"It's just this year, I don't know what's wrong with Qi Ying. I didn't like it when I introduced her so much before, but this year I've gotten better." Wu Meifeng said, and moved Nanyi's celery bean curd to his side. move.

Wu Meifeng didn't mean what she said, but Nan Yi meant what she listened to. She reckoned that Qi Ying's step to find a second love had something to do with her ex-husband.

Nanyi stuffed half a piece of garlic into his mouth, chewed a few mouthfuls, and suddenly felt a little heartburn, so he quickly took a mouthful of noodles and pressed it, and took another piece of egg to give away, and when he was satisfied, he said : "Where did He Qin go to university?"

"What kind of university did you go to? I only went to a technical school for a few years and was assigned to the Friendship Factory."

"Oh." Nanyi responded and changed the subject, "Sister-in-law, in a few days, I plan not to let Xiaowei stay in Moscow, I will lend him one million and let him go to the south for a while. "

Before Wu Meifeng answered, Wu Renpin took the lead and said, "Nanyi, do you think Xiaowei's time is up?"

"It depends on how he is doing this time. He is in charge of the express business in Moscow, and I will let him do the express delivery when he comes back. It is a wild period for the express delivery industry in China. The future prospects are very good. Now is the A good time to step in.

At the same time, domestic express delivery is very difficult. According to the "Post Law", documents with information carriers are all postal franchises. This regulation is a bit ambiguous, and its implementation depends on how the specific implementers interpret it.

Post is both an athlete and a referee. No one can tell how the whistle will blow unless you experience it yourself.

In the future, Xiaowei will not only have to deal with the postal service, but also face the competition of his peers. Maybe he has just gone to the postal service to explain the truth, and then he will rush to resolve conflicts with other express companies. As long as he can blaze a trail in the express delivery industry, he can go anywhere in the world. "

Wu Renpin smiled knowingly, "So, this time, you, an uncle, won't help him, but let him beat him?"

Nanyi chuckled, "No, this time it's Xiaowei's graduation thesis. When he passes it, he will stay if he wants to continue to do express delivery. If he doesn't want to do it, I will take his shares and let him have the capital to do what he wants. Do it."

Wu Renpin really wanted to ask what to do if he couldn't pass, but on second thought, he couldn't have too little confidence in his son, besides, Nanyi would definitely have arrangements.

"Nanyi, Xiaowei has made you worry." Wu Renpin raised his wine glass and said.

Nanyi picked up the wine glass and touched him, "Don't say polite words, when you are pulling my wool, you can do it lightly."

Wu Renpin smiled heartily: "Nan Yi, your awareness is not enough, you need to study harder."

"Just kick your ass hard." Nan Yi said a word, then turned to Wu Meifeng and said, "Sister, I'll change your brother-in-law for you, the one who is young and has no wrinkles on his face, is it right for you?"

Wu Meifeng smiled and said, "Medium."


Zhang Chao, standing in the crowd, waved to Chang Jianming, who was walking with his head bowed, "Jianming, here."

Hearing the shout, Chang Jianming looked up, with a smile on his face, and quickened his pace, "Chaoer, are you tired today?"

"Stand for a day and observe again, how can you not be tired." Zhang Chao said naturally.

"On the hour?"


The two of them talked, found a small restaurant on the side of the road and got in, quickly ordered a meat and a vegetable, and asked the restaurant owner to bring a plate of peanuts and a bottle of cheap Lingshui Laojiao first.

As soon as the wine is in place, pour it first, without clinking glasses, each person takes a sip first.

"Chaoer, how are you today?"

"The business of the flea market on Taiyuan Street is very good. I clicked it. From the opening of the door in the morning to the time I left, a total of 752 people went in. I said that they were all shopping. This was an hour I missed when I went to eat at noon."

Chang Jianming: "I really have you. It takes an hour to eat a meal, and the data is not complete. You are not observing for nothing today."

