The Iron Abacus Troop is a heterogeneous troop, civilians among civilians, and its members are generally younger. Apart from wearing military uniforms, they are actually not much different from ordinary elementary school students. There is almost no military training in normal times, only physical education classes.

Nan Wuwei is an outlier among the outliers. He does a 5.2-kilometer cross-country run every day. It’s not that he can only run this far, but that his physical condition is only suitable for running this distance, and any further distance will damage his knees. and lead to unhealthy development.

How could Nan Yi not care about his son's health? Since the day Nan Wuwei practiced martial arts, his physical condition has been monitored, and the amount of daily training has been carefully calculated.

After dinner, Nan Wuwei came to the playground again and jumped on the horizontal bar for the second exercise of abdominal circles. I saw him circling around the horizontal bar with his hands and abdomen as the center point. It didn't look difficult at all. With ease.

One circle after another, after more than a hundred and twenty circles, although he still had some energy left, he still stopped and couldn't stop, the skin of his knuckles had been worn out a little, and he continued to do it with his body. die.

Nan Wuwei is still young, so he can’t frequently touch the word “willpower” in physical training. To put it bluntly, breaking through the limit can also be said to be an overdraw of vitality. Take it easy.

"Nan Wuwei, have you ever thought about being a real soldier?" Chen Guotao stood in the distance and watched Nan Wuwei get off the horizontal bar, and then walked closer and said.

"Brother Guotao, you want to scare people to death, but you come here quietly every time."

"Don't pretend, I know your ears are very good, if I ask you a question, answer me seriously." Chen Guotao said seriously.

Nan Wuwei hesitated for a moment and said, "I haven't thought about it yet. My dad wants me to honor him and get a first-class merit while alive. I want to get two or three. I'm working hard."

"Start bragging again. There is a chance to win a first-class merit. Just participate in an international competition and win the championship. Don't even think about two. You may only get a second-class merit if you win the championship for the second time."

As Chen Guotao said, he couldn't help feeling a little sour in his heart. If he wanted to get first-class merit, he would have to fight his life.

"Take one for the competition, and another for the others."

"Others?" Chen Guotao thought of the tome on cryptography that he saw in the afternoon, "You don't want to make a difference in cryptography, do you?"

"Can't you?" Nan Wuwei laughed.

"In theory, it is possible. Our country's cryptography is far behind that of the West. If you want to make achievements in this area, it is not difficult to get first-class results, but can you do it?"

"If you don't work hard, how will you know if it will work?"

Chen Guotao gave a thumbs up, "Okay, I wish you success, if you stay in the army, within a few years, I have to call you chief."

Staying in the same school, Chen Guotao naturally knows the situation of the Iron Abacus Army. Members have a maximum age limit. Once they reach the age, they must either retire or take another four years of formal military courses. start.

Chen Guotao loves the army and wants to stay in the army for the rest of his life. At the same time, he also hopes that top seedlings like Nan Wuwei will stay in the army.

Nan Wuwei chatted with Chen Guotao for a while, and when he had enough rest, he lay down on the ground again and did push-ups.

The push-ups he does are a bit different from the regular ones. Instead of one or two movements of the body up and down, there are six movements when broken down. He props his body up high with his hands, claps his hands off the ground, and then lifts his body high with his hands on the ground. Hold up, keep your toes on the ground, and clap your hands behind your buttocks; when your hands land again, use your hands and feet on the ground at the same time, and your body will rise into the air.

So repeated, constantly up and down.

A layman watches the fun, an expert watches the doorway. Nan Wuwei's movements seem simple, as if anyone can do them, but Chen Guotao knows that to do Nan Wuwei's push-ups requires a strong core strength. He has learned to do it and almost Hurt yourself.

Chen Guotao watched, waited, and counted silently in his heart. Yesterday, Nan Wuwei did 141 sets, that is, 423 times. According to the rules he summed up, today is the day when Nan Wuwei increases the number, and he should be able to do 143 sets.

As Chen Guotao expected, Nan Wuwei stopped after doing 143 sets, moved his body a few times, lay down on the ground again, and said to Chen Guotao with a smile: "Brother Guotao, it's your turn to play."

