Ji has a predestined relationship with the Buddha, and you should practice more Merit and virtue, strive to become a Buddha as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, Nan Yi twirled his rosary, and left Changye Company muttering.

In fact, Nanyi's drama is a bit superfluous, and the evidence and the news of the "tax sharing system" sandwiched between the evidence are enough.

In the tax-sharing system, there is a rule that "after 1994, the central fiscal repayment is based on the local fiscal revenue in 1993." In layman's terms, the more the local government turned over to the central fiscal in 1993, the more it will return every year thereafter.

The local authorities are trying their best to increase tax revenue. If Ji Changlin's tax evasion is exposed, it will be easily established as a model. If he becomes a model, the punishment will be severe and severe.

Adding drama, Nanyi is for adding insurance, and secondly is to get addicted to drama.

When he got home, Nanyi took off his "gold" and put it in the sink to wash it, planning to put it away and use it next time if needed, not to mention that the gold chain is not bad in workmanship, it didn't float.

As soon as Nanyi finished washing and picked up the gold utensils, Lin Guangwei came quietly, "Have you been to Changye Company?"

"just came back."

"I just met with a client. He mentioned that he has invested in coal mines in Vinegar Province. I have some spare money. Do you think I can invest?"

Nanyi wiped the goldware with a towel, then wiped his hands, and then he said slowly: "In 1983, when the country just released private coal mining, I made an assessment, and the conclusion was that it was almost impossible to be worthy of a conscience. There is no profit, if you want to make money, don't need a conscience, the heart must be blacker than coal."

"Is it true that you can't make money doing it seriously?"

"I'm exaggerating a bit. Money can still be earned, but it's not worth it to you. Coal mining is suitable for ruthless people with their heads on their belts, not for money. If you have spare money, I'll give it to you." Introduce a place to go, don’t dare to say too much, it’s okay to keep your money from depreciating.”

"Can I pick it up anytime?"

"You can settle the income after one year, and only refund the principal if you are dissatisfied."

"Yes, I'll go back and figure out how much I can transfer." Lin Guangwei nodded and said, "You still have Hong Kong dollars left, shall we settle the bill?"

Nan Yi waved his hand, "There's no rush, wait until Li Hai comes out."

"Can you come out tomorrow?" Lin Guangwei lit a cigarette and asked quietly.

"It's probably about the same in the afternoon. Go to the gate of the detention center at one o'clock tomorrow and wait."

"I won't go, seeing him upset."


Breathing out a puff of white smoke, Lin Guangwei talked about other things, "When will we leave?"

"Tomorrow will be fine, and we will leave the day after tomorrow."

"Hurry up, I will arrange for you to meet next time."

Nan Yi chuckled, "My future sister-in-law is quite shy, so I have to make mental preparations?"

Lin Guangwei said seriously: "It's about making preparations. I told her that you are half a husband's family."

"Hehe, Pujie boy, you are going to blackmail me with a big red envelope."

"Haha, it doesn't need to be too big, one hundred and eighty-eight thousand is enough."

"It's a good idea. The red envelopes you gave me these years can't even make up 80,000 yuan. The most is to return the red envelopes to you and add some interest to you."

"Lonely ghost."

"Poop as you please."


the next day.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Nan Yi came to the gate of the detention center and bumped into Ou Jing who had come over in the morning.

Relatively silent, the two waited until around three o'clock, when the small door on the gate of the detention center was opened, and Li Hai, who had a little bow on his back, came out of the door, stopped and looked around, saw Ou Jing, and then saw Nanyi.

Life is not a performance, and emotions will not be so overwhelming. Li Hai and Ou Jing did not embrace, did not cry bitterly, Ou Jing looked up and down at Li Hai, and found nothing wrong, and the corners of his eyes showed joy.

After the two mouthfuls were over, Nan Yi stepped forward, patted Li Hai on the back, and said with a smile: "It seems that you were locked up at the wrong time, the cage was quite crowded, you slept on the floor, right?"

"How can you tell that I'm sleeping on the floor?" Li Hai smiled wryly.

Nan Yi laughed, "You came out early, if you were transferred to the veteran's cage, the handiwork such as beading and folding flowers would have something to do with me. Let me tell you, I know the situation in the detention center, like you This kind of economic prisoner must be given preferential treatment. They must sleep on the floor closest to the door, which slopes down and has non-slip lines. Your back is not hurt, but hurt.”