Zhang Chao: "It's okay. Anyway, we have to observe for several days, and we need to cross data, so we can make up for it later. Jianming, I understand why the company sent us to Fengtian."

Chang Jianming: "I don't understand this. I'm half a Fengtian person. You have studied in the Northeast. The market research department is only the two of us who can get a little bit close to Fengtian."

"No, that's not what I'm talking about. Nanguo Supermarket is called Nanguo. From the name, we know that our supermarket pays more attention to the southern market. In fact, it is true. The people in our city investigation department are all on business trips in the south, and only the two of us are here. In the north, obviously, the expansion route of our supermarket is first south and then north.

It was strange enough to send us to the north. We didn’t go to the capital and Tianlong, but to Fengtian. I was still puzzled on the way. After observing these two days, I figured it out. Fengtian definitely has a supermarket here. Good place. "

Chang Jianming: "Chaoer, you joined the company late, a few months before you joined the company, when the various departments of the company were still being set up, and everyone temporarily gathered in a big office to work, and there was usually a lot of communication between the various departments. , and the leaders above are also relatively close, and can hear a lot of news.

Let me tell you, our company has always done things with a specific purpose and a strong purpose. If the company's senior management doesn't know that Fengtian is a good market here, it is impossible to send us to investigate. "

Zhang Chao: "I know this. I felt it on the first day I joined the company. The work assigned to me by the company is intentional, and I will not be made to do useless work."

"Of course, our company implements the strategy of raising talents with high salaries. There are no idlers, and everyone has to play their own role. According to President Gao's words, if one day you feel that the company is not as good as you, then you are far from being punished." Simplification is not far behind.

Chaoer, we have known each other for a long time, and let me tell you the truth. In fact, I was in the procurement department when I joined the company. It was because the company was going to expand vigorously, and the market research department played a very important role, so I was transferred. come over.

When the company's expansion enters a flat period in the future, the old people who were transferred like me will return to their original departments. Those of you who were directly recruited by the market research department will also face diversion. "

Zhang Chao nodded, "I heard someone talking about this in the company toilet, and I don't know what principles will be followed in the future."

"Where do we old people come and go? After returning, there will be an opportunity to participate in the job competition within one quarter to half a year. If we succeed, we will be promoted and raise our salary. If we fail, the company will evaluate our performance in the market research department and give us Sending a bonus is regarded as compensation for the time we missed in our positions.”

Chang Jianming clicked his tongue twice, "Look at the rules formulated by the company, it's too humane, we won't let us take any losses."

Zhang Chao said eagerly: "Brother Chang, don't just talk about you old people, talk about a newcomer like me."

Chang Jianming took a sip of his wine, "I don't know about you newcomers, I'm not a leader, and I don't participate in the formulation of rules, but I guess that in the future, the company will definitely ask you which department you want to work in, and then go according to your wishes. Departmental trial jobs, stay if you are suitable, wait for the company to directly assign assignments if you are not suitable, or leave by yourself or be persuaded to quit if you don’t obey the assignment of the company.”

Chang Jianming still had something to say in his stomach. He obviously felt that some of Zhang Chao and his newcomers who entered the company had a much different overall quality than the old people. This part of the people would definitely be streamlined.

In fact, Chang Jianming did not observe carefully enough. If he was careful enough, he would have discovered that the native places and the cities where he studied were carefully selected for the so-called lack of quality. , the company has already planned.

Nan's core value of being kind to one's own people will not allow the strategy of directly setting up the strategy of throwing away when recruiting personnel. It will only discard employees who are not qualified for their jobs during the use process, and will be abandoned in the enterprise. Or in the case of a recession, personnel are packaged and sold together with the enterprise.

Layoffs are usually a last resort, and will be considered last. Before a company is reduced to layoffs, it has basically been abandoned.

Zhang Chao nodded again, "Very reasonable."