Chen Guotao smiled helplessly, came to Nan Wuwei's side, grabbed his hand and kneaded and slapped him, "I'm going to be an intern in the army soon, after I leave, who do you ask to give you a massage?"

"There will be new recruits coming in September, just grab one at random."

"You, don't bully the newcomers, beware of them cutting you."

"Hey, I'm still a child, what do they mean?" Nan Wuwei knew very well that his age was his advantage, and other student soldiers would really fall into a disadvantage if they wanted to play with him.

"Ghostly." Chen Guotao switched hands after pressing one hand, "The school will hold a shooting competition soon, so go cheer me on then."

"No, I have no chance to play again. I haven't touched a gun for a month, and my hands are raw."

"If you let you shoot a target once, you will dare to knock out hundreds of bullets. As a civil servant, who would dare to let you consume like this, just wait slowly, and someday the teacher will let you shoot again when he is in a good mood." Chen Guotao paused. After a while, he said again: "You said you learned how to shoot from your father, so how is your father's shooting level?"

"It's okay. My dad likes to shoot. He shoots thousands of rounds every time. It's just that his talent is poor. The bullets he knocked out are enough to feed several top snipers."

Before Nan Wuwei joined the army, Nan Yi had explained to him that when he arrived in the army, he would show off his ability to the fullest, and he didn't need to hide it. However, don't say too much about family affairs, especially about Nan Yi.

In the final analysis, Nan Yi also hesitated about Nan Wuwei's future. He thought rationally and calmly that politics is the most suitable path for Nan Wuwei. However, Nan Yi has a military complex in his bones.

Nan Yi was very entangled in his heart, a little bit letting Nan Wuwei choose one of the two, and afraid that once Nan Wuwei joined the army, he would give him the greatest honor, how could he not feel sorry for his son.

No matter how enlightened a person is, it is impossible for his son to laugh when his son is honored, let alone Nanyi, who is not so enlightened.

"Impossible. According to your dad's style of play, even a pig can be trained as a sharpshooter. Your dad's shooting level is absolutely impossible. Tell me, did your dad ever serve as a soldier and go to the front line?"

"Brother Guotao, you think highly of my father, he has only been a militiaman." Nan Wuwei withdrew his hand, "Press your waist more."

Chen Guotao patted Nan Wuwei on the waist, and said with a smile, "Didn't your father tell you that children have no waist?"

"My father also said that I was picked up in the trash can. You can't believe some of the adults' words."

"Hehe, you kid."

Chen Guotao likes Nan Wuwei, and Nan Wuwei also likes Chen Guotao. During the two people getting along, they developed a relationship between elder brother and younger brother, and also grew the buds of a comrade-in-arms friendship.

Habits and comfort zones are scary things. Nan Wuwei has been exercising for seven years, and he is slowly falling into the comfort zone of Qiqihao. Maybe after a long time, there will be only one option left for his future.

Different from Nan Wuwei's sublimation trend, Nanyi still circles around "Xiaonan" with an acre of three-point land.

Back in the guest room, Nan Yi fed Nan Ruoqi some fish paste, and stayed in the room for a while to see if she had abdominal distension, but found nothing abnormal, and waited for her to soak the shit before leaving the guest room. Return to the casino.

After turning around, Nan Yi found Zhao Shixian at a gambling table with golden flowers.

There were five people fighting at the gambling table, Zhao Shixian, Bo Qiong and Liu Jiajia who surprised Nanyi, a woman he didn't know, and a man who should be lucky.

On the man's face, there is a scar from the eyebrow on the left side down to the temple, which is slightly darkened. Looking at the shape of the scar and the downward angle, Nanyi has two judgments in his mind: lying with his head buried on the ground, being shot by a shell chipped by shrapnel; scraped by long-range sniper or thrown machine gun bullets.

No matter what the possibility is, the man has a high probability of having served in the army, and stray bullets do not have eyes, and the probability of getting into the flesh is much higher than the probability of passing, so the man's luck is definitely not bad.

