Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 952: Phoenix Crown and Xiapei

After reading the news, Nanyi packed up his things and went to Zhao Shixian's villa.

Since late September, Nanyi has entered a period of physical conditioning. Zhao Shixian has been preparing for it since the beginning of this year. Now that 1993 is coming to an end, the two have to hurry up to conceive.

During the eight days including the ovulation day, doing inappropriate things at inappropriate times and maintaining a happy mood made Nanyi quite miserable. Fortunately, after inspection on the tenth day, Zhao Shixian had been planted, and Nanyi Finally, I can breathe a sigh of relief.

As soon as the matter here is over, Nan Yi went to the Intelligence Policy Committee again, announced the implementation of the retirement system, and announced the establishment of the Anti-Corruption Commission, Anti-Corruption Commission. .

Regarding the anti-corruption inside Nanshi, Nanyi has always attached great importance to it, but the previous anti-corruption work was in charge of the intelligence team, which was kept secret. There was no serious corruption incident in Nanshi. Shi is still in the initial stage of development, and it is unrealistic to rely solely on rules. Feelings, loyalty, and other things that contribute to cohesion are still needed. Some things can only be vague and cannot be understood too clearly.

It's different now, some people's appetites have grown, and bear hearts and leopard galls are also growing. If we don't try to curb the spreading trend, Nan's will be easily hollowed out. Furthermore, Nan's has reached the stage where it can operate by rules.

The anti-corruption team draws personnel from the heart control team, talent team, intelligence team, legal team, legitimate defense team, and advance defense team, and has three teams under its jurisdiction: the enforcement team, the corruption prevention team, and the punishment team.

The punishment team is divided into Team A and Team B. Team A is also called "Iron Law Team" and is responsible for sending people in. Team B is also called "Mulayi Team" and is responsible for sending people up.

The establishment of the anti-corruption team took Nanyi a little time, and when the matter came to an end, the time had come to the middle of January, and Nanyi's new chapter in 1994 officially opened.

On January 18, Nan Yi flew to Boston and came to the testing ground of the company "Yingmala Technology", which was jointly established by the Peeping Interest Group and New York Dynamics.

Yingmale Technology has developed a sauce-flavored bionic dragonfly and a fragrance-flavored bionic grasshopper, which have been iterated for several generations, and finally they can be shown to meet people.

The bionic dragonfly has a big blue head with a long, knotted tail attached to it. There are two pairs of metal skeletons on both sides of the big head and transparent wings in the middle. The researchers activated the switch on the remote control, and the bionic dragonfly The dragonfly flapped its two pairs of wings and slowly flew up from the ground.

"Dad, the vibration frequency of the wings is so high, and the tail will also vibrate. Does it consume a lot of power?"

"It was originally an experimental version, and being able to fly is a victory."

"That's right, it's just that the scope of application of the bionic dragonfly is too narrow, and it is only useful in the military field."

"Don't worry about the application." Nanyi waved his hand and pointed to the bionic dragonfly in the air, "As long as we want to apply, we can apply for hundreds of utility patents, and they are very advanced patents. By analogy, the technology used in Dragonfly can be used in cars, and it can also be used in airplanes.”

"Father, let's not just play with accumulated accumulation, but also have a clear goal. Let's go straight to Huanglong." Nan Ruofing said.

"Yes, why not, isn't our Nanshi Explorer No. 1 soon to be completed, human friends on Earth, hello, I am Nanshi Explorer No. 1, when you read this letter, I think my life has entered the countdown, because I will run out of energy and fall into the abyss of the universe. Since Nan Ruofing sent me into space in 1994, I have started the exploration of Jupiter and Mars... ..."

Nan Ruofing: "Dad, Explorer 1 doesn't have much of our own technology, most of the technology is provided by NASA, and the future control is mainly in the hands of NASA."

"Then what can we do? We developed late, and begging others will naturally be controlled by others. Take your time, the dragonfly is out of power." Nan Yi said looking at the bionic dragonfly falling from the sky.

Nan Ruofing: "Dragonflies are so small, what kind of weapons can they carry in the future? Micro bombs or biological viruses?"