"Let's not talk about this first. Before the food is served, let's sum up tomorrow's work. Tomorrow we will continue in Heping District. You go to Xita Street, and I go to the South Market. You went to Taiyuan Street today, but the data is not complete. The day after tomorrow You go again to complete the data, the day after tomorrow..."

After Nanyi came out of Wu Renpin's house, he called Xu Lu. The other party chose the entertainment city as the place to meet, or Yule City, an entertainment place integrating catering, bathing, sauna, fitness, and karaoke. .

After washing with bubbles, scrubbing and rinsing, Nanyi originally planned to press it, but when he asked the price, he knew it would not be a serious method, so he gave up. Nanyi found Xu Lu in the lounge, and the two went to the restaurant in Yule City district.

The dinner time has passed, and the supper is still early, and there are almost no customers in the dining area. The reason why I say almost is because Nanyi saw a table of people drinking there. At a glance, I knew it was from the Jianghu people, but I was not sure. Whether it's a foreign guest or Yule City is watching the scene.

After finding the chattering waiter who was already hiding in the corner, they ordered some food and drink, and the two of Nan Yi drank a glass of beer and chatted.

"Two things. Fengtian has a lot of mansions and old houses from the period of the Republic of China, and they are basically concentrated in Heping. You can go to the housing management office to find out which ones can be traded, and ask for the list."

"Brother, do you want to buy a house?"

"Yes, I personally like houses with historical heritage. I choose a house that I like to live in, and store the rest for appreciation. This kind of house is a scarce resource and cannot be reproduced. When the rich become elegant in the future Or if an elegant person becomes rich, he will become very valuable."

"Very valuable?" Xu Lu's eyes lit up.

Nan Yi smiled and said: "You don't have to think about it for a poor girl with only two million yuan. As you said, you have too little money to do things now, and you can make do with it. If you really want to do business, you have to think about it." Find a way."

"Brother, you really know how to hit people. I have become the pillar of the family, and my relatives want to please me. So I am just a poor girl with you." Xu Lu said with a curled lip.

"Don't pick your words, let me talk about the second thing, I will give you a new identity, the vice chairman of Xianlu Capital, the business card has been prepared for you, I will give it to you tomorrow, and I have also prepared a new mobile phone for you. It's your work number, best kept separate from your personal number."

Upon hearing the name of the company, Xu Lu burst into a smile, "Xianlu is such a nice name."

"Know what do you mean?"

"Looking down on people is not the wine drunk by gods, but also the wine bestowed by the emperor."

Nan Yi nodded, "I do use this name to mean the dew of the gods, but the most important thing is the word dew. First, this is your name. Second, dew is also moisturizing. Plants can only be nourished by rain and dew." It can thrive, and similarly, enterprises in the land of Liaodong and even the land of Northeast China will thrive with the nourishment of Xianlu capital.

The starting capital of Xianlu Capital is 2,500,001 cents, you pay 2,000,000 and 1 cents, accounting for 25% of the shares, I invest 500,000 plus a mobile phone, a number, and a stack of business cards, accounting for 75% of the shares, do you think suffer? "

Xu Lu shook her head, "As long as my eldest brother becomes the chairman, I won't feel disadvantaged."

"Okay, the little girl is quite smart and can grasp the core of the problem." Nan Yi pointed to his temple, "here, and some of my contacts will be injected into the company as intangible assets, do you agree with the share share ?”


"Okay, let's continue. Tomorrow, my secretary Chen Wenqin will contact you. Let's put together the registered capital first, and then you take her to register the company. It's as fast as you can. Who should you ask for help?" You solve it. For the time being, these two matters, you should deal with them first, and we will talk about the later matters. "

"Okay." Xu Lu nodded, "Brother, am I working with you now?"

"Yes, starting from tomorrow, you are a cow, a horse, and a donkey. Pull the mill and turn it for me, and spend a lot of money for me and yourself."

"Okay." Xu Lu hugged Nanyi's arm, "Brother, I will hang out with you from now on. In order to repay you, I will be your lover."

"Go and go, come again."