Nan Yi remembered the man's face and gave him a code name - Gun Scar.

Nanyi knew Liu Jiajia, and although he and Bo Qiong didn't know each other officially, they knew each other who they were. They met three people at a table, and they played Zhajinhua, which was easy to use the rules to bully more and less. He didn't get close to the gambling table, but just stood three meters away to watch the game.

Seeing that the chips on the gaming table should be a minimum of 1,000, and the lowest bet of Bo Qiong is also 1,000. This should be Bo Qiong's banker, because when she came to her, she threw another 2,000 on the gaming table, and the total number of chips instantly increased. It became twelve thousand.

Bo Qiong's next target was Liu Jiajia, she hesitated for a moment and threw out two thousand.

Nanyi counted Liu Jiajia's chips, which were less than 300,000 in total. Compared with other people, the chips were pitifully small. Bo Qiong had a little over 2 million. According to the order of betting, Zhao Shixian had about 1.6 million. There are about three million women, and two million gun scars.

Zhao Shixian and the strange woman casually threw 2,000 chips in turn, and when they reached Gun Scar, he laughed, "I don't even look at the cards, okay, I'll raise, 4,000."

Gun Scar is the Wei family, and the four people in front are bored, which means that he is fighting for 8,000 with 4,000, instead of 2,000 more than others.

When it came to the banker Boqiong again, she threw 8,000 on the table without making a sound.

Liu Jiajia struggled for a while, resisting the urge to look at the cards, and then became bored for eight thousand.

Zhao Shixian and the strange woman were still straightforward and followed directly.

"Hahaha, it's interesting, it's really interesting. Once I meet four heroines, I'll re-raise to see which heroine looks at the cards first. It's 20,000 when I get bored."

The maximum bet is 20,000, so the maximum bet should be 40,000, 60,000, between two and three times, any higher is unfair to those who have seen the cards and then called.

Bo Qiong still didn't look at the cards, and simply followed. Liu Jiajia was stuck here for a long time, but he still followed. Zhao Shixian and the strange woman followed in turn; another round turned to Liu Jiajia, her hand was deadlocked between the chips and the cards After waiting for a long time, he still gritted his teeth and threw another 20,000 chips.

Instead, when she arrived at Zhao Shixian's place, she decisively picked up the cards on the table, took a quick look, and threw 50,000 chips on the table, "The cards are good, I'll follow, you guys continue to be bored."

"Sister, I want to bet on the third one, and help you carry it." The strange woman chuckled and threw out 20,000 chips.

The bigger the bet, the more bored people are, and the greater the chances of losing are those who read the cards early, especially when the cards in their hands are only pairs. The probability of boring people getting a big pair or straight is very high. high. Besides, follow and follow, after the bored person looks at the cards, more than one family follows up, and the pair in the hands of the people who looked at the cards earlier is basically dead.

If there are many chips on the table, the small pair will also keep up, and it is easy to be killed by the boring cards. There are two or three players who have been bored and just don’t look at the cards. The big pair will die.

There are too many boring rounds. Anyway, a lot of chips have been thrown out. Most people will not be reluctant to open the chips. If there is an A among the three cards, they will open the card. If the person watching the cards likes to steal chickens, or even a flower The cards will be drawn, and this varies from person to person.

Gun Scar and Bo Qiong were still bored, but when she arrived at Liu Jiajia, she didn't dare to follow any more. She picked up the cards, went through a standard process of checking cards, put the cards back on the table, and threw out 50,000 yuan calmly. chips.

As the strange woman expected, Zhao Shixian only looked at two cards in the last lap, and followed them if they were of the same suit. She picked it up again, looked at the third card quickly, and then smiled, "Luck!" Not bad, I beat you, follow me."

Zhao Shixian's operation is very confusing. No one can guess whether there is a card or not.

Seeing Zhao Shixian following up, Liu Jiajia's heart skipped a beat. Her cards were golden flowers, 5, 3, and 2 of clubs, the smallest golden flower. A little half went out, and there were only a few hundred thousand left on the table. I lacked confidence and worried about gains and losses.

