Finding an empty table, the two sat down. Nan Yi glanced at the knives and forks on the table. As he said last time, Lao Mo was really afraid of being stolen. The tableware had been changed from silver to stainless steel.

"Nanyi, do you know that Sony Corporation in Japan recently launched a very small tape recorder called the Walkman. I heard that the recorder is only the size of a palm. When it will be sold in Beijing, I plan to buy one."

After the food was delivered, Xu Qian's chatterbox also opened up.

"I heard that it should be called TPS-L2, and it was already available in the Japanese market last year."

"Well, I have a question, I want to ask you."

"Go ahead."

"Who in your family is in Xiangxi?"

"My grandma."

A few days ago, Nan Yi deliberately put two incense envelopes on the desk in the classroom, so that all the students in the class could see him, and then know that he has overseas relations.

Fang Mengyin's affairs in Xiangtang can't be hidden in the long run, and Nanyi doesn't want to hide it either.

For Nanyi, the existence of an overseas relationship can not only be used to hide some unreasonable things about him, but also bring him convenience in doing things.

"Has your grandma been in Xiangtang very early?"

"I went there two years ago."

Xu Qian rolled her eyes and said, "I originally planned to go to Xiangtang for two days during the summer vacation. It just so happens that your grandma is there, so I don't need to stay in a hotel. Write a letter to your grandma. Say hello to me."

"Xu Qian, are you nearsighted?"

"No, I have very good eyesight, why do you ask that?"

Nanyi put down the knife and fork, and stared straight at Xu Qian's face, "If you are not highly myopic, why do you have such a bad vision for men? Let me tell you, I am not a good man."

"Nanyi, don't you like me at all?" Xu Qian also put down her knife and fork, and looked at Nanyi innocently and sadly.

"No, you are a good girl, no one will dislike you."

"Then why do you still say that?"

"Hehe, I'm just telling the truth, I'm not a good man."

"How are you? It doesn't matter what you say. I don't want you to think, I want me to think. I think you are a very good person, a good man."

"Ha, I'm sure you will give your intestines to Huiqing in the future."

"No, my father praised me for my good eyesight. I believe I can see the wrong person."

When she said this, Xu Qian's eyes were very firm.

"Hmm, since you want to hit my south wall, you can do whatever you want. My grandma lives at No. 2046, Repulse Bay, and her phone number is 2520218. Do you remember it? Do you want to write to you?"

Xu Qian smiled, "No need, I've already remembered."

"Eat, everything is cold."


After the meal, Nanyi sent Xu Qian back to school, and went to the depths of Baihua to continue cultivating feelings with Fan Hongdou.


"In the past, we always said that two-thirds of the people in the world were in dire straits. Looking back now, we are the ones in dire straits."

"Student Zhou Maode, I think your statement is not entirely correct. Compared with Western developed countries, we are far behind, but compared with some third world countries in Africa and South America, our country is very promising and very promising. Potential." Qu Liuyan said.

Zhou Maode: "I think we can't catch up with western developed countries no matter how we develop, they already have private cars, can we do it?

In our country, 200 yuan a month is considered a high salary. Even if you don’t eat or drink, it’s only 24000 a year, 240000 in ten years, and 240000 in 100 years.

When will we realize the four modernizations, and when will we be able to afford a private car? "

When Nanyi walked into the classroom, he saw a group of people gathered together, and heard the debate between Qu Liuyan and Zhou Maode.

It's strange, what is Qu Liuyan, a political and economic class from the English department, here to argue about?

"Student Zhou Maode, you are too extreme in thinking about things. Either I am the best in the world, or I am self-defeating. I worship foreigners, and even the moon is round like a foreigner."

"Student Qu, we are debating, not holding a criticism meeting. Do you admit that Western countries are stronger than ours?"

"We were backward in the past, but I believe that with our efforts, our country will definitely catch up with Western countries, and we will be able to live a life of lights and telephones upstairs and downstairs.

I believe that there will be bread, milk, and private cars sooner or later, as long as we make unremitting efforts and are willing to sacrifice.

Now our country is encouraging unemployed young people to engage in self-employment. Whether it is opening a small shop or setting up a food stall, this is allowed by the policy.

Coincidentally, Nanyi is here. You are the first one in our school to set up a stall to sell breakfast. You can answer me, how much money did your breakfast shop earn every day? Did it exceed twenty yuan? "


Nan Yi patted the table, stood up and said loudly: "Student Qu, you are purely spreading rumors and slander, and Wu Renpin and I had already discussed it before setting up the breakfast stall.

He and I can't do breakfast stalls with the thinking of doing business. We are not trying to make dirty high profits, but to find a young worker's salary from the breakfast stalls.

Since my classmate Wu Renpin and I spend about four hours a day at the stall, and the two of us spend eight hours in total, so the upper limit of what he and I can earn is 50 cents every day after excluding the cost.

In this way, it was seventeen and five yuan a month, which happened to be the wages of a young worker.

Later, when I quit, Wu Renpin called his wife to run the breakfast stand together. Students who have bought breakfast at his stand must know that his breakfast is now cheaper.

Because he lowered the standard of daily income to a lower level, no longer taking workers' wages as the standard, but taking the farmers' annual work-point income as the standard.

Therefore, in essence, my classmate Wu Renpin and I are not doing business, but we regard ourselves as service personnel without a staff, providing more delicious breakfast for the students in the school. "

Nan Yi pursed his lips, moistened his lips, and organized his words by the way, "The reason why I quit is because I found that my cooking skills are so good that more and more people come to eat our breakfast.

This made me feel scared. From a business point of view, the better my craftsmanship, the better the business, and Wu Renpin and I would be overwhelmed.

Then we need to hire people. What is the relationship between the hired people and us? "

"Of course it's an employment relationship." Wu Renpin said flatteringly.

"Yes, the employment relationship, the business is getting better and better, and more and more people will be hired, so I don't have to work and become the boss, then I will become a new exploiting class.

This is what I don't want to see. I am a farmer first, and a student second. I may become a worker in the future. I don't want to be exploited, and I don't want to exploit others.

Classmates Qu and Classmate Zhou, please continue to debate, but please don’t give me and Wu Renpin two inappropriate examples, thank you. "

After Nan Yi finished speaking, he sat down.

Recently, in the ivory tower, a group of people are chasing poets, and a group of people are busy discussing "more work, more distribution according to work", "whether to encourage the emergence of millionaires", these two are very sharp issues. .

As for the poet, Nan Yi ignored it; as for the discussion, Nan Yi had been hiding far away. He didn't expect to be sucked into the vortex by Qu Liuyan, a little girl.

Some things are done quietly, but they can't be said, let alone being praised as some kind of typical [target].

This time, he was on Zhou Maode's side, the little girl was just looking for trouble.

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