"I still have genetic weapons. What kind of weapons are equipped with them? This is a reconnaissance robot. Its development direction is reconnaissance. In the future, it will be enough to carry a camera."

Nan Ruofing: "Not equipped with a microcomputer?"

"No, the future technology trend is remote computing, which can also be called cloud computing. You only need to install a camera and a control engine on the dragonfly, and the data is transmitted to the cloud. The AI ​​​​in the cloud will perform calculations and then control the dragonfly."

Nan Ruofing: "Is it difficult to realize?"

"The theory is not difficult. Dad can explain the theory clearly, but it is very difficult to implement. There is also battery technology. The lithium battery technology that our family is currently working on is not advanced enough. We can only hope for graphene batteries or controllable nuclear fusion. , Oh, and the technology of air charging, which is also a direction.”

Nan Ruofing: "Dad, the space solar power station you invested in is the space charging technology?"

"The issue of space solar power plants is a bit bigger."

As Nanyi said, he looked at the bionic grasshopper that was already bouncing around. When the two slender legs made of imitation grasshoppers propped up on the ground, the grasshopper jumped to a height of about 60 cm in the air, landed lightly on the ground, and then performed The second jump, repeated several times, the state of the grasshopper was a bit wrong, and the jumping direction felt a little out of control, so the research and development personnel quickly stopped the grasshopper and checked it.

After checking and continuing to test, the grasshopper jumped dozens of times, lost its power in the air, fell heavily to the ground, and several parts of its body were thrown out.

"Let's go, go and encourage the R\u0026D personnel."

Nan Yi is not upset about the failure. He has long been mentally prepared for not seeing any results in 20 or 30 years. In fact, he is very satisfied with the progress he has made now, enough to lure him to continue throwing money into it. .

What's more, many of Nan's technical achievements in bionics can be put into practical use. Pillow Company under Xueshan Trust has already applied many technologies to sex toys, and the products of Pillow have gained a lot. Fewer fans.

After leaving the Yingma company, Nan Yi and Nan Ruofing went to Kamen Company, a subsidiary of the MICS Ergonomics Institute. Development of mechanical prosthetics.

Kamen Company is now working on the "three hands" technology. "Three hands" is derived from pickpockets, which means that in addition to the normal two hands of the human body, it is possible to create a hand that is more flexible than ordinary people and can complete fine stealing work. hand.

The goal is just a sentence, but it can be implemented in action through decades of research, hundreds of millions of dollars in investment, and all aspects of technology involved, requiring the assistance of multiple companies.

Strolling in Carmen's laboratory, looking at the semi-finished prosthetic limbs and robotic arms on the shelves and workbenches, Nan Yi is proud and distressed, all of which are the result of piling up money.

"Dad, I think the prosthetic project should be cut. The prospect is too bad. Even if a practical prosthetic is developed, the market will not be too big, and the investment will not be recovered."

"From the perspective of return on investment, you are right. It's not that the investment can't be recovered easily, but there is no hope of recovering the investment at all. This is a project that is destined to lose money. But the prosthetic limb project can be extended. Tell me , where does it extend?"

Nan Ruofing thought for a while and said, "Mechanical skeleton?"

"Bingo, when the mechanical arm can completely replace the human hand one day, you can imagine the level of mechanical control technology. It will not be too difficult to transplant this technology to the mechanical skeleton. Further development of highly intelligent robots will come naturally. thing.

In addition, the robotic arm will involve bioelectricity and biochip technology, which is also of interest to Dad. Perhaps one day in the future, a biochip can be used to replace the left and right brains of the human body. Is it a gimmick to clone a human being with a biochip? "

Nan Ruofing's eyes lit up, "Dad, cloning tigers, cloning lions, or cloning dinosaurs with biochips is more interesting."

Nan Yi raised his hand and flicked Nan Ruobing's brain adze, "Don't think so evil."

"Oh, Dad, your thoughts are evil, you just run towards people." Nan Ruobing covered his forehead and said, "Dad, we say that cloning is so lively, but cloning technology has not developed much."

"Why not? It's just that the laboratories keep it secret. Just wait and see. In two years, those laboratories that value fame will announce the cloning results. By then, cloning technology will definitely become a hot topic in the world."

