Choose a day to become famous

Chapter 507: Photographer (10,000 words updated!)

If I were to say it in an arrogant way, when Lu Yanhe accepted the film "Burning Fire", he really didn't think about what difficulties he would encounter in acting in this film.

When he got the script, he didn't think it was difficult for him to act in this film - he thought so purely based on the difficulty of the character's performance.

Although he was always very humble, he knew that he had to admit one thing. After acting in so many dramas, he still had a certain degree of confidence in his acting skills. For a drama like "Burning Fire" that did not focus on the inner exploration of the characters, Lu Yanhe felt that it was easy to do it.

Then, he was slapped in the face in such an action training.

What is learning without end...


The day before the filming of the film "Burning Fire" started, all the main creators in the group were called together for dinner. Of course, the producer, director and male lead also went on stage to speak.

They also invited Lu Yanhe to speak on stage. After Lu Yanhe knew that Shang Yongzhou would go on stage, he declined. There was no need for one or two to go up.

This kind of speech can actually be understood as a mobilization meeting before the start of filming.

Everyone made speeches, painted a rosy picture, and encouraged the crew members to shoot the film with higher expectations and better state.

There were red wine, white wine and juice on the table, and Lu Yanhe chose juice.

Lan Mingting saw him drinking juice and looked at him in surprise.

Because he knew that Lu Yanhe could drink.

Lu Yanhe said: "I have to prepare for the scene that will start tomorrow when I go back tonight, so I won't drink."

No one can persuade Lu Yanhe to drink again on the grounds of acting.

Speaking of which, this is also an era that protects actors very much.

Especially for a genius actor like Lu Yanhe who is famous.

Everyone accepts that geniuses are mostly different from ordinary people, so some of Lu Yanhe's less "social" behaviors will also be understood as "common problems of geniuses."

Of course, Lu Yanhe's refusal to drink cannot really be classified as "unsociable". At most, it can be said that he is very persistent and serious about acting, so he lacks a little in terms of social skills.

Lu Yanhe can guess what others are thinking.

But he doesn't care.

To Lu Yanhe's surprise, Shang Yongzhou actually drank a little.

Shang Yongzhou said: "Tomorrow we will start filming, drink some wine, go back and sleep well later, otherwise you may suffer from insomnia."

Lu Yanhe was surprised.


"Well, I basically suffer from insomnia every time I start filming." Shang Yongzhou said, "As soon as I close my eyes, I think about acting."

Many actors - especially those who really pursue and respect acting, when they face a play and performance, they are not as "easy" as their status and fame presented to the outside world.

Lu Yanhe felt ashamed when he thought of his attitude towards the movie "Burning Fire" at the beginning.

It's really a gap.

Shang Yongzhou would suffer from insomnia before filming began, and he thought this drama would be easy to act.


However, the coordinator Li Quanling was obviously a very experienced person. In the first few days after filming began, they did not arrange any scenes that were too difficult for them. They were basically literary dramas, and the literary dramas were mainly about Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou.

Moreover, basically one or two scenes were shot a day.

Even for literary dramas, Wanrenhai was very meticulous.

After arriving at the scene, everyone must have rehearsed first, then listened to Wanrenhai's opinions, and then talked about it together.

For this drama, they had a script reading with uneven staff, but there was no reading with everyone present and sitting together, because the schedule was too difficult to arrange.

The actors gathered in this movie could be divided into seven or eight film crews on the spot for filming.

It was also rare that Lu Yanhe was very calm on the scene.

Because generally from the time he arrived at the scene to the start of filming, there were at least two hours in between to prepare for the next scene.

The first scene between Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou was a tit-for-tat confrontation in the classroom.

Li Wushang, a sorcerer apprentice played by Lu Yanhe, argued over a technique in the classroom taught by Wei Yang, a mentor played by Shang Yongzhou.

This scene was the first direct conflict between the two of them in the movie.

Li Wushang deliberately provoked Wei Yang in class because he found out that the new mentor was secretly investigating his father, the dean of the sorcerer academy.

Scenes involving the classroom involve a lot of actors.

Including Xiao Yun, who co-starred in the movie, she played a student in the same academy.

A movie is usually only two to two and a half hours long.

Except for the protagonist, other actors may not have many lines.