That night, Nanyi didn't meet Li Yizheng, not even in the next two days. He asked Dagang to take him to sweep Fengtian's shopping malls and business districts, and compared the last time's memory to observe the changes in Fengtian's retail industry.

With Dagang's Fengtian master, Nanyi can easily figure out which places are doing serious business and which ones are playing around the corner, or even directly breaking the law.

There are "imported goods" without production dates and Chinese labels, cosmetics and daily necessities without labels, beverages and ham sausages that follow the Leibi route, etc. Nanyi also met Fan Shuaifu and Fan Shibo.

In addition, Nanyi also found that the business of selling cigarettes in Fengtian is particularly good. In places like Nanwu, Fangjialan, and Dongzhan, where there are cigarette markets, Yunwushan, Gonghe Xinxi, and Huangshan sell particularly well, and the merchants are also Featured.

After turning his mind around for a while, Nanyi knew that these three kinds of cigarettes must not come from serious channels, avoiding the word tax, and the profits must be very rich.

In the evening of the third day, Nanyi sat in the stands of the Wulihe Stadium, watching the people below play football there, and his eyes were mainly focused on one of them.

This person is Zhao Zhenbei, a well-known comedian across the country, from two people to sketches to movies, from the country stage to the Spring Festival Gala stage, with 1.2 billion people in the country, there are probably not many who don't know him.

However, Nan Yi didn't care much about Zhao Zhenbei's star status, but was very interested in his status as a multi-millionaire.

Just when Nan Yi was watching it vigorously, Xu Lu and Chen Wenqin came to him.


Nan Yi looked up and said, "Come on, sit, and Wenqin will sit too."

Hearing this, Xu Lu sat down beside Nanyi, followed Nanyi's gaze and glanced down, "Brother, what are you looking at?"

"What else can I watch at the stadium, of course it is to watch people play football. When will the company be registered?"

"one week."

"En." Nan Yi responded, raised his finger and pointed at Zhao Zhenbei, "Do you know this person?"

"Zhao Zhenbei, who doesn't know him, he is still my neighbor, he lives upstairs from me."

"Oh, where did you buy your house?"

"Garden by the river, the best house in Fengtian."

"Oh, doing business requires contacts, especially here. Since you and Zhao Zhenbei are neighbors, it just so happens that you get to know him. He is your first contact."

"He knows who I am, how can he make friends with me?" Xu Lu said unconfidently.

"Don't worry, he will know who you are." Nanyi grabbed the happy water beside him and took a sip, "You have already completed one of the two things, and I will make up one for you now. Boxing, Wu-style Tai Chi, Baji and many other martial arts true stories, Wu-style Tai Chi and I have a bit of a relationship, I can match you up, you can talk about it yourself, and find two reliable bodyguards.

A bodyguard is someone who can protect your life at a critical moment. Be generous, and you can't take money for others' hard work. "Nan Yi said, looking at Chen Wenqin, "Wenqin, give her the letter written by Wu Kun. "

Upon hearing this, Chen Wenqin took out a letter from her bag and handed it to Xu Lu.

Seeing Xu Lu accepting the letter, Nanyi stood up, "The recipient on the envelope is the person you are looking for, the disciple of Huo Mengkui, a real kung fu master. Remember to take care of the house tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and wait for my call the day after tomorrow. Wenqin, let's go."

Leaving Xu Lu alone at the Wulihe Stadium, Nanyi and his party went to Shisanwei Road to eat noodles.

A seven-year-old shop, Nanyi has been back.

Same as last time, I ordered stretched noodles, chicken racks, and Laoxue. The noodles didn’t rise, but the chicken racks went up by tens of thousands of times, because the original chicken racks were delivered with the noodles, and now they are charged separately. money.

After waiting for the noodle, Nanyi tasted it, and felt that the taste of the noodle was not as good as last time, and there was a not-so-obvious regression, and he would not use it next time. The original intention of the shop owner has been lost, and the rest can only rely on The diners' taste inertia, nostalgia, and the cheapness of the noodles themselves fooled the locals, reducing them to a delicacy that outsiders would not understand.