Nan Ruofing took Nan Yi's arm and said softly, "Father, have we already achieved results?"

"Too advanced and inconvenient to display." Nan Yi said deliberately.


"Hahaha, if you have time, you can go to Gruina Island to see by yourself. There is an identical Yizi there."




The father and daughter left Carmen's laboratory in a fight, and Nan Yi went to Nan Ruofing's villa to sit for a while, and soon went to New York, stayed in Scarlet Manor for a few days, and then flew back to Xiangtang. A new company named Xiaoxiangyu was established under the Snow Mountain Trust.

As soon as Xiaoxiangyu registered, Nanyi personally bought 500 catties of gold from outside and filled it into the company's warehouse. A piece of land to establish a kingfisher artificial breeding base.

Then, Nanyi called Zhao Jinshui again, asking him to use the convenience of billions of dollars to visit all the masters, set up an embroidery workshop in Hangzhou, a Kesi workshop in Suzhou, and a makeup workshop in Jinling.

I placed a list for Smith Company to find the head of Xiaoxiangyu Company, requiring Hua people, women, who have studied in foreign fashion design colleges, and have in-depth research on Chinese traditional clothing, especially cheongsam. Employment, favorable treatment (monthly salary starting from 10,000).

After finishing all this, Nanyi flew to the capital, took back the "our courtyard" that had no sense of existence, and planned to tidy it up and use it as Xiaoxiangyu's company headquarters office.

Nanyi still asked Fang Chong to clean up the courtyard house. It is more convenient for the housing management office to contact the ancient building construction team.

After the construction team came to evaluate, they said that the job was not big, but they still had to work for three or four months. It was impossible to complete it a year ago. Nanyi didn't understand the restoration of ancient buildings. It could only be what people said. Fortunately, the construction The team did not open their mouths, and listed a very long quotation. There are always a lot of materials that need to be bought, but the quotation is only 20,000 yuan.

Nanyi showed Li Xiangrong a look at the quotation, and got a reply with a conscience price. Nanyi signed a contract with the construction team and left a list of materials. , to see if he can find the back account.

After finishing the construction team, Nanyi went to the National Museum to carefully observe the phoenix crown of Empress Xiao Duanxian, and took three more films to take pictures of the phoenix crown in all directions. I also asked a sensible person from the museum to inquire about the origin of the pearls and gems on the phoenix crown.

The fourth chapter of "Xiaoxiang Yu" by Yang Xianzhi in the Yuan Dynasty: "My wife, who wears a phoenix coronet, is easy to lock? Wait for me."

The four characters "Fengguanxiapei" first came from "Xiaoxiangyu", which is also the reason why Nanyi named the company Xiaoxiangyu. Yes, one of the purposes of establishing Xiaoxiangyu is to make Fengguanxiapei, as well as the empress of the Ming Dynasty. Di Yi.

To put it bluntly, Nanyi began to prepare wedding dresses and dowry for his daughters. Feng Guanxia Pei was only the first step, and he still had a lot to prepare. Xiaoxiangyu can also be called the "Marriage Preparation Office". The company is because Nanyi reported that he wanted to earn back the money he was about to spend.

After going to the National Museum, Nanyi went to Li Xiangrong's place again.

"Xiangrong, do you have any research on eight large sedan chairs?"

"Master Nan, you mean the sedan chair that the bride used to sit on?"

"Yes, pick the best one."

"In the past, the best eight-carrying sedan chair was the Wangong sedan chair. Wangong means 10,000 jobs, and it took more than 30 years for skilled craftsmen to complete it. This Wangong sedan chair is exquisite in the selection of materials. Camphor wood, Basswood has a well-proportioned pattern, without any worm eyes, and the luster must be warm, so that the material is suitable for the skeleton of the sedan chair.

On top of these precious woods, countless lifelike wood carvings should be carved, such as twenty-four phoenixes, thirty-eight dragons, fifty-four cranes, seventy-four magpies, ninety-two lions, one hundred and twenty-four Pomegranates, 250 figures, and countless flowers, birds, fish and insects are embellished.