As a member of the protagonist group, Xiao Yun has more lines, but in this scene, he has no lines.

Wanrenhai gathered all the actors and gave them instructions: "Although this scene is a scene between Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou, and there are no lines for other people, you must remember that everyone in a scene is alive, not just alive when they are speaking lines. So, each of you will definitely react when you hear others speak or see others do things. In this scene, your basic reaction is surprise. But why are you surprised? You must understand the emotional motivations of the characters here, instead of simply having an emotional reaction."

Wan Hai said these words to the other actors, not to Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou, so they were very basic things, broken down into pieces. Very detailed. However, Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou also listened attentively.

The actors who can be selected to act in this movie, even if they don't have a single line, are generally from serious academic backgrounds and have gone through several auditions.

For a top-notch movie like this, no matter how small the role, the role is carefully cast.

Therefore, everyone did not understand Wan Hai's words.

During the performance, Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou both held the script, but neither of them read the script and read the lines with a little emotion.

At this time, Lu Yanhe actually had no intention of caring about other people's performances. Although he did not devote himself wholeheartedly to this act, his concentration was there and he could not distract himself from looking at other people. At most, he could only look at Shang Yongzhou.

After the play was over, Wan Hai singled out a few people, saying that their reactions just now were too exaggerated and exaggerated. Then he walked up to Lu Yanhe and said, "Yan He, the words you gave me just now were a bit too righteous. This It was a deliberate provocation. I wanted to have a little more frivolity, rather than a serious attitude to explore academic issues with him."

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Director, I was just about to tell you that a question suddenly crossed my mind when I was walking through this scene. My initial reaction was deliberately provocative and not serious. But when Wei Yang actually answered my question that deliberately made things difficult for him, I was not convinced at this time, or I was a little shocked by him in my heart - after all, when I asked that question, I was sure that he couldn't answer it. ”

Wan Hai frowned slightly and fell into deep thought.

"According to my character, I think at this time, I should actually be more unconvinced subconsciously. I was a little shocked by his profound knowledge because of his answer, and I should put it aside to react later." Lu Yanhe said, "But, I =According to the script, Li Wushang actually admired Wei Yang more and more later on. I want to bring this process out bit by bit in the scenes with him. I am not sure. In this scene, , should I take it out?”

Lu Yanhe thought about it very carefully.

Wan Hai said directly: "Yan He, I really haven't thought about this you asked me, and I haven't thought about it in such detail. I have to think about it, and you should think about it yourself. We will try it out later, and we will do it based on We will test the situation to see which response is better, and we will also ask Shang Yongzhou for his opinion.”

"Okay." Lu Yanhe nodded.

Wan Hai wiped his forehead, sighed, and said to the actors next to him: "Look, the best actor is the best actor. He knocked me down with just one question. If you can think about your roles and your plays like him, If you are so careful, you can win the Best Actor Award."

Lu Yanhe quickly waved his hands and declined Wan Hai's compliment with a smile.

Xiao Yun looked at Lu Yanhe with admiration and said, "You are acting now... you are like a completely different person than when you were acting in "Phoenix Stage" before. You are too strong, Yan He."

Xiao Yun had worked with Lu Yanhe on "Phoenix Stage" before, and they had many opposite roles, so he was very aware of Lu Yanhe's acting situation at that time. At that time, Lu Yanhe was praised many times by director Chen Lingling. However, it can be clearly compared that Lu Yanhe is much better now than then.

Lu Yanhe smiled helplessly at Xiao Yun.

"Old friend, please don't treat me badly."

Xiao Yun sighed, "I'm just jealous of you. Why are you so much better at acting than me? I'm not an idle actor, and I have a serious academic background."

Wan Hai laughed and said to Xiao Yun with great joy: "You are also very good at acting. Why are you belittling yourself so much?"

"It doesn't matter that I don't have particularly good acting skills. If I didn't have self-awareness, I would have lived so many years in vain." Xiao Yun pursed his lips melancholy.

Lu Yanhe couldn't laugh or cry at Xiao Yun's dramatic performance.


At noon, Lu Yanhe went to the cafeteria for lunch. He checked his phone and found that Li Zhibai had sent a photo of himself eating takeout at home thirty minutes ago. He said miserably: You two are not here, so I can only eat by myself. Takeaway.