Some delicacies that are regionalized and cannot be spread to other places, if generally speaking, can be classified as only in line with the eating habits of local people, but they can also be classified in detail. One is the inertia of taste, which stays in the sense of taste , one is spiritual, which can be called nostalgia.

Nostalgia is not the patent of wanderers in a foreign land. As long as the heart is wandering, there will naturally be nostalgia.

As if parents are present, home is present.

While eating the noodles, Nanyi chewed on the word "homesickness" in his heart. He was melancholy for a moment, and then he thought about how to make Zhang Sheng Malatang into a nostalgia that strangers in the period from 1985 to the present can't give up. time taste.

"Big hands hold small hands, add a small bowl to a big bowl, Zhang Sheng Malatang, two big bowls, get a small bowl."

Following the refinement of the first draft of an advertisement, Nan Yi already had a draft in his mind, and an idea that he had forgotten suddenly popped up again.

"Haohui, check to see if there is a patent for a new camera in Japan and South Korea..." Nanyi took out the phone, called Qian Haohui, and described the photo to the other party on the phone, "Personal matters, I will add Money, give me the result as soon as possible."

The working principle of photo stickers is actually very simple. It is nothing more than a combination of a high-definition camera, a bad computer with a set of software that can select photo templates, zoom in and out, an inkjet photo printer, and find a carpenter to make a shell. Put it on and it will work.

It only takes three days to assemble the test machine. The key is creativity. If the patent has not been registered, you can submit the registration application and build the real thing at the same time.

If it has been registered, don’t say anything, go to a country that has not yet registered and has a market to pre-register, and while pre-registering, talk about patent buyout. No more, either bargain for less compensation, or simply fight in the direction of winning, no matter what, the lawsuit will last at least three to five years.

After hanging up the phone, Nanyi went through the matter in his head, and said to Chen Wenqin: "Call Zhiping and tell him to find a fellow Taoist and register a company called QuickPhoto."


After giving the order, Nanyi called Lin Guangwei again.

"Guangwei, there is a new business, you find someone to build one..." Nanyi explained the principle of photo stickers to Lin Guangwei again, "You don't need to worry about the software, you have to act fast."

"Aren't you selling ideas this time?"

"Not for sale, you have decided on the model of the camera, just call this number, 6056531, Tang Laidi, I repeat, 6056531, Tang Laidi. Do the work well first, and we will talk about how to settle the account later."

Nanyi then called Jin Daosheng again, instructing the other party to prepare to register a patent, and to call Tang Laidi, asking her to catch a strong man to develop software.

After a round of phone calls, Nanyi's noodles were already cold. He suddenly felt a little guilty. It was only for the benefit of tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions, to live up to a bowl of stretched noodles. should.

Hulala, quickly pulled out the noodles, Nanyi walked out of the noodle shop, and called Xian Weimin again.

"For the sake of the people, does the club have spare parts for 286 computers in stock?"

When Xian Weimin heard Nanyi's words, he immediately became furious, "Push the street, how can I answer your question? Do you think I, the chairman, have time to care about this kind of issue?"

"Dee, I know you're busy, ask your secretary to tell me the number of the person in charge of this business."

Xian Weimin: "My secretary won't care about such trivial matters. You can directly call Masao Uda of the Sun Crane Club. The second-hand recycling business of semiconductors is run by the Sun Crane Club."

"Stop arguing with me. If your secretary doesn't know, you can submit your resignation letter."

Xian Weimin: "I'm attending a banquet, I'll ask my secretary to call Han Zhenhe later."

"Chen Wenqin."


Hanging up the phone again, Nanyi went over the whole thing again.

The principle of the photo sticker machine is very simple, and it only takes a few days to copy it. Once the machine is on the market, within a few days, there should be counterfeit machines in Huaqiangbei. too long.