Nan Yi who was standing next to him shook his head, no matter whether Zhao Shixian was stealing this card or not, Liu Jiajia will lose in this game.

Zha Jinhua is the dog meat in the gambling method, and there is no banquet at all. Other gambling methods are ten bets, six or seven cheats, and Zha Jinhua is ten bets and nine cheats. With tricks and rules, it is easy to trap people.

The simplest way is to cooperate with two or three people on the gambling table. One of them will check the cards. Although it is also possible for Yanggu to get a big card, the probability of that is very small, and an occasional miss will not affect the overall situation.

There should be no players at the gambling table in front of me, and Liu Jiajia will not be regarded as a goat, but her foundation is too weak, and she has no momentum at all. Unless she is very lucky today, it won't take long to lose all her chips.

Looking at Zhao Shixian, Bo Qiong, and the strange woman, the three of them have a strong aura, and they don't see millions in their eyes.

Nanyi got rid of Liu Jiajia and Gun Scar first, and waited to see who would win and who would win from the remaining three daughters of Zhao Shixian.

"Sister, let me help you raise your hand again, and I will check the cards in the next round." The strange woman still threw out 20,000 chips, without any intention of checking the cards.

Gun Scar laughed, "Interesting, interesting, the first deck of cards was so fierce, and I was the only man at the table. I can't fall into the prestige of a man, I will continue to be bored."

When it was time for Bo Qiong to bet, she first glanced at Liu Jiajia, then glanced at her cards, and then looked at Zhao Shixian. After her eyes stayed on Zhao Shixian's face for a short time, she still threw out 20,000 chips and continued to be bored.

Although just a few seconds ago, Liu Jiajia had already decided on a strategy of following around to see the situation, but when it was her turn to place a bet, she hesitated again, bit her lip, and picked up the cards she had seen twice. After taking a look, after fighting with the villain and not with the villain, she still struggled to roll out 50,000 chips.

When it was Zhao Shixian's turn, she picked up 50,000 chips and weighed them in her hand, and said sadly: "Oh, I've met an enemy card, should I follow or not?"

"Sister, stop acting, I won't be fooled by you, quickly place a bet, I want to watch the cards."

"Hehe, sister, I'm really embarrassed, forget it, let's follow around and have a look." Zhao Shixian muttered, but the action of throwing chips was very neat.

The strange woman is a veteran gambler, and she has her own set of procedures for reading the cards. After about half a minute, she laughed and said, "Sister, you are right. I really met the enemy's card. I will follow."

The three players looked at the cards, and the three players called. Not everyone was stealing. Gun Scar picked up the cards on the table, and after seeing what the cards were, his face became gloomy, and he decisively folded the cards.

Bo Qiong remained the same, and still threw out 20,000 chips very simply.

Nan Yi, who was on the sidelines, saw that a little trick was coming. Bo Qiong didn't care much about winning or losing, and her main purpose was to pull Liu Jiajia into the water.

Liu Jiajia had a relationship with Xu Shiheng, and Bo Qiong is now Xu Shiheng's wife. Although there should be no relationship between the two of them, they are still husbands in name, and fake rivals are also rivals in love.

No, Liu Jiajia's complexion has become very ugly. Her chips are only enough for her to follow one more round. After this round, if she wants to follow again, she has to change her chips. She doesn't know how much more chips she can change.

It was another long period of ideological struggle, and Liu Jiajia worked extremely hard to roll out a mountain of 50,000 chips. She was not reconciled, she was really unwilling to just fold her cards like this.

Seeing Liu Jiajia calling, Nan Yi walked up to the female dealer and asked, "How many rounds can we compare cards?"

"The cards can only be compared after three rounds."

In the case that only one player is bored and there are several others calling, the player who has seen the cards can place a bet and choose another one who has seen the cards. This way, one competitor can be ruled out first or he can get out of the game earlier. .

Liu Jiajia was miserable. Judging by Bo Qiong's posture, it's no wonder she wasn't bored for three laps.

In other words, Liu Jiajia had to throw at least 150,000 chips in order to know how big his chances of winning were.