Lu Yanhe is filming, while Yan Liang is promoting "The Gold Rush".

This drama is currently on the air, with good performance, high ratings, and good network data. It is the most popular drama during this period.

Its current ratings on Jinkou TV Station have exceeded 0.8%.

Lu Yanhe can see his hot searches on the Internet almost every day.

Yan Liang said that at least half of them were run by Zhou Pingan.

When Zhou Ping'an only had Yan Liang, a popular artist, he finally started to take Yan Liang seriously.

Yan Liang officially announced the business cooperation between the two brands this week, which is also very popular in the industry.

This frequency, even with the hit "The Gold Rush", is too fast.

Only Yan Liang himself knew that what he ate was the leftovers that fell out of Ma Zhiyuan's bowl.

"..." But Yan Liang did not refuse. No matter where it came from, it was now in his bowl. This is the most important thing.

"The Gold Rush" is still airing, and many people on the Internet are already calling for a second season.

Obviously they haven't seen the end yet.

However, as long as you want to film this kind of treasure hunting adventure theme, you can certainly continue filming it season after season.

A natural theme for a series.

After the Gold Rush achieved such good results, Ruyi Films, the production company of the series, did consider launching the second season.

Ruyi Films then talked to several main creative staff and asked about their intentions.

In fact, for a show like the Gold Rush that has a good reputation and performance, under normal circumstances, no main creator would be unwilling to make a second season.

Especially in this fast-food era --

If a show can retain a longer impression in the minds of the audience, it is actually a rare treasure for the actors who starred in the show.

The situation of watching TV shows now is completely different from that of 20 or 30 years ago.

At that time, there was no Internet, and there were not so many works. Maybe a big hit work would become a hot topic for a long time, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. But in this era, after the Internet eliminates all physical distances, a topic may explode quickly and loudly, sweeping the entire network in an instant, but too much information and overload also make people more likely to forget some things.

The same is true for TV dramas.

A work that was broadcast two months ago, two months later, you may feel that the work has been broadcast for almost a year.

So, the biggest benefit of doing a series for actors lies here.

It reminds you once every year that you like this drama and you can continue to watch it.

Then, time will exert its power on people.

If you use a keychain for a year, you will have some feelings for it, not to mention the drama you have been following for several years.

This meaning is absolutely different from the meaning of watching a drama in one night.

Even if you can finish a drama in one night, it means that you think it is good.

However, we all have to admit that times have changed.

In this case, the accumulation of time is given a more instinctive meaning.


"Too tired, I don't want to shoot the second season." Yan Liang said to Lu Yanhe and Li Zhibai in the video call of the three people, "Alas, am I too arrogant? In the past, I didn't want to miss any good opportunity. As a result, now that "Gold Rush" has such a good performance, I feel tired and don't want to participate in the second season."

"That only shows that "Gold Rush" is really tiring." Li Zhibai said, "What bad habits did you learn from Old Lu? Why do you like to find faults in yourself so much?"

Li Zhibai's disgust was beyond words.

Yan Liang looked at Li Zhibai with pity through the video: "I really envy you."

Lu Yanhe: "Does Zhou Pingan also agree that you don't shoot?"

"Of course he doesn't agree." Yan Liang said, "Not only has he been persuading me to agree, but he also wants to squeeze Fuli into the second season. The script for the second season has not been written yet."

Lu Yanhe: "Are you asked to help her train new people?"


"Tell him to get out of the way." Li Zhibai said immediately.

Lu Yanhe smiled.

Yan Liang: "Although I am not as afraid of him as before, I have not evolved to the point where I can tell him to get lost like you did."

Li Zhibai: "If you can't say it, I will help you call and scold him now."

"If you want to scold him, don't use the name of helping me." Yan Liang squinted, "I don't want to help you clean up your mess, and then Zhou Ping'an will come to me angrily again."

Li Zhibai: "... Tsk."

He said: "You seem to have become a little smarter."

"Get lost!" Yan Liang said unceremoniously.

Lu Yanhe: "But I think Li Zhibai is right. Why should he ask you to help him train new people? He has never let anyone train you before. You don't owe him anything."

"That's what I said." Yan Liang nodded, "I'll go tell Zhou Pingan later that I don't agree. If he wants to use my name to push Fuli in, then I owe him a favor."