The wry smile on Li Hai's face was even worse. Nan Yi said that his actual situation inside was pretty much the same, "Not only is he in pain, but he can't sleep well. There is a murderer, and he needs to keep vigil."

Nan Yi slapped Li Hai hard on the arm, "I told you, I'm clear, and I still fooled me, the murderer will be sent directly to the veteran cage, and it's not your turn to watch the night. Come on, it seems you You didn’t stay in vain, do you know the value of freedom?”

Suspects who have a high probability of being sentenced to death will not only have to be shackled when they are locked in a cage, but other suspects in the same cage will also need to watch in shifts, lest he pull a few backs or commit suicide or self-mutilation.

Li Hai nodded.

Nan Yi took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter and stuffed them into Li Hai's hands, "The things brought out inside are not good, so buy some clothes, go to the sauna, spend all the money you brought out, and then go home. I'll go home tomorrow I will leave at noon, and I want to talk about going to my place tomorrow morning."


After talking to Ou Jing, Nan Yi said goodbye and left, leaving space for the couple. Sitting back in his car, Nan Yi called Liu Zhen again to inform Li Hai that he had come out.

The next day, Li Hai came to Xinhepu Villa as promised. Nanyi didn't talk to Li Hai too much, but just advised him to rest for a while and think about what he would do in the future. He could do it by himself or with him. Give as much help as you can.

After chatting, Nanyi set off for Xiangtang.

In Fang's Manor, Nan Wuwei was soaking in the swimming pool, and his grandma, Fang Mengyin, was sitting on a deck chair by the pool, looking at Nan Wuwei kindly.


"Nanyi, the longer Wuwei grows, the more he looks like your grandpa. His eyebrows and nose are similar. His personality is not like yours. He is smooth, not as good as your grandpa. Your grandpa is too rigid and easy to break."

"Grandma, didn't you say that elder brother looks like grandpa, as if carved out of the same mold."

"It's not the same. Your elder brother is the appearance, and Wuwei is the charm. Your grandfather is not stupid."

"I look at the photo very naively, grandma, you are the beauty in the eye of the beholder."

"Stop talking nonsense, call Wuwei up, it's been soaking for more than an hour."


As soon as Nan Yi walked to Nan Wuwei's side, Nan Wuwei took a sip of water, planning to give Nan Yi a water arrow.

"Don't make trouble, I have to go out later."

Hearing this, Nan Wuwei spat out the water in his mouth and asked, "Take me?"

"No, you find something to do yourself."

"It's boring, then I chat online. I met a French lady on the BBS. She said she would go to Shanghai to see me."

"Are you pretending to be an adult?"

Nan Wuwei pouted, "I didn't pretend, I just didn't tell her how old she was."

"Fun and play, let me remind you first, if the other party asks you for a photo, you must not send me, otherwise you will never want to go online again in the future."

"Tch, who wants to send you, I will invent star photos."

"You are amazing, hurry up and rush, waiting for you to go out."

Nan Wuwei supported himself by the pool, and he came out of the water, "Didn't you not take me?"

"You are the biggest in our family, how dare you not take you, speed."


When Nan Wuwei came out after changing his clothes, Nan Yi took him to Huoshizhou by boat.

There is a piece of saline-alkali land next to the breeding base of Huoshizhou Xijing Company, and Fansheng's seawater planting project has a branch point here.

As soon as Nanyi and his son landed on the island, they went straight to the saline-alkali land. Professor Zhu Dayong, the person in charge of the branch, happened to be in an experimental field.

"Professor Zhu." Nan Yi walked up to him and called out.

Zhu Dayong pulled out an ear of rice and handed it to Nanyi, "Boss, the concentration of 9‰ failed."

Nan Yi took it, pinched the ears of rice, each one was flat, and when he broke it open, there was only a little bit of starch in the color of Quhong, and handed the ears of rice to Nan Wuwei, Nan Yi clapped his hands and said: " There are spikes, which means there is hope, don't be stressed, start over."

Zhu Dayong adjusted his glasses and said, "Boss, to be honest, there is still a long way to go to grow rice on the sea, and you and I probably won't see the day when it will be realized."

"It's okay." Nan Yi pointed to Guidance Wuwei, "My son, Professor Zhu, take it easy, it doesn't matter if he realizes it or not on the day he becomes a grandfather.

As I said before, there is no pressure to recover the cost of the seawater planting project. The significance of its existence is only to cope with the accelerated melting of the Arctic and Antarctic glaciers, and the hypothetical situation that most of the land may be submerged by seawater in the future.