When it was Zhao Shixian's turn, she withdrew from the show and threw out 50,000 chips.

At this point, there is no need to perform, the rest can only speak with cards, and the time to fight bayonet is coming.

Seeing Zhao Shixian bet, the strange woman folded directly. She just called a round to see if someone folded. Since the first two called, her little pair had no need to die.

As expected, Bo Qiong continued to be bored.

Liu Jiajia no longer had so many ideological struggles, she was red-eyed, and she was still fighting. She took out a card from her bag and handed it to the female dealer, and said decisively: "For 1.2 million."

As soon as the chips arrived, she quickly threw out 50,000 chips.

One lap passed, Bo Qiong continued to be bored, Liu Jiajia and Zhao Shixian continued to follow...

Bo Qiong was bored for seven rounds at a stretch, and she didn't look at the cards until the eighth round. After watching the cards, she directly threw out 50,000 chips.

The clattering of chips woke up Liu Jiajia, who was in a daze just now, and she actually threw nearly half a million in a deck of cards. This is half a million. She was paid for being a movie heroine once, and her lips had to be rubbed to bleed to get it from Luo Zhaohui. out the numbers.

After feeling sorry for herself for a while, Liu Jiajia regained her senses, and bet 50,000 chips to prepare for a poker match... But she hesitated again when choosing the opponent for the poker match, "Who should I compete with?"

After struggling for a while, she approached Bo Qiong.

Bo Qiong sneered, and directly lifted his cards, "There's no need to compare."

Liu Jiajia took a closer look, and found that Bo Qiong's cards were 356, different suits, and the last few small cards in the bottom row.

Swish, Liu Jiajia's face turned black instantly.

I found the wrong match partner!

Zhao Shixian glanced at Liu Jiajia and threw out 50,000 chips.

Finally, when it was time to turn the cards, Liu Jiajia, who was already guilty, quickly threw out 50,000 chips, then flipped his cards over, "Draw the cards."

Zhao Shixian looked at Liu Jiajia's cards, pretended to be dumbfounded, and patted his big chest, "It's too risky, too risky, luckily I couldn't hold back the cards, I'm sorry Miss Liu."

As he said that, Zhao Shixian flipped over his own card, and it turned out to be a diamond 532, which was as big as Liu Jiajia's card.

According to the rules of Zhajinhua, the suit and the same big card, whoever proposes to open the card, loses.

Looking at Zhao Shixian's cards, Liu Jiajia wished he could slap himself eighteen times, why didn't he insist on playing for a few more rounds? Why open the cards so early? Why not wait for the opponent to turn?

Soul three torture, Liu Jiajia asked her heart very painfully, very painfully.

No matter how distressed Liu Jiajia was, the female croupier faithfully completed her work, arranged the chips on the table, took a 2% margin, and left the rest to Zhao Shixian.

Nanyi frowned slightly, remembering that in his previous life, he had played business Zha Jinhua with others, and after playing all night, most of the chips went to the dealer.

Regardless of the fact that the 2% rake is not much, Zha Jinhua’s speed of a deck of cards is very fast. If each deck of cards is very boring, a deck of cards will draw 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, and a hundred decks of cards will be 20,000 to 3 million. Three or four hundred decks of cards were easy at night.

Usually big casinos don’t offer this kind of game, even if they offer it, it’s a mode of charging for the table or taking money from the winner after closing the stall. It’s rare to see money being drawn from the table. This casino looks a bit ugly.

The female croupier arranged the chips, took out a new deck of cards, and let everyone check the cards, then shuffled the cards, cut off a few cards at random, and started dealing cards from the dealer, Zhao Shixian.

In the new game, Liu Jiajia started to take the lead. As the first player, she actually directly increased the bet to 20,000, and kept following it for four rounds. The strange woman folded after checking the cards, and Bo Qiong followed up after checking the cards ...

As the game progressed, Gun Scar also folded, and only Zhao Shixian, Liu Jiajia, and Bo Qiong were left. The difference was that in this deck, Liu Jiajia and Zhao Shixian were still bored, and Bo Qiong had already checked the cards.