Lu Yanhe: "Yes, that's it. How can it be like this?"

Li Zhibai: "Zhou Pingan doesn't do anything."

"Wait, let me make it clear first. Are you still going to shoot the second season?" Li Zhibai suddenly reacted and asked.

Yan Liang: "Of course I filmed it. I just complained a few words. If I were crazy, I really wouldn't film it. A drama that can obviously be made into a series, would I give up the second season after the first season became popular?"

"Then don't you have two series to film?" Li Zhibai asked, "Yan He's "Friends" is also going to be restarted."

Lu Yanhe: "It's okay for me. I can finish filming in a month. It's very fast, even less than a month."

Yan Liang nodded, "The filming of "Friends" is really very simple, not troublesome, and it won't take up too much of my time. However, "Friends" can be restarted and all work makes way for it. Unexpectedly, we can still reunite."

Lu Yanhe smiled.

"The right time, the right place, and the right people. If Jingtai hadn't committed suicide, I wouldn't have gotten this chance."

Li Zhibai muttered: "So why didn't you write a regular role for me in "Friends"?"

"Brother, in the first season we were a low-budget drama. Do you think we can afford your salary if we write a regular role for you? Even if you are willing, will Zhou Pingan agree? At that time, Zhou Pingan was still your agent."

Li Zhibai snorted, and said angrily, "Zhou Pingan is not doing his job."

Yan Liang asked: "Then - can you write a role for Li Zhibai in the reboot version?"

"A group of six turns into a group of seven?" Lu Yanhe thought for a moment and shook his head, "This will change the situation. If a new permanent character is added, the group of six will become a group of seven. Then many character relationships will change accordingly, unless the third The seven people don’t get involved in the relationship between the six-member group, but if they don’t get involved, what’s the point of his appearance?”

Li Zhibai: "You just don't want me to act in "Six People"."

"Shall I write a guest role for you? You will be asked to guest star in one episode every season. Which episode will feature you as the protagonist?" Lu Yanhe asked, "For example, if we ask you to play my or Yan Liang's classmate, come to us, Then due to various reasons, there were some impacts on our six-member group, and there were some jokes in the process, which allowed us to examine the relationship between our six-member group.”

"That's okay." Li Zhibai nodded immediately, "You'd better write me a character who was the boss when you were students. The kind of person who usually protects you. Well, he should be a little more awesome and powerful."

"Let's just write a character with some mental problems. It will be funnier." Lu Yanhe said seriously.

Yan Liang nodded without hesitation, "Second!"

Li Zhibai looked ferocious: "No!"


Lu Yanhe happily ended the video call with them, but saw that 99+ unread messages suddenly appeared in the "Burning Fire" group for some reason.

This is not the large group of "Burn Fire", but the main creative group of "Burn Fire", with only more than twenty people in it.

Lu Yanhe is not the kind of person who only checks his phone once or twice a day.

Under normal circumstances, this group will not accumulate so many unread messages.

Lu Yanhe clicked in and took a look, only to find out that it turned out that a proxy had sneaked into the studio and wanted to install a candid lens in the costume room, but he happened to be caught.

Looking again, Lu Yanhe was shocked. The person who caught this proxy turned out to be Wang Biao!

ha? !


Since the filming of "Fire" was launched, the filming of this movie has been attracting attention.

After a few days of filming, the location of the studio was exposed, and paparazzi began to station at the door of the studio. Of course, more than paparazzi, there are proxy photographers.

Wu Yangyang's proxy photographers blocked the entrance to the studio, but in fact they basically couldn't take any pictures. Because the crew's vehicles come in and out, they will not stop at the entrance of the studio to get people on or off.

Therefore, after discovering that nothing could be photographed, the photographers and paparazzi who gathered here left one after another. Some agents who felt that their efforts were wasted angrily criticized "Fire" on the Internet, saying that the movie was a blockbuster and was so mysterious that it must be a bad movie.

These sounds will not affect the crew's filming, nor will they cause any trouble to the actors.

Until a proxy suddenly slipped in.

When Lu Yanhe arrived, Wang Biao was explaining the situation: "I came to get the kettle. The kettle that Brother Lu usually uses was left here, so I came back to get it, and I happened to encounter this man sneaking around. He didn’t have a work badge, so if I asked him who he was, he wouldn’t tell me.”

