Choose a day to become famous

Chapter 8 Where does the college entrance examination begin?

Qiu Ling sat at Lu Yanhe's table.

"You look to be in your early twenties, a few years older than us. Why did you start dating?" Lu Yanhe asked curiously.

Qiuling said: "Who said I was only in my early twenties? I am already twenty-six this year."

"Wow, I look ten years older than you." Li Zhibai said in an exaggerated tone.

Qiu Ling: "..."

Qiuling asked: "Do you three have girlfriends?"

The three people looked at her silently.

"That's right. Just the faces of the three of you. If you don't have these mouths, you have already found a girlfriend." Qiu Ling said.

Lu Yanhe: "I'm still in high school, and I don't fall in love early in high school."

Yan Liang: "I'm still in high school, and I don't fall in love early in high school."

Li Zhibai: "...Although I'm in college, I haven't found a girlfriend because I don't want to talk."

Qiu Ling: "It's okay. With your mouth, you won't be able to find me when you want to talk about it in the future."

"Don't look down on others." Li Zhibai said, "We are idol artists."

"Well, it's a paper man that looks useless." Qiu Ling concluded.


Qiu Ling paused for a moment, "But anyway, I'd like to thank the three of you today for helping me get out of my bad mood."

"Be brave when it comes to justice." Old God Lu Yanhe said seriously, "We must live up to the praise you give us."

"That's right, for five good young men like us who are fully developed morally, intellectually, physically, artistically and physically, this kind of effort is insignificant." Li Zhibai nodded grandly.

Qiu Ling: "You are such a poor person, do you want me to give you another banner of courage for justice?"

Yan Liang nodded, "It's not impossible."


Qiu Ling has never interacted with people in the entertainment industry in real life. This is the first time.

Strictly speaking, the Fengzhi group is not a very popular group. Three years later, although they have been active in the entertainment industry, they are not top-notch. If the fans were not relatively loyal, this group might have disbanded in less than three years. .

Qiu Ling used to chase stars and pay attention to the entertainment industry. She knew that in recent years, domestic entertainment boy groups have become very popular. Several popular boy groups are created every year, and fresh blood is constantly changing.

For several people in the Fengzhi group, they were young. When the draft was held, it was only for teenagers who were fifteen or sixteen years old.

Now, the group has just disbanded, they have just come of age and are in danger of becoming obsolete.

However, getting to know these three teenagers erased Qiu Ling's previous stereotype of talent show talent in the entertainment industry.

Those stereotypes come from the negative words used to evaluate them on the Internet.

But the three young men in front of me are very ordinary young people, that is, they are a little better-looking than ordinary people, but they are still brave enough to fight against injustice.

Especially that Lu Yanhe.

When I searched for him on the Internet, I learned a lot about his past. I knew that his parents were both dead and he grew up in a rural area. I knew that he participated in the talent show to make money. I also knew that he was the only one in the Fengzhi group who made his debut through sympathy. artist.

Most of the comments about him on the Internet are that he is taciturn, has low self-esteem, and has no sense of existence.

But in reality, he is no different from Li Zhibai and Yan Liang.


In the afternoon, Lu Yanhe came to school for class.

The moment he walked into the high school gate, he seemed to be slapped in the face from another time and space.

——At the end of the college entrance examination, he tore up all the books and shouted that everything was over.

Now, he sighed dejectedly, having to go through it all again.

Senior year of high school.

He still has one year left to take the college entrance examination next June.

How far can he pass this time?

Lu Yanhe didn't know.

However, with his ability to pass the 985 exam, even if Yuming and Zhenhua fail to pass the exam in another year, it should be fine for C9 level colleges, right?

As for the art exam, go to film school? He didn't think about it.

No need. Zhou Ping'an had given up on him, so how could he help him arrange the art exam?

Just stick to the college entrance examination route.

When Lu Yanhe appeared in the classroom, all the students in the class showed expressions of surprise.

When he took out his book and started reading, the surprise turned into surprise.

After all, this guy didn’t like to read much before.

Lu Yanhe was not very familiar with the classmates in his class, which was related to his status as an artist.

Although he is not popular, and few people actually know him, he has always been a member of the Fengzhi group. From time to time, he goes out with the group to participate in group work. Moreover, he does not often stay in school, so everyone is unfamiliar with him. .

Lu Yanhe didn't care.

He no longer has the conditions to enjoy high school life normally, so he doesn't expect to have another high school friendship.

There are classes in the afternoon, two periods of mathematics plus geography and politics.

Fortunately, even though we have changed time and space, the knowledge points are still very much the same.

If he hadn't been bitten by the teacher in the last geography class, he felt like he had a pretty good afternoon.

In fact, the teacher was not targeting him. What the teacher said was, "You are not Lu Yanhe. He can become a star in the future even if his grades are not good. If you don't study hard and get into a good university, how will you support yourself in the future?"

Although it was not directed at him, the words made him uncomfortable.

What does "he can become a star even if his grades are not good"?


Lu Yanhe closed the textbook silently.

Fortunately, although it is a parallel universe, there are no Tsinghua and Peking University, but there are similar Zhenhua and Yuming.

All aspects are the same as his original universe, but since modern history, many things that Lu Yanhe is familiar with have been renamed.

The college entrance examination system here still implements the system of arts and sciences. The six subjects he has to take are Chinese, mathematics, English, politics, geography, and history.

This is what the original body chose in the second year of high school.

This is more fucked up, because he originally studied science.

In the evening, he went to the school cafeteria for dinner.

The students in the school were also surprised to see him.

Before this, Lu Yanhe never ate in the school cafeteria, and there was a car to pick him up after class.

Lu Yanhe wore headphones to listen to the real questions of the English listening test in previous years of the college entrance examination to judge the difficulty.

After dinner, he returned to the classroom and continued to familiarize himself with the college entrance examination here.

Chinese and English are easy to say, all relying on foundation and accumulation, and it is difficult to learn quickly. Fortunately, his foundation is still good.

He was not bad at math, but he could not get full marks on the last three big questions, because he could not answer the last small question.

Among politics, history and geography, politics was the easiest, because its scope of questions and answers was basically fixed. Only history and geography had wild questions, and there were a lot of questions beyond the syllabus almost every year.

Lu Yanhe spent nearly four hours going through all the real college entrance examination questions in the past few years and studied the difficulty of the examinations in different subjects.

He was convinced.

Did the two time and space use the same set of teachers to set questions?

The characteristics of the questions were so similar.

Lu Yanhe thought about it and sent a book list to Yan Liang: Place an order, the key review books for the college entrance examination.

Yan Liang: ? Why do I need to read so many books? I am taking the art exam, and I only need a passing score for the college entrance examination.

Lu Yanhe said: But I am not taking the art exam, I need these books.

Yan Liang: Then buy them yourself.

Lu Yanhe: I am short of money.

Yan Liang: You said you want to start over, do you start by becoming shameless?

Lu Yanhe: It started with believing that my dear teammates and classmates would definitely share with me the key review books for the college entrance examination.

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