It is to find a solution to the food problem for me, you, all of us, and all descendants of people on earth.

This topic is huge and the goal is huge, so it is a long-term project that requires continuous investment for decades or hundreds of years. I am mentally prepared and will let my son and grandson continue to invest in it.

So, Professor Zhu, really don’t worry, your project team’s funds will never be cut off, but instead…”

Nanyi pointed to a test field next to it with a "6‰ concentration" brand, "It is more important to get the rouge rice on the market as soon as possible, and return a little money, so that I can see the money back, and it won't hurt too much when I pay it .”

Zhu Dayong smiled easily, and said: "Rouge rice has a lot less sea smell now, and the salt content is still a bit high, but it already has a good taste, and its nutritional value is much higher than that of ordinary rice."

Nanyi waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't fool me. High salt content is a big problem. Do you want to try to plant a crop on the black soil this year and see how the composition of the plant will change."

"Diversity experiment?"

"As much as possible, plant in every climate zone, and try the cold resistance effect in the cold zone by the way, maybe it can survive the winter."

Zhu Dayong shook his head, "There is almost no possibility, it can only be planted in the greenhouse."

"Almost nothing doesn't mean nothing at all. It's nothing more than a matter of money. Try boldly, starting with rice for winter, and then you can also try rice on trees, rice on mountains, rice on graves, rice on houses, and rice on roads."

Zhu Dayong's face straightened, "Boss, scientific experiments are not politics, and there is no room for joking."

Nan Yi sneered, "Well, no kidding, does the subject of rice trees have any reference for sea rice?"

"It doesn't make much sense. Rice trees are going in another direction. The only thing that can be used for reference is lodging resistance. The lodging resistance of seawater rice is already sufficient, and there is no need to strengthen it now."

"Well, Professor Zhu, you are busy, I'll go to Xijing company to have a look."


Nanyi took Nan Wuwei away from the saline-alkali land, and on the way to Xijing Company, they passed a fully enclosed glass-walled building, in which there were three walls made of mud bricks.

"Your sister put these here, they are from Africa." Nan Yi pointed to the earthen wall and introduced to Nan Wuwei.

"Dad, these aren't ordinary mud bricks, are they?"

"Yes, there is a dormant African lungfish inside each brick. They are not hibernating like bears, but dormant at the cellular level. To solve its mystery, perhaps one day in the future, humans can also achieve dormancy."

Nan Wuwei's eyes lit up, "Space travel?"

"Yes, this is your sister Ruobing's dream. I am a philistine, and I have seen the other side. If a person can enter a dormant state instantly, he can buy precious time for rescue, or in other words, he can go to sleep and wait first." advances in medical technology."

Nan Wuwei asked: "Can it be realized?"

"Money is spent, people invest, and the rest depends on luck. Scientific research is 99% investment plus 1% luck. For our family, this 1% luck is the most important, because our investment is 999%, there is absolutely no underinvestment situation."

Nan Wuwei said worriedly: "Father, you won't go bankrupt if you invest money like this?"

Nan Yi smiled heartily: "Hahaha, don't worry, Dad is not putting all his eggs in one basket. He has already left room for change. Even if all the investments fail, it will not delay you from buying this or that."

Nan Wuwei patted his small chest, "That's good, that's good."

Nan Yi patted Funan Wuwei's head, "Let's go, go and see our oysters and sea cucumbers, pick a few big ones for Roberto Baggio, eat our sea cucumbers, Italy will definitely win the World Cup next year Win the championship."

Nan Wuwei: "Fart, the Brazil team has Romario, so Brazil must win the championship."

"Nonsense. Romario has conflicts with coach Lazzaroni. Was he just a substitute in the last World Cup?"

Nan Wuwei: "Hmph, anyway, I'm optimistic about the Brazil team, and I'm going to buy a set of Brazil team uniforms later."

"It's too yellow, it's too ugly."

Nan Wuwei: "Italian talents are ugly."

The father and son bickered all the way, came to Xijing Company, inspected the oysters and sea cucumbers in Shanghai, boarded the fishing boat ready to be shipped, and greedily stroked a few handfuls of fresh abalone weighing two catties.

"Dad, it's such a big abalone, can you take it home and eat it?"

"You can't die of gluttony, Australian abalone, there is nothing delicious, next time dad will get some abalones and go back to eat."