Wang Biao actually had a cut on his forehead and bruises on his face.

He even got started with others.

Lu Yanhe felt relieved when he saw that the proxy photographer's mouth was bloodshot and his eyes were swollen.

It's okay to get injured yourself, but you can't injure yourself while your opponent is still clean.

The crew does have various medicines to treat bruises.

Lu Yanhe first asked Wang Biao to apply medicine to him quickly.

Wang Biao said: "Wait a minute, take pictures first and keep the evidence. Just now this person said he wanted to call the police! Let's call the police too! I'm afraid of him. He took action first and dared to yell at me!"

Wang Biao's whole mood was still in an excited state.

Lu Yanhe gave him a helpless look and said, "Hurry up and apply the medicine!"

Lan Mingting and Li Quanling are all here.

The person in charge of security also had a dark face, a little embarrassed and depressed.

The studio allows people to sneak in a proxy photographer. If Wang Biao hadn't happened to bump into him today and let him secretly install a candid camera, the trouble would have been huge.

Wanhai arrived in a hurry at this time.

His face was full of anger, and as soon as he arrived, he shouted at the person in charge of security logistics and asked: "How did you do this?!"

For any major production, especially one that involves creating a new worldview like "Fire", the production process is generally very confidential.

Because every character's appearance and every real-shot scene, after accidental leaks, may affect the audience's viewing experience when the final movie is released.

Why do the crew dislike proxy filming so much?

Style exposure is still one thing.

On the other hand, because the equipment and technology of proxy shooting are generally difficult to ensure that the pictures taken are good-looking. This will create the impression that your crew is so crotchless and your appearance is so trashy.

Many times, it’s actually not a problem with the styling, but a problem with the photographer.

But this is unreasonable. Everyone has seen it and thinks it is ugly, so it is useless to say anything else.

Lu Yanhe felt that it was quite understandable for Wan Hai to be so angry.

It's just that he was a little shocked, because Lu Yanhe had never seen Wan Hai get angry before.

But getting angry is a common problem for directors, regardless of gender. Lu Yanhe has worked in so many crews, and he has never lost his temper, except for Fu Kai, the director of "Road to Glory", and Bai Jingnian, the director of "Friends". Others have lost their temper several times.

When Lu Yanhe was filming "Love Letter" himself, he was very anxious many times. Of course, he never lost his temper on the set.

The pressure of being a director is too great.

If the positions of a crew can be roughly divided into creative positions and administrative positions, the position of director is a combination of the two positions. It is necessary to manage both the big and the small, to manage both the front-line battles and the escort of logistics materials.

He listened to Wanrenhai's anger silently without saying anything.

As a result, Wanrenhai suddenly noticed that Lu Yanhe was here when he was halfway angry, and his anger suddenly stopped like a brake.

Lu Yanhe called director.

Wanrenhai looked at Lu Yanhe, coughed awkwardly, tried to smile, but failed, "Yanhe, why are you here?"

Lu Yanhe said awkwardly: "My assistant just ran into this proxy photographer, and heard that they had a fight, so I came to see."

Wanrenhai: "Wang Biao? Is he okay?"

"No, just a minor injury, I've already applied medicine." Lu Yanhe said with a smile.

Wanrenhai nodded.

"Then I'll leave first." Lu Yanhe thought that since he was here, Wanrenhai was too embarrassed to say anything, so he decided to slip away.

Wanrenhai nodded.

Lu Yanhe went to find Wang Biao.

Wang Biao had been applied with some medicine, and he was still angrily telling others about his brave fight against the proxy photographer.

Lu Yanhe listened to Wang Biao's chattering for a long time, and almost laughed out loud.

Unlike the action scenes in the movies that one imagines, the fight between Wang Biao and the proxy photographer was basically you punch me, I kick you, one wants to run, the other pulls to stop him from running, and they're tangled.

However, there were many people who listened to Wang Biao's story, and many of them listened with great interest.

Wang Biao was usually lively and cheerful, and he was very talkative. He was very popular in the crew and could talk to anyone. Now that such a thing happened, he talked even more excitedly, with a beaming face.

Seeing this, Lu Yanhe did not go in to disturb him.

As long as Wang Biao was fine.