Huaguo just joined the Patent Cooperation Treaty member countries last year, and it is also a critical period of "joining the WTO". Patents are registered in the name of the Japanese, and there are some lawsuits. The followers of the trend will sue, and some oil will be squeezed out.

The machine and the software are sold separately. The machine sells for 15,000 yuan, the software sells for 6,000 to 7,000 yuan, and the price of the whole machine is controlled within 24,000 yuan. A large profit of 3,000 to 4,000 yuan is reserved for the channel, and a little less for the production end. A gross profit of 13,400 is almost the same, small profits but quick turnover, if you sell more than 10,000 units in China, you should find a buyer and sell the entire business as a package.

"Wenqin, call Xian Weizhong and ask him to recommend a local talent in the field of health care products. Tell him, it's not about recruiting people, it's about finding partners, and we need capital advances to build channels."


Chen Wenqin, who was ready for battle, happily picked up the phone and called again.

According to the old rules, Nanyi's personal business and private secretary can all be shared, and Chen Wenqin is naturally in a happy mood.

After Chen Wenqin finished making the phone call, the group got into the car, Dagang turned on the ignition, and Nanyi's familiar melody immediately sounded on the radio. After listening for a while, he was sure that it was indeed Xiaogang's "Gypsy Lover".

Nan Yi was very surprised that the Liao Province Music Broadcasting Station actually broadcast the songs of such an unpopular singer. Probably, people who knew Xiao Gang in Fengtian might as well know Da Gang.

After listening to "Gypsy Lover" quietly, after the host said a few words, Ai Jing's "My 1997" played again.

Probably the host wanted to make trouble, "My 1997" ended, and the next song was "Lover" by Beyond, and the two songs that are inextricably linked echoed together.

[I am not interested in entertainment gossip. I am interested in listening to these two songs and searching for the stories behind them. The reason why I write about things that have nothing to do with the plot is because this is also a mark of the times. The right place is right. The era of the era suddenly appeared. ]

Once the three songs were over, Nanyi suddenly became interested in listening to the songs, "Dagang, find a place where there are singers singing."

"Brother, you can go to the Hawaii Night Palace to listen to the song."

"Okay, let's go."

Dagang found a place to turn the car and went to the Jiahao Commercial Building where the Night Palace in Hawaii is located. When the car arrived at the gate of the commercial building, Tianxian, the co-pilot, said to Nan Yi: "Nan Sheng, our car."

Nan Yi Xunsheng looked at a bullet on the side of the road, and was about to glance at the license plate when he saw the tiger cub leaning on the car.

Nan Yi beckoned and called the tiger cub to him, "What's going on?"

The tiger cub replied bluntly: "The leader of Northeast Machine Tool is entertaining Professor Li."

"Oh, do you want to change shift?"

"Need not."

"Yeah." Nan Yi nodded and asked Da Gang to drive. After driving for a while, he asked, "Do rich people in Fengtian like to go to the Night Palace in Hawaii?"

"The night palace in Hawaii is the most popular right now." Da Gang replied, "Brother, do you want to change the venue?"

Nanyi thought for a while and said, "No need, I'm not in the mood anymore, go to the cleaner section of Xihe River, and drink some wine together on the way."

"Brother, I will stop drinking and drive."

"It's okay, just the two of us will drink, and the car will not worry about no one driving."

"Okay, on the hour."

Because Nanyi explained in advance that Dagang who had been running around with Nanyi these days was a teetotaler, and he was a little panicked at this meeting. Hearing Nanyi asked him to drink, his mood immediately soared.

On the way, I passed a small shop, carried a case of beer, weighed some peanuts, orchid beans, and made a few red sausages. Da just kicked the accelerator and rushed to the side of the small river.

Sitting by the river and drinking half a bottle of wine, Nanyi's conversation started.

"Da Gang, take a day off tomorrow and help me with something the day after tomorrow."

"Brother, just give orders."

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