"Obviously the Australian abalone is delicious..." Nan Wuwei pursed his lips and muttered, "Dad, why don't you talk about half-headed abalones? A whole-headed abalone is so expensive, you'd sell it for money, so you can't bear to eat it yourself."

Nan Yi smiled wryly, "Can you tell the difference between one end and two ends?"

"I haven't eaten a single one."

"I haven't eaten it either, what about two or four or five?"

"Almost." Nan Wuwei said after thinking for a while.

"It's not over, the taste is almost the same. Is it different to eat a few heads? Keep one end and two ends for sale, and fool those who have too much money to spend. I will take you to Saigon Pier later and pack two lunch boxes of crab roe. Take it home and steam it."

An abalone is rare, and it belongs to the existence that buyers have to pay favors if they want to buy it. They don't have to worry about selling it at all. The buyers always say hello early and come to pick it up as soon as they are available.

If it’s not from my own home, Nanyi wouldn’t mind spending some money to buy it to taste, but since it’s from my own home, I always feel that it’s a pity to eat something that can earn tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars in my mouth. Compared with tasting the taste, Nanyi Yi is more willing to earn tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars.

Nan Wuwei rolled his small eyes, and said slyly: "No crab roe, I'm tired of eating, how about eating braised ant heads at night?"

"Okay, I'll make it for you. I'll eat braised ant heads today, and I'll make you steamed mosquito blood tomorrow." Nan Yi pinched Nan Wuwei by the back of the neck and said viciously: "If you can't finish eating, I'll get you some The funnel is pouring into your mouth. Xiaohua, call and ask Australia to send two catties of bull ant heads, no matter what the cost, it must be delivered before twelve o'clock tonight."


Nan Wuwei listened to Nanyi and Xiaohua singing together, and immediately confessed, "Dad, I was wrong."

"I'll let you braise the ant's head in soy sauce. I'll spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to make you a real dish." Nan Yi let go of Nan Wuwei's neck and scratched his nose. The generals should be more rigorous, you have to specify the species of ants, and you have to evaluate whether the other party is capable of doing it."

"Understood, I won't do it next time." Nan Wuwei stuck out his tongue, and said to himself that it was dangerous.

"Let's go, little monkey, I'll take you to the Saigon pier to eat seafood."

There is a floating seafood market at Sai Kung Wharf. One of the fish sellers from the Dan family will be on a boat full of seafood, and the other will stand on the promenade bridge of the public pier. The buyer stands on the promenade bridge and leans on the railing, looking down at the drop of four or five meters to see the seafood on the ship. After he is optimistic, he can bargain with the seller on the side. After the transaction is completed, the people on the ship will clean up the bought seafood. Pack it up and bring it up with a long pole.

Almost all the seafood stalls on the side of the wharf provide processing services. Foodies can buy seafood at the floating seafood market and hand it over to the stalls for processing.

Nanyi and his son were like this. On the promenade bridge, they leaned on the railing and swept the seafood on the boat below. Nan Wuwei would buy a little when he saw what he wanted to eat. He didn't buy too much of everything, but he bought a lot of tricks.

After a while, the father and son bought a lot of seafood, and walked towards the food stall, shaking the seafood in their hands, Nan Wuwei hummed a song, "Success and failure, try hard, if you have ambition, you should not be afraid." Late, pick up."

Nanyi heard the words, and continued to sing, "I don't care about anyone, success depends on real skills, let's come together."

"Be a real man, bear the pain and disappointment, devote yourself to what you want, and do what you want to do with all your strength. Whoever pretends to be sincere with hostility does not need to make excuses. Charming is this kind of affection. Whoever has no sad past, To be a real man, one must die once in the end..."

"Lao Nan, your singing is not as good as mine."

"Well, it doesn't sound as good as you, but I have a son, and if I feel angry, I can beat him up."

"Old Nan, don't be shameless. I used to think that you were my father, and I could bear it. Now I can't bear it, and I don't need to bear it anymore. Wudang sent Nan Wuwei to make a move." Nan Wuwei put the seafood on the ground , put out the Tai Chi starting gesture.

Nanyi smiled contemptuously, handed the bag in his hand to Xiaohua, and then said unhurriedly: "American Wing Chun Nanyi is good at using a hidden weapon of 9mm. If you don't practice well, you can only fire it 15 times. If you can hide However, I am willing to bow down. Angels, tiger cubs, lift up my 9㎜."