The crew called the police directly.

Of course, if they chose to call the police for such a thing, it would definitely be known to the public.

However, what the "Burning Fire" crew did not expect was that there was a group of people on the Internet who were leading the rhythm, saying that the proxy photographer was beaten by the "Burning Fire" crew and had a bloody head.

"Burning Fire" could only quickly issue a statement to explain the incident and clarify the situation of the proxy photographer.

However, the statement did not mention that the person who stopped the proxy photographer from taking pictures was Lu Yanhe's assistant - after all, as long as Lu Yanhe's name was attached, the impact of this matter would be infinitely expanded.

There would be more people leading the rhythm.

No one expected that two days after the incident, the proxy photographer actually spoke out online, saying that he was beaten by Lu Yanhe's assistant.

The proxy photographer pretended to be pitiful, showing his unhealed injuries. He first said that he was a proxy photographer to support his family and make a living. It was indeed wrong for him to sneak into the studio, but after he was discovered, he apologized and stopped, but was still beaten by Lu Yanhe's assistant. Because the other party was Lu Yanhe's assistant, he was punished for sneaking into the studio, but the other party beat him up, but he was not hurt at all. He felt very angry, very depressed, and very unfair.

After he posted this video, it cannot be said that he attracted a lot of sympathy and let everyone start to attack Lu Yanhe's assistant.

But there are indeed some people who began to become (self-proclaimed) messengers of justice and moral defenders, standing up and saying that Lu Yanhe's assistant should not beat people up just because they were wrong first, which is bullying.

Wang Biao got angry instantly when he heard such a voice, and cursed "Pah!".

Lu Yanhe didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Calm down, don't go online to confront people, it's meaningless." Lu Yanhe said, "But clarification is still necessary. I will go and tell the crew and explain what happened that night in more detail, especially to highlight that he wanted to run away, you didn't let him, he attacked you first, and you fought back, and then attach a photo of the two of you, it's obvious that you were more seriously injured than him."

Wang Biao hummed angrily.

The crew would of course be happy to help Lu Yanhe issue such a clarification.

Lu Yanhe forwarded it immediately: The person who attacked first is fast, we haven't said anything yet, he is the first to blame us, if his appearance is called being beaten and bleeding, then what is Wang Biao called? Paralyzed? Just open your mouth and send you a lawyer's letter, your video has been viewed by more than one million people, it constitutes a rumor, see you in court!

Lu Yanhe was not polite at all.

As a result, some people were sarcastic in his comment area:

--Stars are stars, they can send lawyers' letters and sue the court at will, they are really rich.

Lu Yanhe was so angry that his face turned green.

What a stupid thing! -

"Someone is deliberately trying to discredit us." Lan Mingting found Lu Yanhe and said directly, "It's not for you, it's for our movie "Burning Fire."

Lu Yanhe asked in confusion: "Who is trying to discredit us at this time? It hasn't been completed or released yet, and there is no competition with others."

Lan Mingting said: "Although we are still shooting, other film companies are not happy with us. We have confirmed that those marketing accounts that are stirring up trouble are all paid to do things."

"Then they may not be coming for "Burning Fire". Maybe they are coming for me. I have a group of black fans all year round. They have no other desires but to see me unhappy." Lu Yanhe said helplessly.

Lan Mingting smiled in surprise.

"Is that so? But it is true. Generally, big stars like you always have black fans. It is not uncommon. These days, if no one is black, it means you are not popular anymore."

On Lu Yanhe's side, Chen Ziyan was actually helping to find out who was stirring up trouble here.

As a result, many people were eliminated.

"As I said at the beginning, you are now competing with others for the cake. Some people don't cooperate with you and don't like you, so they start to make trouble for you." Chen Ziyan said, "After all, you are just one person. It is impossible to cooperate with everyone. Others are unhappy because they can't cooperate with you."

Lu Yanhe sighed.

"Don't think about it, it's normal. As long as you are above others, there will be people who want to pull you down." Chen Ziyan said, "This time, the public has a sharp eye for what happened and will not be deceived."

"Just--I don't know how to say it. Some people say things that you can't tell that they are normal people. But even if you think so, you will still be angry and want to ask, who has such an abnormal brain circuit? You can't suppress the anger in your heart."