After the carving is finished, it needs to be decorated with three crafts of gold paste, mud gold, and gold. The gold alone needs more than a hundred taels. In this way, the finished sedan chair is complemented by wood carvings, gold, and vermilion lacquer. Numerous pearls and emeralds are embellished. It is almost impossible to describe in words. "

After listening to Li Xiangrong, Nanyi said: "Xiangrong, it's like this, my daughter is about to grow up, and she will be married in a few years, and I want to prepare for her while I still have time. A little dowry, according to the ancient etiquette, you have to take eight sedan chairs when you get married, you have to have a bed for the dowry, and you have to prepare everything else that should be prepared.

The antique calligraphy and paintings at the bottom of the box, the copper coins Yuan Datou, the shop, the land, the business, the personal maid, the cook, the nurse, the nanny, the maid, the nanny, are gone now, that's what I mean, I will find one or two ironing posts when the time comes nanny, Yuesao.

I only know a little about the rules of the past, and you are more proficient in history, so I would like to ask you to make a list for me, what to prepare, as long as you can find it, list all the ones that are not orphans. "

Li Xiangrong thought about it, and said: "Master Nan, you have to think about it. It is not so easy to prepare for the ten miles of red makeup in the past. I know that Master Nan is not short of money, but I still have to remind you that if you want to get everything in order, you may Ten million is not enough."

Nan Yi waved his hand, "Money can be skipped, the key is time. The first dowry must be ready within five years, so you should consider the issue of time when you make the list. Of course, some will cost more You can also list the time to prepare, I have more than one daughter, and the youngest has not come out of the mother's womb, so I have time to wait."

"Master Nan, Shili Hongzhuang's movement is very loud and public." Li Xiangrong reminded again thinking about Nanyi's low-key personality.

"I understand that preparation doesn't have to be shown off, and there are ways to cover it up. For example, when filming a costume drama, it is said that it is a prop borrowed from the crew. Ordinary people can't understand that a vase is worth tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Similarly, They also didn't expect that a sedan chair would be so expensive, and they could prevaricate it without giving sensible people a chance to check it up close."

"Since Master Nan has figured it out, I won't say anything else. When it comes to the dowry, it includes almost all the things the bride needs in her life. It is equivalent to moving to a small house. In the past, a woman was described as a thousand acres of fertile land and ten miles of red makeup. There are a lot of dowries, red makeup is easy to talk about, what should I do with the fertile land?"

"It's not easy to do in China, but you can find a way abroad. In many countries, you can buy land at will, let alone thousands of acres, even ten thousand hectares are also possible."

Li Xiangrong nodded, "The dowry ranges from wardrobes, clothes, quilts, gold and silver jewelry, to needlework, toilets, etc. All these daily necessities are available. There are three main categories, furniture, jewelry, and clothing. These antiques can be brought The last one or two, most of them have to be made new, and it is not suitable for newcomers to use old ones. There is also "Daughter Picture" in the bottom of the box..."

Nan Yi said in surprise: "What is "Daughter Picture", I have never heard of it."

"Tang Yin Tang Bohu is best at."

"Oh, "Pictures of the Erotic Palace", let's forget about this, and replace it with two pictures of Tang Bohu's ladies. Did you collect all eight pictures before?"

"It should be possible, but the price is not expensive now, why don't I pay attention?" Li Xiangrong asked.

Nanyi nodded, "It's best to think of a way from the outside."

"Jewelry must have a bracelet. In the past, there was a saying that you can't get married without a bracelet. This was prepared by the mother. In the past, when a daughter was married, before the daughter got on the sedan chair, the mother would often personally present a brocade bag embroidered with a unicorn. Put a pair of jade bracelets, one big and one small, which symbolizes the pairing of male and female, and the two hearts will grow old together.

Women wear bracelets, some wear one and hide the other, and some put both at the bottom of the box and take them out to wear during festivals. When wearing it, one only wears one, another wears one on one hand, and some wear both on the same wrist. "

Nanyi: "So, the bracelet must be a heavy weapon?"

Li Xiangrong: "Of all the jewelry that can be worn, bracelets must be the most expensive."

"Understood, you continue."

"Also, there must be jade ruyi and rings in the jewelry. Gold inlaid jade is the best, but this is usually sent to the woman's home when the man is hired; there are also earrings and hairpins, preferably jade hairpins. , in ancient times, if you can have a jade hairpin, it can also represent your own identity and status. Especially in the Qing Dynasty, if you were not born in a noble and high-ranking official family, you had no chance to get a jade hairpin..."