Nan Wuwei: "Old Nan, you don't talk about martial arts."

"You still dare to call me Lao Nan, it's very arrogant. It seems that I want to greet you with 7.62."

Nan Wuwei picked up the seafood on the ground again, with a dejected expression on his face, "The world has changed, and kung fu is useless."

"Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, good, good, it's really gratifying to congratulate the layman Nan who has fully realized his enlightenment. If the layman Nan worships before my Buddha for seventy-seven forty-nine seconds, he will offer ninety-nine and eighty-one thousand merits. Take Nan Layman as my servant to control the boy."

Nan Wuwei: "What do you do to control labor boys?"

"The Rolls-Royce that drives the seat, the common saying is the driver."

Nan Wuwei: "Old Nan, you are too deceitful. My grandfather was a seventh-rank guard with a knife, and a fool known as the magic whip. If you don't give me face, you have to give him face."

"Well, I also used this rhetoric back then. I was talking about my great-grandpa, a little bastard, picking up people's teeth."

Nan Wuwei: "Hey, do you know whose territory Saigon belongs to?"

Hearing Nan Wuwei's words, Nan Yi frowned, "Have you read "Young and Dangerous" comics?"

Nan Wuwei: "Dad, have you seen it too?"

"Well, I've seen it, you, just watch the excitement, not to mention the comics, even the short mule in reality can only be used as a chamber pot, do you know what a chamber pot is?"

Nan Wuwei: "I know, you can use it if you need it, and throw it under the bed if you don't need it."

"Yes, the dwarf mule has no future."

"Father, I know. Are you afraid that I will learn from others?" Nan Wuwei laughed.

"People are small and ghosts are big."

Nan Yi laughed and cursed, and hugged Nan Wuwei to a Hongji seafood food stall, handed the seafood in Nan Wuwei's hand to Xiaohua, and then found an open-air seat to sit down.

"I'm going to Japan tomorrow for two days, do you want to go with me?"

"Going to Tokyo?"


"Okay, I want to buy a 3DO game console."

"up to you."

As Nanyi said, his eyes looked in one direction. Not far away, Luo Zhaohui was walking over with Liu Jiajia in his arms.

Maybe Liu Jiajia's stickiness was just acting, she quickly found Nanyi, her brows were happy, she turned her head and said something to Luo Zhaohui, and then Luo Zhaohui also looked at Nanyi.

After a while, Luo Zhaohui and the two came to the table, "Nan Sheng, what a coincidence."

"Xiao Luo, do you want to date or eat seafood?"

"Dating can eat seafood, and eating seafood can also date, Nan Sheng, who is this?" Luo Zhaohui pointed to the guide Wuwei.

"My son, Nan Wuwei." Nan Yi introduced Nan Wuwei to Luo Zhaohui, and then said to Nan Wuwei: "Wuwei, this is Luo Zhaohui's uncle, and she is Liu Jiajia aunt."

"Hi Uncle Luo, and Aunt Liu."

After Nan Wuwei and Luo Zhaohun exchanged greetings, Nan Yi invited them to sit down.

As soon as Luo Zhaohun sat down, he said, "Nan Sheng, the Chongqing Mansion project will be sold out soon, and your share will be about 226 million."

Nan Yi said happily: "Xiao Luo, it's amazing. You have earned more than 160 million in such a short period of time. According to the rules, I should give you 15% of the share. When the time comes, you can give me 200 million."

Luo Zhaohui said with both joy and surprise: "Nan Sheng, isn't this appropriate?"

Nan Yi said grandly: "How can it be inappropriate? This is your project. You take me to make a fortune together. It is right to give you a share. Well, it's settled like that."

"Okay, thank you Nansheng."

"You don't need to thank me, let's go have a good time another day." When Nan Yi was speaking, he gestured to Luo Zhaohui for Nan Wuwei.

Luo Zhaohun understood and said hello.

Liu Jiajia listened to the conversation between the two of Nanyi, and she felt sore in her heart. She was ravaged by Luo Zhaohui's tricks, and the money she got was not as good as a fraction of a sentence, 26 million, and she gave it up lightly. out?

At this moment, Liu Jiajia couldn't help but have the idea of ​​changing his family and changing his family.

Soon, the processed seafood began to be served. Nanyi ordered some draft beer and drank it with Luo Zhaohui. He had just heard that there was a dividend, so it was not appropriate to rush to talk about business matters, so Nanyi had to turn the topic on women.

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