"Cultivate your character, young man." Chen Ziyan said in a light tone.

Lu Yanhe: "The road is long and arduous, and the longer it is, the farther it will get."

"Hahaha." Chen Ziyan laughed, "By the way, I have good news for you."

"Hmm?" Lu Yanhe asked, "What good news?"

Chen Ziyan: "Didn't I tell you before that Director Gong Jiang has a new movie? I'm trying to get it for you. Director Gong replied and said he wanted to find time to meet you."

"Oh? When?" Lu Yanhe asked, "I'm currently filming "Burning Fire", which will be finished in June."

Chen Ziyan: "It hasn't been announced when we'll meet, don't worry about the time, I'll coordinate it. Director Gong doesn't have time now, he's the chairman of the main competition unit at the Busan Film Festival."

"Oh, okay."

Chen Ziyan: "You know what? The other day I met a leader from the General Administration of Film, and he asked you with a smile why you didn't take on more art films, saying that if you acted in more films, We can have more Chinese films become famous internationally."

"The leader is exaggerating."

"The leader cares a lot about cultural influence. As one of the most influential cultural products in the world, movies are highly expected by many people." Chen Ziyan said, "But it's strange to say that there is no Chinese film shortlisted for this year's West Tuer Film Festival. Looking at the trend in the past two years, I thought that Chinese films would frequently appear at international film festivals again, but I didn't expect it to be cut off again. I don't know what the situation is at the Jose-La-Señora Film Festival in May."

Lu Yanhe said: "What about Liu Bige's new play? Can't he participate in the Jose-La-Señora Film Festival?"

Liu Bige's movie "Even Faking Death" is a romantic comedy that is more market-oriented. The other three top international film festivals are not very interested in this market-oriented genre. If you want to apply for a film festival, you can only go to the Jose-La-Señora Film Festival.

Chen Ziyan: "I don't know. I haven't talked to Liu Bige. Have you talked to him about this?"

"No." Lu Yanhe said, "I've been talking to him about the script of his spy film recently."

"Oh, yes, you and he are going to work together on another play." Chen Ziyan said, "That's great, but this spy film shouldn't be an art film, right?"

"He wants to make a serious film. I don't know if it's an art film, but it's definitely not a very exciting spy film." Lu Yanhe said, "I read the script and felt that the whole feeling was quite low and gloomy."

"Ah? According to what you said, it sounds like this story is not something that the audience will like."

"That's not necessarily true. Isn't "Late Spring" the same? The overall atmosphere is also more gloomy, but the box office was very high in the end." Lu Yanhe said, His personal style is very obvious. No matter what subject he shoots, his personal style is always at the forefront. "

"He is indeed a very distinctive director." Chen Ziyan said, "It's great that you can meet a young director like Liu Bige, which is also very meaningful for your acting career. Many big-name actors are actually discovered by big-name directors. When you just started acting in movies, you supported the debut of a young director and made a very good movie. Of course, this certainly cannot be said to be that you discovered director Liu Bige, but for you, this fully demonstrates your vision. In this circle, the later you go, the more you look at your artistic level. This is really not something that can be achieved through marketing and publicity. You have to rely on the industry to recognize you. "

Lu Yanhe nodded.

He understood what Chen Ziyan meant.

Artistic height is too ethereal, but it really exists.

In an industry, who is the recognized master, who has the highest level, and who has the best aesthetics cannot be determined by comparing the number of awards you win, one or two. It is measured by people's hearts. When others talk about you, they will admire you, respect you, or despise you.

Lu Yanhe said: "I will strive to become an artist with both virtue and art in the future."

"Don't say such things in the future. How old are you? You are an old artist with both virtue and art. Don't mention it before you are 70 years old." Chen Ziyan laughed and scolded.

Lu Yanhe: "... Tsk."

Chen Ziyan: "I won't talk to you anymore. Just focus on filming. I'll come to see you next week."

"Okay." Lu Yanhe hung up the phone.

Suddenly, someone hurried over.

Lu Yanhe turned around and saw that many people's faces were full of shock, surprise and disbelief.

He was stunned and asked: "What's wrong?"

The person next to him said: "It seems that Li Yuefeng's car had an accident. His car hit a proxy photographer in front."


Ten thousand words, please vote for the monthly ticket! (End of this chapter)

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