Li Xiangrong counted every piece of jewelry to be prepared with Nanyi in detail, and then talked about clothing. Basically, the clothing in the dowry should be enough to wear to death.

In ancient times, the dowry was based on not relying on the in-laws' family. The bride would bring food and clothing with her. Thousands of acres of fertile land solved the problem of food, and rent was also an income.

The same is true of Nanyi's idea. In addition to their own property, each of the four daughters (including Fan Hongdou) will be given a share of property when they marry, so that they don't have to rely on their in-laws' family to rely on dowry alone. Guaranteed worry-free for three generations.

For the next three days, Nanyi reported to Xinrongzhai every day, and learned to identify Yuan Datou and Sun Xiaotou with Master Zhang Weiquan, a master of ancient coins invited by Li Xiangrong.

In the past few decades, and even now in 1994, whether it is a married woman in the city or a rural area, as long as conditions permit, they will prepare one or a package of Yuan Datou for the married daughter. Therefore, the popularity of Yuan Datou is very high. , Many families can take out at least one Yuan Datou.

The meaning of Yuan Datou is slightly different from other items at the bottom of the press box. Nanyi plans to find a few special ones by himself, and then divide the 200 Yuan Datou from Nanzhai to his four daughters.

Zhang Weiquan is really a master of ancient coins. Not only is his level of identification first-rate, but he also has a lot of ancient coins in his hand, including Yuan Datou. The method of teaching Nanyi is also relatively simple. First, tell Nanyi what a normal Yuan Datou should have.

Then take out Yuan Datou in various versions and appearances for Nanyi to observe, and tell Nanyi why some Yuan Datou are very thin, and the reasons for the formation of various rusts, such as being buried in the ground and soaked in water wait.

In addition, it also includes how Yuan Datou made the fake, where the fake was made, and what kind of fake it was. Zhang Weiquan will tell Nanyi bit by bit, and he will take the trouble.

After three days passed, Nanyi was enough to make a living in Datoujie, Zhang Weiquan, with the expression of a child who can be taught, asked Li Xiangrong for a Xianfengtong Baoquan Bureau Diaomu, and encouraged Nanyi to calm down I walked away leisurely.

"Bah, grandson, pretend to be an asshole."

As soon as Zhang Weiquan left, Li Xiangrong spat, he felt distressed.

The ancient coin masters are willing to come here to teach Nanyi the mallet. Naturally, it is not because Nian Nanyi is savvy, but Zhang Weiquan, as a master of ancient coins, does not have much carving mother money in his hand. Came over to Xinrongzhai calmly, and put down a sentence neither humble nor overbearing: "A carving mother can only be taught for three days!"

Looking at Li Xiangrong's behavior, Nanyi could only say: "Xiangrong, don't feel bad, I should have some carved mother money with me, I don't know if it's okay, I'll send it to you another day."

"Master Nan, it's not because I feel sorry for Diaomu Qian, but because I don't like Zhang Weiquan's grandson." Li Xiangrong explained.

"Well, I'll go first, and go to the ghost market tomorrow to verify what I've learned."

Saying goodbye to Li Xiangrong and leaving Xinrongzhai, Nanyi returned to the old house. In a blink of an eye, it was a long time since there was a big cleaning. Nanyi spent most of the day cleaning the upstairs and downstairs of the old house. Wipe what needed to be done. , What should be repaired.

Although the winter in the capital is very dry, due to the large temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, when the south wind blows, the room will also be damp, and mold spots will inevitably appear on the walls and cabinets. Nanyi took a lot of effort to put the corners Clean up here.

It was close to the meal time, Nan Yi tidied up the house, went to the bathroom to tidy himself up, and then went to Lai Biao's house.

At Lai Biao's house, Wen Wan was cooking in the kitchen, Lai Biao was sitting in the living room watching TV, Nan Yi was let in by Lai Biao and collapsed on the sofa.

"Lao Nan, I'm going to New York in a few days." Lai Biao closed the door and said while sitting next to Nan Yi.


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