After seven rounds of boredom, Bo Qiong followed for three rounds. Liu Jiajia had already thrown out 141,000 chips, and she still had chips of over 700,000 and less than 800,000.

Continued to be bored, and bored for three more rounds, Liu Jiajia had a total of ten rounds, and Zhao Shixian picked up the cards when she had nine rounds, twisted them, glanced at them, and discarded them.

Only Bo Qiong and Liu Jiajia were left at the poker table.

When it was Bo Qiong's turn to place a bet, she still threw out 50,000 chips without changing her expression or heartbeat.

Liu Jiajia estimated the chips on the table, thinking that two more laps would almost win back what he lost on the previous deck, so he threw out another 20,000 chips.

Nan Yi faintly felt that his initial idea was wrong. This gambling table might be played by Bo Qiong, and Zhao Shixian might also be involved. He thought to himself, winking at the tiger cub who has a particularly good eye, He motioned to Liu Jiajia again.

If his expectations are correct, Liu Jiajia's hand must be a big one.

After two more rounds of boredom, Liu Jiajia picked up the cards on the table, and after reading it, directly threw out 50,000 chips.

After a while, the tiger cub walked back to Nanyi, leaned into his ear and said, "I only saw two cards, one spade A, one spade K, and the last one was only black, so I'm not sure if it's a spade. "

Nan Yi nodded, thinking, "If the third card is the Q of clubs, Liu Jiajia can lose a few points, if it is a spade, he will lose a little more, and if it is a Q of spades, hehe, this card looks good. It all needs to be done."

On the poker table, there were swords and swords, you 50,000, I 50,000, no one offered to open the card, and the betting speed was very fast. In less than a minute, Liu Jiajia ran out of chips again.

"For seven hundred thousand."

Liu Jiajia handed the card to the female dealer again.

Change more first, and change less later. It is estimated that this is Liu Jiajia's wealth.

Nan Yi shook his head again, Liu Jiajia is too easy to get on top of, maybe it's because money is so easy to earn.

700,000, keep up with the thirteenth lap, and the fourteenth lap is opened.

When Bo Qiong opened her cards, the golden leopard "222" blinded Liu Jiajia.

"I'm not tired of rubbing, I'll shovel..."

Seeing Bo Qiong's card, Liu Jiajia couldn't help spit out a series of foul words, and didn't lift her own card, just picked up the bag on the chair, and left angrily.

If these two decks of cards were switched, Nan Yi would flip the table. It was so fucking annoying. One deck was the same size, and the other was only one level bigger. She was raped alive.

As soon as Liu Jiajia left, the game continued, and there was nothing magical about the following cards. Often A and K were the winners, and there was a small pair that was basically sure to win. Appears seven times, Enemy cards only appear twice.

This is the normal Zhajinhua, and this is the normal frequency of enemy cards meeting. If there is no ghost, the probability of leopard and leopard meeting, leopard and straight flush meeting is extremely low. If such enemy cards appear twice in a game, There is absolutely nothing wrong with turning the table directly.

After another deck of cards was over, Zhao Shixian said to the others at the gaming table: "I'm hungry, I'm going to eat something, everyone, I'm sorry."

"Are you back?" Boqiong asked lightly.

"No, we'll fight again tomorrow." After Zhao Shixian answered negatively, she turned her head and pointed to the chips on the table at her bodyguard Shisanmei, then stood up and walked to Nanyi, "Why didn't you call me when you came back?"

"I didn't call you because I saw you having fun." Nan Yi said with a smile, "I won a lot."

"Sprinkle water."

"Since you won the money, can you give me back my one million?"

Zhao Shixian glanced at Nanyi, and said angrily, "You're so stingy, I'll give you back, and I'll give you some red food."

"Okay, what Queen Zhao wants to eat, Xiao Yizi will serve you."

"Eat you." Zhao Shixian sneered and said, "Let's go, I'm really hungry."

Taking the elevator and entering the western restaurant, after ordering the meal, Nan Yi asked the doubts in his stomach, "When did you discuss with Bo Qiong to set up a bureau for Liu Jiajia?"

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